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Here’s how kids can stay safe this school year during the delta variant surge – WBAL Baltimore
Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:44 am
Millions of students are heading back to school with a challenge they didn't have to face last year.The more contagious delta variant is fueling a nationwide COVID-19 surge that's sending younger people to hospitals including children. The best weapon for students ages 12 and up is vaccination, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. But kids too young to get vaccinated also have ways to help dodge delta.Here's how students can help stay healthy before, during and after school:Going to schoolBefore heading out: Minor symptoms that may have been overlooked in the past such as a runny nose shouldn't be ignored now, said pediatrician Dr. Steven Abelowitz, regional medical director of Coastal Kids Pediatrics in California."With the current rise in COVID cases, especially in children, it is advised that parents of children even with minor symptoms should contact their pediatrician to rule out COVID," Abelowitz said, matching guidance from the CDC.Of course, some kids can get or spread the delta variant without symptoms. So precautions during other parts of the day are important.At the bus stop: When chatting with a friend outdoors, "the risk of acquiring coronavirus is very low," CNN medical analyst and emergency physician Dr. Leana Wen said."Therefore, waiting at the bus stop or recess or coming out of the school, masks can be taken off."But if there are many children crowded together, "even though it's outdoors, if you're unvaccinated ... the advantages of masks are going to outweigh the disadvantages," Abelowitz said.On the school bus: "Mask wearing is absolutely critical because you're in close proximity in an enclosed space," Wen said."Make sure to be wearing a mask that covers your nose and your mouth. It should be at least the quality of a 3-ply surgical mask," she said."There are also KN95s, depending on the age of the child, that are even better. But the mask should be at least a 3-ply surgical mask. A cloth mask is not sufficient."Research has shown properly worn surgical masks generally give more protection than a cloth mask. If a cloth mask is used, the CDC said it should have multiple layers.When carpooling with another family: Carpooling might be safer if you're in a "pandemic pod" with another family.In that situation, "all adults should be vaccinated, the adults should be trying to reduce risk in their lives as much as both parties agree to, and essentially, you're in a household with that family," Wen said."If you are not in a pandemic pod with someone and you're still carpooling, everybody in that carpool should be wearing masks. Windows should be rolled down," she said. "It's not zero risk, but that also reduces the risk substantially."In the classroom and hallwaysThe importance of masks this year: The CDC recommends students from kindergarten through grade 12 wear masks in school as the highly contagious delta variant spreads nationwide.The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends masks in schools for everyone over age 2.The delta variant has been a game changer, Abelowitz said.New pediatric COVID-19 cases are "significantly higher than a few months ago and climbing quite rapidly," he said."We do know that masks reduce the chance of spread. We do know that there's a significant increase in the delta variant," Abelowitz said."If these numbers are not controlled, eventually, unfortunately, the kids are not going to be in-person schooling."Get masks that kids actually like: There's no point in wearing a mask if a child keeps tugging at it or taking it off in school."This is something that does take getting used to," Wen said. "It may be good to practice wearing the mask at home and making sure that you're OK with that type of mask."Wen said her own son had to adjust to wearing a mask. But after "a couple of days into school ... it felt like second nature.""I think it's worth trying, if you can, different types of masks," she said. "Different people have different comfort levels."Some students might like one brand of well-fitting surgical masks over another. Other kids might feel more comfortable wearing child-sized KN95 masks, which allow more room for the nose and mouth."The most important thing is to find the best that you can consistently wear throughout the day," Wen said. "You don't want to find a mask that you're trying to pull off your face every 20 minutes."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Explaining masks to young kids: It can be tough explaining the importance of wearing masks in school to a young child. But it's not necessary to go into too much detail, Abelowitz said.For a 6-year-old, "You could simplify it as: 'There are people out there that are getting sick from other people. By wearing a mask, you will reduce the chance of you getting sick, and also reduce the chance of other people around you getting sick,'" Abelowitz said."'So that's why it's not only important for you to wear the mask to protect yourself, but it also can help protect other people.'"Another perk for young children: By wearing a mask and not getting sick, kids will be able to keep seeing their friends at school, Abelowitz said.Dealing with potential bulliesSome students might get bullied for wearing a mask. So it's important for children to be confident and prepared for such scenarios, psychologist Dr. Sanam Hafeez said."Parents need to instill in their children that they are doing the right thing by protecting their own health and the health of others around them," said Hafeez, director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services in New York."They need to boost the child's confidence so they don't feel like they have to 'ditch' the mask to fit in or make the bullying stop. The more confident that the child is with the decision to wear a mask, the easier it will be for him/her to stand their ground."Parents can also help prevent such bullying in the first place."There is an old saying, 'children learn what they live.' A child who bullies over face mask-wearing has most likely learned that behavior from his/her parents," Hafeez said.If such bullying does happen, a child's response might depend on the age."For younger children, such as grade school, the simpler the answer the better," Hafeez said."Something like, 'I am being considerate by wearing a mask because I am protecting you from getting COVID. If you wore a mask you would protect others too.' Advise the child to say that and walk away and not engage with the bully," Hafeez said.If the bully becomes aggressive, the child should seek the help of a teacher.On the flip side, some students might get bullied for not wearing a mask for example, if their parents don't want them to."This is a tough situation for a child to be in. They might face words like "selfish," "germ spreader," "COVID Creep" or any number of insults kids might hurl at them," Hafeez said."If a child is in this situation and they do want to wear a mask, they should speak with their parents about doing so and explain how the bullying is making them feel and share what they might have learned about COVID prevention through mask wearing," she said."If a parent has forbidden a child under 18 to wear a mask, the student can say that he/she would like to wear a mask, but that is not the choice his/her parents have made for them."Wen said children have an opportunity to flex their maturity if they get bullied over wearing a mask.For example, they could say: "I wear a mask because of my grandmother. I don't want my grandmother to become ill. And I am doing this to protect people that I love."Returning to recessIf recess is outside and the school doesn't require masks outdoors, "I don't think that masks are (necessary) during recess," Wen said.That doesn't mean a student can't get infected outdoors. "At this point, there is no such thing as zero risk," Wen said. But "I would rather focus the mask wearing on indoor situations that are much higher risk."In areas with high COVID-19 numbers and when children are too young to be vaccinated "encouraging more distanced kind of games, even in outdoor settings, may be beneficial in mitigating" the delta variant, Abelowitz said.Both Wen and Abelowitz said it's a good for students to enjoy mask-free breaks outside."If they're outdoors, and they can maintain some distancing, and it's not that there's a major outbreak in a specific community, we prefer that they would be without masks," Abelowitz said.Enjoying lunch safely with friendsIt's impossible to wear masks while eating. And after a year of remote or hybrid learning, some cafeterias may be back to full capacity."I am worried about lunchtime. That is a high-risk setting, depending on how this is set up," Wen said."The best setup, obviously, would be outside. But if it's going to be inside, there should at least be excellent ventilation, some degree of spacing, and the kids should all be facing in the same direction instead of ... facing one another."But once students are done eating, they can put their masks on and chat face-to-face, Wen said.Some schools have allowed students to take their lunch to their classroom desks to help minimize crowds."Eating in socially distanced classrooms is certainly better than in a lunch hall with hundreds of other children in a small, enclosed indoor space," Wen said.One way students can socialize with different groups of friends is to eat outside, if the school allows it, Wen said. That could be in a courtyard, on the grass, or even a designated portion of the parking lot.Getting back to after-school funEven the best precautions during school can be nullified if kids get COVID-19 during after-school activities. And some students might let their guard down after school, Wen said."Remember that informal settings can have just as much if not more risk than formal settings," Wen said."I think so many people are worried about what happens when we're actually playing the sport and not thinking about wait, what about in the locker room?" she said."If kids are getting together in the locker room, spending time together, no masks on, that's a much higher risk setting that being outdoors playing a sport."The CDC warned about outbreaks connected to extracurricular activities last school year.And that was months before the delta variant the most contagious strain of novel coronavirus to hit the U.S. took over as the dominant strain.Those who were infected last year might not be fully protected from the delta variant this year especially those who are not vaccinated, Abelowitz said."We've seen that ... based on the Alpha variant or the variant prior, you have folks that have been infected with COVID can be infected again," the pediatrician said. "So we know for sure that you can be infected again, especially because there are different variants."Abelowitz said children should get vaccinated as soon as they're eligible.In the meantime, "close-contact sports, indoor sports are considered to be risky," Abelowitz said. The risk is amplified in areas of high COVID-19 numbers and low vaccination rates.Activities such as choir and band when students propel their breath into the air can also be high-risk, Abelowitz said.But that doesn't mean such activities and indoor sports need to be sidelined. Abelowitz and Wen said schools can consider regular COVID-19 testing for students in higher-risk activities.And whenever possible, after-school practices should be held outside, Wen said.If COVID-19 numbers are high in a community and not many children are vaccinated, a school may want to consider pausing higher-risk activities until the situation improves, Abelowitz said.All these safety precautions might seem daunting to some children. So it's important to emphasize what children can do now not what they can't do as they return to in-person learning, Wen said."It becomes more empowering to be able to say, 'Here is what you can do at school, including playing outdoors ... including being part of sports again,'" she said."We should be empowering and talk about what the child can do that's fun and what are the things that the child can do to reduce risk for them and for others around them."
Millions of students are heading back to school with a challenge they didn't have to face last year.
The more contagious delta variant is fueling a nationwide COVID-19 surge that's sending younger people to hospitals including children.
The best weapon for students ages 12 and up is vaccination, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. But kids too young to get vaccinated also have ways to help dodge delta.
Here's how students can help stay healthy before, during and after school:
Before heading out: Minor symptoms that may have been overlooked in the past such as a runny nose shouldn't be ignored now, said pediatrician Dr. Steven Abelowitz, regional medical director of Coastal Kids Pediatrics in California.
"With the current rise in COVID cases, especially in children, it is advised that parents of children even with minor symptoms should contact their pediatrician to rule out COVID," Abelowitz said, matching guidance from the CDC.
Of course, some kids can get or spread the delta variant without symptoms. So precautions during other parts of the day are important.
At the bus stop: When chatting with a friend outdoors, "the risk of acquiring coronavirus is very low," CNN medical analyst and emergency physician Dr. Leana Wen said.
"Therefore, waiting at the bus stop or recess or coming out of the school, masks can be taken off."
But if there are many children crowded together, "even though it's outdoors, if you're unvaccinated ... the advantages of masks are going to outweigh the disadvantages," Abelowitz said.
On the school bus: "Mask wearing is absolutely critical because you're in close proximity in an enclosed space," Wen said.
"Make sure to be wearing a mask that covers your nose and your mouth. It should be at least the quality of a 3-ply surgical mask," she said.
"There are also KN95s, depending on the age of the child, that are even better. But the mask should be at least a 3-ply surgical mask. A cloth mask is not sufficient."
Research has shown properly worn surgical masks generally give more protection than a cloth mask. If a cloth mask is used, the CDC said it should have multiple layers.
When carpooling with another family: Carpooling might be safer if you're in a "pandemic pod" with another family.
In that situation, "all adults should be vaccinated, the adults should be trying to reduce risk in their lives as much as both parties agree to, and essentially, you're in a household with that family," Wen said.
"If you are not in a pandemic pod with someone and you're still carpooling, everybody in that carpool should be wearing masks. Windows should be rolled down," she said. "It's not zero risk, but that also reduces the risk substantially."
The importance of masks this year: The CDC recommends students from kindergarten through grade 12 wear masks in school as the highly contagious delta variant spreads nationwide.
The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends masks in schools for everyone over age 2.
The delta variant has been a game changer, Abelowitz said.
New pediatric COVID-19 cases are "significantly higher than a few months ago and climbing quite rapidly," he said.
"We do know that masks reduce the chance of spread. We do know that there's a significant increase in the delta variant," Abelowitz said.
"If these numbers are not controlled, eventually, unfortunately, the kids are not going to be in-person schooling."
Get masks that kids actually like: There's no point in wearing a mask if a child keeps tugging at it or taking it off in school.
"This is something that does take getting used to," Wen said. "It may be good to practice wearing the mask at home and making sure that you're OK with that type of mask."
Wen said her own son had to adjust to wearing a mask. But after "a couple of days into school ... it felt like second nature."
"I think it's worth trying, if you can, different types of masks," she said. "Different people have different comfort levels."
Some students might like one brand of well-fitting surgical masks over another. Other kids might feel more comfortable wearing child-sized KN95 masks, which allow more room for the nose and mouth.
"The most important thing is to find the best that you can consistently wear throughout the day," Wen said. "You don't want to find a mask that you're trying to pull off your face every 20 minutes."
Explaining masks to young kids: It can be tough explaining the importance of wearing masks in school to a young child. But it's not necessary to go into too much detail, Abelowitz said.
For a 6-year-old, "You could simplify it as: 'There are people out there that are getting sick from other people. By wearing a mask, you will reduce the chance of you getting sick, and also reduce the chance of other people around you getting sick,'" Abelowitz said.
"'So that's why it's not only important for you to wear the mask to protect yourself, but it also can help protect other people.'"
Another perk for young children: By wearing a mask and not getting sick, kids will be able to keep seeing their friends at school, Abelowitz said.
Some students might get bullied for wearing a mask. So it's important for children to be confident and prepared for such scenarios, psychologist Dr. Sanam Hafeez said.
"Parents need to instill in their children that they are doing the right thing by protecting their own health and the health of others around them," said Hafeez, director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services in New York.
"They need to boost the child's confidence so they don't feel like they have to 'ditch' the mask to fit in or make the bullying stop. The more confident that the child is with the decision to wear a mask, the easier it will be for him/her to stand their ground."
Parents can also help prevent such bullying in the first place.
"There is an old saying, 'children learn what they live.' A child who bullies over face mask-wearing has most likely learned that behavior from his/her parents," Hafeez said.
If such bullying does happen, a child's response might depend on the age.
"For younger children, such as grade school, the simpler the answer the better," Hafeez said.
"Something like, 'I am being considerate by wearing a mask because I am protecting you from getting COVID. If you wore a mask you would protect others too.' Advise the child to say that and walk away and not engage with the bully," Hafeez said.
If the bully becomes aggressive, the child should seek the help of a teacher.
On the flip side, some students might get bullied for not wearing a mask for example, if their parents don't want them to.
"This is a tough situation for a child to be in. They might face words like "selfish," "germ spreader," "COVID Creep" or any number of insults kids might hurl at them," Hafeez said.
"If a child is in this situation and they do want to wear a mask, they should speak with their parents about doing so and explain how the bullying is making them feel and share what they might have learned about COVID prevention through mask wearing," she said.
"If a parent has forbidden a child under 18 to wear a mask, the student can say that he/she would like to wear a mask, but that is not the choice his/her parents have made for them."
Wen said children have an opportunity to flex their maturity if they get bullied over wearing a mask.
For example, they could say: "I wear a mask because of my grandmother. I don't want my grandmother to become ill. And I am doing this to protect people that I love."
If recess is outside and the school doesn't require masks outdoors, "I don't think that masks are (necessary) during recess," Wen said.
That doesn't mean a student can't get infected outdoors. "At this point, there is no such thing as zero risk," Wen said. But "I would rather focus the mask wearing on indoor situations that are much higher risk."
In areas with high COVID-19 numbers and when children are too young to be vaccinated "encouraging more distanced kind of games, even in outdoor settings, may be beneficial in mitigating" the delta variant, Abelowitz said.
Both Wen and Abelowitz said it's a good for students to enjoy mask-free breaks outside.
"If they're outdoors, and they can maintain some distancing, and it's not that there's a major outbreak in a specific community, we prefer that they would be without masks," Abelowitz said.
It's impossible to wear masks while eating. And after a year of remote or hybrid learning, some cafeterias may be back to full capacity.
"I am worried about lunchtime. That is a high-risk setting, depending on how this is set up," Wen said.
"The best setup, obviously, would be outside. But if it's going to be inside, there should at least be excellent ventilation, some degree of spacing, and the kids should all be facing in the same direction instead of ... facing one another."
But once students are done eating, they can put their masks on and chat face-to-face, Wen said.
Some schools have allowed students to take their lunch to their classroom desks to help minimize crowds.
"Eating in socially distanced classrooms is certainly better than in a lunch hall with hundreds of other children in a small, enclosed indoor space," Wen said.
One way students can socialize with different groups of friends is to eat outside, if the school allows it, Wen said. That could be in a courtyard, on the grass, or even a designated portion of the parking lot.
Even the best precautions during school can be nullified if kids get COVID-19 during after-school activities. And some students might let their guard down after school, Wen said.
"Remember that informal settings can have just as much if not more risk than formal settings," Wen said.
"I think so many people are worried about what happens when we're actually playing the sport and not thinking about wait, what about in the locker room?" she said.
"If kids are getting together in the locker room, spending time together, no masks on, that's a much higher risk setting that being outdoors playing a sport."
The CDC warned about outbreaks connected to extracurricular activities last school year.
And that was months before the delta variant the most contagious strain of novel coronavirus to hit the U.S. took over as the dominant strain.
Those who were infected last year might not be fully protected from the delta variant this year especially those who are not vaccinated, Abelowitz said.
"We've seen that ... based on the Alpha variant or the variant prior, you have folks that have been infected with COVID can be infected again," the pediatrician said. "So we know for sure that you can be infected again, especially because there are different variants."
Abelowitz said children should get vaccinated as soon as they're eligible.
In the meantime, "close-contact sports, indoor sports are considered to be risky," Abelowitz said. The risk is amplified in areas of high COVID-19 numbers and low vaccination rates.
Activities such as choir and band when students propel their breath into the air can also be high-risk, Abelowitz said.
But that doesn't mean such activities and indoor sports need to be sidelined. Abelowitz and Wen said schools can consider regular COVID-19 testing for students in higher-risk activities.
And whenever possible, after-school practices should be held outside, Wen said.
If COVID-19 numbers are high in a community and not many children are vaccinated, a school may want to consider pausing higher-risk activities until the situation improves, Abelowitz said.
All these safety precautions might seem daunting to some children. So it's important to emphasize what children can do now not what they can't do as they return to in-person learning, Wen said.
"It becomes more empowering to be able to say, 'Here is what you can do at school, including playing outdoors ... including being part of sports again,'" she said.
"We should be empowering and talk about what the child can do that's fun and what are the things that the child can do to reduce risk for them and for others around them."
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Here's how kids can stay safe this school year during the delta variant surge - WBAL Baltimore
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What Parents Need to Know About Kids and Heat Waves – Outside
Posted: August 27, 2021 at 1:44 am
This summer has been a scorcher. According to a major United Nations climate report released earlier this month, the planets temperatures have reached record highs, and the extreme heat that many Americans experienced this summer will only become more common in the future. The heat has had devastating effects on people of all ages, but the smallest among us are especially vulnerable.
But simply keeping your kids inside isnt the answer, says Dr. Samuel Schimelpfenig, a pediatrician in Sioux Falls, South Dakota with a specialty in sports medicine for kids and adolescents. We are healthier physically and mentally if were outside in nature, he says. If we keep kids inside, we dont have to worry about heat illness quite so much, but the downside is theyre not being physically active and theyre probably spending too much time on a screen.
If your kid is going to be playing in the heat, heres what you need to know:
While on most days the body does a great job of regulating its own temperature (thanks to a region of the brain called the hypothalamus gland), extreme heat can overwhelm that function, disrupting the normal process that results in the evaporation of sweat from the skin. That overheating can lead to heatstroke, which usually includes at least one of three telltale signs: unconsciousness, fever, and a lack of sweat, Schimelpfenig says.
Little kidsand their smaller bodiesare more at risk than adults. They absorb heat from the environment much quicker than we do, explains Schimelpfenig. Its the difference between cooking a single chicken breast or roasting an entire turkey. The bigger turkey will likely need three or four hours in the oven, while a chicken breast might be done in less than 30 minutes. This may be especially true for young athleteswith certain disabilities or medical diagnoses that might make them more susceptible to heat conditions, along with those taking certain medications that increase heat sensitivity.
Parents, coaches, and caregivers should learn to recognize and treat milder heat illness symptoms quickly. Something as simple as bringing a child inside, offering them a cold drink, and having them rest can make a difference. Missing the early signs could result in something much more dangerous. There are kids that end up in the emergency room dehydrated and needing IV fluids, says Schimelpfenig.
Heres what to look for:
Severe signs of heat illness often take those symptoms towards their extreme. If a kid has thrown up or passed out or is showing signs of mental confusion, seek medical attention immediately.
After adisrupted year of activity, kids may be out of shape or out of practice when it comes to handling heat.If youre working hard, youre also generating heat internally in an environment that is hot, says Schimelpfenig. You cant really work out in a sauna for very long before youre just too hot and exhausted to do it.
To maintain body temperature and keep kids happy,plan extra water breaks, provide shade (parents might bring along small tents or umbrellas on outdoor excursions), and remember to remove your childs bike helmet while restingits one more way for the bodys heat to escape. Other ways to cool off include eating a chilled snack (bonus points for snacks that have lots of hydration, like chilled fruit), jumping in a sprinkler or visiting a splash pad (though Schimpelfenig is clear that water cools you better inyour body rather than onit), or planning your activities for cooler times of day (early morning is better than high noon).
Teaching kids to regularly assess how their body feels can empower them to ask for help if they feel an onset of heat illness symptoms. Parents can also consider gear that helps kids help themselves: light colored, breathable clothing; moisture-wicking athletic wear; personal water bottles;and snack options that include electrolytes.
Finally, its important to stomp out the myth that canceling some activities due to heat is a failure. High heat indexes are often the reason esteemed athletes have to change their plans, says Schimelpfenig. In fact, recently at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, the gold medal womens soccer match was moved due to temperature, while the womens marathon was moved up an hour to mitigate the effects of extreme heat. In those instances, indoor activitiesmay be the better option.
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Weight loss: 5 ways to check if your diet is working well for you – Times of India
Posted: August 12, 2021 at 1:50 am
As many say, the best secrets for weight loss lie in the food you eat and the diets you follow. As beneficial as diets like the Ketogenic diet and Intermittent Fasting could be (or a high-protein, zero sugar one), following a diet when you are trying to lose weight requires a lot of discipline. The results never come up fast, and many a time, it could happen that the diet could throw you a curveball and not really work well for you, making it further difficult to see an actual drop in weight, despite doing everything and foregoing sinful foods!
Hence, not only does it remain important to actually follow a diet that suits your needs and the lifestyle the best, but it's also important to keep tracking progress, check if the diet is actually working for you to help you achieve your goals.
The benefits and impact of a great diet are not just seen through weight loss, but other non-weighing scale related improvements as well. In case you are wondering, we tell you 5 brilliant ways to check if your diet is working for you!
Also See: How To Lose Weight | Weight Loss Exercises
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Weight loss: 5 ways to check if your diet is working well for you - Times of India
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These 12 Cancers Are Linked to a Bad Diet, Doctor Says | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That
Posted: August 12, 2021 at 1:49 am
A recent study found that alcohol consumption was associated with 740,000 new cancer diagnoses in 2020. That data seemed to highlight the notion that your everyday lifestyle choices truly can impact your long-term health so what about the foods you're eatingare they increasing your cancer risk? A nationally recognized doctor spoke with us to bring greater clarity to the subject of cancer and your diet.
Howard Grossman, MD, is a member of the Eat This, Not That! Medical Expert Board, a board-certified internist, and winner of the amfAR Award of Courage, known for his work with vulnerable patient populations. Here, Grossman shares some current wisdom around the topic of nutrition and cancer, pinpointing particular foods and the types of cancer they've been linked to.
Continue reading for Dr. Grossman's insights, and learn more from him inThe Worst Beer Mistake You Can Make, Experts Say.
Grossman starts out with one important point: "Diets and cancer are a controversial subject. Most of the problem is not the food, but the additives." To this, he adds, "It is always safe to say that a balanced diet that limits food additives . . . will be the most healthy."
To learn a list of particular foods that have been associated with cancer, keep reading.
Sign up for the Eat This, Not That! newsletter for health news you need.
Grossman mentions processed meats as a category that's been linked with cancer (think hot dogs and sausages, bacon, deli slices, and anything that's not a fresh cut).
"The problem with processed meats and things like bacon and smoked foods are the nitrites," he explains. "High nitrite and nitrate levels, as found in processed meats, may increase the risk of gliomas (brain cancer) as well as thyroid, colorectal, and gastric cancers. The compounds in and of themselves are not carcinogenic [Editor's note: "carcinogenic" may be defined as something that's potentially cancer-causing], but in the body they combine with other molecules and can form carcinogenic substancesat least they are carcinogenic in some animal studies."
RELATED:One Major Side Effect of Eating Ultra-Processed Foods, Says New Study
"Red meat has been linked to colorectal, prostate and pancreatic cancer," Grossman says, but mentions the association is not entirely definitive. "Still a good idea to limit red meat intake for this and other health reasons," he suggests.
RELATED:What Happens to Your Body When You Cut Red Meat From Your Diet
"High alcohol consumption has been linked to oral, esophageal, stomach, breast, liver and colon cancer," Grossman says. "These are associations with excessive intake."
RELATED:The Worst Wine Mistake You Can Make, Dietitian Says
"One thing to mention is that obesity can be a risk factor for many cancers," Grossman says. "Therefore, limiting sugary drinks and other sugary foods that add to weight can be a good tip." (Don't missThe #1 Cause of Obesity, According to Science.)
Grossman points out that while the foods listed have been demonstrated to have a link with cancer, "there are no absolutely definitive studies in humans." He says it's important to remember: "There is a lot we do not know about the links between food and cancer."
As the research on this topic continues, Dr. Grossman's main takeaway to help you prevent cancer is to follow a diet that "limits processed foods, limits red meat and sugary foods and is moderate in alcohol intake."
He concludes: "I always tell people to stick with 'whole' foods, [like] fruits and vegetables, lean meats and (unsalted) fish, and stop eating things that come out of a box."
For more on food and your health, keep reading:
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These 12 Cancers Are Linked to a Bad Diet, Doctor Says | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
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Training the brain to avoid junk food: Does the app targeting behaviour change really work? –
Posted: August 12, 2021 at 1:49 am
The UK is facing a health crisis, with a majority of citizens failing to eat an adequately healthy diet.
It is estimated that 75% of men and 72% of women do not consume enough fruit and vegetables in their diet, while recommended sugar intake guidelines are exceeded by 100%. Two in every three adults are currently obese or overweight.
As obesity and associated health conditions are recognised as major concerns, researchers are interested in behavioural weight management interventions designed to reduce calorie intake. These range from taxing beverages with high levels of added sugar to providing information about healthy diets.
However, a group of psychologists from the Universities of Exeter and Cardiff in the UK believe unconscious, impulsive psychological processes may play an important role in consumer diets. As a result, the team has developed a computer game that aims to help consumers reduce their intake of unhealthy foods.
Being researchers, they have also conducted a study to determine the effectiveness of the computer app in both lab and real-world experiments. And the results are in.
The researchers describe their FoodTrainer (FoodT) app as a simple computer game capable of training ones brain to stop consuming unhealthy food and drinks.
By repeatedly playing the game, consumers build up associations between certain foods (such as chocolate) and stopping, which the researchers describe as effectively putting the brakes on your eating behaviour.
This wont stop you from eating these foods completely, but it will give you some control back, noted the researchers. People also like these [unhealthy] foods a little less after training, which also helps people to cope with cravings.
FoodT provides Go/No-Go training, which aims to alter implicit food biases by creating associations between perceiving unhealthy foods and withholding a dominant response.
Whether using a smartphone or computer, the app presents participants with images of unhealthy foods a control pictures (of healthy foods and/or non-food items such as clothing). In addition to these pictures, they are presented with a go or a no-go clue. In the case of FoodT, that cue is either a green or red border around the picture.
Participants are instructed to press a button on their keyboard or on their smartphone screen whenever they see a go cue (i.e the green border), and withhold when a no go cue appears. The go cue always aligns with control pictures, whereas the no go cue appears alongside images of unhealthy foods.
The idea is that by repeatedly pairing unhealthy food cues with inaction, the associative link between unhealthy, unpalatable food and motoric responses is disrupted.
To investigate the effectiveness of the Go/No-Go training, researchers from the University of Exeter and the University of Helsinki analysed data from the FoodT app. A total of 1234 participants, made up of 857 women and 377 men, contributed data to the study.
Our research suggests that playing this game reduces cravings for foods like chocolate, making them easier to resist and reducing how much is eaten, noted the researchers.
A total of 40% of users adhered to the 10 recommended sessions and that participants who used the app more reported larger reductions of unhealthy food intake and larger increases in healthy food intake.
Our analyses suggest that spacing training out over time is more beneficial than concentrating it, wrote the study authors. Future controlled trials should aim to confirm these observations findings to determine optimal training schedules for potential users.
Source:AppetiteApp-based food Go/No-Go training: User engagement and dietary intake in an opportunistic observational studyPublished online 17 May 2021DOI: Matthias Burkard Aulbach, Keegan Knittle, Samantha Barbara van Beurden, Ari Haukkala
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Iron Deficiency Increasing: What’s Best to Eat – Healthline
Posted: August 12, 2021 at 1:49 am
People in the United States have been eating less red meat and experiencing more iron deficiency anemia.
Thats the conclusion of a new study published in the Journal of Nutrition.
Researchers said that data collected between 1999 and 2018 from the United States Department of Agricultures National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference revealed that there has been a:
Thats not the full story, though.
The researchers also said that theres a decrease in naturally present iron levels in beef and other animal proteins, as well as the plant-based foods they consume.
The decrease in iron levels in foods were detected in more than 62 percent of foods tested in 1999 and again in 2015.
The researchers said its this decrease in iron levels in the foods were eating thats playing the largest role in the increase in iron deficiency anemia.
So, while beef consumption is down, its not the primary cause of higher rates of dietary anemia.
Everyones body processes and uses iron at different efficiency levels [also called bioavailability], said Caroline West Passerrello MS, RDN, LDN, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
The amount of iron used by our bodies for growth and development is based on a variety of factors, including the source of the iron and what else is eaten at the same time, she told Healthline.
Passerrello said there are two sources of iron: iron from animal sources [also known as heme iron] or iron from plant sources [nonheme iron].
Regardless of the source, you still need to eat a balanced diet to ensure that iron is absorbed and that your body can use it properly.
Passarrello said that different foods have different effects on irons efficiency.
Lon Ben-Asher, MS, RD, LD/N, a registered dietician at Pritikin Longevity Center in Florida, echoes the importance of consuming foods rich in vitamin C since it helps to enhance iron absorption.
Ben-Asher recommends focusing on eating these foods for increased bioavailability and utilization of iron in our bodies:
Researchers said the answer is simple.
The way we grow crops [higher yields per acre] is impacting their nutritional value.
When we feed these crops to cattle and other animals, theyre also consuming less iron than before. When we eat these animals, were getting less iron from them because they have less iron to give.
There are other factors at work as well.
Although there may be some reductions in red meat consumption as the plant-based trends have increased, that would likely not explain the full extent of increases seen in iron-deficiency anemias, Ben-Asher told Healthline. Unfortunately, the standard North American diet is focused more on packaged and ultra-processed foods.
This dietary pattern is typically calorie-dense and nutrient poor and this paradigm of less whole, plant-based foods is likely more responsible for inadequate iron intake leading to potential anemias, he said.
All foods provide nutrients, but there are some nutrients we need more of and some nutrients we need less of, according to Passerrello.
She said that no one diet is going to give everyone the nutrients their bodies need and meet everyones taste preferences and budget at the same time.
When I am asked by a client if they should eat or avoid red meat or if they should be a vegetarian or not, I have to ask more questions before I can make an informed recommendation for that person, said Passerrello.
She also encourages clients to look at that word should in their question and to realize they are not obligated to eat one specific way.
I hope more food choices get made based on affordability and taste instead of feelings of obligation, she said.
Women between the ages of 19 and 50 and vegetarians may be particularly impacted by iron level changes in foods and dietary pattern shifts.
Passerrello said that younger women have a recommended dietary allowance for iron of 18 milligrams (mg) per day. One serving of breakfast cereal that has been fortified with 100 percent of recommended daily vitamins will provide 18 mg of iron.
Vegetarians will need to focus on which plant-based options are iron rich because its suggested that vegetarians eat nearly double the daily allowance of iron due to the difference in absorption, said Passerrello.
Passerrellos examples of an iron-rich diet without red meat:
Spinach and tofu egg scramble (8 mg total)
White bean salad with canned tomatoes and hemp hearts (13 mg total)
Trail mix with fortified cereal, cashews, and raisins (5 mg)
Oysters and a baked potato (10 mg)
Consumption of dark green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach, beans and chickpeas, lentils, pumpkin and chia seeds, and whole-grains such as quinoa are excellent sources of nonheme (plant-derived) iron found in plant-based diets, says Ben-Asher.
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Strong muscles, smart eating: Mike Lowes triathlon training includes work in gym and kitchen – WGN TV Chicago
Posted: August 12, 2021 at 1:49 am
After WGNs favorite triathlete Erin Ivory was sidelined from the event after suffering from heart failure, Mike Lowe picked up the baton. Hes running the race in her honor and raising money to fight heart disease.
A triathlon is not only a physical challenge, but also a mental test also.
To complete the grueling back-to-back-to-back swimming, biking and running courses, youve got to have heart, so Lowe is focusing on strength conditioning as part of the program.
Pumping iron, helps get your heart pumping, too.
The American Heart Association recommends that we exercise for at least 150 minutes each week and mix in at least two days of resistance or weight training.
At Strive Village in Wilmette, coach Cam Paulson, who is familiar to WGN viewers for his charitable works has developed a high-intensity weightlifting program that mixes cardio and active rest
He says strength training can help improve both explosive power and enduranceability.
Execrise is one of the keys to heart health.
But as important as the fitness is, food may be even more critical to our cardiovascular systems.
Doctor John Erwin is one of the nations leading cardiologists and the Department of Internal Medicine for NorthShore University Health System.
As many advancements as weve had in cardiovascular care, really the key to it is great nutrition and exercise, food and exercise are medicines, he said.
Erwin said the biggest heart health mistakes people make is in the kitchen.
What is good nutrition? There is just so much information out there right nowthat people can really get off course in terms of what is going to be the best approach to diet, he said. We arent teaching that well in our schools. We arent even teaching that well in our medical schools, to be honest with you.
Weight loss is its own industry. But fad diets rarely work in the long-term and seldom make us healthier. Diets that call for us to cut carbs and boost fats cold lead to low blood pressure or liquid diets like juice cleanses may have too much sugar and not enough fiber. Some dont alllow fruit or certain vegetables. Its all confusing, so Erwin says this is what he recommends:
Most of our foods should be plant based. I think the Mediterranean diet has us eat red meat two to three times a month most Americans eat a lot more red meat than that.
If youd like to help fight heart disease by contributing to the WGN fundraiser for the AHA, go text WGN to 71777.
The Chicago triathlon on August 29.
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Manganese vs. Magnesium: What’s the Difference? – Healthline
Posted: August 12, 2021 at 1:49 am
More than 30 vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients in the human diet.
Your body cant make these nutrients on its own, so you need to get enough of them from food. Essential vitamins and minerals are often present in high amounts in fruits, vegetables, and animal products like meat, milk, and eggs.
Manganese and magnesium are two of the essential minerals. You need to consume enough of each on a regular basis to keep your body working properly.
Though their names sound similar, manganese and magnesium have distinct roles in the body.
This article compares and contrasts the functions, benefits, and safety considerations for the two minerals. It also includes some of the best food sources of each.
One of the main practical differences between manganese and magnesium is the amount of each that you need to consume each day.
Manganese is considered a trace element or a micromineral you only need it in small amounts (1).
Magnesium is a macromineral. On a daily basis, your body needs hundreds of times more magnesium than manganese (1).
Still, the two minerals have similarities. For example, theyre both found in nuts, legumes, leafy vegetables, and whole grains (2, 3).
Whats more, manganese and magnesium both have the chemical structure of metals.
Both can also have toxic effects in large amounts. Thus, its important to use caution if youre taking supplements or have direct exposure to either (2, 3).
Fortunately, its hard to get too much of the minerals from diet alone. When people take too much of these, its usually from supplements or over-the-counter drugs like antacids or laxatives in the case of magnesium (2, 3).
The chart below compares a few more properties of manganese and magnesium (2, 3, 4, 5).
Manganese and magnesium are essential minerals, meaning you need to consume them in your diet. The two have a wide range of functions, yet they share some similar roles, such as supporting bone health and enzyme activity.
Though manganese is a trace mineral your body needs only in small amounts, its functions are widespread and important.
Manganese is essential for many of the small reactions that take place inside your cells, such as helping enzymes carry out bodily activities, including digestion, metabolism, growth, reproduction, and energy production (6, 7, 8, 9).
It also plays a part in antioxidant activity throughout your body (7, 8, 10).
In fact, manganese is a key component of a chemical compound known as manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). This antioxidant is responsible for protecting your cellular machinery from getting damaged by a chemical process called oxidation (8, 11, 12, 13).
Scientists are still working to uncover the exact ways it does so. MnSODs ability to prevent damage to cells means it likely plays an important role in the prevention of cancer and other chronic diseases (8, 11, 14, 15).
As an antioxidant, manganese discourages cellular oxidation and may help prevent chronic disease. Getting enough manganese on a regular basis has also been linked to a number of other health benefits, including:
Manganese is an essential nutrient that humans need to survive and thrive. Its also clear that maintaining normal blood levels of the nutrient is important. Too much or too little can have detrimental side effects (26, 28, 29).
Because manganese can be toxic in large amounts, its important to be especially careful with supplements. Only use manganese supplements under the supervision of a healthcare professional (29).
Being exposed to large amounts of manganese in the environment, such as from welding fumes or contaminated water, can be extremely dangerous. It might even have negative side effects on brain function, motor skills, memory, and mood (30, 31, 32, 33).
Some studies have even linked manganese exposure to an increased risk of osteoporosis in women and intellectual impairment in children (33, 34).
On the other hand, some people dont get enough manganese due to congenital disorders or because they dont consume enough of the mineral in their diet.
Manganese deficiency can contribute to seizures, bone deformities, developmental delays, and disruptions to the menstrual cycle, among other side effects (35, 36, 37, 38).
Manganese is a trace mineral and antioxidant that your body needs in small amounts. Too little manganese may increase the risk of seizures and developmental delays, while too much can have side effects on the brain and nervous system.
Magnesium is one of the most common elements to make up planet Earth, and its also widespread in the human body (39).
The mineral is an important part of cellular activities that trigger enzymes, produce energy, and keep your muscles, including your heart, contracting and relaxing properly. Its similar to manganese in that they both play a significant role in cellular processes (40).
On the other hand, the body needs magnesium in much larger amounts, and some people dont get quite enough of it. The mineral is present in many foods, and its possible to get enough of it from a healthy diet rich in beans, nuts, and whole grains (41, 42, 43).
Nevertheless, some groups of people may be more likely to have a magnesium deficiency. These include older people, those with type 2 diabetes or gastrointestinal conditions, and people with alcohol dependency (3).
Its very hard to get too much magnesium from food, but its more common to see signs of a magnesium overdose from supplements or medications.
For example, magnesium is used as an ingredient in medications like laxatives and antacids, so you might take too much of it if you take those medications in large amounts or alongside magnesium supplements (44).
Magnesium not only plays an important role on the cellular level, but having enough of the mineral in your body may also have the following health benefits (42, 45):
As with manganese, consuming too much or too little magnesium can have significant side effects.
Hypermagnesemia occurs when there is too much magnesium in the bloodstream. Its usually a toxic result of too much magnesium from supplements or medications in people with impaired kidney function (62, 63, 64).
If not quickly addressed, hypermagnesemia could cause issues with the cardiovascular and nervous systems and can even be deadly in severe cases (65, 66).
Hypomagnesemia too little magnesium in the blood is most common among people with health conditions that cause excessive magnesium excretion.
It can also happen in people who have an extremely low intake of magnesium-rich foods for an extended period of time (3, 42).
The side effects may be mild and include nausea, a decreased appetite, and fatigue. However, they could also be as severe as seizures, numbness in the limbs, and an abnormal heart rhythm (3, 62, 67).
Your body uses magnesium to produce energy and keep your heart working properly. To avoid side effects on the cardiovascular system, its important to keep your magnesium blood levels within a normal range.
Manganese and magnesium may sound similar, but they are distinct.
Your body needs both essential minerals, but they have different functions. Your body also needs more magnesium than it does manganese on a daily basis.
One similarity between the two is that theyre both found in nutrient-dense foods like nuts, legumes, whole grains, and vegetables.
Having too little or too much manganese or magnesium in your body can have side effects that range from mild to severe. Therefore, its important to consume a nutrient-rich diet and avoid overexposure from supplements and medications.
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I tried the keto diet to help my epilepsy and it changed my life – Boston Children’s Answers – Boston Children’s Discoveries
Posted: August 12, 2021 at 1:49 am
My name is Dennis. Im 15 years old and live in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Two years ago, I started the keto diet to help my epilepsy and it changed my life. Heres my story
I was 7 when I was diagnosed with epilepsy. I was too young to know what that really meant or understand how it made me different from other people, but I knew something was wrong. For as long as I can remember, I had a hard time finding the right words and getting my ideas across. It was like my mind was in a million different places at once.
I had seizures too, which is what most people probably think of when they hear epilepsy. Id lose consciousness for anywhere from half a second to five seconds not long enough to lose my balance or pass out, but long enough for me and people around me to notice. I never thought much about them, though; they were just something that happened sometimes.
My family and I came to the Epilepsy Center at Boston Childrens Hospital for help after I had tried a few medications and treatments that didnt seem to work and had annoying side effects. We met with Dr.Jeffrey Bolton, who suggested I try the keto diet.
Keto or the ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet. When the body is forced to use fat for energy due to fewer carbohydrates or sugars, ketones are produced. These ketones, which the brain can use as an alternative source of energy, have an anti-epileptic effect on the brain. This can lead to improved seizure control.
Ketosis is complicated, but Dr. Bolton explained things to me in ways I could understand. At the same time, he treated me like an adult and told me that trying keto was 100 percent my decision. He also said for the keto diet to be effective, I had to be 100 percent committed.
Keto is a low-carb, high-fat diet that puts your body into ketosis, which is when theres a large number of ketones in your blood.
Keto is a huge change to how you eat and takes getting used to. My first two weeks were pretty brutal it was hard to give up chips and crackers but now I wouldnt want to go back to how I used to eat. On a typical day, Ill have bacon and eggs for breakfast, meat and cheese for lunch, and Im a big fan of Caesar salad with a lot of dressing for dinner. Ive found almonds to be a good replacement for the chips.
The team at Boston Childrens monitor me closely to make sure Im getting the right nutrients, and they help me manage my medication, which works together with keto to help balance the neurotransmitters in my brain.
Dr. Bolton also helped me identify my triggers and how to control them as much as possible. It turns out that sleep deprivation and long hours of staring at a screen can bring on a seizure for me, so I wear blue light glasses when Im at my computer and make sure I get enough sleep.
Epilepsy kept me from experiencing a lot of typical childhood things, like sleepovers and different sports. But, having limitations also had a bright side: it sparked my interest in theater, and this year I was in a huge stage production for school. I also practice piano and paddle boarding and skiing is my biggest thing.
If I could offer advice to anyone out there who has epilepsy or anything that limits what they do or eat, it would be to always make your quality of life a priority. That may mean doing hard things. For me, that was adjusting to the keto diet. Everything is different for me now. Before, it was like I was seeing through a fog. Now the skies are clear.
Learn more about theEpilepsy Center.
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Providing vitamins to SE Asian women can boost infant health – AroundtheO
Posted: August 12, 2021 at 1:49 am
Polished white rice is a staple of diets in Southeast Asia, which poses a serious public health problem because the grain has been stripped of its vitamins and minerals during processing, according to new research by UO scientists.
White rice lacks thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, an essential nutrient for humans because it helps the bodys cells convert carbohydrates into energy. Thiamine deficiency can lead to cognitive and physical impairments, particularly in infants of breast-feeding mothers who lack the nutrient.
A new study led by psychologists at the UO found that providing thiamine supplements to breast-feeding mothers in Cambodia can help protect the neurocognitive development of their infants and especially benefits their language development.
UO psychologist Jeffrey Measelle is the lead author of the study, published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, and Dare Baldwin, also a psychology professor, is a co-author. The study is one piece of a large interdisciplinary clinical trial involving researchers from Canada, France, Australia, Cambodia and the United States. The two UO psychologists have been colleagues for many years but this is the first time theyve worked together on a research project.
Measelle said hes been working on public health issues in Southeast Asia for a number of years, and he and Baldwin were seeking funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for further research. The foundation was particularly interested in acute thiamine deficiency in infants, known as infantile beriberi, that causes cognitive damage and can kill babies.
The foundation connected Measelle and Baldwin with nutritionist Kyly Whitfield and colleagues at Mount Saint Vincent University in Nova Scotia. The nutritionists had been investigating the benefits of supplement techniques and wanted to know the best methods for measuring cognitive development in infants, which is where Measelle and Baldwin came in.
The researchers recruited 335 healthy mothers of breastfed newborns in Kampong, Cambodia. Two weeks after giving birth, women were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups to receive one capsule a day of varying amounts of thiamine: 0 milligrams, 1.2 milligrams, 2.4 milligrams and 10 milligrams. Supplementation began when infants were 2 weeks old, and continued until they were 24 weeks. Neurocognitive assessments took place when infants were 2 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks and at a 52-week follow-up, using multiple methods of measuring cognitive development.
Analysis of the results indicated that the highest dose of 10 milligrams per day provided significant benefits for infants language development but generally not for motor or visual reception development. Preliminary evidence also suggests that infants neurocognitive development may benefit most if the mother begins taking supplements while pregnant.
For me personally, given that much of my work is focused on prenatal development, Measelle said, we need to go back to an earlier stage and protect fetal development during pregnancy so when the infant is born, they start at a better place and keep going.
The researchers also concluded infants would benefit from continued thiamine supplementation beyond six months.
If we can protect the first 1,000 days of life, that would help to cover what is arguably the most critical period of development, Measelle said.
Thiamine deficiency is rare in western societies because its readily available in the diet in the form of legumes, whole grains, pork and other foods. In Southeast Asia, a bowl of rice for an entire day might be all that some can afford to eat, Baldwin said. And unfortunately, a commonly available type of fish that is eaten in Cambodia actually depletes thiamine.
In Cambodia, roughly 50 percent of adults are stunted because of malnutrition, the outward sign of micronutrient deficiencies, including thiamine deficiency, that also compromises immune systems, brain development and cognitive function, Baldwin said.
One idea to get more thiamine into the diets of Cambodians would be to fortify salt with the nutrient, just as salt has been fortified with iodine in the United States since the 1920s. Getting the correct dose will require more research, Measelle and Baldwin said.
Cambodian scientists and public health officials are supportive of the researchers work, Measelle said.
They know babies are vulnerable and all too often dying because of thiamine deficiencies, he said. We have a strong partnership with our Cambodian colleagues and were already talking about the next phases of work.
By Tim Christie, University Communications
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