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Becker delays Sunnyside ‘road diet’ after bumpy reception
Posted: February 16, 2012 at 5:14 am
East-bench angst is ballooning over Sunnyside Avenue’s "road diet," and now a war of words between Mayor Ralph Becker and the Salt Lake City Council has scuttled the six-week test.
Initially planned to start this month, the experiment sought to replace one westbound lane of traffic between Guardsman Way and Foothill Drive — and perhaps an eastbound lane later — with a bicycle lane.
Residents who rely on the east-west corridor went berserk, complaining that slimming the thoroughfare would spray cars into their neighborhoods, jeopardizing child safety. It is "patently irresponsible," they argued, to squeeze the east bench’s primary artery to downtown.
"We in these neighborhoods are going to be left with the disaster," resident Loree Hagen told the council.
Similar protests and more than 100 angry emails prompted new Councilman Charlie Luke to pen Becker a letter, calling instead for keeping four traffic lanes but eliminating the center turn lane. Pointing to "a lot of unnecessary controversy," the missive was signed by three other council members, making a voting majority.
"This option would benefit Sunnyside residents by creating a ‘complete street,’ " the letter reads. It would provide space for expanded and safer bike lanes, give east-siders who rely on Sunnyside access to downtown, Research Park and the University of Utah, keep traffic from diverting into Yalecrest neighborhoods, and ensure commuters can use all four lanes.
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Known for high speeds and difficult crossing by foot, Sunnyside has been debated and repeatedly studied for a decade. The road diet, funded by a previous council, is part of the capital’s Complete Streets initiative, a citywide effort to design and operate streets safely for motorists, bicyclists, transit riders and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.
In a response letter, Becker notes a road-diet test is crucial to let engineers study auto, pedestrian and bicycle patterns.
"Not doing so is a significant departure from the city’s current approach to redesigning streets using the complete-streets philosophy," Becker writes. "Given this apparent change in policy direction, I ask that you revisit, with the rest of the council and in a public meeting, what the council intends with its complete-streets ordinance and policy and how it applies to the 800 South-Sunnyside roadway."
Until then, Becker has ordered that the six-week test be delayed.
In a recent meeting, the mayor’s chief of staff rejected rumblings that "the test is not a test — and we are trying to fool you" into making the lane reductions permanent. "That is not the case," David Everitt told a group of residents.
The frustration is raw, said resident Ryan Bell, since it follows the 1300 East pedestrian-crossing moves and Yalecrest’s historic district debate. "Here we go again," Bell said. "We are again having a solution imposed by our city government that frankly, a very, very small number of people were asking for."
Yalecrest resident Bonnie Barker said more input should be solicited, especially from parents ferrying kids to nearby schools. "Mothers who are carpooling in vans to these six schools," she said, "are not going to be riding bicycles."
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New Cookbook Series Expands Upon Blood Type Diet
Posted: February 16, 2012 at 5:13 am
WILTON, Conn., Feb. 15, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, author of the New York Times best-selling book, Eat Right for Your Type, as well as several other books on diet and nutrition, has collaborated with cooking show producer Kristin O'Connor to create a series of four new e-cookbooks aimed at people following the Blood Type Diet and anyone interested in healthy and delicious meals. The books, Personalized Living Using the Blood Type Diet, are available today through Amazon.
The goal in creating the cookbooks was to simplify eating and living according to blood type. Each book includes 150 recipes, menu planning strategies and pantry-stocking tips.
Says author Kristin O'Connor, "To combine my philosophies on health with my love of cooking by writing this series of cookbooks is sincerely a dream come true. I came to see Dr. D'Adamo as a patient and I have never been healthier; but more than that, I have been able to see first-hand how dramatically he changes the lives of so many patients who walk through his door, read his books or follow his web forums. My intent with this cookbook and series is to make life a little easier (and certainly tastier) once you have started eating right for your blood type."
Each cookbook has been specifically designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of people following D'Adamo's guidelines for their blood type: A, B, AB and O. As a continuation of the lifestyle cookbooks, O'Connor has a Personalized Living Using the Blood Type Diet blog,, where she contributes new recipes and tips on living according to the Blood Type Diet, from eating out at restaurants to shopping for ingredients.
Kristin O'Connor is chef, cooking show producer and food consultant. After suffering from multiple health issues that were unsuccessfully treated with traditional medicine, O'Connor sought alternative means of healing and changed her diet. In doing so, her perspective on food and cooking changed dramatically, and inspired her to pursue a career in the culinary arts. As an associate producer, she assisted in developing cooking shows for Food Network and the Cooking Channel. She also acts as a dietary consultant, helping families who have been placed on restrictive diets to adapt to their new dietary guidelines. Personalized Living Using the Blood Type Diet is her first cookbook series.
The books have been published in e-book format by Drum Hill Publishing, Wilton, Connecticut.
CONTACT: Ann Quasarano
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Diet Drug Banned in MIssissippi
Posted: February 16, 2012 at 5:13 am
Memphis, Tn - A diet plan that has gotten rave reviews from some is now being banned in the state of Mississippi. Patients claimed to lose up to 20-pounds in a month.
"I was a candidate for surgery. I was 226 pounds. I'm 5 foot 1 and 1/2. I was big," says Sonceria Cole.
That was before the HCG diet. She lost 62 pounds last year.
HCG is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone produced during pregnancy.
"Theoretically, at least in pregnancy, it's supposed to help catabolize or break down fats in your own body," says pulmonary and critical care Dr. Bo Adams.
Cole did the 23-day diet plan twice a year ago. Now, she's starting it for the third time, "This is my 3rd day and I weighed in today at 8 1/2 pounds less."
Dr. Adams says, "Most people tend to lost 10-15 pounds in the first 2 weeks."
This diet plan is not without controversy. In December, the FDA banned over-the-counter sale of HCG "drops, pellets, and sprays." They warned that they are, "unproven to help with weight loss and are potentially dangerous."
Adams says the prescription only inject-able is different. It is FDA approved for female infertility, not for weight loss. But, patient's losing extreme weight with this diet plan caught his attention.
Adams was looking for a way to help obese patients lose weight, so they can breathe easier.
He says his research shows, "Something works. Whether it's HCG, whether it's the diet, whether it's the placebo, whether it's my award-winning personality...something works."
Lena Muhammad lost 40 pounds after two 23-day cycles of the HCG diet. She's kept it off for more than a year.
The diet plan includes daily self-injections of HCG for 23 days and a strict diet of 500 calories a day.
"People think, '500 calories I'm starving.' But, you are not. It curbs your appetite," says Cole.
For $300 you get a doctor's examination and a 23-day supply of pre-loaded shots. But, you have to change your eating habits.
"We've had some people unfortunately they did it, lost the weight, went back to their prior eating habits and weight came back on. You have to make some commitment to a change," says Adams.
It has been banned in the state of Mississippi, because the FDA has not approved it for weight loss.
But, if the injections and 500-calorie a day diet don't turn you off, check with your doctor before using.
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Diet Plans Safety Revealed- Compelling Report – Video
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 10:36 pm
13-02-2012 19:17 In this compelling report we Reveal the safety of various diet plans and how they work and can effect you in your weight loss struggles. We reveal prescription drugs, over the counter diet pills,and herbal supplements. We also review the Saturday Morning Diet and how it compares to other plans. Bill and Joan Loganeski have discovered a meal replacement you can make at home for very little money and when combined with our Saturday Morning Diet plan it will help you lose the weight. The Saturday Morning Diet channel is our educational and information channel to help you use lose weight in a healthy way. weight loss, exercise, free, meals, meal plan, diets, program, easy, healthy, foods, quick, rapid, diet, health, "weight loss"
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Gluten Free Diets Becoming an Unhealthy Trend
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 4:38 am
Reporter: James Gherardi l Videographer: Jonathan Merryman
Danville, VA – The gluten free craze started when more and more Americans discovered they had an allergy to gluten and wheat products. But now, the practice has spread. People are looking to gluten free in an attempt to lose weight, but does it work? And more importantly, is it healthy?
Eating muffins, cookies, pasta and pretzels to lose weight may sound too good to be true. Anderia Dalton, the assistant manager of Next Level Nutrition in Danville, says some of the gluten-free food tastes really good, are, especially the cookies. She says the craze is cashing in.
"We get an order every two weeks and we sell out pretty well in between times. So there's definitely a need for it," said Dalton.
It's become a popular diet option, with grocery stores now offering shelves full of wheat and gluten free products. But dieters beware.
"People that should be on a gluten free diet have been diagnosed by their doctor as either having gluten intolerance or having celiac disease," said nutritionist Jennifer Dietz.
Nutritionists say going on a gluten free diet is only for those with a wheat allergy. The common misconception is that a gluten free diet is a carb free diet.
"Those calories would be the same. Those are still starches, so if you remove a starch if it's coming from wheat, you still have a starch if it's coming from rice or corn or potato. So, you're just exchanging carb for carb," said Dietz.
Nutritionally, many gluten free products are unhealthier than their conventional counter parts. One brand of gluten free pretzels for instance has more calories, fat, and sodium per serving.
Not only are there major differences in calories and fat between gluten free and conventional products, but major differences in price as well. Conventional pasta is $1.79 and gluten free is $5.59. Conventional corn flakes are $3.69 gluten free is $5.49. The same goes for snacks, conventional pretzels are $3.29 and gluten free ones are $8.39.
So if you're trying to lose weight - don't fall for the fad. Gluten free doesn't mean healthier.
"A calorie is a calorie, wherever it's coming from. If you want to lose weight, you've got to eat less than you normally eat consistently, day in and day out," said Dietz.
Nutrition experts we spoke with say they've seen a recent increase in wheat allergies. If you think you may be allergic to gluten, be sure to consult your doctor.
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Gluten Free Diets Becoming an Unhealthy Trend
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Why Do Both Vegan
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 4:38 am
12-02-2012 23:06 Helping people improve their lives by improving their diet, communication, relationships, and finances. I also help with animal health as well. Learn how to live an abundant life, humans and animals together. I provide health education for FREE on youtube, if you have a question about health for you, your family, or your animal, leave your questions below in the comments, on my youtube profile, facebook, twitter, tumblr. If you would like to donate for these services, feel free to leave to donation via paypal to Donate: Raw Vegan Protein Friend Me on Facebook: Follow Me on Twitter: @BrandonCiintron2 Work From Home:
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Healthier? Nuts to that
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 4:38 am
Nuts are good — but in moderation, and hold the salt. As for beer, forget the low-carb versions. Photo: Marina Oliphant
From the dangers of eggs to the benefits of low-fat diets, nutritionist Nicole Senior debunks seven popular food myths.
Low-fat diet is best for weight loss
THE most famous fall guy for the obesity epidemic is dietary fat and we are still living with the legacy of the ''low-fat'' mantra. Just look at the abundance of ''low-fat'' and ''light'' foods in supermarkets.
Weight loss is the result of eating fewer kilojoules and exercising more. The trick is to maintain a high nutrient intake in fewer kilojoules - this is where food choice is paramount.
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Choosing the most nutrient-dense foods from all food groups will ensure you stay well-nourished at the same time as burning body fat. A fat-free diet does not contain enough essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, and leaves a massive flavour black hole.
A Cochrane Review (the ant's pants of scientific studies) of research concluded low-fat diets had no advantage over kilojoule-restricted diets for weight loss. You can still lose weight eating healthy fats, as long as your diet is kilojoule-controlled. A healthy diet contains about 30 per cent of kilojoules as fat.
Foods low in fat are not necessarily low in kilojoules. Those with a low moisture content, such as ''baked not fried'' or ''light'' biscuits, crackers and crisps, are great examples of foods that are still high in kilojoules despite being made to a lower fat recipe.
There is a place for low-fat foods - in the dairy aisle. Because dairy is a major source of artery-clogging saturated fat, low-fat versions of these nutrient-rich foods are recommended for everyone aged over two.
Nuts are fattening
THIS is one of those ''too much of a good thing'' stories. Nuts (along with seeds) are nutrition powerhouses packed with protein, vitamins, fibre, good fats and essential minerals. They also have lots of kilojoules thanks to a high (good) unsaturated fat content.
We need some nuts. To keep your heart healthy, it is a good idea to tuck into a handful or two (depending on your energy needs) of unsalted nuts each day or have some nut butter on your toast. Or add nuts to your cooking.
Portion caution is the issue with nuts - they are so moreish many people find it hard to stop.
Butter is better than margarine
I'VE done some consulting work for a company that makes margarine, so I have some inside information on this one. I've had long chats with food technologists whose job it is to tweak the recipe, and talked to top-notch scientists to sort through the evidence.
I eat margarine myself and recommend it over butter to my family and friends.
Margarine is made from vegetable oils, with just enough hard fat (often palm oil) to make it spreadable. It has vitamins A and D added (required by law), an emulsifier (often lecithin from soybeans) to stop it separating, a little salt for taste, natural colour and a preservative to keep it fresh.
Sometimes a little milk is added, also for taste. About 99 per cent of the ingredients in a typical margarine spread are from natural sources (the preservative is not). Margarine is not much more processed than butter.
To be fair, margarines developed a bad reputation because of the presence of trans-fats.
These bad fats are produced when liquid oils are partially hydrogenated to make them solid at room temperature. However, when the science emerged that these were harmful, reputable manufacturers changed the way they made table margarine.
There may be a few cheap variants that still contain some trans-fat - check the label before buying.
Butter is made from cream and is almost 70 per cent saturated fats that increase cholesterol. Every tablespoon of butter is eating the equivalent of two tablespoons of pure cream- not milk - which is why it isn't part of the dairy food group.
Eating butter and cream will increase your blood cholesterol and they don't give you any calcium.
Butter is 80 per cent fat but contains no essential fats (omega-6 and omega-3). Although it does contain some vitamin A, so does margarine. It's a real ''sometimes food'' - all about taste and nothing about health.
Sea salt is healthier
SEA salt oozes natural food cred, with exotic and expensive, coloured single-origin salt revered by chefs and gourmets. The fact is, although sea salt (or any other fancy kind of salt) may add subtle differences in flavour and texture, it contains just as much harmful sodium as regular ''el cheapo'' table salt. In terms of mineral content, the amounts are so small you would need to poison yourself with sodium to obtain useful quantities of minerals that are otherwise found in nutritious foods.
Eggs increase cholesterol
EVER wondered why egg-white omelettes became so popular? Heaven knows, it wasn't for the flavour. Eggs were shunned because of their cholesterol content. But looking a little deeper, we find eating eggs is not linked with higher rates of heart disease. Although eggs contain cholesterol, eating eggs in moderation as part of a heart-friendly diet low in saturated fat will not adversely affect the blood-cholesterol level of most people.
Blood-cholesterol levels are far more influenced by how much saturated and trans-fat you eat than dietary cholesterol.
Frozen foods are less nutritious than fresh
THE usual suspect for this popular myth is vegetables. And it's probably true: nothing will be more nutritious and tasty than vegetables freshly picked from the garden and served the same day.
These days, frozen vegetables come close. They are picked at their peak and snap-frozen within hours, which makes them a nutritious option. In fact, frozen peas will retain more of their vitamins and minerals than the shelled pre-packed peas on the greengrocer's shelf.
Low-carb beer is healthier
LOW-CARB beer is a classic case of wishful thinking, or perhaps an example of ignoring the elephant in the room. Yet low-carb beers are still a hit. How could so many people have been hoodwinked into thinking a beer with fewer carbs is healthier when it's the alcohol content that's the problem.
The first, rather obvious, thing to point out is beer contains low levels of carbohydrates. The average lager-style beer contains only 2 per cent carbohydrate (sugars) by volume, or 7.5 grams in a 375-millilitre can. As a point of comparison, soft drinks contain 40 grams (eight teaspoons) of sugar in every 375-millilitre can. You should know carbohydrates are not especially fattening, although sugars in drinks are not nutritious.
The real nail in the coffin of logic behind the marketing of low-carb beers is that they contain the same level of alcohol as regular beers, and the alcohol is the kilojoule (calorie) culprit, contributing 75 per cent of the total.
If you really want to curb the kilojoules, then drinking low-alcohol or ''light'' beer makes more sense. Or, better still, less beer.
Nicole Senior is an accredited practising dietitian and nutritionist. This is an edited extract from her book Food Myths, published by New Holland ($16.95).
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Corporate wellness guru
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 4:38 am
LIFESTYLE-related diseases can be prevented with the right combination of physical fitness and by incorporating a healthy diet, according to wellness guru and founder of HealthPro Solutions Sdn Bhd, Wong Yu Jin.
The 34-year-old, who is also the official wellness coach of Miss Universe Malaysia 2012 and the resident health expert for Esquire magazine as well as the Jam Break on Capital FM (at 6pm on Thursdays), is living proof that with the right mindset and guidance, one can adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Wong actually has a double degree in law and finance. He was propelled into setting up a corporate wellness business after experiencing taxing and late working hours, which did not give him any time for exercising.
?It all started about five years ago when I was in the law and banking sector. The lifestyle was not what I thought it would be. Being stuck in the office for long hours was bad for my health and it made me feel sick. I wanted a lifestyle change but I also wanted to change others to start living healthily. That was when I thought of going into corporate wellness,? said Wong.
He quit his job and spent the next two-and a-half-years becoming a qualified sports and fitness coach under the International Sports Science Association and obtained a degree in nutrition from the Global Institute for Alternative Medicine. Wong is also a certified hypnotherapist under the American Board of Hypnothera-pist, a certified neuro linguistic programming practitioner, a TLT consultant and a masterclass trainer.
The focus of HealthPro Solutions is corporate wellness and helping companies take care of the health of their staff.
?Healthy employees translate into higher productivity in an organisation. Corporate wellness is a relatively new concept in Malaysia.
?Prevention is key because medical inflation in Malaysia is increasing around 15% each year and is expected to double in years to come,? explained Wong.
Due to his background, he said he could easily relate to the problems of busy working people. ?I know what it is like working until late at night, which is why I can structure a suitable fitness programme that can save time and improve health.?
The three major myths when it comes to health and fitness, according to Wong, are having no time to exercise, that it is too expensive and it is hard to eat healthily in Malaysia.
?Time constraint is the biggest excuse. I don?t tell people to join gyms but instead incorporate practical exercises into their daily schedule. When it comes to food, it?s about making the correct choices. I eat out most of the time and I can safely say you can make healthy options, even at the mamak eateries,? he said.
Healthier options for protein include tandoori chicken or fish tikka. ?The meat is grilled and not fried. For carbohydrates, choose thosai or chappati instead of mee goreng or roti canai. One should eat less white rice, white bread and pasta. Vegetables, too, should not be drenched in oil nor cooked in coconut milk. I also tell my clients to avoid sugary and fizzy drinks as much as possible. Consume more fruits but try to avoid excessive consumption of jackfruit, langsat, durian and mangosteens as these have high sugar contents.? Food portioning and cooking style are also important.
?You get the same satiety when you eat a plate of mee goreng as a bowl of mee soup. The latter has less calories.?
With all the books on fitness and health available in the market, how does one know what sort of fitness regimens is suitable for them?
?Many of my clients get confused with the different regimens and they tend to change their workout techniques. I have a set system on how to do things. My advice is trust me, stick with it and you will see results.?
Wong said there were also specific training styles for women and men.
?The men more often want to achieve bulk and be muscular. For women, they prefer toning and definition. Some just want to be slim and do not care about definition.
?People need to know that the genetic make-up of men and women is different and this needs to be taken into account before embarking on a fitness plan,? he highlighted.
He said it was shocking when people do not realise the danger of being overweight.
?We always encourage companies to measure the body mass index (BMI) of their staff as it is a proven indicator of obesity. It is scary how people don?t see obesity as a threat,? he added.
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Salt Lake City councilman questions need for controversial lane-reduction test
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 4:38 am
Published: Monday, Feb. 13, 2012 8:37 p.m. MST
SALT LAKE CITY — A first-year city councilman is asking Mayor Ralph Becker and city transportation officials to abandon plans to test lane reductions on Sunnyside Avenue, saying the proposal has created "unnecessary controversy."
In a letter sent to Becker last week, Salt Lake City Councilman Charlie Luke cautions that proceeding with the planned six-week "road diet" between Guardsman Way and Foothill Drive "has the potential of hindering community support for many other 'Complete Streets' concepts that could also work on Sunnyside."
The letter is signed by Luke and fellow councilmen Soren Simonsen, Carlton Christensen and Kyle LaMalfa — representing a majority of the seven-member City Council.
Later this month or in early March, city transportation officials plan to temporarily reduce the number of travel lanes on a stretch of Sunnyside Avenue from five — two lanes in each direction and a median/turn lane — to four by converting one westbound lane into a bike lane.
Depending on data collected, the testing phase could be modified in April to include one eastbound lane being converted into a bike lane.
The project is part of the city's Complete Streets initiative, a citywide effort to design and operate streets safely for all users — pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities.
Transportation consultants Fehr & Peers recommended that Salt Lake City use a resurfacing project already scheduled for this summer to determine whether reducing lanes for motorists would work on Sunnyside Avenue.
Luke says feedback he's received from residents who would be most impacted by the lane reduction has been "overwhelmingly negative," with many neighbors worried about traffic backing up along Sunnyside and spilling onto neighborhood streets.
Luke favors an option that would maintain two travel lanes in each direction and still move forward with Complete Street concepts on Sunnyside Avenue by removing the center turn lane in some locations and replacing it with a narrow, landscaped median.
That plan was suggested by the consultants as an option in the event the road diet didn't work for Sunnyside Avenue.
"This will accomplish many of the Complete Streets goals without unnecessarily eliminating traffic lanes," Luke states in the letter. "It will also allow the community to focus on its common goals of better livability instead of the primary point of disagreement, which is lane elimination."
Becker spokesman Art Raymond says the mayor "remains supportive of the test" and believes it's "the best way to evaluate traffic calming strategies on Sunnyside Avenue."
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Fit City is ready to inspire everyone to get in shape
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 4:38 am
by Mike Ryan - Feb. 13, 2012 09:11 AM
General Manager
One of NBC's more popular shows is "The Biggest Loser."
The program challenges and encourages overweight contestants to shed pounds safely through diet and exercise with a grand prize of $250,000.
In reality, the program should be called, "The Biggest Winners" because these people are doing something about their health.
Who are "The Biggest Losers"? Those people who aren't doing a thing to help themselves and get in better shape. That's why Fit City Scottsdale was created.
This community has lots to be proud of, but one of them is not the significant number of people who are overweight or obese. They are not only a drag on themselves but on the medical system as a whole.
Fit City Scottsdale's purpose is to encourage people to live healthier, fitter lives.
If you are interested in doing that -- and who shouldn't be? -- here's a great event for you.
Next Saturday, Fit City Scottsdale will hold its community health and wellness expo.
This free event, geared for all ages, will take place at Scottsdale Community College from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Here's some of what you'll find:
A 5K run and a 1-mile fun run/walk for families.
More than 100 booths with great information to live healthier, fitter lives.
Plenty of sports demonstrations, including hands-on activities.
Healthy cookoffs and 15 restaurants on site.
Plenty of characters, including Transformers, Batman and your favorite mascots participating in an Olympics beginning at 10:30 a.m.
Kudos to Scottsdale Healthcare for taking the lead with Fit City Scottsdale and to Shape Up US for co-sponsoring the event.
Thanks also to all the other contributors, including SCC for hosting the event.
As a founder of Fit City Scottsdale, health and wellness is a passion of mine.
There are many things we can't control in life, but improving one's health is not one of them.
Every person can do something, from just walking to the corner of their street to refusing a second or third helping of their favorite food.
Too often people say, "I don't know where to start?"
Well, start with doing a little exercise and limiting your food intake.
You will be amazed at how much better you'll feel.
Instead, some people seem to revel in their self-induced pity party.
Americans on a whole are getting fatter, and that's scary.
Obesity costs the country a staggering $147 billion a year in weight-related medical costs, according to government data in a USA Today article.
A big clamor from citizens about government is cutting America's waste.
Let's also start cutting America's waist.
And Scottsdale should lead the way.
If you're looking for encouragement and great ways to live a fitter, healthier life, then Fit City Scottsdale is for you.
Hope to see you next Saturday.
Michael Ryan is vice president of the community Republics and general manager of the Scottsdale Republic. He is a founder of Fit City Scottsdale. He can be reached at or at 602-444-5810. For information, please go to or contact Jyl Steinback, executive director of Shape Up US, at or 602-996-6300.
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