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I was a Diet Coke addict who guzzled 28 litres a WEEK but lockdown has finally helped me kick my 20-year habit – The Sun
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
RESTRICTED item. Maximum number reached were the words that flashed up on the self-scan checkout screen.
After several more blundering scanning attempts, a kind employee called over that there was a limit of two bottles per customer.
My jaw dropped, the reality of their words forcing me to confront the unthinkable. After 20 years of addiction I was going to have to give up Diet Coke.
I am the first to admit my obsession with a fizzy drink is utterly laughable. Diet Coke (DC) is just an indulgence, but it was an indulgence Id craved since the age of eight.
An indulgence Id drunk two litres of every day of my adult life. I drank it first thing in the morning, last thing at night and many a glug in between.
My unquenchable thirst saw me make moonlit dashes to all-night garages and lug bottles to social events.
If eating out, Id have a can in my bag in case DC wasnt on their menu, and when touching down on holiday, securing some Coca Cola Light was the first port of call.
Full lockdown had just been imposed and the limit would mean braving the supermarket every other day to feed my habit.
I briefly considered storming multiple shops and selfishly stocking up, before thinking of all the potential virus exposure via trolley handles and fellow customers.
There was no way of justifying that behaviour, so I decided then and there I would emerge from lockdown fizz-free.
Past experience taught me going cold turkey leads to headaches and severe grouchiness, so I decided to wean myself off with alternative drinks. I deliberately splashed out on cans as part of DCs appeal was that it comes in a sealed container making it feel a bit special.
My cunning plan was to get my fizzy fix from diet Fanta and lemonade, while slowly introducing squashes and water.
I had a clear path mapped out and plenty of DC substitutes, but it was still going to mean breaking the habit of a lifetime.
Last year, being told Id have to stay in hospital overnight highlighted just how far Id sunk into DC dependency.
I immediately planned to ring my family, email my course leaderand then it hit me.I didnt have any DC. I felt utterly ridiculous, whinging for my pop like a needy child clutching their blankie.
But my embarrassment didnt stop me from ferrying my antibiotic drip down to the hospitals Subway at 1am.
They only had Pepsi Max, which did in a pinch, but the next morning I bounded to the hospital M&S, picking up a toothbrush, toothpaste and three cans of DC.
Ive often asked myself why the hell I love a brown fizzy drink so much. Admittedly each 330ml can contains 46mg of caffeine, but this is paltry compared to an Americanos 225mg.
I simply love the taste, which has a slight sharpness undercutting the sweetness.
I love the fizzing release of air when you first open the bottle, and the slightly acrid blast of CO from clicking open a can.
I love the rapid explosion of bubbles, like tiny fireworks and I savour hearing that ongoing symphony beside me as I work.
I love the feel of those bubbles effervescing over my tongue, tickling the back of my throat as they go down.
Yep, I was utterly hooked, not just to the syrupy liquid, but also to the emotional connection with drinking it.
Past experience taught me going cold turkey leads to headaches and severe grouchiness, so I decided to wean myself off with alternative drinks. I deliberately splashed out on cans as part of DCs appeal was that it comes in a sealed container making it feel a bit special
Substances like nicotine and alcohol are biochemically psychoactive, meaning they cause dopamine to flood our brains reward centre resulting in feelings of pleasure.
However, positive associations with an innocuous substance or activity can result in them becoming psychologically psychoactive meaning the same reward circuitry is activated when partaking.
From my first glass at my Godmothers house I connected DC with being grown up, slim and successful.
The infamous Diet Coke break campaign was in full swing, involving a musclebound Adonis draining his 11.30am can while a gaggle of women observed droolingly.
My malleable eight-year-old brain concluded that Diet Coke was sexy, and helped attractive people stay healthy and thin. In fact, recent studies suggest that aspartame (the primary sweetener used in DC) can disrupt the bodys digestive enzymes, leading to metabolic syndrome and weight gain.
Not that Im blaming my sizeable proportions on DC, but sugar-free does not always equal healthy. I did occasionally wonder if I was actually fat, or just filled with DC bubbles. Turns out its the former.
Some scientists also believe DC saps the bones of calcium, which crosses my mind every time my knees creak.
However, as a child, DC was something that tasted nice and was almost calorie-free, making it the ultimate treat.
A can on Sundays became a weekly bottle on the family shopping list.
By 13, I was buying a second bottle with a money from a cleaning job, which increased to a third as I began babysitting.
By 16, I was buying three bottles to last from Monday to Friday with another 2 litres at the weekend.
At university my weekly habit increased to five bottles, which Id haul back from Kwik Save in my wheelie suitcase.
When I entered the world of work, my weekly shopping list included fruit, veg, toilet roll and seven bottles of DC as standard.
After finally passing my driving test, I began bulk buying and would get up to 20 bottles a time, especially if there was a special offer on.
Unsurprisingly my kitchen cupboards couldnt handle my stash, so my car boot became commonly known as my wine cellar with the crescendo of rolling bottles adding percussion to my journeys.
There were so many reasons to quit, not least the expense.
Id spend at least 15 a week on DC, which I likened to grabbing a daily macchiato.
A less defendable factor was the huge quantity of plastic I produced which no amount of cloth bags and bamboo toothbrushes could offset.
But I felt like DC was something I needed to function, a tonic which energised and spurred me on, especially during work.
Recently a job required me to spend around six hours a day in the car, which I managed by chugging DC, then throwing the empty cans in the footwell behind the passengers seat.
After a few days, I winced with shame at the accumulated pile of aluminium. I knew that this couldnt go on.
So, with lockdown in full force, it was now or never. I began introducing the substitute cans while tapering off the DC.
When I finished the last bottle, my knee jerk reaction was to buy more, but instead I clicked open a can of diet Dr Pepper.
Slowly, I began replacing the cans with squash, keeping bottles of tap water in the fridge so it would be chilled and felt like more of a treat.
Despite my efforts, I felt imbalanced, fidgety, and was regularly popping paracetamol to deal with withdrawal headaches.
Focusing on work was especially hard without a grounding pint of DC at my elbow, to the extent that on my first attempt, I quaffed three litres of diluted tropical squash in a single afternoon.
But, after much dithering and experimentation with my soda stream, no DC is the new normal.
Its a pleasure not having to lug a bottle up to bed, or make regular trips to my wine cellar in the rain.
A welcome side effect is that I am considerably less windy, and no longer propelled along by a constant stream of CO.
Admittedly, Im still downing around two bottles of squash per week, but this is lessening slowly.
As lockdown achievements go, giving up a soft drink is a world away from mastering the trumpet or gaining a coding diploma.
But, getting over the fizzy brown hump is something I could never imagine doing under normal circumstances.
Lockdown forced me to consider what is really essential and for the first time in 20 years, Diet Coke is not on that list.
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INK-CREDIBLE'Dragon girl' who went blind after tattooing EYEBALLS shares pics of bum lift
Splash outThrifty family turn their trampoline into a massive back garden swimming pool
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For more real life stories, thissingle mum broke down in tears after finding kind noteand envelope stuffed with cash hidden inside her second-hand car.
And thismum would neck two bottles of vodka a daywhile caring for her kids and be passed out by 8pm.
Plus thiswoman makes 1k in a week selling sexy snaps to blokesonline and calls them "desperate saddos".
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I was a Diet Coke addict who guzzled 28 litres a WEEK but lockdown has finally helped me kick my 20-year habit - The Sun
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Here’s What the Bailey Sisters of Chloe x Halle Eat in a Day – The Beet
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
The Grammy-nominated sister duo Chloe and Halle Baileyhave been on the riseafter being discovered by Beyonc back in 2015 when the sisters were just 15 and 13 years old.To catch her attention, the sisters sanga coverofPretty Hurts, and the video instantly went viral onYouTube. Following their online success, Beyonc signed Chloe and Halle to her Parkwood Entertainment label, a deal that includes mentorship tolead the sisters in the right direction and help grow their success.
The Bailey sisters, who were born and raised in Atlanta, are also making a name for themselves in Hollywood.In addition to singing, they play twins' Jazz and Skye Forester on the sitcom Grown-ish.Halle is also set to play Ariel in The Little Mermaid remake, which is slated to begin production this year. Chloex Halle just released their highly acclaimed album The Ungodly Hour, which features the hit singleDo It. In additionto theiracting and singingcareers, the sisters are alsovocal advocates of a vegan diet, whichthey claim hashelped their singing abilities.
Before theywent fully vegan, Chloe and Halle ditched meat and dairy for a week with their mom to see if they could last andif they would enjoy it. With no intention to adopt the diet as a large part of their lifestyle, the sistersended up lovinghow plant-based food made them feel anddecided to continue to eat vegan. They credit their diet forkeeping their "voices in shape" and explained how eliminating dairy helps to limit extra mucus build-up,according to a PETA interview.
At first, Chloe and Halle found that a vegan diet was super easy to achieve inAtlanta, and explain how the diet ismore convenientnow that they moved to Los Angeles."Eggs and dairy never sat well with meso it was easy, Chloe toldComplex. When we moved to L.A., it really became easy. So many vegan restaurants and vegan aisles in the grocery store are like heaven for us!"
We are finding out more information about the diet since the sisters are quarantining together. They recently took the BuzzFeedSister Test,a video series where they were asked questions about each other, and whoever guessed correctly received a point, which sounds like an easy challenge for such close-knit siblings.
One of the first questions asked about their favorite pizza toppings: Halle guessed correctly for Chloe when she said she loves mushroom, spinach, basil, artichokes, tomato sauce, and emphasized she does not like cheese on her pizza. Speaking for herself, Halle notes that she likes a similar pizza but isn't a fan ofadding spinach for a topping. Try this similar "cheese-less" pizza recipe from The Beet.
The next question was, what's their favorite meal? Halle answers for Chloe and says "you have certain foods that you just love, like jasmine white rice, bread, apples, grapes, and watermelon." Chloe had a difficult time answering the question for Halle but finally thought of the correct answer which is avocado toast, rice, and bread. Chloeadds,she "hates avocados." Try this avocado toast recipe from The Beet.
Another questionin the Sister Test asked about favorite desserts: Chloe aced this question for Halle saying that she loves vegan cheesecake from Something Vegan, the 'chicken' & waffles and pancakes from Crossroads Kitchen, donuts from Sage, and their homemade vegan gluten-free sugar cookies. Chloe doesn't have much of a sweet tooth but agrees that she likes their homemade vegan gluten-free sugar cookies. Try this strawberry vegan cheesecake recipe from The Beet.
Recently, the sisters filmed an Instagram live on a tour bus heading to their pre-soundcheckfor the upcoming tour andspoke a little more about their vegan diets. Chloe explained how excited she was to eat when they got to the stadium, "because catering is so good on tour, and good for us vegans."Chloe explains how she will probably gain weight because she keeps eating during quarantine andHalledisagreesand she says, "Chloe has been working out a lot during the quarantine."
The sisters show us how to make one of their favorite smoothie recipes on MTV Live and call it the "quarantine smoothie." They introduce the ingredients one by one, which you can find below to try it yourself and blended them together in a Nutribullet. The sisters cheers the healthy smoothies in champagne glasses at the end of the video andends the video by saying, "We love y'all."
Makes 2 smoothies
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Here's What the Bailey Sisters of Chloe x Halle Eat in a Day - The Beet
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Scientists compared the vegetarian and meat diets affect the human body – The Times Hub
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
A team of scientists from the Institute of max Planck Society in Germany conducted a series of studies to examine in detail the influence of vegetarian and meat diets on the human body. Experts have compared these types of food.
As told reporters the lead author of the scientific work in one of his last interviews, the microbiome of the intestine depends on the daily diet of a person. The experts reviewed the information on the dietary habits of more than 9 thousand participants, which are periodically reported data about their food, health and other things. According to the experiment results, for vegetarians it is much easier to keep your weight normal. Scientists have linked it with the use of lesser amounts of fat, fast carbohydrates and additives that contribute to increased appetite. In addition, on the body beneficial effect contained in vegetable food fiber.
The researchers are of the opinion that meat-eaters and vegetarians is different satiety. So, at last it happens much sooner, because the human intestines differently reacts to products of plant origin. We also found out that even meat in the type of food with a predominant part of a vegetarian meal promotes lean body mass significantly faster than eggs and milk.
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Scientists compared the vegetarian and meat diets affect the human body - The Times Hub
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Tips to get ourselves ready to go back to the real world – Hindustan Times
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
The Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown for almost four months created a very unusual situation for everyone. Suddenly, we were all stuck at home without any option of going out to work or even to socialize. But a human brain forms any habit in 21 days. And now, we have all got used to staying at home. But as Unlock 1.0 becomes a reality, we may soon have to report back to work. But this is causing a lot of stress and anxiety among a lot of professionals. We got a couple of mental health experts to address these issues and armour us with the right weapons to get back to facing the world.
Meditation is considered a great way to calm down our nerves.(Getty Images)
Experts suggest that calming our minds down before any big change is of utmost importance. And meditation can play a big role in doing so. It is known to give excellent results and is a trusted measure for a lot of therapists and psychologists that they suggest to their patients.
ALSOREAD:Improving balance and reducing risk of chronic illness: Learn walking meditation and its health benefits
Tap into your anxieties and worries
Psychologists say that it is normal to be feeling anxious or stressed before going back to work after this almost four month long lockdown. A lot of us have got used to staying and working from home. And it is important to acknowledge why we are feeling what we are feeling. It is okay to feel angry or frustrated to go back to work. A lot of people are also perceiving the threat of the virus and that happens because our nervous system is a little edgy. So, take steps to protect yourself by taking precautions and if you need more time, tell your workplace that, and accept your anxiousness, says Clinical Psychologist and trauma expert Seema Hingorrany.
Recall the positives of going back to work
Mental health experts say that going to work may have a lot more positives than working from home.(Photo: Shutterstock)
We might have got comfortable with the idea of working from home, and not spending hours in commuting to and fro from our offices. But we must ask ourselves this question that whether we would really like to work from home forever? Hingorrany says the answer in the long run will most likely be in negative. Going back and checking your old patterns will give you the confidence to go back to your old normal, suggests Hingorrany. Working from home has its own set of unhealthy factors.
Get back into a routine and bring discipline back into your life
Being prepared for a work day and knowing exactly what we are expected to do, can be very helpful.(Photo: Shutterstock)
Taking one day at a time and making a proper schedule for yourself seems to be the most common response to this problem. Kavita Mungi, mental health counsellor, says that knowing what exactly will your work day look like in office can help deal with the anxiety. Strategic planning with your team members on how to build confidence to face the new world is also another tip that she suggests.
Simplicity is key
Listening to music while going to work can help reduce our anxieties.(Photo: Shutterstock)
Make simple notes about where things went haywire in the lockdown. Make a checklist with your self about things like your sleep schedule or diet that has gone haywire, and try and fix them slowly. Small changes will help you to orient back to the new reality, says Hingorrany. On the other hand, Mungi suggests that little things like doing what you like and listening to music while commuting, etc., can help deal with the anxiety.
(With inputs from clinical psychologist and trauma expert Seema Hingorrany, and mental health counsellor Kavita Mungi.)
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Tips to get ourselves ready to go back to the real world - Hindustan Times
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Here’s how Anushka Sharma manages to remain fit and fabulous; Diet and fitness secrets REVEALED – PINKVILLA
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
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Here's how Anushka Sharma manages to remain fit and fabulous; Diet and fitness secrets REVEALED
Anushka Sharma is not only a fantastic actor but also a brilliant producer and entrepreneur. After Paatal Lok, her latest home production Bulbbul is gaining amazing response from the fans. Meanwhile, take a look at the secrets behind her fitness!
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Anushka Sharma has truly defined the meaning of versatility and elegance in this industry. With a stellar debut in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi as Taani to her glam roles like Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl, Band Baaja Baarat, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, fantastic performances in NH 10, Sultan, Phillauri and Sui Dhaaga, the actress has made her place and carved a niche for herself. Be it a glam role or going de-glam, she has portrayed her fine acting chops and how! The actress donned the producer's hat a few years back and owns a production house with her brother. Talking about her involvement with the project in the capacity of a producer, Sharma revealed in an interview that she remains involved right from the ideation stage till the final product. Sometimes, Im physically unavailable because of doing so many other things at the same time. Im involved nevertheless from the beginning to the end. Her latest home production Bulbbul is doing amazing and is also amongst one of the highest trending movies in the country! Meanwhile, the actress also often hits headlines for her gorgeous skin and amazing fit body. Amid the busy schedules and routines, it can often become difficult for one to maintain that fitness on point. However, Anushka does it and how! In an interview, she spoke in length about her fitness routine. She said, "When you are about to go to workout, you might feel that you arent feeling like doing so but you have to push yourself. So, we are trying to do that because there is obviously a lot of time in hand and we are just trying to do things which will just keep us physically feeling good, immunity high and also mentally feeling better." When asked about maintaining it during lockdown along with her husband Virat Kohli, she revealed, Just working out, more than anything else, its giving me a routine, its giving Virat a routine. When you are working out you are like okay I have something that I have to do now, I will do it and you feel good after the workout, Always wondered what does her regular fitness routine include? Here's walking you through her diet and fitness regime that can help you attain a body like hers!
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Anushka swears by yoga to maintain her physique. She is addicted to yoga, as it does wonders for her flexibility, along with rejuvenating her mind after a long day of work.
Photo Credit : Instagram
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Did you know dance is also one of the ways the actress sheds those extra carbs? Anushka loves dancing and shakes a leg for at least 30 minutes daily, to exercise her cardiovascular muscles. Well, this is surely one thing we all can do! Who doesn't love dancing, after all?
Photo Credit : Instagram
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She mixes weight training with strength training, 4 times a week, and goes for a walk or a quick sprint when she is away on shoots. You need that level of a determination to have a fantastic body like that!
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Apart from physical exercise, it also becomes essential to give the mind some rest. Speaking of which, Sui Dhaaga actor meditates twice a day, to cleanse and calm her mind and strongly recommends it to everyone.
Photo Credit : Instagram
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She follows a simple diet consisting of 5 small meals a day. Anushka's midday snack consists of cheese toast with coconut/lime water. Her evening snacks consist of protein bars or seasonal fruits as she believes in keeping dinner light.
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Anushka always prefers simple, homemade food for lunch. It includes veggies, dal, chapattis and salad.
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Band Baaja Baarat actress ensures she drinks at least 3 litres of water to detoxify her body, every single day!
Photo Credit : Instagram
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She ends her day with a glass full of milk, before hitting the sack.
Photo Credit : Instagram
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Here's how Anushka Sharma manages to remain fit and fabulous; Diet and fitness secrets REVEALED - PINKVILLA
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If youve noticed your armpits smell worse all of a sudden your DIET might be to blame – The Sun
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
SOARING temperatures across the UK this week mean most of us have been sweating more than usual.
But if you've noticed that your armpits smell worse all of a sudden then it could be down to your diet.
Sweating is your body's way of telling you that it's time to cool down and we often sweat a lot when we are exercising or when we are in stressful situations.
Dermatologist Joshua Zeichner said there is plenty you can do to avoid smelly pits such as using deodorants and keeping yourself clean.
He added that there are other little known issues that might be having an impact on how bad your armpits smell.
Speaking to Women's Health he revealed that a change in diet can have an impact of the smells your body releases.
"Odor depends on the various types of bacteria found on the skin, along with the different types of food you are eating.
"By eating high levels of certain foods, such as cruciferous vegetables, the odor of sweat may be altered."
Cruciferous vegetables are healthy and nutritious but eating large portions could cause your pits to smell.
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower all come under this remit and are traditionally vegetables that are responsible for smelly farts.
Dr Zeichner said the reason your pits are smelling after eating these foods is because the body struggles to break them down.
He added that sulfurous foods such as those mentioned above, along with garlic, contain compounds are hard for your body to break down.
The metabolic processes release volatile compounds that then evaporate off the body by releasing an odor - hence why you smell worse than usual.
He also claimed that stress was another reason why your arm pits might be smelling more than usual.
This he said is due to the excess sweat that is produced when we are stressed.
Another reason could be that you've developed a medical condition.
Conditions such as liver disease, diabetes and kidney failure could also be responsible.
If you're pits are smelling more than usual then it could be worth reviewing your diet.
Keeping clean, taking regular showers and using deodorants is one way to make sure you stay fresh.
There are various deodorants that are available and more than ever natural deodorants have started to creep onto our shelves.
One expert said you need to work out what's right for your body before choosing an antiperspirant.
Ed Currie, co-founder of deodorant brand Akt said: You have to remember that the underarms are one of the most sensitive areas of the body with a huge concentration of lymph nodes.
"Theyre a delicate area and need to be taken care of."
Speaking to The Sun he added: "At the root of it, sweating is extremely natural and there are many reasons for it, including exercise, anxiety, health conditions, and in women, pregnancy, menopause and menstruation.
"Your sweat levels can also be affected by certain foods, particularly those that stimulate the release of insulin in your body. During hot weather body odour is inevitable if you aren't using a good deodorant.
"The microbes on your skin metabolise sweat, which is what causes body-odour. In hot weather the microbes found in your underarms have the perfect conditions to reproduce and metabolise sweat more effectively."
But if the issue can't be taken care of with a simple deodorant there are other solutions.
Dr Zeichner said chemical deodorants are available on prescription.
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INK-CREDIBLE'Dragon girl' who went blind after tattooing EYEBALLS shares pics of bum lift
Splash outThrifty family turn their trampoline into a massive back garden swimming pool
REIGN STORMCharles feared problems with Meghan as theres only room for one Queen
RAIL-Y CHEAPWoman shares her genius 1 towel rail storage solution inspired by Mrs Hinch
'GROWING OLD IS MESSY'Here's how sex can change in menopause and what men can do to help
These contain ultra-high levels of aluminum salt and plug within the sweat gland to prevent it from reaching the surface of the skin.
He also said in extreme cases, botox can be given to help.
"Botox prevents the nerve signal from reaching and stimulating the sweat gland to begin with", he said.
This stops the area that has been injected from sweating but he warned that the injections only last a few months and would need to be topped up accordingly.
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If youve noticed your armpits smell worse all of a sudden your DIET might be to blame - The Sun
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As You Age, Heres How Much Protein You Need to Boost Your Muscle Mass –
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
Previous research has shown that consuming enough protein is a good way to help with age-related declines in muscle mass. But a question remained: How much should you have every day, particularly if youre older?
Korean researchers set out to find the answer. A study just published in Nutrients looked at 96 older men and womenaged 70 to 85 yearsseparated into three groups for 12 weeks.
After having their usual protein intake recorded, one group consumed 0.8 grams per kg of their body weight in protein dailythe recommended dietary allowance (RDA). The second group had 1.2 grams per kg, and the third had 1.5 g per kg each day. All groups were asked to maintain their usual levels of physical activity.
They found that those who had increased their protein amount by just 0.54 g per kg showed significant changes in muscle mass among the men, but not among the women. However, the researchers did reference several previous studies that found links between increased protein consumption and muscle mass for women, especially those that included exercise as part of the research.
Also, they noted that other studies suggest that older women require more protein to increase muscle mass than older men because of the difference in anabolic resistancethe way protein synthesizesbetween men and women.
So how much should protein should you consume? According to this study, if youre an older man, bumping up your protein intake by just an extra 0.5 gram per kg of body weight could have a considerable effect. And if youre a woman, aim even higher.
For example, one small study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests older women could benefit from eating nearly 30 percent more protein than current nutrition guidelines recommend as a way to maintain and build muscle mass.
Increased muscle mass, which can also be boosted through regular exercise, is not just important for strength as you age, but also mobility, explained Belinda Beck, Ph.D., professor in the exercise and sport department of Griffith Universitys School of Allied Health Sciences.
[Run faster, stronger, and longer with this 360-degree training program.]
Recently, Beck led a study on older women that focused on higher-impact activity like jumping and running, and found it improved both muscle mass and bone density. She told Runners World that these are crucial for maintaining functionality as we age.
Often, were led to believe that frailty and mobility limitations are just natural outcomes of aging, and even some healthcare practitioners have that belief, she said. But it really doesnt have to be that way. It doesnt matter how old you are right now, if you start focusing on building muscle mass and bone density, you're going to see benefits.
Poultry, lean beef, fish, tofu, beans, eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and lentils are a few foods you can add to your diet that are high in protein to help stop your muscle mass from declining, so you can keep running strong and injury-free for years to come.
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Letters to the Editor: June 27, 2020 – TCPalm
Posted: June 27, 2020 at 12:43 pm
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It seems the daily COVID-19 briefings by Gov. Ron DeSantis arethe presidents puppet trying to convince us we are all safe and there is no need for concern.
What about the numbers? Sure, testing is increasing, but our fearless and somewhat uninformed president seems to ignore one fact. Given the increase in testing, and identifying positive infected persons,the correlation is the number of hospitalized patients.
Therein lies the true concern. Continue those tests at an even greater number per day and look at the increase in hospitalizations; more positive people leads to more hospitalizations.
What happened to presenting this number?
Come on, Governor lead, dont follow. Only a fool follows a fool and gives up their independence and lessens their potential. Open the state, as the governor says we should, to expand that process? Is he willing and going to send hischildren to school? Is he letting them run wild? Will heattend the Republican National Convention with all those unmasked people?
There must be intelligent people working toward the best and safest way to handle this situation. Why are they as with the advisers to the president not speaking out against the false presentation of what is happening? Can DeSantis be that blind to the truth?He should stand on his own two feet andmake decisions that serve and work for the good of the state of Florida.
And about the RNC is it some kind of ploy to get DeSantis another spot on the team, as Rick Scott did? Has everyone forgotten his dealings with Medicare and millions of dollars in fines? I would rather the corruption in that scenariothan the death count.
Chuck Goodwin, Port St. Lucie
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis puts on his mask to protect against the new coronavirus as he leaves a news conference on COVID-19, Friday, June 19, 2020, at Florida International University in Miami. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)(Photo: Wilfredo Lee, AP)
Think about how preserving relics of Confederacy affects others
My heritage, you say! My friends have told me that my efforts at communicating my concerns are a waste of time. I disagree! If I can get just one person to rethink their position I feel the effort was worth it.
Many of you reading this letter are second- and third-generation Americans. They call me an African American, but I dont know a thing about Africa. I am American through and through, I just happen to be Black. That is no slight on Africa, where I may have some roots. It is just a fact
You may feel removing the monuments and not displaying the Confederate flag are an infringement on your rights. What about me? Those monuments pay homage to people who wanted to keep me in bondage. Nathan Bedford, whose monument is in the Tennessee statehouse, was a confederate general and a member of the KKK.
Are you kidding me? Your quest to save these things is for what purpose? Protecting the memories of people who were opposed to the American dream.
Put them in a museum. I have no objection to that. If you look into it, most of these statues were built long after the end of the Civil War. The purpose was to make a statement against integration and to intimidate Black people. Dont take my word for it, look it up; the information is easy to find. With all the past military heroes we have in this country, why name a military base after somebody who committed treason?
Now that I have your attention: Dont be selfish, think about how preserving these relics affects others.
Rudy Howard, Port St. Lucie
Dr. Keith Roach, in his May 27 To Your Health column about vitamin supplements, made several incorrect statements.
In essence, he wrote that given a "healthy diet, one does not need nutritional supplements. True. In private email correspondence, I think he was convinced that the diet of most people did not meet that standard, and nutritional deficiencies were rampant in this country.
On June 17, Roach again erred in stating, evidence that treatment of low vitamin D improves immune function is scant." Wrong!
The medical literature abounds with scientific articles detailing some of the many functions of vitamin D, especially that of enhancing immune function!
I refer you to two of many. In a 2018 edition of "Open Rheumatology Journal, in an article "Vitamin D, Inflammation and Immunity " the authors reported, "Several studies testified to the correlations between acquired vitamin D deficiency and reduced immune function or autoimmunity development, cancer and cardiovascular diseases."
It stated: "Vitamin D has both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on innate immune cells." Another publication, "Health and Wellness," published an article: "Vitamin D is crucial for immune health make sure you get enough the surprising role it plays for your body's immune system and how it can ward off respiratory infections.
As a physician, I am compelled to publicly point out the serious errors in these two columns. At least 75 percent of seniors in this country have been shown to be deficient in vitamin D. Nutritional deficiencies are rampant. Given the average American diet, it is vitally important the public be educated on the great need for nutritional supplementation not the opposite!
Jesse A. Burnam, M.D., Vero Beach
President Trump boasts he has built the greatest economy ever. We need to examine both parts of that assertion that the economy is the greatest and that he built it.
Trump has a poor grasp of economics. He seems to thinkthe Dow Jones Industrial Average is the economy, and that China, not American importers, pay the tariffs on Chinas exports. He presumably thinks the Boston Tea party was all about King George not paying the tariffs, then called taxes, on tea.
The economy is good for those who own stocks, but not for those with $7.25-an-hour jobs. Adjusted for inflation, wages have barely risen since the 1970s.
A better measure of the strength of the economy is growth in gross domestic product. The average annual growth in GDP has been essentially constant at about 2 percent since 2010.
Unemployment, until recently, was indeed low. It was at its worst in October 2009 and then declined steadily until February 2020. Monthly new jobs have, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, averaged around 190,000 a month ever since 2010.
So, Trump has not affected three of the key indices of economic strength. What has he done?
His tariffs, in general, have lowered GDP growth and raised consumer prices; in particular, the steel and aluminum tariffs have cut employment inthose industries and raised the price of everything made from them.
No data support beneficial effects of Trumps attacks on regulation. In any case, no accounting system records the adverse health effects of his attack on water, air, etc. quality.
And finally, there is the great 2017 tax cut for those who did not need it, and used by corporations to buy back their stock, leading to stock price growth and drum roll! his great economy, all paid for by borrowing.
Maxwell Hughes, Vero Beach
As a 25-year veteran of the New York Police Department, I have been not only taken aback as of late but appalled at the way current law enforcement officers are treating their fellow citizens around the country.
After graduating from the academy I was assigned to Harlem, a predominantly Black community. I walked a foot post and am not ashamed to say I was scared to death, as I was white in a Black community.
I believe at the time it was because I was alone in an area where everyone else was not like me. I soon came to realize the residents of Harlem wanted and looked up to me for their protection. I was there to "serve and protect," which I can honestly say I did and I am proud of it.
I came to have an affection for the residents as I began to know them personally, fostering a community policing program unknowingly. Soon, I no longer saw color, but saw fellow citizens in need of help. At the time I was dismayed by what I heard from my fellow officers. It seemed some only worked the job seeking the power of the badge and gun. Now I believe a better system of vetting these men is needed to separate them from the men and women who are truly willing to help their fellow citizens.
After getting my gold shield I was transferred out of this area, but will always have fond memories of I time I was colorblind.
Policing has to change with the times. Officers must serve all their community regardless of ethnic background. Officers must impose higher standards on their fellow officers, or we will surely give in to our shortcomings.
Joseph De Phillips, Stuart
Every summer, Martin County unleashes its mosquito fog trucks in our neighborhood. It happened again late Monday night, June 15.
The truck drove up and down the streets waving its wand onto everyones property, within minutes destroying the delicate ecosystem I have cultivated in my yard. Usually my garden is teeming with life, hundreds of butterflies, bees and ladybugs, due, in part, to my keeping everything organic and everything thrives.
Today the garden is still.
Ive asked the county if they would please not spray my property, and they said, No, because spraying is for the greater good.
Its very discouraging.
Missy Coffin, Stuart
Isn't it time to open up? I just checked the June 17 deaths from COVID-19 in four countries and computed the rate per million population using the CIA World Fact Book numbers.
Taiwan 0.3 per million
New Zealand 4.9 per million
SouthKorea 5.4 per million
United States 364.3 per million
Hey, let's open up, forget the masks, and hold indoor rallies!
Marc Renzema, Vero Beach
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Alzheimers Disease Affects More Women Than Menand Some Experts Think The Reason Why Lies in the Gut – Well+Good
Posted: June 25, 2020 at 10:53 pm
Alzheimers diseasea progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle or old ageis what experts call a complex medical condition. It isnt caused by one singular factor, like a caffeine-induced headache or a broken bone caused by an injury. Complex diseases involve multiple genes and environmental factors. In other words, its complicatedvery complicated, which has long hindered our understanding of the disease.
Further complicating matters is the fact that Alzheimers disease affects upwards of 5 million Americanstwo-thirds of whom are women, per the Womens Alzheimers Movement (WAM). While the disproportionate effect of Alzheimers on women has long been known, scientists and doctors are only relatively recently starting to understand why. Answering the why just may change the course of action in terms of both prevention and treatment.
But what do you focus on when it comes to a disease that has myriad risk factors, including genes, hormones, diet, stress, and environmental factors? For some of the leading experts in Alzheimers research, theyre choosing to focus on the gut.
Alzheimers is a deterioration of the brain, so it can be a little confusing to know why exactly the gut is taking center stage. As with seemingly everything else in health these days, it all comes down to the microbiome.
The microbiome is all the bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live in the gut, says Laura Cox, PhD, an instructor at the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases at Brigham and Womens Hospital and Harvard Medical School. (She received a grant from WAM in 2020 to fund her research.) Its important to have a high population of certain good bacteria strains and fungi in the gut. The good guys are linked to a variety of health benefits, including thriving brain health, while bad bacteria is linked to (amongst other health problems) deteriorating brain health.
Heres why: What happens is that as we age, everything starts to break down. This is normal and natural, and we try to fight it, Dr. Cox says. This is called inflamm-aging, aka inflammation due to age. The gut barrier (which lines the inside of the gut and prevents harmful substances from being absorbed by the body) and the blood-brain barrier (the protective blood vessels surrounding the central nervous system) are included in this gradual systemic breakdown.
This is problematic for two reasons. One, these barriers become less able to block harmful microbes, pathogens, and other substances from circulating through your system. Second, since inflamm-aging impairs the immune system, the body is less able to kill harmful bacteria and pathogens that escape through the gut. So you could have increased exposure to microbial products that are getting from the gut to the brain, Dr. Cox says. Both of these factors can lead to further bodily inflammationand experts believe that inflammation in the brain lays the groundwork for Alzheimers.Given that the majority of your immune function happens in the gutand that your microbiome supports said immune function as well as the integrity of the gut barrierand you can see why researchers are interested in the relationship between the brain and the gut.
Hemraj Dodiya, PhD has been studying the differences between the microbiome-brain connection as it relates to Alzheimers in women versus men for three years at the University of Chicago. He says that sex hormones and physiology in men and women affect the gut bacteria in the microbiome. The main question Dr. Dodiya and his team are working to answer is what bacteria strains in the gut are linked to amyloid deposits, which are buildups of plaque in the brain increasing the risk of Alzheimersand what strains are linked to reducing these deposits.
One study showed that a cocktail of five different antibiotics worked to reduce amyloid deposits in male mice, but not female mice. We can attribute this to the male mice having a protective bacteria in the gut, while the female mice could potentially have a pro-inflammatory type of bacteria in the gut, Dr. Dodiya says. Male and female mice have completely different reactions to antibiotic treatment that allows colonization or growth of certain bacterial species.
Dr. Dodiya says hes now exploring in several different experiments exploring how reproductive hormones interact with the bacteria in the gut and immune cells, in order to see if that explains the above-mentioned sex differences in the guts of mice. [This communication] could then modulate what bacteria live and what bacteria die, he says. One experiment involves castrating male mice and studying how that changes their microbiomes. In another experiment, testosterone supplements are given to female mice to see how that affects their microbiome. One experiment that Im working on is taking good bacteria from male [mice] and giving it to female mice, Dr. Dodiya says.
Dr. Cox has seen promise with female mice going a different route: reducing carbohydrate intake. What was surprising about the study was that reducing carbs [to less than 30 percent of the overall diet] showed to be effective in reducing amyloid deposits in female mice, but not male mice, Dr. Cox says. Another surprise from the study is that the microbiomes of the female mice aged faster than the males (meaning they started to break down sooner). But restricting carbs helped slow that aging process in the female mice, she says.
All these mice experiments have some big takeaways for the future of Alzheimers prevention and treatment, particularly in women. Dr. Dodiya says that he could see it leading to the development of probiotic supplements formulated to prevent Alzheimers, with different stains for women than men. This is an outcome Dr. Cox says she could see too; designer probiotics that work as different drug therapies for men and women. But she emphasizes that more research needs to be done to pinpoint exactly what bacteria strains can cause Alzheimers, as well as which strains could play a role in prevention. Were still several years off from that knowledge.
Another possible treatment method could lie in fecal transplants, pending how the experiment taking good bacteria from male mice and giving it to female mice turns out. (Yes, the idea of it may take some getting used to, but fecal transplants are already showing success when it comes to improving someones microbiome.)
In terms of the carb reduction study, thats something Dr. Cox says women can consider putting into practice now with doctor supervision, though she emphasizes that the takeaway shouldnt be confused with reducing calories to an unhealthy level. After all, your brain needs sufficient vitamins and nutrients to function properlyand carbohydrates are the brains preferred source of fuel. Malnutrition in the elderly is already a problem, so its important to be mindful of this, she says. Its more about eating fewer carbs and enough other beneficial macronutrients like protein, fat, and fiber.
Whats clear is that while all of this research is promising, more needs to be doneespecially on humans, not just mice. But whats encouraging is that researchers are really honing in on the differences between what causes Alzheimers in men versus women, something that was long ignored. And addressing those differences lies a prevention plan that could be affective for everyone.
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Alzheimers Disease Affects More Women Than Menand Some Experts Think The Reason Why Lies in the Gut - Well+Good
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COVID – 19: Is There Healthily Thereafter? –
Posted: June 25, 2020 at 10:53 pm
As SARS-CoV-2 virus spread throughout the globe and caused the largest amount of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the US, there is hardly a person on this planet who is unaware of the coronavirus.
While ending the lockdowns across the country with safety precautions and making sure hospitals are not overwhelmed, public officials and physicians alike are waiting to see the way coronavirus behaves in the next several months. Will we see a substantial increase in the cases during the summer or will the hot weather keep it at bay? Rising number of cases in Florida and Arizona despite the heat is certainly concerning and our eyes are on them, waiting to see how the situation progresses. Will SARS-CoV-2 return in the fall and winter months causing another spike in cases in New York and New Jersey?
With each day we learn more about the virus and about the ways to treat it.
Doctors gain experience, share knowledge and are now better prepared to treat the sick. There are many treatment protocols used in various countries, different hospitals, medical wards and intensive care units, although uniformed guidelines are still lacking.
The controversy about the Hydroxychloroquine, the drug to treat malaria and rheumatoid arthritis, continues, with some randomized studies about it withdrawn from the most respected medical journals (NEJM and Lancet), but some others still ongoing. New medication Remdesivir recently received emergency use authorization by FDA. Old medicine Dexamethasone (a familiar glucocorticoid) was recently shown in a UK-based trial to improve survival of hospitalized patients on mechanical ventilation by 30% and of hospitalized patients on oxygen by 20%. Some other off-label medications include Ivermectin, colchicine, antibiotics, antiretrovirals, immunoglobulins, convalescent plasma, and Toclizumab (an IL-6 inhibitor which can prevent the cytokine storm).
We discovered that COVID-19 not only affects the immune system, gastrointestinal and respiratory systems, causing bronchitis, pneumonia, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. It also produces hematological complications causing widespread blood clotting. Specifically, COVID-19 has been shown to cause dysfunction in the inner lining of the arteries (endothelium) and the treatment for blood clots (anti-coagulants) is now used to avoid life threatening complications. An important observation, shared by many physicians across several states, has been that in the newly diagnosed cases of the last several weeks, including June of 2020, we see that patients are not as sick, outcomes are better even with hospitalized patients. We also observe better survival rates. It is too early to say if the reason behind it is mutation and weakening of the virus or if there are other factors contributing to improved outcomes. Infection fatality rate (defined as deaths among all diagnosed, undiagnosed and asymptomatic individuals) seems to be between 0.4-1% according to various epidemiological reports. While it is still higher than influenza which carries about 0.1% death rate, the risk of dying from COVID-19 turns out to be much less than initially feared and estimated in March-April of 2020 when the case mortality rate (defined as deaths among those who were diagnosed with disease) was thought to be up to 5%.
Traditional medicine still does not recommend much for mild to moderate disease, as the majority of people will recover from COVID-19 without intervention. However, learning that there are delayed complications, such as prolonged fatigue, lingering cough, blood clots, and rashes, maybe we should be paying more attention even to the seemingly mild and moderate cases, those which do not require hospitalization. It is not uncommon for the patients to have persistently elevated levels of inflammatory and blood clotting markers and develop depressed mood and anxiety. The latter two can happen with any serious medical illness. Some physicians treat mild and moderate cases with off-label medications and supplements based on experiences with MERS and SARS and anecdotal reports from colleagues all over the world. We have observed a lot of positive progress with the use of off-label medications and natural supplements based on collective experience of many physicians, but without a gold standard randomized control trial it is impossible to definitely state whether these patients would have recovered by themselves without any intervention.
It is currently believed based on epidemiological models, that during the pandemic, the novel virus will continue to infect the world's population until about 70-80% of people are infected and herd immunity is achieved. Short of a rapidly produced vaccine or natural weakening of the SARS-CoV-2, it will mean that most of us will be exposed to the coronavirus at some point, regardless of the length of the quarantine. If and when that happens, one of two things will take place. If our immune system is stronger than the virus, we will be able to inactivate it with our own immune cells. Those people may become infected but be asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms. If our immune system is weaker than the virus's ability to enter our cells and replicate can overwhelm our defenses, leaving a person very sick, possibly progressing to life threatening complications. Research on hospitalized patients with COVID-19 revealed that older individuals, people with pre-existing conditions, such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes and cancer develop more severe disease and are at higher risk of death.
In the absence of a vaccine or a proven cure, strengthening one's immune system and practicing social distancing may be the only preventative strategies we have while the pandemic runs its course. Much like people have been preparing and stocking up on groceries and household supplies, we should be taking care of our immune system and prepare now. Our immune system is very complex and the process of becoming the healthiest version of yourself is not overnight, but simple steps can be employed right away to start the journey.
Getting adequate sleep, about 7-8 hours, will improve the body's response to illness. Decreased sleep duration has been linked to increased inflammation. Even mild sleep deprivation can cause elevation in pro-inflammatory markers, such as c-reactive protein, and cause immunodeficiency, thus decreasing the response of our body to several antigens. For example, only six days of restricted sleep tends to decrease immunity against influenza vaccination and enhances susceptibility to the common cold.Getting adequate sleep improves not only our cellular function and immunity but also helps to eliminate toxins from our body.
Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, which constitute a healthy antiinflammatory diet, provides minerals, nutrients, and vitamins for proper cellular function. Studies show that only one meal full of refined sugars and trans-fats produces abnormal insulin response which, in turn, decreases function of macrophages. Targeted supplementation with vitamins and minerals which may specifically improve immunity can also be helpful. Zinc helps decrease viral replication, Vitamin D helps immunity, Vitamin C works as an antiviral and an antioxidant, Vitamin A helps the cells in the respiratory tree, flavonoid quercetin is also a potent antioxidant. Prior studies have shown the efficacy of Zinc in reducing colds caused by other coronaviruses. Antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiviral roles of Vitamin C are also well documented. Many of these supplements can be taken orally and some can be given intravenously, such as Vitamin C, which has decades of research showing its safety and efficacy. Higher doses of vitamin C have been given by doctors in Wuhan when the outbreak started and some hospitals and clinics in the US have also followed suit. Longer term preparedness would include seeing your doctor for a check up, getting routine blood work done, including immune markers, microbiome markers and micronutrients in order to target supplementation for deficiencies appropriately and to monitor optimal levels for the future.
Keeping mental health a priority is another important aspect of our daily activities during pandemic. With pandemic and economic uncertainties, physicians are seeing more complaints of anxiety and depression. In addition, breaking daily news around the country and the world creates negative emotions that impact hormones, releasing adrenaline and cortisol which can impair immune cells. Taking control of the information overload and limiting TV and social media to a daily minimum of 20-30 minutes can help balance our thoughts, increase parasympathetic nervous system response which will, in turn, improve mood, sleep and health.
Breaking the tradition of making health resolutions for the New Year's, we should take a closer look at what we can do this summer to help nurture our emotional resilience and strengthen our immune system. As we tame our anxieties, safely ending the lockdowns, these health optimizing strategies, whether holistic or medically supervised, can prove to be lifesaving. Going outside for a walk, normalizing sleep hygiene, enjoying the sun for a natural dose of Vitamin D, practicing mindfulness, swimming in the ocean or going for a hike for a minimum of 150 minutes per week are tools in our wellness toolbox which can allow us to ride the wave of COVID-19.
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COVID - 19: Is There Healthily Thereafter? -
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