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2019 year in review: I didn’t gain weight, I actually lost – Lake Placid Diet by Andy Flynn – | News and information on the Lake…

Posted: January 3, 2020 at 7:43 pm

Start (Jan. 1): 457 lbs.

End (Dec. 31): 447 lbs.

Lost in 2019: 10 pounds

Theres one major problem with the Lake Placid Diet; there are too many voices in my head.

The vast majority of people whove contacted me about the column since I began writing it six years ago have been extremely supportive. A lot of friends have offered to go walking with me. Many readers including strangers have offered dieting advice without me asking for it. And others including people I consider friends have been hurtful with their words, even though I believe they mean well.

Thats the danger of opening up your feelings to the public about something as deeply personal as a weight-loss journey. After a while, I get nervous about what Im sharing. Is it too personal? Is there too much negativity? Why share my story if Im struggling all the time and have little to show for my efforts or non-efforts?

Im wrapped in a straight jacket of self-doubt. My confidence has disappeared. And I do what Ive always done when I dont want to face others: I either run or hide.

I began 2019 with another years worth of goals, mainly to lose weight and get stronger. Along the way, I added other goals, such as rediscover what made the Lake Placid Diet so successful in the first 18 months, from December 2013 to June 2015. Thats when I lost more than 80 pounds and completed two half marathons in Lake Placid. Another 2019 goal was to stop using a cane to help me walk around; it was useful when my weight weakened my legs and during episodes of gout.

In all, I lost 10 pounds in 2019. I started at 457 on Jan. 1, went down as low as 435 but eventually settled on 447 on Tuesday, Dec. 31.

On March 24, I put aside the cane and didnt use it again until the middle of August when I had some back problems. I continued to use the cane until Dec. 17, when I put it away again. So I can safely say I ended 2019 without using the cane.

Getting back to the gym was another goal, but I fell short. I spent some time working out at Fitness Revolution in Lake Placid, but I havent been there in months, for a variety of reasons. Ive been having car trouble since September (its finally fixed now after almost $900 worth of work). Ive also been working several jobs to make ends meet, using up even more of my time. Hardly a day goes by without working on something.

Its not much, but thats my year in review.

Looking forward, let me tell you about something strange that happened to me last week in a good way. For some reason just before Christmas, I didnt eat meat one day, and the next day I had more energy than Ive had in many months. When I get extra sleep, I also feel energized, but this was something completely different. It got me thinking about adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet. Its something Im pondering as I head into 2020 a new year and a new decade I turned 50 in September.

Ive also been thinking about learning meditation; I need to slow down more and reduce my stress. Thats one of my biggest problems, other than all those voices in my head.

Im going to start giving weekly updates of the Lake Placid Diet again this year. No more of this write it whenever I feel like it. Weekly progress reports actually worked in 2014 when I lost all that weight. It held me accountable, no matter how embarrassed I felt about my shortcomings.

I think I just need to keep my head down and plug away, keep pushing, and see where this journey takes me in 2020. Maybe stop listening to the negativity and start believing in myself again.

2019 year in review: I didn't gain weight, I actually lost - Lake Placid Diet by Andy Flynn - | News and information on the Lake...

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