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What is the Military Diet and can it help you lose weight? – WSMV Nashville
Posted: August 13, 2020 at 12:42 am
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What is the Military Diet and can it help you lose weight? - WSMV Nashville
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Dementia diet – the best type of vegetable to protect against Alzheimer’s – Express
Posted: August 13, 2020 at 12:42 am
There are a number of different types of dementia, and the most common in the UK is Alzheimer's disease.
Diagnosing the condition early could help to slow down the conditions progress.
Making some small lifestyle changes could lower your chances of developing Alzheimer's in later life.
One of the easiest ways to limit your dementia risk is to eat more leafy greens with your dinner, it's been claimed.
READ MORE: Dementia - the surprising amount of exercise you should do every week
"There is still much we do not know about the relationship between food and dementia, but much research exists to support the fact that what we eat is especially important for brain health," said Dr Mae.
She told Express Health: "More recently researchers have studied the effect of the MIND diet a combination of the Mediterranean diets and DASH diets.
"This is a carefully formulated diet which ensures all the nutrients for good brain health It is rich in green leafy vegetables, all types of vegetables and fruits especially berries, olive oil, whole grains, nuts, fish, and poultry.
"The MIND diet strongly recommends a high consumption of leafy green vegetables, which has been shown to reduce cognitive decline, rather than fruit."
Adding more leafy greens to your diet could also support bone health, while also reducing stomach bloating, it's been claimed.
Meanwhile, the MIND diet includes eating plenty of nuts, beans, berries and whole grains.
But, it also includes avoiding eating unhealthy foods, such as red meat, butter, fried food and pastries.
People that strictly adhere to the diet plan could lower their risk of Alzheimer's by up to 53 percent, scientists claimed.
Theres no certain way to prevent dementia from developing, but there are ways to lower your risk, said the NHS.
Eating a healthy, balanced diet should help to lower your chances of developing dementia.
Its also important to do enough exercise. Everyone should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity every week.
There are around 850,000 people in the UK with dementia, and the condition affects one in every six people over 80 years old.
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Dementia diet - the best type of vegetable to protect against Alzheimer's - Express
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Fresh Conversations program helps Detroit seniors change dietary and fitness habits for the better – Concentrate
Posted: August 13, 2020 at 12:42 am
This article is part of Stories of Change, a series of inspirational articles of the people who deliver evidence-based programs and strategies that empower communities to eat healthy and move more. It is made possible with funding from Michigan Fitness Foundation.
Before she joined Fresh Conversations, a weekly health and fitness class, Fannie Johnson, 77, was overweight and battling high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Soda pop and other high-sugar foods were part of her daily diet.
However, the northwest Detroit resident is no longer on medications for either condition and has lost weight since attending Fresh Conversations, taught by the Methodist Childrens Home Society (MCHS) in Detroit. She also no longer drinks soda, just one of many changes she has made to her diet and daily health regimen.
My doctor, who told me to lose a little weight, cant believe the change in me, Johnson says. Stopping pop was a really big thing. It has a lot of sugar, but I dont drink coffee anymore either. I eat more vegetables and fewer sweets because I read labels.
MCHS began offering the Fresh Conversations program in the spring of 2019. It is funded with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) grants from Michigan Fitness Foundation. SNAP-Ed is an education program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture that teaches those eligible for SNAP how to live healthier lives. As a State Implementing Agency for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, MFF offers competitive grant funding for local and regional organizations to conduct SNAP-Ed programming throughout Michigan.
Sixty-minute Fresh Conversations program sessions for seniors are run by MCHS and are offered at community centers and other sites in Detroit. The programs goal is to help seniors make changes in their diet and fitness routines to curtail chronic diseases and promote healthy aging. The sessions help promote healthy food and beverage choices.
Its truly a conversation, says Norvena Wilson, associate director of senior programs for MCHS, a licensed, nonprofit childcare agency serving children and families in Michigan. Theyre not only learning from facilitators who run the classes but also from each other, from their peers in similar situations. Theyre learning how their peers have incorporated healthy eating and physical activities into their lifestyles.
Norvena Wilson.
Led by Valerie Middlebrook, a retired high school teacher and former head coach of varsity basketball and track and cross country, the classes include conversations about nutrition, healthy eating, demonstrations of low-impact exercises, and simple stretches participants can easily do at home. Each class includes a healthy recipe and a newsletter.
Its important for them to incorporate those exercises at home, says Middlebrook, who also teaches aerobics and stretch classes regularly. I incorporate activities they can do at home with stretch bands to help build muscular strength. They can exercise sitting down or stepping in place listening to music. Its important to continue to be active.
Valerie Middlebrook.
Barriers for the program include lack of transportation to community centers or other sites where the classes are held, and lack of fresh produce and food in the city.
Detroit is really a food desert, Middlebrook says. A lot of people dont have access to healthy food markets in their neighborhoods. There are only 70 grocery stores in the city and not all of them are full-service grocery stores. As a result, the food at convenience stores and other types of stores might not be fresh.
She notes that there are nine to 10 fast-food restaurants per grocery store in the city, whose population hovers around 670,000 people.
Unhealthy options far outnumber the fresh markets in the city, she says. People can find whatever they want when it comes to fast food, but finding fruits and vegetables can be a problem.
Publicized through community centers and faith-based organizations, Fresh Conversations classes were held regularly until the statewide shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. Suspended for over 12 weeks, the classes have recently resumed through telephone conference calls and will continue through mid-August. Conference calls are offered during two different time slots, twice a week.
Participants will not have to drive anywhere or use a computer, Wilson says, noting that transportation is not an issue with this way of delivering the program. We mail them the class materials and they call the class telephone hotline. Its important that we can keep in touch with them and keep encouraging healthy lifestyles.
The ultimate goal remains helping senior citizens find ways to incorporate healthy food and physical activities that resonate with their lifestyle and enable them to make long-term changes.
What were finding is that small changes make a difference, Wilson says.
Thats been the case for Johnson, who has continued to exercise on her own during the pandemic. Shes also implemented many dietary changes that she learned from Fresh Conversations. Shes started cooking from home more frequently instead of relying on fast food, whipping up dishes like black bean burgers, oatmeal, and macaroni and cheese that uses cauliflower instead of pasta.
I learned from Valerie that you got to get back to the kitchen, Johnson says. It makes a big difference.
Fannie Johnson.
Johnson notes that she has also seen lifestyle changes in her peers.
Its not only me, she says. Ive seen other people doing better. I think your mental health is better when you exercise. I think some senior citizens were just home and werent doing anything and getting depressed. And now were doing all kinds of things and staying busy in our own homes.
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Fresh Conversations program helps Detroit seniors change dietary and fitness habits for the better - Concentrate
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Breast Cancer and Diet: 10 Foods to Eat and Some to Avoid – US Times Now
Posted: August 13, 2020 at 12:42 am
Breast cancer is the most well-known disease in ladies, with obtrusive breast cancer influencing 1 in each 8 ladies in the United States during their lifetime. It even happens in men, however male bosom malignancy represents under 1% of all breast cancer cases.
DNA harm and hereditary transformations may cause this ailment. Acquiring certain qualities, for example, BRCA1 and BRCA2, can moreover expand your hazard, as can having corpulence.
Way of life likewise assumes a basic job, with research connecting overwhelming drinking, smoking, estrogen introduction, and certain dietary examples remembering Western weight control plans high for prepared nourishments to an expanded danger of breast cancer.
Strikingly, examines partner other eating designs like the Mediterranean eating regimen with a diminished danger of breast cancer. In addition, explicit nourishments may even ensure against this sickness.
Here are 10 nourishments to eat to help decrease your danger of breast cancer, just as a couple to avoid.
Breast cancer is the most widely recognized disease in ladies, with obtrusive bosom disease influencing 1 in each 8 ladies in the United States during their lifetime. It even happens in men, however breast cancer represents under 1% of all bosom disease cases.
DNA harm and hereditary transformations may cause this illness. Acquiring certain qualities, for example, BRCA1 and BRCA2, can in like manner increment your hazard, as can having heftiness.
Way of life likewise assumes a basic job, with research connecting substantial drinking, smoking, estrogen introduction, and certain dietary examples remembering Western weight control plans high for prepared nourishments to an expanded danger of breast cancer.
Prominently, examines partner other eating designs like the Mediterranean eating routine with a decreased danger of bosom malignant growth. Additionally, explicit nourishments may even ensure against this disease.
Here are 10 nourishments to eat to help diminish your danger of breast cancer, just as a couple to stay away from.
Nourishments that may bring down breast cancer risk
Remember that numerous elements are related with bosom malignant growth improvement. While improving your eating regimen can improve your general wellbeing and diminish your malignant growth hazard by and large, its just one bit of the riddle.
Indeed, even with a sound eating routine, you despite everything need standard bosom malignancy screenings like mammograms and manual checks. All things considered, early location and finding altogether increment endurance rates. Converse with your medicinal services supplier for exhortation about bosom disease screenings.
No different, research recommends that these nourishments may bring down your danger of this sickness.
Kale, arugula, spinach, mustard greens, and chard are only a couple of the verdant green vegetables that may have anticancer properties.
Verdant green vegetables contain carotenoid cell reinforcements, including beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, higher blood levels of which are related with decreased bosom disease hazard.
An investigation of 8 examinations in more than 7,000 individuals found that ladies with more elevated levels of carotenoids had an essentially decreased danger of bosom disease, contrasted and ladies with lower levels.
In like manner, a followup concentrate in more than 32,000 ladies connected higher blood levels of all out carotenoids to a 1828% diminished danger of bosom malignant growth, just as a decreased danger of repeat and passing in the individuals who previously had breast cancer.
Also, research uncovers that a high admission of folate, a B nutrient amassed in green verdant vegetables, may ensure against breast cancer.
Citrus fruits are abounding with aggravates that may ensure against bosom disease, including folate, nutrient C, and carotenoids like beta cryptoxanthin and beta carotene, in addition to flavonoid cell reinforcements like quercetin, hesperetin, and naringenin.
These supplements give cancer prevention agent, anticancer, and calming impacts.
Indeed, research ties citrus organic product to a decreased danger of numerous diseases, including bosom malignant growth. An audit of 6 investigations in more than 8,000 individuals connected high citrus admission to a 10% decrease in bosom disease chance.
Citrus fruits incorporate oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, and tangerines.
Fatty fish, including salmon, sardines, and mackerel, are known for their great health advantages. Their omega-3 fats, selenium, and cell reinforcements like canthaxanthin may offer malignancy defensive impacts.
A few investigations show that eating greasy fish may explicitly lessen your danger of bosom disease.
A huge examination of 26 investigations in 883,000 individuals found that those with the most elevated admission of fish wellsprings of omega-3s had up to a 14% decreased danger of bosom malignancy, contrasted and the individuals who ate the least sum.
Different investigations report comparable discoveries.
Adjusting your omega-3 to omega-6 proportion by eating more greasy fish and less refined oils and handled nourishments may help decrease your breast cancer chance also.
Routinely getting a charge out of berries may help bring down your danger of specific malignancies, including bosom disease.
Berries antioxidants, including flavonoids and anthocyanins, have been appeared to ensure against cell harm, just as the turn of events and spread of malignant growth cells.
Notably, an study in 75,929 ladies connected higher berry consumption and blueberries specifically to a lower danger of estrogen receptor negative (ER) bosom disease.
Fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, miso, and sauerkraut contain probiotics and different supplements that may protect against bosom disease.
A survey of 27 investigations connected matured dairy items, for example, yogurt and kefir, to a decreased danger of bosom malignancy in both Western and Asian populaces.
Creature research proposes that this defensive impact is identified with the resistant upgrading impacts of specific probiotics.
Garlic, onions, and leeks are all allium vegetables that brag a variety of supplements, including organosulfur mixes, flavonoid cell reinforcements, and vitamin C. These may have amazing anticancer properties.
An study in 660 ladies in Puerto Rico attached high garlic and onion admission to a decreased danger of bosom disease.
In like manner, an study in 285 ladies found that high garlic and leek admission may secure against bosom malignant growth. In any case, the investigation noticed a positive relationship between high utilization of cooked onions and bosom malignant growth .
Hence, more exploration on onions and bosom wellbeing is required.
Fruits explicitly peaches, apples, and pears have been appeared to protect against breast cancer.
In an study in 75,929 ladies, the individuals who devoured in any event 2 servings of peaches for every week had up to a 41% decreased danger of creating ERbreast cancer.
Curiously, a test-tube study uncovered that polyphenol cancer prevention agents from peaches repressed the development and spread of a breast cancer cell line.
Moreover, an investigation dissecting information from 272,098 ladies connected apple and pear admission to a lower danger of breast cancer.
Cruciferous vegetables, including cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli, may help bring down your danger of bosom disease.
Cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolate mixes, which your body can change over into particles called isothiocyanates. These have noteworthy anticancer potential.
Outstandingly, an investigation in 1,493 ladies connected higher all out cruciferous vegetable admission with a diminished danger of bosom malignant growth.
Beans are stacked with fiber, nutrients, and minerals. In particular, their high fiber substance may ensure against bosom malignancy.
An examination in 2,571 ladies found that high bean intake diminished bosom malignant growth hazard by up to 20%, contrasted and low bean intake .
Also, in an examination in 1,260 Nigerian ladies, those with the most elevated admission of beans had up to a 28% diminished danger of bosom malignancy, contrasted and those with the least intake.
Herbs and spices like parsley, rosemary, oregano, thyme, turmeric, curry, and ginger contain plant aggravates that may help secure against bosom malignancy. These incorporate nutrients, unsaturated fats, and polyphenol cancer prevention agents.
For instance, oregano flaunts the cancer prevention agents carvacrol and rosmarinic corrosive, which test-tube examines have found to show noteworthy anticancer impacts against forceful bosom disease cell lines.
Curcumin, the fundamental dynamic compound in turmeric, has likewise shown critical anticancer properties, as has apigenin, a flavonoid moved in parsley.
The same number of different spices and flavors have incredible anticancer impacts also, its a smart thought to remember a wide assortment for your eating regimen.
While certain nourishments may secure against bosom malignancy, different nourishments may expand your hazard.
All things considered, its ideal to diminish your admission of the accompanying nourishments and drinks or keep away from them by and large:
Alcohol. Alcohol use, particularly overwhelming drinking, may altogether build your danger of bosom disease.
Fast food. Eating cheap food normally is related with numerous drawbacks, including an expanded danger of coronary illness, diabetes, stoutness, and bosom disease.
Fried nourishments. Research shows that an eating regimen high in seared nourishments may altogether expand your danger of bosom malignant growth. Undoubtedly, in an investigation in 620 Iranian ladies, singed food admission was the biggest hazard factor for bosom disease advancement.
Handled meats. Prepared meats like bacon and wiener may raise your danger of bosom malignancy. One study of 15 investigations connected high handled meat intaketo a 9% more noteworthy bosom malignant growth chance.
Included sugar. An eating routine high in included sugar may fundamentally raise your danger of bosom malignant growth by expanding irritation and the statement of specific compounds identified with disease development and spread.
Refined carbs. Diets high in refined carbs, including the run of the mill Western eating regimen, may build bosom malignant growth hazard. Have a go at supplanting refined carbs like white bread and sweet heated merchandise with entire grain items and supplement dense veggies.
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Breast Cancer and Diet: 10 Foods to Eat and Some to Avoid - US Times Now
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Dr. Pepper Confirmed That Its Products Have Been Harder To Find But Says It’s Working On Supply Issues –
Posted: August 13, 2020 at 12:42 am
If you, like me, are in love with Dr. Pepper (specifically Diet Dr. Pepper), you may have noticed it's been a bit tricky to find some of your favorite flavors in stores lately. Dr. Pepper confirmed this week that there has been a shortage of their products in stores but that they are working on getting things stocked back up.
Dr. Pepper posted this info in a tweet, saying that "We know its harder to find Dr Pepper these days. Were working on ithang tight!" In a graphic attached to that tweet, they wrote the following in part: "Having trouble finding your favorite Dr. Pepper product? We're doing everything we can to get it back into your hands. That means working with out distribution partners to keep shelves stocked nationwide, while ensuring the safety of our employees."
This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
They also said that this message "applies to all flavors of Dr Pepperincluding our newest permanent addition to the family, Dr Pepper & Cream Soda" in a note on the tweet.
Fans followed up with their tales of not being able to find their favorite drinks in stores, which made me feel good for not being the only one to have my heart broken (the photo above was taken a week or so ago after my boyfriend finally found a very low stock of Diet Dr. Pepper after some unsuccessful trips in the weeks prior, though as you can see regular Dr. Pepper was THRIVING).
This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
Some fans also thanked the company for being upfront about the supply issue and Charmin even popped in to commiserate after the toilet paper company faced its own supply issues amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
So there you have it. A great reminder not to hoard and to enjoy your beloved diet soda while you still can!!
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Low-Carb Diet Market Trends Analysis and Impact of COVID-19 Analysis Report By Product Type, Industry Application And Future Technology 2027 -…
Posted: August 13, 2020 at 12:42 am
Low-carb diet market is expected to grow at a growth rate of 6.40% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Increasing availability of low carb products will act as a factor for the low-carb diet market in the forecast period of 2020- 2027.
Global Low-Carb Diet Market report, it becomes easy to gather Low-Carb Diet industry information more quickly. It helps to outline target audiences for the clients before launching any advertising campaign. By utilizing few steps or a number of steps, the process of generating this market research report is started with the expert advice. Analysis on vendors, geographical regions, types, and applications has been carried out very carefully in the report. This Global Low-Carb Diet Market report has been structured by a team of multilingual researchers who are expert at different languages with which they efficiently execute Low-Carb Diet market research internationally.
The data and information collected to form this Global Low-Carb Diet Market report is usually quite a lot and is also in a complex form which is simplified by the experts for end users. While preparing this Global Low-Carb Diet Market report, detailed market analysis has been performed with inputs from industry experts. In addition, market share analysis as well as key trend analysis is the key accomplishing factors in this market report. With this Global Low-Carb Diet Market report, business can effectively gain a holistic view of the market and then also benchmark all the companies in the Low-Carb Diet industry. This Global Low-Carb Diet Market research analysis brings into light a vast market place
Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts
The major players covered in the low-carb diet report are Nestl S. A., Know Brainer Foods, Zenwise Health, Perfect Keto, Ample Foods, Danone S.A., BPI Sports LLC., Ancient Nutrition, Pruvit Ventures, Inc., Bulletproof 360, Inc., Dang Foods Company, Essential Keto., among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Global Low-Carb Diet Market report offers a complete analysis of the market. It will thus via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured within the report are derived persecution well-tried analysis methodologies and assumptions. By doing thus, the analysis report is a repository of research and data for each side of the Low-Carb Diet Market, as well as however not restricted to: Regional markets, outstanding Manufactures, technology, types, and applications.
Major Regions as Follows:
Key Questions Answered:
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How Does This Low-Carb Diet Market Insights Help?
Key Pointers Covered in the Low-Carb Diet Market:
Part 01:Executive Summary
Part 02:Scope of the Report
Part 03:Research Methodology
Part 04:Low-Carb Diet Market Landscape
Part 05:Pipeline Analysis
Pipeline Analysis
Part 06:Low-Carb Diet Market Sizing
Low-Carb Diet Market Definition
Low-Carb Diet Market Sizing
Low-Carb Diet Market Size And Forecast
Part 07:Five Forces Analysis
Bargaining Power Of Buyers
Bargaining Power Of Suppliers
Threat Of New Entrants
Threat Of Substitutes
Threat Of Rivalry
Market Condition
Part 08:Low-Carb Diet Market Segmentation
Market Opportunity
Part 09:Customer Landscape
Part 10:Regional Landscape
Part 11:Decision Framework
Part 12:Drivers and Challenges
Market Drivers
Market Challenges
Part 13:Low-Carb Diet Market Trends
Part 14:Vendor Landscape
Part 15:Vendor Analysis
Vendors Covered
Vendor Classification
Market Positioning Of Vendors
Part 16:Appendix
In conclusion, the Low-Carb Diet Market report is a reliable source for accessing the research data that is projected to exponentially accelerate your business. The report provides information such as economic scenarios, benefits, limits, trends, market growth rates, and figures. SWOT analysis is also incorporated in the report along with speculation attainability investigation and venture return investigation.
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Low-Carb Diet Market Trends Analysis and Impact of COVID-19 Analysis Report By Product Type, Industry Application And Future Technology 2027 -...
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A Guide to Your Gut Type and What This Means for Your Diet – One Green Planet
Posted: August 13, 2020 at 12:42 am
Ive written lots of articles about probiotics, microbiota, and the health of your gut, especially in relation to things like heartburn, mental well-being, and simple overall health. As Im currently nine months pregnant, Ive been dealing with quite a few unpleasant gut changes, which led me down a fascinating road of gut types. Who knew that there were actually differenttypes of gut that present physically, mentally, and emotionally!
Each human body is individual and therefore requires individual attention and this goes for your gut too. While probiotics, a plant-based diet, and a physically active lifestyle are all great places to start when boosting your gut health, discovering the exact type of issues going on within your gut will help to tailor the food you eat, the type of exercise you take part in, and what type of supplements may help to alleviate any digestive discomfort.
Lets take a little explorative session into the digestive system, the microbiome, the different types of gut, and how we can care for ourselves as individuals!
When you talk about the gut, youre actually referring to an incredibly complicated system that extends between your mouth all the way to your rectum. This system is the main source of nutrient absorption and storage, its how we energize, and how we get nourishment. Alright, so what makes up your digestive system?
The digestive system includes your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (also called your colon), pancreas, liver, gallbladder, rectum, and anus. As you can tell, the digestive system isnt just located in your mid-section generally where you feel most digestive discomfort such as bloating, gas, or upset stomach but its an entire body, top to bottom, network.
On top of that, your gut or digestive system is riddled with good and bad bacteria called microbiota that make up the microbiome, yet another incredibly complicated ecosystem within your body. Yet, this microbiome has been found to play an integral role in not only your digestive health but also your mental health, the efficacy of nutrient absorption, energy level pretty much your overall bodily health.
Each part of the digestive system has an important part to play! Lets take a look at how your food is processed through this amazing network. Digestion begins in the mouth as your salivary glands get active when you see and smell food. Your saliva then mixes with the food to begin to break it down into a form your body can absorb and use.
Next, your esophagus receives food from your mouth [and] a series of muscular contractions within the esophagus called peristalsis delivers food to your stomach. Finally, weve made it to the stomach! This hollow organ holds food while it is being mixed with stomach enzymes [and strong acid] [that will] continue the process of breaking down food into a usable form.
From there, this new conglomeration of enzyme, acid, and nutrients moves into the small intestine where the work really starts! Your small intestine is a 22-foot long muscular tube made of three segments the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum where your food is further broken down using enzymes released by the pancreas and bile from the liver, as well as peristalsis, which aids the food to move through and mix with digestive juices from the pancreas and liver. The first segment of your small intestine the duodenum is responsible for the continuous breaking-down process, while the lower sections the jejunum and ileum are responsible for absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.
The resulting semi-solid mixture water, bile, enzymes, and mucus passes into the colon (of the large intestine). The colon is a 6-foot long muscular tube that connects the small intestine to the rectum and its primary goal is to separate the necessary from the waste. While the colon may be shorter than the small intestine, its made up of more parts including the cecum, the ascending (right) colon, the transverse (across) colon, the descending (left) colon, and the sigmoid colon, which connects to the rectum. Once all the nutrients and water have been removed from the mixture, youre left with waste matter, which is stored in the sigmoid (S-shaped) colon until a mass movement empties it into the rectum once or twice a day.
While we dont reallywantto talk about waste, its important to note that theres a lot more going on there than meets the eye. Your waste or stool is mostly food debris and bacteria. Its the bacteria that you want to focus on. These good bacteria perform several useful functions, such as synthesizing various vitamins, processing waste products, and food particles, and protecting against harmful bacteria.
I covered, very briefly, the difference between microbiota referring to the collection of microbes that live in and on the human body and microbiome referring to the complete set of genes within these microbes. One is talking about the entirety and the other refers to the individual or more detailed version of the former. In another of my gut-related articles Understanding the Gut-Hormone Connection I break down the microbiome:
Themicrobiomeis very similar to a mini-ecosystem in which microscopic organisms thrive. These microscopic organisms, also called microorganisms, create a symbiotic environment called themicrobiome and they includebacteria, pathogens infections agents, archaea prokaryote microorganisms, which lack a nucleus, and eukaryotic microbes microorganisms that have a nucleus. Your microbiome is built from yourpersonal environment and lifestyle, such as geography, health status, stress, diet, age, gender, and everything you touch, therefore every humans microbiome isspecial and uniqueto them.
When it comes to the health of your gut or digestive system there are lots of factors that play an important role including exercise, stress, and medication. Yet, one of the most influential factors is your diet. The effects of diet are probably what you would expect.
A diet thats loaded with highly processed and ultra-processed foods which include refined carbs, sugars, hydrogenated oils, and trans fats is severely detrimental to your gut health, while a diet rich in whole, plant-based foods is linked to a healthy gut. This isnt just hearsay, there have been multiple studies conducted at different institutions and within different parameters that come to similar conclusions such as this study published in the European Cardiology Review or this multi-institutional study entitled The Effects of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets on Gut Microbiota.
So, what is it about a plant-based diet that improves gut health? A lot of it has to do with the fact that plant-based diets are naturally anti-inflammatory, yet the other large part is due to the fact that plants are rich in a variety of gut-sustaining nutrients such as dietary fiber, antioxidants, healthy fats, and a diverse range of all the vitamins and minerals. For instance, dietary fiber is known to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria that reduce inflammation and cardiovascular disease risk, as well as increases short-chain fatty acids linked to improved immunity and improved intestinal function.
While fiber is important, its also about incorporating a balanced intake of the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients, while excluding the toxic ingredients of processed foods and high amounts of added sugar. All of these play a factor in your gut health!
Alright, now that we know as much as we can about gut health in as short a period as possible, that is! its probably a good idea to take stock of your own gut health. Digestive issues are a pervasive issue in the states. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 22.4 million people were diagnosed with a digestive disorder or disease by their physician, while 8.3 million people were separately diagnosed in the emergency room.And this doesnt account for physician or emergency room visits for less severe digestive disorders such as painful gas, diarrhea or constipation, excessive bloating, or upset stomachs.
Most likely, everyone reading this article has one or two gripes about their digestive system! Where do you start? Figure out what type of gut youve got and learn how to properly care for it so you can balance out that microbiome and avoid products and foods that may cause disrupt.
Candida is a genus of yeasts that is typically found in small amounts in the mouth and intestines and on the skin. Its actually quite normal to have small amounts of candida throughout your life, yet when that amount begins to grow uncontrollably, it can cause an infection known as candidiasis, which happens to be the most common cause of fungal infections in humans.
This condition can manifest in weight gain, phlegmy coughs and sniffles, and a white coating on the tongue.Those with a candida gut generally desire foods rich in sugar, dairy, and wheat and are generally incredibly worrisome, anxious, and obsessive.
If youre looking to heal yourself, its recommended to eat a lot of soups, stews, and warm starchy veggies, such as this Chickpea Miso Noodle Soup or these Cinnamon Turmeric Sweet Potatoes fermented foods, such as these Potato Kimchi Pancakes or this Homemade Raw Sauerkraut and incorporate a good probiotic such as this Garden of Life Whole Food Probiotic Supplement, this Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement, or this Hyperbiotics PRO-15 Probiotic. On the other hand, make sure to avoid dairy, sugar, refined grains, raw foods, and yeast.
A gastric gut is directly linked to your lifestyle, self-care routine, and a slow-moving digest system. In particular, it means that youre overworking and overexerting yourself. This mixture overworking and a slow-moving digestive system leads to habits that cause poor digestion such as not chewing properly, overeating, and taking antacids.
This condition manifests with issues such as gas, bloating, and acid reflux, as well as habits such as eating your food too fast. If youve got this gut type, you most likely are a fiery, passionate, and reactive personality type as well!
If youre looking to heal, try to eat several small meals and stop before youre full, load up on bitter veggies, herbs, and citrus, drink mineral water, [and] supplement with digestive enzymes, such as this Pure Vegan Digestive Enzyme Complex, these Mary RuthsVegan Digestive Food Enzymes, or this Garden of Life Organic Chewable Enzyme Supplement. On the other hand, youll want to avoid alcohol, caffeine, fried foods, and spicy foods. Try a few of these plant-based recipes that are rich in bitter veggies, herbs, and citrus: 10-Minute Seitan Beef and Broccoli, Braised Kale, Cilantro Lime Tacos, Alkaline Green Juice, or this Avocado Grapefruit Jicama Salad.
You may think that a gastric and stressed gut are the same thing and while they may have similarities, theyre actually quite different! A stressed gut is caused by the constant circulation of stress hormones, which diverts blood flow away from your gut and impairs the growth of good bacteria and digestive enzyme production.
The condition usually manifests in adrenal fatigue, which causes sleep issues, decreased libido, and trouble focusing. These folks tend to consume too much coffee and/or too much alcohol and generally have a type-A workaholic personality.
If youre looking to heal, incorporate salty, dark-colored foods, such as this Vietnamese Purple Yam Soup or these Homemade Dark Chocolates supplement with B vitamins, and look into getting some adaptogens into your life such as these Natures Way Astragalus Root Capsules, these Pure Mountain BotanicalsHoly Basil Capsules, or this NaturaLife LabsOrganic Maca Root Black, Red, Yellow.
Make sure to avoid alcohol, caffeine, refined grains, and sugar.
One of the main culprits behind an immune gut is food sensitivities most commonly, gluten and dairy. Unfortunately, there are a few factors that are somewhat unavoidable that can cause an immune gut including longtime use of antibiotics, birth control pills, and steroids.
An immune gut is treatable, but at its worst results in autoimmune disorders and inflammatory bowel diseases. Those with this type of gut generally have a habit of going for the antibiotics on a regular basis and are usually perfectionists, insecure, and detail-oriented personality types.
If youre looking to heal an immune gut, its a bit more complicated than other types. First off, youll want to pair up with your doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian in order to work out an elimination diet in order to find out exactly what youre sensitive too. Next, its recommended to focus on reestablishing the health of your gut through supplemental digestive enzymes, soil-based (SBO) probiotics, and L-glutamine. Also, think about incorporating healthy fats on a daily basis think avocado, nuts, seeds, and coconut oil! On the other hand, steer clear of alcohol, dairy, raw foods, and packaged foods.
Find the perfect probiotic and digestive enzyme for your body using the following guide articles 10 Vegan Digestive Enzyme Supplements and Vegan Probiotics: How To Get Them From Supplements and Food
And then try out some of these healthy fat-filled recipes: Garden Green Soup, Peach, Raspberry and Coconut Yogurt Chia Pudding, Brussels Sprouts Salad with Macadamias and Apple, Avocado Pesto Pasta, or this Super Quick Chocolate Porridge.
Last, but not least, the toxic gut!
This type of gut is actually caused by the Standard American Diet basically, eating processed or fast food. As mentioned earlier, processed and ultra-processed foods are incredibly detrimental to your gut microbiome, so much so that eating too many are referred to as toxic. By eating processed foods, youre actually eating unhealthy fat, sugar, and chemicals.
This condition manifests in an inflammatory chain reaction from our liver to our intestines, leading to symptoms ranging from gallstones to rosacea to neurological distress. People who suffer from toxic gut generally are impatient, frequently frustrated, and quick to anger personality types. If youre looking to heal a toxic gut, incorporate an abundance of raw, green, and/or sour foods, drink dandelionormilk thistle tea, [and]get more sleep. On the other hand, avoid alcohol, non-organic produce, fried foods, nut butter, [and] oils.
Try some of these recipes that are rich in raw, green, and sour foods: Raw Cranberry Coconut Energy Bars, Carrot Ginger Soup With Curried Raisin Relish, Spinach Potato Soup, Thai Tempeh Collard Greens Wraps, Fizzy Pink Grapefruit Lemonade, or these Super-Easy Refrigerator Dill Pickles.
Learning everything you can about gut health is an excellent step towards a better functioning body! From boosting energy to smoothing out digestion to absorbing more nutrients and even conquering mental health issues, starting with the gut is a great idea!
Homemade Probiotic Cashew Yogurt/One Green Planet
Reducing your meat intake and eating more plant-based foods is known to help withchronic inflammation,heart health,mental wellbeing,fitness goals,nutritional needs,allergies,gut health,andmore! Dairy consumption also has been linked to many health problems, includingacne,hormonal imbalance,cancer,prostate cancerand has manyside effects.
For those of you interested in eating more plant-based, we highly recommend downloading theFood Monster App with over 15,000 delicious recipes it is the largest plant-based recipe resource to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals and get healthy! And, while you are at it, we encourage you to also learn about theenvironmentalandhealth benefitsof aplant-based diet.
Here are some great resources to get you started:
For more Animal, Earth, Life, Vegan Food, Health, and Recipe content published daily, subscribe to theOne Green Planet Newsletter! Lastly, being publicly-funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing you with high-quality content. Please considersupporting usby donating!
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A Guide to Your Gut Type and What This Means for Your Diet - One Green Planet
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Know His Diet Plan As Well As Workout Regimen To Be Like Thor –
Posted: August 13, 2020 at 12:42 am
Chris Hemsworth: Know His Diet Plan As Well As Workout Regimen To Be Like Thor|Reform.
Among the numbers that trigger even more envy Certainly it is that of the star Chris Hemsworth and also certainly you question what he does to remain similar to this and also below we will certainly inform you what his regular of workouts and also his diet regimen
There is no question that Chris has an excellent genes However he additionally needed to function quite hard to end up being the God of Rumbling.
To do this, Hemsworth placed himself in the hands of Duffy gaver, an instructor that was an USA Marine.
It might intrigue you: Cristiano Ronaldo, trains like him, expose his workout regimen.
Many thanks to your aid, he handled to raise 10 kilos of pure muscular tissue Prior To, he just maintained fit by boxing and also searching.
According to specific admissions of the star, later on he was required to transform all clothing out of his wardrobe, because every little thing was also little for him.
Additionally, among his most significant keys to accomplishing his amazing body was consume in all hrs, something that most likely no one anticipated.
I invested entire days consuming. Think me, that is not as very easy as it appears, consuming also when you do not intend to, and also the most awful point was the huge parts that I needed to eat .
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Chris Hemsworth diet regimen
The basis of their diet regimen were items abundant in healthy protein consisting of meat, hen and also egg, healthy protein alcoholic drinks, in addition to fresh vegetables and fruits.
Fruits with sugar web content were consumed after training to shut the metabolic home window and also garnish veggies at every dish as a resource of fiber.
The parts and also dishes were regulated thinking about the quantity of calories, in addition to the portions of fats, healthy proteins and also carbs.
Additionally, the healthiest versions of comparable items were thoroughly chosen, as an example quinoa rather than rice.
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Educating guidelines
Prior to starting his prep work to play Thor , Chris was currently fairly sports, surfed, boxed and also rugby.
To raise the quantity of your body mass Chris needed to concentrate on muscular tissue hypertrophy.
Hemsworth mentioned that it is fairly crucial to check out the information so every action I attempted to do completely.
You need to listen to the means you hold bench, in what place your back is, if you have a limited abdominal area and also a great deal of little information, every little thing is very important. Raising weights without strategy is insufficient .
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Workout regimen
The training was taking place 4 days of training, someday of remainder, and after that once again, 4 days of exercise, and more.
It deserves pointing out that stated regimen was particularly made for Hemswoth and also was implemented under the control of his individual instructor and also consisted of an unique diet regimen.
Hence, not advised duplicate this training program, particularly for those that do not execute any kind of exercise.
It might intrigue you: Chris Hemsworth dismayed regarding being changed as Thor.
Day 1
Early Morning: Upper body and also shoulders
Apartment bench pinhead increases (3 collections of 12, 10, 8 associates).
Existing bench press (3 collections of 12, 10, 8 associates).
Seated Pinhead Lateral Elevates (3 collections of 15, 12, 10 associates).
Standing Pinhead Lateral Elevates (3 collections of 15, 12, 10 associates).
Arnold Press (3 collections of 12, 10, 8 associates).
Mid-day: box and also abdominal area
Punching bag strikes (5 collections of 3 mins each).
Punching bag kicks (5 collections of 3 mins each).
Rope leaping (5 collections of 3 mins each).
Joint bend (60 secs).
Side Slab (60 secs).
Roman bench leg increases (20 associates).
Pulley-block Crunches (20 associates).
Side grinds (20 associates).
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Day 2
Early morning: back and also arms
Christos (3 collections of 15, 12, 10 associates).
Deadlift (3 collections of 10, 8, 6 associates).
Weights bicep crinkle (3 collections of 10, 8, 6 associates).
French press for triceps muscles (3 collections of 10, 8, 6 associates).
Mid-day: box and also abdominal area
Like day 1.
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Day 3
Early morning: searching
If you do not have the opportunity of searching, you can change it with 30 mins of cardio with periods of various rates.
Mid-day: legs
Seated leg expansion on device (3 collections of 10, 8, 6 associates).
Existing Leg Swirl (3 collections of 10, 8, 6 associates).
Weights deep squats (3 collections of 10, 8, 6 associates).
You might additionally be interested: Chris and also Liam Hemsworth with each other in a brand-new flick.
Day 4
Early morning: abdominal area
Like day 1.
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Intermittent Fasting Works But There May Be Risks For Women – The Beet
Posted: August 13, 2020 at 12:42 am
Every day, it seems we learn of more people tryingIntermittent Fasting for weight loss, including celebrities like Kelly Osbourne, who just lost 85 pounds on a plant-based diet using a combination of IF and exercise. For adiet that requires little effort, other than quelling your hunger pangs, you can reap plenty the benefits of fast and controllable weight loss.
The idea of Intermittent Fasting is simple, since unlike most diets, it focuses more on when you eat rather than what you eat. By allowing your body to rest 14 to 16 hours between meals, you manage food intake, curb cravings, and lose weight as your body turns to your fat stores for ready energy in the absence of calories from fat, carbs and protein. The Beet editors have tried IF and interviewed Dr. Jason Fung, author of Life in the Fasting Lane, who helped us understand the simple rules for using IF for effective weight control. The best news is that your body's hunger signals pipe up when you're used to eating like around breakfast or lunch or dinner, but if you're fasting, they quiet down after your body essentially feeds itself from its own fat stores. So that momentary hunger cue quiets down and you lose weight.
But, does IF affect men's and women's bodies differently?Some evidence has shown that the positive effects of this rapid weight loss method have largely been found to work on men and post-menopausal women's bodies.
If your weekends look like more of a constant routine of carbs and junk, Intermittent Fasting can be the reset button that can set you on the right track. Aside from burning more fat, it can also lower cholesterol, improving heart health, as well as help lower blood pressure, and because it helps maintain lower blood glucose levels, according to a 2018 study, it's an effective strategy in treating diabetes. Once you finish fasting, however, it's essential thatyou learn to maintain and keep off the weight, by feeding your body clean, whole plant-based foods that can keep your metabolism working to burn fat.
The research on Intermittent Fasting was done on men and post-menopausal women, leaving the question of how it affects younger women and especially their hormones. Refraining from food for more than 12 hours is not optimal for women's menstrual cycles, according toAlisa Vitti, a functional nutrition and women's hormone expert, and author of Woman Code andcreator of My Flowwomen. Since female bodies are more sensitive to calorie restriction than men are, fasting for long periods can affect the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates your body's hormones. Under stress, cortisol elevates, as does estrogen, so as your body gets used to utilizing fats for fuel, it canrelease hormones that disrupt your cycle.
Vitti warns that extended fasting could potentially have negative side effects on women in their reproductive years. When your body senses a deficient amount of fuel, it becomes stressed, raising cortisol levels and disrupting your hormones. At first this can slow your cyclical processes that naturally occur on its own, but over time, these hormones can shut off your fertility system. In lab studies on rats, intermittent fasting appears to cause ovaries to shrink and cycles to halt duringalternate-day fasting done over the course of 3-6 days, which is an extreme amount of time for any sized animal.
Whenfasting the safer bet for reproductive health is todo it for 12 hours, instead of the usual 16, or 18 hours. The easiest way to achieve this is to fast between dinner and breakfast, which essentially has the same benefits of IF.
Break your fast with something super alkalizing, like lemon water or a green juice, and incorporate more complex carbohydrates and protein as the day continues. Try to eat your dinner early, so you have your last meal at least 3 hours before bedtime, and avoid coffee, or sweeteners afterdinner, which spikes your insulin levels. By practicingIF in a safe, somewhat modified way, you can get all the benefitsas a woman that are excellent for men, without the hormonal disruptionthat can occur. Or if youre not hungry when you wake up, then just listen to your body and nourish it in a more mindful way.
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Intermittent Fasting Works But There May Be Risks For Women - The Beet
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COVID-19: Diet Tips To Improve Immunity And Body’s Ability To Fight Infections – NDTV Doctor
Posted: August 13, 2020 at 12:42 am
COVID-19: It is important to know your body type and then adapt to the most relevant diet that can boost immunity and improve your body's ability to fight dieases.
COVID-19: Reduce oxidative stress and inflammation to improve your immunity
COVID-19: When times are tough, they always teach you something. So is the current lockdown. It has truly taught us or got our attention to our eating habits, which we tend to ignore otherwise. In this article, we are going to talk about diet changes that can help boost immunity and improve your body's ability to fight diseases and infections. The word COVID, can be broken to key nutritional elements your diet must possess: Calories, Oxidative Stress, Vitamins, Inflammation and Detoxification.
Diets too low in calories can result in inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals, which tends to decrease immunity. Optimal stores of glycogen obtained from a diet adequate in calories and carbohydrates boost immune system. Simple carbohydrates like sugar, jaggery, fruit juices, refined flour, ghee, oils are dense source of calories.
Also read:Weight Loss: 4 Foods With Empty Calories You Must Avoid
Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals generated and antioxidants present in the body. Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules with an uneven number of electrons. Consumption of antioxidants, in the form of micronutrients, can help in maintaining this balance and protect one from increased oxidative stress. Selenium, Vitamin A, E & C, Lycopene and Lutein are rich sources of antioxidants. These include foods like milk products, eggs, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, almonds, peanuts, etc.
Leafy green vegetables are a rich siurce of antioxidantsPhoto Credit: iStock
Vitamins D, B6 and Zinc are essentials to the body, each playing a key role in maintaining immunity. Vitamin D helps your body to maintain optimal blood levels of calcium and phosphorous, and also protect from respiratory infection. Zinc has been found to help produce and activate T-cells (t-lymphocytes), which trigger the body to respond to infections such as nasal congestion, sore throat, etc. Meat, nuts, dark chocolate, chickpeas, tuna, chicken breast, banana, etc. are some essential foods.
Also read:Vitamin C Benefits: 4 Truths You Must Know
Inflammation is body's process of fighting against infections, injuries and toxins, in an attempt to heal itself. When something damages your cells, your body releases chemicals that trigger a response from your immune system. Omega 3 fatty acids, Vit A, E and C, zinc are essential for reducing inflammation.
Detoxification is liver's function to detoxify the toxin created by the body. Detox is largely a lifestyle change in itself focusing on adequate sleep, along with increase in intake of water, antioxidant rich foods, decrease in the intake of sugar, salt, etc.
Food and nutrients go hand in hand. But when a body gets what it needs the most, is when it plays a role of boosting immunity. With several diets available, it is important to know your body type and then adapt to the most relevant diet available for your body; especially in times like these.
Also read:Detox Or Cleanse? Know Which One Is Better For Your Body?
(Dr. Amol Raut is CEO of Genetic Healing)
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
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COVID-19: Diet Tips To Improve Immunity And Body's Ability To Fight Infections - NDTV Doctor
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