As more and more people are moving towards opting a healthy lifestyle, a plethora of options engulf you to shed those extra kilos. Right from gyming to various forms of diet management to popping on supplements, there are numerous ways to lose weight. However, for a sustainable weight management, it is always good to go organic and naturally shed those extra kilos. Interestingly, Ayurveda has some amazing foods that can help you not only lose weight but also boost immunity that too without any side effects. Here are some ayurvedic foods which help in losing weight naturally along with some exercise. Miraculous foods that help in losing weightGingerThis common remedy for cold and cough can work wonders for your weight loss. Interesting, isnt it! This wonder herb is loaded with the goodness of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which help in easing bowel movements and boosting digestion. The juices released due to consumption of ginger helps in easy and quick digestion and helps in fat loss. According to ayurveda, ginger is a component of agni, this further helps in weight loss.
Lemon Since ages lemon has been one of the most commonly used remedy to get rid of excess belly fat. Drinking lemon water on empty stomach has been a sure shot remedy. The pectin fibers present in lemon help in cutting the belly fat and regulating the insulin level. This further leads to a healthy metabolism.
HoneyAnother important ingredient used in most ayurvedic medicines in known for its umpteen health benefits. Honey helps in easing bowel movements and further leads to healthy weight management. Honey is the best replacement for sugar. So if weight loss is on your mind you can replace sugar with honey and lose those kilos in just a few weeks.
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5 Best Ayurvedic foods for weight loss and burn belly fat ...