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Update on trade issues affecting the dietary supplement industry – Regulatory Focus
Posted: June 24, 2020 at 8:48 pm
This article discusses recent updates on US trade policy issues in the dietary supplement industry. It focuses on the trading relationship between the US and its largest trading partners, including China, and analyzes the ongoing effects of current trade policies on companies that produce, buy, and sell dietary supplements. The authors discuss tools available to US companies to reduce financial liability when trade policies are evolving at a rapid pace.IntroductionUS trade policy has been anything but quiet in recent years. The current administration is focused on trade as a central component of its economic policy and has relied on trade tools and policies that had been dormant for decades. The administration describes its approach as making fundamental changes to US trade policy to benefit US companies and workers including reshoring supply chains, encouraging US companies to reduce their business in China, and ensuring that there is significant capacity to produce articles that touch on national security, including medicines, steel, and aluminum.1In the last two years, these trade tools have included the application of tariffs on imports of numerous Chinese goods under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, an updated United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement that replaces the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement between the three countries, and a phase one trade agreement between the US and China.2 The administrations 2020 trade agenda promises more changes to US trade policies, including increased enforcement of trade laws and agreements; potential new trade agreements with the United Kingdom, European Union (EU), and Japan; and further negotiations with China for an anticipated phase two trade agreement. For US companies, a rapidly evolving trade landscape could be a double-edged sword in that it presents novel opportunities for companies in the US and abroad but also creates a degree of uncertainty that must be taken into account.The US-China trade relationshipThe relationship between the US and China is currently center stage in trade policy. After years of negotiations on various trade frictions, the two countries announced a phase one trade agreement in January 2020 that creates new obligations by China regarding patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and pharmaceutical-related intellectual property and enhances enforcement against counterfeit goods.3 The Phase One Agreement also contains important implications for US companies doing business in China because it prohibits China from pressuring US companies to turn over their technologies as a condition of market access, business advantages, or any licensing approvals.4 This deal will have wide-reaching effects for US and Chinese companies and it lays the groundwork for a phase two deal in the future.Ongoing negotiations between the US and China will have long-lasting effects for dietary supplement companies that import Chinese goods or export to China. For example, 80% of the raw material ingredients used to produce US manufactured vitamins and dietary supplements originate in China.5 Chapter 3 of the Phase One Agreement is devoted to trade in food and agricultural products, and requires China to create a regulatory process that will facilitate US exports to China of various agricultural products, including certain dietary supplements.6 The Phase One Agreement also increases market access opportunities in China for certain US dietary products, such as fish oil. China committed to increasing imports of US goods over the next two years by at least $200 billion, from the 2017 baseline value. The list of products China committed to import as part of that increased value includes essential oils, various types of seeds (oil, flax, sunflower, colza), spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, saffron, turmeric, and others), natural gums and resins, vegetable saps and extracts, and other extracts and concentrates.7 This creates new opportunities for US companies that export these products to have more predictable and reliable supply chains to sell to Chinas growing market.Tariffs on US imports of Chinese goods, and retaliatory tariffs imposed by the China government on imports of US goods, remain largely in place, even though the two countries reached the Phase One Agreement. This includes 25% tariffs on US imports of certain essential oils, fish oils, numerous acids, salts, and compounds from China classified under the US Harmonized Tariff Schedule Chapter 29 (Organic Chemical).8 Likewise, US companies that export dietary supplements to China face various retaliatory tariffs. In response to US tariffs, China has placed tariffs ranging from 5%-25% on thousands of US products, including animal and fish oils; certain extracts; various chemicals used in vitamins, food, and medicine; medicinal capsules; and plants used in medicines.9 The extent to which the US industry relies on raw materials from China has been a source of concern for US companies. For example, the Natural Product Association testified at a June 2019 hearing held by the Office of the US Trade Representative to address challenges faced by small- and medium-sized US companies that source from China.10 On the whole, the tariffs remain in place at this time, even though several companies have sought and received product-specific exclusions from them.11The duration of these tariffs remains uncertain. During negotiations for the Phase One Agreement, Chinese officials lobbied to have US duties on Chinese imports lifted, but the US agreed to reduce tariffs on a specific tranche of goods only.12 Negotiations for a phase two agreement were expected to continue immediately after the Phase One Agreement was signed, but the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant delay in talks until further notice. A phase two agreement is expected to cover a range of issues, including the Chinese governments provision of subsidies to domestic industries, intellectual property violations and enforcement of those violations, and forced technology transfer as a condition for access to Chinas market.Tariffs on imports from the EUA separate set of tariffs, stemming from the long-standing World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute between the US and the EU, affects US companies doing business in an EU member country. The dispute stems from the EUs provision of subsidies to aircraft manufacturer Airbus and has, for years, been the source of tariffs on US goods imported into the EU and EU goods imported into the US.Most recently, the US issued a new set of tariffs on EU imports after a WTO panel determined in October 2019 that the US was entitled to impose countermeasures against the EU for subsidies provided to Airbus.13 Although the WTO panel determined that the Airbus subsidies caused lost sales and revenues to the US aircraft industry, its ruling does not limit the US to imposing countermeasures (e.g., tariffs) to any particular industry or product. In previous years, the US has imposed duties on EU imports on a rotating, or so-called carrousel, basis, whereby products were subject to duties for a certain period and then removed from the tariff list. In April 2019, the US proposed applying additional duties to a range of EU imports, including various essential oils (orange, lemon, grapefruit, peppermint, eucalyptus, and others), concentrates of essential oils, and resinoids.14 Ultimately, and after much input from the industry including comments submitted by the Council for Responsible Nutrition explaining that many US companies source key raw ingredients from the EU15 none of those items were included on the final list of Section 301 duties for EU imports that is currently in effect.16 The duties went into effect on 18 October 2019, and will remain in effect until further notice.17Country of origin and marking issues for importsAs companies evaluate their supply chains in the midst of this new trade landscape, one option available to any US company is to confirm the country of origin of products it imports from overseas. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is experiencing an enormous uptick in requests for country-of-origin rulings from US companies. For decades, companies have requested country-of-origin determinations for imported products made of component parts from various countries or processed in a third country before entering the US. The country of origin of an imported product is more relevant than ever today because of the varying tariff levels that apply to imports depending on product and country. Since the Section 301 duties applicable to most Chinese imports went into effect in 2018, CBP has issued hundreds of country-of-origin rulings to advise companies whether their imported products are subject to tariffs. The correct classification of imports is crucial to businesses for financial and liability purposes.For example, if fish oil capsules are made of fish oil that is sourced and processed in Peru and is then shipped to China, where the fish oil is placed in capsules, should those fish oil capsules be labeled as a product of Peru or China when they are imported to the US? CBP answered that question in August 2019 and determined that the fish oil capsules should be marked with Peru as the country of origin.18 In its ruling, CBP explained that the fish oil retains its chemical and physical properties throughout the production process and is merely put into the capsules for dosage in China. For that reason, no substantial transformation of the fish oil occurs in China, and Peru remains the country of origin of the final product. CBP has confirmed in other rulings that the country from which the fish oil is sourced is the country of origin for fish oil capsules, even if the encapsulation process occurs in a third country before the product is imported into the US.19CBP has concluded that a substantial transformation occurs in cases where the processing performed in a third country, or in the US prior to sale, is more involved or complicated. For example, in 2018, CBP considered the country of origin for three different multivitamins.20 In 2018, CBP considered the country of origin for three different multivitamins.20 The multivitamins contained raw material ingredients from numerous countries, including China, India, Spain, Malaysia, Brazil, and the US. The raw materials were all imported into the US, where they were processed into multivitamins at a production facility in Michigan. CBP found that the combining and mixing of the raw materials in the US was substantial because each of the raw materials loses its original identity when combined to create a new finished product, the multivitamins. The multivitamins were, therefore, a product of the US. In another 2019 ruling, however, CBP found that a vitamin product whose active ingredient was sourced in Switzerland, imported to India to be mixed with inactive ingredients, then imported into the US, had Switzerland as the country of origin.21 CBP continues to process hundreds of country-of-origin requests as companies evaluate how to optimize the competitiveness of their production process and supply chain given the current trade climate.ConclusionWhere does this leave US companies? The industry has been vocal about the impact of current trade policies on dietary supplement companies. The dust has settled in certain respects, in that companies understand the impact of tariffs that have now been in place for a couple of years, but there are likely to be further changes ahead. Once the US emerges from dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, companies can expect trade to return to being a top priority. US-China trade negotiations will continue, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement will be implemented, and new trade agreements will be negotiated all of which will require successful companies to understand the applicable rules and how to structure their operations within those rules to maximize the ability to compete.AbbreviationsCBP, Customs and Border Protection; EU, European Union; HTS, harmonized tariff schedule; USTR, US Trade Representative; WTO, World Trade Organization.References
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How a High-Alkaline Diet Helps Avoid Injury and Recover Faster – The Beet
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
Dean Howell is a former professional English football player who is recognized asone of the first soccer players in the UK to go vegan. He made the switch back in 2005 before documentaries like The Game Changers were shining a spotlight on plant-based athletes around the globe.Although Howell always felt considerably healthybefore he adopted a vegan diethe says that it took his career and lifestyle one step further.
The Beet chatted with Dean Howell to uncover what it meant to be a professional athlete and a vegan in 2005 when the diet wasunfamiliar to many. He talked about the hardshipshe went through when coaches and managers did not believe in the diet or his passion to create ahealth and nutrition company, Raw Sport, which sells protein powder, supplements and eventually will have a clothing line.
As a result of eating plant-based, Howell's athletic performance improved and he was able to recover faster whenever he had a minor injury. Now he eats a whole-food, high alkaline diet, and has eliminated all soy-based products becausehe believes theywere slowing him down. High alkaline foods have a pH level of over7.365 and are believed tohelp reduce the risk of diseases since cancer in the lab does not grow in alkaline conditions. The popularity of alkaline diets has grown in the past few months and people are now using it to lower their risk of disease and to lose weight. Alkaline foods are fruits, vegetables, legumes and plants. The most important thing is to avoid foods that are acidic, or with a pH level are below 4.6, which are processed foods, those high in sugar, and meat.
Howell describes high alkaline food as "water-based" (such as fruit) because water increases pH levels and helps the body find balance. The athlete shareswhat he eats in a dayand a go-to plant protein-packed smoothie for energy and fuel.
DH: "I went vegan when I was 24 years old. I'm 36 now so I've been vegan for 12 years. At the time when I was 24, I was fit and healthy but I felt something was missing on a physical level, which then I discovered when I went completely vegan.
"I lost my Nana to breast cancerand felt encouraged to research nutrition and lifestyle on my own. I attended seminars and listened to people speak about diets and health, then came upon the conclusion that I needed to try a plant-based diet. I started slowly, and I recommend doing this for anyone who wants to start a plant-based journey. First, I cut out cheese and dairy and I felt so much better and recovered from injury faster. Once I felt the results, Igave up meat and fish. I realized my body reacts to soy in a negative way, so I don't eat any soy-based products, instead, I eat a whole food plant-based diet, foods that are high in alkaline.
"After my experiences, I was considered the World's second professional football player and faced difficulties with coaches and managers who thought it was "weird." But, that never turned me away, a vegan diet aligned with me.
DH: "I eat a lot of fruit for breakfast, mainly because it's light and water-based so I feel hydrated. Then sometimes I will eat porridge with maple syrup, banana, oat milk, and mix in protein powder, either Garden of Life or Sun Warrior protein. My diet consists of high carb and high alkaline foods. I eat a lot of Caribbean food like yams, dumplings, sweet potatoes, and salads. I especially love curry.
DH: "I drink a lot of smoothies and they're usually full of Raw Sport Elite protein powders. My favorite protein flavors are the banana, vanilla cinnamon, chocolate, and toffee fudge. I don't like to mix fats and carbohydrates together so I blend together berries and add either cashew milk or coconut water. When I make a smoothie, I eat for fuel.
DH: "I eat a lot of black beans, chickpeas, lentils, plantains, broccoli, sweet potato.I make an awesome curry dish with vegetables and the spice.
DH: "I think it has a lot to do with your outlook on life. Not everyone is going to be plant-based for several reasons and excuses are one of them. People don't want to do their research or there not inclined into trying something new. But for the people that do align with it, they have a reason whether it's companionship for animals, health reasons, or moral ethics. For me, it was personal because I made the switch based on my health. A lot of people think, "well that's selfish" and you can argue it both ways. But I see it as loving myself and within myself, I can show my love for the planet, animals, and everyone who surrounds me.
DH: "Research, try, and connect with people who are experienced in plant-based diets. You have to respect the vessel, meaning our body, we have been given, and think about how you want to feel and look. Then, try not to put so much pressure on yourself. Make small changes instead of diving in headfirst. It's more sustainable.
DH: "I followed Doctor Sebi, heencouraged me to eat plant-based food high in alkaline. I listened to his radio and read his blogs, what he said really resonated with me. Now, I know what works for me but I do get inspired by other people like speaker David Avocado Wolfe who has a large social following and promotes a raw vegan lifestyle.
DH: "The alkaline concept promotesfood produced by nature. The body wants to maintain a balance so when pH levels are 7.365 and above, the body has natural to more alkaline. When we're stressed, drinking, smoking, eating high sugar diets, the body is in an acidic state which is an environment that creates bacteria and diseases flourish. In that case, I eat foods that are water-based like fruits with seeds such as dates and avocado, herbs like rosemary, peppers, grains, quinoa, wild rice, squashes, and key limes.
DH: "I've been doing home workouts that include HIIT body exercises like burpees, squats, press-ups, ab workouts, and yoga stretching. All you need is a mat and a towel. If you can exercise outdoors, I suggest running 3-4 times a week and cycling almost every day.
"Lifting weights is important for anyone starting a vegan diet. When I first started, I lost a lot of weight because I was limiting my calorie intake by eating plants, so I had to increase my weight training. If you're a vegan who doesn't exercise you could look "unnourished" and that's the stigma around the entire lifestyle, people will judge you on how you look and be turned off by the diet.
DH: I have a great team around me."My two best friends Gariff and Ryan are my partners and I can completely trust them and we're all very passionate about the company. We found that most vegan supplements were full of heavy metals and wanted to create products that are 100% vegan, organic, high in alkaline, and sustainable. So we did, and the company is called Raw Sports. We source the best ingredients that are good for people so they enjoy our product and want more. If an ingredient is expensive, we will pay extra money to have a healthy product. Me, my family, and friendslove Raw Sports and enjoy a meal replacer or smoothie with protein supplements almost every day.
"Raw Sport has awhole variety of products--protein, meal replacement is the most popular, we do seaweeds, fruits, greens, mushrooms, pollen, joint formula, herbal fat burner--no fillers, only 100% real ingredients. We make our capsules by hand in the UK and source, package, and ship them ourselves. We supply to elite athletes like professional boxer Anthony Joshua, and F1 driver Lewis Hamilton, also a longtime vegan.
DH: "Let's do it, especially when you feel tired and don't want to do anything. I feel this way sometimes but I still have a mindset of a professional athlete, I trained every day in football and told myself "let's do it." I had the vision to create a sports and nutrition company without compromising ethics--there's a way to make money and help others. We sell products in 57 counties worldwide and there are exciting times ahead.
DH: "Focus on your passion. There are times when coaches and managers will tell you to only focus on footballand forget about other things that are happening. When I was playing professionally, I was passionate about better nutrition and health and found a manager that was willing to support me. If you have a passion, follow it, think about it, and commit to it.
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Diet Critics Are Scared Millennials Arent Eating Healthy in the Pandemic – VICE
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
Much has already been said about the way COVID-19 self-isolation has impacted our eating habits; weve discussed the bread we may or may not have baked, the cans of beans that were larger than we bargained for, and the kitchen fires we started along the way. These stories revolved around the idea of self-reliance. We stumbled as we tried to replicate the culinary pleasures of the outside world in our own kitchens, sure, but at least we tried!
The New York Times, however, wants to paint a very different picture of what our quarantine diets looked like: according to a report from June 16, processed food sales have increased globally since mid-March. This, according to the Times, points to the fact that self-isolation has promoted continuous snacking, also known as grazing, which has [turned] our kitchens into one huge vending machine.
The article largely ignores one of the biggest motivators behind buying processed foods over whole ingredients: Processed food is cheap, and we are in an economic crisis.
Gwyneth Paltrow already hammered this point home in, like, 2015 when she failed the food stamp challenge and demonstrated that cooking cost-efficient, healthy meals on a daily basis is literally impossible given the time and energy required. COVID-19 and the subsequent nationwide shutdowns sparked record unemployment numbers, especially among the very demographic making the return to snack items: young people between ages 18-29.
The mood in the last few months, whether it ended up being correct or not, also skewed very prepper, with plenty of people buying up essentials and shelf-stable goods. Between fresh vegetables and a packet of Oreos, we know what wed stock up on.
Its easy, though, to chalk spiking processed food sales up to slovenly millennials pigging out, mere hypocrites who nagged their parents about the benefits of clean eating and buying organic only to crawl back into the arms of boxed mac and cheese when the going gets tough. Its much less amusing to consider that maybe the prospect of being jobless and hopelessly in debt for the foreseeable future influenced peoples decisions to grab canned soup instead of fresh produce.
Also, hey: One thing all vending machine food has in common (except like, M&M-free trail mix) is that it tastes amazing, and I could use a pleasant experience right now. Sorry for buying Gushers mid-pandemic the store was all out of lettuce, or whatever the Paper of Record thinks we should have been eating instead.
As restaurants reopen (whether servers and epidemiologists like it or not!), quarantine food discourse will soon feel dated. But its worth remembering that, if the next food trend story is about how weird and silly it is that people are picking fast food over fine dining post-pandemic, price trumps taste when push comes to shove.
Follow Katie Way on Twitter.
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Diet Critics Are Scared Millennials Arent Eating Healthy in the Pandemic - VICE
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When I Started Eating A Plant-Based Diet And Walking For Weight Loss, My Body Changed Almost Instantly – Women’s Health
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
My name is Bella Decembre (@bellagawjas_), and Im 29 years old. I live in Orlando, Florida, and Im a plant-based influencer building out creative recipes and helping others on their plant-based journey after losing 75 pounds with my plant-based life.
In early 2019, I had reached my heaviest weight of 220 pounds at 28 years old. I had also recently divorced my then-husband after six years together. While dealing with so much personal stuff going on in my life, I didnt even realize how much weight I put on. I knew I needed to make changes in my life to move forward in a healthy way.
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There was an inner healing that I knew needed to take place; I needed to mend myself from the inside out. So I got serious about my healthy living journey, and I sought out to change the trajectory of my life. My children were watching me as their role model, and I wanted things to be different.
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I chose my eating plan after doing *a lot* of research on plant-based diets. I first started off eating vegan because I wasnt fully aware of what veganism was. But after even more research, watching documentaries, and being inspired by Dr. Sebi and Nipsey Hussle, I started my journey on a plant-based diet. A vegan diet restricts you from eating all animal products. On a plant-based diet, most people avoid eating meat, but you're not restricted from eating meat. Plant-based diets focus on eating mostly food that comes from plants.
Removing meat and dairy made a huge difference for me. I saw instant results in every area of my life: my motivation, my skin, and, of course, weight loss. Being plant-based became my lifestyle. I took the plant-based journey seriously and truly became dedicated to replacing my meat with more favorable protein options.
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This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
For exercise, I just keep it simple. I love to go on walks. I go on longer ones once or twice a week, but my job and schedule keep me really busy and active.
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While I knew I wanted to lose weight, I also knew that healing myself on the inside was a priority. When you start a weight loss journey, you may think that once youve lost the weight, and thats it. However, its notyou have to transition from a thinking of weight loss as just a milestone to thinking of it as a lifestyle.
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I accomplished this new mindset in part by sharing my journey with others. Doing so helped to show me that I wasnt alone. I also didnt let a so-called "bad" meal turn into a stretch of bad days.
I have a motto: Eat healthy, stay active, and stay blessed. Weight loss got easier when I stopped thinking of it as something that had a finish line that I was trying to get to, and I was fighting to become a new person. I had to think of the process as me becoming healthynot me aiming for a number on the scale.
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When I Started Eating A Plant-Based Diet And Walking For Weight Loss, My Body Changed Almost Instantly - Women's Health
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Overweight Elephant At Zoo Goes On A Diet With The Help Of Visitors – Medical Daily
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
As per a new report, visitors of a zoo in Japan are playing their part in helping an overweight elephant by feeding her a healthy diet.
Elephant At Japanese Zoo Gets Help From Visitors In Her Weight Loss Journey
Apparently, us humans arent the only ones who gain weight, which means that us humans arent the only ones who need to go on a diet when we reach a certain number on the scale. This is because a female African elephant at a Japanese zoo has reportedly become overweight and is going on a diet-and-exercise regime in preparation for what is considered to be a groundbreaking attempt at artificial insemination. Because of this, visitors at the zoo are helping her shed her pounds by feeding her a healthier diet.
18 years old, Mao the elephant recently gained some 500 kilograms when she was put on a special feeding program to help her after her mate died back in November 2018. However, the nation is reportedly planning to artificially inbred an elephant for the first time. This is why zoo officials are making efforts to help her shed some weight, which would then increase her chances of success in the process.
Since June 1, visitors at the Morioka Zoo in Iwete Prefecture, northeastern Japan, are given the chance to become a part of her weight loss journey since they are offering her bananas and apples via a long pole over the fence and helping her walk back and forth between both ends of her enclosure. Per the zoo, she makes this 60-meter journey up to 15 times a day.
As of Saturday, Mao has already lost 10 kg and is now at 3,940 kg. However, she still has a long way to go because her target weight is 3,600 kg. But overdoing her diet can be harmful as well, which is why careful supervision is being given.
"We will closely monitor Mao's health condition and be creative with a menu and number of feeding times," according to one of the zoo officials in charge of looking after the elephant.
Like humans, elephants can get overweight too. Image courtesy of Pixabay, public domain
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Overweight Elephant At Zoo Goes On A Diet With The Help Of Visitors - Medical Daily
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U of I extension: Decoding the diet webinar –
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
DECATUR, Ill. (WCIA)-- Victor Montes was on his way home when one second changed everything. He was driving his motorcycle when a car collided with him. "I don't remember it, but what everybody's been saying is they turned in front of me. After we collided, they left the scene. His mom says a woman found him and sat with him until the ambulance came. The next thing Montes recalls was being on the way to the hospital. He fractured bones in his back, knee, and fingers and has other scrapes on his body. His mom, Crystal Madrigal, says it was a sight that broke her heart. "When I saw him, it just hurt to see his two fingers were drooping and a huge gash in his leg," said Madrigal.
They're still searching for the person who left him on the road. "I just like to ask them why? Like why didn't they stay and check or anything?" said Montes. "I understand human nature, but they left my child to potentially die. They didn't know what wounds he sustained. It was really hard to think someone could care that little about a human life," said Madrigal. However, Montes says he's getting better, and he's hopeful he will be able to again walk soon. "It's going to be a long bumpy road, but we'll get there. With prayers and strength I know he can do it," said Madrigal.
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Include these fats in your diet – The New Indian Express
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
By Express News Service
HYDERABAD : Here are some healthy sources of fat that should be a part of everyones regular meal, says Rohit Shelatkar, VP of Vitabiotics. Olive Oil: Extra-virgin olive oil boasts about the presence of monosaturated fats, which is good for heart health. It also contains Vitamin E, Vitamin K and other potent antioxidants which are considered beneficial for ones overall well-being. Ideal for those prone to cardiovascular diseases. Avocados: It is an anti-inflammatory and might help in preventing fatal ailments such as cancer.
Further, avocado oil is known to keep heart diseases as well as diabetes at bay. Apart from this, it contains lutein, a substance deemed necessary for good eye health. It is also a rich source of potassium. Nuts such as Almonds and Peanuts: Multiple studies have stated, nuts are rich in terms of healthy fats, protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytosterols.
Fatty Fish: Fish like Salmon, Trout, Mackerel, Sardines and Herring, are considered great for ones health. They are filled with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, essential proteins and a host of key nutrients. It has also been noted that individuals who have a high intake of fish, experience lower rates of cardiovascular diseases.
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Indigestion, Constipation, Acidity & Bloating: 8 Diet & Lifestyle Tips To Your Rescue – Doctor NDTV
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
Indigestion remedies: Yoga, curd rice, banana and other effective tips revealed right here!
Buttermilk and lemon water can help with indigestion
Has a change in eating habits during lockdown and work from home taken a toll on your digestion? Has incidence of acidity, bloating and constipation increased more than ever in the past three months? If yes, then there are a few tips that can be of great help to you. Something as simple as chewing your food properly can help with better digestion and lesser acidity, bloating and constipation. Also regulating the amount of caffeine you consume and drinking sufficient water can help in improving digestion significantly.
Following are some time-tested, simple and effective tips that can significantly help in improving your digestive health:
1. Start your day with soaked raisins or a fresh fruit or some nuts, within 15 minutes of waking up. Doing so will provide your body with an instant source of energy after a long period of fasting.
2. In order to control your tea or coffee intake, replace one of your cups of tea or coffee with lemon water or buttermilk.
Also read:Chaas Or Lassi: Which One Is Better For Weight Loss?
3. Drink sufficient water. Avoid drinking infused water, recommends Shah.
4. Take an afternoon nap for 20 minutes. According to nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, the nap should be taken after lunch and not anytime later than 4 pm.
5. Practice yoga daily. You can start with doing five surya namaskars a day.
6. Start your day with a banana. It is rich in prebiotic, iron, Vitamin B6 and fibre. You can also have it to beat hunger pangs while travelling, when there is an unplanned delay in meals or as a post-workout snack.
Start your day with a banana for healthy digestion and less stressPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Snacking Too Often? Try These Healthy And Low-Calories Snacks To Reduce Hunger Pangs
7. Add one tsp of ghee to each of your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Homemade ghee or clarified butter contains a unique structure of short chain fatty acids that can help in improving gut flora . It also help in assimilation of Vitamin D3.
8. Eat curd rice. It is a great combination of probiotic and prebiotic foods. It is a quick and easy meal to prepare that is also easy on the stomach. You can have it either for lunch or dinner.
Follow these diet and lifestyle tips regularly to keep acidity, constipation and bloating away.
(Jinal Shah is nutritionist who works with Rujuta Diwekar)
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Indigestion, Constipation, Acidity & Bloating: 8 Diet & Lifestyle Tips To Your Rescue - Doctor NDTV
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Exactly What Happened When We Tried Hugh Jackman’s ’16:8 Diet’ – Men’s Health
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
A study presented at the Obesity Societys annual meeting has found that having your dinner before 2pm can reduce hungercravingsfor the rest of the day and boost your fat-burning reserves. While it may up the chances of a midnight salvage for scran, it means that you're likely to be cramming all of your meals in a six-hour window in the name of abetter body.
But is it really healthy? The research documented that the plan worked well on animals, but what happened when it came to humans? One of its earliest and most famous adopters is Aussie actorHugh Jackman. To find out, we put aMHwriter throughWolverine's weight planto see if he could slash fat from his body. Snikt!
RELATED:The 7-Minute Workout Hugh Jackman Uses to Build Muscle and Shred Fat
Name:David Morton, fasting scepticChallenge:To follow Hugh Jackmans Wolverine meal planClaim:Cutbody fatwhile you bulk up quickly
WhenHugh Jackmansnarled his way onto our cover, I had an epiphany of sorts. The men who graceMens Healthare always inincredible shape, but Jackman, I realised, had what I didnt know Id always wanted: size and strength that would be just as useful on the rugby pitch as it is impressive in the mirror; a shape that would suit my naturallyblocky bodytype. I wanted to be Hugh, as Im sure you did.
HisWolverine physiquewas powered by an eating regime called 16:8 a form of intermittent fasting (IF) where you eat nothing for 16 hours a day, then cram all your calories into the other eight.It clearly worked for Hugh, so I resolved to follow a 16:8 diet for 10 days to find out if it could for me and if it will work for you, too.
Research shows there's more to the diet than mutant pecs. I.F. has been found to reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease (American Society of Clinical Nutrition) and extend your lifespan (Medical Hypotheses). Fasting also turns on several very cool biochemical processes, says nutritional scientist Ben Coomber. One is apoptosis or autophagy, which is the process of cell death. This means you clean out dead cells and dispose of them, clearing up toxins. This all sounds rather good.
It doesnt feel that bad, either. I skip breakfast (cups of coffee are fine) and then tear into half a rotisserie chicken at 11am, with baby spinach and a wholegrain roll. That weighs in at about 800kcal with more than 50g of protein (almost 90% of my RDA). Igo to the gym at 1pm, when I would normally eat lunch. I eat again around 3pm:high-street sushior a sandwich. Dinner is down by 7pm and then the 16-hour stopwatch begins again.
As with so many things in life haircuts, holidays, pregnancies 16:8s success comes down to careful scheduling. If youre an A-list action hero, your job depends on you staying in shape, and you can afford to work out at midday, every day. This makes the absolute most of the hormonal effect of yourfasting period: When you dont eat, your muscle cells become more sensitive to insulin, says Coomber. So, when you do take on food, the muscle cell is as receptive as possible and you get a much greater anabolic response when you exercise.
I only have lunch breaks to go to the gym, though, so sacrifice the possible cellular boosts to maintain a more normal day-to-day routine. In fact, my attempts to eat dinner at home with my girlfriend mean that the 16-hour fasting window gets pushed back bit by bit and twice during the test I have to reset the clock in order to avoid eating alone at 11pm.
Nevertheless, at the end of my 10-day experiment Id knocked down mybody fatby nearly 2%. Although not X-Men approved, the results are better than I had predicted. Especially as I didnt cut out a single food from my daily diet and always felt full.
f you want to lose a bit of excess weight without mucking around, 16:8 is a scientifically sound and simple eating plan to grasp. But if you want to train hard during the week, socialise at the weekend and if you value eating meals with family and friends more than looking like Hugh, you should see it as short-term solution only.IF will kick start your physique but if you want to buildtrue Wolverine size, youll need to make intermittent fasting a regular thing.
This article originally appeared on Men's Health UK.
RELATED: What Is Intermittent Fasting And Is It For You?
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Exactly What Happened When We Tried Hugh Jackman's '16:8 Diet' - Men's Health
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Vitamin B12 deficiency – the sneaky symptom on your tongue that could be serious – Express
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
People with undiagnosed symptoms should consider that they may have a vitamin B12 deficiency.
While it's unlikely that your symptoms are caused by the condition, there are still many people that have a lack of B12.
A quick blood test could reveal whether you should be adding more B12 to your diet.
You may be at risk of the condition if your tongue becomes unusually swollen.
READ MORE: Vitamin B12 deficiency - pain in these body parts could be a sign
"Some people dont consume enough vitamin B12 to meet their needs, while others cant absorb enough, no matter how much they take in," it said. "As a result, vitamin B12 deficiency is relatively common, especially among older people.
"Vitamin B12 deficiency can be slow to develop, causing symptoms to appear gradually and intensify over time.
"It can also come on relatively quickly. Given the array of symptoms a vitamin B12 deficiency can cause, the condition can be overlooked or confused with something else.
"Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms may include strange sensations, numbness, or tingling in the hands, legs, or feet, difficulty walking [staggering, balance problems], [and] a swollen, inflamed tongue."
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Vitamin B12 deficiency - the sneaky symptom on your tongue that could be serious - Express
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