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Is It Healthier to Eat Based on Your Blood Type? – CNET
Posted: September 10, 2022 at 2:05 am
There is some evidence that shows your blood type has an effect on your health. General heart health is one example since the American Heart Association found that people with type A, type B or type AB blood are more likely than those with type O to have a heart attack. But it's not all good news for type Os. Another study conducted in 2019 concluded that people with type O blood are more likely to be bitten by mosquitos. (Hey, you can't win 'em all.)
There is also a faction of people who believe that eating a certain diet based on your blood type can lead to better health and a reduced risk of certain diseases. This nutrition philosophy was popularized by a naturopathic physician named Dr. Peter D'Adamo and outlined in his 1996 book Eat Right 4 Your Type. The diet guide landed on the New York Times Bestseller list and has since sold millions of copies.
But will changing your diet based on your blood type actually make you healthier? The science behind D'Adamo's guide has been mostly debunked -- or at the very least, largely unconfirmed to date. I asked Anna Rios, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, about the nutrition plan and any benefits or potential dangers associated with eating for blood type.
But first, here's what the Blood Type Diet is and how it portends to make you healthier.
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D'Adamo's 1996 book made waves when it came out, but there is little evidence to support the idea that eating a blood type-specific diet will improve health.
The general thrust of the Blood Type Diet is that there are optimal foods for people with various blood types O, A, B and AB. Part of the claim hinges on the idea that blood types serve as maps of our ancestral history and genetics, and that the foods commonly eaten by our ancestors are better suited for our bodies, even in the modern day.
Below is a snapshot of the four main blood types and what D'Adamo posits is the best type of diet for each.
Type A: The agrarian or cultivator. According to D'Adamo, those with type A blood should avoid meat -- specifically red meat -- and eat a plant-based diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Because of more "sensitive immune systems," they should also avoid processed foods and opt for organic foods whenever possible.
Read more:Where to Buy Affordable Organic Groceries Online
Type B: People with blood type B are dubbed "nomads" by D'Adamo. Folks with type B are encouraged to eat plants but also most meats (except chicken). The diet also cautions against eating corn, wheat, tomatoes, peanuts and certain seeds.
Type AB: People with type AB blood, or "enigmas" as D'Adamo calls them, are a mix between types A and B. The Blood Type Diet encourages these people to eat seafood, tofu, dairy, beans, greens and grains but to avoid corn, beef and chicken. D'Adamo contends type ABs also have lower levels of stomach acid and thus should avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Type O: Also known as the "hunter," D'Adamo purports that people with this blood type should eat a high protein diet rich in red meat, fish, poultry and some fruits and vegetables. This precursor to the paleo diet cautions type Os against eating grains, legumes and dairy products.
According to the Blood Type Diet, type Os require more meat in their diets than other blood types.
To date, there is very little evidence that adhering to strict blood type-based diet recommendations will improve health outcomes. "The blood type diet has been debunked multiple times by new and improved research," Rios says. "People who claim to start feeling better on this diet typically do so because they start cooking at home more and eating more whole foods and less processed foods which can improve anyone's health."
The most comprehensive study was done in 2013 by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and found "no evidence to validate the purported health benefits of blood type diets." That said, most of the nutrition plans laid out in D'Adamo's book may be healthier than your current eating habits since they do focus on natural, whole and unprocessed foods.
D'Adamo suggests folks with type A blood are healthiest when adhering to a plant-based diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.
Blood type isn't something dietitians take into consideration when providing medical nutrition therapy, Rios says. "As dietitians, we focus on the patient as an individual," she adds. "Important things to consider include health history, chronic illnesses, current lifestyle, food allergies, food intolerances, sensitivities, stress and digestion."
Following the Blood Type Diet can be "extremely restricting," Rios says, and, if you aren't being guided by a registered dietitian, it could lead to other health issues. There are lots of things to consider before excluding certain food groups from your diet.
If you have or are at risk forhigh blood pressure or heart disease, for instance, eating a diet high in red meat (as the type O diet suggests) could lead to problems. Diabetics, on the other hand, are often advised to avoid eating cheese, dairy and other foods in large amounts. Other health conditions including IBS and iron deficiency can be exacerbated by meticulously consuming or avoiding certain categories of foods.
While trying a nutrition plan outlined for your blood type shouldn't have any drastic negative consequences (at least not for those without underlying health conditions), there is also very little evidence that doing so will improve your health in any significant way.
Most nutrition experts suggest balance in the diet overall, including a mix of lean proteins and vitamin-rich vegetables along with whole grains, nuts and seeds. For losing weight, diets such as the keto and paleo plans have been known to garner fast results, but if the goal is overall improved health, including heart health, restrictive fad diets often get failing grades from nutritionists, dietitians and other health professionals.
If you're looking for a nutrition plan or diet to follow for increased overall health, the Mediterranean Diet has been ranked the No. 1 healthiest diet by US News and World Report for five straight years. Based largely on typical Mediterranean-style cooking, this nutrition plan includes lots of lean fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and seeds. It also encourages limited sugar and salt intake and prioritizes healthy fats like olive oil.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
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Is It Healthier to Eat Based on Your Blood Type? - CNET
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GOLO Diet: What is it and how it impacts health – PINKVILLA
Posted: September 10, 2022 at 2:05 am
GOLO diet gained the limelight in the year 2016 and right after that, it took the internet by storm. This diet plan was launched in 2009 and promises to lose weight. This diet is basically a short-term tactic to lose weight and works by handling insulin levels. The diet is comprised of 30-, 60- or 90-day plans which further assist in balancing hormones and restoring metabolism, thereby assisting in losing weight quite speedily.
GOLO Diet- what exactly it is?
To speedup up the process of weight loss, the GOLO diet tackles the high insulin levels, and hormone levels and escalates metabolism which further assists in shedding kilos from your body, steadily and sustainably. This diet emphasises on controlling the daily intake of calories, reducing portion sizes, decrease the consumption of processed foods while motivating people to incorporate exercise into their routine. This not only drops the weight but also increases energy levels super quick. According to health experts, tweaking diets alone are simply not enough to sustainably lose weight instead, weight should be tackled properly by combatting the hormonal issues and other imbalances in the body to get long-term results.
GOLO diet is a calorie-controlled diet that promotes a healthy lifestyle that is balanced with appropriate supplementation in order to meet health goals, especially weight shedding. A supplement known as Release supplement is also an integral part of this diet.
Foods you should incorporate while following GOLO Diet
Proteins, carbs, vegetables, and fats are referred to as the fuel groups for the body and GOLO diet GOLO diets vital component GOLO Metabolic Fuel Matrix lets you incorporate the foods from these above-mentioned 4 food groups. A person following a GOLO diet must eat 3 meals in a day with a standard serving size. Here are some foods that an individual can inculcate in their diet while on this diet.
Food restrictions in a GOLO Diet
Processed foods
Are there any health effects of the GOLO Diet?
GOLO diet is not made on vague principles and is supported by numerous health experts and there are no negative side effects of this. Instead, it aids in fuelling the body with high energy levels, cutting down extra pounds and transforming the overall lifestyle and making it healthy since it is framed on concrete ideologies of nutrition. Balancing the meals as per the Metabolic fuel matrix is quite effortless which makes the diet easy to follow. Ensure that you follow it rightly under the supervision of a health expert in order to reap the maximum benefits.
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GOLO Diet: What is it and how it impacts health - PINKVILLA
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Is lettuce bad, and butter good? I tried the personalised diet app that’ll change how you eat – iNews
Posted: September 10, 2022 at 2:05 am
In the space of a fortnight Ive discovered that lettuce can be bad for me, and butter good.
Ive been given a fair idea of why I sometimes find it difficult to concentrate and Ive learned that while it may be wise to steer clear of croissants, tiramisu and brownies are fine.
To receive these revelations about the way my body processes different foods I had to pay 259, put an app on my phone, wear a blood sugar sensor, record what I ate, provide a couple of samples, and eat some very special muffins.
Personalised nutrition will be so revolutionary that it is set to transform the way food is sold and consumed, according to Professor Tim Spector, from Kings College London.
He co-founded ZOE, which gave me insights into the food I should be eating. The company is already well known for an app which has provided a source of Covid data during the pandemic, but its personalised nutrition service is likely to become bigger still.
It uses artificial intelligence to offer a personalised solution for those of us wanting to eat more healthily by choosing the right diet, helping to overcome the confusion caused by dietary fads that seem to change from week to week.
ZOE, and similar apps available in America, claim to have nailed things once and for all by analysing your bodys unique response to virtually every food under the sun and guiding you towards the best meals for you.
I think its inevitable that personalised nutrition will become mainstream, said Professor Spector. This is going to influence the food industry to provide new products and to change our nutritional guidelines into subsets rather than pretending that all males or all females are the same.
Other academics are supportive of the concept. But they concerned that it may be too simplistic, and are cautious about any rush to get products out on the market before the evidence behind them is robust enough.
ZOEs app has been available since April and has already signed up 10,000 members. Another 220,000 are on a waiting list as the company races to hire more of the personal coaches needed for the online advice it offers as part of the package.
ZOE personalised nutrition users must have a thin, 50p piece -sized sensor stuck to their arm and leave it there for two weeks.
This is not actually a painful or uncomfortable process. The sensor has a harmless and flexible pin and takes and stores a continuous blood sugar reading. But its memory is limited so it must be swiped at least every eight hours to a ZOE app you download onto your phone to ensure continuous readings. You hold the phone close to your arm, which gives a little ping, a bit like when you use your credit card on your phone.
Users must also eat a selection of carefully prepared muffins, which involve given quantities of various known food groups. This is followed by a finger prick blood test which is then sent off for analysis and gives clues into blood sugar and fat responses.
The data collected from the sensor, the blood test, a stool sample you give and a food diary you keep is used by ZOEs AI systems to analyse your response to various foods and predict your response to a whole range of others.
My two week programme has given me advice that could significantly improve my health as I get older. It has told me that my gut bacteria is pretty good overall (varied and generally of the right kind) giving me a degree of protection against everything from depression to dementia.
And Im fairly good at processing and clearing fat particles from my blood. This reduces the risk of inflammation that can lead to a whole range of health problems such as heart disease and diabetes and make you put on weight.
Less encouragingly, it turns out that Im not very good at processing and clearing sugar from my blood, with everything from bread and ice cream to lettuce, carrots and green beans sending my blood sugar levels soaring.
Blood sugar spikes are caused when your body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar molecules, or glucose, which is then shipped through the walls of your gut and into your blood, before getting absorbed by muscles and cells around the body.
My poor blood sugar response to foods is something I hadnt expected and need to keep an eye on because blood sugar spikes can contribute to heart, kidney, eyesight and other problems.
On top of that, a blood sugar spike is often followed by a crash, disturbing concentration, sapping energy and making you hungry.
This is something I suspect has been happening, on and off, for years without me being aware although, as so often with these things, its hard to be sure.
This isnt to say that lettuce, carrots and green beans cant play a valuable role in a balanced diet as they are low fat, boost gut bacteria and packed with goodness.
But its worth bearing in mind our blood sugar response to these and other foods when trying to keep down spikes.
The app uses a scoring system to tell you how good you are at processing sugar and fat for any given food or combination of food including those you didnt consume during the tests.
It does this by using artificial intelligence to predict your response to foods you didnt consume as well as to any given meal you care to make up.
This is the key to curbing my blood sugar spikes. Because Im good at clearing fats, such as butter or olive oil, but not so good at clearing sugars, I can get away with eating more fats but need to keep carb consumption relatively low.
So by eating extra fats I can reduce my blood sugar spikes by covering the sugars in the carbs with fat, like a blanket.
This slows down the speed of uptake of sugar from the gut because fat is more slowly absorbed than sugar, so the peaks of the combined sugars and fats are lower. Some people refer to this process as putting clothes on their carbs.
So, using the app, I find I can mitigate the blood sugar spike I would get from eating a slice or two of sourdough bread by liberally adding healthy fats such as butter or cheese, for example.
A bowl of brown basmati rice which on its own gives me a combined score of 35 (out of 100, where 100 is the best) based on its impact on blood sugar, blood fat and gut bacteria increases to 69 when a table spoonful of extra virgin olive oil is added. Adding a handful of mixed nuts takes me up to 83, which is a very respectable score.
Meanwhile, two white slices of sourdough, which give me a ZOE score of 26, rises to 29 with butter, 37 when cheddar cheese is added and 61 with a decent portion of avocado.
ZOE recommends aiming for a score of 60 or more, where possible something that is much easier to achieve by adding suitable extra ingredients or swapping one major component for another.
Meanwhile, Ive learned that while croissants and ice cream send my blood sugar soaring, chocolate brownies, panna cotta and tiramisu are fine for blood sugar due to their higher fat and lower carb content paving the way for more better targeted desert treats.
These baked treats actually produce a lower blood sugar spike than lettuce, carrots, green beans and a wide variety of other healthy foods although it is not recommended they are routinely swapped for them as they are considerably less healthy overall.
An, admittedly small, interim research study ahead of a much bigger one due to report next year looked at how 17 people responded after 12 weeks of using ZOE findings as the basis of a personalised diet.
It found that 64.7 per cent felt less hungry and 82.4 per cent felt more energetic. Meanwhile, participants lost an average of 9.4 lbs (4.3kgs) in weight, primarily because the reduction in blood sugar spikes made them feel less hungry.
Although I am still in the early stages of my ZOE diet, I too can report feeling more energetic and less hungry as I take more care to balance out my meals with ingredients which for me curb spikes in blood sugar.
The way people react to food is so personal that even identical twins are likely to respond quite differently to the same meal, according to research by the team behind the ZOE app.
In fact less than half of our response to any given food is governed by our genes, with the remainder down to factors such as sleep patterns, exercise, meal timing and gut microbe, it found.
Professor Spector predicts that when these individual responses to food are better understood the food industry could respond by labelling products as being suitable for people with poor glucose scores, or being fat response friendly.
At the moment you just have how many calories or fat are in it but this would tell you how you are likely to respond if a good or bad responder, he said.
All the big companies have personalised nutrition divisions already set up. They just dont talk about it. They are aware that people are going to demand to know how these foods are going to affect your gut health, for example.
The academic believes that personalised nutrition apps could one day be as ubiquitous as Uber apps.
It could be something that is like am Uber app that everyone has if the NHS decided to underwrite it. Ten or 15 years ago, no-one would have thought everyone would have had something like an Uber app to call a chauffeur service, he said.
The amount of money generated from diet and nutrition apps in the UK is forecast to soar this decade, from around $10m (8.6m) at the moment to $45m in 2030 and much more beyond, according to data from Grand View Research.
Apart from ZOE, options in the UK are fairly limited at the moment. They include analyses based on DNA samples which Professor Spector dismisses as pretty useless given that genes only account for the minority of our food reactions.
And there is Lumen, a tool that users breathe in and out of to take readings of carbon dioxide to determine whether theyre in fat or carb-burning mode and then adapt their eating accordingly.
Meanwhile, in the US and Israel the Daytwo app gives nutritional recommendations to people with diabetes, obesity and non-alchoholic fatty disease a range of liver conditions affecting people who drink little to no alcohol based on an analysis of their gut bacteria and AI to predict blood glucose response. Another app called Levels is broadly similar but not available outside the US.
Daytwo was set up by Professors Eran Segal and Eran Elinav from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel after they published a gamechanging paper in 2015 which is generally seen as paving the way for personalised nutrition apps.
The study confirmed previous research findings on how various foods caused blood sugar spikes but crucially, it found that the magnitude of these spikes had huge variation from one person to the next.Professor Elinav told i: Personalised nutrition offers a data-driven, individualised way to modify ones diet without having to give up on large groups of foods.
I believe it may be harnessed to tackle a growing number of microbiome-associated metabolic, immune and other diseases. We are continuing to actively research these prospects.
Daniel Davis, professor of Immunology at the University of Manchester, adds: The potential for personalised nutrition is huge. Tim Spector, and a handful of other like-minded pioneers, are challenging the status quo and bringing to the foreground bold new ideas for healthcare.
But while there is much that a good personalised nutrition app can teach us it is important to recognise potential shortcomings because even the broadest ones dont provide a full picture, according to Newcastle Universitys Professor John Mathers, who has been involved in a number of studies in the area published in journals such as Nature and the British Medical Journal.
Overall, I am very supportive of the idea of personalised nutrition but I worry that there has been a rush to commercialisation before the evidence for what really works is sufficiently robust, he said.
The ZOE approach is based on high quality research, which gives it an advantage over some of its competitors. But it puts a large amount of emphasis on a few simple markers such as short-term changes in blood glucose concentration as an index of the complex effects of food consumption on the human body.
Many experts would argue against the restrictions on bread, potatoes and rice [which cause blood sugar spikes in many people].
His concerns about ZOE will be even more applicable to other less sophisticated alternatives on the market.
On a personal level, having used the ZOE app, I can see the dangers of focussing too much on a handful of admittedly key properties while ignoring the other health benefits of various foods. There is also a risk of becoming overly preoccupied with the effect of every ingredient you consume, and enjoying food less.But as long as you keep the bigger picture in mind I think the right apps can be a huge help to our health.
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Is lettuce bad, and butter good? I tried the personalised diet app that'll change how you eat - iNews
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Diet Tips to Boost Nutrition for New Moms – NDTV Food
Posted: September 10, 2022 at 2:05 am
New moms require some much-needed nutrition boost to become healthier and stronger. Since new moms are the sole providers of food to their babies, they themselves need to eat nutritious and healthy food to be in the pink of their health and also to take care of the little ones. Let's look at a few diet tips that will help new moms to fight all sorts of health issues. Also, the post-pregnancy period can be quite vulnerable and new moms can easily fall sick, hence taking care of themselves is of utmost importance, especially during this time. A lactating mother needs nutrients enriched to ensure the well-being of her babies as well as herself.
Protein is a must-have for new moms as it provides energy and it is very much required for new moms. Include eggs, lean meat, and fish in your daily diet to increase the intake of protein. Also, protein helps in producing milk for the babies which is an added advantage for new moms. Protein foods aid in the cell-building process in your babies too.
Green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are loaded with vitamin A, calcium, iron, and antioxidants which are great for new moms. These leafy vegetables have a significant impact on the baby's growth and breastfeeding mothers get a lot of benefits from these vegetables.
During delivery, moms lose a lot of blood hence their body becomes weak post-pregnancy. Tofu, tuna, meat, chicken, and eggs are all excellent sources of iron which helps to restore blood loss in new moms. The low iron amount in the body can cause fatigue in new moms as well. So make sure to include iron-enriched foods in your daily diet to boost nutrition.
Milk, yogurt, and cheese are powerhouses of calcium. It is important for breastfeeding mothers to have enough dairy products to ensure their good bone health for the babies. Also, the vitamin D present in dairy products aids in stronger bone health for new moms.
Vitamin C-enriched foods or citrus fruits like lemons, and oranges are great nutritious foods for new moms. They help to build a strong immune system in new mothers and prevent them from catching cough and cold. Moreover, vitamin C helps in better absorption of iron in the body and thus regulates hemoglobin levels as well. It supports tissue repair and is an excellent food for the growth of the baby.
Staying hydrated post-delivery is absolutely necessary for new moms. During labor, mothers lose an incredible amount of liquid, and less water intake can lead to headache or migraine in new moms. Make sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water.
(Also Read:This Traditional Indian Preparation is Excellent for Lactating Mothers)
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Power of Grandma's recipes
Our grandmothers' superb recipes especially laddus for the new moms are an excellent food to have in your diet. Packed with nutrients like iron, protein, and calcium, these panjiri laddus can help new moms dealing with issues like post-pregnancy hair fall, back pain, dizziness, gaps in teeth and many such problems. They also boost energy in new moms.
Are you a new mom and looking for the perfect diet tips to provide your child with the best nutrition? Then, include these awesome foods in your diet and be a healthy mom to a healthy baby.
About the author:Dietitian Tauqeer Zehra is also theFounder ofGoNutriWay.
The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
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What is the If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) diet plan and is it for you? – GQ India
Posted: September 10, 2022 at 2:05 am
In the last few years, the IIFYM diet has become popular globally. This food plan was designed by fitness expert Anthony Collova who invented the food strategy after becoming frustrated with conventional diets. Presently, IIFYM is practised around the world due to its flexible nature. For this reason, we checked with leading Indian health experts to learn more about this diet. Heres what they had to say.
1. Improves overall health
As IIFYM emphasises macronutrients, rather than calories, it can be a good learning experience for numerous people. IIFYM can help you fix the basics. Over 70% of Indians are protein deficient. Thus, simply fixing your protein to carb ratio alone can be a game changer in your fitness journey, enhancing your energy, strength, hormonal health and immunity, remarks nutritionist Lovneet Batra.
2. Flexible weight loss plan
IIFYM teaches you to approach nutrition more equitably and refrain from demonising particular foods or macronutrients. When you follow this flexible eating plan, you quickly discover the actual calorie and macronutrient content of the foods youre consuming. For people who want to lose weight and gain muscle mass without feeling overly restricted, IIFYM is a good option, mentions Dr Archana Batra, nutritionist and certified diabetes educator.
IIFYM is an eating technique, which involves concentrating on the macronutrients consumed rather than the total calories consumed in a day. This diet allows people to include a variety of foods in their diet, provided they stick to their macro target. This makes IIFYM a less stressful and more convenient dieting option. Hence, people are more likely to stick to it, adds Aman Puri, health expert and founder of Steadfast Nutrition.
3. Its for everyone
You can practise the IIFYM food plan even if you are vegan, vegetarian or gluten-free. IIFYM is seen as a welcome change by people who feel too restricted by any other traditional diets. This diet ensures you are consuming the right ratio of macronutrients. It also highlights the fact that it's the type of calories we eat and not the number of calories that matter when it comes to weight loss. This also helps build strength and maintain healthy body composition. Additionally, the IIFYM food plan works for everyone including those who follow a vegan, vegetarian or gluten-free diets, mentions Dr Siddhant Bhargava, fitness and nutritional scientist, and co-founder, Food Darzee.
1. Does not include micronutrient tracking
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What is the If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) diet plan and is it for you? - GQ India
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Digestion: Here Are 3 Foods To Add To Your Diet If You Have Digestive Issues According To Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal – NDTV Doctor
Posted: September 10, 2022 at 2:05 am
Digestion: These foods contribute to healthy digestion & also relieve IBS symptoms like gas, acidity & bloating.
Digestion: Fennel seeds reduce constipation, gas, and other digestive issues
In her recent reel, Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal discusses 3 foods everyone should include in their diet if they experience constipation or other digestive issues often. These three foods are yogurt, fennel seeds, and papaya.
1. Yogurt
Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal explains yogurt, Contain probiotic that aids in digestion by promoting healthy bacteria in your digestive tract. Some yogurt varieties contain live bacteria, or probiotics, that were either added after pasteurisation or included in the starting culture. When consumed, these improve digestive health. In addition to this, yogurt containing Bifidobacteria (a kind of bacteria) reduces minor digestive symptoms and enhances health-related quality of life in women.
2. Fennel Seeds
The small fennel seeds are densely filled with fibre. By including fibre in your diet, you may be able to reduce the likelihood of experiencing constipation, gas, and other digestive issues, as well as maintain a healthy digestive system. Furthermore, fennel seeds lessen inflammation. This might facilitate better digestion by reducing intestinal bloating or inflammation. She mentions adding fennel seeds to your daily routine as she mentions, It has high fiber content & antispasmodic agent can improve digestion.
3. Papaya
Nutritionist Agarwal lastly suggests adding papaya to your routine. She explains, Contain papain which is a strong digestive enzyme that contributes to healthy digestion & also relieve IBS symptoms like gas, acidity & bloating. Furthermore, It can be used to tenderise meat. Papaya also contains a lot of water and fibre, both of which aid to maintain regularity and a healthy digestive system.
Take a look:
Add these foods to your daily diet to ensure better digestion and overall health.
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Digestion: Here Are 3 Foods To Add To Your Diet If You Have Digestive Issues According To Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal - NDTV Doctor
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Can Your Diet Make You More Attractive to Mosquitos? – Eat This, Not That
Posted: September 10, 2022 at 2:05 am
I'm a mosquito magnet. I am one of those people that if I'm out on a summer evening, I will hear that unpleasant buzzing near my head and then an inevitable strike to bite my arm, leg, or any unexposed flesh. But why are some people magnets for mosquitoes while others rarely get bit? New research suggests your diet may play a role.
For most of us, a mosquito bite is a minor annoyance that causes the skin to swell and itch where the bite occurred. Some species of mosquitos can transmit diseases like malaria, zika, yellow fever, and dengue in many parts of the world. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, half of the world's population is at risk for contracting malaria, and it accounts for some 627,000 diseases in 2020. With climate change, the threat mosquitos pose for transmitting diseases is increasing.
In addition to the color of clothes one wears and their body temperature, it is now well established that a person's individual odors from their breath and skin are what drive mosquitos to bite. What impacts someone's body odors includes physiology, pregnancy, genetic makeup, underlying infections, and skin microbiome. Since what you eat and drink can impact your respiration and skin microbiome, new research suggests that changing what you eat and drink can impact your attractiveness to pesky insects.
The human body produces more than 350 different volatile organic compounds. Of these VOCs, mosquitoes are more attracted to some and not attracted to others. Some of the VOCs studied that attract mosquitos include carbon dioxide, lactic acid (produced during exercise), acetone (released when in ketosis), ammonia, and other human-produced organic compounds.
Here's a look into the research about dietary factors that may increase your attractiveness to mosquitos. Then, make sure to check out The Worst Eating Mistakes You're Making at Your Labor Day BBQ.
A few studies show that drinking alcohol may increase bodily VOCs that attract mosquitos. A study published in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association reported that among 13 study participants, researchers measured biomarkers before and after drinking beer and found that the percent of mosquitos landing on individuals increased after drinking beer.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e
Another study published in PLOS ONE reported that beer consumption increased the mosquito attraction to the participating subjects. Researchers theorize that beer (and likely all alcohol) increases attractiveness by elevating body temperature and altering the VOCs in the body after drinking alcohol.
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One recent study cited in a review article from Current Research in Parasitology & Vector-borne Diseases reported that caffeine is a substance that can be identified on the skin, and it appears to increase attractiveness to mosquitos. Other highly aromatic beverages would likely cause an increase in attractiveness as well, according to the authors.
Caffeine increases metabolism and therefore temperature and it is well established that mosquitos are more attracted to warmer bodies. While more research is needed, reducing coffee, other strong aromatic beverages, and caffeinated drinks prior to going outside where you know mosquitos will be out can help lower your attractiveness to mosquitos.
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As more research unfolds, there are basic health practices that you can take to help reduce your attractiveness to mosquitos. Keep your skin clean and after working out, try to take a shower to avoid staying sweaty. Eat a well-balanced diet and keep alcohol and caffeine in check to help moderate your body temperature and volatile organic compounds produced via respiration and through your skin.
Since ketogenesis produces acetones through the burning of ketones for energy, you may find that mosquitos find you more attractive if you follow a low-carb diet. However, you should always talk with a doctor before trying something like the Keto diet, as it isn't meant for everyone.
Julie Upton, MS, RD, CSSD
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Can Your Diet Make You More Attractive to Mosquitos? - Eat This, Not That
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Are excessive nutrients in swine diets always better? – All About Feed
Posted: September 10, 2022 at 2:05 am
Required nutrients include; energy, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and fat, as well as water. But the important question is whether more nutrients equal to better growth and performance. In this article we discuss the impacts of excessive nutrients in swine diets.
Excessive vitamin D causes acute toxicosis, lethargy, emesis and even death in fattening hogs and replacement gilts. Gross necropsy findings include haemorrhagic gastritis, diffuse interstitial pneumonia, myocardial degeneration, and nephrosis. In addition, necrosis and mineralisation of variable severity occur in the fundic gastric mucosa, lungs, kidneys, bone, heart, and small blood vessels of the lungs and heart. Furthermore, increased concentrations of serum calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are observed after feeding excessive vitamin D.
Excess vitamin A either in the diet (by feeding over 100 times the daily requirements for a short period of time) or by injection can cause pathological changes in the pig such as extensive bone resorption, narrowing of the bone shaft, bone fragility, bent legs at the growth plate, shortened bones, dipped pasterns in breeding stock, lameness, spontaneous fractures, internal haemorrhage, and piglets born with growth plate changes. Other signs of hypervitaminosis A include loss of appetite, slow growth, loss of weight, skin thickening, suppressed keratinization, increased blood-clotting time, reduced erythrocyte count, enteritis, congenital abnormalities, conjunctivitis, degenerative atrophy, fatty infiltration and reduced function of liver and kidney.
Calcium is an essential nutrient in swine diets, and along with phosphorus is responsible for nursery pig performance and bone mineralisation, development, and density. Calcium is mainly supplied in the diet via limestone and if no maximums are set for calcium in the diet, you will start to see phosphorus deficiencies because excess calcium impairs phosphorus digestibility and, therefore, reduces growth performance of nursery and growing-finishing pigs. Therefore, calcium and phosphorus are typically expressed as a ratio to one another. Studies showed that excess calcium in diets impaired growth performance and bone mineralisation of nursery pigs when diets were deficient in standardised total tract digestible phosphorus.
High fibre diets have lower energy digestibility, lower feed efficiency, and they increase viscera mass and reduce dressing percentage at slaughter. In addition, pigs adapt to diets with increased fibre content by increasing gut volume and weight which in turn enhances the energy and amino acid requirements of these organs in pigs, reduces protein deposition in the carcass and thereby decreases loin depth.
Each amino acid has a minimum requirement, although branched-chain amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine and aromatic amino acids such as tryptophan share transporters in the body so if one of them is in excess, that limits the bioavailability of the others. Thus, nutritionist need to formulate a diet to maintain an optimum ratio of these amino acids. Moreover, excessive methionine, arginine, tryptophan, lysine, and threonine reduce feed intake.
Pigs receiving excessive zinc oxide have higher mean pancreatic zinc concentrations which is associated with pancreatic acinar cell apoptosis. Additionally, as pigs become overloaded with zinc, there are significant reductions in both serum and hepatic selenium. High levels of zinc result in overproduction of metallothionein, an intestinal transporter binding to copper, which leads to a deficiency of this trace mineral. High dosage of zinc reduces efficacy in phytase functions, causes phosphorus deficiency, and is antagonistic with feed acidifiers such as organic acids. Furthermore, intensive usage of zinc in pig diets may reduce the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics and cause bacterial resistance.
Overfeeding in late gestation causes excessive weight gains which in turn reduces feed intake and performance during the subsequent lactation. High energy intakes lead to compromised mammary development and later lower milk production. Overweight sows are more likely to tire during parturition which leads to increased stillbirth rate. In addition, overweight sows have lower longevity, and they are clumsier leading to more piglets being laid on compared with sows in desirable body condition.
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Are excessive nutrients in swine diets always better? - All About Feed
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The Bucs’ chef talks about feeding the team, pregame ice cream and Tom Brady’s ‘very disciplined’ diet – WUSF News
Posted: September 10, 2022 at 2:05 am
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This week on The Zest Podcast, meet the woman behind the men. Tracie Hartman is the executive performance chef for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, meaning she feeds all 53 players, plus the coaches and support staff breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner every day during football season.
Meals are served at the dining room of the Bucs practice facility, the AdventHealth Training Center, in Tampa.
Our shopping list looks like everybody elses, but in huge, massive quantities, Tracie says with a laugh. We eat a ton of salmon and a ton of chicken.
To create new menus every week, Tracie works with a sous chef and nutritionist. Whats on the menu depends on the day of the week.
For instance, during midweek practice, Tracie offers lots of salmon, chicken and leafy greens. Toward the end of the week, Tracie adds in more simple carbs, like potatoes, burgers, pasta and chicken tenders albeit not fried. On the eve of each game, the team indulges in ice cream sundaes because its quick carbs, Tracie says. So its not all healthy 24/7/365. For postgame recovery and calorie replenishment, Monday is the perfect time for biscuits and gravy.
Everybody eats some of the meals, Tracie says. You have to think with 53 players, everybody doesnt love everything all of the time, and thats OK.
Kyle Zedaker
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
In general, the players consume anywhere from 3,000 to 7,000 calories daily, depending on their position and goal weight. Tracie says offensive and defensive linemen need the most calories.
Since coming to the Bucs in April 2021, Tracie has emphasized vegetables. Sometimes shell even sneak them into food, like zucchini tots.
Since Ive come here, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are learning how to eat a lot of veggies, she says.
But knowing that players will grow tired of her cooking and be tempted to eat off-campus as the months drag on, Tracie keeps a few tricks up her sleeve for later in the season. Popular meals include birria tacos, make-your-own acai bowl and avocado toast with smoked salmon and pork belly. On the day of off-season visits in July, lunch was a build-your-own grilled cheese bar.
Kyle Zedaker
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
To keep things interesting, Tracie and her team create a new menu every week. She estimates that shes written 2,000 recipes since she started. She even takes suggestions from players. Center Ryan Jensen bought her a grill, which Tracie occasionally uses to make ribs or brisket. Theres also a daily clean menu of grilled chicken, brown rice, broccoli and salads for picky eaters.
We cook every day, unless theyre out of town, Tracie says. She hasnt been traveling with the team due to COVID. But when the guys are on the road, she sends recipes to their hotel.
On this episode of The Zest, Tracie discusses how she went from working in finance to feeding the Bucs, which players love junk food and whether Tom Bradys diet is as strict as everyone thinks.
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Is the Keto diet safe for diabetics? Is it only good for short-term weight loss? Does it increase cholesterol? – The Indian Express
Posted: September 10, 2022 at 2:05 am
I recently saw a 23-year-old obese (weight 92 kg, BMI 33 kg/m2) girl. She was smiling but looked unsettled. She told me, Doc, I have been on a Keto diet for the last two months and have lost 4 kg of weight. Yet I feel feverish, fatigued, dizzy, have plenty of cramps, insomnia, my breath smells so bad. And I have trouble eating all that high fat-oil laced diet daily. So, she did lose weight but suffered from some long-lasting side effects in the bargain.
What is a ketogenic diet?
The story of Keto diets started with Atkins diets, which rapidly gained popularity. Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution: The High Calorie Way to Stay Thin Forever has sold 12 million copies and remains a bestseller till this day. Predominantly non-vegetarian Western populations loved this diet (Breakfast: Greasy ham, bacon and eggs; lunch, steak with plenty of cheese; and dinner, fish, crab, and chicken cooked in a whole lot of butter). This diet leads to rapid weight loss in many individuals. Low carbs (less than 30 gm per day, equivalent to about one-and-a-half rotis) lead the body to find alternate routes to energy generation from acidic ketone bodies (hence the name ketogenic diet). These ketone bodies provide energy in an efficient manner and suppress appetite. Since then, several similar diets have emerged due to two reasons. First, to consistently consume very low carb, high fat and protein daily is difficult, hence the quantity of carbs per day has been increased in the modified diets. Second, it is not possible for vegetarians to eat a diet designed by Atkins, hence, ghee, coconut oil etc have been added in surplus.
What are pluses and minuses?
There are several plus points for this diet. Rapid weight loss can be achieved, sometimes more than that seen in usual calorie restrictive diets. In patients with diabetes, blood sugar levels and sensitivity to insulin improve and the need for anti-diabetic medications decreases. The diet may help patients with polycystic ovaries as well by improving their metabolic environment. Interestingly, robust evidence indicates that these diets have been known to decrease seizures in children resistant to high dose medications. Further, there is persuasive evidence for effects of these diets on acne. Although tried, there are no clear benefits in cancers, Parkinsons disease and Alzheimers disease.
But many scientists are not ready to accept this diet because of uncertainty regarding benefits and harms. There are several known adverse effects and some not known or proven. While short term weight loss is slightly superior to conventional weight loss diets, long-term results are not yet known. In animals, this diet is known to increase density of fat in the liver (worsen fatty liver), which remains a concern in humans, short of good data. Recent reports show an increase in bad LDL cholesterol with these diets, which could adversely impact heart health. Finally, no good studies are available concerning Indians, who have bad liver (plenty of fatty livers) and LDL cholesterol (blood is full of fats, which could lead to dense deposition in the arteries that may cause blockages).
Who should not follow ketogenic diets?
First, these diets are a no-no for patients with heart failure and heart rhythm irregularities. Second, avoid such diets in patients with disturbed functions of kidney and liver, and history of pancreatic inflammation (pancreatitis). For patients with diabetes, extra precautions are needed when using these diets. Those who have Type 1 diabetes or have pregnancy with diabetes should not try this out at all. Many diabetic patients, who are on SGLT2 Inhibitors (Empagliflozin, Dapagliflozin and Canagliflozin) should be careful since Keto diets and these drugs would have additive effects on ketogenesis, which could reach dangerous levels. Finally, those who are on blood thinner (Vit K-dependent anticoagulation) should avoid Keto diets.
Is it worth short-term gains?
It looks like Keto diets are not a panacea for weight loss, only somewhat better than conventional weight loss diets in the short-term. So low carbohydrate Ketogenic diets are a reasonable option for rapid weight loss among young obese individuals with no organ dysfunction. This should be tried for three to six months under supervision of nutritionists and physicians. Cholesterol and liver profile should be done to check for any extreme responses. Similarly, in obese young and recently detected patient with diabetes (not on SGLT2i), this diet is a reasonable option to check surge of sugars or even for reversal of diabetes. Finally, the effect of very low carb Ketogenic diets on longevity is unknown, and one study suggests these are not favourable.
(The author is a Padma Shree Awardee and author of the book Diabetes with Delight)
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Is the Keto diet safe for diabetics? Is it only good for short-term weight loss? Does it increase cholesterol? - The Indian Express
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