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Endometriosis Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid Cleveland Clinic
Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:10 am
Heavy periods, pain and nausea. The symptoms of endometriosis arent just distressing, they interfere with your day-to-day life.
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When you have endometriosis, cells that are very similar to the cells from your endometrium (lining of your uterus) grow in other parts of your body. The cells may stick to your bladder, fallopian tubes or other organs. Then, the cells try to shed during your period but the blood has nowhere to go.
The trapped blood from the misplaced cells causes inflammation of nearby organs and tissues. This inflammation can lead to endometriosis symptoms like pain, fatigue and digestive problems, as well as, in some cases, infertility.
But an endometriosis diet could be the key to relief from the agony. Registered dietitian Courtney Barth, RD, explains which foods could help fight endometriosis symptoms and which ones make them worse.
Inflammation and high estrogen levels can make endometriosis symptoms worse. And your diet can influence both factors.
Food plays an important role in helping your body fight inflammation and balance estrogen, says Barth. Many people find that the right diet can significantly reduce endometriosis symptoms.
Estrogen is a key hormone, and you need some of it for normal functioning. But too much estrogen can aggravate endometriosis symptoms like cramping and pain. Thats where food and fiber can come to the rescue.
Your body gets rid of excess estrogen in the stool, explains Barth. You should have a healthy bowel movement every day. If you dont, you probably have constipation, and your estrogen levels could be too high.
Kick constipation and extra estrogen to the curb by filling up on fiber. Adults should eat 35 grams of fiber every day, says Barth.
You can boost your fiber by eating more:
Just be sure to increase your fiber intake gradually. Adding a lot of fiber at once can cause bloating, gas and digestive discomfort, says Barth. Raise your fiber intake slowly and drink plenty of water to minimize these side effects. Ground flaxseed is packed with fiber, so dont eat more than 3 tablespoons per day.
Endometriosis is an inflammatory condition, so inflammation makes symptoms worse. Omega-3 fats can calm inflammation from endometriosis. Good food sources of omega-3s include:
Monounsaturated fats also have anti-inflammatory power. Theyre found in:
Calcium gets a lot of attention as an important mineral. But if you have endometriosis, make sure youre also getting magnesium and zinc.
Magnesium helps with menstrual cramps, says Barth. Its a natural muscle relaxer. Magnesium-rich foods include:
Zinc regulates your menstrual cycles, which is important for hormonal balance. Zinc helps your body ovulate, or release an egg, explains Barth. When you ovulate, you produce progesterone, which balances out estrogen. Ovulating is also necessary if youre trying to get pregnant.
The highest sources of zinc are animal sources. So if you eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, ask your doctor if you should take a zinc supplement. Good sources of zinc include:
Certain foods can worsen endometriosis pain by boosting inflammation or estrogen levels. Limit or avoid:
Some people with endometriosis find that a gluten-free or dairy-free diet helps them feel better. But it depends on the person.
If youve tried eating healthier and its not enough, then cutting out gluten or dairy is often the next step, says Barth. I usually recommend going gluten-free or dairy-free for at least a month. Then slowly add it back into your diet and see if your symptoms come back.
You can also pinpoint problem foods with the low-FODMAP diet. The low-FODMAP diet is designed for people with irritable bowel syndrome, but it can work with endometriosis, too, says Barth. If you follow it closely, you might find that certain foods trigger your endometriosis symptoms.
It might be tempting to pop some pills instead of updating your diet. But dont be quick to try supplements for endometriosis unless your doctor gives you the go-ahead.
Your doctor can run tests to see if youre deficient in certain nutrients, says Barth. Then, if your doctor recommends it, take supplements to fill any nutritional gaps. Supplements should be based on your health needs, not a one-size-fits-all approach.
Looking for some endometriosis-friendly meals? Try these recipes:
Endometriosis can be debilitating, but one part of managing it could be as close as your kitchen. If endometriosis is interfering with your life, try changing your diet, says Barth. It wont hurt, and it could really help.
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Endometriosis Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid Cleveland Clinic
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What Is the GOMAD Diet? The Hype, the Risks, and More – Bon Appetit
Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:10 am
The GOMAD diet probably will lead to muscle gains when paired with weight lifting, according to dietitians. But itll likely also increase fat stores as the body struggles to use all that consumed energy. And the results are going to be temporaryas soon as you stop drinking honking loads of dairy, any muscular gains will reverse.
Consuming a gallon of milk every day can lead to numerous problems, and not just for your butthole. A gallon of milk provides nearly 85% of a days worth of sodium, 600% of the recommended daily saturated fat intake, and enough calcium to potentially impair kidney function and form stones. Some studies have also found that people who consume too much of the mineral might be at higher risk of prostate cancer and heart disease.
Then theres the gastrointestinal distress. Consuming that much dairy when you are lactose intolerant is masochistic. If your body doesnt produce enough lactase, the enzyme that breaks down the sugar in dairy, drinking a gallon of milk is probably going to lead to bloating, nausea, and some serious farts, at minimum.
Even if youre not full-blown lactose intolerant, drinking too much milk can contribute to a leaky gut. This increased permeability of the intestinal lining can cause an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the stomach, which might lead to chronic diarrhea or constipation, as well as fatigue and headaches.
Cows milk is nutrient-dense. It provides 18 of the 22 essential nutrientssuch as B vitamins, vitamin D, zinc, and potassium. It also contains magnesium (which is good for bones and muscles) and whey and casein proteins (which can supposedly lower blood pressure). On the other hand, downsides include excess of saturated fat and gastro issues, especially if youre lactose intolerant.
In the US, the recommended daily dairy intake is two to three cups. Many dietitians are petitioning to change those standards, which are the result of Big Dairys lobbying efforts and backdoor politics. The bottom line: You should not drink a gallon of milk in one day, and even two cups of dairy is most likely too much for some people. But enjoying the odd cup of cows milk probably wont do much harm. Plus, you can always opt for one of the many dairy-free alternatives out there.
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What’s this ‘longevity’ diet, and will it really make you live longer? – The Conversation Indonesia
Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:10 am
You may have heard about the longevity diet, and its promise of an extended life span but what exactly is it and is it any different to other diets promoting good health?
The longevity diet is a set of eating recommendations compiled by a biochemist called Valter Longo, director of the University of Southern Californias Longevity Institute. He is known for his research on the role of fasting, the effects of nutrients on your genes and how these may impact ageing and the risk of diseases.
While the longevity diet has been targeted to older adults, it is also recommended for younger people. Longo has said he plans to live to 120 by following this diet.
Foods in this diet are vegetables, including leafy greens, fruit, nuts, beans, olive oil, and seafood thats low in mercury.
So most foods in the longevity diet are plant based. Plant-based diets are generally higher in vitamins and minerals, dietary fibre, antioxidants and lower in saturated fat and salt, which lead to health benefits.
Foods that are discouraged are an excess of meat and dairy, and those high in processed sugar and saturated fats.
For people who dont want to go without dairy, the longevity diet recommends switching from cows milk to either goats or sheeps milk, which have a slightly different nutrient profile. But there is little evidence sheeps and goats milk provide more health benefits.
Including fermented dairy (such as cheese and yoghurt) in your diet, as recommended in the longevity diet, is beneficial as it provides a more extensive microbiome (good bacteria) than any milk.
Read more: Why you should eat a plant-based diet, but that doesn't mean being a vegetarian
Many of you may recognise this as a familiar dietary pattern. It is similar to the Mediterranean diet, especially as both feature olive oil as the oil of choice. The Mediterranean diet is promoted and backed by a considerable body of evidence to be health promoting, reducing the risk of disease, and promoting longevity.
The longevity diet is also similar to many national, evidence-based dietary guidelines, including Australias.
Two-thirds of the recommended foods in the Australian dietary guidelines come from plant-based foods (cereals, grains, legumes, beans, fruits, vegetables). The guidelines also provide plant-based alternatives for protein (such as dried beans, lentils and tofu) and dairy (such as soy-based milks, yoghurts and cheeses, so long as they are supplemented with calcium).
Another aspect of the longevity diet is the specified periods of fasting, known as intermittent fasting. The diet advocates eating in a 12-hour time-frame, and not eating for three to four hours before bed time.
Typically with intermittent fasting people fast for 1620 hours with a four to eight hour window of eating. Another intermittent fasting option is the 5:2 diet, in which eating is restricted to about 2,0003,000 kilojoules for two days of the week and for the other five days, eating normally.
The evidence indicates intermittent fasting may lead to improvements in insulin resistance, which leads to better blood glucose control. This can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases, such as heart disease and obesity.
Read more: Is intermittent fasting actually good for weight loss? Here's what the evidence says
The longevity diet recommends that people who are overweight eat only two meals a day breakfast and either a midday or evening meal plus just two low-sugar snacks. This is to try to reduce kilojoule intake for weight loss.
Another important aspect of this recommendation is to reduce snacking, particularly of foods high in saturated fat, salt or sugar. These are the foods we typically refer to as discretionary/sometimes foods, or ultra-processed foods. These offer little nutritional value, and in some cases are linked to worse health outcomes.
Read more: Ultra-processed foods: it's not just their low nutritional value that's a concern
The longevity diet recommends eating foods rich in nutrients, which most national dietary guidelines also advocate. This means eating a diet rich in plant foods, and a variety of foods within each food group.
Each colour fruit and vegetable contains different nutrients, so eating a range of coloured fruit and vegetables is recommended. The recommendation to select a range of wholegrains over refined cereals, breads, pasta and rice also reflects the best nutritional evidence.
Read more: How to get children to eat a rainbow of fruit and vegetables
This diet recommends a restricting protein intake to 0.68-0.80g per kilogram of body weight per day. This is 47-56g of protein a day for a 70kg person. For reference each of these foods contains about 10g of protein: two small eggs, 30g cheese, 40g lean chicken, 250mL dairy milk, 3/4cup lentils, 120g tofu, 60g nuts or 300mL soy milk. This is in line with government recommendations.
Most Australians easily consume this level of protein in their diet. However it is the elderly population, to whom the longevity diet is targeted, who are less likely to meet their protein requirements.
In the longevity diet it is recommended most of the protein comes from plant sources or fish. This may require special planning to ensure a complete range of all the nutrients needed if the diet is missing red meat.
Read more: How to get the nutrients you need without eating as much red meat
This diet recommends taking a multivitamin and mineral supplements every three to four days. Longo says this prevents malnourishment and wont cause any nutritional problems.
However, many health bodies including the World Cancer Research Fund, the British Heart Foundation and the American Heart Association do not recommend taking supplements to prevent cancer or heart disease.
Supplements should only be taken on your doctors advice, following a blood test showing a deficiency in a specific nutrient. This is because some vitamins and minerals may be harmful in high quantities.
If you are eating a variety of foods across all food groups, you are meeting all your nutrient requirements and shouldnt need supplements.
Read more: Vitamins and minerals aren't risk-free. Here are 6 ways they can cause harm
This longevity diet is a compilation of many aspects of evidence-based healthy eating patterns. We already promote these as they improve our health and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. All of these aspects of healthy eating could lead to increased longevity.
Whats not mentioned in the longevity diet is the importance of exercise for good health and a long life.
What's this 'longevity' diet, and will it really make you live longer? - The Conversation Indonesia
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Going on a fruit diet this Navratri? Things to keep in mind – Zoom TV
Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:10 am
Fasting for Shardiya Navratri has started today (September 26) and will end with Kanya Pujan on Navami on October 4. Many followers of Durga fast during the whole nine-day Hindu festival, while others only do so on the first two and last two days. There are no set guidelines for how to celebrate Navratri, and the ceremonies vary slightly depending on the state.As far as Navratri fasting is concerned, those who practise it adhere to a "falahaari" diet that can include Samvat ke chawal (banyard millet), kuttu ka aata (buckwheat flour), sabudana or sago, rajgira, singhare ka aata (water chestnut flour), potatoes, sweet potatoes, bottle gourd (lauki), arbi, pumpkin The following foods are forbidden during the Navratri fast: wheat, rice, semolina, maida, corn flour, legumes, and pulses. The number of fasting days, the length of the fast throughout the day, and the kinds of foods consumed and abstained from during fasts all vary widely. Some people only drink water, some practise intermittent fasting, some eat one meal a day, and some only consume fruits and milk.Lets talk about the fruit diet and everything you should know about it.
A fruit diet requires that you consume at least 50% of your calories from fresh fruit, such as bananas, papayas, grapes, apples, and berries. The remaining 25% to 50% of calories are often found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. However, strict fruitarians may consume up to 90% fruit and only 10% of nuts and seeds.
These six fruit categories make up the bulk of the fruitarian diet:
Citrus, cranberries, and pineapples are acidic fruits
Fruits that are sour: Sweet cherries, raspberries, and figs
Bananas, grapes, melons, and other sweet fruits
Olives, avocados, and other fatty fruits
Nuts: Almonds, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts, and walnuts
Sunflower, pumpkin, and squash seeds
The fruitarian diet has certain nutritional advantages, but it also has some very major disadvantages.
You can have a lot of fruit for comparatively few calories because fruits are frequently low-fat and high in water. In order to consume enough calories on a fruit-based diet, you would have to eat a lot of food, which would effectively encourage fullness.
Fruits are packed with nutrients, but they don't have all you need for a balanced, nutritious diet. The fruitarian way of eating is rather limited. Fruit-only or fruit-heavy diets may grow monotonous and trigger desires for other foods.
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DASH Diet Reduces Heart Risk for Those with Hypertension: Study – Eat This, Not That
Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:10 am
If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, aka hypertension, you're not alone: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 116 million American adults (47 percent!) have hypertension, and only around 24 percent of those people are successfully managing it. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease and strke, and contributed to more than 670,000 deaths in the United States in 2020 alone. And now, a new study recently presented at the American Heart Association's Hypertension Scientific Sessions 2022estimates that 8.8 million Americans between the ages of 35 and 64 have untreated stage 1 hypertension.
At the same time, the researchers behind the study found that making certain lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of heart issues for those with hypertension. While physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, and not drinking an excessive amount of alcohol were all key, the most important factor was using the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. In a simulation conducted by the researchers, they noted that these changes could help to lower blood pressure and ultimately prevent 26,000 heart attacks and strokes in those with stage 1 hypertension over the next 10 years.
"These findings are so important, as chronic high blood pressure is known as a silent killer," Dr. Joan Salge Blake, EdD, RDN, LDN, FAND, a nutrition professor at Boston University and the host of the award-winning nutrition and health podcast, Spot On!, tells Eat This, Not That! "A person may feel just fine, but chronically high blood pressure is problematic."
"Individuals with chronic high blood pressure have a higher-than-normal force pounding against the walls of their arteries, which makes the walls thicker and stiffer, and contributes to atherosclerosis," Blake says. Because of this, "the heart becomes enlarged and weakened, as it has to work harder to pump enough oxygen- and nutrient-laden blood throughout the body." Blake explains that "this can lead to fatigue shortness of breath, and possible heart attack." On top of that, "Hypertension can also damage the arteries leading to the brain, which increase the risk of stroke."6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e
As for the DASH diet, Blake explains that it "is a well-balanced eating plan that is high in veggies, fruits, grains, particularly whole grains, along with low-fat dairy foods, lean protein sources, beans, nuts, and seeds, healthy unsaturated vegetable oils, and less sweets and treats." Beyond that, Blakes notes that "when the sodium is reduced in the diet, the DASH Diet can have an even more pronounced effect."
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"This type of diet is rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which all can play a role in lowering blood pressure. However, the blood pressure-lowering effect is likely due to a combination of nutrients and compounds in the diet, working together," Blake says. "It's like the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The First Violinist can perform a wonderful solo, but along with the entire orchestra, the effect is more spectacular."
Desire O
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Vegan Teen Expects Everyone To Accommodate Her New Diet And Stop Eating Meat At Home, Dad Disagrees – Bored Panda
Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:10 am
Only a few topics are as contentious as our diet and food choices particularly the vegan vs. meat eater debate. While we like to think that everyones dietary preferences are valid, tensions inevitably arise when people who choose different paths have to live together under one roof. And the issue becomes even more magnified when they try to force their personal beliefs onto others.
This story shared with the AITA community gives us insight into precisely such a situation. It comes from a dad whose daughter, a 14-year-old teen, decided to go vegan. While the couple jumped at the chance to show support with open minds and full hearts, the situation changed once she started criticizing how her parents run their lives in their own house.
And it all started with a pan. She saw me cook bacon in a pan, and then I rinsed it out to load in the dishwasher. She exploded in anger, the user wrote, detailing how things only escalated from there. Scroll down to read the story in full, as well as the reactions that followed. Be sure to decide for yourself where you land on the matter, and then weigh in on the discussion in the comments below!
Image credits: Malte Helmhold
Image credits: Andrew Ridley
Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio
Image credits: frustratingbaconeate
Every family has their stories about conflict at the dinner table. But as the author notes in his story, people must learn to adapt and live side by side under one roof. While denying her demands to remove all foods which dont accommodate her diet from the kitchen caused tension in the family dynamics, many readers found that to be a wise move. The vast majority of Redditors deemed the dad has every right to eat what he wants in his own home, and that the daughter should stop forcing her lifestyle on others.
With more and more young people around the world adopting healthier and more mindful lifestyle choices, these family conundrums may be more common than we think. According to Plant Proteins sources, 6% of US consumers are vegan. Whether for health reasons, climate change, animal welfare, or to satisfy the curiosity of what the buzz is all about, vegan statistics show the plant-based population continues to spike. In fact, compared to previous years, its now spreading like wildfire. The vegan market has boomed, and restaurants and fast-food chains are starting to accommodate people with plant-based options.
When it comes to a vegan diet, the conversation has as much to do with the life philosophy and ethical commitments as with whats on the plate. Sometimes emotions get heated and tensions arise, but clear communication and a sense of empathy from both sides can go a long way. To find a way out of this situation, family members need to sit down, have a conversation, and figure out what to do next so everyone can live in harmony.
According to an article on Live Strong, its important to consider family meals that work for everyone. While this will be hard, there are plenty of food choices to give you a variety of dishes to choose from. My biggest tip for these families is to prepare meals that can be easily customized, Paige Foote, RD, said. Dishes like burrito bowls and stir-fries are great because they use the same base ingredients of starch, protein, and vegetables.
Depending on your family, everyone can prepare two or more variations of those base ingredients, she added. Most veggies should work for any diet, although its important to keep in mind how theyre prepared. And if youre concerned about cross-contamination, consider buying separate dishware or washing the existing equipment and utensils thoroughly.
Let us know your thoughts about this story down below. Do you think the dad is right to refuse his daughters request and draw the line? What would you personally do in this situation? Be sure to share your takes with us below, and if you have any tips for handling these situations better, feel free to tell us all about them in the comments!
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Vegan Teen Expects Everyone To Accommodate Her New Diet And Stop Eating Meat At Home, Dad Disagrees - Bored Panda
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Chris Jericho Details The Diet That Led To His Body Transformation – Wrestling Inc.
Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:10 am
Under this plan, Jericho found himself striving to make his daily big meal or, in this case, a quasi-big eight-ounce meal which would be followed by one or two more snacks later in the day.
"And that would be it," he added. "Like any other dietbecause I've been on a few of themonce you get into the hang of it, it's really not so bad."
Jericho preferred this approach to intermittent fasting, which he denounced as "the biggest scam in dieting." He also noted that this diet has him drinking roughly 100 ounces of water daily, which is a new experience for him.
"I was never much of a water drinker, but now I'm pounding water," he said. "Like, boom, I'll drink 34 ouncesglug, glug, glug. You just gotta retrain your body, and once you're able to do that, it isn't so bad. I can still have a drink. I have my little shot glass for a little vodka, and it's fine."
Jericho is also keeping an eye on his weight to ensure he doesn't balloon up again.
"I'm that guy that carries a scale with me everywhere," he said. "If I'm over 210, I pull back. If it's under 210, well, then I'll have a cheeseburger. If it's 205, then I'll have a cheeseburger and a pizza. If it's 215, then I'll be strict on the diet for a couple days. Once you get there and maintain it, it's okay. You just have to know where you're at."
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Most Americans have adequate protein in their diet – Islander
Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:10 am
In my recent article, the headline mistakenly said we can use more protein in our diet. However, as the article stated, almost all Americans have adequate protein or much more than they need in their diet.
Protein is an essential nutrient, meaning it is essential to human health. Together with carbohydrate and fat, protein is one of the three nutrients that supply calories in the human diet. Protein serves many other functions as well, including those that make up skin, hair, muscle and bone, and those that act as enzymes to facilitate chemical reactions in the body.
More necessary proteins are manufactured by the human body using amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Nine of the amino acids are called essential because they cant be manufactured and must come from the diet. A complete dietary protein is one in which all the essential amino acids are found, mostly foods from animal sources such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products.
Others are incomplete, lacking one or more of the nine essential amino acids. Plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds are generally incomplete.
Amino acids in rice and beans "complete" each other.
However, we can eat foods in which the amino acids complement each other. When you eat these foods together, they provide all the essential amino acids. Examples are bread with peanut butter, rice and beans, corn and beans, bean soup and crackers, hummus (chickpeas and tahini, or sesame seed paste).
In general, combining grains with legumes or nuts with seeds yields complete protein.
Most people in western countries consume much more protein than they need, usually from animal foods. Vegans, who avoid all foods from animal sources, need to be a bit more aware of the quality of protein in the foods they eat so they will have all the complete protein needed for health.
Edamame, a popular form of soy.
Even if you arent vegan, it can be a good idea to add protein from plant foods, which contain less fat and saturated fat, as well as a variety of other nutrients, than animal foods. Soy is one plant protein that is complete and is also a good source of healthy fats and phytochemicals (plant chemicals that may be good for you). It's usually served as tempeh or tofu, and soy milk is a popular replacement for milk. Edamame, a green soybean usually served in its pod, is another popular form of soy. Less well-known vegetable sources of complete protein include amaranth, quinoa, hemp seed, and chia.
Ellen Glovsky is a Key Biscayne resident, published author and Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Coach. Her work focuses on helping people explore and enhance their relationship with food, using a Health At Every Size approach. She is also involved in the island community with her work on KBCFs Womens Giving Circle.If you have questions you would like answered, you can reach her learn more,
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Most Americans have adequate protein in their diet - Islander
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You are not what you eat. It’s time to dispel this diet clich – Big Think
Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:10 am
You are what you eat.
Its difficult to disagree with that clich. Put a lot of garbage down your gullet foods that are highly processed with loads of sugar and salt and devoid of fiber and nutrients and youll likely find that, over time, your body will turn to trash as well.
The phrase does, however, lose its luster a bit when you consider who popularized it. Victor Lindlahr was a nutritionist, author, and practitioner of osteopathic medicine in the disciplines pseudoscientific days. Considered one of the earliest proponents of fad diets, he wrote the book You Are What You Eat: How to win and keep health with diet, which was published in 1942. The book, which sold over half a million copies, asked odd questions like, Can certain foods aid in correcting unpleasant breath? and, What foods are of value in relieving bleeding gums?
Influential nutritionist Fredrick J. Stare, who founded the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health and advocated prudence and moderation as the key to healthy eating, called Lindlahrs book quackery. Nevertheless, Lindlahrs signature phrase, You are what you eat, became ingrained in the public consciousness.
Beyond its sketchy origins, You are what you eat takes a bigger hit when one considers the phrase more literally.
What it suggests is that our health is rigidly determined by the specific foods and nutrients we put in our bodies. It says that if two people put the same foods in their body, they will have the same level of health, sports nutritionist Matt Fitzgerald wrote in his 2014 book Diet Cults, in which he berated many popular diet trends for being unscientific and ultimately ineffective. The healthy-diet cults unanimously subscribe to this principle After all, the diet cults are in business to convince us that we can attain maximum health only if we eat what they tell us to eat.
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Science has revealed a more nuanced truth, Fitzgerald says. We are what our bodies do with what we eat, he clarified.
The two great pillars of a healthy body are diet and exercise, and both affect physical functioning. You are what you eat ignores the fact that what we do with our bodies may be just as important as what we put in them.
If the bodys basic metabolism zeroes out small to moderate differences in diet, exercise neutralizes moderate to large differences. It is like a great sculptor who can fashion the same beautiful form of various materials, including some of indifferent quality, Fitzgerald wrote.
Fitzgerald cautions that one cannot simply eat whatever one wants. Candy for every meal will not provide the nutrients that the body needs. But one also doesnt have to eat a perfect diet all the time to maximize health and longevity.
As the century-long Longevity Project, a study which followed long-lived individuals, has shown, there are numerous aspects of a persons life equally or more important than diet that dictate health and lifespan. Simply being ambitious, productive, and engaged while avoiding destructive behaviors like smoking, drinking to excess, abusing drugs, or driving too fast prolongs life and keeps us in good shape.
So yes, we are much, much more than what we eat.
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You are not what you eat. It's time to dispel this diet clich - Big Think
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Inside Aaron Judges diet and meal plan including his favorite New York-themed cheat dish… – The US Sun
Posted: September 26, 2022 at 2:10 am
AARON JUDGE has a strict diet plan to keep him fueled in his quest for history.
The New York Yankees star is after the home run record this season.
The two-meter tall baseball player also tips the scale at 280lbs.
And he places a huge focus on staying his nutrition to stay energized.
Judge spoke to about his workout and diet plan.
He explained: "The biggest thing is veggies for me eating your greens.
"I focus on getting a large portion of greens with every meal, no matter what it is.
"In the morning, if Im eating an omelet, I like to get some spinach and other vegetables in it.
"Salads are big for me, and I always like to have chicken and rice."
Judge's meals differ on a daily basis, but the idea of eating clean remains the same.
He also avoids pasta before games as he feels that weighs him down.
Judge added: "I like to get a bunch of different fruits and some spinach, some protein, and almond butter.
"Ill put it all in a smoothie and drink a big one, because itll fill me up, but it wont sit in my stomach too heavy.
"Thats something I do every day before the game.
"It helps me maintain that energy and feel full, but without making me feel heavy and slow throughout the game."
But the 30-year-old is only human and enjoys a cheat meal on occasion.
Judge said: "I like pizza. Especially being in New York, you can find some good pizza spots.
"If its not pizza, its chicken parm or something like that. Thats my go-to."
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