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PCOS Awareness Month 2020: Things to keep in mind when following a PCOS diet – The Indian Express
Posted: September 6, 2020 at 8:59 am
By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Updated: September 4, 2020 3:50:21 pmDue to lack of awareness, a majority of women who endure this ailment remain unaware. (Source: Getty Images)
PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is one of the most common hormonal disorders in women. In India, almost one out of every five women suffer from it. However, due to lack of awareness, a majority of women who endure this ailment remain unaware of it, said Aarti Gill, co-founder OZiva, adding that it is extremely important to draw sufficient attention towards PCOS and its effects.
While there is no cure, the symptoms of PCOS can be managed by adopting a clean and holistic lifestyle. Obesity is a common finding in women with PCOS, and between 4080 per cent of women with this condition are reported to be overweight or obese according to an NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) study, she added.
Below, take a look at a comprehensive guide for you to mitigate PCOS.
READ| Count on these handy tips to prevent and manage the polycystic ovarian syndrome
Eating a well-balanced diet is a must to manage PCOS. Not only that, but it is also important to ensure that you consume a protein-rich diet to control the bodys resistance towards insulin. Gill suggested choosing healthy sources of protein that do not increase cholesterol levels such as tofu, beans, lentils, seeds, nuts, etc. It is also important to steer clear of simple carbs and opt for complex carbs instead. Choose whole grains and low glycemic foods such as whole wheat, whole oats, brown rice or even quinoa, she said. They are enriched with fibre which helps manage insulin resistance, a major contributor to PCOS.
Make sure you consume at least 1-2 servings of whole fruits and vegetables daily. Also, make sure to eat foods rich in omega-3 such as walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds and healthy fats such as olive oil, mustard oil which help in reducing the inflammation caused by insulin resistance and obesity, suggested Gill.
Avoid consuming milk and milk products if you have PCOS as they tend to trigger insulin and testosterone levels in the body which can cause serious bouts of acne, said Gill. Not only that, but even coffee is also a big no-no for women with PCOS. Gill said: It is widely believed to worsen PCOS by catalyzing estrogen production during menstruation which leads to hormonal imbalance.
Plant-based foods are a great way to manage PCOS and also for overall health. Ashwagandha and tulsi both help in correcting irregular menstrual cycles, obesity, infertility, blood sugar, and weight gain by decreasing the cortisol levels in the body, she said.
Another important component is green tea. This is highly beneficial because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, cinnamon and curcumin are both soothing and useful as cinnamon regulates the menstrual cycle and reduces insulin resistance while curcumin, an active pigment in turmeric, is highly anti-inflammatory and also improves insulin resistance, added Gill.
READ| How Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is diet driven
This goes without saying. Make sure you work out for at least half an hour every day. Not only does it set your mood right but also helps in managing insulin resistance. Gill suggests that one can go for any form of cardio like skipping, brisk walking or even running. When you lose excess weight, your metabolism heightens and keeps the body healthy, says Gill.
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PCOS Awareness Month 2020: Things to keep in mind when following a PCOS diet - The Indian Express
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Enough with ‘local’ and ‘organic’. We’ll begin to eat well when we farm well – The Guardian
Posted: September 6, 2020 at 8:59 am
As a farmer, Im supposed to hate vegans and environmental activists, but thats nonsense. Even when I dont agree with everything they say, I share their wish to make the world a better place and their concern about the state its in today. In an age of increasingly apocalyptic news about the natural world, we are frequently warned that the things we are buying and eating are driving ecological collapse. Sensible and thoughtful people everywhere are asking the same question: what should I eat?
It is a good question and an important one that speaks of a growing public awareness of our footprint on Earth and our wish to do less harm, individually and collectively. But as a farmer I know that that question masks another, far deeper one, that we must all ask ourselves: how should we farm?
Yes, that question is relevant to each of us, even if we dont work on the land. What we choose to eat isnt just a personal choice. The things we pick from the shelves as we shop (and how much we pay for them) add up to a world-shaping message that is broadcast across the fields and determines what farmers choose to grow and how they must do it. So lets ask ourselves, and farmers, to produce food that makes ecological sense. The question what should I eat? is looking down the wrong end of the telescope.
So, how should we farm? A sustainable and good farming landscape needs to do many things. It needs to feed us all affordably, to keep soil healthy, to provide micro-habitats such as hedgerows and field trees and even protect what is left of precious habitats such as peat bogs, rivers, wetlands and woodland. If a farming landscape does all this well already, then it is perhaps enough for us to talk about it being sustainable. In practice, however, few places are like this, so we need to be way more ambitious.
We need to ask for regenerative agriculture, which means boosting soil health and encouraging biodiversity by working with natural processes as we grow food. More often than not, this means using grazing animals in mixed farming systems. Livestock, if well managed, repair soil, trample or eat crop residues and waste, provide fertiliser and control weeds. It means our uplands becoming patchworks of native habitats meadows and pastures, woodland and bogs and our lowlands working as rotational mosaics of fields.
We have become profoundly disconnected from the fields that feed us and it can be difficult to know, as we stand in the supermarket aisles, whether our food has been grown sustainably. We often dont realise that, behind the misleading packaging, a lot of what we eat doesnt come from our own landscapes, but from far-off places where animal welfare or environmental regulations are almost non-existent.
Responding to this crisis, many people opt for a plant-based diet. For sure, there are sensible reasons to eat lots of fruit, nuts and vegetables. But if those plants were produced in landscape-scale monocultures, created by ploughing (which is increasingly understood to be an ecological disaster) and grown using either copious amounts of synthetic fertilisers or with industrial chicken litter and doused in pesticides well, count me out. Such places would once have been biodiverse forests, mixed wild habitats or, perhaps, less destructive, more nature-friendly mixed farms. Yes, it takes less space, but it is the worst farming on Earth. The ethical reasoning doesnt go nearly far enough.
Likewise, just choosing to eat local food doesnt cut it if that food is produced in ecologically disastrous ways. Even choosing to eat organic doesnt necessarily meet the challenge, because organic fields are often ploughed and, at vast scale, devastate wildlife and release huge quantities of carbon into the air.
The difficult truth is that theres no such thing as a one-size-fits-all global sustainable diet that will solve the ecological crisis at one fell swoop. We are all local to somewhere and owning, seeing and taking responsibility for our food and how it is grown is imperative. We need to re-engage with the fields that feed us. We need to learn about and care about farming once more.
As a first step, I would urge everyone to try to grow something of their own to eat, at least once. Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to own a field, or even a garden, but just growing something like a packet of lettuce on a windowsill can help to appreciate the beauty, the challenge and the sheer miracle of growing food. It helps us to start to think about the soil, about the life were nurturing, about the elemental processes that sustain us all.
As you do so, you might start to think of the British countryside as your garden. You wouldnt walk into it and expect to eat something from it that you couldnt actually grow, or something out of season, or something that trashed your garden. Instead, you would look at what was available in each season and try to eat accordingly.
Beyond this, if you can, get your food direct from a farmer with a sustainable farming system and environmental values (quite a lot of them can be found on social media and, yes, they often home deliver). Or try being a nuisance and ask more questions in shops and restaurants about where the food came from. If it doesnt have an origin, a story you can understand, dont buy it. And then be noisy. Demand changes to our laws that raise our standards and encourage progressive change on farms via environmental schemes. Above all, right now we should all raise our voices against the proposed US trade deal that would drive things to be much, much worse.
When we find ways to farm regeneratively and in ways that allow nature to thrive around us, then we will have a range of foodstuffs to choose from. We can then take our pick and eat what we each think is right and good.
James Rebanks is a farmer based in the Lake District. His latest book is English Pastoral
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Enough with 'local' and 'organic'. We'll begin to eat well when we farm well - The Guardian
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Online event on importance of balanced diet – The Tribune India
Posted: September 6, 2020 at 8:58 am
Tribune News Service
Ludhiana, September 5
The Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Community Science, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), organised a webinar on Nutrition A crucial pillar of holistic health approach to celebrate National Nutrition Month. The webinar was held in collaboration with the Indian Dietetic Association (Punjab chapter) and Nutrition Society of India (Ludhiana chapter).
Dr Sandeep Bains, Dean, College of Community Science, said the goal of holistic health was to achieve maximum well-being.
Dr Kiran Bains, head, Department of Food and Nutrition, highlighted the importance of a balanced eating. No single food can boost immunity rather a combination of immunomodulatory foods should be consumed to strengthen the immunity, she stressed.
Dr Jaspreet Kaur, convener, Indian Dietetic Association, Ludhiana chapter, explained how moderate physical activity boosts immunity and exhaustive heavy exercise could be an immune-depressant.
Dr Ruma Singh, chief dietician, CMCH, Ludhiana, explained how traditional diets of different states and traditional cooking methods were useful in imparting good health.
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Letters: Parental rights | Pursuit of education | Advice for all | Diet and climate | Remember and vote – East Bay Times
Posted: September 6, 2020 at 8:58 am
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After national outrage, California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon has issued an apology to Assemblymember Buffy Wicks for denying her the right to a proxy vote while she was on maternity leave to care for her four-week-old daughter(Lawmaker brings newborn to Capitol after being told she cant vote by proxy, Sept. 2).
Speaker Rendons behavior was unacceptable. Nevertheless, Wicks graciously accepted his apology. Going forward, I hope Rendon will do everything in his power to assure the rights of parents in the workplace.
It will take that and more if he expects to live down the anger and frustration of working parents and especially women who have often experienced the insensitivity and callousness that he has so ably demonstrated from his high office.
Judith HurleySan Jose
Certainly, it is unfortunate that not everyone has the equipment and adequate access to the internet to support online activities and especially so for our children faced with online learning during the pandemic.
And it was especially telling in the viral photo of the two young girls using the fast-food restaurants Wi-Fi in Salinas in their parking lot.
What was unsaid was how proud we should be of these two young girls being so determined to get their education, that they did not let obstacles deter them.
They should be commended for their resilience, their ability to improvise or innovate, and their sheer determination to succeed where they could have easily used their lack of resources as an excuse to simply skip school.
As a community, we need to do more for them and others like them but in the absence of that they deserve our praise.
Gary MillerSaratoga
I enjoyed reading School Coronavirus Dos and Donts (Milpitas teachers pandemic guide written to make children feel safer, Sept. 1) as a high school student, even though it was intended for elementary school kids and teachers.
Helping kids (actually everyone) understand the negative impact of COVID-19 and the benefit of wearing masks and social distancing can be a daunting task. Written with light-hearted humor and colorful illustrations, the advice Adrienne Barber gives stayed with me. My favorite line? Do mute yourself sometimes. Dont mute your cat when using Zoom.
Sophia HorngSaratoga
It was gratifying to read that smart minds are thinking about power grid solutions (Bay Area is fighting blackout culprit climate change, Sept. 2). I agree that we owe it to future generations to do our very best to fight climate change by thinking and acting differently and letting go of systems that may not serve us anymore.
While the article was focused on power grid solutions, Id like to offer a gentle reminder that fighting climate change is itself a multi-pronged approach. Individuals did a great job cutting back on electrical usage during the last heatwave. Something that individuals can do right now (and ongoing) to realize a big climate-positive impact is to transition to a plant-based diet. According to Drawdown, plant-rich diets help humans by providing a healthier diet which can lead to lower rates of chronic disease and help the planet by reducing emissions.
Lets continue to do our part.
Tina MorrillSan Jose
Lets take a memory test. Repeat after me: Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV. Got it? Close your eyes and repeat it again. Howd you do? Congratulations, if you got all five correct, you are now qualified to be president. We have set the bar so low that almost anyone is qualified to run this country.
Heres another memory challenge. Lets go back to where you were in November 2016 when the media declared Trump as our next president. Try to recall how you felt at that moment and the days to come. Not a pleasant memory Im guessing.
Now imagine it is November 2020 and Trump somehow wins a second term. Do you think you and our countrys democracy could handle another four years of Trump? Heres the bottom line; are you willing to get involved to prevent this outcome? Now remember these five words: Volunteer, Donate, Vote for Biden.
Rene WiseFremont
Belarus is seeking democracy, its people demonstrating in the streets trying to depose an autocrat who has ruled them for 26 years and fixed the most recent election. Russia is looking on hungrily, threatening to intervene if protests continue.
Questions: One where is the United States when one dictator (Vladimir Putin) threatens to overrun another country? Answer nowhere to be seen; and two will we be in the streets ourselves in several months if voter suppression and phony legal maneuvers threaten us with a rigged election? Only your vote can tell.
Ed TaubMountain View
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Letters: Parental rights | Pursuit of education | Advice for all | Diet and climate | Remember and vote - East Bay Times
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Watch What Happened When This Guy Followed LeBrons Diet and Workout for a Day – Yahoo Lifestyle
Posted: September 6, 2020 at 8:58 am
From Men's Health
Following his videos where he followed the diets of actors like Hugh Jackman, Tom Ellis and Arnold Schwarzenegger, YouTuber Aseel Soueid felt like it was time to take on the GOAT. In his latest video, he spends the day living like basketball legend LeBron James; that means taking on the NBA star's grueling workout, and then eating his favorite meal.
Soueid kicks off the workout with LeBron's favored weight training combo, starting with 4 sets of 12 on the deadlift. "I'm already remembering why I don't do deadlifts," he says after his first set. "They kick your ass... It really really engages the core, legs, hamstrings, back, the whole nine yards."
He follows this with 4 sets of 12 reps on the standing barbell curl, and 4 sets of 12 on the barbell bent over row.
Then it's time for the bodyweight exercise portion: 3 sets of 20 wide-grip pushups, which he completes with relative ease, and 3 sets of 15 chinups. "Mad respect to LeBron James," he says. "3 sets of 15 is a lot of chinups. For a guy that size, chinups are a lot harder than you think." He adds that usually this number of reps would be "effortless" for him, however, coming right off the deadlifts and barbell rows, he's struggling with his grip strength, and he has to take 2 to 3 minutes to rest between each set.
Soueid rounds off the LeBron workout with 30 minutes of yoga, which helps with mobility when it comes to all of the other intensive training.
And then, finally, it is time for the post-workout meal, which in this case, is a recreation of LeBron's exact Blaze Pizza order, inspired by his stake in the restaurant chain. The pizza is topped with spicy red sauce, mozzarella, parmesan, grilled chicken, turkey meatballs, banana peppers, cherry tomatoes, garlic, basil, green peppers, olives, red onion, spinach, sea salt, arugula, and olive oil. This is accompanied by an entree-sized salad with chicken breast.
Soueid's verdict is simple. "I'm so freaking happy right now," he says. "It's worth all those 4 sets of 12."
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Evening eating is associated with higher total calorie intake and lower diet quality – The Daily Star
Posted: September 6, 2020 at 8:58 am
A study of nearly 1,200 UK adults, being presented at this year's European and International Conference on Obesity (ECOICO 2020) suggests that there is a link between eating a larger proportion of one's daily energy intake during the evening and having a higher total energy intake and lower quality of diet.
In recent decades there has been a growing interest in how the timing of our food consumption can influence metabolism and other physiological processes. Sensations of hunger follow a strong daily rhythmic pattern and are often most intense later in the day. This phenomenon could influence both the type and amount of food we eat.
Across the whole sample group, eating during the evening provided an average of almost 40% (39.8%) of daily energy intake (EI). The authors found a significant variation in total EI across the different quartiles, with individuals in the lowest quartile of evening EI consuming fewer calories in total over the day than those in the other three quartiles.
The results suggest that consuming a lower proportion of EI in the evening may be associated with a lower daily energy intake, while consuming a greater proportion of energy intake in the evening may be associated with a lower diet quality score. Timing of energy intake may be an important modifiable behaviour to consider in future nutritional interventions. Further analysis is now needed to examine whether the distribution of energy intake and/or the types of food consumed in the evening are associated with measures of body composition and cardiometabolic health.
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Evening eating is associated with higher total calorie intake and lower diet quality - The Daily Star
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Which cooking oil is the healthiest? – BBC News
Posted: September 6, 2020 at 8:58 am
Cooking oils are a kitchen staple. But theres a lot of conflicting information regarding how healthy each of them are. With so many on the shelves from coconut to olive, vegetable to canola, avocado to rapeseed oil how do we know which ones to use, and if we should be avoiding any altogether?
Oils used for cooking tend to get their name from the nut, seeds, fruits, plants or cereals theyre extracted from, either by methods of crushing, pressing, or processing. Theyre characterised by their high fat content, including saturated fat, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
In recent years, coconut oil, which is around 90% saturated fat, has become the latest trendy superfood. Its been hailed as a superfood (including that it's less likely to be stored in the body as fat and more likely to be expended as energy) but one Harvard University epidemiologist calls it pure poison.
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Consuming too much saturated fat more than 20g for women and 30g for men per day, according to UK guidelines makes the body produce cholesterol in our bodies that increases the risk of heart disease.
All fat molecules are made of chains of fatty acids, which are either held together with single bonds (saturated) or double bonds (unsaturated). There are three types of fatty acids: short, medium and long chain. Short and medium chain fatty acids are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and used for energy, but long chain fatty acids are transported to the liver, which raises blood cholesterol levels.
Coconut oil enjoyed popularity three or four years ago, when there were claims it had a special effect, says AliceLichtenstein, Gershoff professor of nutrition science and policy at Tufts University in Massachusetts, US.
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Which cooking oil is the healthiest? - BBC News
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Nutritional psychiatrist: 5 healthy foods that help relieve stress and anxiety – CNBC
Posted: September 6, 2020 at 8:58 am
While cooking comfort food and stocking up on frozen foods was common at the start of quarantine, you may find that six months into the Covid-19 pandemic, your eating habits have changed. On top of living with the threat of a deadly virus, many people are juggling working remotely and homeschooling children, which leads to unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety.
In stressful times like these, we tend to reach for comfort foods to cope with the negative feelings we're experiencing, according to Dr. Uma Naidoo, director of nutritional and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, faculty member at Harvard Medical School and author of "This Is Your Brain on Food." As a "nutritional psychiatrist," she counsels people on how to integrate foods and nutritional habits into their lives to improve their mental well being.
What you eat can have a significant effect on your mental health, Naidoo tells CNBC Make It. In addition to mastering the perfect sourdough bread, the pandemic "can also be an opportunity to use tools and practices to bring yourself towards better mental well being," she says.
Here are five types of foods that Naidoo says you can eat to help reduce stress and anxiety:
Studies have shown that consuming omega-3 fatty acids, a type ofpolyunsaturated fat that's responsible for building brain cells, can reduce symptoms of anxiety, Naidoo says. Experts believe that omega-3's have an anti-inflammatory effect on the brain. Another bonus of eating more omega-3's? Better sleep. Anxiety and sleep issues such as insomnia are often linked.
What to eat: Oily fish, such as salmon and tuna, is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, Naidoo says. For people who eat a plant-based diet, omega-3 fatty acids can be found in flaxseeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds as well as walnuts.
Spices don't just add flavor to your foods, some also have antioxidant and inflammatory properties that can help your brain and mood. Turmeric, for example, contains an ingredient called curcumin, which studies suggest can reduce depressive symptoms, Naidoo says.
What to eat: You would have to consume a lot of turmeric to reap the benefits of curcumin. Naidoo suggests adding about a teaspoon or two to a few meals that you make throughout your day. For example, turmeric can easily be added in smoothies, teas, soups and salad dressings.
Dietary fiber is important because it adds bulk to your diet, keeps you full and aids in digestion. In studies, high-fiber diets have been linked to reduced risk of anxiety, stress and depression. Fiber can essentially calm down brain inflammation, which tends to be high in people with anxiety, Naidoo says.
What to eat: Many fruits and vegetables, such as pears, apples, bananas, broccoli, baked potatoes and Brussels sprouts are high in fiber. Legumes, such as beans, lentils and chickpeas, and grains like oatmeal and brown rice are also great sources of dietary fiber.
Research has shown that there's a relationship between your gut health and your brain health. Prebiotic and probiotic foods can help balance and nourish your gut bacteria, suppressing your stress response and reducing anxiety, Naidoo says.
What to eat:Instead of taking a supplement, prebiotics and probiotics can be obtained through food, Naidoo says. Examples include fermented foods like plain yogurt with live and active cultures, kimchi, kombucha, miso and apple cider vinegar.
In studies, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to anxiety, depression and decreased cognitive functioning. When vitamin D crosses the blood-brain barrier, it provides a few roles, including decreasing inflammation and protecting neurons.
What to eat: Many people associate vitamin D with sun exposure, but plenty of healthy foods you're probably already eating contain vitamin D,such as fortified milk, egg yolks, salmon and mushrooms, she says.
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Nutritional psychiatrist: 5 healthy foods that help relieve stress and anxiety - CNBC
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Thrive Market offers groceries to fit every diet and lifestyle – Yahoo Lifestyle
Posted: September 6, 2020 at 8:58 am
Labor Day is upon us, and that means some major sales are here. Right now, you can score some deep discounts on clothing, on tech and on fitness gear too. Given that exercising offers us an opportunity to get outside and to get some endorphins flowing two things that are, perhaps, in short supply these days we're more amped than ever about these fitness sales. After all, it's hard to justify buying a new pair of jeans when you are debating never wearing jeans again. But leggings? Yeah, you could use a new pair of leggings or two, especially if they're on sale. Some of these Labor Day sales are going on now, and some start over the next couple of days. So bookmark this page and return to it to score the best workout-related deals out there this Labor Day weekend. At Refinery29, were here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. All product details reflect the price and availability at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?Save A Few Winks With These 11 Mattress SalesSay Goodbye To Summer With These Major Shoe SalesLash Serums, K-Beauty, & 23 More LDW Beauty Sales
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Thrive Market offers groceries to fit every diet and lifestyle - Yahoo Lifestyle
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Dr. Pimple Popper cut open a ‘bubble wrap’ growth the size of a grapefruit on a patient’s back – Business Insider India
Posted: September 5, 2020 at 5:50 am
In a recent YouTube video, Dr. Pimple Popper treated a patient with a grapefruit-sized lipoma, or fat-filled growth, which felt like "giant rubber ball stuck" under their skin. Usually, lipomas are painless.
The patient said they first noticed the growth six years ago, and it's kept growing ever since, which is common for lipomas.
Dr. Pimple Popper used scissors to cut the top layer of nodules away, and then plunged her hand into the incision to massage more hard-to-reach lumps and loosen them from the underskin fibers that held them in place. She also used tweezers for small nodules she couldn't grab with her fingers.
Lee stitched up the cavity so it could heal, and showed the patient the dozens of lipoma bubbles she'd removed.
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Dr. Pimple Popper cut open a 'bubble wrap' growth the size of a grapefruit on a patient's back - Business Insider India
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