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How to get rid of visceral fat: Including these foods in your diet may burn the belly fat – Express
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
Visceral fat, as opposed to subcutaneous fat, is not visible to the eye. It is rather a type of fat which is stored within the abdominal cavity. Its due to the fats location which makes it such a dangerous type of fat. Located near vital organs, including the stomach, liver and intestines, ones health risks significantly increase if storing too much of this fat. Thankfully, including any of these four items into your diet will help you get rid of your visceral fat and help burn your belly fat.
Watermelons are hydrating fruits rich in lycopene which increases the bodys arginine levels, an amino acidthat has been shown toupthe bodys fat-burning potential.
At the same time, the juicy and delicious fruit helps the body burn fat and helps to build lean muscle.
Watermelon is rich in vitamin C and contains barely 100 calories, making it the perfect low-calorie snack.
Sodium is a big contributor to a bigger and bloated stomach and watermelon helps to get rid of that.
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Eggs are known to be a nutritional powerhouse and help burn belly fat.
Although egg yolks used to be avoided due to their high cholesterol content, whole eggs have been known to help protect heart health and help with weight loss
Numerous studies have shown that an egg-based breakfast helps to reduce hunger and promote feelings of fullness for several hours all of which promotes weight loss and helps to get rid of visceral fat.
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Coconut oil has many health benefits including being a belly fat burner.
Leading health experts agree that by adding coconut oil to your diet, an increase of good HDL cholesterol increases with triglycerides being decreased.
In a study involving obese men who added two tablespoons of coconut oil per day to their usual diet lost an average of one inch from their waist without making any other diet changes or increasing their physical activity.
The study revealed that by consuming up to two tablespoons of coconut oil daily could help maximise fat burning and help you get rid of your visceral fat.
Numerous studies have suggested that green tea not only helps with weight loss but also helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and protect a person from certain types of cancers.
In a study with 12 healthy men, one group took a green tea extract with the other group taking a placebo.
Green tea helps to benefit the whole body as it contains catechins and antioxidants which studies show can help to reduce belly fat.
Drinking up to four cups of green tea daily has many health benefits including potentially increasing the number of calories a person burns.
BMI Healthcare added: Looking after your mental wellbeing can have physical effects too.
Stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue are all factors that can contribute to weight gain, as well as making it harder for you to lose weight.
Meditation and mindfulness can help to de-stress and improve your mood.
You should also make sure to do things that make you happy, such as spending time with loved ones or keeping up with a hobby.
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How to get rid of visceral fat: Including these foods in your diet may burn the belly fat - Express
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Constipation in babies is mainly caused by diet – Daily Monitor
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
By Carolyne B. Atangaza
Constipation refers to difficulty passing stool. As babies get older and their diet changes, they are likely to experience bowel movement changes such as constipation or diarrhoea. While some babies can pass stool two times a day, others may go up to seven times.
Frequency Dr Edward Mugisha, a peadiatrician, says the frequency of your babys bowel movement should not be of concern as long as it does not cause them pain.
However, if you notice that the baby cries or strains to produce small amounts of hard, dry stool and they do this less frequently, then they may be constipated.
Other signs that your baby might be experiencing constipation include irritability, stomachaches, loss of appetite and their belly hardening.
Causes Dr Mugisha notes that constipation is usually a result of hardened stool or bowel immobility due to some medication or congenital anomalies such as poor development of the bowel. Also, some foods such as posho, bread and dairy, among others, are known to cause constipation in weaning babies.
Even if the baby is starting on hard foods, there should be a balance. They should have foods rich in fibre such as fruits (apples and oranges), vegetables (carrots) and plenty of fluids to make sure that the stool formed is easy for the baby to pass out, he advises.
Formula milkBottle fed babies frequently suffer from constipation because formula milk is harder to digest. This is because their enzymes are still developing or they are in low levels, a condition known as lactose intolerance.
However, some babies get better as their system gets used to the milk or sometimes, you might need to change to a different brand.
TreatmentAccording to, in some cases, the doctor may prescribe an enema or laxatives if the baby consistently experiences difficulty or pain passing stool.
However, it is better to prevent constipation before it happens. This is because the more the baby is unable to pass the large hard stool that has gathered in the intestine, the drier and harder it gets and the effort to pass it can cause cracks around the anus which results in more pain.
To avoid the pain, your baby may subconsciously start holding back stool, which makes the stool stay longer in the large intestine.
When to see a doctorDr Edward Mugisha, a pediatrician, says while infant constipation is not usually serious, sometimes it can be a symptom of an underlying problem. If you are concerned, please see a doctor for thorough assessment.
Some babies might have metabolic disorders that affect bowel movement such as T1diabetes because of the lack of insulin in the system. Anal atresia or the mal-development of the anus where the anus is small or there is a problem with the sphincters or the nerves of the bowels did not develop well, this will affect the bowel movement in some cases surgery might be needed.
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Constipation in babies is mainly caused by diet - Daily Monitor
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The benefits, challenges and misconceptions of formulating with fiber – Pet Food Processing
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:50 am
This article was published in the March 2020 issue of Pet Food Processing. Read it and other articles from this issue in our March digital edition.
Pet food manufacturers have a plethora of fiber ingredient options, some more economical or functional than others. Its all about achieving the right balance so the cat or dog has consistent, slightly firm poops on a regular basis, and allows for maximum nutrient absorption during digestion.
Formulating for the correct balance of dietary fibers is arguably as important as including the proper amounts of other key nutrients, such as amino acids and vitamins, said Trevor Faber, companion animal nutritionist, Trouw Nutrition, Highland, Ill.
The challenge is that a lot of beneficial dietary fiber sources traditionally used in pet diets have come under scrutiny by pet parents. That is changing through education and advancements in science, along with growing interest in upcycling of food byproducts.
Over the last decade, conversations around ingredient credibility have often focused on what an ingredient is instead of what it offers nutritionally, causing some safe and healthy ingredients to get a bad rap, said Kurt Venator, chief veterinary officer, Nestl Purina PetCare Company, St. Louis. Its important to remember that good nutrition for pets is all about nutrients, so focusing only on ingredients wont tell the whole story and can become a distraction for well-meaning pet owners.
Formulating for the correct balance of dietary fibers is arguably as important as including the proper amounts of other key nutrients, such as amino acids and vitamins, said Trevor Faber, Trouw Nutrition.
Gary Davenport, companion animal technical manager, ADM, Chicago, said, More than 25 years ago, marketing campaigns cast fiber as a non-nutritive filler. These misleading campaigns attempted to create points of differentiation by disparaging certain ingredients in competitive products. As a result, corn, wheat, soy and animal byproduct meals often have negative consumer perceptions despite being nutritious, economical and appropriate for dogs and cats when part of nutritionally complete foods.
Varied fiber types
While dietary fiber may come from many varied sources, it is quantified as one lump sum and reported as crude fiber on pet food and treat product labels. The term crude refers to the specific method of testing the product that measures the indigestible fractions of feedstuffs, according to the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) not to the quality of the nutrient.Pets benefit from both soluble and insoluble fiber in their diet and formulators can coose from an increasing number of high-quality options.
This method to classify dietary fibers is, as the name suggests, crude, Faber said. This methodology accounts for most of the cellulose but only a portion of the hemicellulose and lignin, resulting in underestimations of the true fiber content. Crude fiber does not account for the soluble fibers in an ingredient and provides little information about the functionality and fermentability of that ingredient or feed.
Since the turn of the century, the scientific community has gained a much better understanding of the many varied forms of dietary fiber and their different roles and benefits. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defined fiber for the first time on May 27, 2016, as non-digestible soluble and insoluble carbohydrates (with three or more monomeric units), and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in plants; or isolated or synthetic non-digestible carbohydrates (with three or more monomeric units) determined by the FDA to have physiological effects that are beneficial to human health. There is discussion that AAFCO may change the pet food fiber declaration from crude fiber to dietary fiber to better align with FDAs definition.
This label change would require a switch from the proximate analysis method to the total dietary fiber method, which measures both insoluble and soluble fibers, Faber said. The total dietary fiber method provides the most useful information about how these fibers will affect the animal.
Dietary fiber is associated with varied physiological responses in humans, many of which are believed to be similar in animals. These benefits are often recognized as being specific to the fibers solubility.
"Its important to remember that good nutrition for pets is all about nutrients, so focusing only on ingredients wont tell the whole story and can become a distraction for well-meaning pet owners, said Kurt Venator, Nestl Purina PetCare Company.
Soluble fiber, as the term suggests, describes fiber that is soluble in water. This includes beta-glucan, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), gums, inulin, pectin, polydextrose, psyllium, some hemicelluloses and resistant maltodextrin. Many absorb water and form a viscous gel that traps dietary cholesterol and bile acids and carries them out of the body. This viscous solution has also been shown to trap carbohydrates, slowing their digestion and absorption. This may help prevent wide swings in blood sugar level during the day, as well as have an impact on the development of diabetes.
Some soluble fibers, such as inulin, FOS and GOS, are not viscous, rather, they are fermentable. They function as prebiotics to promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, positively impacting digestive health.
Insoluble fibers are not soluble in water. These non-viscous fibers include lignin, cellulose and some hemicelluloses. Many vegetables and cereal grains are rich in insoluble fiber, with the highest amounts in wheat and corn. Insoluble fiber is best known for adding bulk to stool, helping to prevent or alleviate constipation.
Theres a third type of fiber known as resistant starch that, as its name suggests, is a starch that resists digestion in the small intestine. It is not soluble in water yet is fermented like a soluble fiber in the colon.
Balancing the levels of these various fibers is paramount for health and wellness. That balance may vary by species, breed, gender, age and level of activity.
Recently, sweet potatoes have gained in popularity among pet parents and can be a high-quality source of fiber for formulators.Fiber is not considered an essential nutrient in dog or cat diets, but it is present in almost every commercial dog and cat food, said Patrick Luchsinger, manager, marketing and business development, pet food segment, Ingredion Inc., Westchester, Ill. While pets do not derive any energy from fiber, adding fiber to a diet for dogs and cats can help support digestive health, help with loose stools and malodorous odors.
Davenport said, Inter-species differences in the ability to utilize dietary fiber is dependent on the anatomy and physiology of the digestive tract and the presence of a resident microbial population in the lower large intestine. Dogs are facultative carnivores that use dietary fiber effectively due to long digestive tracts, retention times and hind-gut fermentative capacity.
Cats, on the other hand, are obligate carnivores and have a simple, short digestive tract. They are unable to benefit as much as dogs from dietary fiber. Regardless, dietary fiber is an important part of the cat diet.
Toolbox of ingredients
Pet food formulators have many ingredient options to achieve the best balance of fiber. While most dietary fiber sources are safe for pets, there may be some anti-nutritional factors to consider, such as tannins. This can often be overcome through processing.
Ground miscanthus grass is one example of fiber that delivers nutritional benefits but also offers a positive sustainability story for brandsIn the past, corn and peanut hulls and the like were common inexpensive fiber sources but created large stools and were not well-received by pet parents, said Deena Krestel-Rickert, owner and principal, Four Paws Solutions LLC, Chesterfield, Mo. Beet pulp and powdered cellulose became some of the more common fiber sources for pets. But more recently, high-quality ingredients such as sweet potato, ground miscanthus grass, fruits, peas and green beans all rich sources of natural fiber are the more preferred choices.
Don Trouba, senior director, The Annex by Ardent Mills, Denver, said, Todays pet food manufacturers are challenged with delivering healthful, on-trend products that appeal to both pet owners and their furry friends. Incorporating ancient grains and plant-based grain alternatives like chickpeas is one way that pet food manufacturers can satisfy both.
Ancient grains, pulses and some formats of conventional grains will provide more than fiber. Wheat middlings with ground wheat screenings, for example, is a free-flowing coarse powder that contains protein, fiber, phosphorus and other nutrients. Wheat bran contains starch and protein. Ardent Mills offers a proprietary, identity-preserved, hulless barley that is 30% total dietary fiber and 12% beta glucan.
Ingredion markets a short chain fructooligosaccharide (scFOS) that has been shown to be a highly effective prebiotic soluble fiber in pets. It encourages healthy digestive function, supports a strong immune system and helps reduce bad odors in the stool of the animal, according to Luchsinger.
Digestive health is very important in pets because when their gastrointestinal tract is healthy, it allows for the proper absorption of vitamins and minerals, while at the same time preventing entry of pathogenic substances, which can cause them not to feel well, said Patrick Luchsinger, Ingredion Inc.
Digestive health is very important in pets because when their gastrointestinal tract is healthy, it allows for the proper absorption of vitamins and minerals, while at the same time preventing entry of pathogenic substances, which can cause them not to feel well, Luchsinger said.
A unique strain of kelp seaweed is gaining traction in pet food because of its prebiotic function. Its also been shown to contribute to a healthier skin and coat, as well as enhance growth in weaned young pets.
This marine plant contains a unique blend of polysaccharides, Faber said. When added at 0.25% of the diet, it positively modulates the gut microbiota and provides numerous polyphonic compounds that promote the immune system.
Miscanthus grass is another new option in functional fiber for pet food. It is a perennial plant that is non-GMO. It is being grown for the sole purpose of being a source of insoluble fiber for pet foods and is recognized as an environmentally responsible crop. This allows for traceability of the ingredient as well as price stability.
Many pet food brands use miscanthus grass fiber at 3% to 10%; however, specific high-fiber diets will use more, said Eric Allphin, vice president, business development, Renew Biomass, Aurora, Mo. Unlike soluble fibers that are fermented in the small intestine, miscanthus grass fiber makes it all the way through the small intestine and into the colon so the entire digestive tract benefits from all the nutrients moving through the entire tract.
Citrus fiber is another ingredient being used in a variety of pet foods and treats. It is multifunctional because of its unique composition of insoluble and soluble fibers, as well as pectin.
Our citrus fiber is a byproduct or upcycled material procured from citrus juicing companies, explained Brock Lundberg, president of research and development, Fiberstar Inc., River Falls, Wis. The fibers functionality is created by the patented mechanical process.
Beet pulp, the fibrous material left over after sugar is extracted from sugar beets, is a common source of dietary fiber in pet foods.The high pectin content helps bind moisture and oil in pet foods and treats to enhance processability, moistness and final texture. In certain applications, it may replace chemical emulsifiers and moisture-binding agents, he added.
Beet pulp and cellulose are common sources of dietary fiber used in commercial dog and cat foods, too. Beet pulp is composed of soluble and insoluble fibers, which results in a moderate rate of microbial fermentation in the large intestine.
In contrast, cellulose is predominantly insoluble fiber and passes through the digestive tract essentially undigested prior to fecal excretion, Davenport said. This insoluble fraction provides the necessary bulk to maintain intestinal passage and desirable stool consistency.
Cellulose is commonly used in feline hairball control foods to minimize hairball occurrence, he continued. The undigested cellulose associates with ingested hair derived from grooming to move the hair through the intestinal tract for excretion in the feces.
Soybean hulls are a widely available, economical co-product of the soybean oil extraction process. Despite their low cost, soybean hulls are rarely used in todays pet foods because they are assumed to be inert filler with no nutritional value, according to Davenport. However, research conducted at the University of Illinois demonstrated soybean hulls provide similar nutritional health benefits to dogs and cats as beet pulp.
Education directed toward pet owners helps to counter misconceptions concerning the use of dietary fibers in pet food formulas.
Final considerations
With so many fiber ingredient options, processing modifications may be necessary. Some fibers may impact product formulations, others may be added seamlessly at defined usage rates.
In extruded pet treats, for example, fiber is often an essential ingredient as it aids both the extrusion process as well as the product texture and can be incorporated in a large amount, Luchsinger said. For dry kibbles, care must be taken as the amount and type of fiber will affect the expansion, texture, aroma and palatability.
Fiber use in wet food may be more challenging, he continued. Only a small amount may be able to be incorporated because of process difficulty.
Keep in mind that regardless of the fiber type, most fiber ingredients are low- or no-calorie nutrients. Their inclusion reduces the overall energy value of the food.
For pets who need a dense form of energy, such as from a performance or puppy formula, too much fiber may dilute the energy content so much that they cant consume enough to meet their energy needs, said John Dickerson, animal nutritionist, Cargill Animal Nutrition & Health, Minneapolis.
Everything we include in a formula contributes to a healthy, well-balanced diet, Dickerson concluded. While not all types of fiber are created equal, the right fibers [in the right balance] can provide desirable benefits.
Ultimately, this is the goal of all pet diets.
Read more about product development, ingredients and formulation.
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Juice diet plan: The best juices to help burn belly fat in 2 weeks and keep it off – Express
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:45 am
Juice cleanses have become well liked amongst Brits in recent years as they can help not only cleanse the body but help in the weight loss journey. Making homemade juices is the best way to know what you are consuming but there are certain ones you can make that have many more benefits than others, like helping burn belly fat.
Belly fat, also known as visceral fat is one of the easiest places to gain weight but one of the hardest places to lose it.
This is because belly fat has a higher amount of fat cells that dont respond as easily to the fat-breakdown process called lipolysis.
Putting your diet into a calorie deficit (burning more calories than you are consuming), will inevitably help you lose weight but some foods respond better to lipolysis, helping you burn the unwanted extra belly fat. These juices must be homemade in order for your body to reap the benefits as shop bought juices may contain added preservatives and added sugar.
Here is a list of some of the best juices you can make to help assist you on that weight loss journey.
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Cucumber juice
For those wishing to lose weight fast, consuming calorie negative foods is one of the best options. Cucumber is one of the best foods that has a high water content and many nutrients while being low in calories.
Due to its high water and fibre content, cucumber juice fills you up and will keep you full for a long time, making it a great option to make a juice out of. You can also squeeze some lime juice and add a few mint leaves to make it a refreshing summer drink.
Carrot juice
Similar to cucumber, carrots are low in calories and packed with nutrients and fibre. A tall glass of carrot juice will keep you full right until lunchtime, meaning you wont have to worry about the temptation of snacks.
This will help keep your diet in a calorie deficit and consuming carrots in their raw state is the healthiest. Carrot juice has been said to help burn fat even without exercise and so its a wonderful drink to make when wanting to lose that little bit of extra weight.
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You could even add an apple, half an orange as well as some ginger to make it an even more tasty detox drink that will help flush out all the toxins in your body.
Pomegranate juice
While pomegranate juice can help aid weight loss, it is also great for your skin.
Pomegranates are high in antioxidants and polyphenols, both of which can help you burn fat and boost your metabolism.
Consuming just a small class of pomegranate juice can be great in helping to suppress your appetite, helping you feel less hungry throughout the day. This is great when needing to put your diet into a calorie deficit to make sure your body is burning more energy than you are consuming.
Watermelon juice
Watermelon contains lots of water and is one fruit that has almost no calories in it at all. 100 grams of this juicy fruit contains just 30 calories which will help keep you hydrated.
It is also rich in amino acids which can help burn fat when consumed daily. You can also top this with mint and add some ice in the drink to make it extra tasty and refreshing.
Orange juice
Orange juice is incredibly low in calories and has zero fat, which makes it an excellent option if you are looking to shred an extra kilo or so.
Incorporating this juice into your diet can give you the sweet craving that your body desires but also help fuel the weight loss journey.
Orange juice also contains a high level of vitamin C, this helps metabolise fat faster which makes them helpful for weight loss.
Individuals with adequate levels of vitamin C in their body will burn more fat during moderate exercise than individuals with a low level of vitamin C.
Pineapple juice
Pineapple juice has been said to be a great remedy to help burn belly fat. It contains an important enzyme called bromelain which is found in the juice of pineapple and it helps burn away excess stomach fat.
Also, this enzyme which is found in pineapple can help suppress your appetite and it is a well known calorie negative food.
This means that your body spends more calorieseating and burning the fruit than the amount of calories in the fruit.
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Juice diet plan: The best juices to help burn belly fat in 2 weeks and keep it off - Express
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Is Intermittent Fasting a Safe Way to Lose Weight For Women? All Your Queries about This Diet Causing – LatestLY
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:45 am
Intermittent fasting can be a complicated process to follow! It requires you to fast for long hours, but the intended benefits include weight loss, increased energy, and improved mental clarity. While many people had all great things to say about intermittent fasting, there are conflicting opinions when it comes to whether intermittent fasting is safe for women. Many experts argue that fasting can lead to hormonal disruptions and lead to mood swings and also infertility. Here's what you need to know.
Intermittent fasting can put stress on your body, but if you are managing your stress levels well, it can prompt a positive, healthy change in your body. However, your body may not be able to handle any additional stressors if you are over-stressed. That said, there there is not enough scientific evidence to make definitive conclusions yet. What we know for sure is that pregnant or breastfeeding women, underweight women, those with a history of an eating disorder, women dealing with chronic stress and those with medical issues should not fast.
Studies have shown that fasting decreases the production of kisspeptin, which, in turn, disrupts the release of estrogen and progesterone. This hormonal disruption can result in mood swings and missed or irregular periods. In extreme cases, it may also disrupt fertility. However, more research needs to be done to understand how fasting may affect hormones in humans fully.Intermittent Fasting Suitable For All? Dos & Don'ts For This Popular Weight Loss Diet.
Fasting can trigger starving, which in turn can inhibit ovulation. Studies have also linked intermittent fasting polycystic ovary syndrome, which leads to infertility. While the studies are conflicting, more research needs to be done.Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss: From Hair Loss to Irregular Periods, 7 Side Effects of IF No One Talks About!
Should you fast during your period? You should never fast the week leading up to your period as it is the time when you are most sensitive to extra stress. Any additional stressors like intermittent fasting, can have adverse effects on your body. So, it can be a great idea to scale back during your premenstrual time.Study Reveals Intermittent Fasting Increases Lifespan of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterisation.
If you decide to give IF a try, here's how to do it safely.
Bottomline: If you are someone who is under extreme stress, you could be more sensitive to potential negative hormonal changes when fasting. So avoid IF if you think you fall in this category.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 23, 2020 12:21 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
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Is Intermittent Fasting a Safe Way to Lose Weight For Women? All Your Queries about This Diet Causing - LatestLY
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Feed higher levels of Irish cereals with XL Grain – Agriland
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:45 am
Irish-grown cereals including barley and wheat are excellent sources of energy for either fattening cattle or maximising milk production; however, feeding high levels of cereals increases the risk of acidosis in livestock.
The feeding of high levels of cereals in a diet must be managed carefully; feeding rates, mineral and buffer supplementation and the inclusion of a suitable source of fibre being very important. However, there is a solution that can help to increase feeding levels of Irish-grown cereals safely.
Ivan Gethings farms with his two sons Chris and Jason and the Gethings family fatten cattle year round on their beef and tillage farm outside Tullamore, Co. Offaly. The Gethings family have been keeping and feeding their own grain for a number of years and have tried different treatment options during that time.Ivan (centre), Chris and Jason Gethings on their farm near Tullamore, Co. Offaly
Last harvest, Ivan treated all of his cereals with XL Grain. XL Grain is a new product to the Irish market produced by Vitalac in France and distributed in Ireland by Quinns of Baltinglass Ltd. XL Grain is an alkaline grain treatment product which can add value to your home-grown cereals.
On advice from Arnie McDonald, the local Quinns technical sales advisor, Ivan decided to use XL Grain on his own cereals last harvest as it increased the pH and protein of the grain, allowing for higher feeding levels of his own barley and wheat. Overall, he was very happy with the treatment process and feeding his cereals treated with XL Grain.
We found the application process very straightforward as the rate is one bag (20kg) per tonne of grain. We treated and rolled the grain with our own roller straight after harvest and covered it over for three or four weeks. The XL Grain treatment meant the barley was now just under 15% protein and very safe to feed to cattle.
The barley and wheat stored very well; better than other treatments we used in the past. We fed it to finishing heifers, bullocks and bulls up to 6kg/head/day and found it very safewe never had an issues with acidosis.
We were happy with the liveweight gains and fat scores of cattle fed on it and will be using it again this year.
XL Grain will not only treat the grain, but also increases both the protein and the pH of the grain to allow higher feeding levels of home-grown cereals; with reduced risk of acidosis occurring.
XL Grain can be used to treat barley, wheat, oats and grain maize. It can be used on whole or rolled grain; however, the grain must be rolled to allow for safe feeding.
Whole or rolled cereals treated at optimum moistures of 16-20% must be stored under a polythene cover for a period of three weeks to allow for the treatment process to take place.Once this process is complete the cover can be removed and the grain can be either fed (once rolled) or moved to another shed.
XL Grain offers significant flexibility as whole grain can be treated at harvest using a diet feeder and the grain can be rolled as needed during the season or a contractor could roll and treat the grain at harvest time.
Whether treating whole or rolled grain, the application rate of XL Grain is 1 bag (20kg) per tonne of cereals. This is a much simpler process when compared to similar products on the market. Once whole or rolled grain is treated it will keep for up to 12 months.
The application of 1 bag of XL Grain per tonne of cereals will increase the pH of the grain to a minimum pH of 8.5 resulting in significant reduction in the risk of acidosis.
The application will also increase protein content of the grain by up to five percentage points i.e. bringing barley from 10% to 15% protein content. This is beneficial because it reduces the need for bought in proteins and also means there is less need for storage of these proteins on farm.
The combined effect of a higher protein, higher pH cereal achieved with XL Grain treatment is that you can feed higher levels of a high starch, high-quality, Irish-grown feed without the same risk of acidosis.
This has significant effects for both finishing and milking diets. In relation to finishing diets the effect is that you can increase the levels of starch in the diet at a faster rate which can result in reduced days to finishing. Cereals treated with XL Grain can be safely fed up to ad lib levels in beef-finishing diets.
In relation to milk production;sub-acute ruminalacidosis (SARA) is a real issue for high output dairy herds with levels of cereals in the diet. Acidosis has many negative effects including reduced milk output and reduced solid production; which ultimately reduces profit. The inclusion of XL Grain treated cereals has a significant positive effect on both.
Quinns of Baltinglass Ltd will be offering a full service to its customers in relation to the use of XL Grain this harvest.
This service will include:
Product summary:
For further information on using XL Grain on your farm, please contact Quinns of Baltinglass Ltd on: 059-6481266; orclick here
Sponsored by Quinns of Baltinglass
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Feed higher levels of Irish cereals with XL Grain - Agriland
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SilverConnect Closes Seed Round Financing Led By Heritas Capital And SEEDS Capital To Launch Dysphagia-Friendly Meals Online And In Nursing Homes -…
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:45 am
SINGAPORE, June 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- SilverConnect, a medical nutrition startup creating specialized food solutions for people with dysphagia, announced today that it closed a Seed financing round led by Heritas Capital Management, with participation from SEEDS Capital, the investment arm of Enterprise Singapore.
Dysphagia, or the difficulty to swallow, is more common in older people and often results from nerve or muscle problems. Undiagnosed or poorly managed dysphagia increases the risk of choking, dehydration and malnutrition. Texture-modified diets are often recommended for people with dysphagia, but caregivers frequently find it challenging and time-consuming to prepare nutritionally complete meals with appropriate textures. Many healthcare institutions in Singapore have recently adopted the framework set out by the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) to ensure that all meals are safely prepared to the right consistency that people with dysphagia need.
SilverConnect was founded by Dr Shen Yiru and Ms Jeannie Ong in 2017 with the intent to enhance nourishment for the elderly and relieve their caregivers from the daily burden of preparing such modified meals. SilverConnect manufactures pured moulded food under the brand of GentleFoods, turning local Singapore food delights into texture-modified meals following the global IDDSI framework. SilverConnect operates the GentleFoods brand of ready-to-eat frozen meals that turns local hawker favourites into texture-modified meals that meet global IDDSI standards. GentleFoods aims to create familiar, safe and nutritious meals that stimulates the appetite with the way it looks, tastes and smells, thereby bringing the joy of food back into the lives of people with swallowing difficulties.
"My world changed when I saw my demented grandma rejecting all pureed foods because it was all so unfamiliar to her. The emotional impact inspired me to begin a journey to find out how other people with such challenges cope," said Dr Shen Yiru, founder and CEO of SilverConnect. "We found that many people with dysphagia do not enjoy their meals, resulting in almost a quarter of older people being malnourished. With our new line of GentleFoods meals, we hope that elderly and other patients with swallowing difficulties will now be able to enjoy a wide variety of safe and tasty meals with their loved ones, while reducing the amount of time their caregivers currently spend on preparing such meals."
"All of our menu items have been carefully co-developed with a passionate team of speech therapists, dieticians and food technologists to ensure that the food has the appropriate consistency and uniform texture even after reheating," said Ms Jeannie Ong, co-founder and Director of Operations at SilverConnect. "Many of our meals are high in protein, low in salt, and are nutritionally balanced to meet the dietary needs of the older population."
GentleFoods currently offers ready-to-eat frozen meals thatare suitable for patients requiring IDDSI Level 4 food consistency, with familiar local favourites such as Sweet and Sour Fish, Chicken Rice and Rendang Fish on the menu. Every meal comes with one starch, two vegetables, and a protein. All meals are made from 100% natural ingredients. The frozen meals can be easily reheated at home following the simple instructions provided on the packing label.
"Heritas Capital, alongside SEEDS Capital, is pleased to back innovative foodtech start-ups like SilverConnect in its mission to provide safe, tasty and nutritious food for patients with dysphagia, expected to increase with ageing populations in Singapore and across Asia," said Mr Chik Wai Chiew, CEO and Executive Director of Heritas Capital Management. "We believe SilverConnect's creative and impactful offering will enhance patients' appetite and joy of consuming local favourites, leading to better nutrition, health and immunity which are especially important during the Covid-19 pandemic."
Said Mr Ted Tan, Chairman of SEEDS Capital and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Enterprise Singapore, "SilverConnect's focus to address an unmet local and global need in the elderly and dysphagic population exemplifies the spirit of innovation. It aligns with the Food for Elders initiative under FoodInnovate, a multi-agency initiative led by Enterprise Singapore to drive innovation and position Singapore as a leading food and nutrition hub in Asia.We hope that SEEDS Capital's investment will help SilverConnect scale up its operations more quickly and connect them to strategic partners in the region."
Story continues
Over the last two years, Enterprise Singapore provided grant support to SilverConnect for (i) the co-development of three popular local snacks with Khoo Teck Puat Hospital under the Food for Elders initiative, and (ii) a corporate branding project to help them develop a global brand strategy and establish presence in key overseas markets.
Proceeds from this Seed investment round will be used to fast-track the commercialization and rollout of GentleFoods to both consumers and elderly care institutions. GentleFoods meals are currently available for sale on the company's website at
About SilverConnect
GentleFoods is a registered trademark of SilverConnect Pte Ltd. We create pured moulded food that is familiar, safe and nutritious. Our food aims to stimulate the appetite with the way it looks, tastes and smells, bringing the joy of food back into the lives of people with swallowing difficulties.
We believe the food that one enjoyed must always remain the food that one continues to enjoy. Working tirelessly with hospitals, speech therapists, dieticians and food technologists, we have created GentleFoods to be both nutritious and appetising, to make people with swallowing difficulties 'feel hungry again'. GentleFoods offers ready-to-eat frozen meals and bulk packs. The nurturance, thoughtfulness and committed culture at GentleFoods aims to bring back the positive and joyous relationship with food. For more information, please log on to
About Heritas Capital Management
Heritas Capital Management is a private equity and venture capital fund manager based in Singapore. Established since 1997, Heritas manages private equity, venture capital and fund-of-funds investments into healthcare, education, and technology globally, and has demonstrated strong hands-on track record to create sustainable growth and ESG impact by addressing key unmet needs. Heritas isalso pleased to be a co-investment partner of SEEDS Capital, under the Startup SG Equity Scheme into leading healthcare start-ups in Singapore. For more information on Heritas Capital Management, visit:
About SEEDS Capital
As the investment arm of Enterprise Singapore, SEEDS Capital catalyses smart investments into innovative Singapore-based startups with strong intellectual content and global market potential. We co-invest with independent investors in innovative startups. We help our startups commercialize and expand globally through leveraging on the expertise and strategic networks of our co-investment partners in areas such as technology translation, commercialization and market expansion. Through co-investments, SEEDS Capital aims to catalyze investments into nascent and strategic sectors. These include Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering, Health & Biomedical Sciences, Urban Solutions & Sustainability, and Services & Digital Economy.
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To Keep Pets Safe, Animal Hospitals Make COVID-19 Related Changes, Too – The Two River Times
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:45 am
By Mia Glass
When Amy Kresloff discovered another ear hematoma on her 14-year-old dog Brisket, she knew they needed to see a veterinarian. But how to do that safely during a pandemic?
She had had one several months ago in her left ear and it ended up needing surgery to correct. When this one ballooned quickly I wanted it taken care of as soon as possible, Kresloff said.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, veterinary hospitals across the nation are changing the way they run their practices so patients like Brisket can receive the care they need. Brisket was able to be seen by a doctor at the Red Bank Veterinary Hospital (RBVH), in Tinton Falls under their new curbside system.
The new guidelines are simple: Kresloff followed the signs at the hospital and pulled into a parking space. After checking in with a phone call, a technician came out to get Brisket from the car. The doctor examined Brisket, then called Kresloff to discuss options for the dogs care. After coming up with a plan, Brisket was ready to head home.
We use the CDC guidelines, the WHO guidelines, the AVMA, and the NJVMA to help us, said Stacy Burdick, chief of staff at RBVH, a member of the Compassion-First Pet Hospitals national network. All of those hospitals adapted very similar policies to stay in line with what all these bodies are recommending, Burdick said.
Staff members wear appropriate personal protective equipment based on the answers to screening questions given to clients beforehand. Inside of the hospital, staff must wear masks and social distance at all times. Cleaning protocols have been completely revamped according to the CDC guidelines as well.
With veterinary hospitals still running, many people are left wondering whether pets can spread the virus. At the present time, the general consensus is that pets do not directly transfer the disease, but could potentially carry it on their fur.
Its very difficult because how do you prove that, right? Just to be cautious and extra safe, if they (the animals) are coming from a positive household, we bring them to a separate part of the hospital and wipe them down and bathe them before introducing them into the general population, said Burdick.
Many clients also enjoy Air vet, a new telehealth app implemented by the hospital. This allows pet owners to video chat with a doctor to determine a course of treatment which may avoid a trip to the hospital. At RBVH, the nutritionist on staff was able to go completely virtual, only taking Air vet appointments. She is going back to the hospital this month, but will continue to offer virtual appointments as well.
The hospital has remained open since the pandemic hit and clients are appreciative of each doctors commitment to taking care of their pets no matter the circumstances. There was even a parade of thanks by the local police and fire departments, bringing tears of joy to many staff members eyes.
We were getting food, cookies, cake anything you could think of was being delivered to the hospital on a daily basis just saying thank you for being there. It was really heart- warming, said Burdick.
With doctors resuming physical examinations and the number of appointments increasing in the past weeks, the hospital is discussing ways in which it could reopen to pet owners and not just their pets in the future. Large plexiglass guards are already being installed in the lobby to ensure safety when the hospital does decide to let its human clients in the building again.
We just need to make sure that its done correctly with all of our staffs safety as top priority, said Burdick.
Many of the new procedures that came about as a result of the coronavirus may end up becoming permanent practice for the convenience of the clients, especially those who are elderly or immunocompromised. However, there are definitely factors to consider, such as the pollution from running cars while owners wait in the parking lot or some pets inherent need for emotional support from their owners during exams.
While it was fine to just speak to the doctor by phone in this case, I am not sure it would be ideal most of the time, said Kresloff.
As the hospital considers future plans, Burdick cannot help but reflect on the perseverance and endurance of all the staff members who were thrown into the challenges that came with being essential workers during a pandemic.
Its just incredibly humbling and makes me really proud of every one of our employees for what theyve done and what theyve accomplished over the past couple of months, Burdick said.
Social distancing your pets is more for the owner than the pet, so its best to avoid dog parks and exercise on trails instead.
Unless your pet is very overdue for a routine visit, do not go into the hospital for non emergency situations.
If your pet has any health issues, call your veterinarian first to see if it is something that can be handled at home, via telehealth or, as a last resort, requires a hospital visit.
Do not change your pets diet right now. Changes in diet may lead to gastrointestinal emergencies that could mean a trip to the veterinarian.
During the upcoming summer weather, make sure to walk your pet safely to avoid heat-related emergencies.
For people returningto work who have beenhome for with their petsfor months, make sure toreturn to a routine exerciseschedule and spend extratime with them on week-ends.
The article originally appeared in the June 18-24, 2020 print edition of The Two River Times.
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To Keep Pets Safe, Animal Hospitals Make COVID-19 Related Changes, Too - The Two River Times
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The Importance of Fitness and Nutrition While Social Distancing – CareDash News
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:45 am
COVID-19 has taken the world by storm. TheWorld Health Organization and theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention consider people with asthma, liver disease, chronic lung disease, heart disease and diabetes to be at higher risk for severe illness than others. Since it is a relatively new infection scientists are still learning about the virus and how to reduce the severity of the infection.
This means, when we stay at home and practice social distancing, we're doing something active to prevent the disease from spreading and to keep ourselves healthy. But, staying home can create challenges for fitness and nutrition routines and these are vitally important to manage any chronic condition.
For those with chronic health conditions, the importance of fitness andnutrition cannot be overstated. In fact, for anyone they are the cornerstones to good health. Practicing unhealthy habits can lead to feeling bad, getting sick more often, and increasing your insulin resistance.
Multiple studies have demonstrated the benefits to exercise, so it's important to look for ways of getting enough, even at home. Just some of the benefits of exercise include helping to:
Have you wondered about the best time to exercise?Harvard Health recommends shaking things up from one to three hours after eating. This is when blood sugar is likely to be higher, so exercise can help to normalize it and to burn carbohydrates from your meal.
The food we eat is an integral component of managingdiabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Keeping your blood sugar within normal limits helps to reduce the potential risk of side effects of high blood sugar, likeperipheral vascular disease, heart attack, and stroke. More than100 million people in the U.S. have diabetes or pre-diabetes. This condition is a metabolic dysfunction triggered by a diet high in carbohydrates. Diabetes places people at a higher risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. In other words, many common chronic health conditions are related to the food you eat.
It's important to talk with your doctor or nutritionist about the types of foods they recommend. Remember, your personal metabolism, genetics, activity level, and eating habits affectyour blood sugar. That's why some people can eat more than others and not gain weight. The key is to eat a variety of foods from healthy food groups and steer clear of processed, junk foods.
If exercise has been a stranger, then there's no time like the present to get introduced. It doesn't matter how physically fit (or unfit), you are - just get started and start safely. Before beginning any exercise program it's important to consult with your doctor. Becoming fit doesn't mean you're training for the Olympics, it just means you're moving, raising your heart rate and increasing your breathing.
As most of the northern hemisphere is sliding into summer, it's a great time to get outside and take a walk. Try walking with a friend, by yourself, or with your favorite audiobook. As you seek to achieve evensmall fitness goals, like walking further each week, it can help you to feel like you're back in control of your life. No matter how small, even little changes in your fitness can make a big difference in your health in the long run. Here are a few options to consider that work well when you're stuck at home:
Consider scheduling your workout the way a CEO plans a meeting. In other words, put it on the calendar and then plan to be there.Remember to be realistic with your fitness goals and to be gentle with yourself. Once you're finished exercising, lets not bust the program by grabbing a poor nutritional choice.
When you're spending more time at home, it may be just the chance to look for new recipes and try new foods. Its easy to get stuck in a routine of making the same five to seven meals every week, and that's boring! Remember to steer clear of the baking frenzy that seems to have become the new craze and instead consider foods that are rich in colorful vegetables, high in healthy fats, and eliminate processed, junk food. Consider using this time to build healthy fitness and nutrition habits to help manage your health.
You can also tweet us questions and comments@caredash.
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Vegetarianism: Tapping Into the Meatless Revolution – Visual Capitalist
Posted: June 23, 2020 at 10:45 am
While fossil fuels offer an easily transportable, affordable, and energy-dense fuel for everyday use, the burning of this fuel creates pollutants, which can concentrate in city centers degrading the quality of air and life for residents.
The world is looking for alternative ways to ensure the mobility of people and goods with different power sources, and electric vehicles have high potential to fill this need.
But did you know that not all electric vehicles produce their electricity in the same way?
The world obsesses over battery technology and manufacturers such as Tesla, but there is an alternative fuel that powers rocket ships and is road-ready. Hydrogen is set to become an important fuel in the clean energy mix of the future.
Todays infographic comes from the Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA) and it outlines the case for hydrogen.
Some scientists have made the argument that it was not hydrogen that caused the infamous Hindenburg to burst into flames. Instead, the powdered aluminum coating of the zeppelin, which provided its silver look, was the culprit. Essentially, the chemical compound coating the dirigibles was a crude form of rocket fuel.
Industry and business have safely used, stored, and transported hydrogen for 50 years, while hydrogen-powered electric vehicles have a proven safety record with over 10 million miles of operation. In fact, hydrogen has several properties that make it safer than fossil fuels:
Since hydrogen is the most abundant chemical element in the universe, it can be produced almost anywhere with a variety of methods, including from fuels such as natural gas, oil, or coal, and through electrolysis. Fossil fuels can be treated with extreme temperatures to break their hydrocarbon bonds, releasing hydrogen as a byproduct. The latter method uses electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
Both methods produce hydrogen for storage, and later consumption in an electric fuel cell.
Battery and hydrogen-powered vehicles have the same goal: to reduce the environmental impact from oil consumption. There are two ways to measure the environmental impact of vehicles, from Well to Wheels and from Cradle to Grave.
Well to wheels refers to the total emissions from the production of fuel to its use in everyday life. Meanwhile, cradle to grave includes the vehicles production, operation, and eventual destruction.
According to one study, both of these measurements show that hydrogen-powered fuel cells significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants. For every kilometer a hydrogen-powered vehicle drives it produces only 2.7 grams per kilometer (g/km) of carbon dioxide while a battery electric vehicle produces 20 g/km.
During everyday use, both options offer zero emissions, high efficiency, an electric drive, and low noise, but hydrogen offers weight-saving advantages that battery-powered vehicles do not.
In one comparison, Toyotas Mirai had a maximum driving range of 312 miles, 41% further than Teslas Model 3 220-mile range. The Mirai can refuel in minutes, while the Model 3 has to recharge in 8.5 hours for only a 45% charge at a specially configured quick charge station not widely available.
However, the world still lacks the significant infrastructure to make this hydrogen-fueled future possible.
Large scale production delivers economic amounts of hydrogen. In order to achieve this scale, an extensive infrastructure of pipelines and fueling stations are required. However to build this, the world needs global coordination and action.
Countries around the world are laying the foundations for a hydrogen future. In 2017, CEOs from around the word formed the Hydrogen Council with the mission to accelerate the investment in hydrogen.
Globally, countries have announced plans to build 2,800 hydrogen refueling stations by 2025. German pipeline operators presented a plan to create a 1,200-kilometer grid by 2030 to transport hydrogen across the country, which would be the worlds largest in planning.
Fuel cell technology is road-ready with hydrogen infrastructure rapidly catching up. Hydrogen can deliver the power for a new clear energy era.
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Vegetarianism: Tapping Into the Meatless Revolution - Visual Capitalist
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