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Haskins is missing this beloved cookie while on his new diet –
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:47 pm
Life presents many difficult decisions. Many.
Not all of them are hard though, and for the Redskins, the decision to retire John Riggins' number should require the same amount of brainpower as flipping a light switch.
If the Glory Days of the Redskins franchise are defined by The Hogs - the hardworking, mega-talented offensive line - their de facto cult leader was Riggins.
He played for Washington for nine seasons, skipping one full year in a contract dispute before Joe Gibbs showed up at his house in Kansas in 1981 and asked him to come back. While he had some impressive seasons before Gibbs' arrival, thetwo men made sweet music once Riggins returned to the Redskins offense.
A true workhorse runner, Riggins scored 62 regular season touchdowns with Gibbs as head coach and went over 1,200 rush yards in both 1983 and 1984. His playoff performances are even more legendary, including the most iconic play in the organization's history.
While he made the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1992,Riggins' numbers don't tell the whole story. He was charismatic and flashy in an outlaw type of way and fans loved him for it.
Dalton Ross is theExecutive Editor at Large for Entertainment Weekly and an unabashed Redskins fan. He summed up what it was like to root for the Redskins when Riggins was running wild:
He made BY FAR the biggest cultural impact as a player over the past 40 years. I cant understate the love affair this town had with him in the 1980s. Just massive. The nicknames (The Diesel, Riggos Rangers), the biggest play in franchise history, the bow at midfield of the playoff game against the Vikings, the Sandra Day OConnor story!!!!. Its not just numbers with him. Even with the Smurfs, the Fun Bunch, and the Hogs, he was the face and personality of the team.
The face and personality of the team during it's best period of football? Retire his number.
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What is Vegan Diet? Everything you need to know about a vegan diet – Tech News Vision
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:47 pm
The rising fame in vegan diet and plant-based eating regimens is difficult to miss with everybody from competitors to wellbeing experts and famous people touting their advantages. Also the colossal buzz (and discussion) that the Netflix narrative The Game Changers caused on the subject. Normally, more individuals than any other time in recent memory are interested about the eating regimen that nixes all meat and creature based items.
As dubious as the vegetarian diet is in the health space, its been around for quite a while.
Beneath, an enlisted dietician clarifies the nuts and bolts of a vegetarian diet, just as the medical advantages and likely issues with going veggie lover.
A vegan diet excludes all meat, poultry, fish and animal products such as dairy and eggs, says Whitney English Tabaie, an enrolled dietician nutritionist. Most vegans also avoid wearing or purchasing nonfood items that are made from animal products.
How precisely somebody follows a vegetarian diet relies upon individual inclinations. For instance, a few veggie lovers will incorporate soy items or meat choices like Beyond Meat, while a few people maintain a strategic distance from soy or prepared protein choices. In any case, the essential standards continue as before: Vegans dont eat any item that originated from a creature, regardless of whether its a subsidiary like milk.
Numerous social order vegan diet, vegans and plant-based weight control plans together, however they are for the most part very unique. Veggie lovers may remember some creature items for their eating regimens, similar to eggs or dairy. Plant-based eating regimens rotate around plants like foods grown from the ground, yet there is no exacting shirking of meat, fish or dairy.
The most widely recognized worry that individuals have with regards to vegetarian eats less includes protein admission. Numerous individuals depend on meat, eggs, fish or dairy as their protein sources its regularly the primary piece of the feast. So when you evacuate those things, the protein alternatives arent self-evident.
As per Tabaie, a great many people accept that you cant get enough protein from plants, yet as indicated by her it is conceivable. First of all, we really dont need as much protein as most people think, she says. The average daily reference intake of protein is 46 grams for women and 56 grams for men. Most people consume significantly more protein than necessary.
Most plants dont contain the nine basic amino acids that are found in creature protein and fish that comprise a complete protein. On the off chance that you follow a vegetarian diet, its critical to comprehend the distinction among complete and inadequate proteins with the goal that your body gets satisfactory protein.
A few people attempt to consolidate diverse fragmented proteins to structure a total protein amino corrosive profile in a similar dinner, which you can do on the off chance that youd like. Be that as it may, as per the Cleveland Clinic, in the event that you put forth an attempt to incorporate a wide range of complete and fragmented proteins consistently, your protein needs ought to be fine.
Instances of vegan diet nourishments that are fragmented proteins, however contain some protein:
vegan diet nourishments that are finished proteins:
Vegan or plant-based diets have been shown in numerous studies to decrease the risk of (and even reverse) many lifestyle diseases including obesity, diabetes and heart disease, Tabaie says.
One top motivation behind why individuals discard creature items is a direct result of wellbeing concerns encompassing meat. General wellbeing authorities and wellbeing specialists have verifiably urged individuals to eat less meat, explicitly red meat and prepared meat, for example, bacon, for better wellbeing. Ongoing examination tested this thought, in any case, and found a more fragile connection among red and handled meat and incessant diseases than recently suspected.
Another disputable point with regards to creature items is soaked fat. Soaked fat is found in meat and dairy items, and some plant-based nourishments like coconut oil, and many have trusted it to be a guilty party behind coronary illness. Late examination found, be that as it may, that soaked fat doesnt stop up the courses and that coronary illness is rather a ceaseless provocative condition.
Despite the fact that meat, creature items and immersed fat may not be as terrible for your wellbeing as recently suspected, a few people like to stay away from meat because of moral reasons or individual inclination. Furthermore, there are various examinations that point to the medical advantages of a veggie lover or more plant-based eating regimen.
Other than the possibility that you wont get enough protein in case youre not cautious to incorporate the correct kinds of nourishments, there are a few different supplements that you can be in danger of passing up in a vegetarian diet.
While a well-planned vegan diet can be very beneficial and longevity-promoting, simply avoiding animal products does not guarantee health, Tabaie says. Certain nutrients are low in a plant-based diet, or absent in the case of B12, so vegans or plant-based eaters must supplement to ensure proper nutrition.Supplements to consider enhancing on a vegan diet diet, as indicated by Tabaie:
Jaden Adelberg is a writer for covering entertainment, internet, lifestyle and science. She joined Tech News Vision after graduating from Roanoke College with bachelors degrees in English and Creative Writing. Prior to Tech News Vision, Jaden held internships with Showtime and Roanoke College programs including The Writers Project .
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What is Vegan Diet? Everything you need to know about a vegan diet - Tech News Vision
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The UK’s fittest man eats 4,000 calories a day. Here’s what his diet looks like. – Insider – INSIDER
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:47 pm
If you want to get fit, training is only part of the equation.
What you eat to fuel your body is just as important as what you do in the gym, and this is something Zack George knows better than anyone.
Having beaten all other British athletes at the 2020 CrossFit Open, George is currently the fittest man in the UK.
But unlike many athletes, he wasn't always into sport and fitness.
In fact, George, who grew up in Leicestershire, UK, said he was "massively overweight" as a child, eating fast food after school every day and regularly consuming whole bags of candy.
Zack George as a child and now. Zack George
Now 29, the gym owner and athlete has been on quite the fitness journey since then, and his diet is a far cry from that of his childhood.
George broke down his diet to Insider, explaining exactly what and how much he eats to remain at the top of his game.
Many people are under the impression that fitness is about starving yourself, but this couldn't be further from the truth, as George's daily diet shows.
The athlete consumes 4,000 calories a day, but at six foot tall and around 100 kg (220 lbs), this is what his body needs.
"It's a lot, but it's not as much as people think because of my size and the fact that I'm training for three to four hours a day," George said.
Zack George has to keep an eye on his weight. Zack George
Despite how active he is, George has to watch his weight because being too heavy hinders his performance.
"I put on weight so easily," he said. "It's a good weight, it's muscle mass, but still, if I weigh 102 kg (225 lbs), it doesn't matter if it's muscle, it's too heavy.
"I think what really contributed to me winning the Open was that I went into it weighing 95 kg (209 lbs). It just makes a massive difference being able to move your body quicker and being lighter in general."
Even though 4,000 calories may seem a lot to the average person (guidelines are 2,000 for women and 2,500 for men), George points out that there are athletes who may weigh 20kg less than him but eat more, because they're not as heavy.
"I really have to try to control my weight," George said.
Zack George is a CrossFit athlete and affiliate gym owner. Zack George
This means that when preparing for a competition, he has to be very disciplined with his diet.
"During off-season, I just eat relatively well and I'll have one or two cheat meals a week," he said.
"But when I'm getting close to a serious competition, I'd be on a very strict diet. I wouldn't have any cheat meals or anything for about three months."
George doesn't track his macros (where you aim to hit specific targets for protein, carbs, and fat), but that's because he knows roughly what's in everything he eats.
"I'm not someone who does it every day because I'm so used to eating certain things and getting what my body needs," he said.
"I pretty much eat the same every day so I don't have to worry about tracking every single day. My diet is very, very similar from Monday to Friday."
George said he's quite happy eating the same foods during the week, safe in the knowledge that his meals will be fueling his body in the right way.
Come the weekend, during off-season anyway, George relaxes and mixes things up a bit.
"On the weekends I can be a bit more experimental and I enjoy it a little more," he said.
"But in the week I just see food as fuel really, just for training, and then I really enjoy my food at the weekend."
Zack George
Although he still has the occasional pizza takeaway, George said he hasn't had fast food like McDonald's or KFC for 10 years.
"I don't really ever fancy it any more, it's odd," he said.
"On my cheat meals, I normally have sweets and chocolate now, I don't tend to have fast food."
Here's what an average day on George's plate looks like:
He doesn't drink alcohol and keeps coffee to one a day in the morning.
A post shared by zackgeorge (@zackgeorge)Apr 8, 2020 at 11:35am PDT
Dinners vary most in George's day to day diet.
"My girlfriend's a good cook so she'll cook a variety of things, but it's always based around the protein source, which is usually white meat or fish like sea bass, tuna, or chicken," he said.
"Occasionally we have red meat like lamb."
And that protein is usually served alongside sweet potatoes, white potatoes, or rice, and vegetables like carrots, kale, or spinach.
If George is still hungry in the evening, he makes himself protein pancakes, simply using eggs, banana, and protein powder.
Read more:
How Zack George went from 'massively overweight' child to the UK's fittest man, and how he trains to stay there
A new CEO isn't enough to save CrossFit if Greg Glassman remains 100% owner, says athlete and gym owner Zack George
The 5 principles that helped Tia-Clair Toomey become the fittest woman in the world and how she trains to stay there
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The UK's fittest man eats 4,000 calories a day. Here's what his diet looks like. - Insider - INSIDER
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Chris Pratts Guardians Of The Galaxy Workout & Diet Plan Is Just Right To Shed The Kilos –
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:47 pm
While people like Chris Hemsworthand Chris Evanswere in decent shape before they made their respective debuts as Thor and Captain America, it was the third Chris of the Marvel Cinematic Universe who stunned everyone with his unbelievable body transformation before picking up the role of Peter Quill aka Starlord in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014).
At the time of his audition for the role, Chris Pratt weighed approximately 136 kg, had a swollen face and a beer belly to complement the look.
This physique allowed him to become the iconic Andy Dwyer in Parks and Recreation, but to be the leading man in his own movie franchise required him to make the commitment of a lifetime, and thats exactly what he did.
Twitter/Chris Pratt
The epic transformation required Pratt to train rigorously for five months for four-six days a week. Generally, he performed 4 sets of 12 reps for each exercise.
Stretch & Warm-up (10 Mins)
Lat-Pull Downs
Hammer Strength Row
Heavy Dumbbell Row
Hammer Curls
Barbell Curls
Planks (60 Secs)
Hanging Leg Raise
Stretch & Warm-up (10 Mins)
Bench Press
Incline Bench
Cable/Dumbbell Flys
Tricep Pushdown
Hammer Strength Bench
Cable Kickbacks
Stretch & Warm-up (10 Mins)
Back Squat
Leg Press
Weighted Lunges
Straight Leg Deadlifts with Kettlebells
Calf Raises
Glute Bridges
Stretch & Warm-up (10 Mins)
Military Press
Lateral Raise
Rear Delt Flys
Cable/Dumbbell Front Raise
Barbell Shrugs
One-Arm Dumbbell Snatch
Kettlebell Swing
Dumbbell Shrugs
Twitter/Chris Pratt
Believe it or not, Pratts nutritionist Phil Goglia hiked his caloric intake to about 4,000 calories a day and added lots and lots of water to his daily routine which made him go to the restroom all day long, according to the actors own admission.
Chicken Breast
Whole Eggs
Protein Shak
Green Vegetables
Sweet Potatoes
Brown Rice
Coconut oil
Photo: Marvel Studios (Main Image)
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Follow a plant-based diet to remain stress free – The Indian Express
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:47 pm
By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Published: June 26, 2020 11:20:17 pm What to eat to remain stress-free A plant-based diet is the way to go. (Source: Pixabay)
Students and professionals are considered more vulnerable to stress, given the higher exposure to stressful situations. Add to that the high-pressure atmosphere of the corporate sector where everything must happen at breakneck pace. It is no wonder then that professionals between the age group of 30-50 are reportedly at the highest risk of stress-related disorders.
Healthy eating contributes to upholding ones mental wellbeing as well . Thus, this is the best time to adopt a diet plan that rejuvenates the mind, body and spirit.
Here are some healthy foods that are good for your body and also kind to the environment. Its a real win-win situation as these are inexpensive as well as delicious.
* Spirulina is one of the most nutrition-dense and popular supergreens available in the market. A type of blue-green algae, it contains high amounts of protein, vitamins A and B and is considered to be one of the most nutritious foods on earth.
* Plant proteins are also more advantageous than animal proteins as they reduce the chances of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
* Bananas are great at controlling high cortisol levels and are the perfect snack before or after exercise. It also contains the essential amino acid tryptophan which helps decrease stress and anxiety levels.
* Chia seeds have a magnificently rich volume of necessary nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, calcium, and even iron and fibre.
* It is also a catalyst of the hormone dopamine that allows you to feel good. The tryptophan-rich super-food also helps trigger serotonin, another feel-good hormone.
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How to live longer: The five key criteria for protecting against cancer and an early death – Express
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:47 pm
Five key criteria for a healthy lifestyle:
Healthy dietCalculated and rated based on the reported intake of healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, healthy fats, and omega-3 fatty acids, and unhealthy foods like red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, trans fat, and sodium.
Healthy physical activity levelMeasured as at least 30 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous activity daily.
Healthy body weightDefined as a normal body mass index [BMI], which is between 18.5 and 24.9.
SmokingWell, there is no healthy amount of smoking. 'Healthy' here meant never having smoked.
Moderate alcohol intakeMeasured as between 5 and 15 grams per day for women, and 5 to 30 grams per day for men. Generally, one drink contains about 14 grams of pure alcohol. Thats 12 ounces of regular beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits.
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How to live longer: The five key criteria for protecting against cancer and an early death - Express
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What an Elite eSports Team Eats, and the Chef That Feeds Them – Men’s Health
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
In 2016, Andrew Tye, a fine-dining chef with an extensive culinary background, landed a job with Counter Logic Gaming (CLG), an eSports team based in Los Angeles.
If that sounds strange, Tye would agree that it is, especially if you consider his training.
Tye began his professional cooking career in Canada when he was 14. He eventually went to Fleming College, during which he competed in a nationwide cooking competition where he came in fifth. From there, he could have had a job at any restaurant he wanted.
But instead, after watching an AMA on Twitch with the founder of CLG, George "HotshottGG" Georgallidis, Tye decided to go a different direction. He'd long been a fan of eSports, or high-level video game competitions. "CLG had been my favorite team for a couple years by that point," he says. So he reached out to CLG and offered his talents.
Two weeks later Tye became a CLG employee as head of food operations, which feeds players, operations, and staff. And just like athletes in other sports, Tye occasionally works with a dietitian to develop nutrient-dense meals that are caters to individual player needs.
If you cant wrap your head around a keyboard and mouse as pieces of sports equipment, it's time to catch up.
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Michael Jordan has invested in eSports. CLG is one of Madison Square Gardens franchises. Newzoo, a games analytics company, reports that the eSports industry made $1.1 billion dollars in revenue in 2019, which was a 26.7 percent growth from 2018. (By comparison, the NHL has a yearly revenue of $5 billion.)
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eSports teams are structured like other sports teams. There are general managers that oversee roster construction and contract negotiation. There are coaches that work with teams to design game strategies. There are scouts the recruit players. And those players train.
CLG athletes train at a performance center, where they practice for up to 12 hours a day during the season, says Matt Nausha, head of eSports for CLG. (Seasons are also known as "splits.")
For CLG athletes, most practice days start around 10:30 a.m. with exercise or group yoga. Around 11:30 the athletes eat breakfast, followed by a team meeting to discuss strategy. Then they enter into a five-and-a-half-hour-long block of playing and reviewing their performance. Dinner is held family-style with players and staff, and then it's either back to more practice, language lessons, or team meetings.
Michael Fricke/CLG Photos
"This is why its important the players are well nourished to sustain optimal energy throughout the day," Nashua says. "By providing meals they can maximize their time to focusing on training."
"Sustained energy is key," Tye says. "Our guys are training differently from traditional sports where they're trying to gain muscle mass or get leaner. Our guys are sitting in front of a computer screen and we need to minimize issues of fatigue from sitting for long periods of time and the strain of looking at a screen all day."
"Sustained energy" is why Tye mostly sticks to a high-protein, low-carb diet for the players. "We don't avoid carbs completely since its one of the preferred sources of energy for our bodies, but having very carb-heavy meals can induce sleepiness, which we want to avoid."
Michael Fricke/CLG Photos
Breakfast offers bacon and eggs, high-protein Kodiak pancakes, and 'muscle muffins.' (Soy chorizo omelettes are a favorite of Kevin "PewPewU" Toy, 25, a Smash Bros. Melee player.) There are also mounds of fresh fruit, a rotating array of oatmeals, like banana toffee with molasses and shredded coconut. "Oatmeal is a low glycemic index source of carbohydrates which is better for sustained energy," he says.
At lunch, theres a large salad bar and prepared panini and wraps, like chicken breast with arugula and fresh mozzarella or a curry chicken salad, a favorite of Fortnite player Kevin "Tocata" Larreinaga.
And dinner is where Tye flexes. He'll usually try to make meals the players haven't had before or "something colorful." Meals like street-style tacos with carnitas, cotija cheese and a slaw of roasted corn, red onion, and jalapeno, or bacon-wrapped pork roulade stuffed with herbs a garlic served with a blueberry gastrique.
Michael Fricke/CLG Photos
Sometimes, meals help the teams 'foreign-born players cope with their new home in the United States. "To cater to our Korean players with homesickness, we do some homestyle Korean meals, such as egg -ried tilapia and green onion pancake," he says.
Tye also doesnt shy away from making plant-based meals. He'll do panko-fried tofu with ginger, garlic, and scallion oil, or vegan lasagna, a favorite of Mathew "xSojin" Perez, League of Legends assistant coach.
And while Tye can't take all the credit, his meals seem to be fueling CLG's success. The group's League of Legends team went 2-0 last weekend, which makes their current record 3-1 and has landed them tied for second place in the league.
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7 Questions To Ask Oneself Before Starting Any Diet To Stay Motivated & Not Cheat Or Give Up –
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
Whether you are starting your weight loss journey or have simply decided to go for healthier food choices, you will need to make a long and solid commitment.
How to stick to a diet and not cheat?
If you have ever tried dieting, you would agree that the hardest part is not the diet itself but sticking with it.
There is a reason why people very often give up on the diet plan even before reaching the full goal. We get it, a diet is a drastic change in your food habits.
This is why today we will set you up for exactly what you should be expecting from your diet.
Workout is only half of your weight loss journey, the other and equally important part is your diet.
Here are 7 important questions you should be asking yourself before starting any new diet. These dieting tips for beginners will help you stay committed!
This simple question is one of the most important ones to ask. Stop before jumping into a journey that requires your full focus and ask yourself why exactly do you want to lose weight. Is it for health reasons or you just think that you should? Is it because you have unhealthy levels of fat on your body or because you want to achieve your fitness goals?
Ask yourself these questions because if you are trying to lose weight simply because you should, it might not be the strongest motivation for such a long commitment.
Most of the time, we start off on a weight loss journey but the timing isnt right. Certain scenarios like moving to a new city can alter our lifestyle drastically. In these situations you are already trying to settle in a new way of life. In such a case, starting another new and drastic journey will only put you and your body under stress.
If you have a super busy schedule or a demanding job, dieting may not be the best idea. Alone, dieting will not bring about the desired effects. As a result you might get demotivated and drop the plan entirely.
No amount of dieting tips for beginners can help you out if you dont workout. If weight loss is your goal, you will need to follow both these practices to get faster and better results.
Well, if you are a student or a working professional living outside of your hometown, you probably eat out more often than others. The more you hangout the harder it will be to stick to your diet plan. Also, it will not always be convenient for you to eat as per your diet plan. Eating on the go lifestyle is very popular these days. This is exactly what makes following a diet hard.
Weight loss does not automatically mean good health. Before starting a diet, you need to make sure that it has more than one health benefit. Otherwise, you might achieve your goal weight but at the cost of your health. Think about it beforehand and do your research well. If you dont, you might have to give up the diet at a later stage anyway.
Another aspect that most of us forget to consider is the affordability of a diet plan. Many diets include everyday food items that are used popularly and are cheaper. However, there are some diets that might require a little splurging on your end. Set your budget beforehand and then choose a diet.
The last and final question that you need to ask yourself is this one. More often than not, we start a diet but due to its extremity we end up struggling after just a few weeks. Some diets are way too extreme and may not be sustainable for many reasons.
For example if you are used to an Indian diet or have never tried dieting before, Keto may be a little too extreme for you. This is why research and professional knowledge on the subject is important.
Now that you know what to expect out of the journey you can mentally prepare yourself for it. It's a hard and long journey but only if you go into it with zero research and thought.
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How to Eat Your Way to Healthier Skin – InsideHook
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
Skincare is predicting $180 billion in global spend by 2024. Thats a 30% increase from where it sits right now, but dont bother betting against it. The industry is a runaway rocket ship; it firmly pushed past makeup sales in 2018, and is now counting on multibillion dollar growth among men, who have recently discovered a wide world or products beyond lip balm and talcum powder.
This success has already birthed, or at least magnified, a number of parallel, ripple businesses, which work in tandem with skincare, and share its self-care ethos. According to market research company Datassential, this trend is best exhibited in the recent convergence of beauty and food. Emerging brands like Purely Elizabeth, Sakara, Bare Bones Broth, Coco Luxe and Kalumi best exemplify the so-called kitchen beauty renaissance, and have staked claims on the credo that looking good starts with eating better.
We applaud their efforts, and have happily recommended some of their products. But its important to remember that many of the ideas and ingredients that these brands are selling are already available to us. In an age when (for some) skincare routines can cost over $200 a month, its helpful to revisit these concepts, and cultivate a grasp on how you can optimize your diet to help your skins greater cause preferably without having to rely on more subscription boxes.
To that end, we sourced a panel of 11 expert dermatologists and nutritionists and asked them a variety of questions. What foods are harmful to the skin? What foods are now seen as beneficial? Where do antioxidants fit in? Is turmeric overhyped? Find their answers below, including ruminations on gut health, sulfur and the best food to protect against sun damage.
Spoiler: it isnt M&Ms.
Skin is the bodys largest organ. When were not eating well or chronically stressed, inflamed skin is often the first telltale sign that somethings going on internally.There arent any serums, masks, creams or supplements that can take the place of a healthy diet.You can spend thousands on skincare products and supplements, but if youre eating poorly, your skin will show it. Nicole DeMasi, MS, RDN, CDCES, Founder of DeMasi Nutrition
People who are seriously concerned about optimizing their skincare routines should pay attention to diet: we are what we eat, and the skin shows it. Many dermatologic studies have shown a correlation between diet and common skin diseases such as acne and rosacea. There is also ample scientific evidence showing that our diet directly ages the skin, even leading to wrinkle. Oxidative stress can actually be linked back to certain foods it occurs when there are too many free radicals in the bodys cells, and not enough antioxidants to balance them. Dr. Kemunto Mokaya, board-certified dermatologist based in Knoxville,TN
Sugar is one of the absolute worst across the board when it comes to skin health. Kylene Bogden, RD,Love WellnessAdvisor, former dermatologist to the Cleveland Cavaliers
Sugar and high glycemic index foods(anything that converts into sugar quickly, likewhite bread, potatoes, processed foods) cause a spike in insulin, which leads to inflammation and a process called glycation. The sugar molecules attach themselves to the proteins in collagen and make collagenlose its elasticity, resulting in sagging skin.The spike in insulin can also cause a surge in testosterone, which can contribute to acne breakouts due to increased sebum production. Dr. Uzma Qureshi, MBChB, MRCGP, MRCS, medical director of MySkynClinic in Yorkshire
You may have noticed that when youve indulged a little more than usual in processed foods, it all shows up in your complexion. Sugar is one of the biggest culprits, and tends to have a major effect on skin: it activates inflammation by binding to collagen, which makes the skin appear stiff and more rigid. Jennifer Keirstead, RHN atMountain Trek Fitness Retreat & Health Spa
It isnt talked about enough, but common food senstivies like gluten and dairy can be very hard on the skin for certain people.(Im one of these people.) Heidi Moretti, MS, RD, The Healthy RD
The two most common things I eliminate with my male patients with skin concerns is cow dairy and trans fats (usually found in fried or processed food). In recent studies, dairy has been linked to increased acne and redness in the face. Your skin is made up of a large percentage of fatty cells, so poor quality fats such as trans fats found in fried foods are linked to poor skin health. Michael Robinson ND, CNS, LDN, Naturopathic Doctor and Licensed Nutritionist
Collagen is the main structural protein in the body. Its about 25-35% of the body. Without collagen, wed be just like a big puddle of skin. If you think about how inflammatory foods react in the body, they actually break down or hinder the use of proper collagen.So, ingesting inflammatory foods is actually doing the exact opposite of what were aiming for, when having great skin is our goal. Its about taking in foods that build collagen, not break it down. Dr. Christian Gonzalez, Naturopathic Doctor,Non-Toxic Living Expert, podcaster at Heal Thy Self
Vitamin Cisfound in both the epidermal (superficial) and dermal (deeper) layers of the skin. Its essential in collagen production. Peppers, dark leafy greens andBrusselssproutsaresome underrated sources. Dr. Qureshi
Vitamin C is needed in order for collagen synthesis to occur. To help promote collagen production, aim to consume foods rich in Vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, bell peppers, kiwi and strawberries, leafy greens, tomatoes and broccoli. Alex Turnbull, RD and Gut Council Member forJetson
For better skin, a large portion of the diet should include vegetables, fruits, whole-grains, legumes, seeds and nuts. Opt for healthier cooking methods like steaming and boiling. Foods rich in antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals, therefore preventing damage of collagen. Dr. Mokaya
People pay an arm and a leg to rub antioxidants like melatonin, glutathione, and resveratrol onto their skin, but these commercial products are often full of harsh chemicals. Meanwhile, those antioxidants are all available via food which benefits every cell in the body, not just where you rub the lotion. Glutathione is our master antioxidant and is found in greens like Brussels sprouts and asparagus, as well as almonds and walnuts. Melatonin is found richly in Cherries, orange bell peppers and Goji berries. Resveratrol is in dark-colored foods such as blueberries, red grapes and chocolate, as well as peanuts.Dr. Robinson
Anthocyanins are antioxidants in red and purple fruits and vegetables, and are helpful in reducing the inflammation and free-radical damage to the skin from UV light and everyday air pollution. Anthocyanins are commonly found in strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries, but cherries have the highest levels of all. So, say hello to summer fruit. Tsippora Shainhouse, MD, FAAD., board-certified dermatologist in Beverly Hills
Clinical research has shown that blemish-prone skin has a less-diverse skin microbiome. One simple way to increase the amount of good gut bacteria is to include probiotic-rich, fermented foods in the diet. These can include: unpasteurized sauerkraut, kimchi, miso and apple cider vinegar.Increase your high-fiber food intake, as theyre full of prebiotics. Prebiotics contain fibrous carbohydrates that nourish the good bacteria to help it to grow (broccoli, cauliflower, legumes, seeds, garlic, oats and avocado). The more varied your fiber sources, the more microbial diversity is encouraged. Keirstead
There are skin receptors on every organ, as well as inside our GI tract. When these receptors are disturbed and our good bacteria is thrown out of whack, you will see skin issues such as acne, psoriasis, dermatitis and others. Bogden
Many bowel conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease,are associated with skin rashes. Improving the healthy bacteria can be done bytaking a probiotic supplement, which will add bacteria such asLactobacillus and Bifidobacteriumand help foster the presence of good bacteria.Fermented foods such as pickled vegetables, kefir,Jerusalemartichokesand natural yogurtwill then feed that bacteria so they can multiply. Dr. Qureshi
Depending on the health of your gut bugs and the integrity of your gastrointestinal barrier, you may notice skin issues flare with foods such as dairy or gluten. This occurs when a gut tissue enzyme called transglutaminase cross-reacts with the epidermal tissues transglutaminase. Gut tissue transglutaminase is what helps digest gluten, and the same enzyme that processes gluten also exists in the skin! That cross-reaction is what results in issues like hives, eczema and psoriasis. Bogden
Omega 3 oils help keep skin hydrated, reduce inflammation and help the skin to repair itself.It also works to create strong cell membranes.You can find itinwalnuts, seafood and fatty fish. Dr. Qureshi
Salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines are fatty fish that contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce inflammation in the body and skin. Two to three servings a week can also help reduce LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Adding these fish to the diet will help balance the omega 3-to-omega 6 fatty ratio (the latter of which can actually trigger inflammation). Fish oil supplements also make a fine substitute. Shainhouse
Zinc, which can be found in foods like oysters, fortified cereals, chickpeas and cashews has been shown to help reduce inflammation and may be beneficial for people who suffer from acne. Erin Jensen PA-C, founder of California-basedThe Treatment Skin Boutique.
Eating sulfur-rich foods is also super important for glowing skin. Foods like broccoli, cauliflower, onions, garlic, Brussels sprouts. Dr. Gonzalez
Foods thigh in beta carotene, meanwhile, can help protect against sun damage. Think carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes. Specifically, flaxseed contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).Ground flaxseeds (a great source of omega-3 fatty acids) will also protect against sun damage and the fortify the skin, by helping to decrease molecules that contribute to inflammation. Also, olive oil, a great source of heart healthy fats, which may have an impact on protecting our skin from sun damage. Turnbull
It is absolutely essential that your body gets enough water. Staying hydrated ensures that nutrients actually reach your skin cells. Avoid sugary drinks and enjoy water or green tea, which is known to be a brilliant source of antioxidants. Jensen
Alcoholis well-known to be dehydrating due to its diuretic effect, and can also trigger rosacea(askin condition where the face can turn red)in predisposed people, because it dilates the blood vessels. Caffeine, meanwhile,can cause increased levels of cortisol(astress hormone) which triggers increased levels of insulin. In turn, this causes increased sebum production and breakouts. Cortisol also ages skin by impairs the skins barrier function; it result in excess water loss, which leads to drier skin. Dr. Qureshi
Though not specifically a food, water is essential for keeping our skin healthy.Bodies are comprised of 70% water and it plays a vital role in many functions of the body, including hydrating the skin and encouraging elasticity. If youre looking for an extra boost of hydration and collagen, try incorporating bone broth into your diet.Not only is it hydrating, its rich in collagen.Turnbull
Menopausal women may want to consider phytoestrogens; these are plant-derived estrogens that can improve collagen, hydrate the skin and calm aggravated skin. Theyre in abundance in soya beans, soy products, yams, pomegranates and flaxseeds. Dr. Qureshi
There hasnt been enough research for me to confidently comment, but it likely has anti-inflammatory properties that would help in healing throughout the body. Dr. Qureshi
Tumeric contains curcumin. Its an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce oxidative stress in the body.While turmeric is an amazing antioxidant, over-hyping it can lead to over-emphasis on its benefits at the expense of the many other wonderful antioxidants found in other natural spices. Consider clove, cinnamon, oregano, peppermint, rosemary, sage, ginger and yellow mustard seed. Of the list above, clove, cinnamon and oregano have a higher oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC score) than turmeric. Dr. Mokaya
Healthy levels of vitamin D have been demonstrated to prevent skin aging. Skin aging can be viewed at the molecular level, with the shortening of telomeres, caps of genetic material on the free ends of DNA strands. As these telomeres shorten with age, they render the DNA more and more unstable, until the cell dies. One studydemonstrated that telomeres were significantly longer in patients with the highest serum vitamin D levels, compared to those with the lowest the disparity was equivalent to five years of aging. Try toincorporate foods that are high in vitamin D into your dietand supplement with 600-800 IU of vitamin D daily (which is the recommended daily allowance, per both the National Academy of Medicine and the Skin Cancer Foundation). Shainhouse
The problem with labeling certain foods as beauty foods is that it over-emphasizes them at the expense of other healthy and beneficial foods. Those foods become a fad, and others, which have their own benefits, are then overlooked.Eating a plant-based, whole-food diet that emphasizes variety should be the revolution not just focusing on a few super foods that made it onto a list. Dr. Mokaya
Get away from the processed sugar and packaged foods, start to eat tons of dark leafy greens, adequate hydration and real food, and you will start to see a difference within a week or two. Bogden
Skin takes 120 days on average to rejuvenate. So any changes to diet need to be sustained in order to see benefit rather than be sporadic. Skincare is essential as the skin needs help as it ages to maintain youthful qualities. Dr. Qureshi
Overall, long-term consumption of fresh, fermented, minimally processed, whole foods is the key. It isnt one specific superfood that will ultimately be responsible for the health of any bodily system. And just as important to note: treating yourself to substances like sugar can be critical to the enjoyment of life, achieving a sustainable healthy lifestyle and activating your pleasure systems. Its what you do most of the time that matters. Balance is everything. Keirstead
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New Vegan Film They’re Trying to Kill Us Examines Intersection of Diet, Poverty, and Systemic Racism – VegNews
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
New vegan film Theyre Trying to Kill Us is currently in production with a timely narrative that explores the intersections of diet, poverty, and systemic racism. The film (previously titled Hungry for Justice) is a collaboration between John Lewisthe Black vegan activist behind media brand Bad Ass Vegan, fitness expert, and partner at vegan protein company VeganSmartand director Keegan Kuhn, who co-directed popular vegan documentaries What The Health and Cowspiracy. The film will explore the profitable systems set up to keep Black Americans disproportionately affected by chronic illness by highlighting themes related to food deserts, links between poor nutrition and the pharmaceutical industry, and environmental racism, all through the lens of hip-hop culture.
Lewis and Kuhn have been working on Theyre Trying to Kill Us for more than four years, researching and collecting data, filming, and interviewing more than 100 people, including music legends such as Ne-Yo, Ma, Raury, and members of Wu-Tang Clan and Public Enemy, along with vegan doctors, attorneys, and social-justice activists. We are connecting the dots between diet, disease, systemic racism, government, and industry collusion, and the power of art and artists to transform the world, Lewis said.
Theyre Trying To Kill Us (Indiegogo Campaign) from First Spark Media on Vimeo.
Kuhn and Lewis are currently raising funding for the film via an Indiegogo campaign to gain public support. I believe that Theyre Trying to Kill Us is too controversial for mainstream outlets and so were asking for your support in getting this film out to the world, Kuhn said. Currently, the crowdfunding campaign has raised more than $16,000 of its $54,000 goalwhich will go toward completing the production of the film, funding an aggressive marketing strategy, and obtaining legal counsel.
The challenge of producing this film is that we must have the support of the community to ensure that this film, and message, gets to reach the actualization of creating massive transformation to the global society, the filmmakers said. We have to achieve this together as one, and your support is the reason we will continue to see this success come to be.
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New Vegan Film They're Trying to Kill Us Examines Intersection of Diet, Poverty, and Systemic Racism - VegNews
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