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Are fat burning supplements the answer to your weight loss goals? – Radio 702

Posted: August 17, 2022 at 2:03 am

Thabo Mdluli spoke to dietician Matome Diale about whether these supplements help with losing weight.

Everyone wants to have their best possible body, and some may turn to supplements to try and help them lose weight.

Thabo Mdluli spoke to dietician Matome Diale about whether these supplements help with losing weight.

According to Diale these supplements do not actually burn fat as they claim, they only suppress your appetite, and they can actually do more harm than good.

Most of them have serious adverse side effects, including high blood pressure, and some people just want to take them over the counter without even thinking about any medical condition they could have.

When it comes to losing weight the only thing that actually works is creating a calorie deficit, which is where you burn more calories in a day than you are consuming, said Diale.

If you want to lose weight you have to manage your diet and exercise levels in order to create this deficit.

In addition to this, in order to have a sustainable, long-term weight loss it has to be done gradually - which is what Diale always suggests to his clients.

The biggest challenge you have with people who want to lose weight is they want to lose weight tomorrow and that does not happen.

When it comes to making any major positive changes to your weight and health there are no shortcuts and it has to be done carefully and safely if you want to see your best results.

Listen to the audio below for more.

See the original post:
Are fat burning supplements the answer to your weight loss goals? - Radio 702

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