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5 Popular Weight Loss Strategies That Can Backfire –

Posted: March 24, 2017 at 12:41 pm

Just because a weight loss strategy has worked for someone else doesnt mean itll work for you. In fact, the most popular weight loss plans (discussed below) fail all the time.

Now, Im not saying you shouldnt experiment with these weight loss strategies, but you should be aware of the mistakes that cause them to backfire. Below are reasons why some strategies fail.

Cheat meals can be great. They allow you to eat the foods you enjoy and undo the effects of low calorie intake. But most people abuse them and end up gaining weight.

Dieters usually overindulge in cheat meals and regain all the weight they had lost. Others even continue bingeing days after the cheat day. Such habits make it virtually impossible to lose weight.

Unless you have self-control over your food intake, avoid cheat meals. Instead, reward yourself with other things like massage or a weekend trip.

Most people starve themselves in order to reach their weight goal fast. But this strategy rarely works. For one thing, low calorie intake makes you feel hungry all the time and slows down metabolism.

Extreme calorie deficits may work for a while but theyre impossible to maintain long-term. Maintain a moderate calorie deficit and incorporate strength training in your weight loss plan. Remember that eating high-fiber foods can help keep hunger at bay.

Cutting carbs is definitely a good idea for anyone who wants to lose weight. Sugars, starchy foods and sweetened drinks trigger weight gain. But eliminating all carbs from your diet can cause fatigue, low energy and so on.

Dont be fooled by the initial weight loss in low-carb diets. Its usually due to loss of water weight and youll regain the weight once you start consuming carbs again. At least 30 percent of the macronutrients in your diet should come from unprocessed carbs.

You dont have to avoid junk food for the rest of your life to stay healthy. Restricting yourself to healthy foods all the time can bring feelings of guilt every time you eat junk or sweet foods.

Frankly, its not possible to eat clean all the time in todays world. Just make sure at least 80 percent of your diet comes from healthy, unprocessed foods. And 20 percent can come from the not-so-healthy foods.

You dont have to eat after every 3 hours to lose weight. In fact, eating frequently can hinder weight loss. Research shows that most people dont account for calories from snacks and soft drinks. And these calories eventually add up and cause weight gain.

If you are a frequent-snacker, remember to account for calories from the snacks in your total daily calorie intake.

As you can see, there isnt a foolproof weight loss plan. But itll be easier for you to attain your weight goal if you avoid the mistakes mentioned above.

Have you had success with any of the above weight loss strategies?

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely those of the author and may not reflect those of Care2, Inc., its employees or advertisers.

Originally posted here:
5 Popular Weight Loss Strategies That Can Backfire -

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