Dr Michael Mosley shares his four top tips on the no sugar diet
Its a familiar scene: the empty chocolate box, the litter of sweet-wrappers, the feelings of never-again, tinged with an underlying desire for more. We dont need the scientists to tell us how addictive sugar is.
But there are ways to crack the sugar habit and stick to a no sugar diet, says Dr Michael Mosley, creator of the Fast800 programme.
Here are four easy to remember tips from him and his medical team to help beat the sugar cravings and stick to a no sugar diet
It doesnt have to be difficult, just follow these quick and easy rules to help avoid the sweet stuff and keep sugar cravings at bay.
Always chose the full-fat option low fat generally means all the good stuff has been removed and has been replaced with sugar and additives. Full-fat products will keep you feeling fuller for longer and are great for a no sugar diet.
Soft drinks and fruit juices contain a large amount of sugar. If you feel like mixing it up, try sparkling water with a wedge of lemon and some cucumber.
There are many sources of hidden sugars and its important to check the label to see just how much sugar youre consuming. You may be surprised about what you cant eat on a no sugar diet, even staples like bread often have sugar in them.
If you cook it yourself you can be 100% certain you arent consuming sugar. We recommend batch cooking and freezing so that its not tempting to cheat when your tired at the end of a day.
Visit http://www.thefast800.com and find more no sugar diet tips and sugar-free recipes to help you counter sugar addiction, lose weight, improve mood, reduce blood pressure, inflammation and improve blood sugar levels.
The key to stoping cravings and being successful on a no sugar diet is to understand how sugar addiction works. From the first bite, consuming sugary food triggers a cascade of neural events that leads to a powerful urge to keep eating.
After eating sugar, dopamine, one of the neurotransmiters responsible for feelings of happiness, is released in the midbrain. We feel good and our desire to consume more sugar kicks in.
Studies have proven that the neural chains transmitting pleasure from eating sugar are very similar to those activated by cocaine and heroin. Neuroimaging has shown structural similarities between the brains of obese people and those with established hard-drug addictions. And studies on rats have found that when rodents are denied sugar after a long period of dependency, they exhibit symptoms similar to opiate withdrawal, such as teeth-chattering, head tremor and forepaw shakes. Yikes!
Conventional diets often drive us to crave sugar. They lock you into a state of hunger, switching your attention towards, rather than away from, high-calorie, sugar loaded foods. For many breaking the diet becomes inevitable, and their sugar addiction worsens.
A growing dependency on sugary food presents an insulin overload effect.
If we consume sugar constantly, the body has to release insulin constantly, in order to transport glucose into cell walls. But our insulin receptors are not designed to work continuously. In order to remain sufficiently primed for an insulin signal, they need downtime.
Without it, they gradually become desensitized, and so cells struggle to take up glucose. This is why when youre overweight, even a normal-sized portion of sugary food fails to satisfy, driving you to eat more and more.
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4 simple ways to suceed on the no sugar diet - woman&home