The key to good health and fitness isnt in newfound whacky diet and workout plans. Its simpler than you think. Nutrition and wellness coach Marissa Parry debunks wellness myths and breaks down the formula for a healthy lifestyle.
Determine the right diet plan
We are all unique and diets are not a one size fits all were referring to textbook diets out there. You need to take into consideration any health issues, activity level, the type of food available, and what your likes and dislikes are, which are often overlooked if youre eyeing a quick solution. Speak to a professional who can take out the guesswork and design your diet for you.
Workout woes
Figure out what your goal is, whether its weight loss, maintenance, increasing muscle mass or sport-specific. This will help narrow down what is suitable for you. Set aside some key factors to find the right workout regime; find one that is fun for you because if you dont enjoy what you do, then it wont last.
When a diet plan goes bust
When a diet rules your life and you feel stressed about eating, you will tend to count every calorie and your macros obsessively, thus turning every meal into a calorie counting mission. Its good to use some of these tools to obtain a better understanding of food, but once it becomes an obsession and you dont enjoy eating, then the diet has ruled your life.
Steer clear of diet fads
All the keto, low carb, Whole 30 diets out there may seem effective but any meal plan that claims you can lose more than two kilos a week should be avoided. Healthy weight loss is between half a kilo to a kilo per week. It shows you are making sustainable changes and that the weight you are losing will most likely stay off.
Create that diet plan
Whether youre fulfilling long term or short goals, its best to design a diet that is unique to you and suits your lifestyle. Pushing fad diets aside, cutting out processed sugar and white carbs, filling half your plate with vegetables and the other half with protein (plant-based and animal protein) and carbs such as potatoes, pumpkin, quinoa and cauliflower rice and eating good fats such as avocado, nuts, olive oil and coconut oil, is key to fuelling your body with nutritious food at every meal.
Detox drink benefits debunked
Detox drink plans are a big no-no. Many people do it to lose weight, and thats the wrong way. Of course the weight will drop off when you cut your calories drastically but the same can be achieved by consuming only 500 calories a day. There are no juice plans that have been proven to detox and many of them make their own claims. However, reducing what you eat and cleaning up your diet can certainly help the body to work better.
Should we buddy up?
When it comes to working out, it helps to have a workout buddy or a community as this adds to the fun element. It becomes more of a social activity as youre killing two birds with one stone hanging out with friends and burning calories! As for a diet partner, being part of a diet such as keto or intermittent fasting has helped people lose weight as the community support helps them power through.
Is no pain, no gain a legit mantra?
Lets be sensible. If youre referring to workouts, there is an element of pain that needs to be felt for progress. If you are constantly working out and feel no discomfort, then there will be little improvement.
Stick to your guns
When you have found the perfect diet plan and workout routine, it will automatically become a lifestyle instead of a short-term routine. Youll find it easy to prepare your own food, and make good choices when you are out. That way you can include foods that are usually restricted into your diet without feeling guilty or calling it a treat.
I exercise a lot so I can eat more
Your entire days food should focus on preparing for and recovering from exercise. Reduce your calorie consumption on days you dont work out, and increase it on the days you do. Hunger is the bodys way of asking to be refuelled, so dont ignore a rumbling stomach.
Stronger cravings might be signs of your body and brain adapting to a new set of physical challenges, but craving lots of treats may also be the minds way of asking for rewards and comfort food. Try to distinguish between physical hunger and the emotional desire to eat.
This is an exceprt from UNRESERVEDs March Issue from the article Surviving Fad Diets and Workout Trends
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10 Tips to Survive Fad Diets and Workout Trends - Unreserved Media