4.5 Yrs Post-Op No Scars
Almost 4.5 years Post-Op. I had to remove some videos but wanted to give you an update on what you missed. I had a bit of regain with Abilify but have stopped taking it (per Dr #39;s directions) and the weight is steadily coming back off. As you can see, having a great surgeon leads to great results, my surgery scars are almost non-detectable! Thanks Dr. Braverman at The NEW Program in Newport Beach, CA. I tried various products during my weight loss but couldn #39;t stand the protein taste or became jittery so good old yoga and healthy nutrition worked the best for me. Find what works best for you!From:BeTheBestMeViews:11 2ratingsTime:10:21More inEducation
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4.5 Yrs Post-Op No Scars - Video