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This Nest is Just Right: Fuzzy Gray Flaminglets Are the First Flamingos Hatched at the Birmingham Zoo – Over the Mountain Journal
Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:03 am
Above, Baron named for the team eventually came about after the Barons donated the soil, called pitchers clay.
By Anne Ruisi
You could say the Birmingham Barons directed the stork to the Birmingham Zoos American flamingo exhibit earlier this summer when, for the first time, two baby flamingos were hatched.
Thats because soil from the pitchers mound at the Barons home stadium at Regions Field persuaded the future parents to build nests and hatch their babies, called flaminglets.
Its a big deal for us because its the first time theyve hatched. Not everyones flamingos will hatch, Hollie Colahan, the zoos deputy director, said. You have to have everything right for them.
Everything right means happy, healthy birds and the exact type of soil composition that will inspire flamingos to build nests.
The little birds, Pinecone and Baron named for the team eventually came about after the Barons donated the soil, called pitchers clay, when the pitchers mound was switched out with new soil, said Jennifer Ogilvie, the zoos marketing and public relations manager.
Pitchers clay is a combination of clay and sand. After the soil was taken in, the birds did the rest, including building the nest and making sure it was nice and wet so they could manipulate it to get it just right. The nests can be up to 2 feet tall but are worn down a bit since the chicks were hatched about seven weeks ago, said Kristen Eversole, a zoo birdkeeper who works with the flamingos.
While they are now on the same special diet as the adult flamingos, at first the parents dribbled crop milk into their mouths to feed them, Eversole said.
The parents are very involved, Eversole said. Pinecones parents took good care of him, but Barons parents rejected him at five days.
While zoo staff doesnt know why he was rejected, Baron had to be hand fed by zoo staff and is the more outgoing of the two. Hes a noisy little bird who chirps loudly and constantly around people because if he sees a human, he thinks hes going to get food, Eversole said.
Baron weighs about 4.4 pounds, and Pinecone is about 3.3 pounds, she said.
Seen from a distance on a recent sweltering afternoon, the 19 flamingos at the Birmingham Zoo stand so still in their classic one-legged stance that they almost appear to be yard decorations.
The cute little balls of gray fluff making their way on stick-like legs through the tall green grass of the exhibit trigger movement by the adults, who leisurely strut about their enclosure as the little birds rush to the fence to greet visitors.
While it takes about a year for a baby flamingos soft gray down to molt into the beautiful pink and coral feathers that make a flamingo so distinctive, the process is beginning on these little ones. Eversole extends one of Barons wings a bit and shows how hes starting to get his pink, coral and white flight feathers. The underside edge of the wing is black, just as it is in the adults.
Flamingos can fly, but the zoo trims the birds wings so they dont take off. If there is a strong wind and they hop the fence, the birds want to return to the enclosure because they are flock animals, Eversole said.
We gently bring them back if they need some help, she said.
During the day Pinecone and Baron roam the flamingo exhibit, which has an island where their nests were built and a large pond. At night the little ones are safely tucked into the flamingo building.
There are still (wild) hawks, raptor and mink that roam the area, Eversole said.
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Groundbreaking Study Finds C15:0, an Emerging Essential Fatty Acid, is Key to Unlocking the Second-Ever Discovered Full-Acting Endogenous Cannabinoid…
Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:03 am
SAN DIEGO (PRWEB) August 23, 2022
A recently published peer-reviewed study in Natures Scientific Reports revealed that an emerging essential fatty acid, called C15:0, is used by our bodies to make the second-ever discovered full-acting endocannabinoid.
Endocannabinoids have been touted as the holy grail to health due to their numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation, controlling pain, lowering anxiety, improving sleep, and supporting cognition and brain health.
The scientific world has been actively searching for molecules within our bodies that naturally regulate the endocannabinoid system, said Dr. Stephanie Venn-Watson, the studys lead author and co-founder and CEO of Seraphina Therapeutics. The discovery of pentadecanoylcarnitine as the worlds second full-acting endocannabinoid opens an exciting new path to broadly and safely supporting both physical and mental health.
In this groundbreaking study funded by the Office of Naval Research, pentadecanoylcarnitine (PDC) was identified as a key molecule that is made within our bodies cells by combining C15:0 with carnitine. When tested for potential therapeutic activities, it was discovered that PDC fully activated CB1 and CB2 receptors that are present in the human endocannabinoid system.
An endocannabinoid is a molecule that is naturally intended to activate CB1 and CB2 receptors and is endogenous, which means it is made by our body. This is different from exogenous cannabinoids, like cannabis, which are put into our body and can artificially trick our CB1 or CB2 receptors.
Prior to this discovery, only one endocannabinoid, called 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), had been known to fully target both CB1 and CB2 receptors. 2-AG is made using an omega-6 fatty acid called arachidonic acid. As a key limitation, however, 2-AG is rapidly metabolized and has a very short half-life. While Venn-Watsons paper suggests that PDC is a more stable and longer lasting metabolite, more studies are needed.
In addition to showing that a diet higher in C15:0 results in raised PDC levels, the current study demonstrated that PDC has direct, broad, and dose-dependent beneficial effects on multiple human cell-systems mimicking various disease states. PDC effectively lowered ten pro-inflammatory cytokines in systems relevant to inflammatory, autoimmune, cardiovascular, neoplastic, pulmonary, and skin diseases.
Given our growing understanding of C15:0 as an essential fatty acid, it makes perfect sense that C15:0 is used to make active and beneficial metabolites in our bodies, said Dr. Stephanie Venn-Watson. The understanding that we can increase our PDC levels by increasing our C15:0 intake provides a tangible path to better health.
Venn-Watsons team had previously discovered C15:0 as the first essential fatty acid to be found in 90 years, which was published during May 2020 in Natures Scientific Reports. Since then, over 30 peer-reviewed studies have been published from institutions around the world linking higher C15:0 to lower risks of multiple chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, heart failure, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. At least two studies have associated higher circulating C15:0 to longer lifespan, and a second team corroborated odd-chain saturated fatty acids, including C15:0, as essential fatty acids.
The surprising discovery of C15:0 as an essential fatty acid, which was made while Venn-Watson was studying how to continually improve the health and welfare of aging Navy dolphins, was recently featured as a TEDx San Diego talk and as a Fast Company World Changing Idea. The dolphins were the first to teach us that C15:0 is a healthy nutrient in an all-fish diet, more so than omega-3s, said Venn-Watson. We now have dolphins to thank for this latest discovery, which is gearing up to be a game-changer to help people lower anxiety, improve sleep, and manage pain.
About Seraphina Therapeutics. Inc.Seraphina Therapeutics, Inc. is a health and wellness company dedicated to advancing global health through the discovery of essential fatty acids and micronutrient therapeutics. Through rigorous breakthrough science, the company develops pure and essential nutrients to support cellular health and counter age-related breakdown. With its team of industry-leading scientists, Seraphina Therapeutics challenges long-held approaches to nutrition, enabling the creation of novel health products designed to support quality of life. The company is a spinout of Epitracker, Inc., headquartered in San Diego. For more information, please visit and
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Nutrition and healthy eating Healthy diets – Mayo Clinic
Posted: August 17, 2022 at 2:11 am
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Here Are Signs The Keto Diet Is Not Fit For You – NDTV
Posted: August 17, 2022 at 2:11 am
Keto diet is an extremely restrictive diet and may not be fit for everyone
The keto diet has emerged as one of the most popular and widely practiced diet regimes to help us lose weight. The main focus of the diet is to consume protein and fat-rich foods and avoid consuming carbs. Like many other diets, the ketogenic diet may be considered a more restricted kind of diet.
If you consume less than 50 grams of carbohydrates each day, your body eventually runs out of quick-acting fuel (blood sugar). Usually, this takes three to four days. After that, you'll begin converting protein and fat into energy, which may cause you to lose weight. This process refers to ketosis.
However, studies have proven that the keto diet is only a temporary fix to losing weight and must not be practiced as a way of life. The ketogenic diet must not be equated to a well-balanced diet. This restrictive diet may also not be fit for everyone due to its conforming to diet ideals. In this article, we list conditions under which the keto diet may not be fit for you.
Reasons the keto diet is just not for you:
1. The diet affects your relationship with food
The first step toward successful dieting is a healthy relationship with food. If you don't enjoy the food you are consuming it may not be able to benefit you properly.
2. You are eating too many cheat meals
Cheat meals during restrictive diets is okay. However, too many cheat meals can significantly lower the effectiveness of the diet. Too many cheat meals may also be a sign you are not fit for such a restrictive diet.
3. You feel sick
Although certain symptoms are normal to the keto diet. Continuation of symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, lethargy, etc. might mean the keto diet is not for you.
4. Irregularity is periods
The keto diet may cause irregularity in our menstrual cycles. This irregularity may even result in missed periods both of which are extremely bad for our bodies.
5. You are not losing enough weight
The keto diet is mentally straining and may cause various physical issues. A combination of both may not be the right thing for you if you are also not experiencing significant weight loss.
Besides these reasons, there are various health conditions under which the keto diet may not be as beneficial as one may think. Here is a list of conditions under which the keto diet may not be recommended:
In conclusion, our food is our fuel. It is important to understand our bodies' needs even if you wish to lose weight and want to go on a diet. It is ideal to look for early signs that the keto diet is not fit for you. Besides the conditions listed above, it is always beneficial to talk to a doctor or health professional before opting for any restrictive diet.
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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The Difference Between The Mediterranean And Keto Diets – Tasting Table
Posted: August 17, 2022 at 2:11 am
In her book "The New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook," Nancy Harmon Jenkins tells us that the Mediterranean diet is a result of history and a "deep-seated and largely unspoken consensus that eating is one of the most important things we humans do in our lives." Interest in the diet began back in the 1950s. According to the Mayo Clinic, researchers at the time discovered that heart disease and stroke rates were far less common in Mediterranean countries than in the U.S. Subsequent studies have confirmed their findings.
Since this diet is rooted in the food cultures of the Mediterranean, the main source of fat is olive oil. Add to that regular consumption of nuts, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and seafood, a moderate consumption of poultry, eggs, and dairy, the rare consumption of red meat and sugars, and you have the basics of the Mediterranean diet (via Healthline).
The idea behind the Mediterranean diet has less to do with restriction and more to do with balance and cultivating a long-term approach to health eating. Moderation is key. It's okay to have sweets or a good steak every once and a while.Eating Well lists some easy ways you can add elements of the Mediterranean diet in your everyday life such as using olive oil when cooking, snacking on nuts, eating more fish, and having (a little) wine.
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Weight loss tips: Simple and healthy diet tips for weight loss – Courier Journal
Posted: August 17, 2022 at 2:11 am
Bryant Stamford| Special to the Courier Journal
The practice of medicine in the U.S. has made incredible strides over the past hundred years. Even so, we suffer from a host of preventable chronic diseases that have reached epidemic proportions, including heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.
A big factor in the rising level of chronic health conditions is the American diet. As the French lawyer and politician, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, wrote in 1826, Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. In other words, if you follow a healthy diet, you will be healthy.
Or, if you eat a typical American diet, which is often high in processed foods, your health will suffer.
Our undoing begins very early in life when we decide what we like to eat, and unless parents are consistent in policing food choices, most American children get off to a bad start. For example, only 20% of high school students make good food choices, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Instead, they opt for fast foods, pizza, junk food snacks, and soft drinks, getting fatter day by day, and sowing the seeds for health destruction in the future.
The situation is already out of control for too many youngsters who overeat unhealthy foods and underexercise, which can leave to obesity and a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 is extreme insulin resistance, the kind of diabetes that formerly was known as age-onset diabetes because it wasnt likely to appear until middle age and older, when too much body fat was accumulated, especially in the midsection.
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Now, with poor diet, American children are able to achieve this health-destroying fatty status in only 10 to 12 years instead of 45.
When we are young, we believe we are indestructible. Later on, age and declining health have a way of showing us we are anything but, and changes, especially in how we eat, are in order. The problem is if you are 30 years of age, you have the power of a 30-year eating habit working against you. And if you are 60, the power of that habit is doubled, and the odds of success are slight unless you are iron-willed and highly committed.
So here's how you can change your diet:
A healthy diet starts with fruits and vegetables. Why? They are nutrient-rich, full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and loaded with fiber. Fruits and vegetables also are the best choice for weight management. You can eat a high volume of fruits and vegetables and become quite satisfied while consuming only a fraction of the calories. Let me add that you also can get ample protein when you eat a variety of vegetables.
In addition, fruits and vegetables are packed with phytochemicals.These are chemical compounds found in plants that provide color, taste, and smell. Although phytochemicals are not essential for health, unlike vitamins, minerals, and fiber, they do provide healthful benefits, supporting immune function and serving as antioxidants that combat free radicals to prevent cell damage.
In contrast, most of the processed sludge Americans consume is loaded with hollow calories from sugar, plus lots of fat, a combo that provides few nutrients, and little if any fiber. Whats more, the processed foods we consume constantly are calorically dense, meaning just a few bites provide lots of calories.
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Experts tell us to consume at least some combination of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. However, five servings is bare-bones minimal, meaning limited in its effect to promote health and lower the risk of death from the variety of chronic diseases. On the other hand, if you increase to 10 servings a day, you cut your risk of heart attack and stroke by 28%, according to a 2017 study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology. Whats more, your odds of premature death are reduced by 31%.
A serving is not much when you consider the whopping portion sizes we typically consume, especially when we eat out in a restaurant. For fruit, it's 4 ounces, which is one-half cup of berries, chopped fruit, etc., or one whole piece of fruit (about the size of a tennis ball). Go with fresh when possible, or frozen, to get the most benefit, and avoid canned fruits in sugary syrup, dried fruits, and fruit juices because they provide too much sugar.
For vegetables, a rule of thumb for a serving is one cup of raw leafy vegetables or one-half cup of cooked vegetables. Again, fresh is best, and frozen is the next best.
Thankfully, when it comes to fruits and vegetables, there are lots of good choices, which means you can choose among them according to taste preference. Go with variety because no single fruit or vegetable provides all the healthy nutrients you need.
Here are suggestions for healthy fruits blueberries, blackberries, watermelon, cherries, apples, mango, papaya, avocado, and citrus fruits (lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruit).
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For vegetables, experts suggest sweet potatoes, broccoli, leafy greens (kale, spinach, beet greens, collard greens, etc.) carrots, Brussels sprouts, green peas, asparagus, and cauliflower.
We need to face the truth that we are our own worst enemy when it comes to health issues. We eat all the wrong things because we like the taste of sugar and fat, plus we have been doing this forever and getting away with it. At least thats what we think. Not so, and a quick look at statistics reveals that despite great advances in medical science, the same chronic, lifestyle-oriented diseases not only still plague us, but are getting worse year by year as we continue to get fatter.
Its time we break the cycle. Loading up on fruits and vegetables is a good place to start.
Reach Bryant Stamford, a professor of kinesiology and integrative physiology at Hanover College, at
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Long Live Diet Coke – The Takeout
Posted: August 17, 2022 at 2:11 am
Photo: Moomusician (Shutterstock)
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who love Diet Coke and those who dont. Its a real if you know, you know situationits impossible to describe to those who find it flavorless what makes the drink so enjoyable, but if youre a part of the DC cult, you dont have to explain a thing to your brethren. And its because of that all-in fandom that the drink has enjoyed 40 years of consistent success.
My taste for Diet Coke didnt come until later in life, and the cravings came at a strange time. Seven years ago while going through chemotherapy, I suddenly felt a twinge in my tongue, one that was yearning for a sharp and metallic drink. I had never been a fan of diet sodas and in fact preferred an ice-cold regular Coca-Cola from a glass bottle over everything. But there in my moment of medical distress, the only thing that could satisfy me was Diet Coke straight out of the can. While my health has far improved since then, my Diet Coke lust has only gotten worse.
I know that sharp and metallic isnt an appetizing description of its flavor. I know that soda, even the diet kind, is bad for me. I know that The Coca-Cola Company has likely done some very distasteful things. Yet I sip on the stuff any chance I get, and I am far from alone.
The first diet soda hit the market in 1952, a beverage called No-Cal that was created as an alternative for people with diabetes or cardiovascular problems, Fast Company explains. But once Kim Novak stepped in as the celebrity spokesperson, it became seen as the drink of dieters. By 1958, Diet-Rite Cola was released by Royal Crown, and soon diet sodas were all the rage.
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Coca-Cola had attempted to enter this growing market a few different times before landing on Diet Coke. Thats partially because it took a while for executives to allow the brand name to be tainted with a potentially less popular, less tasty drink. In 1963, Tab, which mimicked the flavor of cola, was released, then in 1966 Fresca hit the market and rose to popularity as a low-cal grapefruit soda. It wasnt until 1982 that Diet Coke arrived on the scene. BuzzFeed notes that the introduction of this product marked one major difference in the diet soda space: Suddenly the drink was no longer exclusively for women on diets. This soda was for everyone, and the marketing skewed heavily toward getting men on the diet soda train.
Previous Coca-Cola advertising focused on abstract characters, like the Christmas polar bears, to sell the product. But according to BuzzFeed, with Diet Coke came the companys full force push into celebrity endorsements. Hoping to appeal to men, the Coca-Cola Company tapped the likes of Judd Hirsch, Phil Esposito, and Evander Holyfield to rep the brand. This approach caused the soda to infiltrate Hollywood, and by 1988 The New York Times was calling Diet Coke the film industrys drink of choice, reporting that, among others, Jeffrey Katzenberg, chairman of Walt Disney Pictures, was drinking 12 cans of Diet Coke a day.
In 1996, Diet Coke tapped the stars of Friends to reach a new generation of soda drinkers, who had more or less fallen off the diet soda trend. It surged once again, and by 2011 Diet Coke beat out regular Pepsi as the #2 soda in the country.
While Diet Coke might now be up against the popularity of sparkling water brands like La Croix and the publicsincreasing distaste for the word diet, the beverage still seems to dominate the pop culture conversation. Over the years plenty of famous people have gushed about their love for Diet Cokefashion designer Karl Lagerfeld admitted to drinking 10 cans of Diet Coke a day, The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City cast member Lisa Barlow is rarely shown on screen without a Diet Coke in her hand, and earlier this year we discovered that Ben Affleck has a Diet Coke soda fountain in his home.
This year, in honor of its 40th anniversary, Diet Coke has tapped Kate Moss as creative director of the brand, and Moss has drawn inspiration from her own fashion archives to design a line of limited-edition cans. It feels like an attempt to return Diet Coke to its roots as something thats seen more as a trendy accessory than a drink. But for those who love it, Diet Coke doesnt need to do anything flashy to keep us coming back for more. Even as the drinks global popularity ebbs and flows, the Diet Coke diehards will always keep drinking it, no matter what the can looks like or whos hawking it. For us, Diet Coke is forever.
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How to tackle diet-resistant obesity and weight loss – Open Access Government
Posted: August 17, 2022 at 2:11 am
For decades individuals with obesity have been told to embrace a diet low in calories in order to lose weight. Evidence shows that focusing on diet alone is not the answer for a subset of adults with obesity who are adherent to a clinical weight management programme.
Exercise training enhances muscle mitochondrial metabolism in diet-resistant obesity
New research published in the journal eBioMedicine challenges this deeply engrained notion that diet alone is enough to lose weight. Researchers have studied how exercise training enhances muscle mitochondrial metabolism in diet-resistant obesity.
The conclusions reached in this study could be pivotal in improving public health knowledge on how to treat obesity, lose weight and keep it off. It is hoped that the insights gained in this study will help individuals with diet-resistant obesity.
Its exciting and important work. These findings have clinical implications and reveal molecular mechanisms that will drive research for many years to come, comments the studys Senior Author Dr. Mary-Ellen Harper.
Understanding distinct obesity phenotypes is vital in gaining insight into individual variations in weight loss.
Individuals with diet-resistant obesity should focus on exercise
Diet-resistant obesity refers to the patients in the bottom 20% for the rate of weight loss following a low-calorie diet. The study suggests that these patients should prioritise exercise training because it decreases fat mass and boosts skeletal muscle metabolism.
The research team analysed clinical data from over 5,000 records and reviewed 228 files. A subset of 20 women with obesity were identified as suitable participants for a closely supervised exercise programme consisting of 18 progressive sessions using treadmills and weights done three times per week for six weeks.
Exercise preferentially improves skeletal muscle metabolism and enhances weight loss
Using bioinformatics and machine learning approaches to analyse skeletal muscle, the results indicate that exercise preferentially improves skeletal muscle metabolism and enhances weight loss capacity for individuals with obesity who are deemed diet resistant.
These are the type of patients who have suffered as a result of diet restriction; one because they have not lost weight, and two because they have likely been accused of not following diet plans.
Some individuals have enormous difficulty losing weight
For those individuals who have obesity and whove had enormous difficulty losing weight, the message for them is: You are in a group of individuals for whom exercise is particularly important. And thats really going to help you lose weight, says Dr. Ruth McPherson.
Obesity has become an endemic global problem and as a result, it has increased the likelihood of individuals developing a slew of chronic diseases.
Over 42% of American adults are obese
In Canada, two out of every three adults are overweight or obese, and in the US, over 42% of adults are obese.
Dr. Robert Dentdescribed the studys findings as the crowning glory of the research work carried out alongside Drs. Harper and McPherson over two decades. The three partners have collaborated numerous times over the years, helping to unlock the mysteries of mitochondrial energetics and the genetic predictors of weight loss.
Dr. Dent concludes: If you look at a large group of people who are overweight and trying to lose weight, they dont respond to exercise very much. But now weve found that people in this [diet-resistant] obesity phenotype really do.
What the findings are telling us is that when we see individuals with obesity who dont respond to dietary restriction, they should be shunted over to physical activity.
The study has the potential to shake up the science of weight loss and set it on a new path. It emphasises that weight loss programmes should be customised for the individual because a one-size-fits-all approach is not appropriate for those with diet-resistant obesity.
The team is currently recruiting a larger sample size to continue their research into obesity and weight loss.
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Plant-based diet: What to eat, health benefits and tips –
Posted: August 17, 2022 at 2:11 am
A plant-based diet tends to be made up of nutritious, naturally low-fat, high-fiber foods that are filling and good for the heart, brain and waistline.
While a vegan diet eliminates all animal products, plant-based diets do not. Instead, they focus on eating mostly plants, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrains.
Plant-based diets are increasingly popular, and its no wonder when you consider some of the health benefits. A review of studies published in the Journal of geriatric cardiology (opens in new tab) found that going meat-free could prevent, control and even reverse many chronic illnesses from heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.
However people who avoid meat, seafood and dairy products can sometimes be deficient in vitamin B12, which in extreme cases can lead to neurological damage, according to a study published in Neurosciences (opens in new tab).
In this article we talk to registered dietitians Nigel Denby (opens in new tab) and Sophie Medlin (opens in new tab) to find out more about the plant-based diet, including what to eat, potential health benefits and more.
A plant-based diet is based on foods that come from plants with no ingredients derived from animals. This typically includes vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, nuts, seeds and fruits.
This is different to being vegan, which is when you avoid all animal foods and by-products. Strict vegans might also choose to boycott wool, silk, beeswax, leather and fur.
Consumption of red meat and poultry has been linked to an increased risk of diabetes, in part because of the high volume of heme iron in those meats, according to findings in the Singapore Chinese Health Study (opens in new tab).
Medlin says: The evidence here is mixed, as some studies (opens in new tab) have been able to show reduced levels of inflammation whilst on a plant-based diet. However, the risk of B12 and other micronutrient deficiencies can be higher in vegan and vegetarian diets which can negatively impact arthritis.
Eating more plants is definitely a good idea with arthritis as they have anti-inflammatory effects in the body. Eating more plants doesnt have to mean cutting out animal products.
Sophie Medlin is a consultant dietitian and the Chair for the British Dietetic Association for London, U.K. Sophie has expertise in gastrointestinal and colorectal health. She worked in acute hospitals specialising in gastrointestinal diseases before moving into academia, where she worked as a lecturer at Kings College London.
The physiological benefits of following a plant-based diet are many, but there are some possible mental ones too. Boston University School of Medicine (opens in new tab) researchers found that by eating more plant-based food such as berries and green leafy vegetables, while limiting consumption of foods high in saturated fat and animal products, you could slow down heart failure and ultimately lower your risk of cognitive decline and dementia.
Plant-based diets typically have a reduced saturated fat and higher unsaturated fat and fiber intake, a winning combination for heart health, which in turn is linked to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes, says Denby.
Numerous studies have shown the positive effects of plant-based diets particularly a vegetarian or vegan diet combined with nuts, soy, and fiber on cholesterol levels.
Plant-based diets have been associated with reduced levels of LDL cholesterol, otherwise known as our bad cholesterol, says Denby. LDL cholesterol promotes atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of fatty plaques in our blood vessels. As a result, LDL cholesterol increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, reduced LDL cholesterol helps reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
But Medlin warns that not all plant-based diets are created equal. She says: Plant-based diets tend to be lower in saturated fats, though this isn't always the case particularly as people increasingly rely on processed plant-based food.
Vegetarian and vegan diets have been shown to promote a healthy mix of beneficial bacteria promoting gut and overall health.
A plant-based diet can make it much easier to get your recommended 30g a day of dietary fiber, which will support your gut health.
Denby says: Your gut is home to numerous bacteria which use fiber, specifically prebiotics, to feed on and produce beneficial short chain fatty acids that support our health, including appetite control.
Medlin says: A study published in Frontiers in nutrition (opens in new tab) found that a plant-based diet may result in a more diverse and stable microbiome but more research is needed in this area. Ideally, a plant-based diet contains many different plants everyday and this is what can improve our microbial health and therefore our gut health.
Denby says: If a plant-based diet is high in fiber, it will also increase satiety since fiber takes time to digest, helping you feel fuller for longer. This may aid some attempting to manage their weight as it may decrease the frequency someone eats, thus reducing energy intake. Some research (opens in new tab) has shown an association between plant-based diets and reduced BMIs.
A study in Journal List (opens in new tab) found that of more than 10,000 people eating different diets, those who followed a plant-based plan had a significantly lower intake of energy, total fat and saturated fat, compared with those who did not.
Generally, those who follow a vegan diet tend to have lower BMIs than omnivores, adds Medlin. But now that we have so much processed vegan food, this BMI difference is likely to become less apparent. Some people gain weight on a vegan diet because they eat a lot more carbohydrate than they did on an omnivorous diet. Others will lose weight on a vegan diet as they will cut out processed meat, pastries and a lot of fast food. We are all different.
If youre looking to transition to a more plant-based diet, check out our plant based diet for beginners, as well as our plant-based meal plan.
Plus, whilst research suggests plant-based diets can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, this depends on the quality of your diet.
A plant-based diet high in saturated fat will still increase your risk of said health conditions, explains Denby. At the end of the day, the nutrients you're taking in still matter plant or animal based.
A systematic review published in the Nutrients (opens in new tab) journal concluded vegetarian and vegan diets reduced blood pressure in comparison with omnivorous diets. These researchers suggested this effect may be linked to a higher fiber and antioxidant intake and lower saturated fat intake on these diets.
According to Medlin, the term 'plant-based' tends to encapsulate plenty of fruit and vegetables, legumes and whole grains. It doesn't mean that you're strictly vegetarian or vegan, so dairy and meat can be consumed.
We generally think of a plant-based diet as being mostly plants with animal products being a smaller contributor, e.g. a salad with a small amount of chicken or an egg, says Medlin. Strict vegetarians do not consume any meat products, and vegans don't consume any product that's derived from an animal.
There are no strict rules as the term plant-based hasnt been defined, says Medlin. Its important to remember that sugar is plant-based and chips and other less healthy foods too, so it doesnt define healthy. In general it would be recognised that a plant-based diet contains less animal products than a standard diet, although when you look at government guidelines, a normal healthy diet is a plant-based diet.
Its absolutely possible to get all the correct nutrients on a carefully planned plant-based diet, says Denby.
However, the risk of micronutrient deficiencies on a plant-based diet occurs when its poorly planned, he says. When first starting a plant-based diet, you may need to take more time in planning meals to ensure you get all the necessary nutrients.
If someone isnt consuming dairy regularly, they should aim to find a milk alternative thats fortified with calcium, iodine, vitamin D and vitamin B12.
If someone isnt keen on oily fish, they can find essential omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts, linseeds or rapeseed oil. Alternatively, a microalgae-based supplement will help ensure good intakes of omega-3.
According to Denby, to make sure youre getting enough iron you should include beans, lentils, nuts, dried fruit and iron-fortified breakfast cereals in your diet. Selenium is commonly overlooked too, but just two to three Brazil nuts each day ensures you get all your selenium requirements for the day.
Vitamin B12 is typically found in animal-based foods, such as meat, fish, dairy and eggs. However, plant-based sources include nutritional yeast, yeast spreads and B12 fortified breakfast cereals.
Someone is more prone to nutrient deficiencies on a plant-based diet if theyre restrictive with the foods they eat and dont include variety, says Denby. Variety ensures youll receive a range of nutrients. Its also important that if you remove a certain food from your diet, such as milk, that you then replace that with a food containing similar nutrients, such as fortified dairy alternatives.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to offer medical advice.
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Carob, a raw diet, and washing chicken: More food myths and facts – The Tryon Daily Bulletin – Tryon Daily Bulletin
Posted: August 17, 2022 at 2:11 am
Published 11:39 am Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Most everyone wants to eat well because that is the primary way to stave off disease, get stronger, and increase energy levels. However, sometimes the nutritional decisions we make are founded on practices and rules that simply arent accurate or true. In part 3 of this series, lets take a look at more food myths and facts.
Myth: Carob is more healthful than chocolate. Fact: Carob is often marketed as a healthy alternative to chocolate. Carob is produced from the pod of the carob tree. It is naturally sweet and is usually sold as a powder, chip, bar, or syrup. Chocolate is made from fermented roasted and ground cocoa seed kernels. Carob does contain some dietary fiber, B vitamins, and antioxidants, with no caffeine or theobromine (a compound found in chocolate that actually provides healthful benefits). However, processed carob usually comes with added sugar and fat, so unless youre eating pure carob, there arent many health advantages to choosing carob over chocolate.
Myth: White chocolate is a type of chocolate. Fact: White chocolate is not actually chocolate-and it doesnt really taste like it. White chocolate is made from cocoa butter mixed with sugar, and vanilla is added for flavoring.
Myth: A raw diet is best for nutrient uptake. Fact: Raw diets do provide some health benefits such as fewer calories and high fiber. However, this strategy can be nutritionally inadequate, and restrictive, as not all foods are best eaten raw. Properly cooking some foods actually increases their nutrient bioavailability. Thats just a fancy phrase for the ease with which the body can extract and use nutrients. Cooked tomatoes, for example, yield almost twice the amount of the cancer-fighting phytonutrient lycopene as fresh tomatoes. Steaming broccoli increases its healthful compounds, glucosinolates, and steamed green beans have greater cholesterol-lowering benefits than raw green beans.
Myth: To lose weight you must give up your favorite foods. Fact: You dont have to surrender your favorites to lose body fat. As many of you know, football season is upon us, and I love it. However, its difficult for me to enjoy a football game whilst munching on broccoli florets. The truth is that you can still indulge in small amounts of your favorite high-calorie foods. Just be ready to get back to clean eating and working out.
Myth: Eating fat makes you fat. Fact: While its true that fat grams contain more calories (9 calories per gram) than protein or carbohydrates (4 calories per gram), thats not the whole story. Healthful dietary fats, such as those found in nuts, olive oil, salmon, and avocados, are still an essential component of our diets. Also, consuming fats help keep you satiated by slowing the digestion process, so you stay fuller longer and eat less.
Myth: You should wash chicken before cooking. Fact: It may seem like common sense to wash off your chicken before cooking, but this could do more harm than good. The minute water is introduced, pathogens are given the ability to migrate from the chicken to other places, which could contaminate your kitchen. Also, water alone does not kill bacteria. Cooking to proper temperatures kills bacteria. By the way, the same goes for fish.
Myth: Carbohydrates are bad for you. Fact: You cant live without carbohydrates. They are the bodys main source of fuel. There are three types of carbohydrates: monosaccharides (honey or cane sugar), disaccharides (beetroot or carrots), and polysaccharides (corn, rice, or potatoes). In the body, carbohydrates are converted into glycogen. Glycogen is to you what starch is to a potatoits animal sugar, and it fuels your skeletal muscles, brain, kidneys, heart muscles, and central nervous system. I do recommend consuming more polysaccharides, as these wont tend to drive up blood sugar levels like monosaccharides, which can lead to type 2 diabetes.
David Crocker is a nutritionist and master personal trainer. Questions? Email David at Or text to 864-494-6215.
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Carob, a raw diet, and washing chicken: More food myths and facts - The Tryon Daily Bulletin - Tryon Daily Bulletin
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