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These Foods and Medications May Lower Bowel Cancer Risk – Healthline
Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:52 am
Bowel, or colorectal, cancer has been called one of the most common and lethal malignancies in Western countries.
However, the way it develops involves multiple steps spanning over the course of several years.
This slow development offers many opportunities to intervene and prevent death.
Screening that leads to early detection is one important way to save lives.
Having a healthy lifestyle can also help by preventing abnormal cells from developing in the first place.
In addition, certain medications and supplements may play an important role in prevention.
Its not known, however, what might be the ideal preventive regimen.
To learn more about this issue, a team of scientists located in France, the Netherlands, and Canada reviewed the currently available evidence.
They found that some foods and medications may help prevent colorectal cancer.
According to Amber Ingram, a registered dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, the review found that medications like aspirin, low-dose aspirin, and NSAIDS (the class of medications that aspirin belongs to) were associated with decreased risk.
Nutritional factors that were associated with decreased risk included magnesium, folate, dairy products, fiber, soy, fruits, and vegetables.
Ingram said, however, that the 80 studies included in the review dealt with a population with average risk.
Anyone with a history of adenoma (polyp) removal, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, or genetic factors that increase the risk for colorectal cancer were excluded.
So, for people with average risk, these medications, nutrients, or foods might potentially protect against colorectal cancer.
She did note, however, that the level of evidence appears to be low to very low.
Dr. Michelle Pearlman, a gastroenterologist and expert in obesity medicine at the University of Miami Health System, further explained that this was because of large variations in study quality, publication bias, and other factors.
Ingram explained that meat and alcohol were factors that appeared to actually increase the risk of colorectal cancer.
Specifically, high intake of red meat and processed meats was linked to added risk.
In fact, there was a 10 to 30 percent increased risk of every additional 100 grams a day of total meat consumed.
Ingram said that 100 grams of meat is about 3.5 ounces, or the size of a deck of playing cards.
For alcohol, Ingram said the researchers saw an increase in risk even at one to two drinks per day.
The study didnt look at a consumption level less than this.
Pearlman noted the level of risk from both meat and alcohol increased as the level of consumption increased.
Also, men appeared to be at higher risk than women when it came to alcohol.
Lifestyle choices can play a major role in cancer prevention, Ingram said.
In fact, about one-third of common cancer in the United States could be prevented through lifestyle modifications, like having a healthy body weight, eating more healthily, and including more physical activity, she said.
Ingram said the American Institute for Cancer Research recommends the following to lower cancer risk:
Ingram suggested working with a dietitian to personalize a dietary plan to your own needs.
As far as supplements, she said a healthy diet alone should be sufficient.
However, if you have concerns that youre lacking a nutrient, speak with your doctor or a dietitian about what supplements they recommend.
Pearlman said the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer might include unintentional weight loss, a change in bowel habits or stool caliber (e.g., stringy, thin stool), rectal bleeding, or abdominal pain.
She explained, however, that the goal is to be proactive and find potential problems before they cause symptoms.
Often when people become symptomatic in regards to lower GI symptoms, certain diseases like cancer can be far along or spread outside of the GI tract and are less amenable to treatment, Pearlman said.
She added youll need to follow screening and surveillance guidelines based on your family history, age, and any other conditions you might have.
Timing of screening and surveillance testing whether it be with blood work, stool testing, imaging, or colonoscopy depends on these baseline characteristics and will vary from person to person, she said.
The good news is that colorectal cancer is very treatable, according to Pearlman.
Depending on the cancer stage, options include surgical resection, chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination of those, she explained.
More treatment options exist and prognosis is better for those that are diagnosed at an earlier stage, Pearlman added.
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I Am the Fly That Landed in Mike Pences Hair. Heres Why Im Supporting Donald Trump. – Slate
Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:52 am
Yep, thats me. Youre probably wondering how I got here.NBC News/YouTube
Hello, America! I am the housefly that perched atop Mike Pences head for two solid minutes during tonights vice presidential debate, and Id like to talk to you about the future of this great nation. Like some of you, I was undecided when I began watching the debate, because, as with some of you, my brain is the size of a poppyseed. But when I heard Mike Pence outline the Trump administrations plans, I knew there was only one ticket I could trust to protect me and the 150 or so eggs I laid in the vice presidents hair. Today I am thrilled to wholeheartedly endorse Donald J. Trump for president.
You may be confused as to why I am offering an endorsement in the first place, since most Americans share molecular physicist Seth Brundles pernicious misconception that insects dont have politics. Its true that were not big on compromise, but its also true that we love garbage, and we love corpses, and we love shit, and you dont have to have one of those big ugly mammalian brains to tell which political party is committed to materially improving our lives. No president in my life cyclewhich began two weeks ago, when I was a maggot happily gnawing my way through a rotten Egg McMuffin in a dumpster behind Kingsbury Hallhas done more to roll back environmental regulations, ensuring that my family and I have a constant supply of garbage where we can live, laugh, and love. No president in my life cycle has provided more dead Americans for us to eat, working tirelessly to overwhelm hospitals and morgues, presumably for our benefit. And no administration in history, never mind my life cycle, has been as dedicated to shit in all its formsbullshit, horseshit, and of course the literal shit that inevitably accompanies a diet of fast food and Diet Cokepumping it into the airwaves, the sewers, and the skulls of their supporters. Theres just no question which administration will do more to help me feed my family.
This election goes beyond mere material concerns, however; theres also a spiritual dimension. And for faith-based voters like me, the Trump administration is the only option. Like all flies, I worship Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies, the Prince of Demons, the Archfiend of Lies and Death and Decay, and my faith is very important to me. When I heard Mike Pence speak so movingly of his faithhis faith in Donald Trump, primarilyI knew which administration I could trust to build Our Dark Lords Throne of Lies right here on earth. Kamala Harris did her best to dissemble at a few points, and maybe it worked on television, but take it from a fly in the studio audience: You could smell the evil radiating from Mike Pence. In fact, I was originally only planning on briefly alighting on the vice presidents head, running my ovipositor through his gorgeous strands of snowy white hair, dropping a clutch of eggs, and going on my merry way. But the second the setae on my footpads touched that wiry surface, I sensed a kindred intelligence coldly whirring and clicking away just under Pences skull, and I knew it was time for me to make my first political endorsement.
The best of movies, TV, books, music, and more, delivered to your inbox three times a week.
My endorsement of a Republican candidate may be surprising to those who remember my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmothers endorsement of Hillary Clinton back in 2016, which famously caused Alex Jones to speculate that Clinton and Barack Obama were both demons:
The explanation here is simple, and its a treasured story my family has passed down to our larvae for 48 generations: We were pranking Alex Jones because he sucks. Land in the right place at the right time, and you can get that dude to believe pretty much anything. I know that humans are bad at detecting a wryly cocked proboscis, but you hardly needed compound eyes to see that Hillary Clinton was just a run-of-the-mill Democrat, not some kind of hellbeast of decay practically rubbing her hands together with glee at the thought of stacking the lies and the garbage and the bodies so high that mankinds rotten civilization finally collapses and the Age of the Fly can begin.
The 2020 election is different, however. I have listened closely to Mike Pences plans and policies. I have carefully smelled his hair. I have laid hundreds of eggs in his scalp. And this November, I am confident that there is only one ticket that can ensure a happy, healthy, and extremely well-fed future for my larvae. I urge all humans to cast your votes for Donald Trump and Michael Pence. They might not literally be insects, but theyre the closest thing weve got. Besides, the other guy is trying to kill me:
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I Am the Fly That Landed in Mike Pences Hair. Heres Why Im Supporting Donald Trump. - Slate
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Harnessing the Immune System May Hold the Key to Healthier Chickens – Technology Networks
Posted: October 8, 2020 at 5:52 am
Broiler chicken producers the world over are all too familiar with coccidiosis, a parasite-borne intestinal disease that stalls growth and winnows flocks. Various approaches, developed over decades, have been used to control coccidiosis, but the disease remains widespread.
Recent research from the University of Illinois supports the use of immunomodulatory and antioxidant feed additives to reduce the effects of coccidiosis.
In the last two decades, partially to get around the parasites resistance to pharmaceuticals, vaccination has become more prevalent. That's when I got interested, because nutrition is a key element in the effectiveness of vaccines. Diet and health go together in that way, says Ryan Dilger, associate professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at Illinois and principal investigator on the research. So, what we're talking about here is not a vaccine. Instead, we used nutritional technologies to disrupt the normal reproductive cycle of the parasite.
When a chicken picks up the parasite, of which there are seven major Eimeria species affecting broilers, its body mounts an immune response, starting with a cascade of inflammatory proteins known as cytokines. These cause the bird to stop eating and rest, so the immune system can do its work. In normal disease progression, an anti-inflammatory mediator known as interleukin-10 (IL-10) is eventually produced to keep the inflammation from ramping up too high and causing tissue damage through oxidative stress.
However, Eimeria tricks chickens into over-producing IL-10 earlier than expected, before the immune system can produce enough cytokines to effectively attack the invader. Its like the parasite is saying, Everything's fine. I'm not actually here! Its really trying to evade the immune response, Dilger says.
To reverse that effect, doctoral student Muhammed Shameer Abdul Rasheed included a novel feed ingredient, a dried egg product with IL-10 antibody activity, in the diet of broiler chickens before inducing coccidiosis.
We want the bird to have an acute pro-inflammatory response in order to clear the parasite, and that response is dampened when the parasite tricks the bird into overproducing IL-10 antibody. Were trying to take away the parasites ability to manipulate the birds own immune system against itself, Rasheed says.
The IL-10 dried egg product has been shown to be effective against mild Eimeria infection in other studies, but it hadnt been tested in severe cases and in the absence of vaccine administration.
Our results suggested that dietary dried egg product could be beneficial in promoting gut health during severe infection for particular strains of the parasite, even though suppression of the IL-10 response may promote an exaggerated inflammatory reaction in the intestinal epithelium, which may cause subsequent tissue damage, Dilger says.
Uncontrolled inflammatory responses can lead to oxidative stress, where chemicals with unpaired electrons, known as free radicals, start to damage healthy tissue. When Rasheed saw the intestinal damage in this study, he decided to test the combined effects of the IL-10 antibody and an antioxidant known as methylsulfonylmethane or MSM. He had previously tested MSM in chickens and found it had no adverse effects on health or growth, but it had never been tried as a treatment for oxidative stress during coccidiosis.
The IL-10 antibody works to combat the infection through an immune mechanism, which may inadvertently cause oxidative stress, so MSM was used in combination to specifically combat that tissue damage, Rasheed says. So the hypothesis was that if these two interventions are working through different mechanisms, combining them together may actually give us a better response than either of them alone.
When the research team fed infected birds a combination of MSM and IL-10 antibody, the treatment showed promise. First, chickens that got the treatment showed greater body weight gain 7-14 days post-infection than birds that didnt consume the dietary products. Also, total antioxidant capacity, an overall indicator of how well an animal can counteract oxidative stress, remained higher in treated birds three and four weeks after infection, suggesting lasting dietary effects.
In the end, the birds still got sick; they still had an infection that reduced their growth for a certain amount of time. Just like with some pharmaceutical agents designed to lessen the effects of the flu in humans, its not actually going to prevent you from getting the disease in the first place. However, our goal is to shorten the length of time youre sick, Dilger says. That's just as meaningful for broiler chickens.
Dilger thinks the dietary interventions may be even more effective in real-world production settings. In the clean, controlled environment of a laboratory study, these broiler chickens were raised on wire flooring to separate the birds from their excrement. However, broiler chickens raised on a commercial farm would be raised on the floor, in direct contact with litter, which is partly how the Eimeria infection cycle continues. In the end, the nutritional strategies studied here may act as a kind of insurance for producers to help birds bounce back sooner.
Producers may not have coccidiosis when they mix this in the feed, but by the time the chickens consume it, the disease may have reared up again. So if the product is already there, you have some protection, Dilger says. Again, it's not going to prevent the birds from getting coccidiosis, but hopefully it can reduce the untoward effects and allow them to get back to a healthy state faster and continue growing, such that they can remain productive during that time. It's another important tool in the arsenal for producers.
ReferencesRasheed MSA, Tiwari UP, Jespersen JC, Bauer LL, Dilger RN. Effects of methylsulfonylmethane and neutralizing anti- IL-10 antibody supplementation during a mild Eimeria challenge infection in broiler chickens. Poultry Science. Published online September 29, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.psj.2020.09.046
Rasheed MSA, Tiwari UP, Oelschlager ML, et al. Dietary supplementation with anti-IL-10 antibody during a severe Eimeria challenge in broiler chickens. Poultry Science. Published online September 12, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.psj.2020.09.012
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What is the Ayurvedic Diet? – Eating for Your VATA , PITTA, or KAPHA Dosha –
Posted: October 7, 2020 at 2:56 am
Ayurvedic eating has been around for centuries (the name comes from Sanskrit for life and knowledge), but theres nothing like a name-drop by Gwyneth Paltrow to blast the idea into the mainstream. However, when Paltrow mentioned recently that the ancient eating regimen has helped her feel good during quarantine, the only detail she shared was that she eats for her dosha. Well, who wouldn't want to feel as serene as GP during quarantine or any time? That's why we're breaking down the Ayurvedic eating, and how can you, too, eat for your dosha.
First, lets back up a bit. Ayurveda is not a diet its a natural healing science that originated in India more than 5,000 years. "Ayurveda is an evidence-based healing system focused on prevention of disease and promotion of positive health through the balance of mind, body, and environment," explains Prajakta Apte, RDN, a Phoenix-based holistic nutritionist who specializes in Ayurveda.
Those who practice Ayurveda believe there are three different types of energy patterns those are the doshas GP was talking about and there is an optimum way to eat to balance all those energy waves depending on what your primary dosha is. Nutritionist Vanessa Rissetto, RD, CDN, can see the appeal. Everyone is trying to be more mindful with regards to their weight, disordered eating habits, and the like this seems like a non-stressful way to have success.
But Ayurvedic eating is not a fad diet that you can just easily dip into. It takes careful study, and there is a long list of foods to eat and avoid based on balancing your doshas. But the general guidelines can be embraced by anyone, says Rissetto. Giving up coffee and alcohol and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables are a no-brainer they will help with your sleep and gut health, she says. Rissetto adds that the focus on unprocessed, whole foods could also promote weight loss and mindful eating.
Note: We're only scratching the surface when it comes to all there is to know about Ayurvedic eating. If you're interested in trying a Ayurvedic eating, consider consulting your doctor and/or an Ayurvedaspecialist who can help guide you.
"Ayurvedic philosophies believe we each contain varying proportions of each dosha, generally with one or two in dominance," says Apte. "Our naturally dominant dosha, which we are born with, does not signify imbalance, but rather shows how or who we are in our most healthy, balanced state." Figuring out your dosha can be a complicated process, but in the most basic terms:
VATA (air and ether): People with a dominant vata dosha are considered creative, active, and bright; they walk, talk, and think fast, but get tired easily. Vatas are usually thin with a light frame, and suffer from gastro-intestinal problems like constipation and bloating.
PITTA (fire and water): Pittas are intelligent but can be short-tempered. They usually have a medium build and have a healthy appetite, a strong metabolism, and good digestion.
KAPHA (earth and water): Kaphas are known for strength, stamina, and sharp intelligence. They are also usually very sweet and grounded. Kaphas are often larger-framed and muscular, and they have a slow metabolism.
Once you figure out what your dosha is, you should choose the foods you eat based on balancing out your energy. "When these three doshas are in balance, they create health, but when they are out of balance, they are the cause of disease," says Apte. To truly immerse yourself in Ayurvedic eating, you should consult a nutritionist who is familiar with the very long list of food to eat and avoid, but here are a few general guidelines:
"People with a predominant Vata dosha should eat warm foods and drinks, and cooked cereals and grains rather than dry or crunchy foods," says Apte. "Choose boiled and steamed vegetables and ripe fruits." Skip anything cold, frozen, or raw, and eat three or four meals a day at regular intervals, as well as lots of healthy snacks.
EAT: Soups, stews, and casseroles; well-cooked oats, and rice cooked with lots of water and butter; sweet and juicy fruits such as bananas, berries, and melon; fresh-baked bread.
AVOID: Nightshades, including tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and spinach; carbonated beverages; heavy foods like hard cheese; aged or fermented foods; astringent fruits such as cranberries and raw apples; candy; caffeine.
"The Pitta dosha is associated with heat, so people with predominant Pitta should eat a variety of green vegetables and ripe fruits and use ghee or olive oil in cooking," says Apte. Eat your food warm, rather than hot, she says, and stick with cool or lukewarm drinks. Pittas do best with a vegetarian diet made up of non-spicy foods. Limit salt, and skip eggs, alcohol, and coffee.
EAT: Milk, cheese, sweetened yogurt; olive oil; sweet and bitter veggies such as mushrooms, peas, peppers, broccoli, and zucchini; grains including couscous, quinoa, and barley.
AVOID: Spices such as black pepper, chillies, garlic, and onions; sour and acidic foods such as grapefruit, tomatoes, radishes; plain yogurt; foods containing vinegar, including salad dressings; nuts and seeds; and meat.
The Kapha dosha is associated with water, so those with this dominant dosha should balance it out with pungent, bitter, and astringent foods. Kaphas should avoid dairy and fatty, greasy foods of any kind. If you do eat meat, skip anything that's fried and stick with baked, roasted, or broiled dishes. Avoid any sweetened except honey, and go heavy on the spices.
EAT: Ginger and garlic; apples, mangoes, peaches, pears; leafy greens and veggies that are grown above ground, like corn, asparagus, eggplant; cottage cheese; lean proteins including chicken, fish, and tempeh.
AVOID: Root vegetables, rich gravies, frozen foods, oils and fats.
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9 Vitamin K-Rich Foods That You Must Add To Your Diet – NDTV Food
Posted: October 7, 2020 at 2:56 am
These Vitamin K-rich foods can be included in more than one ways in the diet.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we are well-aware of how vitamins and minerals are crucial for our health. From Vitamin C for immunity to Vitamin A for eyesight and Vitamin D for immunity and strong bones, a diet rich in all such vitamins is essential for our well-being. Vitamin K is another important vitamin that fosters blood clotting and plays a vital role in bone health. A fat-soluble vitamin, Vitamin K is actually a group of compounds of which vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 appears to be the most important one, as per Consultant Nutritionist Rupali Datta.
Vitamin K mainly promotes bone health and wound healing besides protecting the heart. Vitamin K2 has also been found to improve insulin sensitivity. Therefore, people who absorb the most vitamin K2 from their foods are about 20% less likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes. Rupali adds that while Vitamin K2 (or menaquinone) is largely produced by the intestinal flora, Vitamin K1 (or phylloquinone) can be obtained naturally from plants, especially green leafy vegetables. Here we have 9 foods you can have along with ways to add them, to get more of Vitamin K in your diet.
(Also Read:4 Subtle Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin K deficiency)
Low in cholesterol, rich in dietary fibre, vitamins A, C, K and iron, spinach is good for bone health besides proper functioning of red blood cells in the body. Here's a spinach pancake recipe that you can try at home to include more of vitamin K in your morning meal!
With more than 50% of the daily recommended allowance, Kale seems to be the perfect veggie to add in your vitamin K rich diet. It's also high in fibre, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. This beetroot kale smoothie can come handy for a quick and energizing meal in the middle of the day.
One of the most nutritious vegetables, broccoli is juicy, fresh, firm and needs to be cooked right to reap in all the benefits and a spectacular taste. This broccoli and almond soup recipe is a comforting bowl of goodness that you won't be able to resist.
Also rich in protein, vitamin A and potassium, lettuce is most commonly found wrapped inside a sandwich or plated under salads, but it's a wonderful leafy vegetable that can be tossed in many ways. Here are lettuce-wrapped cottage cheese rolls that you'll absolutely love to relish!
Don't we already know the many benefits of fish? What we might not have realised is the rich amount of vitamin K as well. Perhaps we found another reason to load up in the succulent and flavourful baked/grilled fish! This baked fish with white sauce is the perfect recipe to begin with.
One of the most popular vegetables in India, cauliflower also helps maintain a healthy digestive system, prevents arthritis, obesity and other anti-inflammatory mediated diseases. This yummy cauliflower salad topped with a mouth-watering cauliflower puree is a stellar recipe to include in your diet.
Rich in protein, eggs perhaps top the list of our go-to foods to prepare quickly! Versatile, easy and oh-so-delicious, there is just so much one can make from an egg. Here is an easy scrambled eggs recipe that you can try for your next breakfast!
Hailing from the same family as cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, Brussel sprouts undoubtedly are packed with nutrients, especially proteins, fibre, vitamin C and K while being low on carbohydrates. One way to include it in your diet is to simply saute it along with other crunchy veggies such as carrot and broccoli with a bit of salt and enjoy a hearty meal!
Kiwi comes loaded with nutrients that boost our body. Besides vitamin K, it comes with Vitamins A, B12, B6, E, iron, calcium and potassium and ensures blood circulation in the vessels, iron absorption for healthy bones, good vision, etc.Here is cucumber and kiwi juice recipe that is sure to get you refreshed and impress the taste buds too!
Photo Credit: iStock
These Vitamin K-rich foods can be included in more than one ways in the diet. Let us know what you are planning to make from the versatile foods!
About Aanchal MathurAanchal doesn't share food. A cake in her vicinity is sure to disappear in a record time of 10 seconds. Besides loading up on sugar, she loves bingeing on FRIENDS with a plate of momos. Most likely to find her soulmate on a food app.
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Indian Actress Mishti Mukherjee, 27, Dies of Kidney Failure Related to Keto Diet – The Beet
Posted: October 7, 2020 at 2:56 am
Indian actress Mishti Mukherjee died of kidney failure at the age of 27, due to complications related to her keto diet, according to a statement from her family. Mishti as she was known, suffered kidney failurerelated to her strict keto diet, Friday evening, according to a statementthat confirmedthe death of the actress, who starred in many movies and music videos. Her kidneys failed after the actress reported suffering severe pain. The keto diet is causing controversy in the medical community because of the way dieters lower their carb intake and overload their protein and fat intake, which can put a strain on the kidneys and cause the renal system to get overwhelmed.
The actresss family released an official statement that stated, Actress Mishti Mukherjee who marked her brilliance in many films and music videos with her ace acting is no more. Due to the keto diet, her kidney failed in Bangalore and she breathed her last on Friday night, the actress suffered a lot of pain. Unforgettable and unfortunate loss. May her soul rest in peace. She is survived by her parents and brother.
Aketo diet is a high-fat, high protein, low-carb diet designed toput the body into ketosis, where it burns fat for fuel. The ideal keto diet should consist of about 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and only 5 percent of carbs. Instead of burning carb, the body must switch over to burn fat, which occurs in about 3 to 4 days of beginning to follow the keto plan.
Studies have linked the keto diet to adverse effects on the body, especially if followed strictly and foran extensive period of time since it canput a lot of stress on your kidneys and may lead to kidney stones.The amount of protein a person eats can lead to overwhelming the kidneys and anyone already suffering from chronic kidney disease or related ailment can suffer side effects. Consuming a diet high in animal protein,especially red meat, may lead to a higher risk of forming kidney stones, the research has shown.
"It may also worsen the kidney functioning of those who already have kidney diseases. The theory is that higher intake of animal food products can make your urine more acidic i.e. increase level of excretion of calcium from your urine," said Dr. Salil Jain, Director of Nephrology and Renal Transplant, Fortis Memorial Research Institute in Gurugram.Keto Diet Should Not beFollowed for More Than 45 Days
The Entertainment Times of India quoted Priya Bharma, a Senior Dietician at the Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute in New Delhi in an IANS report:"The Keto diet is one of the hardest diet schedules to follow, which primarily focuses on weight loss." She added a warning:
"It surely has the potential risk of other health problems as the user is on high proteins and fats intake," sheexplained
"A person with ideal or lesser body weight is generally not suggested to go for it. It is not suggested to continue for more than 45 days in one go as the body starves for other nutrients as well as high protein puts pressure on the kidney without other related precautions," she noted.
While kidney stones are one possible side effect there are other more dire outcomes, the studies have shown.Doctors have warned that while keto works well for obese patients it can cause more severe issues for thinner patients who stay on it too long, since when the body stores up too manyketonesthe acids produced as a byproduct of burning fatthe blood can become too acidic, which can damage theliver,kidneys, and brain. Left untreated, it can be fatal, according to medical experts. Dieters should drink plenty of water to reduce the stress on the kidneys while on a keto diet.
The Beet quoted Dr. Andrew Freeman, cardiologist, who has studied ketogenic diets and heart disease, who said: It's not the diet itself, but what most people eat when they are doing it, such as red meat, processed meat (like bacon) and high-fat foods that can cause fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease and other related health problems associated with eating a diet high in red meat. Most people have trouble staying on such a strict low-carb diet, and end up gaining all the weight back. The healthier choice, according to Dr. Freeman, is a low-fat diet that is rich in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and low in processed foods.
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Indian Actress Mishti Mukherjee, 27, Dies of Kidney Failure Related to Keto Diet - The Beet
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Intermittent Fasting May Be No Better Than Other Diets And Might Even Reduce Muscle Mass – IFLScience
Posted: October 7, 2020 at 2:56 am
Intermittent fasting may be no more effective than traditional forms of dieting and may evenreduce lean muscle mass, according to a randomized clinical trial published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
With various forms of alternative diets sweeping nations everywhere, intermittent fasting has quickly risento the foreground of diets that supposedly affect your metabolism. There are many variations, but all include periodsof fasting followed byallocated time to indulge in food of your choice. Some use the dietas a tool to make them more aware of when they are hungry, while others claim it boosts their body's ability to react to calorie intake.
As of 2020, intermittent fasting has become oneof the most-followed diet plans in the USA, according to the International Food Information Council(IFIC). However, hard evidence of exactly how successful the diet is and the full mechanisms behind it has been lacking.So researchers from theUniversity of CaliforniaSan Franciscoattempted to find out.
The team assembled a clinical trial consisting of 116 adults with abody mass index (BMI) between27 and 43 and randomly assigned them to either three meals a day or an intermittent fasting routine. The intermittent fasting group could eat to their hearts content between 12:00pm and 8:00pm, but not outside that time frame. On the flip side, the other group had a structured diet of three meals a day. This group was recommended the time at which to eat, but not what to eatboth groups consumed approximately the same calories daily.
After monitoring the participants for three months, the team measured their weight loss, fat mass, and lean mass among other metrics to identify differencesbetween the groups. Inspecting the results, there was no significant difference between the weight lost by the fasting group compared to those that atethree meals a day. Whilst the fasting group did lose weight, it was a very small amount at just ~0.2 lbs per week.
Furthermore, there was an unexpected result those participating in intermittent fasting had lost more lean muscle mass compared to the other group.According to Inverse, the results prompted co-author Ethan Weiss to stop intermittent fasting altogether, a diet he has been following for the past 7 years.
"No matter how you look at it, time-restricted eating resulted in very modest weight loss, Weiss told Inverse. "It did not offer any other metabolic advantage. And then there was the concerning signal over the loss of lean mass."
However,the jury is still out on intermittent fasting, as someprevious studies have demonstrated the benefits of the diet, while others align with the resultsseen here. The study also doesn't take intoaccount othervariations of intermittent fasting, such as increasedfasting length orthe timeof day. Three months is also considered short for weight lossresearch, making it difficult to drawgeneralconclusions. Alongside this, protein and water intake was not accounted for, which could have altered the lean muscle mass between cohorts.
The authors hope that further study with these considerations in mind willclarify whether it is the fasting or a different reason that led to the muscle loss.
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Freelee the Banana Girl reveals insane daily diet on TikTok –
Posted: October 7, 2020 at 2:56 am
An Australian vegan famous for roasting other peoples eating habits has baffled her followers after sharing a typical day of raw food eating.
Freelee the Banana Girl, real name Leanne Ratcliffe, has more than 770,000 subscribers on YouTube, where she is famous for sharing her extreme eating regimen, which includes eating mostly uncooked foods.
But shes recently joined TikTok, sharing a video thats been viewed more than 3.6 million times, where she revealed what she typically eats in the day, starting off with half a watermelon.
Next, Leanne had more fruit, eating four ice cream bananas grown on her North Queensland property for a snack.
Lunch was more fruit, nice cream that was you guessed it banana based and its from a local company.
RELATED: Everything you need to know about the vegan diet
For a snack in the afternoon I had these organic Turkish figs which were really juicy, yummy. Great source of iron, Leanne said. I then picked a papaya from one of our trees and it was like apricot jam.
Finishing off the day Leanne ate her first cooked meal of the day.
For dinner I made this amazing coconut curry, coconut from the property it turned out really really delicious, lots of curry spices, she said.
She then had durian for dessert, explaining that her raw food diet had been around 2700 calories.
Leannes video got thousands of comments, with many people divided over her diet.
RELATED: Vegan slams vegan who went full carnivore
Wheres the meals? These are snacks. Wheres the carbs? Its all fruit and veg? wheres the water? one person wrote.
I drink water but this is what I EAT in a day. Wheres the carbs?? This day is about 75 per cent of calories carbs, Leanne wrote back.
While another person sarcastically commented: Its the protein deficiency for me.
Im vegan but like almost your whole diet is fruit. Wheres the beans, rice, legumes, vegetables, more nuts, another wrote.
Others said the diet wasnt attainable or realistic, with one person commenting: How can you afford it, what do you do as a career.
But some people defended her diet, saying it was inspirational and all looks amazing.
Because of you I went vegan 3 years ago and never been happier, healthier and fitter. Keep going queen, one person wrote.
Why are you guys judging her when you survive off iced coffee and cheetos? another commented.
Following a healthy plant-based diet has been proven to have the lowest risk of heart disease but research published in the Harvard Medical Schools Harvard Health Publishing in 2017 stated those following an unhealthy plant-based diet fruit juices, refined grains, fries and sugar-sweetened beverages had a substantially higher risk of heart disease.
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World Sight Day 2020: Add These 6 Vitamin C-Rich Fruits To Your Diet To Boost Eye Health – NDTV Food
Posted: October 7, 2020 at 2:56 am
World Sight Day 2020: Vitamin C is one of the most impactful antioxidants for our body
Sight Day 2020: With the increasing usage of mobile phones, televisions and other electronic gadgets, a poor vision has been one of the major concerns today. Almost every one of us spends most of our time staring at phones and laptops - both for work and entertainment purposes. In fact, we hardly offer any kind of rest to our eyes. This results in stress that further leads to several eye-related problems. Besides these lifestyle issues, increasing level of pollution and malnutrition/under-nutrition play major roles in the deterioration of eye health. Hence, health experts around the world often recommend well-balanced nutrition on a daily basis to strengthen the vision and overall eye health.
To further raise awareness among people about blindness, vision impairment and other eye-related problems, World Sight Day is celebrated annually across the globe on the second Thursday of October. This year, it will be marked on October 8, 2020. As per the World Health Organisation, "1 billion people around the world have a preventable vision impairment or one that has yet to be addressed. Reduced or absent eyesight can have major and long-lasting effects on all aspects of life, including daily personal activities, interacting with the community, school and work opportunities and the ability to access public services."
This World Sight Day 2020, we bring you some natural food options that can help nourish your eyes. Speaking about the same, consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta stated, "There are several vitamins that can help in keeping your eyes healthy. One such example is vitamin C. Abundantly found in our everyday diet, it is one of the most impactful antioxidants for our body. Alongside maintaining overall health, vitamin C lowers the risk of developing cataract. It also helps maintain the collagen in the cornea."
Moreover, several studies have inferred that regular consumption of vitamin C may reduce the risk of cataract and vision loss due to macular degeneration.
"Some of the vitamin C-enriched fruits that can be included in your regular diet are citrus fruits, amla, papaya, tomato, guava and mango," Datta added.
Also Read:Vitamins for Good Eyesight: Foods That Can Help Nourish Your Eyes
Fruits like lemon, sweet lime, oranges etc are a great source of vitamin C that boosts the functioning of our eyes. It also prevents us from the inflammatory condition of eyes.
As per Ayurvedic expert Ram N Kumar, "Amla not only help boost immunity but also strengthen our eyesight." Several studies have further found that carotene in amla improves vision and promote overall eye health.
Papaya is loaded with antioxidants and beta-carotene and aids eye health and vision. Alongside, papaya contains lutein and zeaxanthin that are known to prevent our eyes from UV rays.
The key content of tomatoes is compounds called lutein and lycopene. These carotenoids may help protect our eyes from light-induced damages.
Guava is a potent source of vitamin A and C, which are known to boost vision. This fruit not only helps improve eyesight but also prevent against degradation of eyesight.
The beta-carotene-content of mango is known to lower the effects of free-radical damages in our eyes. It is also a good source of vitamin A and protects us against dry eyes, itchiness etc.
This World Sight Day 2020, let's pledge for a healthy lifestyle for strong eye health!
About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.
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World Sight Day 2020: Add These 6 Vitamin C-Rich Fruits To Your Diet To Boost Eye Health - NDTV Food
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Healthy living: This is why FSSAI recommends a plant-based diet – The Indian Express
Posted: October 7, 2020 at 2:56 am
By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | October 7, 2020 10:00:07 amHere's why plant-based diets are good for your health. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)
People have started recognising the importance of eating healthy to stay hale and hearty. Experts too are of the view that regular consumption of a balanced diet comprising of all the essential vitamins, carbohydrates, fat and protein can benefit ones health in the long term. Studies also recommend the consumption of a plant-based diet which consists of foods derived from plants such as vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and fruits.
The FSSAI or Food Safety and Standards Authority of India also recently posted on Twitter about the need to have a plant-based diet.
Take a look.
According to FSSAI, the benefits of a plant-based diet are plenty, including:
*Lowers overall cholesterol levels
*Less risk of stroke and obesity
*Reduces risk of diabetes
*Provides high fibre content
*Reduces carbon footprint
Various case studies have indicated that plant-based diets, which are rich in whole carbohydrates, help in improving insulin sensitivity and other health markers in people with type 1 diabetes.
According to a 2019-study published in Journal of the American Heart Association, middle-aged adults who consumed more of plant-based foods and less of animal products were likely to have a healthier heart, with a lower risk of heart diseases. And it held that less meat can also reduce the risk of a stroke, high cholesterol, blood pressure problems, type 2 diabetes and obesity.
What to have?
Nutritionists insist on having a diet that has fruits such as berries, bananas, apples, grapes, melons, citrus fruits, among others; vegetables like broccoli, beetroot, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, etc.; legumes like kidney beans, black beans, peas and chickpeas; seeds, nuts, whole grains, and plant-based milk like coconut, almond, soy, to name a few.
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