Entering the summer months means that it's time to heat up the grill and invite family and friends over for a backyard cookout. This year try out some new grilling ideas, spice up the foods with some new seasonings and enjoy the warm weather with great company!
The Wonders of Produce Trying to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into our diets can be difficult. Grilling your vegetables and fruits can help to change their flavor or texture to please a crowd. When developing an appetizer try grilling some peppers and carrot sticks to use with dip rather than chips. This easy substitution can help reduce the calories in your appetizer and make your guests wonder how you could be so creative. Creating a dessert for your cookout does not always need to revolve around the apple pie. Instead try grilling fruit kabobs. Just a hint pineapple, watermelon and peaches all grill well.
Why exactly would it be beneficial to your health to incorporate more fruits and vegetables? Having a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet may reduce your risk for developing chronic diseases like obesity, hypertension and high cholesterol. Plus, many fruits and vegetables are lower in calories which can help with weight management. By filling half of your plate with fruits and vegetables, without adding additional fat or sugar, you can help build a healthier plate.
Shake up your seasonings When creating a healthy diet it is important to think about reducing your intake of salt. As you are developing your grilling menu, play with different ways to season. Adding spices can help incorporate flavor without added salt. Some spices to consider using when grilling are garlic or onion powder, paprika, cumin, cayenne powder, black pepper or chili powder. A good rule of thumb when looking for lower salt seasonings is to choose those seasonings with powder in their name, but in any case you can look to the ingredients list. If you see the word salt, try and find another alternative.
Beyond spices Using herbs can help shake up your normal dishes. Summer is a great time to explore fresh herbs like basil, cilantro or parsley and growing your own herbs can help a family become more engaged with their meal. If you don't have access to fresh herbs, dried herbs work great and can often be found near the spices at your local grocery store.
So why is it beneficial to reduce the amount of salt you have in your diet? Having a high daily intake of sodium has been found to raise your blood pressure, so reducing sodium in your diet lowers your blood pressure.
The average American's daily sodium intake should be approximately 2,300 milligrams a day. Besides using spices and herbs instead of added salt, you can also reduce your sodium intake by looking for reduced sodium and no-added-salt alternatives in the grocery store. Try to compare the sodium content of prepared foods by looking at the Nutrition Fact Labels.
Make the grill a place to explore new dishes this summer! Don't worry, creating a healthier meal does not need to be difficult and it can be fun to get creative by adding variety into your dishes. Bon apetit!
Amanda Markie, MS, RDN, LD is a dietitian at the University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center's Digestive Health Center and can be reached at 410-553-8187.
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BWMC: Grill it up this summer! - CapitalGazette.com