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Alzheimer’s research shifts to prevention, with diet as latest ‘darling’ – Worcester Telegram

Posted: April 4, 2017 at 8:47 am

Susan Spencer Telegram & Gazette Staff @SusanSpencerTG

WORCESTER - Of the top causes of death in the United States, only No. 6, Alzheimer's disease, can't be prevented, cured or slowed. Unlike killers such as heart disease, cancer and stroke, the number of deaths from Alzheimer's disease is rising rapidly, up 89 percent since 2000, according to the Alzheimer's Association.

Every 66 seconds someone in the U.S. develops the disease, which now affects more than 5 million Americans.

"We're really seeing a crisis with Alzheimer's disease," cognitive neuroscientist Jonathan Jackson from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital told a packed room at Harrington Learning Center at Quinsigamond Community College Monday night. Mr. Jackson spoke about the brain, aging and Alzheimer's disease for the Alzheimer's Association Massachusetts/New Hampshire chapter's Alz Talks on groundbreaking research.

Among the biggest shifts in research is a focus now on prevention, since brain changes resulting in Alzheimer's disease and dementia have been shown on imaging studies to appear 15 to 20 years before diagnosis, according to Mr. Jackson.

Scientists know that Alzheimer's disease is the death of brain cells caused by some as-yet unknown mechanism involving the proteins amyloid, which "gunks up" the brain with sticky clumps, and tau, which weakens the structure of cell walls from the inside.

The mechanism triggers the loss of brain matter roughly equal to the weight of an orange, out of an original brain weight of roughly three pounds. And it tends to start in the part of the brain, the medial temporal lobe, where memories are re-assembled.

"We have moved to a stage of trying to prevent Alzheimer's disease rather than treat it outright," Mr. Jackson said.

Clinical research trials on treatment have been disappointing. "The research was hopeful but not terribly realistic," he said.

One of the current "darlings of the Alzheimer's and dementia world" is the Mediterranean diet, emphasizing fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and fish, and cutting out red meat, cheese, pastry and other processed and fried food. Combined with a low-sodium diet over five years, this plan has been shown to reduce the risk of dementia by 57 percent, according to Mr. Jackson.

"Even if you're not great at the diet, every little bit helps," he said.

Scientists are learning still why the diet works to prevent Alzheimer's, part of a growing focus on what's known as epigenetics, the interaction between external factors and genetics.

Mr. Jackson said it's no longer the question of nature vs. nurture. "It's really the two, over time, together."

But hope isn't lost for treatment.Mr. Jackson said he expected more promising news would be forthcoming as soon as this summer.

One avenue of potentially fruitful research, in its early phases with human subjects, involves opening up the blood-brain barrier with ultrasound, which could allow microscopic bits of medicine to be delivered just to the part of the brain that needs it.

Another involves light-pulse treatment in the eyes that appears to clear out amyloid from inside the brain cells.

Though these treatments "sound crazy," Mr. Jackson said, "It does seem to be the real deal."

The role of the glymphatic system, a pathway in sleep for keeping the brain healthy, is also being investigated.

The next big thing to prevent and even intervene in the development of Alzheimer's disease may be CRISPR technology, which Mr. Jackson said "allows us to re-write DNA."

Clinical trials using CRISPR are starting with diabetes, and modifying genetic risks for Alzheimer's is also an early target.

Mr. Jackson, as well as Alzheimer's Association representatives at the program, stressed the importance of people volunteering to participate in clinical trials to help find a cure.

Julie McMurray, Central Massachusetts regional manager for the association, said that 50,000 volunteers with and without Alzheimer's are needed for more than 250 clinical trials across the U.S. The Alzheimer's Association can help match participants with the studies.

In the meantime, Mr. Jackson presented tips for aging gracefully and keeping one's mind as healthy as possible. These included:

Use external cues, such as Post-It notes, to remind yourself. Just the act of writing the reminder down makes your brain encode the memory in a new way, making it easier to re-assemble.

Test yourself on memory over expanded intervals. For instance, when you meet someone, say their name. Later in the conversation, repeat the name. Over a longer period of time, as you're parting perhaps, repeat the name again.

Be intellectual and be social, ideally together. Talk to others, solve problems or play challenging games that engage your mind.

Get your heart pumping with aerobic exercise.

Lower your stress, which reduces harmful effects of inflammation on the body.

Maintain a healthy diet and weight.

Volunteer for clinical trials to help find a cure for Alzheimer's disease.

For further information visit or call the Alzheimer's Association's 24/7 Helpline at (800) 272-3900.

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Alzheimer's research shifts to prevention, with diet as latest 'darling' - Worcester Telegram

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