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5 Of The Biggest Diabetes Screw Ups Of All Time – eMaxHealth

Posted: May 16, 2017 at 12:42 pm

According to the CDC, diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes in the United States totals an astounding 29.1 million people or 9.3% of the population. Undiagnosed cases total a shocking 8.1 million people (27.8% of people with diabetes who are undiagnosed with the condition).

How many more people need to be diagnosed with diabetes before we look at how natural treatments and diet affects the vitality of our immune systems in contracting the disease, as well as managing it? While this remains to be untold, at least for now, there are natural treatments and reasons for the diabetic condition that can help you to manage your disease naturally and safely, reverse it, and in some cases, actually avoid it.

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One of the most important screw-ups of diabetes is that the treatment for the disease is streamlined for all who are diagnosed, despite their individual dietary needs, deficiencies and complications. In fact, it has been one screw up after another with diet recommendations for diabetics historically. As a diabetes patient, you should be told all the of the options in healing and in many cases reversing your disease, then be able to work with your practitioner to see which approach works best for you. Often times a natural approach to the diabetic condition, be it type 1 or type 2 diabetes, can go a long way in improving and even reversing the disease. Below are some of the major screw-ups that have been served up in terms of healing for type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Screw up # 1 - Fruit raises blood sugar: This screw up has caused major health issues and deficiencies for many diabetics by instilling a fear of eating fruit.

According to the latest research from the University of Oxford, eating more fruit is encouraged for diabetics. A team of European scientists in the China Kadoorie Biobank national study decided to investigate the health effects of consuming fresh fruit in patients both with and without diabetes. The researchers examined the effects of fruit consumption on almost 500,000 participants of the China study who ranged in age between thirty and seventy-nine years old, and lived in ten different areas across China. The participants were clinically followed for approximately seven years.

During the follow-up period, 9,504 cases of diabetes were identified in participants who did not have diabetes at the beginning of the study. Using Cox regression models, researchers analyzed the correlations with consumption of fresh fruit while also adjusting for age, sex, location, socioeconomic status, body mass index (BMI), and family history of diabetes.

In total, 18.8 % of the participants said that they consumed fresh fruit every day, and 6.4% said they never or rarely consumed fruit. Those who had been previously diagnosed with diabetes were three times as likely to not consume fruit than those without diabetes or with screen-detected diabetes.

The research was clear. People who did not have diabetes at the beginning of the study and consumed fresh fruit in high amounts had a significantly lower risk of getting diabetes. While those who had diabetes at the beginning of the study and consumed high amounts of fruit had a significantly lower risk of dying from any cause, as well as a lower risk of developing cardiovascular complications which are often associated with the disease.

Therefore, higher fresh fruit consumption showed a significantly lower risk of diabetes and, among diabetic individuals, lower risks of death overall, as well as prevention of major vascular complications despite the study's "uncertainties" about its potential effects on risks of death and major vascular complications.

The rest is here:
5 Of The Biggest Diabetes Screw Ups Of All Time - eMaxHealth

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