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Negative thoughts led to eating disorder for Riverheads runner – The News Leader
Posted: May 30, 2020 at 12:46 am
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Tyler Wilmer had to overcome an eating disorder while he was a freshman and sophomore at Riverheads, but now he's ready to help others who face similar issues.(Photo: Patrick Hite/The News Leader)
STAUNTON - It was the night before the state cross country meet in 2017. The Riverheads boys team had qualified for the race and Tyler Wilmer, then a sophomore, was excited about getting the opportunity to run.
A call from his doctor changed all of that. Blood work had come back indicating Wilmer'selectrolytes were too low.His heart rate was low also, and the doctor said that if Wilmer ran, he could die. Heart failure was a very real concern.
Jessica Wilmerhad to break the news to her sonthat he couldn't run in the state meet.
"It was pretty devastating," she said. "He had worked so hard."
It was a health issue that had started more than a year earlier when Wilmer was a freshman. He began to have negative thoughts about himself, feeling like he wasn't good enough or that he didn't perform well enough on the cross country course. He didn't like the way he looked.
"I started having these terrible mental thoughts about myself," he said.
He coped with those thoughts by using extreme diets and long exercise routines. He started dropping weight, which he was happy about, but he was never satisfied that it was enough. He ate less and less.
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Jessica Wilmer noticed something was wrong with her son. At first, she and her husband, Andy, just thought he was losing weight because he started running. But they began to realize it was more than typical weight loss. He was being very restrictive with what he ate, and his parents knew that wasn't good.
"Then it kind of snowballed until we knew something was really wrong," Jessica Wilmersaid.
She took him to the pediatrician, but could never get a diagnosis that seemed correct. That's when his parentstook him to the Teen and Young Adult Health Center at the University of Virginia. They diagnosed him almost immediately.
Wilmer was suffering from anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder characterized by weight loss and a distorted body image. At the beginning of his freshman year Wilmer weighed 165pounds. By his sophomore year, he was down to 104 pounds.
Tyler Wilmer, standing between his parents, Jessica and Andy, struggled with an eating disorder during his freshman and sophomore years at Riverheads.(Photo: Submitted)
"It was a very difficult sophomore and junior year for me," he said.
The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)cited a study showing that males represent 25% of individuals with anorexia nervosa, and they are at a higher risk of dying from the disease.
Young people in general, those between the ages of 15 and 24 with anorexia, have 10 times the risk of dying compared to their peers in the same age group, according to NEDA.
Until he was healthier, running was out for Wilmer.He not only missed that state cross country meet as a sophomore, but he also missed the indoor and outdoor track seasons.
He was hospitalized three times. He took classes and was in therapy. None of it seemed to be working until he found residential treatment, a live-in healthcare facility where Wilmer stayed for five weeks in the summer before his junior year.
There were other people around his age in treatment with him, but Wilmer had very limited contact with anyone outside of the facility. That included no contact with family for the first three days.
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When the shorter hospitalizations weren't working, Jessica Wilmerknew that residential treatment was probably the next step.
"It was a hard decision," she said. "Probably the hardest one we ever had to make."
The first 72 hours there were the most difficult. He didn't go willingly. Looking back now, he said he was in "complete denial," and wasn't happy that he was placed in treatment, butalmost two yearslater he understands the benefits.
"It made like a spark go off in my head that I needed to recover," he said, "and I needed to really focus on becoming happy again."
He returned to running as a junior. And now, with high school over, Wilmer is ready for the next chapter in his life. He'll be attending Roanoke College in the fall, where he'll run cross country and track.
Tyler Wilmer will be running for Roanoke College next year.(Photo: Tom Jacobs/The News Leader)
He also wants to major in health and physical education. For now he's considering going into the mental health field when college is over, possibly as a therapist or nutritionist. He believes he can talk to others dealing with similar issues. He wants to help them avoid the struggles he faced.
"I know that he is going to help somebody along the way," his mom said. "If he can just help one person not to have to go through this I think he'll have done his job."
Wilmer is now between 130 and 135 pounds and said his doctors are happy with that weight. They'd like for him to weigha little more, but as a runner that's not easy.They continue to do blood work to monitor his health, which is good now as he gets ready for college.
That doesn't mean he's completely healthy. It's a daily battle he faces, one of negative thoughts toward himself. Doctors and others who have been through this tell him those will probably never go away completely.
"They kind of haunt you in the back of your head," he said. "It's more of having to see through the fog and realize that it's something you can't do to yourself again. It's something that you need to kind of ignore those bad thoughts. It's a very challenging thing to do."
His mom knows it's been a struggle for their son, for the entire family. It could tear some families apart, she said, but for them their bond grew tighter.Now, she's excited to see where he goes next.
"He came out stronger," she said, "and we're super proud of him."
Follow Patrick on Twitter @Patrick_Hite
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Raw Food Diet: Everything You Want to Know – Greatist
Posted: May 30, 2020 at 12:46 am
Created for Greatist by the experts at Healthline. Read more
Like folk stories of old, the raw food diet has been making the rounds for more than 100 years and continues to be buzzworthy today.
For followers, the diet is a lifestyle, not just a way of eating. They believe consuming mostly raw foods is a pathway to optimal health.
But health experts are raising red flags. They caution that sticking to a diet of raw foods could negatively impact your long-term well-being.
Lets do a deep dive into the raw food diet basics, including its advantages, disadvantages, and more.
The raw food diet (aka raw foodism) consists of eating only or mostly raw and unprocessed foods. Theres some flexibility though. In a raw food diet, 70 percent or more of the food you eat is raw.
Theres some debate, but generally a food thats never been heated above 104F (40C) to 118F (48C) is considered raw. For this diet, foods should also be unrefined, unpasteurized, and pesticide-free.
Several preparation methods jive well with the raw food diet. Juicing, (raw) souping, blending, dehydrating, soaking, and sprouting are commonly used techniques. Basically anything that doesnt require heating the food.
Raw food diet staples include whole food, plant based fare. Unsurprisingly, raw foodies are often also vegetarian or vegan. So it makes sense that fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds dominate the raw grocery list. Soaked or sprouted grains and legumes can also make the cut.
Ultimately, you do you, some peeps include raw eggs, dairy, fish, and meat in their diets.
Advocates for the raw diet are usually against taking supplements. They assert that your body gets all the nutrients it needs from the wholesome food that youre enjoying.
A raw diet doesnt need to be a raw deal! It can be chock-full of flavor, texture, and complexity.
Let this sample raw, vegan menu inspire you. Adjust it to fit your needs and tastes.
The answer is both. Research shows both cooked and raw foods are good for you, and nutritional value varies by food and preparation method.
Raw foodies believe the process of heating destroys the nutrients and natural enzymes found in food, thus preventing you from reaching peak dietary wellness.
Science doesnt support this. Cooking decreases some nutrients, but increases others. Cooking also destroys harmful bacteria and other undesirable compounds.
Here are the deets:
Its true that high heat can destroy some enzymes. But the acids in your belly can do the same thing. Think of them as your guts DIY juices, theyre responsible for digestion and energy production.
Cooking lowers some nutrients in foods, especially water-soluble ones like vitamin C and B vitamins. But, cooking gives other nutrients a boost. For instance, lycopene and beta-carotene are more easily absorbed by your body when heated first.
Cooking foods eliminates a lot of bad for you stuff you, like bacteria. Heating grains and legumes also reduces dangerous levels of mineral-absorbing lectins and phytic acid. More on this in a second.
Some raw foods arent safe to eat like that day-old sushi buffet in the airport.
Food safetys a bigger concern for raw diets that include raw, unpasteurized, or undercooked animal products.
Even if youre sticking strictly to plant foods, though, you need to be careful. Raw fruits and veg have been known to carry harmful bacteria like E. coli. Always wash produce thoroughly before eating it.
Cooking destroys toxins, bacteria, and other germs that may be lurking in your food. (Buh-bye food poisoning!)
So how does the raw food diet stack up nutritionally?
A raw diet packs in tons of fresh fruits and vegetables, which means vitamins, minerals, and fiber galore. It features nuts, seeds, and oils that provide plenty of healthy fats. On top of all this, fresh raw foods are more hydrating than their cooked counterparts.
Because raw foodism emphasizes unprocessed foods, it minimizes the amount of nonessentials in your diet. Manufactured food often contains ingredients linked to poor nutrition. (Think sugar, excess salt, those weird chemical additives you cant even pronounce.)
If youre into volumetrics, youll like that the raw food diet tends to be low in calories. All those fruits and veggies give a lot of slow-burning bang for the caloric buck. This means you may be able to eat a bigger quantity of food than on other diets.
Despite all that loveliness, your system can take a real hit from being on a raw diet.
The diet tends to be low cal, so eating enough each day to satisfy your caloric needs can be challenging. This is partly because plant foods have fewer calories to begin with, and partially because raw foods are less digestible, so its harder for your body to grab the calories that are available.
In fact, studies show that you get way fewer calories from some foods when theyre raw.
That digestibility issue also means you leave many of the raw foods nutrients and antioxidants on the table, so to speak. Cooking boosts the digestibility and nutrient-absorbability of many foods.
Lastly, raw food diets can be unbalanced. They have a habit of going heavy on the fats (nuts and oils) and sugars (fruit) while being light on protein. So, raw diets risk being calorie- and nutrient-deficient.
If you take up a raw vegan diet, it just gets more tricky. In addition to the deficiencies common to the regular raw diet, you run extra risk of not getting enough calcium, vitamin D, or vitamin B-12.
The raw food faithful believe this diet has many benefits. These include:
Research only supports some of these claims. Heres what we know.
Research shows the raw food diet is linked to having less body fat and to losing larger amounts of body fat. The study found that 15 percent of men and 25 percent of women on the raw food diet were underweight. It also showed that, after switching to a raw diet, men and women lost an average of 22 to 26 pounds.
The study also revealed that low body weight from such a diet can mess with a womans menstrual cycle. From the same study, 70 percent of women on the raw food diet experienced period disruption and nearly a third stopped getting their periods, known as amenorrhea.
What goes in must come out, the basic GI formula. The high fiber and water content of raw diets can help your bodys digestive processes. This can reduce inflammation in your gut, improve your bodys ability to use food more efficiently, and help with waste elimination.
Theres some evidence that the limited calorie and protein intake of a raw vegan diet may lead to low bone density or osteoporosis. Other research found that maintaining a raw diet for a long time can increase your risk of tooth erosion.
In addition to your nutritional wellbeing, the raw food diet impacts other important health markers. Following a raw food diet may lower your blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It can also drop your HDL cholesterol (the good kind of cholesterol), vitamin B-12, and iron to undesirable levels.
A raw diet often has a smaller lifetime carbon footprint compared to other diets. This is largely due to its focus on plants rather than animals. Raw food dieters also tend to value other sustainability ideals, like eating locally sourced food and minimizing food waste.
Becoming a raw fooditatrian could potentially save you a wad of cash. Savings can be traced to:
By sparing all those animals from your chow line, your grocery costs may shrink. Studies have repeatedly shown plant based diets to be cheaper than meat based diets.
By not cooking your food (or having to refrigerate it as much), your energy bill is likely to downsize as well. Food prep and storage is a huge portion of home power bills. Depending on your cooking method, appliance type, and fuel sources, etc., going raw can reap major savings per year.
Though probably safe in the short run, its not a safe and sustainable practice long term.
Following a raw diet lifestyle is linked to nutritional deficiencies. If your raw diet is nutritionally lacking (chances are that it is), your body will burn through its vitamin and mineral reserves. These deficiencies can lead to health problems down the line.
Supplementation can help your body replenish nutrient stores. But its unlikely to fully compensate for your diets shortage of calories and protein.
People with certain health conditions should be wary of a raw food diet. For example, if youre pregnant or have a compromised immune system this might not be a suitable regimen. Talk to your healthcare provider before jumping on the raw bandwagon.
Not gonna lie. The raw food diet lifestyle may be a challenge to keep up. Several things factor in.
First, food choices can be limited. Yes, there are lots of options to pick from on that list at the top of this article. But that might get old fast. Also, depending on the season and your location, it may be harder to get your hands on a variety of raw diet-compatible foods.
Even if you dont find the food options limited, they may be limiting. Dining in restaurants or with friends can be tricky if cooked foods are a no-go. And it can be tough being that hard to accommodate person in your tribe.
As for food prep, nixing the cooking really limits your options. You have to get creative with the soaking, pickling, blending, and so on to ward off dietary boredom. This may take imagination, a willingness to experiment, and time to make it all work for you.
After all that effort, you may find that your cold food caf is not so hot. (i.e., Youd give your carob-coated goji berries for a steaming bowl of ramen.)
Ok, youve read up on raw food diet. You want to give it a go. Cool. Now what?
Nutritionist and health coach Caitlin Fowler recommends easing into a raw food diet slowly. Sudden changes to your dietary regimen can lead to an unhappy tummy situation. Fowler offers these suggestions to help you be more successful:
Adhering to a raw food diet can be rough, especially if you have a hectic lifestyle. Fortunately, you dont have to go full raw to see some positive impacts. Folding some of these foods, techniques, and habits into your routine can still benefit you.
As always, if you have health concerns you should talk with your healthcare provider before starting the raw food diet. Your dietitian may offer personalized advice thatll up your chances of health and success.
A raw food diet consists of at least 70 percent uncooked and minimally-processed foods. Most raw foods are plant based, but some raw foodists eat raw eggs, dairy, meat, or fish.
Fans of the raw food diet believe it offers a bunch of health, environmental, and possibly financial benefits. Unfortunately, it can also be risky and negatively impact your health. In the long term, the bad may offset the good.
Youll probably lose weight on a raw diet. But, you might also have trouble meeting your nutritional and caloric needs. This can translate into a host of health issues.
A number of foods are more digestible when cooked. Cooking also makes some nutrients easier for your body to absorb. Processing foods can also improve food safety.
Theres no doubt that raw foods bring nutrition, complexity, and variety to snacks and meals you definitely need them to have a healthful diet. But, eating a combo of raw and cooked foods is likely even better for your health.
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Why Your Back Hurts as You Work Remotely and What You Can Do – NBC4 Washington
Posted: May 30, 2020 at 12:46 am
D.C. resident Charlie Everetts has had such bad back pain since starting working from home during the coronavirus pandemic that lying on the floor became the best option.
My lower back just became so, so tight and so, so sore. Everett said. I needed to make my back as flat as possible. I couldnt even sit in a chair anymore.
Everett creates digital campaigns for a nonprofit and spends at least nine hours a day on a computer. Working from home seems to have contributed to the pain.
As a greater portion of the nations workforce logs on from home, calls to chiropractors have increased, an expert at Johns Hopkins Hospital said. Back pain can indicate lasting damage if its not addressed.
The hospitals director of spine rehabilitation, Dr. Akhil Chhatre, said that increased back pain during the coronavirus stay-at-home orders can be blamed on unhealthy patterns as many work from less-disciplined environments.
People are working from their beds or from their couches, which can translate to more pressure and more stress on the neck and lower back, Chhatre said. If somebody were to do that for a couple days or for a week, they would probably cope, but now as were going into more projected months for some areas with this type of work, its causing a lot of issues.
Bad posture during the quarantine isnt the only thing to blame for back and neck pain. Chhatre said that unhealthy eating habits, immobility for long periods of time and stress all contribute to pain.
He suggested taking multiple short walks a day, avoiding staying in one position for longer than 30 minutes, considering a standing desk, stretching and maintaining a healthy diet.
Smokers, excessive drinkers, people who are obese and those who do not regularly exercise are more likely to experience pain.
Considering everything thats going on, this is a tremendous toll that its taking on even the healthiest individual, Chhatre said.
Mercedes Yanez said she feels a toll on her body as she works remotely for Northern Arizona University. She said her living conditions make the pain even worse.
Its been difficult to have such a small apartment during the quarantine because I really dont have a lot of space to move around, she said.
Yanez, who had back problems before the pandemic, said its now more difficult to visit or get in touch with a chiropractor. She has taken it upon herself to find remedies.
Ive been taking more walks and doing yoga and stretching every day. Its not something that we usually think about to do. But while were all cooped up inside, its something thats really helped me, she said.
Gopi Kinnicutt, the owner of Bhakti Yoga DC, said more movement may relieve your back pain too.
Repeated stretches and the holding of healthy posture strengthens different parts of the body, she said. A lot of people collapse their chests while sitting and working at a desk from home because their back, neck and spinal muscles arent strong enough to hold them upright for longer periods of time. This is why movement is really important to create joint mobility, muscle strength and circulation.
Bad posture can negatively affect ones mental health and back pain can be indicative of stress and anxiety held within the body, Kinnicutt said. She suggested stretching, doing yoga and practicing deep breathing.
Your breath has this power to stabilize the mind and your racing anxiety, she said. The breath can help one find presence and sensations in the body.
But if yoga and Chhatres recommendations dont seem to be working for you, the doctor advised taking further action.
If folks are feeling like theyre having this pain and if its lasted for longer than a few weeks, reach out to your doctor, he said. Most offices are offering tele-visits and you can do it from the comfort of your home.
So whether you lay out on the floor to ease your back pain or practice yoga, Chhatre said its important to manage your aches to prevent lasting injuries and strains once stay-at-home regulations are completely lifted.
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Commentary: Our coronavirus diets and what’s behind the urge to eat like kids – CNA
Posted: May 30, 2020 at 12:46 am
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During these stressful times, if you find yourself reaching into the pantry of your past, you're probably not alone.
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania: Have you noticed grabbing an extra bag of chips at the supermarket?
Or eating more frozen dinners than you used to? Or even eating snacks that you havent eaten since you were a little kid?
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended nearly every facet of our daily lives, from how we dress, to how we work, to how we exercise.
Its also changing the way we eat.
One recent survey by the International Food Information Foundation found that 42 per cent of respondents indicated theyre purchasing more packaged food than they typically would and less fresh food.
Sales of frozen pizza have almost doubled. Sales of frozen appetisers and snacks are over a third, while ice cream sales have increased 36 per cent.
According to Uber Eats, the most common food delivery order in the United States has been french fries, while the most popular beverage has been soda.
To me, these foods have one thing in common: Theyre the stuff we ate as kids.
Why might grown adults be reaching back into the pantry of their pasts? What is it about a pandemic that makes us feel like were teenagers at a sleepover?
The reasons are deeply rooted.
At its core, the purpose of food is to nourish. Of course food provides us with the necessary energy and balance of vitamins and minerals to power and fuel the body.
But anyone whos reached for a pint of Ben and Jerrys after a particularly stressful day will know that nourishment is about more than nutrition.
During periods of stress, people tend to eat more and show a greater preference for higher calorie foods. The sweeter and saltier the better.
Regardless of hunger, a tasty snack can feel comforting. Theres evidence to suggest that highly palatable foods, especially those high in fat and sugar, may elicit a response in the brain that is similar to the response from opioids.
Yes, a delicious slice of rich chocolate cake can be just as good as drugs.
We tend to call many of these foods comfort foods, but the definition of comfort food is a bit slippery. Food is deeply personal.
The foods that comfort people depend on their cultural background, taste preference, and personal experience. We know, however, that food can induce feelings of nostalgia that transport us back to simpler times.
So perhaps its no surprise that, during a period of uncertainty that has many of us desperate for some relief and comfort, the foods of our childhood can act as a salve.
For some of us, that bowl of Lucky Charms isnt just a sweet treat; its a reminder of days gone by, a time of safety and stability.
Theres nothing inherently wrong in finding temporary relief from chaos and uncertainty through food. But its probably best to view these changes in eating behaviour as a temporary habit during a weird time.
After all, a diet rich in macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets doesnt exactly set our bodies up for long-term success.
As peoples lives start to regain some sense of normalcy, diet can actually be a major part of the equation. Returning to a more health-conscious diet could be part of reestablishing your previous routines.
And if youve never been able to find the time to prioritise healthy eating, now could actually be a good opportunity to start laying the groundwork for habits that become the new normal.
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Carli Liguori is Instructor of Nutrition and Behavior Change, University of Pittsburgh. This commentary first appeared in The Conversation.
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Commentary: Our coronavirus diets and what's behind the urge to eat like kids - CNA
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Feeling Hungry After Eating: Why It Happens and What to Do – Healthline
Posted: May 30, 2020 at 12:46 am
There are several reasons why some people feel hungry after a meal.
For starters, it could be due to the nutritional composition of your meal.
Meals that contain a greater proportion of protein tend to induce greater feelings of fullness than meals with greater proportions of carbs or fat even when their calorie counts are similar (1, 2, 3).
Numerous studies have shown that higher protein meals are better at stimulating the release of fullness hormones, such as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), cholecystokinin (CCK), and peptide YY (PYY) (4, 5, 6).
Also, if your diet lacks fiber, you may find yourself feeling hungry more often.
Fiber is a type of carb that takes longer to digest and can slow your stomachs emptying rate. When its digested in your lower digestive tract, it also promotes the release of appetite-suppressing hormones like GLP-1 and PYY (7).
Foods that are high in protein include meats, such as chicken breast, lean beef, turkey, and shrimp. Meanwhile, foods that are high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains.
If you find that youre hungry after a meal and notice that your meals tend to lack protein and fiber, try incorporating more protein- and fiber-rich foods into your diet.
Aside from meal composition, your stomach has stretch receptors that play a key role in promoting feelings of fullness during and immediately after a meal.
The stretch receptors detect how much your stomach expands during a meal and send signals directly to your brain to induce feelings of fullness and reduce your appetite (8).
These stretch receptors dont rely on the nutritional composition of food. Instead, they rely on the total volume of the meal (8).
However, feelings of fullness brought on by the stretch receptors dont last long. So while they may help you eat less during a meal and shortly after, they dont promote long-term feelings of fullness (8, 9).
If you dont find yourself feeling full during or immediately after a meal, try incorporating more foods that are high in volume but low in calories (10, 11).
These foods, such as most fresh vegetables, fruits, air-popped popcorn, shrimp, chicken breast, and turkey, tend to have greater air or water content. Also, drinking water before or with meals adds volume to the meal and may further promote fullness (12).
Though many of these high volume, low calorie foods promote short-term, immediate fullness through the stretch receptors, they tend to be high in protein or fiber, both of which promote feelings of fullness long afterward by stimulating the release of fullness hormones.
In some cases, hormonal issues may explain why some people feel hungry after eating.
Leptin is the main hormone that signals feelings of fullness to your brain. Its made by fat cells, so its blood levels tend to increase among people that carry more fat mass.
However, the problem is that sometimes leptin doesnt work as well as it should in the brain, especially in some people with obesity. This is commonly called leptin resistance (13).
This means that although theres plenty of leptin in the blood, your brain doesnt recognize it as well and continues to think that youre hungry even after a meal (14).
Though leptin resistance is a complex issue, research suggests that getting in regular physical activity, reducing sugar intake, increasing fiber intake, and getting adequate sleep may help reduce leptin resistance (15, 16, 17, 18).
Aside from the key factors above, several behavioral factors may explain why you feel hungry after eating, including:
You may feel hungry after eating due to a lack of protein or fiber in your diet, not eating enough high volume foods, hormone issues like leptin resistance, or behavioral and lifestyle choices. Try implementing some of the suggestions above.
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Chobani, Skyr, Dannon: How yogurt took over the dairy aisle –
Posted: May 30, 2020 at 12:46 am
Once upon a time, yogurt occupied a thin sliver of the dairy aisle. Now its an entirely separate section of the grocery store. There are at least a dozen brands of plain yogurt, but wait! Theres more! Yogurt comes with fruit on the bottom, sprinkles on top, M&Ms mixed in, and almond butter swirled over. The choice is overwhelming, but its also what consumers have come to expect.
For many Americans, yogurt is a staple snack food. In other parts of the world, its a marinade, a dip, a base for a soup, a drink. Indians stir it with chickpea flour and turmeric to make a warming, bright yellow dish called kadhi. Persians use strained yogurt as an aromatic side dish called mast o khiar, with cucumbers, rose petals, raisins, herbs, and garlic. In Turkey and Lebanon, meat dumplings are bathed in a tangy yogurt sauce to make shish barak. In the US, in spite of all the years yogurt has been a fridge mainstay, were still stuck on fruit and granola. Go figure.
But despite the more narrow American views of yogurt, it has managed to occupy a unique role in the countrys food culture its evolution on grocery shelves has mirrored that of eating habits and cultural touchpoints. There have been distinct eras in yogurt tastes, from Greek to Icelandic to nondairy, and each one offers a glimpse into the ingredients, diets, and narratives people were buying into at the time. Sure, yogurt is just one product in a sea of groceries. But it tells a compelling, complete story about the American diet.
Yogurt showed up in America from Europe as early as the mid-20th century, in the wake of World War II. In Europe, it was a fridge staple meant for snacking or eating for breakfast plain, tart, and creamy, often adorned with some berries. In the US, though, it would be a while before yogurt achieved that same staple status.
The problem, says Frank Palantoni, who was vice president of marketing for Dannon from 1987 to 1991, is that in its pure, unsweetened form, yogurt tasted terrible to the American palate. Americans associated dairy products with ice cream and milkshakes, and therefore a lot of sugar. Everyone was brought up such that if it smells tart, you throw it away, he says. In the post-World War II era of rations and cans and boxed mixes and TV dinners, people had a predisposition for foods that were convenient, easily consumed, and often high in sugar. They didnt want to spend all day in the kitchen. They didnt care as much about splurging on higher quality ingredients.
Owing in part to a popular Dannon ad campaign from 1977 featuring older people saying the secret to their vitality was yogurt, Americans gradually began to regard it as a health food.
Dannons big breakthrough was fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt, released in the late 1980s, which was packaged as single-serve cups, and had the candy-like strawberry and blueberry flavors people were used to. In 1992, yogurt was being marketed to kids in the form of products like sprinkle-topped Sprinklins, which Palantoni helped pioneer. He says sugar wasnt as much of a concern for people back then. The thought was, kids run around, they need sugar, he says. The basic concept is that we are giving kids milk, and it is high protein, so if there is sugar it is okay.
Yogurt was marketed equally aggressively to women, because they were seen not only as the primary shoppers in the house, but also as diet-conscious. Advertisements showed women eating spoonfuls of yogurt at the spa bedecked in plush white robes, and ogling at a raspberry cheesecake before realizing excitedly that there was a raspberry cheesecake flavored yogurt. (Spoiler alert: It tastes nothing like raspberry cheesecake.)
As a result of all this, the yogurt business suddenly exploded. Everyone from kids to adults was eating it. Got Milk ads were in full swing, which only bolstered the appeal. In 1992, the yogurt market was valued at $1.135 billion.
A single word can define American dietary preferences of the early 2000s: protein. It was the magical nutrient that could keep you both satisfied and trim. Meal replacement bars suggesting they had enough protein to keep you full all day were getting big. Muscle Milk was a body-building staple. It was in this protein-obsessed environment that Greek yogurt a thick, strained version of the original was able to not just succeed but completely dominate the yogurt market.
There had been attempts at introducing Greek to the broader market. Palantini says Dannon introduced a product called Mini Moos around 1990 that was meant to be a high-protein snack for kids, but it tanked because it was marketed as fromage frais, or fresh cheese. Fage, with its ultra-thick Greek yogurt, was gaining popularity, but it was pricey, and it had a tart taste. Americans still loved sugar the protein shakes and protein bars were loaded with it.
The brand that was able to break through was Chobani, started by Hamdi Ulukaya, who came from a family of dairy farmers in Turkey. Chobanis offerings were affordable and had less sugar, but still enough to satisfy American tastes. But most importantly, Chobani pushed the protein messaging hard, and became seen as a healthier choice than all the other sugar-laden yogurt brands.
Because of the protein angle, Greek yogurt prompted advertising to finally shift away from focusing exclusively on women. The containers were now shaped like six-packs, the branding was black (because masculinity!), and the marketing sold it as post-gym fuel for bros a more all-natural version of protein powder, essentially.
Greek yogurt occupied 1 percent of the yogurt market in 2007; that jumped to 44 percent by 2013. Once Greek became accessibly priced and broadly distributed and people understood Greek means high protein, they snapped it up, says Peter McGuinness, president of Chobani. There was this total Greekwashing, with every major yogurt brand coming out with its own version of Greek yogurt.
Greek yogurt walked so all the other country-specific yogurts could run. Almost as soon as this once-foreign food became a hit, consumers started looking to see what else was out there. Suddenly, Icelandic, Australian, and French yogurts were crowding grocery aisles, marketing themselves as more curated choices for food lovers. This was at a time when food and restaurant culture was starting to feel more mainstream thanks to publications like Bon Apptit and Lucky Peach, and shows like No Reservations. Chefs like David Chang and Alice Waters were household names. People were traveling not just to see sights, but to eat specific dishes at famous restaurants.
Greek yogurt did a lot of educating people about the importance of protein so we didnt have to talk about those things, says John Heath, the chief innovation officer at Icelandic Provisions. We were focused on this X factor of having a story. Creating a premium product for someone who has a bit more of a food IQ and an appreciation for where the food comes from.
Icelandic yogurt, or skyr, was being sold alongside this Viking heritage of Iceland, and stories of heirloom yogurt cultures. In the 2010s, Iceland became a more popular place to travel and was ranked as home to some of the worlds happiest people. This destination was aspirational, Heath says.
Siggi Hilmarsson, who founded Siggis, another Icelandic-style yogurt, also marketed his product as more premium than Greek. But he decided to focus less on the narrative, and more on the lack of sugar an ingredient that was vilified in the media. With a tagline that promised more protein than sugar, while still offering customers familiar flavors like blueberry and vanilla, from 2013 to 2019, Siggis quickly caught the attention of mainstream grocers, trainers, and doctors.
The story was important, he says. But they were primarily buying into the narrative of, wow, I didnt realize there was this much sugar in yogurt in America. This brand is telling me there is something better.
Nondairy yogurt has existed since the 1990s, but it was long associated with a chalky, unpleasant texture, bitter taste, and loads of additives. A few years ago, the tide started to turn in two key ways: First, nondairy milk was becoming standard in coffee shops and in fridges, as people increasingly believed that dairy was bad for the environment, and that lactose was upsetting their digestive systems.
Second, the nondairy yogurt market finally had options that mimicked the creamy texture of yogurt and the rich, full flavor. Anitas Yogurt, started in 2013, offered yogurt made out of coconut milk. Kite Hill, founded in 2010, popularized almond milk yogurt. Liz Fisher started Lavva in 2018 after discovering that pili nuts became buttery and creamy once blended. Fisher and others started a movement toward branding their yogurt not as nondairy but as plant-based shifting the focus away from what their yogurt didnt have.
Most importantly, when it seemed like yogurt had been modified and flavored in every possible way, nondairy milk gave consumers even more choice, and even more permutations to try. For a lot of people, the appeal of nondairy wasnt necessarily that they wanted to stop consuming milk products. They just wanted to try something new, and the environmental and health-angled marketing made that decision feel even better.
Fisher says Lavvas sales are up 300 percent from last year. Brands like Chobani and Siggis have both released nondairy offerings. Still, Fisher adds, while health food grocers cant get enough of nondairy yogurt, the category is still not growing all that much among larger retailers.
They are focused on the percentage of the business that anchors the category, which is cows milk yogurt, she says. As popular as nondairy yogurt may seem to be, its not a replacement. Dairy yogurt is here to stay.
With dairy still occupying the lions share of the market, there are plenty more innovations to be had. Previously, every brand of dairy yogurt was putting out low-fat or fat-free offerings, to track with the steady concern of Americans with fats. Now, with the rise of low-carb, high-fat diets like ketogenic, and increased awareness of the idea of good versus bad fats, yogurt companies are now leaning into fat.
Theres Siggis triple-cream yogurt, Iceland Provisions whole milk yogurt, Chobani Greek yogurt with almond butter, and Peak, a product whose 17 percent milk fat is displayed right on the package. Its a full-circle moment: These companies are reclaiming the notion perpetuated so long ago by early companies like Dannon that yogurt could be an indulgence, and a legitimate replacement for dessert, while still being good for you.
With yogurt occupying more and more shelf space in grocery stores and tracking so closely with American diet habits companies are constantly trying to figure out whats going to be big in yogurt. Heath says Icelandic Provisions is making a big bet on cold brew, having recently released a coffee-flavored yogurt made with cold brew concentrate. Hilmarsson, meanwhile, believes the business will go the way of the Impossible Burger, and people will develop synthetic proteins that work in yogurt.
Palantini compares what has happened with American consumers and yogurt to what happened with wine. Americans have a very limited receptivity of their palate to new flavors, he says. But once given options, with different tastes and textures, you will eventually develop your palate and it will get more sophisticated. The variety in yogurt has made many people more adventurous eaters. As packed as the yogurt aisle seems, expect even more wide-ranging offerings in coming years. And that, he adds, is a good thing.
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Vegan diet, intense cardio and stem cell therapy How Mike Tyson managed to get ripped at 53 as boxing c –
Posted: May 30, 2020 at 12:46 am
Mike Tyson has attributed his incredible body transformation to stem cell therapy and a rigid vegan diet.
The youngest world heavyweight champion in history ballooned to more than 300lbs in weight at his heaviest almost a decade ago.
However, after drastically changing his diet and implementing revolutionary reparative medication, Iron Mike is looking more streamlined and more devastating than ever.
Tyson is reportedly considering making a return to the squared circle at the age of 53, with an announcement on his opponent expected this week.
Whilst training with UFC legends Vitor Belfort and Henry Cejudo, the former undisputed heavyweight champion displayed a significantly more shredded physique.
Prior to officially announcing his desire to return, Tyson was asked by rapper LL Cool J how he would get fighting fit in just six to eight weeks.
He told Rock the Bells Radio show on SiriusXM: Really I would just change my diet and just do cardio work. Cardio has to start, you have to have your endurance to go and do the process of training.
Mike Tyson
So something to do is get in cardio, I would try and get two hours of cardio a day, make sure you get that stuff in. Youre gonna make sure youre eating the right food.
For me its almost like slave food. Doing what you hate to do but doing it like its nothing. Getting up when you dont want to get up. Thats what it is. Its becoming a slave to life.
People think a slave to life is just enjoying drugs and living your life. Being a slave to life means being the best person you can be, being the best you can possibly be, and when you are at the best you can possibly be is when you no longer exist and nobody talks about you. Thats when youre at your best.
Tyson continued: My mind wouldnt belong to me. My mind would belong to somebody that disliked me enough to break my soul, and I would give them my mind for that period of time.
Six weeks of this and Id be in the best shape Ive ever dreamed of being in. As a matter of fact, Im going through that process right now. And you know what else I did, I did stem-cell research.
Stem-cell research (also known as regenerative medicine) promotes the repair response of diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue using stem cells or their derivatives.
It is the latest advancement in organ transplantation and uses cells instead of donor organs, which are limited in supply.
After LL Cool J asked if that meant Tysons white blood cells had been spun and then put back in, Tyson continued: Yes. As they took the blood it was red and when it came back it was almost transfluid [sic], I could almost see through the blood, and then they injected it in me. And Ive been weird ever since, Ive got to get balanced now.
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The necessity to repair the former heavyweight champion was caused by the excessive weight gain following his retirement in 2005 and his hedonistic lifestyle.
Excessive cocaine abuse left the heavyweight in a serious state of bother and led him to adopt a vegan lifestyle.
He told Totally Vegan Buzz: I was so congested from all the drugs and bad cocaine, I could hardly breathe. Tyson also revealed in the interview, I had high blood pressure, was almost dying, and had arthritis.
During aninterviewwith Oprah Winfrey in 2013, Tysoncredits his plant-based diet for saving his life.
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He said: Well, my life is different today because I have stability in my life. Im not on drugs.
Im not out on the streets or in clubs and everything in my life that I do now is structured around the development of my life and my family. I lost weight.
I dropped over 100lbs and I just felt like changing my life, doing something different and I became a vegan.
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20 Best Foods to Ease Arthritis Pain and Reduce Inflammation – Parade
Posted: May 30, 2020 at 12:46 am
It has been estimated that over 50,000 Americans are diagnosed with some form of arthritis every year. Arthritis comes with pain that may vary in frequency but commonly goes unresolved for years or even a lifetime. Treatment for chronic pain, such as arthritis, begins with addressing overall healthincluding sleep, diet and mood. While just one component of treatment, eating the best foods for arthritis can play a role in easing pain and preventing some conditions often related to the presence of arthritis.
Related:How to Keep Your Joints Healthy
After an arthritis diagnosis, taking a look at what you eat is a common starting point. There are two main benefits to improved nutrition: easing pain by adding foods that relieve arthritis and removing foods that make arthritis worse and reaching a healthy body mass index (BMI).It is important to note that an arthritis-friendly diet shouldnt replace medications, other therapies or recommendations from your rheumatologist.
The medicines that you take [for arthritis] work better in a normal BMI; studies have shown when you are at a higher BMI, the medicines dont work as well, explains M. Elaine Husni MD, MPH, vice chair of the Department of Immunologic and Rheumatic Disease and director of the Arthritis Center at Cleveland Clinic. In that case, diet becomes important not only for nutritional value but also for your treatment outcome. You will reduce a lot of comorbidities or complications of the disease.
Even someone who had the cleanest diet before an arthritis diagnosis may find adding certain foods can help alleviate pain and symptoms. Marcy OKoon, senior director of consumer health at the Arthritis Foundation, explains that while food cannot cause or cure arthritis, it can hurt or help it.
Overcoming Family History Just because your parent has arthritis doesnt mean you will. You may be more prone to arthritis, but researchers are still studying the role of genetics as a determining factor.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting the joints as the cartilage wears down between the bones. In this case, the CDC notes that obesity can put extra pressure on joints, increasing swelling that already is a common cause of osteoarthritis.
As with all types of arthritis, doctors stress eating a healthy diet with as little processed food as possible. What we generally recommend in any case is to have a nutrient dense diet, Dr. Husni says. That means everything you put in your body we want to make sure is healthy and packed full of nutrients; we dont really want you filling with empty calories.
The best foods for easing arthritis symptoms are actually foods that are good for everyone; however, from an arthritis standpoint, OKoon recommends learning which foods are pro-inflammatory and which are anti-inflammatoryand steering away from foods that make arthritis worse. For example, processed salty and crunchy snacksparticularly those containing glutenare going to increase inflammation. Nutrient-dense foods such as blueberries contain antioxidants that lessen inflammationand can help reduce the swelling that all types of arthritis cause.
When looking for a specific type of diet, the Mediterranean diet is often cited as a great starting point because it focuses on plant-based, minimally processed foods. Eating more whole foods can also help with weight management, which is often a focus of arthritis treatment that helps medications work better.
Related:What Does Arthritis Feel Like?
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune form of arthritis thataffects over a million Americans. It triggers inflammatory chemicals that attack and damage the bodys own joints and tissues, rather than a viral or bacterial invader, OKoon says.
Obesity is actually a risk factor for RA, but there are other health issues that can be attributed to the disease. For example, those with RA have a higher risk of developing heart disease and diabetes, so nutrition in this case would be a vital part of managing life with arthritis.
Just as with osteoarthritis, you should be eating foods that are nutrient rich and reducing processed foods in your diet. Dr. Husni stresses the importance of getting nutrients from your food versus supplements; taking a turmeric pill to get more omega-3 fatty acids isnt the same as eating a piece of fresh salmon. Getting your nutrients in their most natural form is always best. That means changing how you eat fruits and vegetableslike consuming them raw vs. cookedcan help your body get more nutrients.
Related: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diet
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory disease that attacks where tendons and ligaments connect to the bone,causing inflammation in the joints. For the same reasons, eating a healthful dietwhich is also low calorie if weight loss is neededis a smart part of an overall management plan, OKoon adds.
Just as with RA there is a risk of heart disease with PsA, however, the risk nearly doubles if you have a PsA diagnosis. Again, this is why people with PsA should follow the same guidelines for other types of arthritis. In this case, eating foods that are heart healthysuch as berries, nuts and leafy, green vegetablesshould be a focus.
Related:Know the 5 Types of Psoriatic Arthritis
Make sure you actually like whatever healthy foods you choose so your changes can be long-term and sustainable. Additionally, recognizing that other lifestyle factors go hand-in-hand with a healthy diet is important; what you eat is just a piece of the larger puzzle.
If you are on the best diet but smoke a pack of cigarettes per day, your diet wont matter, notes Husni. Stress, sleep, etc. is all intertwined; you have to be mindful of the other lifestyle factors that go along with having a good diet.
If your doctor has spoken to you about ways to ease arthritis pain with some dietary changes, here are some of the best foods to add into your meals that can help keep inflammation down, manage weight and provide you with essential vitamins and minerals for a strong body (and bones).
Celebrity interviews, recipes and health tips delivered to yourinbox.
5 Foods That Lower Inflammation:
5 Foods High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
5 Nutrient-Dense Fruits and Vegetables:
5 Staples of the Mediterranean Diet:
Next,What Is Restorative Yoga and How Will It Help You
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Peoria native Kendrick Green growing as Illinis top NFL prospect – The State Journal-Register
Posted: May 30, 2020 at 12:46 am
CHAMPAIGN With his teammates, several Illinois staff members and a couple of cameramen surrounding him, clapping and bellowing words of encouragement, Kendrick Green stepped up to the squat rack and took several, deep puffs of air.
He hoisted a whopping 700 pounds and descended into a crouch. Then, Green, who is listed at less than half of that, at 310 pounds, let loose a lengthy AHHH! of determination and rose back up to his feet.
Seven-hundred pounds. Think about that.
The video of Greens feat, which now has over 100,000 views on Twitter after Illinois strength and conditioning coach Lou Hernandez shared it back on March 6, is an obvious example of how Green has transformed since signing his letter of intent to play football at Illinois three years ago.
Ive definitely evolved, I would say that, Green said. I just learned a lot, and that comes with time. I learned a lot of things you know about myself, just being mature being out here on my own.
He arrived in Champaign fresh off winning Peoria Highs first-ever state title in football, but his accomplishments since then rival what he achieved with the Lions.
Green is now an emerging star with Lovie Smiths Illini, playing a key role at left guard on 2019s Redbox Bowl team.
He started all 13 games and was a Pro Football Focus All-America honorable mention, grading out as the No. 6 offensive guard in the country and the second-ranked guard in the Power Five conferences. Green certainly is an NFL prospect at this point, along with fellow Illini linemen Doug Kramer, Alex Palczewski and Vederian Lowe.
Green has packed on about 30 pounds of muscle after switching from guard to defensive tackle during his redshirt year in 2017, and then switching back to guard in 2018.
He has started 25-straight games for the Illini since, filling in at center for Doug Kramer against California in the Redbox Bowl in December after playing his first 24 games at left guard.
Listed at six feet and four inches, Green said he has certainly developed physically, but also, mentally. Hes still the same lighthearted jokester who brightens a room, but hes also a veteran Big Ten football player now.
I think way differently than I did when I was in high school, Green said. I feel like I was such a little kid, coming here, and then now its completely different.
Green is happy with his progression at Illinois. He feels at home with his teammates and has earned the trust and respect of Smith, who coached the Bears to the Super Bowl in 2006, and offensive line coach Bob McClain.
But even after asserting himself as one of the Big Tens premier linemen and generating buzz ahead of his junior season, Green is cognizant that he is still developing.
Its exciting to be recognized for playing well, Green said. I want to build on that. Im number six on the (Pro Football Focus) list and Im trying for number one.
The 2019 season was full of highlights for both Illini, who stunned No. 6 Wisconsin and erased a 28-3 deficit to win at Michigan State and clinch the programs first bowl appearance since 2014, and Green, who stood out again and again as a physical, sturdy blocker who could seal off defenders and open gaps for the likes of running backs Reggie Corbin and Dre Brown.
Proficient as a run blocker, Green has been thinking about how he can improve in the pass game and be more mobile to elongate plays for quarterback Brandon Peters and the Illini receivers throughout the offseason.
Even though spring ball was canceled due to the pandemic and most of the players returned home, Green remained at his campus home and has been training there in quarantine, along with Illinois defensive tackle Jamal Woods.
I have got a lot of things I can work on, for sure, that I need to work on, he said. I still want to keep that same edge, playing physical and with a little nasty streak.
He watches film as part of his regular offensive line and team meetings, and is getting used to breaking down footage with McClain over Zoom.
I critique myself a lot, Green said. Im always looking at things like, can I take a bigger first step here? Or, I might be able to put this kid on his back, but I didnt.
He has had some impressive moments. For instance, the time he beat Iowa stud A.J. Epenesa, a second-round NFL draft selection by the Buffalo Bills, twice on the same play back in November.
With the Illini trailing by six points on third-and-five in the third quarter, Green propelled Epenesa back once, and then drove him to the ground as quarterback Brandon Peters rushed around Green and out of the pocket for a first down.
Those types of plays are what draws the attention from NFL types and fans, but Green doesnt think much about them, other than what they mean in the moment.
I dont like watching myself when I do well, I dont know why, Green said. It feels kind of weird. I looked at it once, and now I try to look past it.
Green has been doing his best to continue making gains while cooped up inside over the last two months, relying on body weight exercises and a high-protein, low-carb diet that keeps him in the right weight range. He has enjoyed sleeping in, but also has tried to keep himself disciplined as spring turns to summer and an eventual return to athletics seems to be looming.
That day to day life, you have no structure in your day. You wake up whenever you want, that type of thing, Green said. But youve got to take initiative and have self-discipline to do it on your own. I think my biggest thing is not being able to go anywhere.
Many of his fellow athletes will return to campus beginning June 3, as Illinois rolls out its plan to allow athletes to return for individual, socially distanced workouts in waves.
Green said that he believes hes in a strong position to begin preseason workouts and prepare for the lead-in to the college football season, whichever form that ultimately ends up taking. Its unclear how exactly the NCAA and Big Ten will allow programs to train and when the season may begin, but Green will adjust no matter what goes down.
Heading into his fourth year of Big Ten football, Green knows he is in a better spot than many younger and less experienced players who have missed important time to develop and might be more reliant on spring practice and preseason camp.
It depends on who you ask, theyre going to give you a different answer, Green said. I think guys that played before, that have been in the fire before, you know, I need two weeks to get in football shape. I understand football, I understand our offense. If I get my body right, Ill be ready.
Its rare, especially in Power Five football, for a junior to already have 25 starts under his belt. But thats where Green sits ahead of the 2020 season, and now hes got his eyes set on attaining the Illini record of 48 starts.
Currently, former quarterback Nathan Scheelhaase (2010-13) shares that mark with East Peoria native and former offensive lineman Tim Simpson (1988-91) and former center Ryan McDonald (2005-08). Regardless of whether Illinois makes bowl games in Greens final two years of eligibility, he would break the record if he starts each regular season game.
For my fifth year, I would hope to go for the start record, which I think somebody told me I have a shot at getting, Green said.
Currently though, Green is dealing with life with the same day-by-day approach that many people share in uncertain times.
Im going to do as much as possible as I can to put myself ahead, he said. Ive been working on my body and position work. I really just look at this time to reflect on the things I have done well and the things I havent done well.
Thats something this pandemic has definitely shown me. I have no excuses. Its time to just put work in.
Gavin Good is the University of Illinois correspondent for Gannett Illinois. Contact him at or at
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Need an Immunity BOOST? Bring on the Broccoli Rabe! – PerishableNews
Posted: May 30, 2020 at 12:46 am
Salinas, CA: Your bodys ability tofight infection and disease depends on your immune system. The immunesystem is made up of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protectyour body from illness and infection. DArrigoCalifornia is launching a BOOST YOUR IMMUNITYhealth campaign, stated Claudia Pizarro-Villalobos, Director of Marketing, tokeep well-balanced and healthy we need to consume fresh fruits and vegetables asthey are packed with immune boosting vitamins and minerals. Now more than ever, having an optimallyfunctioning immune system is critical to ones health and wellness.
Ahealthy immune system paired with daily preventative measures that includehand-washing, hand-sanitizing, and physical distancing is imperative for allages. We have adapted to a new normal tocombat COVID-19 and studies have shown that a healthy diet and lifestyle canboost the bodys natural defenses. Pizarro-Villalobosshared, so, dont wait, boost your immunity by consuming Andy Boy broccolirabe. Broccolirabe is a nutrient-packed powerhouse veggie that will enhance your immunesystem.
Stacked BroccoliRabe Health Facts
Broccolirabe is a cruciferous vegetable and packs a big punch when it comes toflavor. If your palate is not a fan ofbold flavors then let us tell you how to tame the audacious taste. You can blanch, steam, saut, grill, roastand puree it to decrease the peppery notes.So, no more excuses, get that extra pep in your step by consuming AndyBoy broccoli rabe.
We are excited to educate and engage withconsumers on our social media platforms during our BOOST YOUR IMMUNITYhealth campaign. We only have one body so lets take care of it, statedPizarro-Villalobos. Keep yourimmunity and spirits up and do not let COVID-19 get you down. Be sure to wash yourhands, keep your distance, exercise and eat your fruits and veggies. Produce is not only safe to consume but essential to ahealthy lifestylewhich is vital to everyday life now more than ever.
Checkout DArrigo Californias BOOST YOURIMMUNITY fun and educational posts on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.
AboutDArrigo California
Fromthe day the company was founded in 1920 by Stefano and Andrea DArrigo, twoimmigrants from Messina, Sicily, innovation has been its hallmark. DArrigoCalifornia offers strategies and solutions to its customers in everything fromseed research and development, food safety and sustainability, to entirely newapproaches to packaging, harvesting and shipping. The companys brand, Andy Boy, is known for signature products likebroccoli rabe, fennel and romaine hearts. DArrigo California grows not onlyconventional and organic products year-round, but also provides services thatinclude cross docking, consolidation, custom growing and commercial cooling.
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Need an Immunity BOOST? Bring on the Broccoli Rabe! - PerishableNews
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