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Best cardio exercises for fat loss – GQ India

Posted: August 14, 2017 at 10:43 am

Cardiovascular exercises are usually the easiest way to lose fat. Cardio coupled with weight-training is one of the oldest trick in the book to lose fat and gain muscle.For someone whos never been to the gym, it is easy togetoverwhelmed by the cardio machines and have to choose between, lets say the treadmill or the rowing machine.Every cardio machine works differently on the body and tends to burn varying amounts of fat. (To find out which is the best cardio machine to burn fat, click here.)

When it comes to losing weight though, its a pretty straightforward deal: cardio exercises help you lose fat faster. But, aswith everything else, itis also important that you start slow to avoid injuries. Weight-training is also equally important, not just to gain muscle and give your bodybetter definition but also toavoid muscle injury. Here are:

Walking is perhaps the easiest and the best cardio exercises for fat loss. It is one of those exercises which you can incorporate into your daily routine without having to shift around your schedule too much. Walking as a cardio exercise helps you to burn 300 to 400 calories per hour. Thats quite a lot and atzero expense. But, you cant expect to take a light evening stroll and lose 400 calories. You need to take a brisk yet moderately fast-paced walk for the fat loss to happen. Not only that, a simple exercise like walking helps you maintain a healthy weight and is the best way to improve your mood. It also helps you strengthenyour bones and muscles.

Walking is good, running is great but sprinting is even better. Yet again, sprinting doesnt requireany equipment other than a pair of good shoes. Sprintinghelps you burn calories and increase your stamina. To make the most of yourworkout,alternate between sprinting and jogging for 30-45 secondseach for an hour. Even thougha treadmill will do just fine,theres nothing quite like running on a track.

Ellipticalworkouts can help youburnup to500 calories per hour at a moderate speed. Switch up the intensity and speedfor your elliptical workout tobe moreeffective. The ellipticalis an excellent way of losing fat without hurtingyour joints. Unlike a treadmill or a stationary bicycle, an ellipticaltends to workout your entire body.

The stationary cycle is often the most overlooked machine in the gym. But use it well and you will be able to burn as many as 1200 calories in a single hour. Cyclingisnt just one of the best cardio exercises for fat loss but it also helps you strengthen your leg muscles and build stamina.While acycle in the gym isnt a bad idea at all, cyclists will tell you that nothing compares to the real thing. Cycling in the open will not just help you lose fat and get fit, it will alsoencourage you to get outdoors and soak in some Vitamin D.

One of the big movements in fitness trends today involves a return to playgroundactivities the kind of workouts you did as a child. Think jumping rope, running, hopscotch you get the drift.Skipping, in that light, isnt just a kids play. Sure, you had a blast with the rope when you were a kid but the humble skipping rope is also the go-to equipment for athletes and boxers (including he great Muhammad Ali) whose sport requiresstamina. Not onlydoes skipping help you build stamina, it is also considered one of the best cardio exercises for far loss.Done properly, skipping is slightly more intense than walking.The simplest way to make the best of your rope is toskip for a minute straight, take a 20- to 30-second break and repeat.

This ones a no-brainer.Depending on who you ask, swimming is perhaps the best cardio exercise to lose fat. Not only does it workoutyour entire body,because ofthe nature of the exercise,swimming causes almost no injuries whatsoever. Swimming, when done right, can help you lose as much as 14 calories in a single minute. Compared to any other cardio exercise in this list, swimming has far fewer downsides (almost none) and is a great way to lose weight.

Quite like the cycle,the rowing machine is one of the most neglected piece of equipment in the gym. But it also happens to be one of the most efficient one if you want to lose weight. Like the elliptical, the rowing machineworks out your entire body andcan help you lose as many as 600 calories per hour.Advanced users can even burn as many as 1,000 calories an hour. Like with any cardio exercise,alternating bursts of high intensity activity with 20- to 30-second intervals of going easy will help you make the most of your rowing workout.

Though not a cardiovascular exercise, technically, a kettlebell workout can easily help you lose as many as 900 calories per house. Done right, a a kettlebell workout can help you lose as much as 20 calories per minute.As with anything in life, itwouldnt help if you rush into a kettlebell workout and slowly build your muscle and stamina before going all intense.The kettlebell workout will help you build muscle and lose fat and give you that lean, muscular physique without making you look bulky. For best results, alternate betweenhigh intensity movements for 40-50 seconds straight and then lower your movement intensity to 20-30 seconds and repeat this movement a several times.

Research says that climbing stairs can help you burn up to 600 calories an house. And you can achieve this even when youre working out at a moderate pace. Star training is also a greatcardio exercise for fat loss that doesnt require anything besides a pair of good running shoes and, well, a flight of stairs. That being said this is also a workout that can put a fair amount of stress on your knees and so must be practiced with caution. If you have issues with your knee joint, this is definitely not anexercise for you.

High-intensity interval training is a great workout for quickfat loss. As the name suggests, the high-intensity of the workout could help a person to lose upto 500 or even 1200 calories per hour. order to have a perfect workout, you need to get the correct body weight movement paired with a traditional cardio element. The ultimate goal of the high intensity workout is to go all out for a interval and then take a short break and repeatthe process to achieve your final goal. It takes similar amount of time but still help you with more fat loss than any other exercise combined. The best part about HIIT is that it can be done with anything, be it from running, sprinting, cycling, weights or even an elliptical for that matter. As long as its high intensity, youre good to go.

Needless to say, all these workouts must be carried out under the watchful eye of a trainer. Something aselementary as walking can also cause injuries; bad posture while walking and incorrect strides can lead to injuries. So, while some of these workouts may seem simple, it is always advisable to have an expert supervise you in theinitial days of your weight-loss journey.


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Best cardio exercises for fat loss - GQ India

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