Posted by webadmin on March 19th, 2020 | Add Comments
Many people find themselves wanting to go on a diet to lose extra pounds gained over the holidays. Gym membership skyrocket around January or February, and Google searches for the latest diets are on the rise as people seek to shrink their waistlines. Yet, after a few months, most people have quit their diets and or up to the same eating and exercise habits. So, what is it that makes people give up?
Take a look at some of the most common reasons why people call it quits on their diets and what you can do to change your fate.
Lack Of Patience
In todays society, many people expect instant results. Far too many people have unrealistic expectations of the progress they can make in a short time. However, the safe way to lose weight is always slow and steady rather than overnight.
Avoid stepping on the scale only a few days after starting your diet. Instead, weigh yourself once every two weeks and rely on the way that your clothes fit to see if your diet is working.
Being Too Drastic
The way to lose weight is by effectively changing your lifestyle habits. However, its important not to drastically change the way you live to the point that is impossible to keep up with period extreme diets, and elimination diets arent sustainable ways of living. Instead, try to find a diet and lifestyle choice that will work for you long term. Youll be much more likely to see and maintain the results that you want.
Often, people feel so deprived on their diets that after a few days, they give in to a binge. However, when you put in the effort of following a strict diet for several days, only two erase all your hard work with stuffing yourself, then theres no point in dieting.
Dont use cheating as a reward system once you make progress; its important to continue your restrictions until youve reached your ideal weight. At this point, you can start allowing yourself a little wiggle room.
No Diet Buddies
Studies show that people are much more likely to stick to a diet and exercise program if they have a support system. When you have a friend or family member whos taking on the same commitment as you, you can help support each other during moments of weakness when you feel like giving up. If youre surrounded by people who are eating junk food, and youre eating a salad, it wont be long until you cave. However, when youre around people that are also making the same healthy choices, it becomes much easier to stick to them.
Here is the original post:
5 Most Common Reasons People Give Up On Their Diet - Taste Terminal