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IBS and Popcorn: Do They Go Together? – Healthline
Posted: March 24, 2020 at 6:48 am
Popcorn is a popular, tasty, and healthy snack thats very high in fiber.
Its made by heating kernels of a type of corn known as Zea mays everta, causing pressure to build and the starch within to expand until it finally pops.
However, some people with digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), may wonder if popcorn is suitable for them.
This article explains whether people with IBS can safely eat popcorn.
IBS is a common condition that causes stomach pain related to bowel movements or changes in stool frequency or appearance. It affects about 1014% of the global population (1, 2, 3, 4).
There are three types of IBS. Theyre classified by the most dominant symptom (3):
Although many people experience constipation or diarrhea at some point in their lives, people with IBS experience symptoms at least 1 day per week (3).
The causes of IBS arent fully known and can differ from person to person (1).
Research suggests that people with IBS often have increased gut sensitivity and changes to gut-brain interactions, gut motility, immune activity, and natural bacterial populations that make up the gut microbiome (1, 4, 5).
Additionally, psychological and social stress, genetics, diet, and drugs could play a role (1).
About 7090% of people with IBS find that specific foods or meals can trigger their symptoms (1, 6).
Commonly reported trigger foods include those high in dietary fiber, caffeine, spices, fats, lactose, gluten, certain types of fermentable carbs, and alcohol (7).
IBS is a condition characterized by stomach pain related to bowel movements or changes to stool frequency or appearance. It may be constipation or diarrhea dominant, or a combination of the two. Food is a common trigger for many people.
Dietary fiber is made up of complex carbs that are poorly digested, reaching the colon almost unchanged (8).
Its been found to have both positive and negative effects on symptoms of IBS (4).
Popcorn is very high in dietary fiber, with 1 cup (8 grams) of air-popped popcorn providing 1.16 grams of the nutrient (9).
The fiber in popcorn is made up primarily of hemicellulose, cellulose, and a small amount of lignan meaning the majority of the fiber is insoluble (10, 11).
Insoluble fiber is a type of fiber that isnt digested and draws water into the bowel, increasing stool volume and decreasing the time it takes for stools to move through the gut (4).
Higher intakes of insoluble dietary fiber were thought to benefit people with IBS-C. However, studies in humans havent found it to have a significant effect (4, 8, 12, 13, 14).
Additionally, insoluble fiber increases the formation of gas, which can lead to worse symptoms of bloating, distension, and flatulence in some people with IBS (4, 8).
Therefore, if you experience such symptoms, it may be better to avoid foods high in insoluble fiber and include sources of soluble fiber, such as psyllium, oats, and citrus fruits, instead (8).
However, if you dont have problems with foods high in insoluble fiber, you should be able to continue to enjoy popcorn.
Popcorn is high in insoluble fiber, which can cause bloating, distension, and flatulence in some people with IBS. If these symptoms are a problem, it may be better to choose foods high in soluble fiber, such as psyllium, oats, apples, and citrus fruits, instead.
Recent research suggests that certain types of carbs arent well tolerated by people with IBS. These carbs are known as fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides, and polyols, or FODMAPs for short (15, 16).
They arent well absorbed and cause an increase in water secretion and fermentation in the gut, which produces gas and can trigger symptoms in some people with IBS (1).
FODMAPs are commonly found in wheat, some dairy, and some fruits and vegetables (1, 16).
A low FODMAP diet has been shown to improve some symptoms, such as pain, bloating, gas, and stool consistency, in about 75% of people, particularly those with IBS-D and IBS-M (2, 6, 17, 18).
Popcorn is naturally low in FODMAPs, making it a suitable food for people on a low FODMAP diet to manage their symptoms.
A low FODMAP serving of popcorn is up to 7 cups (56 grams) of popped popcorn. This is more than the 45 cups typically recommended as a standard serving size.
Its important to note that regular sweet corn is not a low FODMAP food, as it contains higher amounts of the sugar alcohol sorbitol, which gives it a sweeter taste than the type of corn used for popcorn (19).
FODMAPs refers to a group of highly fermentable carbs found in wheat, dairy, and some fruits and vegetables that can trigger symptoms in people with IBS. Popcorn is low in FODMAPs, making it a suitable food for those on a low FODMAP diet.
Although popcorn itself is generally suitable for many people with IBS, certain preparation methods and toppings can make it less ideal.
Popcorn is naturally very low in fat, with 1.5 grams of fat in a 4-cup (32-gram) serve. However, popping it in oil or butter can make it a high fat food, with 12 times the fat in the same number of cups (9, 20).
Studies suggest that fats can worsen symptoms, such as stomach pain, gas, and indigestion, in people with IBS. Therefore, its best to eat air-popped popcorn (7).
Additionally, some people find that spices, such as chili, cayenne pepper, or curry, trigger symptoms, particularly in those with IBS-D. Although the evidence is limited, if spices are a trigger for you, its best to avoid these in popcorn toppings (7).
Likewise, certain home-style and commercial toppings are high in FODMAPs. These include honey, high fructose corn syrup, sweeteners, onion powder, and garlic powder. If buying commercial popcorn, be sure to check the ingredient list for these triggers.
IBS-friendly toppings include salt, fresh or dried herbs, spices (if they arent a trigger for you), small amounts of dark chocolate (5 squares or 30 grams), and cinnamon and sugar.
Preparing popcorn in oil or butter, adding certain spices or high FODMAP toppings could trigger symptoms in people with IBS. Its best to stick to air-popped popcorn and IBS-friendly toppings.
Many people with IBS tolerate popcorn well. However, if you find that it triggers symptoms, here are some low FODMAP, IBS-friendly alternatives:
Keep in mind that every person is different, so any food choices should be based on your own symptoms, triggers, diet, and lifestyle.
If popcorn is a trigger food for your symptoms, there are other IBS-friendly snacks that are good alternatives. These include kale chips, edamame, roasted pumpkin seeds, olives, nuts, and some fruits.
Many people with IBS can enjoy popcorn, as its a low FODMAP food and a great source of fiber.
However, if you have symptoms triggered by eating insoluble fiber, such as gas and bloating, you may want to limit or avoid popcorn.
Its also important to be careful with how you prepare popcorn, as cooking with a high amount of fat and using toppings unsuitable for IBS could also trigger symptoms.
If youre sensitive to popcorn, there are plenty of great-tasting alternatives for a movie-night snack, including kale chips, edamame, roasted pumpkin seeds, olives, nuts, and some fruits.
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IBS and Popcorn: Do They Go Together? - Healthline
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Contact-free home deliveries:how to support cool, independent businesses and get fresh food delivered to your door – Homes and Property
Posted: March 24, 2020 at 6:48 am
The coronavirus pandemic is changing all our lives including the way we shop as the Governments new social distancing measures strike home.
In the past week Ocado, the online grocery retailer that delivers Waitrose and own-brand products, was forced to suspend its website as it struggled to cope with demand, while some other well-known delivery services such as Abel & Cole and Oddbox announced they would be temporarily unable to take new orders.
Abel & Cole and Ocado relaunched their sites over the weekend, with queues for the latter into the thousands.
Yet there are many more small, independent companies worth knowing about that deliver sensible quantities of high-quality food to our doorsteps and were not just talking fruit and veg.
Fresh pasta, meat and nutritious pre-prepared meals can also be safely and easily delivered straight to your home or to the homes of those you can't spend time with at the moment.
These contact-free delivery companies are already well positioned to offer their services to self-isolators, while safeguarding their own staff.
Healthy meal delivery company, Fresh Fitness Food promises daily delivery of everything you need to eat that day: three main meals and a snack.
Chief executive Caspar Rose says the brands customers tend to be busy London professionals with body composition goals but, in the last week or so, new orders have come from those wanting to boost immunity with a balanced diet that will best prepare them for combating the virus, should they contract it.
The companys free delivery radius takes in areas within the M25, always between 11pm and 6am, to doorsteps or an apartment concierge.
People can wake up in the morning, their cooler bags are there, each labelled and air-sealed, says Rose. Our deliveries are already no contact.
Restaurant closures have seen the brands suppliers receiving far fewer orders than they were even a few days ago, with one usually taking 100,000 in nightly orders taking only 10 per cent of that last night, says Rose.
Our suppliers are fully stocked and, as an essential service, we plan to deliver through any lockdown.
Fresh Fitness Food plans cost from 23 a day. NHS workers can get 50 per cent off, while anyone working remotely during the coronavirus outbreak can use the code WFH10 for 10 per cent off.
Contact-free:sealed, chilled bags from Fresh Fitness Foods are dropped off between the hours of 11pm and 6am. Free delivery within the M25.
London-based homemade pasta specialist Pasta Evangelists has next-day delivery to anywhere in Great Britain and Northern Ireland at a cost of 3.50, or free for orders of 25-plus.
"We are experiencing a very large uplift, with order numbers up 600-700 per cent, says founder and managing director Alessandro Savelli. We are fully equipped to fulfil every order.
Pasta and sauces are made in London every day, then delivered in thin recyclable boxes through letterboxes, or to designated safe places.
The brand has committed to full pay for staff throughout the coronavirus crisis, including for those who need to self-isolate.
Prices per dish start from around 6. A new launch is the pasta care package which, at 25, includes a 5 donation to Age UK. Its the perfect pick-me-up for the NHS worker or self-isolating relative in your life.
Scottish online butchers Donald Russell is open as usual with its next available delivery date currently this Saturday, March 28.
Based in Aberdeen, the brand uses national couriers and delivers across the UK.
Many customers are placing larger orders than usual. However, we have plenty of product and our butchers are still working hard to be able to meet the current demand, says marketing director Sue Stephenson.
Chilled boxes are left on doorsteps or another safe place. Prices vary, one package on offer at the moment is 10 microwaveable dishes for 50.25.
Well stocked:Scottish online butchers Donald Russell has a next available delivery date of Saturday 28 March
HIIT Kitchen, a meal delivery service, started as a healthy eatery in St Albans just over two years ago.
The brand delivers three days worth of meals to your doorsteps on Mondays and Thursdays, at 10 per delivery.
Co-founder Kris Tyrell says: We previously got investment, around two months ago, so sales have gone up since then. But in the past week theyve doubled.
Using their own temperature-controlled van, plus DPDs services, the brand plans to continue deliveries nationwide. Prices are from 7 for main meals.
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Contact-free home deliveries:how to support cool, independent businesses and get fresh food delivered to your door - Homes and Property
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A.P. Govt. to supply nutritional diet for 15L Anganwadi children in the State during lockdown – The Hindu
Posted: March 24, 2020 at 6:46 am
Officials of the Women Development and Child Welfare (WD&CW) Department will supply nutritional diet for one week to about 15 lakh Anganwadi children, pregnant, and lactating women in the State during the lockdown period.
The Anganwadi workers and helpers will visit homes and deliver the diet to the beneficiaries. Instructions have been given to complete the exercise by Tuesday in all districts, said WD&CW Director Krithika Shukla.
Government has been supplying the diet to children enrolled in Anganwadi Centres (aged between three and six years), registered pregnant women, and to lactating women up to six months post delivery in the State.
As many as 8.7 lakh pre-primary school children were enrolled in 55,670 Anganwadi Centres in Andhra Pradesh. In all, 6.5 lakh pregnant and lactating women enrolled in the centres will get the nutritional diet. All the district-level officers should treat the instructions as most urgent and expedite the distribution process immediately, Ms. Shukla said on Tuesday.
Speaking to The Hindu, WD&CW Krishna District Project Director (PD) K. Uma Rani said 500 gm of rice, 200 gm of red gram, 50 ml edible oil and seven eggs will be given to each child for a week.
For pregnant and lactating women, one kg rice, 250 gm of red gram, 125 ml of oil, 14 eggs and 1.5 litres of milk will be supplied per head till March 31. We request the beneficiaries to make use of the facility. Our staff will visit homes and deliver the provisions. Alternatively, beneficiaries can directly visit their respective Anganwadi Centres and collect them, Ms. Uma Rani said.
The decision has been taken to prevent malnutrition among children and mothers. The Regional Joint Directors (RJDs), Project Directors (PDs), Child Development Project Officers (CDPOs) and supervisors will monitor the delivery system, Ms. Shukla said.
However, officers, staff, the Anganwadi workers, and helpers were instructed to take all steps to prevent the spread of Coronavirus while supplying the rations in the villages, she added.
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A.P. Govt. to supply nutritional diet for 15L Anganwadi children in the State during lockdown - The Hindu
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Global diet soft drinks market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 4% over the forecast period from 2019-2025 – Olean Times Herald
Posted: March 24, 2020 at 6:46 am
NEW YORK, March 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --
The report on the global diet soft drinks market provides qualitative and quantitative analysis for the period from 2017 to 2025.
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The report predicts the global diet soft drinks market to grow with a CAGR of 4% over the forecast period from 2019-2025. The study on diet soft drinks market covers the analysis of the leading geographies such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and RoW for the period of 2017 to 2025.
The report on diet soft drinks market is a comprehensive study and presentation of drivers, restraints, opportunities, demand factors, market size, forecasts, and trends in the global diet soft drinks market over the period of 2017 to 2025. Moreover, the report is a collective presentation of primary and secondary research findings.
Porter's five forces model in the report provides insights into the competitive rivalry, supplier and buyer positions in the market and opportunities for the new entrants in the global diet soft drinks market over the period of 2017 to 2025. Further, IGR- Growth Matrix gave in the report brings an insight into the investment areas that existing or new market players can consider.
Report Findings1) Drivers Shifting consumer preference towards healthier lifestyle has surged the demand for diet versions of soft drinks Increasing obese population2) Restraints Availability of alternatives and high cost of diet soft drinks compared to the regular products hamper its growth3) Opportunities Increasing number of working females
Research Methodology
A) Primary ResearchOur primary research involves extensive interviews and analysis of the opinions provided by the primary respondents. The primary research starts with identifying and approaching the primary respondents, the primary respondents are approached include1. Key Opinion Leaders associated with Infinium Global Research2. Internal and External subject matter experts3. Professionals and participants from the industry
Our primary research respondents typically include1. Executives working with leading companies in the market under review2. Product/brand/marketing managers3. CXO level executives4. Regional/zonal/ country managers5. Vice President level executives.
B) Secondary ResearchSecondary research involves extensive exploring through the secondary sources of information available in both the public domain and paid sources. At Infinium Global Research, each research study is based on over 500 hours of secondary research accompanied by primary research. The information obtained through the secondary sources is validated through the crosscheck on various data sources.
The secondary sources of the data typically include1. Company reports and publications2. Government/institutional publications3. Trade and associations journals4. Databases such as WTO, OECD, World Bank, and among others.5. Websites and publications by research agencies
Segment CoveredThe global diet soft drinks market is segmented on the basis of type, and application.
The Global Diet Soft Drinks Market by Type Low Calorie Zero Calorie
The Global Diet Soft Drinks Market by Application Supermarket & General Merchandisers Convenience Store Food Service & Drinking Places Online
Company Profiles The Coca-Cola Company PepsiCo, Inc. Dr Pepper Snapple Group Nestl S.A. Unilever Cott Corporation Polar Beverages Hamoud Boualem Buffalo Rock Company Sam's Choice
What does this report deliver?1. Comprehensive analysis of the global as well as regional markets of the diet soft drinks market.2. Complete coverage of all the segments in the diet soft drinks market to analyze the trends, developments in the global market and forecast of market size up to 2025.3. Comprehensive analysis of the companies operating in the global diet soft drinks market. The company profile includes analysis of product portfolio, revenue, SWOT analysis and latest developments of the company.4. IGR- Growth Matrix presents an analysis of the product segments and geographies that market players should focus to invest, consolidate, expand and/or diversify.
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Hemp: The secret to healthy diet, glowing skin – Outlook India
Posted: March 24, 2020 at 6:46 am
Hemp: The secret to healthy diet, glowing skin
New Delhi, March 24 (IANSlife) Hemp is a plant from the Cannabis family, which is used particularly for creating a variety of industrial products, ranging from clothes to bags, paper, skincare products, biofuel etc. The incredible benefits of Hemp have been ingrained in our lives for centuries.
Hemp Horizons, India''s first hemp seed processing and contract manufacturing company, released a new collection of everyday beauty and body essentials. Expert from the company reveals the secret to healthy skin and hair laden with the benefits of Sativa (Hemp). Sativa Hemp Nubs (Hemp Hearts, Hulled Hemp seeds)
This 100 percent pure and natural ayurvedic plant-based seeds can make you healthier and happier. Ayurvedic Sativa nubs are supreme quality dehulled (remove seeds hard shell) hemp seeds in India that can be enjoyed straight out of the bag. This high-quality storage proteins product houses a significant amount of all nutritious essential amino acids. Also, protein from hemp seeds is more digestible than meat, whole eggs, cheese, human milk, cow''s milk or any other high protein food. Price: 150gm: Rs 399 and 500gm: Rs 1099
Sativa Hemp Powder (Cold Milled Hemp Powder)
Hemp powder is a concentrated source of protein from hemp seeds. It''s completely free from dairy and lactose, vegan-friendly and a great addition to any healthy diet.
The powder packs a healthy punch of dietary fibre, chlorophyll, minerals, and antioxidants without any saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium or sugar. Just add it to your shake or blend it with Yogurt and hot cereals for a perfect meal replacement diet. Price: 150gm: Rs 299 and 500gm: Rs 999
Sativa Hemp Oil (Cold Pressed 100 percent Virgin Hemp seed oil, Edible)
Hemp seed oil is the most reputed unsaturated oil from the plant kingdom. This seed oil is 75-80 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids (the good fats). Whereas it has only 9-11percent of the less desired saturated fatty acids. Smoothies, salads, vegetables, and all kinds of pasta can be made using this oil. A gentle massage on your body with Sativa Hemp seed oil nourishes the skin and increases the blood circulation and is suitable for all skin types. Also, it helps to maintain hormonal balance which helps to attain healthy menopause. Due to its low carbohydrate and sugar content, it acts as an excellent supplement for people with diabetes. If used in cooking, it can help reduce your cholesterol rate. Price: 200ml: Rs 799
Strawberry and Hemp Lip Balm
Helps to moisture lips to ensure smooth, soft, and wrinkle-free lips. Also, makes your lip seal moisture and aids in healthy cell renewal and lightens your lips.
This 100% vegan and cruelty-free product is also chemical-free, making dead skin cells to rejuvenate and preventing it from becoming dry and chapped. Price: Rs 199
Hemp seed oil for Skin and Hair
Natural skincare and haircare oil is best for acne, pimples, dry skin, dull skin, hair-fall, frizzy hair. It contains essential amino acids, omega 6, omega 3, protein, essential fatty acids, anti-oxidants and quite a few minerals; thus helping keep our skin and hair healthy. Price: Rs 399
(This article is website exclusive and cannot be reproduced without the permission of IANSlife)
Disclaimer :- This story has not been edited by Outlook staff and is auto-generated from news agency feeds. Source: IANS
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Pescatarian Diet: How Does it Work? Facts, Benefits and Risks – LIVESTRONG.COM
Posted: March 24, 2020 at 6:46 am
In the eating world, there are all sorts of "-arians" these days. There are vegetarians, of course, but also fruitarians (those who eat only or mostly fruit) and even breatharians (those who believe they only need air or sunlight for sustenance please, don't try that one at home!).
A pescatarian diet has been linked to a range of health benefits, including weight loss.
Credit: bhofack2/iStock/GettyImages
Some of these eating approaches are controversial, to say the least, but the pescatarian diet is a sound, scientifically backed plan that can help you reach a variety of health goals.
Here, we'll dig into the definition of pescatarianism along with what pescatarians can and can't eat, the benefits and drawbacks of the diet and everything else you need to know to decide if it's right for you.
The pescatarian diet is essentially a vegetarian diet that incorporates fish or seafood. The diet typically includes animal-based foods like milk and eggs but does not include meat (think: chicken, pork or beef). The term itself is a combination of the words vegetarian and "pesce," which is Italian for fish. For this reason, it is sometimes (but less commonly) spelled pescetarian.
A hurdle in following strict vegetarian diets can be getting enough protein. This isn't usually an issue with the pescatarian diet, though, because it includes fish as a major protein source.
Even though the pescatarian diet is typically regarded as a close cousin to the Mediterranean diet, it can easily be followed with all types of cuisine, including Asian, Indian or Mexican.
You might be surprised at the wide variety of foods you can eat on the pescatarian diet. Overall, it's an extremely flexible way to eat that includes a lot of nutrient-dense foods.
All fruits and vegetables are allowed on the pescatarian diet. That's right all of them.
When you're eating a plant-based diet, your intake of fruits and vegetables should go up (as in, these staples should fill at least half your plate at meals). The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend you get at least 2.5 cups of vegetables each day and 2 cups of fruit (for a 2,000-calorie diet). Let that be your guide and increase the amount as needed to fill your plate.
With a pescatarian diet, one of your major protein sources will be fish. Other protein foods that are allowed on the pescatarian diet are beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, peas, soy products like tofu and sometimes eggs and dairy.
Keep your protein sources healthy, so no deep-fried catfish or fish sticks. Use cooking methods like broiling, roasting or grilling.
Add nuts to snacks and salads to get more protein throughout the day.
Here's the protein content of some popular pescatarian sources:
While fish and seafood are allowed on a pescatarian diet, the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend adults following a 2,000-calorie diet get two servings per week. With that in mind, pescatarians should aim to include other sources of plant-based protein throughout the week.
Since grains are also plants, they will be an important part of your pescatarian diet. Grains provide important nutrients such as B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, fiber and protein.
Your grain choices are vast and limited only by your imagination and maybe cooking skills. The Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health calls whole grains the "complete package." Their health benefits include helping with blood sugar control, lowering cholesterol levels and cancer prevention.
Some popular, healthy whole grains include:
The recommendation from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to include at least six servings of grains per day and make at least half of them whole grains.
The "gray area" of nutrition are the foods that lie outside of normal meal patterns. This is where good healthy nutrition can take a backseat. Most types of drinks are permitted on plant-based diets, including the pescatarian diet. But to keep your intake healthy, limit or avoid sugary beverages like soda and juice and opt instead for naturally low-calorie beverages like water, coffee and tea.
As for snacks, these should fall within the types of foods that are allowed at meals. Fresh fruit, veggies, yogurt, popcorn, cheese, hummus and nuts are all good choices when planning out your snacks.
If you are staying firm in your convictions to eat a pescatarian diet, then you should not be eating any meat. This means no beef, lamb, poultry, pork or any other animal meat. This also means you should not eat snacks made from meat, such as jerky.
Steer clear of the candy and treats with a lot of added sugar, too. While they are technically pescatarian-friendly, you should always have your eye on the path to health. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that women and children keep their intake of added sugar to no more than 6 teaspoons each day and no more than 9 teaspoons per day for men.
Also, consider limiting plant-based "meats," mainly because they are highly processed and may contain large amounts of sodium. Just because you're eating a plant-based diet doesn't mean you can go crazy with salt. (The AHA recommends no more than 2,300 milligrams of salt a day.)
A healthy approach to the pescatarian diet includes two servings of fish or seafood each week.
Credit: bhofack2/iStock/GettyImages
Pescatarians enjoy many of the same health benefits vegetarians do, as well as a few extra.
A plant-based diet is loaded with antioxidants, and these have a huge affect on your health. According to a November 2017 review published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, vegetarians have a reduced risk for heart disease and overall cancer.
Harvard Medical School indicates a plethora or health benefits for those who follow a healthy vegetarian diet, including:
Adding fish to your diet will naturally increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in good amounts in fatty fish like salmon. According to an extensive January 2019 review published in Nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids are important in reducing inflammation, muscle soreness, cardiovascular risk factors and joint stiffness and pain.
If followed in a healthy way, yes, you can lose weight by following a pescatarian diet. According to a September 2019 review published in Translational Psychiatry, people who followed a plant-based diet generally achieved more weight loss than those who followed an omnivore diet.
There are caveats to this, as always, when looking at a certain diet for weight loss. Keep these basic principles in mind if weight loss is your goal:
A pescatarian diet has a plethora of potential benefits, but like any diet, it's key to make healthy choices to reap the biggest rewards.
Credit: Maskot/Maskot/GettyImages
There is a lot of noise surrounding the environmental effects of varying diet patterns. According to an April 2019 study published in Nutrients, researchers indicated that a pescatarian diet reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 64 percent relative to diets that include meat, which is slightly more than vegetarian diets at 63 percent. But the vegan diet wins in this regard by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 83 percent.
The environmental footprint of the pescatarian diet on other environmental factors such as cropland, freshwater, nitrogen and phosphorus use are comparable to vegetarian diets and less than meat-oriented and protein-oriented eating plans. So, if you are looking to reduce your footprint on the environment with your diet, plant-based eating is a great way to start.
When switching to a pescatarian diet, you are likely to experience some frustrations.
Meal planning: One of the biggest changes when adopting a plant-based diet is the need for meal prep and cooking. While there are shortcuts in the grocery store (pre-cut veggies, canned beans, pre-cooked grains), it is essential that you have a plan in place every day for meals. Otherwise, you might get stuck at the snack machine staring down all the not-so-healthy (albeit pescatarian-friendly) options.
Mercury in fish: Another concern when adding large amounts of seafood to the diet is the risk of ingesting too much mercury. For this reason, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences indicates those who should watch their seafood intake include young children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, up to 12 ounces a week of fish low in mercury levels is fine for most people.
Fish with high levels of mercury are shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish these should be limited or avoided. Get the full breakdown here on fish with the highest and lowest mercury levels.
If you're looking to make the change to a healthier diet and not sure where to start, the pescatarian diet may be for you. Following a plant-based diet is a healthy and sustainable diet pattern that has proven to provide health benefits and reduce the risk of many common chronic conditions.
If dieting and meal planning leaves you frustrated and confused, ask for help. Reach out to your health care team and ask for a referral to see a registered dietitian nutritionist who can guide you in the right direction with your current health conditions, activity level and goals.
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Pescatarian Diet: How Does it Work? Facts, Benefits and Risks - LIVESTRONG.COM
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Avoid these 5 food habits to stay fit and healthy – Onmanorama
Posted: March 24, 2020 at 6:46 am
Unhealthy eating habits are one of the major reasons why people have become vulnerable to the lifestyle diseases and many other severe illnesses as well. Not just the usual diseases but human beings are now fighting dangerous viruses like the COVID-19 that has been declared a global pandemic. Noted yoga instructor Dr Hansaji Yogendra talks about the importance of saying 'no' to these five food habits to lead a healthy life.
Avoid stale food
Most people prefer cooking and storing food for a few days. However, they do not realize that eating old foods can distress the digestive process. This lowers the immunity power of the body and may lead to vomiting, dysentery, and fever. The nutrients in cooked food are lost after 24 hours. So, the food that has been cooked and stored for days should be strictly avoided.
Instant cooking
Amid hectic schedules and busy lifestyles, most people do not have the time to cook fresh food. So, they often rely on gadgets like the microwave oven to cook or reheat food.
However, the healthy fibres in the food are lost when they are cooked or reheated in microwave. Usually, milk or other liquid foods could be heated in microwave oven as the nutrients in them aren't lost. But it is better to avoid microwave ovens to reheat food items.
Packaged food
Junk food or bakery snacks have now become common items in the daily menu of many people. These packaged foods are loaded with harmful preservatives and other additives. Many people prefer buying such processed or frozen food and reheat them as they do not have the time to cook or are too lazy for it. These packaged or processed foods could cause many serious illnesses.
Processed sugar, salt and all purpose flour
Bread with jam or butter is one of the most popular breakfast items that require just seconds to put together on a plate. However, the all-purpose flour and sugar in these items do not provide the energy that is required for the body to function properly.
These days, wheat bread is becoming popular as the healthy variant of the loaf. However, not many know that these breads contain just 20% wheat in them. The rest is the same old all-purpose flour. The breakfast is the main meal of the day as most of it gets absorbed into the body. The body doesn't receive its essential nutrients if such unhealthy foods are eaten for breakfast. You could replace processed sugar with rock candies if you are someone who loves sweets. Black salt and Himalayan rock salt could be used instead of your regular iodized salt. You could develop a safe and healthy lifestyle by turning to such harmless and healthy ingredients.
Say 'no' to beverages
Alcohol consumption has become a social menace which leads to physical and mental diseases. Addiction to alcohol may lead to depression and poor social relations. Similarly, there are many who gulp down too many teas and coffees in a day. Such beverages need to be consumed in limited amount to maintain general well being.
Just like eating the right foods, it is vital to avoid certain foods to remain healthy and fit. Try to eat only when you are hungry. Some people eat uncontrollably when they are tensed or are under distress. However, in such situations the hormones may not function properly and this may lead to loss of energy. Moreover, this could make you sick as well. So, it is better to have a refreshing glass of lemon juice and relax when you are really upset or disturbed.
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Sugar Busters Diet: Heres everything you should know about this diet plan – PINKVILLA
Posted: March 24, 2020 at 6:46 am
Sugar busters diet plan is to limit your sugar intake to lose weight. This diet plan also cures inflammation and improves energy levels. Read the details below.
Sugar busters diet is a popular carbohydrate-restricted diet plan which cuts down on our flour and sugar intake. Sugary foods often promote resistance in insulin levels, where our body cells cannot respond to insulin. Reducing the consumption of refined sugar can helps us in weight loss. This diet cures inflammation and improves energy levels keeping the insulin levels on track. Sugar busters diet consists of meat, poultry, unsaturated fats, dairy products, fruits and veggies in the diet plan.
Generally, cutting down on calories helps you to lose weight. But in sugar busters diet you have to intake almost 1200 calories each day that is 800 calories less than usual. You cannot have refined foods like bread, cake, cookies, crackers, pretzels, doughnuts, bagels, muffins, etc. in sugar busters diet plan. There are some restrictions on food-consumption while maintaining the sugar busters diet. It also has some pros and cons which you should know before starting this diet plan. So, read on to know everything about Sugar busters diet plan.
Here's everything you should know about Sugar busters diet.
What to eat in Sugar busters diet?
1-Foods with low glycemic index like whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal, millets, etc.
3-Lean meat, seafood, whole eggs are up for consumption.
4-Low-fat dairy products like unsweetened yoghurt, cheese, butter.
What to avoid?
Artificially sweetened soft drinks, jam, jelly, salad dressings, soft drinks and juices.
Potato and bananas.
Pros of Sugar busters diet
Its high in fibre.
Its low in saturated fat.
Its easy to follow for its food options.
Cons of Sugar busters diet
Its quiet debatable due to its food options.
It may get difficult to maintain as it prevents the consumption of staples like rice, potatoes.
The science behind this diet is questionable.
Originally posted here:
Sugar Busters Diet: Heres everything you should know about this diet plan - PINKVILLA
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Preventing Lethal Prostate Cancer with Diet, Supplements, and Rx: Heart Healthy Continues to Be Prostate Healthy and "First Do No Harm" Part…
Posted: March 24, 2020 at 6:46 am
To discuss the overall and latest observations of the effect of diet, lifestyle, supplements, and some prescription heart healthy medications for prostate cancer prevention.
The concept of maximizing heart health to prevent aggressive prostate cancer continues to be solidified with the addition of more prospective observational and randomized controlled trial data. Heart healthy is prostate healthy, and heart unhealthy is prostate unhealthy. The primary goal of reducing the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality also coincides with maximizing prostate cancer prevention. The obesity epidemic in children and adults along with recent diverse research has only strengthened the nexus between heart and prostate health. Greater dietary adherence toward a variety of healthy foods is associated with a graded improved probability of CVD and potentially aggressive cancer risk reduction. Preventing prostate cancer via dietary supplements should encourage a "first do no harm," or less is more approach until future evidence can reverse the concerning trend that more supplementation has resulted in either no impact or an increased risk of prostate cancer. Supplements to reduce side effects of some cancer treatments appear to have more encouraging data. A discussion of quality (QC) before utilizing any pill also requires attention. Medications or interventions that potentially improve heart health including statins, aspirin, and metformin (S.A.M.), specific beta-blocker medications, and even preventive vaccines are in general generic, low-cost, "natural," and should continue to garner research interest. A watershed moment in medical education has arrived where the past perception of a diverse number of trees seemingly separated by vast distances, in reality, now appear to exist within the same forest.
Current urology reports. 2020 Mar 18*** epublish ***
Mark A Moyad
Department of Urology, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. .
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Preventing Lethal Prostate Cancer with Diet, Supplements, and Rx: Heart Healthy Continues to Be Prostate Healthy and "First Do No Harm" Part...
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Vitamin C foods boost immunity – Add these fruits and vegetables to your diet – Times Now
Posted: March 24, 2020 at 6:46 am
Vitamin C foods boost immunity - Add these fruits and vegetables to your diet 
While the novel coronavirus outbreak has the entire world come to a standstill, all 195 countries and territories globally have reported more than 380,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 affected while the loss of life is pegged at more than 16,000, barely three months after it broke out in a wet market Chinas Wuhan.
If there is a chance that we do catch the SARS-CoV2 virus, our immune system is responsible for fighting it and though it may present several uncertainties, what we can do it eat as healthy as possible along with a slew of measures that the World Health Organisation (WHO) and governments across the globe are asking us to do. Research shows improving nutrition helps support optimal immune function.
When your body is fighting a disease, it experiences whats called oxidative stress which then leads to the production of free radicals which can pierce cell walls, causing the contents to leak into tissues and intensifying inflammation.
Vitamin C, also known asascorbic acid,is a common remedy that some people believe will cure a common cold and flu. Although it helps us maintain good immune function, theres little evidence that it can prevent either of these diseases. But in the midst of the novel coronavirus outbreak, some influencers are claiming that taking mega-doses of vitamin C can cure COVID-19.
Vitamin C though helps clean up this cellular mess by producing specialised cells to mount an immune response, including neutrophils, lymphocytes, and phagocytes.
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required by the body for the development and maintenance of scar tissue, blood vessels, and cartilage. Include these five food items in your diet as Vitamin C sources:
1. Oranges:Oranges and orange juice are also good sources of potassium, folate, lutein and vitamin A. Whole oranges are also a good source of fibre, but most of the fibre is lost when you drink the juice.
2. Green peppers: Although rich in vitamin C, green bell peppers can also deliver your daily need for vitamins A, K and B6. Whole green bell pepper contains just 24 calories. Sliced or chopped and added to a salad or used as an ingredient in a variety of dishes, choose peppers that are bright green in colour.
3.Strawberries: Who doesnt like strawberries? They are sweet, juicy, and loaded with vitamin C. Strawberries are also an excellent source of fibre and folate and a good source of potassium10 and magnesium. Add strawberry slices to oatmeal, cold cereal, or yogurt for a healthy breakfast.
4.Broccoli: One cup of raw chopped broccoli contains 81 mg of vitamin C. A big serving of raw broccoli provides most of the vitamin C you'll need for one day. The amount of vitamin C reduced will vary depending on the cooking method. Broccoli is also an excellent source of calcium, potassium, fibre, vitamins A and K, and lots of antioxidants.
5. Kiwi: The luscious green kiwi is an excellent source of vitamin C. One small fruit has more than 60 milligrams. It is also rich in potassium and fibre and very low on calories. Mix it with other fresh fruits and nuts to make a healthy fruit salad.
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Vitamin C foods boost immunity - Add these fruits and vegetables to your diet - Times Now
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