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Everything You Need To Know About The Dirty Vegan Diet – Men’s Health
Posted: June 5, 2020 at 11:48 am
That's why the Dirty Vegan Diet is good food for thought for those struggling to go fully plant-based.It still excludesall animal products(seafood, eggs, dairy, meat, and poultry) although you can have processed foods thatmimic animal-based meals.Think jackfruit calamari, soy cheese, beyond burgers and seitan chicken.
According to Peoplemagazine, the term is sometimes used to reference to those who mainly still to a vegan diet butloosen the reigns on occasion (see also: "chegan.")
I tend to call myself a dirty vegan. Im mostly plant-based but if I do need to eat some meat, Ill have it," actress Lisa Rinna told the outlet.
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RELATED:Everything You Need To Know About Getting Protein On A Plant-Based Diet
Yes and no, depending on how often you're indulging in these faux meats.
"I wouldnt advise having heavily processed food,"Melanie Boehmer, R.D tells Men's Health.
She recommends asking yourself sans judgement why you prefer vegan products that look and taste like animal-based dishes. This will better help you assess your motive for adopting the eating regime. For example, do you love steak but want to eat fewer animal products for environmental reasons? If so, make sure you're chowing down on a wide variety of whole foods to ensure you meet your RDI for certain nutrients, for example, protein and iron. Or, maybe you're following a vegan diet because you think it helps with weight loss. If that's the case, know it is totallypossible to reach your goals without restricting any foods.
"You have the ability to make this beautiful plate full of flavours and colours [on the vegan diet]. It can be a nutrition bomb in the best way," she says. That said, if you find yourself replacing well-balanced meals with less nutritious options, say, a grilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread vs a plate of deep-fried faux cheese, this might not be the best option for you.
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Start simple, says Boehmer. Why not try your hand at meat-free Mondays or even going plant-based for one meal per week? Then, come up with a list of your favourite recipes and make some simple swaps. Beef bolognese tastes epic when made with lentils and a bean-based pasta is a simple way to sneak in extra nutrients.
She also recommends avoiding super complicated recipes. "If you make this easy for yourself, then its going to be easy," she adds.
RELATED:14 Vegan Foods That Are Loaded With Iron
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Vitamin D deficiency: The subtle pain you should never ignore – it could be serious – Express
Posted: June 5, 2020 at 11:48 am
The vitamin is needed to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.
A lack of vitamin D can lead to serious complications, including osteomalacia, rickets, or some deformities.
But, the symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency can be very difficult to spot.
One of the hidden warning signs of the condition is having severe bone pain, it's been revealed.
READ MORE: Vitamin D deficiency symptoms - what can you smell?
"Severe lack of vitamin D causes rickets, which shows up in children as incorrect growth patterns, weakness in muscles, pain in bones and deformities in joints," said the Cleveland Clinic.
"This is very rare. However, children who are deficient in vitamin D can also have muscle weakness or sore and painful muscles.
"Lack of vitamin D is not quite as obvious in adults.
"Signs and symptoms might include fatigue, bone pain, muscle weakness, muscle aches, or muscle cramps, and mood changes, like depression."
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Vitamin D deficiency: The subtle pain you should never ignore - it could be serious - Express
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Review webinar: Reducing antibiotics and ZnO in weaner diets – All about feed
Posted: June 5, 2020 at 11:48 am
Yeast solutions can play a prominent nutritional role in overcoming the negative consequences of weaning for young piglets. That was the main message of a webinar, held on Wednesday May 27. The webinar is now ready for re-viewing.
3 prominent speakers shared their ideas at the webinar, which was held by Phileo by Lesaffre and powered by Pig Progress and its sister title All About Feed. The broadcast was hosted from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with speakers connected to the studio from all over the planet.
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The webinar was kicked off by Dr Megan Edwards, independent nutritionist at Integral Nutrition, based in Vietnam. She described the challenges weaner pigs are facing once they are weaned and zoomed in on nutritional solutions that are available for pork producers to alleviate the effects. In her talk, she touched on e.g. nucleotides, myo-inositol, glutamine and threonine. While launching a plea for novel ways to manage gut health, she concluded that heavy metals and antibiotics have potentially covered up some of our nutritional short comings in the past.
She added: We can minimise the need for therapeutic zinc oxide and the potential increase in antibiotic use by better understanding the key needs of the weaner pig during its developmental phase (weaning to 7-10 weeks). Management practices and nutrition, she said, can have a positive and synergistic effect.
The line-up of the webinar with speakers Dr Megan Edwards, Dr Tadele Kiros and Shen Fei Long. - Photo: Company Webcast
The microphone went from Vietnam to Canada, where Dr Tadele Kiros, global R&D manager swine, of Phileo by Lesaffre, addressed the effect of probiotic yeast strain Sc 47 on pig gut microbiota. He said that modification of gut microbiota can be a tool to reduce antibiotics usage. He therefore introduced the results of 2 trials to test whether probiotic yeast can modify gut microbiota of piglets towards beneficial bacteria.
That was the case, he concluded, as yeast supplementation in piglet diets modified the microbial composition of piglets towards beneficial bacteria, increased phylogenetic similarity and homogeneity of microbiota between pigs and enhanced positive correlations among different bacterial genera.
What that all meant in practice for pig performance was presented by the last speaker, Shin Fei Long, PhD researcher at China Agricultural University and North Carolina State University. He also presented the outcomes of 2 trials, where the effects of yeast supplementation was measured on healthy weaned pigs and those challenged with Eschericihia coli.
He concluded: Live yeast can be antibiotic and zinc oxide substitutes on improving growth performance, nutrient digestibility, serum immunoglobulin, antioxidant status, and volatile fatty acids in faeces of weaned pigs.
In addition, he said, Dietary live yeast supplementation can replace antibiotics on improving growth performance and intestinal integrity, maintaining the normal body temperature and reducing diarrhoea in pigs after enterotoxigenic E. coli K88 challenge.
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Alternative and Complementary Treatments for Cancer –
Posted: June 4, 2020 at 12:48 pm
On this page:BasicsComplementary TreatmentAlternative Treatment EffectivenessSide EffectsCancer Cure ScansDiet and Exercise
Youve seen the headlines about natural medicine trends, from yoga to supplements to diet and exercise fads. When it comes to cancer, you want to know what will help you safely regain your health during treatment and after. But there are loads of competing, sometimes-confusing info to sift through. What can you trust? Well, you can start with us here at HealthCentral: We went to the experts to learn all the science-based truth on complementary care for cancer.
First, lets clarify how cancer comes to be: Cancer occurs when abnormal cells anywhere in your body grow out of control, due to mutations in their DNA. Normal cells divide, age and die predictably, copying DNA as they go. Cancer cells, however, dont follow those rules. Rather than die off, they mutate, replicate, and form tumors.
Whats known as the primary site of your cancer is the spot where these cells start growing, and that organ or area determines the type of cancer you have. When cancerous cells journey through your blood or lymphatic system (the network of tissues and organs that flush out toxins, waste, and other undesirables), the areas they invade are metastatic sites.
Note that a cell can be abnormal without being cancerous (also known as malignant). It could be benign (not cancer), or precancerous or premalignant (likely to become cancer). Through screening and testing, docs can determine exactly what youre dealing with.
That depends on what kind of cancer you have, what stage its in, and other factors. Treatment can include:
Doctors often try more than one treatment, spaced out over weeks and months, as they gauge how your body responds. Your doc might even start you on multiple treatments at the same time.
Youve probably heard of complementary care. Or maybe you know it as alternative care. You know a bit of what these treatments might include (youre thinking meditation, herbs, and maybe yoga?). But did you know that while complementary and alternative care are often lumped together (as CAM, Complementary and Alternative Medicine), theyre not the same?
Complementary medicine is used in addition to conventional cancer care. It can include products, practices, and healthcare systems outside of mainstream medicine. These methods dont cure cancer, but work in conjunction with conventional cancer treatments to help in a variety of ways, including pain management and emotional support. Many complementary medicine practices can be considered evidence-based medicine (scientifically studied in randomized controlled trials, the highest level of evidence that guides cancer care).
When complementary medicine works harmoniously with conventional medicine, its an approach known as integrative medicine, or integrated care, where physicians treat you holisticallymeaning caring for you as a whole patient, taking into account all facets of your cancer experience. These can include:
When integrative medicine is administered to treat cancer, its known as integrative oncology, a patient-centered, evidence-informed field of cancer care. It may include:
Alternative medicine, in contrast, is used in place of conventional medicine. Rather than going hand-in-hand with, say surgery and chemo, alternative medicine is done instead of those evidence-based cancer treatments.
A quick note: before you try any new approach during (and after) your cancer treatment journey, make sure to discuss it with your doctor.
If youve used or are considering using complementary medicine as a cancer patient, youre not alonea national survey found that 65% of respondents whod been diagnosed with cancer had used some form of it.
Theres good reason to explore complementary care if you have cancer. It can be part of your supportive carehelping where you need it, like soothing and calming your mind and body as you go through this challenging time. Indeed, research suggests that complementary medicine can assist by:
There are easily hundreds of complementary treatments for cancer, so weve selected a small sample to discuss here. Possibilities include:
Acupuncture: Theres substantial evidence that this ancient Chinese practice of using sterile needles to stimulate different areas of the body can help manage cancer treatment-related nausea and vomiting. It may also help relieve cancer pain and other symptoms, but theres not enough evidence yet to support that.
Herbs: Ginger, for instance, has been shown to help control nausea from chemotherapy when used with conventional anti-nausea medications. Just keep in mind that any supplements you consume can change your body physiologicallynothing you ingest is without the potential for adverse effects. For instance, herbs can impact blood sugar levels and the bloods ability to clot.
Massage therapy: Sure, it feels sublime, and it turns out to have additional benefits too: research suggests that massage therapy can help relieve some cancer symptoms including:
Just be careful not to have deep tissue massage near surgery sites, tumors, or any medical devices. And always tell your therapist about your cancer diagnosis.
Meditation: Mindfulness-based meditation has been shown to improve quality of life during treatment. How? Studies of cancer patients have revealed the following happiness-boosting benefits:
Supplements: Herbal supplements for cancer could potentially help manage side effects like nausea and vomiting, pain, and fatigue, but more scientific evidence is required to make safe decisions about the use of these supplements.
Yoga: Preliminary data of this ancient mind/body practice from India suggests that those who do yoga could see improvements in these areas:
Another benefit: It might help lessen fatigue in breast cancer patients and survivors. More study into the myriad benefits of yoga is needed.
Other approaches: These include hypnosis, relaxation therapy, and biofeedback, all of which might help manage cancer symptoms and treatment side effects, based on study results.
One thing to note about all of these approaches: they might not be covered by your health insurance. According to the American Cancer Society, major insurers, including Blue Cross and Medicare, are starting to cover some complementary treatments. On the list above, acupuncture is most commonly covered. Contact your insurer to see what complementary treatments, if any, are paid for. They might be able to direct you to local providers who are covered under your plan.
When the treatments we discussed earlier (and the hundreds of others that are offered) are used in place of conventional medicine, its known as an alternative treatment. Nearly 40%, or 4 out of 10 Americans, believes that cancer can be cured by alternative treatments, a 2018 survey of cancer patients and people without cancer, found. However, while research shows that complementary medicine can play an important role in conventional cancer medicine, the same hasnt been readily found for alternative treatment.
Case in point: in 2009, the Society for Integrative Oncology (the leading international organization for healthcare professionals and researchers working in the field of complementary therapies in cancer care) published guidelines for healthcare professionals when using complementary medicine.
The org reminded healthcare professionals and patients that unproven cancer treatment methods shouldnt be used in place of conventional options because delaying cancer treatment thats evidence-based and shown to work reduces the chance of remission/cure for cancer patients.
Its important to talk with your healthcare professionals about the risks of using alternative therapies so you can make an informed decision about whats best for your health.
There are definite side effects with CAM. You might think that because something is natural, its safe. But this isnt always the case. Arsenic is natural, for instance, but you wouldnt want to start taking it in large doses.
Another example: Chemotherapy has a multitude of side effects because it destroys both cancerous cells and healthy cells. Its been cited by many as harmful because its made from chemicals. But did you know, some forms of chemo come from nature? Three drugs (Vincristine, Vinblastine, and Vinorelbine) are derived from plant alkaloids and are made from the periwinkle plant (Catharanthus Rosea). Chemo drugs called taxanes (Paclitaxel and Docetaxel) come from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree (Taxus).
Know too that just because something is sold, doesnt mean its been vetted or approved for usefor safety or qualityby the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA doesnt regulate vitamins and supplements, so the onus is on us to do our best to source safe, trustworthy products.
Its vital to tell your cancer healthcare team about every treatment and therapy youre using for your cancer, whether its receiving acupuncture for nausea, going to the chiropractor for pain, adding St. Johns Wort to your supplement regime to help manage depression, or getting a massage to feel better.
If youre reluctant to be open with your doc, youre not alone: 29% of cancer patients did not disclose their CAM practices to their providers, according to one study. Secret-keeping could be downright dangerous. Lets use these four seemingly innocuous examples to illustrate why:
Being open with your doc--both before you start a complementary treatment and while youre on it--is key to helping it complement, rather than detract, from the conventional care youre receiving.
When you have cancer, you of course want a cure (as quickly and painlessly as possible, please). But that desire can leave you vulnerable to fake claims, especially in the alternative medicine space. Both the FDA and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regularly warn the public about fraudulent cancer treatments.
It can be hard to spot the signs of snake oil. Without a medical degree, how can you be wise to empty promises? Youll often see the same language used in cancer CAM scams, according to the FDA. These phrases should raise a red flag that a treatment is just too good to be true:
Heres how you can protect yourself while receiving evidence-based integrated care:
You might be wondering now: with all this talk of complementary and alternative medicine, what about food? And diet? And exercise? What role does it play in all this? Is there a cancer diet that could be a complementary treatment?
Turns out, theres a strong body of evidence that a healthy diet and regular physical activity are associated with a reduced risk of cancer. The scientific literature links nutrition to cancer prevention based on specific physiologic pathways, including reducing inflammation, regulating hormones, and preventing oxidative stress. Even after a cancer diagnosis, by making smart choices about what they put on their plate, patients can:
Food has power. To wield it, the American Institute for Cancer Research and American Cancer Society recommends you:
As for physical activity? While you should talk to your healthcare team about what kind and amount of exercise is safe during treatment, The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has issued guidelines for physical activity for cancer survivors, suggesting 150-300 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity. Exercise is a real magic pill, helping to:
As you can imagine, all of these benefits that come along with being active are particularly important when youre trying to put cancer behind you. Resistance training, in particular, has been proven to improve:
Exercise, like so many CAM options, can help you both feel stronger and respond to treatment better. Just as with other types of complementary treatments, youll want to talk to your doc about how to integrate it, so you can reap the maximum benefits both from your lifestyle changes and your conventional cancer treatment.
Researchers have found that a healthy diet is associated with a reduced risk of cancer. Even if you have cancer, it can help lessen the impact of side effects and improve your quality of life. Studies link nutrition to cancer prevention based on specific physiologic pathways, including reducing inflammation, regulating hormones, and preventing oxidative stress. All to say that food matters.
Heres the thing: there are therapies that can help you go into remission (the period when your signs and symptoms of cancer are reduced). And some healthcare professionals consider cancer cured if it hasnt returned after five years (also called complete remission). Treatments that achieve a complete remission/cure can include therapies that come from a natural source, like some forms of chemo, which are derived from plant alkaloids. But anyone promising a natural cure for cancer that doesnt have evidence to back up that claim is likely pedaling bunk.
As weve discussed, herbs can be excellent complementary treatment in oncology for things like nausea, but any claim of curing cancer should be tempered by evidence-based medicine results (meaning, proof to back up those claims).
The American Academy of Dermatology warns that black salve isnt as safe as you might think, stating that it has never been proven to work. An article on the AADs website cites reports of bad outcomes for people who tried to treat their cancer (including melanoma) using black salve. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns against products that are touted as cures for cancer without evidence: The FDA urges consumers to steer clear of these potentially unsafe and unproven products and to always discuss cancer treatment options with their licensed health care provider.
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Annual "Shred Cancer" Event to Raise $55000 for Cancer Prevention Research – PR Web
Posted: June 4, 2020 at 12:48 pm
The first week of June is a special time for us at PROSHRED as our locations come together to hold paper shredding events in their local communities to contribute to the work AICR does.
WASHINGTON (PRWEB) June 03, 2020
PROSHRED Security (PROSHRED) will be celebrating the seventh anniversary for their annual nationwide Shred Cancer event on Saturday October 10, 2020 in partnership with The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR). Community members are invited to bring their personal information to be securely shred while raising funds for cancer research.
The event will be held throughout the country at 28 Proshred locations. Event times will vary by location. To view event locations and timings, visit Individuals may bring boxes of documents or multi-media to one of PROSHREDs on-site shredding trucks to safely and securely dispose of unwanted personal information. The event is free to attend and a suggested donation of $5 per box will go directly towards funding AICRs cancer research and education programs. Several locations will host additional events and raffles.
Cancer is an indiscriminate disease. Directly or indirectly, it touches everyone. AICR has taken the latest research and made 10 Cancer Prevention Recommendations to help people live healthier lives. We are committed to putting what we know about cancer prevention into action and give people the resources to make healthy choices and help prevent nearly half of all cancer diagnoses, said Jennifer Mercer, AICRs Senior Vice President of Development. AICRs partnership with Jeffrey and the entire PROSHRED community has been crucial to funding our research and has made an impact on the health of millions of Americans.
Jeffrey Hasham, Chief Executive Officer of PROSHRED, commented, The first week of June is a special time for us at PROSHRED as our locations come together to hold paper shredding events in their local communities to contribute to the work AICR does. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have moved our events to the fall of 2020, in most locations that will be October 10, 2020. During this time, we hope to continue to raise awareness and support AICR through online engagement. We hope to see everyone on October 10 to celebrate our 7th annual nationwide event. Together, we can Shred Cancer.
Started in 2014 on National Cancer Survivors Day, PROSHRED has contributed over $200,000 to cancer research. This year AICR and Proshred have set a goal to raise $55,000.
About PROSHRED Security
PROSHRED shreds and recycles confidential information and proprietary materials for thousands of customers in the United States in all industry sectors. PROSHRED is the pioneer of the mobile document destruction and is both ISO 9001 and NAID AAA certified.
It is PROSHREDs vision to be the system of choice and provider of shredding and recycling services on a global basis. Today, PROSHRED services over 30 U.S. markets in the United States and has a total of 36 locations worldwide. For more information, please visit,
About the American Institute for Cancer Research
Our vision: We want to live in a world where no one develops a preventable cancer.
Our mission: The American Institute for Cancer Research champions the latest and most authoritative scientific research from around the world on cancer prevention and survival through diet, weight and physical activity, so that we can help people make informed lifestyle choices to reduce their cancer risk.
We have contributed over $109 million for innovative research conducted at universities, hospital and research centers across the country. Find evidence-based tools and information for lowering cancer risk, including AICRs Cancer Prevention Recommendations, at
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Human Rights Commission threatens Schfer with court action over reopening of schools – Independent Online
Posted: June 4, 2020 at 12:48 pm
By Yolisa Tswanya Jun 3, 2020
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SAHRC commissioner Andre Gaum said the commission wrote to Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga, as well as to Western Cape Education MEC Debbie Schfer, asking her to stick to the rules or face court action.
Gaum said they were of the view that the Western Cape should have remained closed after Motshekga announced that learners should return next week, as opposed to the gazetted date of June 1.
There was a national announcement that they must open on June 8. Opening in one province does not amount to equality. We require her to stick to national direction and that there will be no teaching and learning this week.
"It is important that we do not have a divisive approach, we are one country and we need to make sure schools are ready and no learners are disadvantaged.
He said the province complied when schools were told to close, but were not doing so now.
It is about weighing up rights, the right to health is also applicable here and its also about equal enjoyment of rights.
Schfers spokesperson, Kerry Mauchline, said Schfer received the letter from the SAHRC, and responded saying schooling will continue in the province.
She said that while they did have some challenges on the first day, over 98% of schools were open for learners to arrive.
We did have some challenges yesterday, such as a couple of cases where learners were prevented from attending school by members of the community.
This is being addressed by the department, as learners cannot be denied their right to a basic education. We would like to thank all our principals and teachers that have prepared for the return of learners to schools, and which have safely received learners yesterday.
"We have received countless reports of orientation taking place, following screening measures on arrival at schools, she said.
Meanwhile, former DA leader and now founder of the One South Africa movement, Mmusi Maimane, has filed papers at the Constitutional Court seeking a postponement of the opening of schools. The case is set to be heard on Friday.
The One South Africa movement will be proceeding with our Constitutional Court case seeking the decision for schools to reopen to be suspended for 60 days, during which the government must provide, under the supervision of the Constitutional Court, proof of the existence of a comprehensive readiness and implementation plan.
The plan must precede the simultaneous reopening of any grade or category of learners, the movement said.
Motshekgas spokesperson, Elijah Mhlanga, did not respond to questions by deadline.
Cape Times
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Gastroparesis treated primarily with diet: Ask the Doctors –
Posted: June 4, 2020 at 12:47 pm
For those with the condition, the stomach is slow to empty its contents into the small intestine.
Q: My husband started having a lot of stomach pain and was also feeling queasy. Needless to say, I feared the worst cancer but, instead, his doctor says it's gastroparesis. Is it dangerous? What's the best treatment?
A: Gastroparesis is the name of a condition in which the stomach is slow to empty its contents into the small intestine. This isn't due to any type of blockage. Instead, as the name of the condition suggests ("gastro" refers to the stomach, and "paresis" indicates nerve-related muscle weakness), the cause is a malfunction in the nerves that serve the region. This includes the vagus nerve, which animates the stomach muscles and helps send food to the small intestine. Symptoms include the pain and nausea your husband experienced, as well as poor appetite, feeling full after only small amounts of food or drink, heartburn and unintended weight loss.
When functioning properly, the stomach takes about four hours to saturate its contents with gastric juices, break everything up into smaller particles and pass the majority of it along to the small intestine. For people living with gastroparesis, the process takes significantly longer.
The result is delayed digestion, which can lead to a range of problems. Food that remains in the stomach for too long is susceptible to fermentation, which can encourage the growth of bacteria. The condition can interfere with appetite and sometimes leads to malnutrition. When the contents of the stomach are stalled, they can coagulate into a mass known as a bezoar, which can cause a blockage. And for people living with diabetes, the delayed movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine can interfere with glucose control.
Gastroparesis is often seen in people living with diabetes, which can cause nerve damage. It may also arise as the result of viral stomach infections, hypothyroidism, certain autoimmune or neurological disorders, or surgical injury. It's a known (albeit rare) side effect of medications such as opioids, antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants and calcium-channel blockers, which can impede digestion.
Diet is important in the management of gastroparesis, with an emphasis on nutrient density and ease of digestion. Patients are asked to eat small meals of soft, well-cooked food, and to avoid high-fat foods, which delay the emptying of the stomach. Foods high in fiber are difficult to digest and are also limited, or in some cases eliminated. Fruits and vegetables, which contain nondigestible fiber, should be served cooked, and in some cases pureed. For instance, instead of an apple, a patient will have a small serving of applesauce. They are also encouraged to drink liquids that contain glucose and electrolytes, including clear soups, low-fat broths, low-fiber fruit and vegetable juices or sports drinks. Since glucose control and malnutrition are both a challenge, many people with gastroparesis work with a registered dietitian.
When the condition can't be managed with diet, medications that cause the stomach to contract and emerging therapies such as electrical gastric stimulation may be an option. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. We recommend that your husband seek out a gastroenterologist to fully assess his case and plan his treatment.
Send your questions to, or write: Ask the Doctors, c/o UCLA Health Sciences Media Relations, 10880 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1450, Los Angeles, CA, 90024.
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Want To Run Faster? Here’s The Diet Change That Lets You Do It In 4 Days – Medical Daily
Posted: June 4, 2020 at 12:47 pm
Looking for a simple dietary change that can improve your stamina and help you run faster in as fast as four days? If so, then the Mediterranean diet might be what you need.
Mediterranean Diet: Run Faster In Four Days
Thanks to numerous researchers, studies and people who actually experienced the results, weve all been praising the Mediterranean diet for quite a while now. More of a lifestyle than a diet, this strategy has been known to help with inflammation, promote heart health, improve organ function and even reduce the risk of your developing depression.
But did you know that for athletes who want to improve their performance and endurance, the diet can come in very handy too?
Thats right, because a study made by a team of researchers from Saint Louis University (SLU) in Missouri revealed that people who follow the diet are known to improve their running and endurance by six percent in a mere four days. The team reportedly recruited a group of men and women and required them to run on a treadmill after four days of eating the diet strictly. As for what they ate, it involved at least three servings of nuts and fruits, four tablespoons of olive oil and at least two servings of vegetables. Additionally, they also limited their consumption of meat, sodas and sweets.
From this, the team was able to conclude that following the diet helped them move six percent faster than when they were on a diet high in refined sugars, fat and salt.
Many individual nutrients in the Mediterranean diet improve exercise performance immediately or within a few days. Therefore, it makes sense that a whole dietary pattern that includes these nutrients is also quick to improve performance. However, these benefits were also quickly lost when switching to the Western diet, highlighting the importance of long-term adherence to the Mediterranean diet, Edward Weiss, studys senior researcher and a professor of nutrition and dietetics, said.
Like the general population, athletes and other exercise enthusiasts commonly eat unhealthy diets. Now they have an additional incentive to eat healthy, he added.
Running a marathon has been found helping people reverse the hearts biological age and improve cardiovascular health. Pixabay
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ASK THE DOCTORS: Condition gastroparesis treated primarily with diet – Journal Times
Posted: June 4, 2020 at 12:47 pm
Gastroparesis is often seen in people living with diabetes, which can cause nerve damage. It may also arise as the result of viral stomach infections, hypothyroidism, certain autoimmune or neurological disorders, or surgical injury. Its a known (albeit rare) side effect of medications such as opioids, antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants and calcium-channel blockers, which can impede digestion.
Diet is important in the management of gastroparesis, with an emphasis on nutrient density and ease of digestion. Patients are asked to eat small meals of soft, well-cooked food, and to avoid high-fat foods, which delay the emptying of the stomach. Foods high in fiber are difficult to digest and are also limited, or in some cases eliminated. Fruits and vegetables, which contain nondigestible fiber, should be served cooked, and in some cases pureed. For instance, instead of an apple, a patient will have a small serving of applesauce. They are also encouraged drink liquids that contain glucose and electrolytes, including clear soups, low-fat broths, low-fiber fruit and vegetable juices, or sports drinks. Since glucose control and malnutrition are both a challenge, many people with gastroparesis work with a registered dietitian.
When the condition cant be managed with diet, medications that cause the stomach to contract and emerging therapies such as electrical gastric stimulation may be an option. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. We recommend that your husband seek out a gastroenterologist to fully assess his case and plan his treatment.
Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health.
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Always hungry? Thats because you have 5 different appetites – Netdoctor
Posted: June 4, 2020 at 12:47 pm
If you frequently find yourself staring into the fridge, there could be good reason. Humans have five distinct appetites, scientists say, which work in tandem to ensure we get specific amounts of the nutrients our bodies need to work efficiently: protein, carbs, fats, sodium, and calcium.
In studying animal behaviours over the last 30 years, researchers David Raubenheimer and Stephen Simpson authors of Eat Like the Animals: What Nature Teaches Us About Healthy Eating have gone on to make significant discoveries about the human diet.
Their study of a female Cape baboon in the Cape Peninsula of South Africa, published in the journal PLOS One, showed evidence of longer-term nutrient regulation. Over 30 days, they recorded everything the baboon known as Stella consumed.
While the foods varied widely each day, her diet was a strikingly consistent balance of protein to non-protein (fat and carbohydrate) energy across the month. Raubenheimer and Simpson went on to replicate their appetite research in human subjects.
A volunteer group of 10 people stayed in a chalet for a week, eating from a buffet at their leisure for two days. They were split across two groups a high-protein buffet and a low-protein, high-carb, high-fat buffet for two days, returning to the original buffet for the final two.
The results, published in the journal Appetite, revealed that those on the low-protein diet ate more calories and carbs to replenish the missing protein, while those on high-protein diets consumed fewer to compensate for the imbalance.
It is a mistake to think of appetite as a single, powerful drive to eat.
It is a mistake to think of appetite as a single, powerful drive to eat, Raubenheimer and Simpson write in New Scientist. We need separate appetites to keep track of various nutrients, and hence to construct a balanced diet.
Why protein, carbs, fats, sodium, and calcium? Those five have been singled out by evolution for good reasons, the researchers continue. One is that there is a limit to how complex biological systems can get and still operate efficiently. We couldn't have specific appetites for dozens of nutrients.
Another is that these nutrients are needed in very specific quantities. Third, some components, like sodium, were often rare in our ancestral environments and we needed dedicated machinery to seek them out, for example in mineral deposits.
Ultra-processed foods usually contain ingredients that you wouldnt add when cooking at home chemicals, colourings, emulsifiers, sweeteners, stabilisers and preservatives and can be found in all sorts of products, from breads and cereals to ready meals and reconstituted meat products.
They are low in high quality proteins and high in simple sugars and processed carbs, says Dr Aamer Khan, co-founder of the Harley Street Skin Clinic. They may lack certain vital minerals that manufacturers avoid using because of cost.
The more ultra-processed foods we eat, the more calories we need to consume to reach our target quota of protein. And we naturally gravitate towards that target, even when it means consuming excess carbs and fats to reach it.
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Ultra-processed foods make us fat, but not because we have strong appetites for the fats and carbs they contain, as is often thought to be the case, Raubenheimer and Simpson write.
Rather, it is because our appetite for protein is stronger than our ability to limit fat and carb intake. So, when protein is diluted by fats and carbs, our appetite for it overwhelms the mechanisms that normally tell us to stop eating fats and carbs.
In much the same way, going overboard on the protein can have its pitfalls, if youre consistently switching your veggies with steak.
A diet biased towards too much protein will not only restrict calorific intake, but also micronutrient and mineral intake, Dr Khan says. This can result in the breakdown of the normal functioning of the healthy body, the slowing of the metabolism and breakdown of the immune system.
Aim for a balance of macronutrients thats protein, carbs and fats at every meal. Protein is used for building and repairing body tissues, says Dr Khan. Carbs give energy; fats give slow release energy and fat-soluble micronutrients and minerals.
Get acquainted with the spice rack at every opportunity. You could even grow your own fresh herbs. Seasoning is important, it gives micronutrients, he says.
And if you tend to gulp down your meal in a few large mouthfuls, try slowing things down. It takes 10 to 15 minutes for your gut to tell your brain you are full, he says.
Above all, channel your inner Stella next time you go food shopping eating a wide variety of different foods will help you reach your macro and micronutrient requirements naturally.
Diets that are well balanced will allow satiation without taking on foods that have a high calorific value, such as carbs and fats, and also allow sufficient intake of the micronutrients and minerals that are essential to the healthy workings of the human body, says Dr Khan.
Eat Like the Animals: What Nature Teaches Us About Healthy Eating by David Raubenheimer and Stephen Simpson is out now (William Collins).
Last updated: 01-06-2020
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Always hungry? Thats because you have 5 different appetites - Netdoctor
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