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What the health? Doctor prescribes tips for wellness in his new book – The Spokesman-Review
Posted: May 20, 2020 at 4:42 pm
Sun is bad for you. Everything our parents said was good is bad. Sun, milk, red meat college. Annie Hall
What Woody Allens character Alvy Singer uttered in his Academy Award-winning film is relatable since so much of what we believe is healthy has actually been deemed harmful for us. What should we consume? Are eggs essential, or are they cholesterol bombs? Does coffee help ward off ailments or cause the jitters? What activities should we engage in?
Dr. Gregory Charlop has much of it covered in his new book Why Doctors Skip Breakfast: Wellness Tips to Reverse Aging, Treat Depression, and Get a Good Nights Sleep.
Charlop, 45, an anesthesiologist and expert in wellness and nutrition, details why fasting is healthy and reveals what those with longevity have in common and what we should absolutely not skimp on in order to be at our best.
Most of us grew up with the adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Whats with doctors skipping breakfast?
The concept that breakfast is the most important meal of the day came from Dr. (John Harvey) Kellogg, who invented corn flakes. He was a doctor, but he was also a brilliant marketer! He made a big deal out of breakfast so people would buy his cereal 100 years ago. But modern research indicates that we dont need breakfast, especially the sugary kind of food that is often for breakfast, and that fasting is good for you in so many ways. If you can go 16 hours between meals, youll be fine.
But that means set times for meals are out the door.
If you have dinner Monday at 6 p.m., then you can have lunch at noon. I understand its not ideal for everyone since some people like to eat with colleagues in the morning or families have a dinner at 6 p.m. every night.
Considering how on the go, pre-coronavirus, everyone was, its more feasible since busy families tend to be running everywhere.
Thats true, but its not so much about when you eat. My dad loves breakfast, but thats his big meal of the day. If you fast for much of the rest of the day, youre good.
So fasting is better for your body than say the paleo diet?
Yes. And people who fast lose weight easier. Youre consuming less calories. If you eat less and exercise more, youll have more energy. Regarding paleo, one of the reasons people do the paleo diet is to increase their ketone levels. A high level of ketones are good for your brain. Instead of going paleo, you can drink ketones. You can order ketone esters on Amazon.
Will fasting prolong your life?
Every indication indicates that fasting will give you a longer life span.
You have 7-year-old twins. Would you recommend that children, who are obviously developing, fast?
Children should not be fasting. Children are one of two groups who shouldnt fast. The other group is professional athletes who need to consume.
Were you a typical child when it came to nutrition?
No. I remember being at a birthday party when I was 9 at a skating rink. I refused to eat the birthday cake. I knew that I already had too much sugar. My parents couldnt believe this! I didnt like sugar! When I was 10, I got into a debate with my school principal about artificial sweeteners. I told him it was like eating poison.
What do we know now about aging that we didnt know in the past?
Thanks to groundbreaking research from Harvard and USC, we understand what causes us to age and how we can reverse aging. My book tells you what foods, medicine and lab tests you need to take to look and feel great. What we thought was that the body gradually decays. We were right about certain things, such as smoking definitely shortens your time. But in terms of aging, there are certain factors. There are zombie cells. You develop those as you get older. You have more of those because of your diet, but you can get rid of those with the right supplements. Another important factor is telomeres, which are structures at the end of a chromosome. Shorter telomeres are markers for old cells. You can do things to prevent the shortening telomeres, and you can lengthen them.
What can we do to lengthen them?
Meditation can lengthen them. I discovered that the common denominator between many successful people and those who live a long life is they meditate. Its very good for the mind and body.
There are two schools of thought on sleep. Theres the notion that seven to eight hours a night is necessary. And then there are those who insist that as little sleep as possible is what drives them. I have a friend who boasts about how much he accomplishes by sleeping four hours a night, but it sounds like hes killing himself slowly. Proper rest seems essential. What should we do about sleep?
You hit the nail on the head regarding sleep. It is critical for people to get enough sleep. We all need seven to eight hours a night. People who wear lack of sleep as a badge of honor are fooling themselves. Getting enough sleep isnt just important for humans but also for animals.
Aside from the obvious, what are the negative effects of lack of sleep?
Sleep deprivation increases the risk of dementia, Alzheimers and cancer. Sleep deprivation also ages a person and causes depression. Your friend is slowly killing himself.
How harmful is soda consumption?
Soda is pretty poisonous. If you have just one can of soda a day, it increases your risk of death. Thats so for regular and diet soda.
Diet soda is full of chemicals, which obviously are bad for you. Whats another reason to avoid diet pop?
The artificial sweetener causes your brain to crave sugar. You might drink a diet soda and shortly thereafter have an overwhelming desire to eat a pie. Artificial sweeteners and sugar cause obesity.
Sparkling water is a good substitute for soda, which takes us to what can we drink during a 16-hour fast.
You can certainly drink sparkling water, chamomile tea and coffee. Black coffee is very good for you.
Thats interesting since coffee was like the egg since years ago the question was if caffeinated coffee was harmful.
Black coffee is very healthy. Coffee reduces the chances of getting Parkinsons disease and certain types of cancers. It decreases the risk of auto-immune deficiency.
What else should we add to our diet?
Herbs and spices, such as turmeric, oregano and garlic. Add it to your food. It adds flavor and is so good for your body. Also, olive oil is very good for you. So get enough sleep, fast, and enjoy moderate exercise.
So does that mean that extreme exercise, such as running a marathon, is bad for us?
Running a marathon doesnt lengthen our lives. It shortens our life. Our ancestors didnt run marathons. There was a reason for that.
How do we deal with depression?
Ketamine with good diet and lifestyle choices are the ways to deal with depression. Oral antidepressants arent very effective.
So we can alter the course of our lives.
You control your own destiny. If you alter what you do, you can change your mind and body for the better.
What the health? Doctor prescribes tips for wellness in his new book - The Spokesman-Review
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8 reasons you should be eating dates, the fruit of Ramadan year-round | Daily Sabah – Daily Sabah
Posted: May 20, 2020 at 4:42 pm
Dates, a symbol of abundance and a rich source of fiber, potassium and calcium, have been the staple food of Ramadan tables ever since Prophet Muhammad advised fellow Muslims to break their fasts with the sacred fruit. Native to the Middle East and tropical and desert climates, dates have many types from sweet and fleshy Safawis and flaky yet chewy Khudris to juicy Medjools aka the "queen of dates," there is a type for everyone out there.
Besides being delicious, dates are truly a remedial reserve, especially when it comes to fasting. Thanks to their high carbohydrate content that packs a lot of energy in such a small volume, they help to quickly renew empty carbohydrate stores, suppress sugar cravings and thus help you control your appetite throughout the day.
High in body-building amino acids, vitamins A, B and C, as well as many minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper and selenium, dates are truly a powerhouse of nutrients. However, they are also mostly made up of simple carbohydrates, mainly glucose and fructose, therefore like all foods, moderation is key when it comes to eating dates. Nutrition and dietetic specialist Demet Cerit of Acbadem Atakent Hospital said excessive consumption of the sweet, syrupy fruit can lead to weight gain and imbalances in blood sugar.
Consuming a portion of dates, which is just two to three pieces, 1-1.5 hours after dinner is fine though, she said but cautioned to watch out for added sugars in the form of glucose syrup, which is used to sweeten and brighten dates.
Bar diabetics and those with insulin resistance, the health benefits of dates far outweigh its naturally high sugar content. Here are a few reasons why we should eat dates regularly, according to Cerit.
Helps you feel full
Dates are fruits rich in soluble dietary fibers, especially pectin. So how does this prolong satiety? Well, these fibers, which attract water, increase the fluidity of stomach content, therefore prolonging the time it spends in the stomach and provides a feeling of fullness, Cerit said. By including food high in fiber, such as dates in your iftars and sahurs and overall diet, as well as support this fiber intake by consuming plenty of water, you will have greater control over your appetite and be fuller for longer, she added.
Supports immunity
Studies show that dates can have a stimulating effect on the immune system. This effect of dates is associated with their beta-glucan content, which is a polysaccharide, the better and more complex type of carbohydrates doctors advise we should consume. In addition, dates also contain high amounts of phenolic compounds and carotenoids (both which have great cancer-fighting properties) as well as vitamins, all of which are thought to play a role in supporting the immune system thanks to their antimicrobial effects and antioxidant properties.
Sugar cravings no more
After prolonged periods of hunger or fasting, our body directs us toward sources with high carbohydrates, namely sweet foods, so that our blood sugar can rapidly return to its normal levels and replace those empty food stores.
However, to prevent weight gain and avoid irregularities related to blood sugar, using the natural sugar content of fruits (instead of artificial sweets) to meet our needs for something sweet. With their distinctive flavor and rich sweetness, dates can be a good choice for all your dessert needs, Cerit said.
Constipation relief
Foods such as dates with high dietary fiber should have an important part in a healthy diet. To keep everything running smoothly, dieticians recommend consuming at least 20 to 30 grams of fiber a day. Studies have shown that upping your dietary fiber intake increases stool volume and shortens its intestinal transit time, thereby helping prevent dreaded constipation. In Ramadan, you might as well take advantage of the rich fiber content of dates to aid digestion and prevent consideration, which is a frequent and unfortunate side effect of reduced food and water consumption during this period.
Good for the heart
Dates are known as an excellent source of potassium, an essential mineral responsible for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. Potassium is involved in ensuring neural conduction, regulating our pulse and blood pressure. Research reveals that a diet rich in potassium helps to lower blood pressure, maintain cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of stroke.
Protect against eye diseases
Dates also contain compounds that help stop age-related eye diseases from developing. Studies have shown that dates are a strong source of zeaxanthin and lutein, which are types of carotenoids present in eye tissue and have antioxidant properties. Therefore, these compounds are thought to be useful in preventing the development of cataract and macular degeneration (macula: the central part of the retina) in elderly individuals.
Nervous system and energy
Dates, which contain moderate levels of B1, vitamin B2 and niacin (B3), as well as vitamin B6, help us meet our daily vitamin B needs. The aforementioned B vitamins are involved in metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins and fats, i.e. getting energy from these nutrients. They also play an important role in the healthy functioning of the nervous system. When you are running low on these vitamins, you will most likely complain about fluctuating and decreased energy levels, weakness, fatigue and concentration problems. This is all the more important when you are fasting when brain fog is a real challenge.
Key for strong bones
When it comes to bone health, the first mineral that comes to mind is calcium. Cerit said calcium absorption is just as important as its intake.
Calcium and phosphorus are two minerals that work together to protect bone health and their absorption increases when taken together. Consuming dates, which contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc as well as phosphorus, daily helps us improve our bone health and prevent conditions such as osteoporosis, Cerit said.
Fresh or dried, eat year-round
Though the nutritional value of dates depends on their type, whether they are fresh or dried, their degree of maturity and their growing conditions, dates are nutrition superstars. Thanks to their accessibility and long shelf life, they are mostly consumed when ripe and then dried.
Stating that while fresh dates are richer in protein and phenolic compounds, they do slightly lose some antioxidants and have a higher carbohydrate content when ripe and dried, Cerit said they are still highly beneficial for our overall health and the loss is minuscule. So consume this fruit "not only in Ramadan but also year-round, both fresh and dried," she added.
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Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara Expecting Their First Baby – The Beet
Posted: May 20, 2020 at 4:42 pm
Baby news!Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara are expecting their first baby, and everyone wants to know: Will they raise theirbundle of joy vegan? It seems we will find out soon enough since the couple is rumored to be expecting. Reports say that their first child is duethis fall.
Page Six (our go-to site for celebrity news) reported on Monday thatMara "may be as far as six months along in her pregnancy." Phoenix and Mara went under the radar after awards show season ended and have been rarely spotted during the quarantine.We last saw the couple when Phoenix and Mara showed up at a farm in California and rescued a cow and her newborn calfnamed then Liberty and Indigo, and asked fans to fund them on the occasion of Mother's Day.
The super-privatecouple hasn't confirmed the exciting news, but Mara was seen out and aboutwearing a baggyoutfit that got the rumor mill churning. Twitter fans were immediately piecing together if The Girlwith the Dragon Tattoostar was actually pregnant or just hiding a Quarantine tummy (unlikely). One Twitter commenter said, "Rooney Mara may be pregnant but it may also simply be that she enjoys dressing like a hobo."
Phoenix and Mara started dating in 2018 and shortly after moved in together. Phoenix gushed to Vanity Fairlast Fall, "She's the only girl I ever looked up on the Internet... We were just friends, email friends. I'd never done that. Never looked up a girl online."
The couple is rumored to be engaged and noannouncement has come from their teams, but the engagement seemed to be confirmed after Mara was seen wearing aring on her engagement finger. It seems the couple will stay engaged and aren't rushing down the aisle. A source told Us Weekly, Theyre never going to get married because they think marriage is too mainstream.
Though Phoenix and Mara are known as private people, they have never been shy about their role as animal rights activists.Phoenix has been vegan since he was three-years-old andconsistently is using his platform to encourage people to ditch the dairy and go vegan.Rooney Mara, also a long-time vegan, as is her sister Kate Mara, shook the farming industry after joiningforces with Animal Equalityto expose factory farming.
Together, the couple wrote an op-ed in The Washington Postcritically raising awareness aboutwet markets in Chinaas well as inthe U.S. Phoenix got the nation's attention in his heart-wrenching Oscar acceptance speech where he asked people to consider switching from dairy to plant-based milk in their coffee and understanding the decisions we make as consumers affect the natural and animal world.
After the Oscars, Phoenix and Mara were photographed enjoying a well-deserved break at a plant-based burger joint in a rare moment of pulling the covers back on their relationship.
This past Mother's DayPhoenix and Maraurged people to"adopt the cow and calf" by funding them. We now know that Mother's Day was more special than we thought. The couple may be adopting another calf in honor of new mom, Mara next Mother's Day.
Phoenix and Mara wouldn't be the first to raise their child vegan. LisaBonnet brought up her daughter,Zoe Kravitzon a vegan diet and she stilleats"mostly plant-based." Check out the article below for more plant-based inspiration and to learn how some of your favorite stars liveand eat.
The Beet has also coveredhow to haveahealthy, plant-based pregnancy and raise a child on a vegan diet.
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Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara Expecting Their First Baby - The Beet
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Coronavirus threatens global surge in malnutrition, jeopardizing future of an extra 10 million children – World – ReliefWeb
Posted: May 20, 2020 at 4:42 pm
ROME Coronavirus may push an additional 10 million of the worlds children into acute malnutrition. The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that the number of young children suffering from this life-threatening form of undernutrition could increase by 20 percent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.*
The virus can have a devastating effect on small bodies already weak from poor nutrition. At the same time, the pandemic is having a ruinous effect on vulnerable families relying on a daily wage or a remittance. COVID-related lockdowns and movement restrictions are severely undermining livelihoods, exacerbating existing threats like conflict and weak health systems, making it especially hard for families in poorer nations to afford a nutritious diet.
If we fail to act now, well face devastating loss of life, health and productivity in future generations. Getting nutrition right today will determine whether the consequences of COVID-19 for children will be felt for months, years or even decades to come, says Lauren Landis, WFPs Director of Nutrition.
This years Global Nutrition Report highlights the inequalities inherent in nutrition, with stunting and wasting being most prevalent amongst the poorest communities. Malnourished children, especially those under five years of age, are at risk of being among the primary victims of the pandemic and its socio-economic fallout.
Twenty-two million children under the age of five and pregnant and nursing mothers rely on WFP to provide them with specialised food and micronutrients for the prevention and treatment of malnutrition. WFP is working with governments to monitor populations vulnerable to COVID-19, adapting nutrition support where required. WFP is also working to ensure production of specialized nutritious foods is not disrupted by trade restrictions and is using its deep-field presence to pass information on COVID-19 to communities beyond the reach of fragile health systems.
WFP is ready to scale up its response to prevent and treat acute malnutrition and improve nutritious diets of children but urgently needs US$300 million to do so.
Acute malnutrition is caused by inadequate food consumption or illness, or both, resulting in sudden weight loss that, if untreated, can lead to death.
For an interview with WFPs Director of Nutrition, email Ljubica:
Nutrition-related content available:
* WFP projections indicate acute malnutrition in children under five could rise by 20% due to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on food security. This number is a result of food insecurity alone. Impacts from the closure of health facilities will increase the rates even further.
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The United Nations World Food Programme is the worlds largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies, building prosperity and supporting a sustainable future for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change.
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Yes, news media bias is very real. And it’s harder than ever to separate fact from fiction. – GOOD Magazine
Posted: May 20, 2020 at 4:42 pm
Not so long ago, there was an open, healthy dialogue about the way news media worked Hollywood even made movies about it with big stars, Oscar-nominated hits like Broadcast News and Absence of Malice. That was around the time that I was studying to become a journalist, and questions of bias and media ethics were openly, enthusiastically discussed.
It's barely a generation later, and we've evolved with astonishing speed from serious, probing explorations of the news media to casual (and insidious) dismissals of "fake news" an epithet that is no longer the domain of extremist, but is used with alarming frequency by centrist Americans.
There's a suspicion, championed and encouraged by the president himself, that news media are biased, and an assumption that that bias is tilted toward the left. That appears not to be true.
A scene from Broadcast News
An objective analysis of bias in the media shows the reality most mainstream news sources aren't particularly biased, and most do a good job of filtering out their individual perspectives. The problem is that the ones with the biggest audience, the ones that grab the headlines and that get shared on social media, don't have that filter.
Through the late 1990s, there were only a handful of sources for information about what was happening in the world. You could pick up your local newspaper; watch a network newscast; tune in to round-the-clock "headline news" on CNN; or listen to news radio, the primary home of conservative and liberal commentators. In the newspaper or on TV, opinion-driven editorials were clearly labeled as such.
That's not to say there weren't biased sources of information they just weren't considered mainstream "news." This landscape dominated America's information and communication network when I was studying to become a journalist. When I finally became a newspaper reporter, it was only after years of intense training to learn how to write and edit in ways that limited the encroachment of personal thinking into the news.
We were taught how to identify words, phrases, thoughts and ideas that could be misinterpreted as bias and perspective in the news we were covering. When I worked as a city-government reporter, assigned to cover hot-button issues affecting redevelopment of a medium-sized city in Florida, the newspaper I worked for ran a full-page ad in which the publisher endorsed a particular ballot measure. I was incensed; the efforts I had made to be balanced and unbiased about the issue had been undone by the paid endorsement.
Photo by Fred Kearney on
"You can be angry about this," my editor told me. "You should be angry about this. But your job is to report on what happened, not how you feel about it." I was given the task to write, as objectively as I could, about the newspaper's decision to inject itself into local politics. I talked to sources who were shocked and angry about the ad, and I talked to the publisher, who gave me his perspective.
Then we left it for the reader to decide. It was our place to tell readers what had happened, not to decide for them if it was right or wrong.
I've thought about that incident a lot lately, because it's not far off from the challenge the media continue to have: How can you be angry or sad or enthusiastic or excited about the news you see happening, yet report it fairly? How can you keep in mind that there are readers and viewers who don't share your perspectives?
Most news media rise to that challenge a daily basis. But scroll through your social-media feed and it's dominated by CNN, MSNBC, Fox News. These are the equivalent of 24-hour editorial pages, filled with hastily (often angrily) rendered opinions.
Alex Jones of Info Wars
A news diet that consists solely (or mainly) of those outlets is like a nutritional diet that exists only of fats and sugars; it's possible to live on it, but you'll end up desperately sick. And to assume all news outlets exhibit such extreme bias based on watching those news outlets is like assuming all food is unhealthy based on eating at Burger King.
Reporters are human. Because they're human they bring their own perspectives and biases to the work they do. And then, if they're well-trained as journalists, they filter out those biases. They listen. They watch. They observe and report. They question. They analyze and evaluate what is said, and find others who can counter a single voice or perspective.
Theirs is the work that everyone should seek out. "Look for the helpers," Mr. Rogers famously said about dealing with calamity. "You will always find people helping."
When it comes to journalism, look for the fact-tellers. They are at your local newspaper, at your network news affiliate, at news wire services, at network news shows. They are at websites large and small. You can usually tell their work because it is filled with quotes from sources (even anonymous ones, who are never, ever anonymous to the reporter and their editor) and with citations for the information it imparts. Their work will almost always seek multiple perspectives and opposing views. It is information that is carefully gathered and often times hard won by people who are trained to do what they do for a living.
Their facts may or may not be your truth. Whether you like the facts as they are is a different issue altogether. But if you want the best information from which to draw your own conclusions, then do as Mr. Rogers exhorted: Look for the fact-tellers. You will always find them.
J. Joseph Watson is a writer and former journalist, who has worked for daily newspapers in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, California and Oregon. He is a graduate of the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California.
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Yes, news media bias is very real. And it's harder than ever to separate fact from fiction. - GOOD Magazine
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Quade Cooper and Sonny Bill Williams’ bold new diet regime –
Posted: May 20, 2020 at 4:42 pm
Quade Cooper has revealed he and ex-All Black Sonny Bill Williams are only tucking into steak and oysters to keep themselves in top shape.
Quade Cooper and Jack McInnes trade blows during their heavyweight bout at Adelaide Oval on February 3, 2017 in Adelaide.
Former Wallaby Cooper, who is now contracted to Japanese club Kintestu Liners in the Top League competition, said he and Williams have spent the last eight months ignoring vegetables, fruits and carbohydrates because they are trying a diet that better suits their requirements.
And Cooper, who previously represented the Melbourne Rebels and the Queensland Reds in Super Rugby, reckons hes in the best shape of his life.
The 32-year-old, who like Williams is also a handy pugilist, told the Daily Telegraph he wouldn't recommend the diet for everyone but believes its doing the trick for him as he prepares for another season playing rugby in Japan.
Quade Cooper of the Rebels gets tackled during a Super Rugby match against the Chiefs last year.
"I'm no expert in this field, this is my science, it's what works for me," Cooper told the Daily Telegraph.
"Others might try it and say, 'It's not for me'.
"I've been on the carnivore diet for eight months, before that I wasn't a full vegan but I was trying to eat healthy like that, trying to stay low on my meat and eat more veggies, no dairy.
Quade Cooper congratulates Sonny Bill Williams after winning his fight against Francois Botha in their heavyweight bout at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre in 2013.
"But I felt like I got quite lean but also soft in my muscles. Although I was training really hard, anytime I'd take contact I'd find I was getting hurt.
"Now I've combined this diet with pre-hab, looking after my body before I get on the field, before I leave the house, that has been a game-changer.
"The way I feel physically and mentally right now, it's much better than 2016 or 2017. It's a good feeling to know the things you're doing and put time and effort into are paying off.
"This is just how I eat now."
While Cooper is contracted to play in Japan, Williams is locked into a deal with Canadian rugby club the Toronto Wolfpack.
Both men are renowned for their work ethic in the gym, and Cooper often posts photos of his trim physique on social media.
Quade Cooper is tackled while representing the Rebels against the Sunwolves at Prince Chichibu Memorial Ground in Tokyo in 2017.
Cooper is no stranger to controversy, and accepted people will have their opinions about the diet he has committed himself to.
That's what I say to a lot of the boys that ask me about diet, I'm in no place to be giving advice, this is just what I do, and what works for me," Cooper told the Daily Telegraph.
"I've been in professional sport for 15 years, I've gone through stages where I'm only eating what our dietician says and I didn't feel great, feeling bloated and getting reflux.
"I've tried being vegan three times a week, vegetarian three times a week, tried eating normal, then I've gone no carbs, I've played around with certain things and found out what's worked best for me at the moment.
"I've really enjoyed the benefits of this meat diet. It does seem strange to a lot of people because what we're told is normal 'eat vegetables otherwise you can't digest your food' I've had no problems whatsoever."
Quade Cooper's daily menu:
7am: Bulletproof coffee (2 cups of coffee, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of MCT oil)
9am: Sip bone broth throughout workout
10.30am: Two rib-eye steaks with salt and butter
6pm: 800 gram tomahawk steak with roasted bone marrow, a dozen oysters.
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Ways to Fuel Your Immune System Not Just to Fight Off the Coronavirus – Reform Austin
Posted: May 19, 2020 at 12:47 pm
It wont be long before the flu and the common cold meet to parlay with COVID-19. While health appears to be the main topic of conversation, it is easy to let the concerns about our countrys recovery overshadow the simple things we can do to boost our own immune systems.
Two experts share ways to put your own health first without a whole lot of effort.
Nutrient shortfalls which affect a persons health can be found with Vitamin D, magnesium, omega-3 and L-theanine, says food and nutrition expert Nancy Graves, Ed.D., RDN, LD, associate professor at the University of Houston Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management.
Vitamin D is important to regulate immunity, control inflammation, supports muscle health, promotes bone health, regulates insulin secretion and is important for lung health, she says.
There are easy ways to add more of this to your diet, Graves says. Research indicates that adults should consume 1,500 to 2,000 IU, or international units, each day.
Some examples of nutrient-rich foods:
The most important thing is to eat a well-balanced diet to provide your immune system with the proper tools (nutrients) for an optimum, properly regulated response, says Dr. Christopher Jolly, associate professor of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin.
Dr. Jolly adds that fortified cereals are another good source of vitamin D. And nut lovers, keep eating them.
Nuts (almonds, peanuts, cashews) and meats in general are good for zinc, and dairy products are fortified in vitamin D, explains Dr. Jolly.
To regulate the nervous system, build bone and teeth, drive metabolism, Graves says you need magnesium. It regulates the heartbeat and is being studied for the impact or brain health.
Graves offers some examples of magnesium sources:
Also, omega-3 fatty acids promote brain health, eye health, heart health, and help maintain healthy blood pressure. Graves says there are two specific omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, Eicosapentaenoic Acid, and DHA, Docoshexaenoic Acid, which can be found on product labels.
Being aware of your water intake has health advantages.
Hydration is always important with water being the number one source. Sixty percent of the human body is water, so a 150-pound individual carries 90 pounds of water, he said. Hydration is important because every function of the body happens in an aqueous (water) environment. In fact, water is considered one of the essential nutrients (most people do not realize this).
The pandemic is a reminder that we should all strive to maintain optimum health through proper nutrition and mental health in order for us to have the best chance to successfully deal with whatever life may bring our way regardless of age, says Dr. Jolly.
Graves also suggests protein to fight illness.
The body uses protein to make antibodies. Antibodies form in response to the presence of antigens which are foreign proteins or other large molecules that invade the body, Graves says.
The foreign protein may be part of a bacterium, a virus or a toxin, or it may be something present in food that causes a reaction, which is called an allergy. The body, after recognizing that it has been invaded, manufactures antibodies that deactivate the foreign substance. Without sufficient protein to make antibodies, the body cannot maintain its resistance to disease, Graves says.
Each antibody is uniquely designed to destroy a specific foreign substance. The body then develops immunity to the specific virus strain, Graves explains.
A healthy diet is better than relying heavily on supplements, Dr. Jolly says.
Another important point is that many people say, I can get these things through supplements. However, foods contain potentially many as yet unidentified bioactive compounds with health benefits. So if you dont get your proper nutrition through diet, you are missing out.
Throughout your day, keep fruit and veggies in mind. They are antioxidant-rich foods that make a difference toward immune system health.
Two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables, Graves says. One being deep orange and one being dark green; with three servings of whole grains; reduce solid or saturated fat; reduce sodium to less than 2,000 mg; calcium can be included through fortified dairy or plant-based beverages and probiotic food. All can contribute to the overall health of individuals, Graves explains.
Omega-3 fatty acid-enriched foods include flaxseed oil, canola oil, English walnuts and cold water marine fish (Atlantic salmon, herring, sardines), Dr. Jolly says.
A healthy balanced diet contributes to ones overall wellbeing, but this is only one aspect of taking care of oneself and ones immune system.
Exercise, meditation and adequate sleep also contribute to a persons health. Sleep disorders and chronic inflammation can negatively affect the immune system. Disrupted sleep increases fatigue, and an inability to cope with stressors disrupts sleep. Graves says, There are recommendations of the length of time to sleep by age categories. Adults should sleep between 7 to 9 hours every day. Deep sleep is necessary for 1 to 2 hours each night.
Graves says L-theanine, found in tea leaves, may support the immune system and allow the body a higher quality of sleep, reduce stress, help relax the body and improve mental focus.
It is recommended for adults to consume 200 mg each day. One cup of green or black tea contributes from 25 to 60 mg.
Melatonin is not a nutrient but is important to the body, says Graves. It might be a surprise to some that light regulates melatonin production. The New York Times has a guide on how to use melatonin safely as a sleep aid and to help regulate timing sleep.
Looking to plan a menu and reduce your trips to the grocery store? Graves recommends, which is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture. She says it is a handy resource for keeping yourself and your family healthy.
So the next time you prepare dinner, keep your immune system in mind.
Ways to Fuel Your Immune System Not Just to Fight Off the Coronavirus - Reform Austin
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Mix of straw and hay proves effective in stripping weight off ponies – study – Horsetalk
Posted: May 19, 2020 at 12:47 pm
Ponies enjoying life at Redwings Horse Sanctuary. Photo: Redwings Horse Sanctuary
An equal mix of barley hay and straw proved effective in encouraging winter weight loss among ponies, researchers in Britain report.
Researchers carried out the study, which involved 40 ponies, at the Redwings Horse Sanctuary.
The issue of obesity among British equids has been widely reported, with almost 30% of horses and ponies classified as overweight or obese in the country.
Native breeds, such as Welsh Cobs, Exmoor and Shetland ponies, seem particularly susceptible to weight gain and owners often struggle to get the weight off. Obesity is also linked to an imbalance in hormones, including insulin and cortisol, which can cause laminitis.
Dr Ruth Morgan and her colleagues, in a short communication in the journal Veterinary Record, point out that achieving weight loss among obese horses and ponies at risk of laminitis is an important but often challenging objective.
The study team hypothesised that supplementing poor winter pasture with a 50:50 mix of barley straw and hay and rather than hay alone would lead to weight loss in grazing ponies over winter.
The 40 overweight ponies were divided into two groups, one of which received the hay/straw mix, while the others received hay alone.
Over the study period, all 25 animals that received the hay/straw mix lost weight, dropping an average of 27kg. Among the 15 animals who received hay only, only three lost weight. Overall, the hay-only group gained weight, with an average of 6kg per animal.
This study suggests that straw is a cost-effective and low-energy roughage, which may be a useful alternative to hay alone when trying to induce weight loss in grazing equids over winter, the study team concluded.
There were no episodes of colic or laminitis during the study period in either group.
Redwings cares for a large population of native ponies, with their diets often supplemented with hay during the winter when the grass is poor.
However, its vets had concerns that some ponies were still gaining weight, putting them at a higher risk of laminitis in the spring and summer.
They joined with researchers at the University of Edinburgh to see if they could come up with a way to safely encourage weight loss in these ponies over winter, so any weight they gain on spring grass wouldnt have such an impact on their hormones.
While there is an anecdotal risk of colic in ponies who are fed straw, there were no such incidents recorded throughout the study.
Roxane Kirton, who undertook the study while working as a welfare veterinary surgeon at Redwings, said: This was a significant result for Redwings, and will hopefully be a useful study for all owners of native ponies, as we had previously found it very difficult to help this particular group lose weight.
With such a large horse population to care for, we cant and dont want to put every pony on a crash diet. Restricting food has such an impact on a horses behaviour and welfare, so we were keen to look at more creative, long-term management options.
When discussing human obesity, we often talk about making sustainable lifestyle changes and it shouldnt be any different for horses.
Dr Morgan, a researcher at the University of Edinburgh, added: Straw is much lower in calories than hay and it takes horses longer to eat it as it is less digestible.
Both of these features are great, both for weight loss and for the welfare of the horses, who like to eat for up to 20 hours a day.
Weve all watched horses scoff all their hay allowance in a short period of time and then stand watching us by the gate.
Straw occupies the horses for much longer but without increasing their calorie intake.
We would, however, warn owners to make sure their ponys teeth are in good shape before introducing straw as it does take more chewing this will also reduce the risk of colic. We hope the success of the trial means this research will go on to help even more ponies.
The study team comprised Morgan, Kirton, Miranda Carlotta Maria Dosi, Sarah Hallsworth and John Keen.
Inducing weight loss in native ponies: is straw a viable alternative to hay?Miranda Carlotta Maria Dosi, Roxane Kirton, Sarah Hallsworth, John A. Keen and Ruth Anna Morgan.Vet Record,
The abstract can be read here.
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Mix of straw and hay proves effective in stripping weight off ponies - study - Horsetalk
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Ellie Goulding reveals she fasts up to 40 hours at a time – The Indian Express
Posted: May 19, 2020 at 12:47 pm
By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Published: May 19, 2020 9:40:34 pm Ellie Goulding revealed she has a lot of water while fasting. (Source: elliegoulding/Instagram)
Love Me Like You Do singer Ellie Goulding has revealed she fasts up to 40 hours at a time. The singing sensation consumes water and other beverages for almost two days while she is fasting.
On the fast day, I drink high-grade electrolytes and a LOT of water (plus tea and coffee). Fasting is safe and beneficial unless you are diabetic or have serious health issues, Goulding was quoted as saying by Mirror. She began with fasting for 12 hours and built her way up to 40-hours fast over time.
Read| The latest diet mantra: Eating and fasting
Addressing the health concerns associated with fasting for such a long duration, Goulding said it was approved by a doctor. I do it very safely by having a purposefully nutritious food day the day before and after, she added.
Fasting from time to time is a great way to give your digestive system a break, she remarked.
Recently, Hrithik Roshan also completed a 23-hour long fast, which he announced via an Instagram post. Fasting, a ritual in various cultures and religions, is known to have a lot of health benefits although it is recommended that one consults a doctor first, especially if there is an underlying health condition. Fasting is known to fight inflammation, keep blood sugar levels in control, prevent neurodegenerative disorders, boost metabolism and induce weight loss.
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Ellie Goulding reveals she fasts up to 40 hours at a time - The Indian Express
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How to get out of quarantine in good health and not overweight – The Times Hub
Posted: May 19, 2020 at 12:46 pm
Excess food and lack of physical activity weaken our immune system more than their deficits
Anna Kovpak
During the quarantine and isolation many of a sedentary lifestyle wonder how to get out of quarantine, do not gain extra weight and maintaining health. And rightly so, because lifestyle has changed dramatically: the activity became less and stress more. What to do, how to eat, and what you should avoid Today.Lifestyle asked Lubomyr of Drenica. He is an active member of the Ukrainian Association of preventive and anti-aging procedures-medicine, anti-age therapist Medical Club GRACE, has 34 years of surgical practice.
During a pandemic, and quarantine, excess food and lack of physical activity weaken our immune system more than their deficit. Therefore, it is important now to understand one thing: when we sit at home, not move and eat a lot (lead a sedentary or recumbent lifestyle), we contribute to the decreased immunity and weakening of the body. In this state, if either of us encounter a virus, it will be very bad, and our challenge now is to make everything that our body was sturdy and strong, resistant to causative agents of various diseases.
When all are moving to remote work, it is important not to forget about physical activity and even increase its intensity. Indeed, during exercise released dopamine, which affects mood enhancement and by improving circulation can also strengthen your immune system.
Lyubomyr Dronyk acting member of the Ukrainian Association of preventive and antiaging medicine
Physical activity helps to combat stress and has a positive effect on emotional state. Little physical activity on the background of negative information can respond to violations of metabolic processes thats why experts are warning about a possible increase in cases of depression.
In these circumstances, doctors give very clear recommendations: to maintain physical activity and not exceed your calorie allowance. It can also be helpful supplementation of multivitamin complexes, which will restore spring our nutrient deficit.
According to who, a large part of the population suffers from a deficiency of certain vitamins. Spring marked the frequent deficiency of vitamins a, D, E, C, b group and mineral substances: iodine, selenium, zinc, iron. Required the administration of multivitamins to the active forms, chelate forms of micro and macroelements ensure high bioavailability and absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Because 60-80% of the immune system localized in the intestine, should pay considerable attention to the state of the microbiome. Safe and useful will be the additional intake of probiotics and prebiotics, multivitamin complexes, vitamin D3, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants.
It is recommended to eat more vegetables, fruits and cereals with a low glycemic index, because this is food that will help to support the immune system and give you strength for physical activity.
In order for the quarantine period not to gain extra pounds:
Proper nutrition, physical activity, nutrient support for the body and observance of epidemiological recommendations will help you get the most safely out of quarantine.
Whether to limit themselves and believe the tips from the Network for a healthy diet watch the video:
Meanwhile, we found out how easy it is to adapt to work after quarantine: TOP 7 life hacks from a neurologist.
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