These fast weight loss tips if you weigh 200 lbs are perfect for you if you feel like youve tried everything under the sun and still cant lose weight. Gut health, exercise, carbohydrate intake, and SO many other factors are likely at play here.
Read below and see if any of the following resonate with you
Do you feel like youve tried every weight loss scheme under the sun?
That no matter what crazy diet you try nothing seems to stick?
You watch helplessly as the scale slowly creeps up higher and higher, while feeling totally out of control and powerless
You know you desperately want to lose weight, be thin and free, but no matter what you do, it just doesnt work.
Thats because weight loss is not a game of numbers. Its emotional.
Its much deeper than data or calories.
If you truly reflect on it long enough, it could likely bring tears to your eyes.
But lets reflect on something else instead
Where you are going.
Take a second, right now, to pause and deeply imagine where you could be 1 year from now with the RIGHT plan in place.
The truth is, youve got so so much left to live for and so much more of life to experience.
If you can lock in, focus, and be present for this article, Alex and I are going to do the absolute best we can to help you slay this weight loss dragon.
Weve now walked hand in hand with thousands of clients through this process of losing weight at 200 pounds or more.
Beautiful women like Shawna, Cory, Alison, and thousands of others have completely touched our lives and even brought us to pools of tears with their stories.
Its now your turn
10 Fast Weight Loss Tips if You Weight 200 Pounds or More
A successful weight loss journey is going to be different for you than some 20-something
Talk about obvious statements right?
And its the capital T Truth.
Were shocked by how many women are put on some fast weight loss protocol designed for a college age girl looking to lose her last 5 pounds
Instead of that, you need a program and lifestyle designed for YOU!
While every weight loss program on the planet earth is telling you to go running, do lots of jumping, and perform crazy intense exercises, were just sitting here shaking our heads.
Exercising at this weight will unnecessarily stress your joints, cause cravings, and is too much of a risk.
Besides, our clients lose the weight without doing ANY of that.
This is because exercise plays such a minusculerole for weight loss
In fact, a recent study done by Current Biology took 322 adults from 5 different countries through a calorie reduction weight loss program. They split the groups between those that did exercise and those that did not.
Shockingly enough,adding in exercise did not play ANY major role over calories burned or weight lost.And for those that saw changes, they were minor at best.
Your focus needs to be on your diet not on some new P90ExtremeJumpingFactor program.
Before some of you freak out We LOVE exercise and believe that it is INCREDIBLY healthy and necessary for long-term health.
Exercise can easily be added in at a later point once healthydieting habits have been established and your hormones are working properly again (see below).
Binge eating and emotional eating are things most of our clients have experienced and suffered greatly from.
In fact, Dr. Michael Mantell from found that there were 5 main negative emotional factors that cause binge and emotional eating:
Tackling these is crucial to fast weight loss success.
You need to tackle the emotional aspect of this with a powerful support group or community of people you can trust.
Do whatever it takes to get with a community that can help. Its that important.
This is a key part of our fast weight loss program, for this very reason. Because IT WORKS.
Next up on our list of fast weight loss tips if you weigh 200 lbs or more is
Listen, we dont hate carbohydrates.
They are fine and dandy.
The problem is that if youre 200 pounds or more, youlikelyhave a lot of insulin resistance (90% of the time).
This makes every carbohydrate you eat wildly ineffective at providing energy you can use and stick to your body like glue.
It also can lead to metabolic resistance, pre-diabetes, or diabetes.
You need to do a carbohydrate DETOX.
Cut out carbohydratesfor a month-long period at a bare minimum.
You can reintroduce them later when the body repairs itself and your hormones level out. The body needs a break from the excessive consumption totruly reset and detox.
Leptin is the hormone designed to send the brain these two important messages:
Many of you will be thinking: Where has this hormone been??!!
The truth is, leptin is getting blocked due to the insulin resistance you have.
This is why when you focus on diet first, exercise will come in later very naturally to your life when your leptin is functioning properly again.
Cutting down on carbohydrates and eating lots of lean protein and veggies will help level your leptin.
Gut inflammation is likely an underlying issue if you weigh 200 lbs or more.
The annoying part of this is that if you have a leaky gut, thebody isnt processing properly the foods you eat (even the good ones!).
The good news? Healing the digestive tract is simple.
First you eliminate foods that hurt your gut health (sugars, flour, processed foods). Then you consume probiotics to replace the heal the gut.
Consumelots of apple cider vinegarand make sure to take agood probiotics supplementto do this!
Walking is surprisingly effective for weight loss.
Some of you may be unable to do a full walk due to knee and hip problems.
Thats okay. Just do what you can with what you have!
Next up on our list of fast weight loss tips if you weigh 200 lbs or more is
Counting calories is great model for bodybuilders looking to get to 5% body fat or overly obsessed personal trainers looking to take mirror photos.
Counting calories is a pretty terrible model if you are over200 poundsand trying to get a weight loss journey started off on the right foot.
This is because of the hormonal damage you likely have.
Insulin resistance, leptin resistance, high cortisol, and MANY others are likely affecting you.
So when you do count calories,the weight wont drop fast enough.Sometimes it wont budge at all.
This is an excruciating feeling when you areeating like a rabbit and not seeing the scale move.
Focus less on calories and more on the QUALITY of what you areeating.
According to the latest science,militant diets win out vs. standard diets.
Those who lose the most weight in the first 2-4 weeks of dieting have thegreatest weight loss resultsin the following year.
Therefore,losing weight fast will better impact you in both the short-term and the long-term. The most effective thing you can do is actually acold turkey approach.
And you need some weight loss wins at your back to keep moving forward!
Get results fast, and use a program that moves quickly.
The more you love yourself, accept yourself, and commit to working on yourself, the better off you will be.
A failure to take care of yourself and your body is a failure to love yourself.
Commit to this journey, accepting where you are, and loving yourself throughout the entire process!
Your health and your happiness are the greatest assets you have.
If this article spoke to you in any way, our 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge is the next thing you need to see.
Yeah, people lose an average of 10-21 pounds in 21 days, and thats cool and all, but heres what were more pumped about: We have helped thousandsof clientsmaking lifelongchanges and habits that STICKfor them.
Testimonials that have literally brought us to tears:
We have over 1,500 challengers in our private support group going through the Challenge together, and every day they aresharingexperiences, results, motivation, recipes, supporting one another.
Remember its not about what happened in the past that matters, its what you aredoing in the NOW.
I know that many of you are ready tomake a big and PERMANENT change in your life, and this is where you should start.
Everything is laid out for you in an easy to understand step-by-step process ANYONE can do.
You will know what to eat, when to eat it, and what to do next every day for your weight loss success.
You can start YOUR 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge byclicking here.
Leave me a comment below if you enjoyed this article on fast weight loss tipsif you weigh 200 lbs or more or if have any questions!
Lauren at Avocadu
Hey there! I'm Lauren McManus, one-half of the Avocadu team! Together, my boyfriend Alex and I run this website! We believe in quality over quantity and that diet determines 85% or more of your health and well-being. In short, we believe in being healthy from the inside out.
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10 Fast Weight Loss Tips if You Weigh 200 lbs or More ...