MANY people feel like their self esteem needs to be at rock bottom before they chose to lose weight. However according to a leading Dietitian at Wesley Weight Management Clinic, this is simply not the case.
"Many people should look at their lifestyle and forecast where they are heading and take the warning signs of an unhealthy future, seriously. Don't leave it until it's too late. Weight loss improves low self esteem as people start feeling better about themselves, they can do things more easily and their weight isn't a barrier anymore," Manager and head dietitian at Wesley Weight Management Clinic Nicola Moore explained.
"People who want to lose weight need to believe they are worth it in order to conquer food cravings, to commit to exercise and to feel confident to make changes for life.
"However, if a person is suffering from a low self esteem, that shouldn't stop them from wanting to lose weight, as the first decision to begin to live healthily, can be all a person needs to make, and the support network at Wesley Weight Management Clinic, surrounds that person and ensures their low self esteem is short lived and encourages them in their weight loss journey," Ms Moore said.
Other tips that will enable weight loss success are:
1) Be in the right frame of mind to make the changes needed for the long term.
2) Committed - understand how important is it to have a team of committed professionals assisting you along the journey
3) Set goals that are realistic - what is it that you want to improve / achieve with weight loss
3) Sustained weight loss means losing weight at the recommended rate and making the appropriate changes to assist weight maintenance. This may take time, patience and perseverance.
4) Find an enjoyable exercise and schedule it into your diary like you would an appointment
Go here to read the rest:
10 tips to losing weight for life