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Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy or TRT …

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:48 pm

the numbers of people suffering from testosterone deficiency are on a constant rise. also, testosterone deficiency is at an all-time high, the cause of the problem is unavoidable a modern lifestyle. there are several causes of testosterone deficiency, but all of them manifest in form of hypogonadism or reduced performance of the testes. the most commonly prescribed treatment for people who have no hopes of recovering from the condition is testosterone replacement therapy or hormone replacement therapy.

often, the patients find it stressful to decide whether to go for the testosterone replacement therapy or not. the main reason for this is that testosterone replacement therapy is a lifetime treatment. once started the patient has to continue it for rest of their life. also, the administration of exogenous testosterone further suppresses the natural production of testosterone. also, there are chances of fertility being diminished, this is a major concern for patients who wish to have children.

but, often the benefits of the testosterone replacement therapy outweigh the discomforts it causes.

testosterone replacement therapy does not aim to cure the problem of reduced testicular function. instead it aims to solve the symptoms by administration of synthetic testosterone.

testosterone is the male sex hormone, testosterone is what defines secondary sexual characteristics in men, in short testosterone makes us men.testosterone deficiency in males negatively affects all aspects of life, the quality of life is greatly reduced due to low testosterone levels. testosterone is a very active hormone in all parts of the human body, thus testosterone deficiency has a devastating effect on our body. testosterone deficiency also creates further conditions and complications that make the life miserable. let us understand what happens when the body is not producing enough testosterone.

secondary hypogonadism is generally treated by addressing the root cause of the problem, for example, many times hypogonadism is caused due to estrogen dominance due to high aromatase activity in the fat tissue. in such case, losing the fat mass, especially the abdominal fat will help resolve the problem and bring testosterone production back to normal. but this does not always happen, once the HPGA is disturbed, seldom does it fully recover. the testosterone production never comes back to the original high level. in such cases, hormone replacement therapy or testosterone replacement therapy is prescribed by the physicians.

primary hypogonadism currently has no cure and the only treatment available is testosterone replacement therapy or hormone replacement therapy.

there are various causes of low testosterone, and there are various treatments to address those root causes of low testosterone. but unfortunately, the testosterone deficiency problem is not resolved even after such treatments. the reason is that the system that produces testosterone is very delicate, and our physical capacity to produce testosterone falls with every year of our age.

doctors do recommend other forms of therapies that aim to jump-start the testosterone production by restoring the HPGA, there are various therapies, but the results of these therapies vary a lot from case to case and there are very less long-term success stories resulting from these therapies, the reason is that everyones body responds differently to these therapies. following are alternative therapies recommended by doctors as they find fit based on patients analysis

these therapies are not the standard protocol for treatment of low testosterone. they are a hit or miss in most cases. doctors do recommend these therapies because, even when they are a hit or miss they have some potential to mostly cure the problems that cause testosterone deficiency, the success rates increase if the patient puts in dedication and supplements these therapies with major lifestyle changes. but, unfortunately, most people do not respond successfully to these therapies. this brings us to the testosterone replacement therapy, yes it has its own sets of drawbacks, but testosterone replacement therapy is a standard therapy to treat low testosterone across the world because the benefits outweigh the drawbacks of the testosterone therapy.

this is the single most noticed benefit experienced by people undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. good and positive mood, clarity in thinking, and overall improved cognition are experienced by patients undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. concentration is also improved, this results in better focus and increased productivity at work. TRT also improves verbal memory means you can speak more fluidly as words line up in your brain for the thoughts you need to communicate. this effect has a profound effect upon confidence. better speech abilities translate indirectly to higher self-confidence.

testosterone has a direct effect on both muscle and fat, optimal testosterone results in increased muscle mass and decreased fat. this result is not only aesthetically pleasing but it also has long-term health benefits. the increase in muscle mass means you become stronger, also a higher amount of muscle mass means a higher metabolic rate. this increased metabolic rate means your body is spending more calories for the maintenance, because of this your body gets to store less fat, or even if it stores the fat it is quickly used up.

a healthy level of testosterone is required to maintain healthy bones. TRT helps bones absorb more minerals making them strong. on testosterone replacement therapy you are less likely to get avoidable fractures.

testosterone replacement therapy results in increased response to sexual arousal and sexual activities. testosterone is also responsible for increase performance and certain physiological sexual capabilities. it should also be noted that there is only a limit to performance improvement from testosterone. a healthy person will have no positive benefit from testosterone administration. low libido is often the cause of depression in many men suffering from sexual dysfunction due to low testosterone or secondary hypogonadism, Testosterone replacement therapy resolves this problem.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy or TRT ...

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