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Diet Monday: The Alkaline Diet
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 4:38 am
PALM DESERT - What do some of Hollywood's leading ladies, fashion experts and the NFL's leading players all have in common? Their diet plan. It's called the Alkaline Diet.
The diet is based on the philosophy that feeling out of balance isn't just a mind game. It's rooted in your body chemistry.
For years, a mysterious illness was sidelining Jan Brehm, an Alkaline Dieter. "I have been in the emergency rooms three times thinking I had a heart attack, and it was acid," Brehm claims. Jan thought her eating habits could be the culprit, so she decided to try the alkaline diet.
Registered dietician Erin Palinski says it's based on the philosophy that what we eat and drink affects our body chemistry, or p-h level, which is naturally "alkaline" at 7.4. The goal is to keep that level in check.
"The people that promote the alkaline diet state that by being able to increase your intake of alkaline forming foods, and decrease your intake of acidic foods, you can actually alter the chemistry in your body," says Palinski.
Promoting things like weight loss, improved immunity, and even disease prevention, celebrity nutritionist Dr. Lindsey Duncan is a proponent of the alkaline diet. He says our meals are increasingly acidic, and our bodies are paying the price.
"Cardiovascular disease, depression, forgetfulness, poor mood, mind, memory," all things affected by diet says Duncan.
To reverse this, Dr. Duncan recommends avoiding meals packed with acidic foods like wheat, dairy, meat, fish, sugar, and caffeine. Instead, he says, load your plate with p-h balancers.
"Anything that's dark, leafy, and green. The general rule of thumb is the more bitter your foods, the more alkaline," says Duncan
Other examples include watermelon, almonds, oranges and apples. Jan says she felt a difference within days of making the switch.
"Not only does the fatigue lift, but the mood shift, energy," Brehm claims.
Palinski says that while the alkaline diet dishes up healthy foods with actual science behind them, when it comes to p-h level. there have been no human medical research studies that prove any of the claims of the alkaline diet.
"Our body really naturally, unless we have some kind of health problem, is going to keep our pH within the optimal level," Palinski says. She says the diet can also be restrictive, and some take it to the extreme, consuming supplements that promise to boost your ph, or even ingesting baking soda.
"This can make the body too alkaline and bring it outside of the optimal range, and that can actually have potentially deadly side effects," warns Palinski
But Dr. Duncan says there are plenty of studies that show the health benefits of alkaline foods, and that balance is the key.
"The proper ratio of food is 70-75% alkaline and 25-30% acid," says Duncan.
While experts continue to debate the food and p-h level connection, Jan says she is a believer.
"All I have is what I've experienced, and the difference that I feel is night and day," says Brehm.
Some alkaline dieters test their p-h daily with strips, which are available at the drugstore.
Dr. Dan Cosgrove who practices internal and preventatvie medicine at Wellmax in La Quinta says his take on the diet is that it is healthy. He says eating alkaline foods - like leafy greens - are always better for you than eating acidic foods like meat and processed foods. He says our bodies mantain blood p-h very tightly at about 7-point-4 and ph doesn't actually change that much at all with diet.
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Atkins Diet Plan Ideal for Those with Fat Preference Gene
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 4:38 am
DENVER, Feb. 13, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- According to a new study the preference for fatty foods has a genetic basis, and those with certain forms of the CD36 gene may like high-fat foods more than those who have other forms of this gene. The results may help explain why some people struggle when placed on a low-fat diet and may one day assist people in selecting diets that are the best fit for them to follow. Atkins™, the original and leading low-carb weight-loss plan based on an extensive scientific body of research, is a better alternative for those who require a low-carb, higher-fat diet in order to lose and maintain weight.
"Fat is universally palatable to humans," says lead author Kathleen Keller, assistant professor of nutritional sciences, Penn State. "Yet we have demonstrated for the first time that people who have particular forms of the CD36 gene tend to like higher-fat foods more and may be at greater risk for obesity compared to those who do not have this form of the gene. Our study is one of the first to show this relationship in humans."
According to Colette Heimowitz, M.Sc., vice president of nutrition and education for Atkins Nutritionals, Inc., "This study illustrates why some diets simply do not work for certain people who would fare better on a higher-fat, low-carbohydrate plan. We already know that Atkins offers a scientifically proven alternative that delivers better weight loss and health marker improvements among those who have carb intolerance, including those with metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes or insulin resistance. Now we have a test that can help individuals identify their individual tendency and therefore prevent issues of sugar metabolism disorders by following a higher-fat, lower-carbohydrate program before obesity occurs."
Given that the Atkins Diet™ reduces carbohydrates during weight loss, the dieter is directed to increase their healthy carb intake until they find their personal carb balance – the level where their body can effectively metabolize carbs and burn fat for fuel while maintaining long-term weight loss. Atkins is unique in that no other weight-loss and maintenance program does this. The Atkins Diet is backed by more than 80 published, peer-reviewed studies conducted over the past several decades.
The study "Common Variants in the CD36 Gene are Associated with Oral Fat Perception, Fat Preferences, and Obesity in African Americans," was led by a team of scientists from Penn State, Columbia University and Rutgers University who examined 317 African-American males and females because individuals in this ethnic group are highly vulnerable to obesity and thus are at greatest risk for obesity-related diseases.
"Our results may help explain why some people have more difficulty adhering to a low-fat diet than others and why these same people often have better compliance when they adopt higher-fat, low-carbohydrate diets. The Atkins Diet is one example," says Keller.
About Atkins Nutritionals, Inc.
Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. is a leader in the $2.4 billion weight control nutrition category, and offers a powerful lifetime approach to weight loss and management. The Atkins Diet focuses on a healthy diet with reduced levels of refined carbohydrates and added sugars and encourages the consumption of protein, fiber, fruits, vegetables and good fats. Backed by research and consumer success stories, this approach allows the body to burn more fat and work more efficiently while helping individuals feel less hungry, more satisfied and more energetic.
Atkins Nutritionals, Inc., manufactures and sells a variety of nutrition bars and shakes designed around the nutritional principles of the Atkins Diet™. Atkins' four product lines: Advantage®, Day Break™, Endulge™ and Cuisine™ appeal to a broad audience of both men and women who want to achieve their weight management goals and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Atkins products are available online at and in more than 30,000 locations throughout the U.S. and internationally. For more information, visit
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Mediterranean Diet May Protect Brain
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 4:38 am
Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Small Blood Vessel Damage in the Brain
Feb 13, 2012 -- Chalk up another possible benefit to following a Mediterranean diet.
A new study suggests that people who follow a Mediterranean-style diet have less small blood vessel damage in the brain.
The Mediterranean diet is based on the diets of the populations bordering the Mediterranean Sea, such as Italy and Greece.
The diet emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, whole grains, legumes, monounsaturated fats like olive oil, and moderate amounts of alcohol. It has a low amount of red meat, saturated fats like butter, and refined grains.
Mediterranean Diet May Protect Blood Vessels
Eating a Mediterranean diet has already been linked to a lower risk of what’s called the metabolic syndrome, heart disease, stroke, and dementia.
But researchers say no study has looked at the diet’s possible link to white matter hyperintensity volume (WMHV) in the brain, which might help explain some of these beneficial effects.
WMHV is an indicator of small blood vessel damage in the brain and is detected by magnetic resonance screening (MRI). WMHV can be found in the average person as he or she ages. Previous studies have shown that high amounts of WMHV in the brain can predict a higher risk of stroke and dementia.
In the study, researchers compared the brain scans and diets of 966 adults with an average age of 72. The participants’ reported diets were rated according to how closely they followed a Mediterranean diet.
The results showed that those who most closely followed a Mediterranean diet had a lower measure of WMHV than those who did not. Each increase in the Mediterranean diet score was associated with a corresponding decrease in white matter hyperintensity volume score.
This benefit remained consistent even after adjusting for other risk factors for small blood vessel damage in the brain, like smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, and abnormal cholesterol levels.
Diet as a Whole Important
Researchers say the aspect of the Mediterranean diet that seemed to matter most was the ratio of monounsaturated fat to saturated fat.
Monounsaturated fats are found in many vegetable oils, avocados, and nuts. Saturated fats are mainly found in meat and dairy products, as well as in some processed foods.
But researcher Hannah Gardener, ScD, of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and colleagues say their results suggest that “overall dietary pattern, rather than any of the individual components,” may be more relevant in explaining the healthy benefits of the Mediterranean diet.
The results appear in the Archives of Neurology.
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Mediterranean Diet May Protect Brain
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A Mediterranean diet may promote brain health: study
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 4:38 am
The Mediterranean diet has been linked to a host of health benefits, including a lower risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. A study finds that the diet may also be associated with a decreased chance of small vessel damage in the brain.
The diet, popular in Mediterranean countries, includes little red meat but lots of fresh vegetables and fruit, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy monosaturated fats from olive oil and nuts.
In the study, released Monday in the Archives of Neurology, researchers analyzed diet information on 966 people, average age 72, who answered a food questionnaire to see how close they came to consuming a Mediterranean diet. The participants also underwent magnetic resonance imaging to measure white matter hyperintensity volume. White matter hyperintensity, according to the authors, is an indicator of small vessel damage. That damage can be part of the normal aging process but is also linked with risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes and smoking.
The consequences can be serious, increasing the chances of stroke and dementia in more serious cases.
Overall, researchers found that adhering more closely to a Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower incidence of white matter hyperintensity volume, and that remained after controlling for risk factors such as smoking, physical activity, high blood pressure and diabetes.
Among other findings: More men than women stuck to a Mediterranean diet, and those who were more physically active were also more apt to eat more foods associated with the diet.
While the results suggested that the ratio of monosaturated fat to saturated fat may be a key component in determining levels of white matter hyperintensity volume. However, the authors added that the overall diet, rather than specific pieces of it, may be more important.
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A Mediterranean diet may promote brain health: study
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Mediterranean Diet Might Be Healthier for Brain
Posted: February 14, 2012 at 4:38 am
MONDAY, Feb. 13 (HealthDay News) -- Eating a Mediterranean-style diet appears to reduce damage to small blood vessels in the brain, a new study says.
Researchers tracked the brain health of almost a thousand people who completed a questionnaire that scored how closely they followed a Mediterranean-type regimen. This diet emphasizes plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts, and using olive oil rather than fats like butter, according to the American Heart Association. The diet discourages eating red meat more than a few times a month, if at all, and advises taking in moderate amounts of fish and poultry. Red wine, in moderation, is optional.
The researchers found that about 27 percent of the participants scored relatively low (ranging from 0-3 on a 10-point scale) in terms of keeping to this type of diet, while about 26 percent scored relatively high, from 6 to 9 points.
The people enrolled in the study also underwent brain MRI scans to measure "white matter hyperintensity" volume, which is a marker of small vessel damage in the brain.
The brain scans revealed a lower burden of white matter hyperintensities in people with higher Mediterranean-diet scores, even after researchers took other risk factors like smoking, high blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels into account.
"The current study suggests a possible protective association between increased consumption of a [Mediterranean diet] and small vessel damage," wrote the researchers, who were led by Hannah Gardener, of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
The new research appears in the February issue of the journal Archives of Neurology.
One expert said the study supports the notion that a healthy diet helps the brain.
"The study supports recommending the Mediterranean diet to help reduce cerebrovascular disease as measured by small vessel changes seen on brain MRI scans," said Dr. Keith Siller, an assistant professor in the departments of neurology and psychiatry and medical director of the Comprehensive Stroke Care Center at NYU Langone Medical Center, in New York City.
He also noted that "the benefits of the diet appear to be separate from previously assumed secondary effects on lowering blood pressure, cholesterol or glucose levels, although there was a possible connection with emphasis on monounsaturated fats in the Mediterranean diet in the form of olive oil versus consumption of saturated fats in other diet types."
Indeed, the authors' own analysis suggests that the only component of the Mediterranean diet that was independently associated with the marker for brain-vessel damage was the ratio of monounsaturated to saturated fat.
But they concluded it was likelier that the overall diet -- rather than any specific nutrients -- might somehow affect the brain.
Another expert agreed that lifestyle, including diet, is key to brain health.
"This just adds to the building body of evidence of the power of lifestyle changes, especially the Mediterranean diet, in disease modification and prevention, " said Dr. Robert Graham, an internist at Lenox Hill Hospital, in New York City.
Previous research has suggested that eating a Mediterranean diet is associated with a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, stroke and thought and memory disorders.
More information
The American Heart Association has more about the Mediterranean diet.
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Mediterranean Diet Might Be Healthier for Brain
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My Weight Loss – Video
Posted: February 12, 2012 at 5:38 pm
12-02-2012 01:25 This is my weight loss transformation, and you can do it yourself! Visit to see how you can change your life today!
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My Weight Loss - Video
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Diets Dont Work 4 Review – Review – Video
Posted: February 11, 2012 at 11:46 am
09-02-2012 19:58 Diets Dont Work 4 Review - Review
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Diets Dont Work 4 Review - Review - Video
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Laura London’s Lower Body Workout
Posted: February 10, 2012 at 10:06 pm
30-12-2011 09:06 Get your GYM BOSS TIMER HERE Work your lower body, tone the booty and sweat like a mother, that is a mother of fitness!! We will lunge, squat, shoot hoops and even stretch like an aborigine. To get the body you were meant to have. Plus you know we will have a lot of fun. 7 Circuits do them one time, two or three times, just make sure you DO THEM!! Hey everyone! I am a Master Certified Fusion Trainer. What is FUSION? Fusion is an exercie method combining 30 second cardio blasts with 30 second strength training moves. Fusion will kick your trash, get your heart pumping like never before while at the same time burning fat like a mother. This is one of the best forms of exercise I know. Try Fusion for a week and watch your body start to become TNT, Tight and Tiny. We all need to exercise and the beauty of Fusion is that you can get it in and get it done in 45 or less. You can do it at home, in the park, your hotel room or at the gym. People are going to be asking you what you are doing, just tell them it's FUSION!
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Laura London's Lower Body Workout
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Year 2 Day 343 Juice Diet? Omega Juicer vs Hamilton Beach Juicer vs Vitamix vs Magic Bullet – Video
Posted: February 10, 2012 at 8:33 am
09-12-2011 18:03 Totally worth having the Vitamix AND a juicer! Here's the vid I shot the next day, "Part 2" - The Arni - Haha!!! Omega Juicer - Hamilton Beach Juicer - Headphone Hoodie -
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Year 2 Day 343 Juice Diet? Omega Juicer vs Hamilton Beach Juicer vs Vitamix vs Magic Bullet - Video
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Lipotrim Review – Diets That Work Fast – Video
Posted: February 10, 2012 at 8:33 am
09-02-2012 20:18 Lipotrim Review - Diets That Work Fast My reason for making this video is due to the fact that I have been reading different "lipotrim reviews" and and have learned that others have experience positive results as well.Lipotrim is amoung the top 10 "diets that work fast" in my opinion. This is from a person who doesn't believe the hype, because your going to always heard the newest "diets that work fast" and their turn out as a bust. This is why I checked out the "lipotrim reviews" to see the real opinions of others. Based off of my aunts experience and me witnessing this first hand. I have to agree with the "lipotrim reviews" this is truly one the best. So if your look for "diets that work fast" do not look any further because I am recommending this to you. You can get your free trial at http Lipotrim Review - Diets That Work Fast
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Lipotrim Review - Diets That Work Fast - Video
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