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The 5 Potentially Harmful Food Additives to Look for on the Label – The Beet

Posted: September 16, 2020 at 3:54 am

When was the last time you read a label? If youre like us, you see the word Organic,Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, All-Natural, Vegan and Organic on a label and think: thats for me, because I am trying to eat healthy. Not so fast. These words don't tell the whole story.

In fact, many of these processed foods (like spreadable dairy-free cream cheese and other foods you look for to be healthier alternatives to the full-fat dairy) contain hidden additives thatmay bepotentially unhealthy if eaten frequently or in large amounts. The truth is that even the most well-meaning food makers have to add preservatives and additives to their foods to keep products shelf-stable and delicious for weeks, months, or even longer.

If you're trying to eat healthily, you need to look for these five food additives and try to avoid them. (They're in everything.) Did you know that Maltodextrin spikes your blood glucose higher than table sugar? That's just one ingredient. See what else is lurking in that so-called healthy food.

So before you toss that tofu cream cheese or coconut-milk yogurt into your basket, thinking these are full of wholesome goodness, first check the label for five potentially harmful ingredients you need to know more about, and have an honest understanding of, since they could potentially do as much harm to your diet as your healthy intentions are doing good.

Justhow healthy or dangerous are those packaged items you have come to rely on? We break down what the heck these ingredients are, why theyre there in the first place, and the potential risks or harmful side effects.

What its designed to do: A thickener, preservative, and alternativesweetener

What the studies say: Maltodextrinhas a higher glycemic index than table sugar, which means eating it can cause a spike in blood sugar after eating foods that contain it, whichcan be dangerous for anyone with diabetes or insulin resistance. It's often used as a sweetener but can be worse for you than plain old table sugar so if you're avoiding that, avoid this.

This 2016 study conducted by doctors in the Netherlands found that substituting unprocessed starches with Maltodextrin may increase the product's glycemic load, meaning elevates the sugar content and drives up how much blood glucose your body needs to metabolize in one sitting. This can lead to insulin response, fat storage, or weight gain. A study conducted by doctors at the University of South Carolina found evidence that foods that increase the glycemic load also increase inflammation, which is a major contributor to chronic diseases.

Who should stay away: People who are watching their weight, or are diabetic, or have Celiacs Disease or are gluten sensitive, because Maltodextrin is derived from wheat and can contain gluten.

Where you find it: Often in packaged or processed foods like pasta, salad dressing, cereal, canned soup, low-fat products, powder formulas, protein powders, and supplements.

Bottom Line: If you are not sensitive to gluten you can probably tolerate Maltodextrin in small amounts but it can add up if you are not watching labels but longterm, the tollthat inflammation takes on the body might make this one ingredient that most people will want to tryto skip, not just anyone gluten insensitivities.

What its designed to do:Xanthan Gum isused as a thickener or as a stabilizer or emulsifier and many of your favorite gluten-free products probably contain it.

What the studies say: The word "gum" is not far off, since it can really mess up your intestines if you're not careful about amounts. When consumed in high doses, a study by Northern General Hospital discovered that Xanthan Gum can cause colonic distress, and is "a highly efficient laxative agent" that can cause flatulence and increase the "frequency of defecation." One study out of Brazil also found that it might cause inflammation in humans based on research conductedin the lab. Animals fed a diet that included Xanthan Gum had an increase in inflammatory tissue.

Who should stay away: Anyone with a sensitive stomach or concerned about their level of inflammation or who are already prone to IBS or diarrhea.

Where you find it:Bakery products, cake mixes, pie crusts, cereal bars, salad dressings, pasta sauces, spreads, vegetable patties, frozen pizza, honey-roasted peanuts and more.

Bottom Line: Added to many gluten-free products, Xantham Gum might upset your stomach as much as gluten itself.

What its designed to do: A soluble fiber used as a thickener and binder

What the studies say:This stuff expands, which is great if you want to feel full but super dangerous if eaten in large quantities. In the 1990s, diet pills that used Guar Gum were banned by the FDA because they could swell up to 10 to 20 times the original size when ingested, causing dangerous blockages in the body. After a series of incidents where people suffered from esophageal and intestinal obstruction after taking the diet pills that contained Guar Gum, an analysis of FDA reports found that Guar Gum poses a deadly risk of swelling and obstructing the esophagus and small intestine. The FDA has now banned the use of Guar Gum in diet pills and strictly regulating the amount that can appear in food products.

However since Guar Gum is a soluble fiber, studies on high-fiber diets given to those with diabetes have shown that soluble fiber as part of a high-fiber diet can help reduce blood sugar levels and LDL (so-called bad cholesterol) by up to 20 percent over three months.

Who should stay away: Everyone should stay away from diet pills that contain the additive and stay wary of the amount used in food products, but if you need to add soluble fiber to your diet to lose weight, for medical purposes, it can be safe in small amounts.

Where you find it: Ice cream, yogurt, salad dressing, gluten-free baked goods, sauces, kefir, breakfast cereals, vegetable juices, pudding, and soup.

Bottom Line: Thanks to the FDAs strict regulations, the amount of Guar Gum in food products pose no risk of obstruction, however, its important youre aware of the amount youre consuming since some foods like vegetable juices are allowed to contain 2 grams.

What its designed to do: Preserve and inexpensively add fat to foods

What the studies say:Palm Oil is bad for your heart, and can drive up cholesterol, but because it's cheap and stays solid at room temperature but melts when heated (like margarine), it's in 50 percent of all products at the store. A study conducted out of the University of Columbia found that contrary to the popular notion that Palm Oil can reduce cholesterol, it has minimal health benefits and can actually raise cholesterol even in small amounts, because of its high concentration of saturated fat.

Since Palm Oil is used so frequently in cooking, another study from Malaysia looked at what happens when you reheat foods that have been cooked with palm oil and found that the more often the oil gets heated the worse it is for you, becoming denser it became, and the likelier to lead to plaque deposits that can clog arteries and lead to heart disease. found that when the oil is reheated, it can actually increase plaque deposits in arteries.

Who should stay away: Anyone watching their saturated fat intake or concerned about the environmental impact of harvesting Palm Oil since it has led to deforestation acrossthe planet, and the equivalent of 300 football fields of rainforest are being destroyed every hour.

Where you find it: Look at any supermarket aisle of packaged goods: About 50 percent of the products contain Palm Oil. Why? It's inexpensive and easy to add to any processed food. In fact, it's the most widely consumed vegetable oil on the planet, but it's terrible for your heart. From pizza dough to margarine (because it's solid at room temperature) pretty much everything you buy at the store has palm oil added to it.

Bottom Line:In shampoo and hair ingredients, Palm Oil can be great, but if you're watching your cholesterol (and you should be) this is one to skip.

What its designed to do: A preservative, curing agent, and flavoring agent

What the Studies Say:Lactic acid sounds so innocent since it's made by our very own bodies when we work out hard. However, in a study by doctors at The University of Augusta, Georgia in 2018, two-thirds of patients who took lactic acid experienced brain fog, confusion, and short term memory loss as well as bloating and fullness.

Who should stay away: Anyone tryingto focus,keep their brain sharp or with a sensitive stomach. But for the most part lactic acid has not been determined to be harmful to you.

Where you find it:Pickled vegetables, sourdough bread, beer, wine, sauerkraut, kimchi, and fermented soy foods like soy sauce and miso.It is not from animal products (despite the word lactic which sounds like it comes from milkit actually occurs in the fermentation process). It also occurs naturally in your body when you need to convert glucose to fuel.

Bottom Line: If youre someone who takes a product with Lactic Acid on the label you may want to monitor your symptoms and decide if you are having those issues as well.

Although small amounts of these additives wont pose any high-risk health dangers in the immediate term, its essential to know preciselywhat's in theproducts you buy. These additives will likely be acceptable in moderation, but the best bet to avoid food additives is to stick to eating whole foods, like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, so you dont even have to worry about double-checking a label.

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The 5 Potentially Harmful Food Additives to Look for on the Label - The Beet

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The 8 Foods to Eat to Reduce Your Lifetime Risk of Breast Cancer – The Beet

Posted: September 16, 2020 at 3:54 am

Breast cancer is thenumber one cancer among women in the US, afflicting about 276,000 women a year, or 1 in every 8 women over their lifetime, which is why so many of us are searching for ways to reduce the risk of a diagnosis. On a positive note, whendetected in the earliest stages breast cancer is 99 percent treatable to a five-year cure.Even betternews: Eating to lower your lifetime risk of breast canceris as simple as choosing a whole food, plant-based approach.To be clear, nothing you eat directly causes or prevents cancer, but new research shows that you can lower your risk by thelifestyle choices you make.

"Preventative dietary measures includereducingthe intake of alcohol, red meat, and fat while increasing intake of fiber and vitamin D as well as phytoestrogens from various food sources," according to one study that looked at the role of diet and breast cancer risk. All in all, nutrition impacts 35 percent of all breast cancer cases, the study found.

Thisstudy specifically links meat and dairy to an elevated risk of breast cancer:Women who ate just one-quarter of a cup of full-fat milk or dairy a day had an increased risk of breast cancer. Doctors encourage patients to adopt a healthy lifestyle of daily exercise and a minimally processed, low-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans. Whole foods, high in fiber and rich in antioxidants are crucial to reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Adding more fiber and antioxidants to your diet is the best way to reduce your risk of breast cancer. The best part is you may be eating these foods on a daily basis already. Here are the best antioxidant-rich and fiber-packed foods to reduce your risk of breast cancer, according to the latest studies.

Decreasing the number of fatty foods in your diet and replacing them with whole foods will reduceyourrisk and have been shown to improve the survival rate of breast cancer patients. Onestudyshowed that a low-fat diet reduces the risk of death from breast cancer by 21 percent. Adding fiber and antioxidantsfound in fruit and vegetablesto a diet low in animal fat is optimal for breast health. Women on a high-fiber diet were 8 percent less likely to develop breast cancer, compared to those who ate less fiber. An increase in dietary fiber lowers blood sugar and estrogen levels in the body, which is key to slowing or halting tumor growth.

Fiber-rich foods typically are also high in antioxidants, which are notonly important for preventing breast cancer butin treating it as well. Antioxidants contain nutrients that boost your immune system and protect againstfree radicals, which are molecules thatdamage tissue and can lead to cancer growth. Antioxidants also block the cancer-causing effects ofcarcinogensand can help women in remission lower their risk of reoccurrence.

So whether you're genetically predisposed by having one of the genetic markers, or recently diagnosed for the first time, or are recovering from breast cancer treatment, a plant-based dietis known to improvebreast health, according to a growing number of recentstudies.

Dark leafy greens, such as broccoli and kale contain a chemical calledsulforaphane that has anti-cancer properties, according to studies. Onestudy found that sulforaphane in broccoli not only possesses anti-cancer properties but also restricts tumors from growing in the lab and can prevent cancer from spreading. Kale is packed with antioxidants since it is high in vitamin C with 80 mg in one cup, which preventscancerfrom forming in the lab.Researchshowed the carotenoids in kale canboost the body's immunity against diseases andstop free radicals from damaging cells that can lead to cancer growth. Women who ate the most carotenoids had the lowest levels of cancer in that study. Carotenoids are found in vegetables such as carrots, corn, and tomatoes

This may come as a shocker to most people, but soy foods don'tincrease the risk of cancer, new studies have found, but may even help to prevent it. Incorporating soy foods like tofu, miso, edamame, and soy milk once a day forover a lifetimereduces the risk of breast cancer because the phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen actually suppress the amount of actual estrogen in the body. Isoflavones are the soy protein often linked to breast cancer but whole food sources, such as tofu don't have high enough levels of it to trigger cancer growth. Soy supplements are known to have high levels of Isoflavones, so if breast cancer runs in your family, you may want to stay away from concentrated levels or supplements. A small amount of plant-based phytoestrogens appear to be protective, so your best bet may be to just eat a regular serving of edamame or tofu a day.

Berries are rich in antioxidants and contain anti-inflammatory properties, but the most powerful berry against. breast cancer is blueberries. Blueberries improve brain and heart health as well as reducing cancer risk and are high in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and flavanols, which are helpful compounds that work to detox the body from pollutants and cellular damage from free radicals. Studies show thatphytochemicals and nutrients increase antioxidant activity in the blood and help your body repair cell damage that can lead to cancer growth as well as prevent DNA damage on a cellular level. Eating berries and deep-hued fruits and vegetables every day help your body stay on top of the cellular damage caused by the stress of oxidization that comes from toxins in the environment or the food we eat.

Researchers discovered that women in Asia are about 5 times less likely to develop breast cancer than those who live in North America. Possible explanations include the fact that green tea consumption is higher in Asia and has been found to decrease risk by about 30%,

In one study researchersdiscovered that those who drink one green tea daily, have a lower overall risk of cancer. Doctors stress that patients shouldn't substitute green tea for any cancer treatments or medications but should opt to drink one glass daily along with your regular course of treatment.The antioxidant, EGCG in green tea is what makes this hot beverage so powerful: A study showed that an EGCG supplement can decrease breast density in young women, which in turn reduced the risk of cancer.

"Walnuts contain multiple ingredients that, individually, have been shown to slow cancer growth, including omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytosterols," says one leading study. "In previous research, consumption of walnuts has slowed the growth of implanted breast cancers."

Omega-3 fatty acidshave been shown to help fight inflammation which in itself is beneficial in avoiding heart disease and a host of other chronic conditions, but it is also linked to cancer. Onestudy showed that adding walnuts to your meals daily may slow the growth of breast tumors. Walnuts are the most studied nuts and researchers believe that even7 whole walnuts a day are enough topack major health benefits. Specifically, nutrients such as ellagitannins, melatonin, and gamma-tocopherol in walnuts are believed to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which can ultimately lead to cancer growth.

In the lab, "white mushrooms have been shown to block estrogen synthase enzymes which fuel tumor growth,and researchers found that when comparing 1,000 breast cancer patients to the same number of healthy controls, those who ate more than just one half of a mushroom per day experienced a 64 percent risk reduction over women who ate no mushrooms," a study found This powerful effect from such a tiny amount makes us want to eat mushrooms every day of our lives. Sneak them into your smoothie or salads!

Eating garlic and onions in large quantities may protect against breast cancer, according to a new studyout of Puerto Rico. The authors looked at women 30 to 79 and found that those who ate "moderate to large" amounts of garlic and onions had the lowest rates of breast cancer. Other cancer risks were also found to be lower, including lung, stomach, and prostate, possibly due to the flavonols andorganosulfur in garlic and onions which have been shown to prevent cancer cell growth. Sofrito, a popular base in Latin American cuisines, uses tons of garlic and onion along with a variety of peppers. The study found those who consumed sofrito once per day had a 67 percent reduced risk, compared to those who never consumed it. Researchers found that Puerto Rico, where garlic and onion is a staple of the cuisine, has the lowest breast cancer rate among womenin the U.S.

Curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric, is known for relieving inflammation and pain but also for having an effect on lowering the risk of breast cancer. A study found "curcumin has chemopreventive and antitumoral activities against some aggressive and recurrent cancers," the study said.Another study found curcumin not only stops tumor growth but also prevents malignantcancers fromspreading: The "anticancer effect" of curcuminrelates to the fact that it appears to half "cell cycle and proliferation," as well as"cancer spread and angiogenesis," the study says, which is how the body supplies new blood vessels to a tumor.

Studies say that along with avoiding meat and full-fat dairy, you should stay away from all fried foods, pre-packaged baked goods and junk food to cut down on saturated fats and trans fats in your diet as well as lowering your alcohol intake. Alcohol consumption has been known to increase estrogen levels in women andjustthree drinks a week is enough to increaseyour risk of breast cancer by 15 percent.

Meat is not only high in fat but when it gets cooked at high temperatures it releases toxins that are known to cause cancer. Processed meats and cold cuts are high in fat, salt, and preservatives, meaning you should limit or avoid intake to lower your cancer risk. The samestudythat found drinking 1/4 of a cup of milk led to a 30 percent increase in the risk of breast canceralso discovered that drinking one full cup of milk per day,drives up your risk from 30 percent to 50 percent. So the more milk you drink, the higher your breast cancer risk.

An overall healthy, balanced diet filled with whole plant-based foods is proven to be the most beneficial for overall breast health and reduces your lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. We'll see you in the produce aisle, buynig mushrooms.

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The 8 Foods to Eat to Reduce Your Lifetime Risk of Breast Cancer - The Beet

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Major road construction returning to downtown Plymouth – Hometown Life

Posted: September 16, 2020 at 3:54 am

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Motorists driving along parts of Main Street in Plymouth will need to drive with caution along line of orange barrels.

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Equipment works on striping a layer of the road surface along Main Street in downtown Plymouth on July 13, 2020. (Photo: JOHN HEIDER |

Temporary pain for motoristswill result in long-term gain for drivers and bicyclists in downtown Plymouth beginning Tuesday.

Road crews are expected to begin road diet-striping operations on Main Street between Ann Arbor Trail and Ann Arbor Road on Tuesday, according to a statement released by the Plymouth Downtown Development Authority.

Motorists shouldexpect some delays and detours around rolling work crew operations, which are expected run a few days.

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The road diet will add two dedicated bike lanes and a left-hand turn lane on Main Street between Ann Arbor Trail and Ann Arbor Road, while reducing vehicular lanes from two in each direction to one in each direction.

This week's projected is funded by aroads improvement bond that Plymouth residents passed 1,028-728last November.The first phase of the ambitious road-construction project saw milling, fresh paving and re-striping of Main Street from Wing to Church streets.

Contact reporter Ed Wright at or 517-375-1113.

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Evening Eating Linked to Higher Calorie Intake, Lower Diet Quality – Medscape

Posted: September 14, 2020 at 7:51 pm

Eating a lot in the evening increases overall daily energy intake and is associated with a poorer quality diet in a new study exploring the calorie content and nutritional value of food relative to the time of day it is consumed.

The study, presented during this year's virtual European and International Congress on Obesity (ECOICO 2020), was led by Judith Baird, a PhD student at the Nutrition Innovation Centre for Food and Health (NICHE), Ulster University, Northern Ireland.

"If you eat most of your calorie intake earlier in the day it might help to reduce your overall calorie intake," Baird told Medscape Medical News. Our work "suggests that it might be useful to consider time of day when developing nutritional interventions [for weight loss and health] because it helps reduce overall energy intake."

Laura Johnson, PhD, is a nutritional epidemiologist at the University of Bristol, UK. She welcomed the findings for shining a light on how when we eat might affect health. "Many studies have shown that eating breakfast is typically associated with healthier diets and this research demonstrates the other end of that see-saw."

"Breakfast is notoriously the most nutrient-rich meal for most people and if you eat a greater percentage of your calories after 6 pm then it's highly likely you are missing breakfast," Johnson noted.

She added, "An outstanding and important question raised by this work is whether the time of eating per se causes the poorer diet or if it's simply a reflection of the strong cultural traditions around the type of food we eat normally at different times of day."

To investigate the association between evening eating on total daily energy intake and diet quality, Baird and colleagues drew on data from 1177 adults from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey, which collects detailed information on food consumption, nutrient intake, and nutritional status of the UK general population. Participants were aged 19-64 years.

Categories were devised according to the proportion of participants' daily energy intake consumed after 6 pm. The four groups were quartile1, in which eveningconsumption accounted for < 31.4% of total energy intake; quartile 2, > 31.4% to 40.4%; quartile 3, > 40.4% to 48.6%; and quartile 4, > 48.6%.

Diet quality was assessed by scoring the food diaries kept by participants using the Nutrient Rich Food Index, which classifies and ranks foods according to the ratio of important nutrients they contain relative to their energy content. Researchers did not control for energy expended during physical activity.

Results showed that the overall mean proportion of energy consumed in the evening was almost 40% of the total energy intake (39.8% 13.6%).

"Because we live in a Western society and our schedules have become more 24 hour, I expected we would consume most of our calories in the evening, but 40% was quite high," Baird remarked.

Also, those with the lowest proportion of evening energy intake (quartile 1, approximately 8437 kJ/day or approximately 2000 calories) had a significantly lower total energy intake than quartile 2 (approximately 9284 kJ/day; P < .001), quartile 3 (9108 kJ/day; P = .002), and quartile 4 (9156 kJ/day; P= .001).

In terms of diet quality, those who ate the most in the evening also consumed a nutritionally poorer diet than the other participants (P = .001 for those in quartile 4 vs quartile 1). Individuals in quartile 4 had a significantly lower Nutrient Rich Food Index score (438) than those in quartile 1 (459; P = .027), quartile 2 (465; P = .002), and quartile 3 (463; P = .005).

Baird called these findings "interesting."

The percentage of energy intake from carbohydrates and total sugars after 6 pm appeared to decrease as evening energy intake increased from quartile 1 to quartile 4, while the percentage of energy intake of fat and alcohol after 6 pm increased.

"Next, we want to look at the types of food and the eating circumstances. For example are [people]...eating in company or alone in front of the television? It might be that the setting in which people eat drives the consumption of energy-dense food...People are often more sedentary in the evening and this might affect food choice," Baird concluded.

Baird has declared no conflicts of interest. Johnson has reported institution funding from Kellogg Europe and holds research grants from the National Institutes for Health Research, Medical Research Council and World Cancer Research Fund.

ECO-ICO 2020. Presented September 1-4, 2020. Abstract 1065, LBA-056.

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A Doctor Shared the Diet He Uses to Burn Fat While Building Muscle –

Posted: September 14, 2020 at 7:51 pm

You know Dr. Mikeor Doctor Mike Varshavskias the internet celebrity doctor who gained popularity for his combination of smarts and good looks. And now Dr. Mike is serving fans a helping of Nutrition 101, showing how he makes sense of nutrition and diet in his own life.

In a video on his ever-popular YouTube channel, Dr. Mike explains the basics of nutrition using a healthy-eating triangle of sorts. He boils that ever-vague term healthy eating down to intake of appropriate calories, appropriate macronutrients, and appropriate micronutrients. To truly eat healthy, Dr. Mike says, you need a balance of all of these things.

In case you need it boiled down even further, Dr. Mike explains calories as necessary energy your body needs to function, which is a much better way to look at it instead of an evil number to restrict.

Macronutrients are protein, fats, and carbswhich are also much needed in a well-rounded diet. You already know protein is essential, as it builds and repairs muscle, skin, bone, and blood in the body. But fat is also neededand Dr. Mike says fats have gotten a bad rep. Fats give you energy, support cell growth, and protect your organs. They also help you absorb nutrients and helps you produce vital hormones. Now, Dr. Mike admits he personally isnt a huge fan of carbs, aka fibers, starches, and sugars. He says while fibers like beans, whole grains, veggies, and fruits are top-notch, he strays aways from sugar and starches in his own diet.

Lets move on to micronutrients, which are vitamins and minerals. These are essential nutrients the body doesnt make on its own and can only get from food. Dr. Mike explains being low on vitamins can negatively impact your energy levels, your immune system, and even your bloods ability to clot. If you are low on minerals, your bones could be impacted or you could develop conditions like anemia.

Something you have to know is that all diets are not created equal, Dr. Mike says after explaining these three pillars. To display this fact and his "triangle" at work, Dr. Mike talks in extremes.

There are two people in a given situation. They have the same maintenance calories and they are looking to lose weight, Dr. Mike says. Person A decides to follow the cookie diet, and they are going to aim to eat 1500 calories of cookies a day, which is 500 calories below their required maintenance. Person B is also going to be eating 1500 calories a day, but they are following the Mediterranean dietbasically a whole foods, plant-based diet.

Now, Dr. Mike says the answer of who is following the healthy diet is clear. But the reason why is not as simple as it seems.

Both people will actually lose weight. So you may say, If they are both losing weight, why is one worse than the other? Dr. Mike says. Go back to my little triangle I created.

Basically, Dr. Mike explains while both are eating a caloric deficit, which will result in the desired weight loss, Person A is getting virtually no macronutrients or micronutrients. And thats why weight isnt a tell-all factor when it comes to someones health status.

So what should someone do to lose or gain weight in a healthy, sustainable way? Its actually rather simple.

If you are trying to lose weight or if you are underweight and want to gain weight, heres what I recommend you do, Dr. Mike says. Calculate your maintenance calories. If you want to gain weight, add to the maintenance calories and eat that. If you want to lose weight, eat a little bit less than your maintenance calories and youre going to be losing weight.

Just remember to do eat those calories with macronutrients and micronutrients in mind. Dr. Mike recommends losing or gaining a pound a week maximum because going into extremes can really mess with your body, unless you are under the supervision of a nutritionist or doctor.

Trust me, there is a lot of nuance when it comes to nutrition, Dr. Mike says. I didnt want to bog this video down with controversy. In general, the field of nutrition research is an absolute mess. Well save that for the future. You got the basics.

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What Is Calorie-Restricted Diet? Experts Reveal Its Health Benefits – NDTV Food

Posted: September 14, 2020 at 7:51 pm

With more and more people getting health conscious over the years, calorie-restricted (CR) diet has gained a major share of limelight across the world. It is basically a dietary regimen that limits daily food intake without inducing malnutrition. In other words, this diet restricts daily calorie intake to promote weight loss and better health. Moreover, several studies have shown its contribution in managing body's glucose level, blood pressure and lowering cholesterol. Adding to the list of benefits, a new study has found a link between CR diet and longer lifespan. The findings were published in the journal Science Signaling.

The study, led by a team from Scripps Research, stated that calorie-restricted diet may lower the chances of developing heart diseases, cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's disease. They also highlighted the role of body temperature in diet-induced health benefits.

As per a report in ANI, through years of research, Professor Bruno Conti observed, "When mammals consume less food, their body temperature drops. It is evolution's way of helping us conserve energy until the food is available again. It makes sense, considering that up to half of what we eat every day is turned into energy simply to maintain our core body temperature."

For the research, the team designed an experiment to evaluate the effects of reduces nutrients and those of body temperature. It was found that temperature had equal or greater effect (than nutrition) on metabolism, when the participants were given calorie restricted diet.

Considering these points, we can say that a diet with controlled calorie intake may help lower body's temperature and induce better metabolism. This may further lead to an overall healthy body and mind.

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Moms high-fat diet before pregnancy may alter her babys taste buds, leading to obesity in adulthood – Study Finds

Posted: September 14, 2020 at 7:51 pm

ITHACA, N.Y. Its often said that children pay for the sins of their father, but what about the diet of their mother? A new study from Cornell University finds that moms diet before becoming pregnant may go a long way toward determining Jr.s bodyweight come adulthood.

Researchers conclude that if mom follows a high-fat diet diet before conception, it could change her childs taste buds and produce more sweet-taste receptors. Consequently, the child may be more attracted to unhealthy junk food and sweets, eventually leading to obesity.

These findings were reached via a series of experiments conducted on lab mice. The mice were fed a high calorie, high-fat diet five weeks before becoming pregnant. Scientists say the rodents offspring showed physical, detectable taste bud changes.

We see this is something actually happening in the taste buds themselves, says senior study author Robin Dando, associate professor of food science in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, in a release. Adult progeny, fed such a diet, have more sweet-taste receptors inside their taste buds than in the control group, whose mothers ate a steady, healthy diet.

When the young mice reached adolescence, they were given a healthy, balanced diet. But, once each mouse reached adulthood researchers starting giving them the same high-fat diet their mothers had eaten.

Up until then, the animals showed no difference between themselves and the control group, Dando explains. But as soon as the offspring of the moms who consumed the unhealthy diet had access to it, they loved it and they over-consumed it.

The mice offspring werent exposed to a high-fat diet at all before reaching adulthood, meaning they must have inherited this predilection from their mothers.

If a mother has an unhealthy diet where she consumes a lot of calories through high-fat and sugary products, Dando adds, the offspring are going to have a predisposition for liking the unhealthy diet. The origin of this is not only the changes the brain, but there are other physical changes happening within the taste buds.

This experiment only involved mice. But, combined with ones environment, its estimated that obesity inheritance among humans is 40-70%.

Obesity in the offspring is strongly predicted by the metabolic state of the parents, Dando notes.

All in all, Dando believes these findings indicate that the concept of taste can also be passed down from parent to child.

Our research adds to the evidence that the taste bud plays a role in the etiology of obesity, he concludes. From a public health standpoint, improving our knowledge of prenatal and early postnatal factors that program obesity in offspring may provide insight into therapeutic targets to combat the obesity epidemic a disease easier to prevent than to cure.

The study is published in Scientific Reports.

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Moms high-fat diet before pregnancy may alter her babys taste buds, leading to obesity in adulthood - Study Finds

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Kelis shares snap back diet plan after birth of third child: Ill show you what Im eating daily – Yahoo News

Posted: September 14, 2020 at 7:51 pm

Im going to bring you guys in as much as I can on my plan to get back to myself, the Milkshake singer says

Congratulations are in order for Kelis, who is now a mother of three!

The Grammy-nominated singer announced in a Saturday Instagram post that she delivered her new baby girl a week ago.

Kelis, who welcomes her first daughter and second child with husband Mike Mora, described the experience as intense. Her eldest child is her 11-year-old son from her marriage with rap superstar Nas.

The Milkshake singer took to her IG to invite her fans to witness her health journey back to pre-pregnancy form.

Im going to bring you guys in as much as I can on my plan to get back to myself, she wrote in the caption.

Unable to exercise for six weeks, Kelis intends to lose weight with a special diet plan.

READ MORE: Kelis announces new cannabis cooking show on Netflix

Ive been doing a lot of thinking and, you know, Im generally a really private person with my personal life, but I wanted to kind of like bring my fam in, bring you guys in, to sort of like talk about all of these womens things that we go through that no one really tells us about, she said in the video explaining her steps to pull it back together, what she calls my snap back.

I want to show you, kind of, how I plan on getting back into my high-waist jeans, which you know I love so much, with just food, Kelis said in the video. Like, no exercise, because I cant yet, and with just food.

As an accomplished chef and food entrepreneur, she is offering a sale of her Gold Mine boxes, containing a collection of sauces and seasonings. She sells her boxes and food prep items via her website

READ MORE: Houston woman loses over 100 pounds using keto diet

The Bossy singer said that shes 50 to 60 pounds away from her goal.

Im going to run a little sale to start because I want to show you what Im eating, and I want you to be able to get them all and be able to enjoy them with me while Im going through this process, she continued.

Story continues

Ill show you what Im eating daily, and what Im not eating and when Im eating it and all that stuff so you can sort of see, like, what it is Im doing, and we can do it together.

Kelis says her methods and food choices during the six-week period are anti-inflammatory, anti-bruising and will aid in joint and gut health as well as SKIN AND HAIR.

Her cooking web series Cooked with Kelis is available on her YouTube channel.

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Kelis shares snap back diet plan after birth of third child: Ill show you what Im eating daily - Yahoo News

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Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market -Vertical Analysis and Forecast (2019-2026) By Diet, Application, and Region. – Kewaskum Statesman News…

Posted: September 14, 2020 at 7:51 pm

Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Marketwas valued US$ XX Bn in 2018 and is expected to reach US$ 85.61 Bn by 2026, at a XX % CAGR of around during a forecast period.


The report covers all the trends and technologies playing a major role in the growth of the weight loss and diet management market over the forecast period. It highlights the drivers, restraints, and opportunities expected to influence market growth during this period. People are becoming more health-conscious and continuously striving towards fitness and better healthcare is boosting the global weight loss and diet management market. With the continually increasing number of fitness centers and slimming centers, the products and services market is expanding at a rapid rate, and more users are getting associated with it to achieve a better and healthy lifestyle. Government initiatives and education on health risks of being overweight and hectic lifestyle is also rising to the market growth.

Increasing preference towards low cholesterol, low fatty foods along with growing weight loss supplements demand globally is expected to drive diet management products and services market growth over the forecast period. Additionally, rising awareness among individuals about health and fitness is certainly propelled the weight loss and diet management product & services requirement.

High prices of the product and services which are sometimes not affordable by single users are expected to remain a factor hindering weight loss and diet management product growth. Safety issues associated with the equipment along with the lack of consumer awareness in remote and suburban areas are anticipated to impact weight loss and diet management product growth.By application, the online fitness center segment is expected to account for the largest share because of increasing awareness about health and fitness among the population, which has resulted in a significant increase in the number of health clubs and gyms across the globe. The online weight programs segment is projected to register the highest growth during the forecast period, due to the popularity of online programs offered through Internet subscriptions.

North America dominated the global demand due to the vast availability of weight management products and better services provided by the industry players across the region. Increasing obesity issues among general consumers over the past few years is led to the high penetration of healthy food and dietary supplements in the region. Favorable government initiatives and funding along with increasing health membership services and rising consumer awareness regarding fitness are expected to direct future growth in the regional market.

The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive analysis of the Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market including all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all the aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers and new entrants by region. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors by region on the market have been presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers.

The report also helps in understanding Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and project the Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players by type, price, financial position, product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market make the report investors guide.Scope of Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market:

Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market, by Diet:

Better-For-You-Food & Beverages Weight Loss Supplements Meal Replacements Low-Calorie Sweeteners Others.Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market, by Application:

Small Retail Online Distribution Multilevel Marketing Large Retail Health & Beauty Stores.Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market, by Region:

North America Europe Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific Latin AmericaKey players operated in Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market:

Weight Watchers Abbott Nutrition The Coca-Cola Pepsico Nutrisystem Medifast Kraft Foods Kellogg Herbalife Ltd General Mills Amylin Pharmaceuticals Amer Sports Corp Alpro Ltd Ajinomoto Co AIDP Inc AHD International Acatris

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Global Weight Loss and Diet Management Market -Vertical Analysis and Forecast (2019-2026) By Diet, Application, and Region. - Kewaskum Statesman News...

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Rainbow Diet: Add Colours To Your Plate To Reap These Amazing Heath Benefits – Doctor NDTV

Posted: September 14, 2020 at 7:51 pm

Rainbow diet includes consumption of colourful fruits and vegetables to your diet. These can help you maintain a healthy weight and offer several other health benefit. Read here to know these.

Rainbow diet includes consumption of colourful fruits and vegetables

Diet is an important factor that can help you stay healthy. As it is said, you are what you eat; foods you consume affect your mental as well as physical health. A healthy and well-balanced diet can help you maintain a healthy weight as well as help prevent the risk of several diseases. Many believe that eating healthy is boring. But this is not true. Some healthy and interesting ideas can help you make your food delicious as well as healthy. Eating a rainbow diet is an interesting way to eat healthy. As the name suggests eating a rainbow diet means adding colours to your diet. Keep reading to know more about the rainbow diet, its benefits and how to follow this.

Ms. Amita Salvi, who is a dietician at Saifee hospital explains, "A rainbow diet includes foods which can help you stay fit as well as make your plate look good. The duet plan stresses on adding all seven colours of the rainbow to your diet. It helps in the prevention of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, anemia and certain types of cancer. The National Health of Medical Council suggests consuming at least 5 types of fruits and 2 types of vegetables daily to maintain the adequate amount of vitamins, flavonoids, immunity boosters, antioxidants and minerals required by the body to remain healthy. It is important to include colours in the diet especially for children."

Also read:Forget All Diets And Follow The Rainbow Diet For Losing Weight And Reducing Risks Of Cancer!

Adding enough fruits and vegetables to diet can help ensure intake of essential nutrientsPhoto Credit: iStock

You can include red and yellow bell peppers, capsicum, broccoli, carrots, tomato, beetroot, papaya, guava, apple, pears, peaches, berries, chickpeas, cucumber and tofu according to their seasonal availability for a variety in the diet.

You can also consult an expert to help you include colourful ingredients to your diet ensuring optimum intake of all necessary nutrients.


Also read:What Is Rainbow Diet? Does It Help Lose Weight? Read Here To Know All Your Answers

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

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Rainbow Diet: Add Colours To Your Plate To Reap These Amazing Heath Benefits - Doctor NDTV

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