Photo: Instagram /@hannahbronfman
Yogahas gone from something of a pastime at retreats to a serious fitness trend pretty darn quickly.So, for those of you who want to lose weight easily and quickly, yoga maythe answer youre looking for. Here are 5 yoga poses to lose weight easily and quickly
When youre on the heavierside of the scale, it shows on your face too(double chin, heres looking at you). So while youre trying to shed those kilos off, why notlose some grams fromyour face as well? Kareena Kapoor made facial yogapopularwhen she revealed it as one of her beauty secrets.
Also called the Downward Dog, Adho Mukh Svanasana is perhaps the most recognizable of all yoga poses. Not only is it (somewhat) easy to master, but it is also one of the most effective. The pose helps work on your biceps and back. However, this exercise is best avoided for those with carpel tunnel syndrome, shoulder injuries and high blood pressure.
Chaturanga Dandasana issimilar to a plank, but with some changes. If you want to push yourself to get some more core stability, this pose is the one for you. However, do not do this pose if you have had a shoulder or hand injury in the past.
Urdhva Mukha Svanasanais also called the Upwards Facing Dog and is great for holding your weight and toning your arms. Those with neck and shoulder injuries should avoid this one.
Paripurna Navasana is alsoknown as the Naukasana, this pose is supposed to be de-stressing and helps keep the digestive system fit and healthy, while also flexing your abdomen for better movement. This pose is difficult to master, but definitely worth the benefits. If you get this one right, its a big yay for you.
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5 yoga poses to lose weight easily and quickly - GQ India