Search for diet for weight loss on the internet, and within a fraction of a second, you have more than a million diet plans floating in front of you. It is easy, it is simple, and it gives you all kinds of low calorie, and several other types of weight loss plans. Many of these fasting diets have increased in popularity, with the 5:2 Diet Basics being one of the most read diet books in recent times.
Have you though about the diet plan which applies to you, or which plan suits your body needs the most?
Well, there is no straightforward answer. Selection of the perfect fasting diet for your weight loss goal may need some deliberation.
Here are four things you should know before you ride the diet wave:
Weight loss can be a goal for some, but once you have achieved the goal, your mission does not end there. Instead, now you will need to maintain your weight. Fasting, on the one hand, may work in short run. However, without proper planning and developing the right food habits, fasting can be more dangerous.
Risks like aloss in blood pressure, muscle mass, feeling of coldness, and the greatest among them is the craving for food after fasting. Many people, trying to lose weight through fasting, end up gaining more weight eventually.
Fasting without a proper diet plan and right motivation could just be a superficial solution for your weight loss goal.
While it may not be something we consciously do, all of us go through periods without any food and beverage consumption. Sleep is the most common form of fast and this is also how the term breakfast came about.
Breakfast being the first meal of the day is perhaps the most important meal. A good breakfast will energize you for the day and help you maintain focus at work. A well-balanced breakfast will replenish you blood sugar levels (which are at the lowest when you wake up after sleep induced fast) to the extent it is needed by your brain and muscles to function at their best.
Skipping breakfast leaves your body deprived of calories, and increases hunger inducing chemicals to run riot (food cravings). Starting your day without a well-balanced breakfast increases the chance that you will end up eating a lot more through the day than you intend to, and gain weight rather than losing it.
There are many types of fasting diets, which are becoming popular nowadays:
You can choose to adopt any of these methods. However, it is important to figure out which one works best for you. Understand that a long-term plan should be the one that you can continue for a long time, without feeling oppressed by it.
Since dieting is a long-term goal as well, why not select the method that you can work with for a long time.
Starting a fasting diet plan is easy, the hard part is to stick to it, especially when it affects your health. For a healthy fasting diet, you need to ensure that you follow the FAST formula:
F Fluids: Always ensure youre well hydrated
A Always listen to your body
S Supplement any diet plans with a holistic weight-loss approach that includes exercise and rest.
T Trial any diet you plan to embark on, and gradually progress to a full programme
Any new diet plan breaks the ongoing routine of your body, and fasting can be even more disruptive. It is important that you can implement your fasting diet plan without affecting your daily routine and work. For that, you will need to figure out which plan works for you.
Continue the diet plan which you enjoy or, at least, can implement most smoothly, all the while maintaining your health with FAST formula.
Fasting diet has been gaining popularity as one of the easiest to implement (no diet plan required, no searching for right food items every time you shop for groceries). Though fasting helps you control weight fast, it loses its value if you quickly gain weight after you stop this diet. Therefore, it has to become your diet plan for life and not just a few months or weeks.
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Read more:
4 Things You Need to Know About Fasting Diets - HuffPost