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Surprising groceries still on shelves amid coronavirus and what you really need – New York Post

Posted: March 20, 2020 at 4:50 pm

Not all groceries are flying off the shelf.

Take a video tour of the NYC metro areas least popular supermarket items from lunch meat to high-end seltzers like Perrier and La Croix filmed at grocery stores across Queens, Brooklyn and New Jersey.

Meanwhile, shoppers appear to be stocking up on frozen food, produce and canned goods during the coronavirus pandemic. Pizza sauce? Not so much.

Many New Yorkers swear by the citys takeout and delivery culture, which brings just about anything to their apartment doorstep, including fresh-pressed juice, pan-seared branzino and fine wines.

Yet as public health officials urge residents to hunker down in their homes to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus, many have found themselves with more time and less cash on their hands.

Thats why some are taking this opportunity to save a buck and explore their home kitchen possibly for the first time ever. Dont succumb to pandemic panic. If youre hoping to expand your domestic skill set, heres your crash course in stocking your home with healthy, affordable and versatile eats.

First things first: Stocking your kitchen doesnt mean stockpiling food.

I dont think people should freak out, Samantha Heller, a dietitian with NYU Langone Health, tells The Post. She encourages shoppers to be thoughtful while at the grocery store many stores have long lines and shortages of key household goods, including medicine, diapers and bread. But there should be no shortage of food, she adds.

And dont forget to prep your cabinets, freezer and refrigerator.

Maybe you havent cleaned [them] out in a while, says Heller. With the time you may be saving on commuting to work, now might be a good time to do that. Toss any expired, stale or freezer-burned foods. And if your small but mighty freezer seems to have frozen over, defrost it by using hot water to melt the ice or by using Hellers preferred tool, a hair dryer.

At the grocery store, Heller says that plain frozen vegetables and fruits such as peas, green beans, spinach, edamame, broccoli, riced cauliflower, berries and mangoes can be just as nutritious as their fresh counterparts because they are flash-frozen at peak freshness, meaning they are frozen nearly instantly, locking in the nutrients and preserving ripeness. (The same cant be said for canned veggies, she notes.)

A lot of prepared foods are perfect for freezing, such as sliced bread, soups, lasagna, grilled chicken breast, sandwich meat and cooked rice so consider cooking big dishes that can be portioned into single servings to freeze, then eat on the go.

Not just cooked meat, but any raw meat, including chicken pieces, ground beef, steak, bacon and pork can all be thrown into the freezer and thawed to cook at a later date. (And be sure to refer to for guidelines on safely cooking meat.)

On the other hand, Heller cautions against frozen meals, even those that purport to be healthy. For the most part the frozen meals tend to be high in sodium, she says.

Instead of the frozen, store-bought versions, Heller reaches for a variety of frozen veggies, such as corn, peas and carrots, and frozen cooked rice for a quick veggie fried rice, and suggests beans, tofu or chicken breast for protein. (Dont forget soy sauce in the pantry!)

Nutritionally speaking, frozen produce is optimal but its not always the most expedient option. Plus, cans and jars keep longer and offer a wider variety of food. Some foods that are especially convenient from a can include beans, diced or whole tomatoes, tomato sauce and paste, mushrooms, pineapple and peaches (but avoid fruits soaked in a sugary syrup).

Heller also likes to keep her pantry stocked with something you can throw in for a flavor boost to any dish, she suggests, such as olives, banana peppers, artichoke hearts, capers, salsa, applesauceand sun-dried tomatoes.

Dont skip the whole grains, dried legumes and other dehydrated foods, including dried milk. They may require a few more steps to prepare, but their yearslong (in some cases 10 or more) shelf life and low cost make them a staple of domesticity. Heller suggests loading up on dried beans, white and brown rice, quinoa, couscous, polenta and, of course, pasta. (For added nutritional value, try some of these foods in their whole-wheat or grain versions.)

Fat is essential to cooking, so try starting with olive oilfor marinade and dressing, and canola oil for sauteing and frying. And various vinegars can be added to simply cooked or raw vegetable dishes just a splash at the end to make things sparkle, says Heller. Other handy condiments include soy sauce (preferably low-sodium, which is just as flavorful), nut butters and hot sauce. Some folks like to keep these in the refrigerator up to you.

Dried seasoning can add flavor to the blandest foods, so start building your herb and spice library. Garlic and powders, whole pepper flakes,ground cinnamon, nutmeg, cayenne,cumin,dried bay leaves, basil, parsley and oreganoare all essential to American cuisine.

Almost everyone craves something sweet from time to time. When that happens, Heller recommends a fruity snack, such as an apple with a couple tablespoons of protein-rich peanut butter, which will keep you feeling full for longer. But when you just have to have the sweet stuff, she suggests keeping a high-quality bar of chocolate with 70% cocoa or higher, which is known to have some health benefits. Take a piece and eat it slowly, she says, and really explore those flavors so that you feel satisfied by the end of the bite.

Heller likes an easy pasta puttanesca, made with sauteed garlic and onion, canned or jarred tomato sauce, plus olives for the sauce and whatever pasta she has on hand. Throw in some canned tuna, sardines or mackerel for a healthy seafood spin.

And for the sake of your sanity, dont forget the lifeblood of all New Yorkers: coffee grounds (or tea if youre into that).

If we are talking about foods that last a long time, count on cultured dairy, fermented veggies and pickles. Greek yogurt can last up to a month if properly sealed in the refrigerator, pickles can go for months and some kimchi may outlast us all.

Milk has a notoriously short shelf life, but milk alternatives such as soy, cashew and oat milk may last twice as long as conventional cow milk. But if thats your preference, consider lactose-free, which tastes the same but is ultra-pasteurized and thus more shelf-stable.

The harder the cheese, the longer it will last when wrapped properly to avoid oxidation. Though some may suffer a little mold, such as aged Parmigiano-Reggiano, the blemish wont penetrate deep and can usually be cut out to reveal perfectly edible cheese beneath.

Heller also reminds eaters to use your fresh stuff first to ensure freshness and minimize food waste. But dont fret if those three-week-old carrots are so flimsy (a sign of overexposure to oxygen) that they can almost be tied into a knot, says Heller. Instead, chop them up and add them to a stew. The same goes for many other fresh veggies that tend to go a bit soft or dry in the refrigerator after a few weeks, including celery, potatoes, turnips, rutabaga, parsnips and fennel.

Just be smart: Look out for mold, weird smells, bruises and ick! oozing.

Folks in this position have to pay particularly close attention to their diet, and Lisa Zullig, director of nutrition services at the medically tailored meal service Gods Love We Deliver, has a few quick and dirty tips if this is you or someone for whom youre shopping.

Those who are considered most at risk of infection should focus on getting as many fruits and vegetables into their diet as possible, as these foods pack the most nutrients and antioxidants, which help to fortify your cells against invasion from the stuff that makes you sick. This is where frozen produce is particularly handy for those who want to stock up but cant get to the store easily or often, Zullig says.

Zullig also likes commonly available canned seafood, including salmon, mackerel, herring and anchovies, which are rich in the omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation throughout the body. The tiny bones of these fish, she added, are also a good source of calcium, but be careful if you have difficulty swallowing, and crush up the bones first.

Nuts and nut butters, such as almond and hazelnut, are also high in omega-3s and dense in nutrients. Plus, Zullig says, nut butters are great choices especially if someone has difficulty chewing.

In terms of grains and other pantry goods, aim for high-fiber and whole-grain varieties when feasible, such as whole-grain pasta and whole-wheat couscous. When choosing bread, look for one that lists whole-grain flour as the first ingredient, she says, adding that bread can also be frozen and toasted for those who dont eat it daily.

Canned fruits, vegetables and beans are soft to chew and provide lots of fiber (as well as protein in the case of legumes), but theyre often high in sodium or sugar. Make those foods more heart-healthy by giving them a water rinse before using to remove added sodium, she suggests.

It may take the old-fashioned some time to come around, but when they do, theyll find that some milk alternatives such as almond milk are more healthy and economical. Just as rich in calcium and vitamin D as conventional milk, when unopened in the pantry, this type of beverage can last for six to nine months,says Zullig.

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Surprising groceries still on shelves amid coronavirus and what you really need - New York Post

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Ready to Feed Your Baby Solids? These 17 Foods Are the Perfect Place to Start – POPSUGAR

Posted: March 20, 2020 at 4:50 pm

Your baby is sitting upright without support, showing interest in food, and holding their head up by themself. In other words, your baby is showing signs that they may be ready to eat solid food! While this important milestone is often accompanied by a lot of excitement, it can also come with some confusion and hesitation. Which foods are OK to feed your baby? Which foods do you need to avoid? Will your baby choke? Will you trigger an allergy?

Take a deep breath, parents. As a registered dietician, I rounded up 17 safe foods that are great first-food options for babies. Keep in mind that these foods are to be used to complement breast milk or formula, not replace it. Often, first foods are modified to a puree texture and fed to baby on a spoon, but some families choose to follow baby-led weaning principles where babies feed themselves more solid foods (think a slice of an avocado that the baby can hold by themself). Babies should be introduced to solid foods no earlier than 4 months of age, while some experts suggest waiting until baby is 6 months old. Ultimately, it depends on your individual baby's development and your healthcare provider's professional opinion.

So, what can you feed your baby? Here are 17 foods that are excellent first-food options for your little one's dining pleasure. Bon apptit!

Go here to read the rest:
Ready to Feed Your Baby Solids? These 17 Foods Are the Perfect Place to Start - POPSUGAR

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How are the pros keeping busy during the Covid-19 lockdown? – Newschoolers

Posted: March 20, 2020 at 4:50 pm

Cover Photo: Memecork

Professional skiers may have a pretty good lifestyle but a crisis like the Coronavirus, is a great equalizer. We're all in the same boat and we have to obey the rules to help control the outbreak. So what are pros like Phil Casabon, Tom Wallisch, Jake Mageau and others do when (depending on where they live) they have to stay off the slopes?

This lot might be some of the best skiers in the world, but while injury treatment is (unsurprisingly) a bit of a theme, you're probably doing similar things...(props if you're making funky walking sticks like B Dog!)


Daniel Hanka

Im in the middle of the mountains in Arianna Tricomi's cabin. Its the perfect place because its in the middle of the mountains, no people around, I got a nice terrace, beautiful views and Im here all by myself.

Not a bad place to be stuck

I play a lot of guitars and Im learning new songs/riffs and thats keeping me busy. I do a lot of exercises too and Im trying to get in the music theory too, but that aint too easy. I try to work out and stretch, I dont like to do literally nothing so I try and do some exercises for an hour a day just to keep my body in shape. I play quite a lot of computer games. Thats pretty much it for now because its just my third day. It feels quite good to be alone with yourself, I really love it.


Tom Wallisch

With all the resorts being closed Ive been spending way more time at home. Normally I would be on the road chasing snow/conditions and instead, Im home with my wife and friends. Im still trying to get outside as safely as I can walking the dog, ski touring, snowmobiling, but overall just spending more time inside at home. Weve been passing the time with movies, cooking, board games, books, puzzles, really anything. It's a bit boring at times but a small sacrifice to make to hopefully keep others safe and to flatten the curve of this pandemic. Lots of fun new edits in the works now that I have all this time on my computer available! Stay safe out there everyone!


Sarah Hoefflin

Well at the moment, Im not doing very much. Ive just broken my arm, like six weeks agoso Ive kind of been a bit convalescent anywayit kind of feels like Ive extended that period by a little bit. That means that my life hasnt drastically changed in the last five weeks.

I had started to do a little bit of ski touring, in the last few days when my arm got a bit better. Now its just an extension of my broken arm even though its not broken anymore.

Sarah's had plenty of time for ski maintenance...


Jacob Wester

Because Im injured I would probably be doing the same thing that I'm doing now tbh

Eat a sh*t ton of food, do rehab exercises, watch an unhealthy amount of mindless Youtube videos, and sleep.


Phil Casabon

I am nurturing my knee with physiotherapy & mindful healing

I am writing a cartoon story based on the B-Dog character

I am editing my brothers highlight drone reel

I am reading Unfinished Tales from J.R.R Tolkien

I am carving some funky wood walking sticks

I am learning story building through an online class called MasterClass

I am meditating and praying


Will Wesson

We just had our biggest earthquake in 30 years the other day in Salt Lake, so people have some extra worries on their minds with all the aftershocks still happening for a bit. I'll probably just hike and go touring like I normally would after the season ends, but just for a month longer this year.

All bars, restaurants and a lot of businesses are closed or working from home, but the main changes for me are mainly trying to go to the grocery store less and earlier in the morning when there are fewer people around to interact with

A bit more time at home also means catching up on some video editing I suppose.


Jake Mageau

"I have tried to express my creativity in other ways like drawing, also keeping the body limber and the mind straight by doing yoga or stretching has made a big difference. With this virus, most of it is out of our control so it is important for us to focus on the things that we can control like our diet and the places we choose to be. A Good time to work on our patience In my eyes."


McRae Williams

Ive just been keeping busy around the house. I stocked up on food eating super well with my lady. Doing puzzles and playing video games ha. Been going through lots of footage I've been sitting on and throwing clips together for the gram haha. We all gotta live vicariously for a bit I guess. We are getting some decent snow in Utah at the moment so Im hoping to get out with some of the boys around here and do some filming. It's hard because even though you know youre pretty much safe from corona out in the mountains you still run the risk of something going wrong and ending up in a corona infected hospital. Maybe even taking up doctors and resources that should be going towards fighting off corona. Gotta think about the bigger picture and maybe hang up the skis for the moment as sad as that is.


Alex Hackel

I love routines they are very positive for me. I also like trying to focus your energy on positive things and using the time to create skills that will last a long time such as Studying, Sharpening a skill or Finding a new hobby. Recently I bought a DJ controller and have been starting to learn a bit. Also in these uncertain times, I want to connect with my friends and family and let them know I love them.



I am recovering from a shoulder injury I got at the Calgary world cup, so its actually good timing for me to be home and stay very relaxed. I try to take no chances and stay home and play cards with a few friends. I have been going to the market for my grandparents to make sure they stay safe at home in those tough times. Trying to stay healthy and exercise at home since everything close here in Quebec and I am happy people are taking this seriously so we can get over this asap!


Not everywhere is shut though...

Magnus Graner

"I'm in Stockholm right now But Im just about to go to the mountains up north. Sweden seems like the least shutdown place in the world almost. All Resorts are still open now and if they close we will be ski touring all spring."

So how are you passing the time?

See the original post here:
How are the pros keeping busy during the Covid-19 lockdown? - Newschoolers

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Coughing, high fever, shortness of breath; Now what? – Dailychiefunion

Posted: March 20, 2020 at 4:50 pm

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By CALLAN PUGHCity editorWhile no positive tests in Wyandot County have been reported, Wyandot County health officials have said it should be assumed potential cases are in the county as the virus is showing signs of community spread, meaning it is spreading easily and sustainably in Ohio.Wyandot County Health Commissioner Dr. Keri Harris said step one, if a person suspects they are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, is to call a primary care physician. A primary care physician will be able to determine if the symptoms are consistent with COVID-19 coronavirus. Symptoms are a high fever of above 100.4, a cough and shortness of breath.If so, the patient will be asked to report to Wyandot Memorial Hospital, which is the countys temporary central assessment and testing location. The assessment and testing is conducted in an emergency preparedness tent in the parking lot of the emergency department and is a drive-thru, which allows people to stay in their cars to prevent additional exposure to health care workers and other individuals.The station is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily until further notice for patients who are triaged or referred by a medical provider.Not everyone who is sent to the to the tent will be tested, at least for now. According to Harris, supplies are limited for testing and equipment to collect the tests is not yet at the hospitals or points of care, so only the patients deemed at the most risk will be tested.Thats just the wrong thing to do, to test everyone at this point, Harris said at the March Health Board meeting. We would love to, just being a public health person and being a doctor you want to know, does my patient have it or not, do they need to quarantine? But we just dont have the supplies and the equipment. [If we say], If we test you, your grandfather might not be tested and they potentially could get more ill from this, then I think people are more understanding. We just cannot at this time until we have more equipment available.While at the station, individuals remain in their vehicles, and hospital staff will provide them with the Ohio Department of Health form to complete with their health history, symptoms, and exposure and travel history. An insurance card also should be provided to hospital staff. The assessment and any subsequent testing will be billed to insurance providers. Due to the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 assessment and testing, the hospital is able to accept all insurances for these services, and no one will be turned away for inability to pay, according to a hospital notice.


Those who do qualify for testing with moderate symptoms of COVID-19, will be asked to self-isolate at home until test results are returned. According to Wyandot County Health District Director of Nursing Darlene Steward, those who do not qualify for testing but who are showing mild symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to self-isolate for 14 days and to self monitor symptoms. In these cases, a person is asked to disengage from others in their household by staying in separate rooms and using separate bathrooms if possible. She also suggested having a healthy member of the household prepare meals if food is shared between family members and as much as possible a sick person should not be in the kitchen with others in the household. Those who are sick also should be wearing a mask, Steward said, and practicing the other prevention techniques shared many times since the onset of the virus by the health officials, including regular hand washing for 20 seconds or using hand sanitizer, avoiding touching the face, covering coughs and sneezes with a sleeve or tissue and regularly disinfecting surfaces that are touched often.Those who have direct close contact with a person suspected to have COVID-19 also will be asked to self-isolate Dr. Chevone Vent, a physician on the Wyandot County Board of Health and an infectious control representative from the Infection Prevention Committee said.

Worsening symptoms, hospitalization

For many, symptoms of COVID-19 coronavirus have been mild and are currently thought to be communicable for around 14 days. But, as the illness progresses, those who are sick but not hospitalized will be asked to self-monitor, keeping an eye on body temperature and worsening symptoms. Vent said worsening symptoms can include an increased shortness of breath, especially when conducting regular activities such as standing up to use the bathroom; a worsening fever; or increased confusion. Blue lips or face also can be a symptom that indicate a person should seek additional medical help, Vent said. In the case symptoms worsen, a person is asked to consult their primary care physician or the emergency department at the hospital by phone for next steps.Those who are hospitalized could be there beyond 14-days, Harris said. She explained a patient would be hospitalized until they are able to safely go off oxygen and to go home and return daily living without help.Steward said as of Wednesday, the thought is a patient can be deemed no longer contagious with COVID-19 after two negative swabs, 24 hours apart, to ensure they are negative. Harris said current thought also indicates a person who is asymptotic for 72 hours also could have samples collected to determine if they are negative for the virus, which could mean an earlier release. She said however most people have symptoms for a longer period of time.

Health Department involvement, contacts

Individuals with positive COVID-19 tests will be contacted by the health department, Steward said, as it is a Class A reportable infectious disease. Public health nurses will follow up with the individual to collect required information that has to be reported to the state in addition to contact information, those who are living with the person with a positive case or who work in close proximity, for the positive case.Depending on the contact, its not just hey, I passed someone in Walmart type of thing the living together work in a close proximity, that would be considered a contact, Steward said. That individual (contact) is going to be monitored for two weeks. So we are going to have to call them every day. They have to take their temps twice a day and then were following up on any symptoms that he or she may have.The health department is taking similar measures with individuals who have traveled to level three areas, which include China, parts of Europe, Iran, Ireland, Malaysia, South Korea and parts of the United Kingdom. A complete list is available at said local health departments also are being contacted if there is a positive on a plane or on a cruise ship. The health department will then contact the patient to self-quarantine. She said individuals who are contacted in these cases are those who were in close-proximity to an individual, and in the case of a plane, that would mean two rows in front, two rows in back and two seats on either side.Thats what theyve done for years for measles, mumps, TB, Harris said. But I think people are under the misconception that we have no idea.

High risk individuals

In Wyandot County, the hospital is looking at patients 60 and older as high risk. Others at a high risk include those with bad comorbidities (the simultaneous presence of two chronic diseases or conditions in a patient) Harris said, such as COPD, uncontrolled diabetes and immunosupression.

Why youre being asked to stay home

Distancing is key at controlling, Vent said.Harris said the difference in the United States between a positive outcome in South Korea and the life and death decisions being made in Italy is how well the public handles the situation and follows the guidance of health professionals in terms of staying home and practicing social distancing.If the public continues to congregate, this is going to spread and its going to be bad, Harris said. In Italy its bad and theyre having to make some really hard choices. We dont want to get there. We want to be South Korea. We want people to stay home, self-isolate, social distance and wash their hands.Harris said there is not a certain answer about how long droplets can last in the air or on surfaces, the CDC says hours to days on a variety of surfaces, but said good sanitation can help stop the spread.With the virus being so new, it is unclear if a person can be a carrier and exhibit no symptoms, Harris, Vent and Steward agreed, but Vent said practicing good hygiene and covering coughs is important for everyone, because they are able to spread the virus 24 hours before showing symptoms.If youre wiping down surfaces, if youre covering your cough, thats the way it spreads, Harris said.

Ways to stay as healthy as possible

Steward said there isnt one particular food or vitamin that will help keep a person healthy. Instead she recommends simply adhering to a healthy diet and staying hydrated with water and juice, rather than soda and alcohol. Harris and Vent also suggest getting plenty of sleep and staying as active as possible. Harris said it is generally considered safe to go on walks or ride a bike in open outdoor areas, but she does suggest children avoiding park equipment and playing in close proximity to other children.

Ways to help neighbors

The health department, Steward said, suggests checking on elderly neighbors and offering to pick-up groceries.Dont be afraid to reach out to them, because some of what were doing to offset the spread is keeping everyone at home, and so much of what the elderly do they have their little coffee [groups] and they go to breakfast, [it can affect] mental health. So if youre healthy, reach out to others, in your neighborhood, in your family and friends, especially if theyre elderly.Steward said those who are well and who are visiting elderly neighbors who are well are safe to visit with each other, keeping in mind the social distancing guidelines of six feet and practicing good hygiene.

Why you dont need to hoard toilet paper

It is not a G.I. (gastrointestinal) bug, Harris said.

Where to look for more information

For more information about COVID-19, call ODHs call center at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH, visit, call Wyandot County Public Health at 419-294-3852 or call hospital administration at 419-294-4991 ext. 2267.

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Coughing, high fever, shortness of breath; Now what? - Dailychiefunion

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Covid-19 and cycling | Can I still cycle? Where can I ride? All your questions answered. –

Posted: March 20, 2020 at 4:50 pm

With the global Covid-19 pandemic sweeping across the planet, we take a look at its effect on pro racing and on your own cycling plans.

The situation is developing very rapidly and cancellations and restrictions are being announced daily, so its well worth keeping an eye on the current advice and news for changes.

The WorldTour cycling calendar has already been severely affected by the Covid-19 outbreak.

The UAE Tour was cancelled mid-race in late February, with a number of cyclists held in quarantine in Abu Dhabi until very recently.

The 2020 edition of Paris-Nice was cut short and closed off to competitors due to the ongoing public health crisis. ALAIN JOCARD/AFP via Getty Images

Following this, a number of teams did not take part in Paris-Nice in early March, which finished early on its penultimate scheduled stage. No spectators were allowed at Paris-Nice stage finishes either.

Thats without counting cancelled early season one-day races such as Strade Bianche.

That pattern will undoubtedly continue, with most of the classics, including Milan-San Remo, the Tour of Flanders and Paris-Roubaix postponed or cancelled.

Early-season stage races including Tirreno-Adriatico have also been cancelled, while the Tour de Yorkshire at the end of April and the Giro dItalia in May have been postponed.

The Olympics look to be increasingly in doubt, though a decision is to be made, while the UCI has suggested that spring Monuments and a truncated Giro might take place in the autumn.

If the entire WorldTour season ends up being cancelled, pros nearing the end of their careers may decide to retire, rather than kicking their heels for a year. The outbreak may also trigger a change of the guard in pro teams.

Christian Prudhomme is confident the 2020 edition of the Tour de France will still go ahead. HENNING BAGGER/Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images

As reported by French internet radio station RMC Sport, Christian Prudhomme, boss of ASO, which runs both Paris-Roubaix and the Tour, was still optimistic that the latter would start as planned in late June/early July, pointing out that its still more than 100 days away.

However, the Euro 2020 football tournament, which covers an overlapping period, has been moved to 2021.

Most experts expect countermeasures against the Covid-19 epidemic to stretch out over many weeks, and on 19 March cycling was banned completely in France.

Its far from certain that the French government will have eased restrictions such as this or on mass gatherings by that time, throwing the Tour into further doubt.

Following the latest advice from the UK government, British Cycling has said all activities that it sanctions will be cancelled. That includes competitive events at all levels, sportives registered with it, recreational rides and its programme of courses.

Announcing the suspension, British Cycling chief executive Julie Harrington said: We fully understand and appreciate the financial, social and community impact that this suspension could have, and we are working now to ensure that cycling is in the best possible health once the suspension can be lifted.

On Tuesday 17 March, Cycling Time Trials the body that regulates all time trial racing in the UK stopped all events too.

Sportives and other mass participation cycling events are likely to be affected too.

The Tour of Flanders sportive has been postponed. Rapha has already announced that all its rides and events have been cancelled around the world, and its clubhouses in Europe, the US and Australia are closed too.

At the moment, headline sportives later in the year, such as lEtape du Tour and the Maratona dles Dolomites, both in July, are still slated to take place, though.

Most UK-based sportive organisers have cancelled their early-season events, following the latest UK government advice that people should avoid gatherings and crowded places.

As reported above, British Cycling-registered events will be cancelled. Most say that they will offer a refund if an event has been cancelled.

Italy, Spain and France have banned all recreational cycling outdoors, although in Italy you can still cycle for transportation.

In France, the advice had been that you could take brief exercise, including cycling, close to home within 2km provided you keep your distance from others. Unfortunately, cycling was banned completely on 19 March.

The Spanish police are enforcing their ban, stopping even commuters, while pros training in Italy have reportedly been subject to abuse.

Meanwhile, the German and Belgian governments are encouraging people to use their bikes if they have to get to work.

Early spring until the Tour de France is peak time for bike and equipment manufacturers to gear up for their new product launches.

Italian bike makers, such as Pinarello, have been particularly hard-hit by the crisis. Colin Levitch / Immediate Media

Many bike companies are based in northern Italy and other areas of Europe already hard-hit by coronavirus, and some have now had to halt final assembly and distribution.

A number of launch events BikeRadar was planning to attend have already been cancelled.

With the significant lead time for new tech, it may not mean that cycling products slated for launch this year wont appear, but any launch may be delayed and is likely to be a lower-key affair than normal.

Theres likely to be a knock-on effect longer-term too, with disruption to bike companies research and development, and supply and delivery chains. However, with cycling manufacture concentrated in Taiwan, which has been relatively unscathed by the outbreak, product availability may not be too impacted in the longer term.

Commuting by bike has not been banned, and is even being encouraged, in some countries, but its best to check local advice first. Andi Weiland / EyeEm / Getty

The UK government is encouraging those who can do so, to work from home during the pandemic to increase social distancing and reduce the opportunities for the disease to spread.

But if its essential that you need to get into work, cycling is an ideal way to avoid the close quarters, touching of surfaces and mixing with other people inevitable in mass transit systems.

This is especially the case following Transport for Londons announcement on 19 March that up to 40 London Underground stations would be closed, and services reduced, until further notice.

Bike shops have experienced an unexpected boom. Oliver Woodman / Immediate Media

Dr Ashok Sinha, Chief Executive of the London Cycling Campaign said: As the coronavirus outbreak in London is unfolding so quickly its important to stay up to date with the latest advice, but it is likely that cycling will play its part in helping Londons journey through this crisis.

With that in mind, the organisation has launched a chatbot and advice line that can be accessed via Facebook Messenger for those considering cycling during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Many have taken to their bikes, with Halfords reporting a 30 per cent increase in its sales of folding bikes.

The New York Times reports a surge in cycling in its home city too, with a 67 per cent increase in the use of New Yorks bike-sharing scheme and 50 per cent more cyclists crossing bridges into Manhattan. Its a pattern repeated in other US cities such as Chicago and Seattle, and globally.

UK bicycle industry body the Bicycle Association has urged the UK government not to order the closure of bike shops or restrict cycling, as its a way for commuters to avoid public transport and for companies to deliver goods, while maintaining social distancing.

As of today (20th March), recreational cycling is still an option. British Cycling, despite its own measures, has asked the government to add cycling to its recommended activities during the outbreak.

Exercise is important for physical, mental, and emotional health, that truth does not change despite the current Covid-19 pandemic, says Professor of Applied Sport and Exercise Science, Greg Whyte. Cycling is safe as long as the same precautions for reducing the risk of infection are adhered to.

In addition, thorough cleaning of equipment with anti-bacterial/anti-viral products before and after every session will reduce the risk of infection.

Speaking to the BBC on Wednesday 18 March, Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England said: Taking exercise is always a good thing to do. The thing that were trying to avoid is people meeting up unnecessarily or having unnecessary social contacts.

He continued: The key thing is that its in the open air and people are keeping their distance.

A mid-ride coffee stop may be traditional, but make it a takeaway and avoid riding in big groups. Oli Woodman/Immediate Media

So a small group ride might still be a way to keep cycling, but larger groups are not such a good idea. If someone in your group were to get sick, youd need to self-isolate along with them. Cycling UK has advised against any group rides or club runs.

Social distancing is one of the key recommendations for reducing the risk of infection, says Whyte. To that end, cycling alone would be the obvious recommendation. However, as long as you adhere to the recommendations of 2 metre distancing, there is no reason why you shouldnt cycle with a training partner.

Group cycling (particularly in big groups) is likely to make following recommendations more difficult and should be avoided at this time.

With pubs, clubs and theatres and coffee shops now closed except for takeaway orders a mid-ride coffee stop shouldnt be a part of your ride. You also certainly shouldnt be showing up to any cafe, takeaway or otherwise, in a group.

Many cyclists may turn to riding indoors during the crisis. Dave Caudery/Immediate Media

If youre feeling healthy and want to keep active, taking to the indoor trainer is a good option. Its something that some continental pros are now doing to keep up their fitness levels, while cycling outdoors is banned.

Turning to Zwift will be the obvious option for many to keep indoor riding interesting.

The Bkool platform, a Zwift competitor based in Spain where all outdoor cycling is banned, has just announced the Stay Home Cup, an indoor competition running until 17 April which lets you ride six stages from events in the pro calendar, so you can still get your competitive fix.

Road Grand Tours has also announced that its platform will be offered free during the crisis.

Overtraining can make you more susceptible to illness. Andy Ward

Pros tend to be prone to getting sick, with the hard effort involved in competition and rigorous training regimes being blamed for putting a strain on their immune systems.

Its something that we all need to be careful of if were planning an extra-strenuous event or training regime.

The first recognised coronavirus case in Italy was a 38-year-old marathon runner, who was in intensive care for 18 days after his diagnosis. Italian doctors suggested that a contributing factor might have been immunosuppression as a consequence of the exertion involved in long-distance running, although scientific evidence for this effect is inconclusive.

If you do continue to train, Whyte recommends paying particular attention to your nutrition.

Nutrition to optimise immune function is important at this time of increased infection risk, he says. There are a number of ways to support a healthy immune system and reduce the risk of infection.

Maintaining hydration is important as mucus (mouth, nose, respiratory tract) is the bodies first defence against foreign invaders. Dehydration leads to a reduced mucus production which can increase susceptibility to infection.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in colour (eat the rainbow; fruit and veg) will support a healthy immune system. Take care with calorie restriction/weight reduction at this time.

We all love to be out on our bikes, but a few weeks without a ride or just riding indoors on the turbo is a sacrifice worth making to help get the Covid-19 epidemic under control.

Finally, ride safely; the last thing hospitals need now is an injured cyclist to treat and you may not be a priority for overstretched staff.

Do you have any further questions about cycling and coronavirus? Leave your thoughts in the comments and well do our best to answer them.

The rest is here:
Covid-19 and cycling | Can I still cycle? Where can I ride? All your questions answered. -

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The 8 Best Diet Plans Sustainability, Weight Loss, and More

Posted: March 20, 2020 at 4:47 pm

Its estimated that nearly half of American adults attempt to lose weight each year (1).

One of the best ways to lose weight is by changing your diet.

Yet, the sheer number of available diet plans may make it difficult to get started, as youre unsure which one is most suitable, sustainable, and effective.

Some diets aim to curb your appetite to reduce your food intake, while others suggest restricting your intake of calories and either carbs or fat.

What's more, many offer health benefits that go beyond weight loss.

Here are the 8 best diet plans to help you shed weight and improve your overall health.

Intermittent fasting is a dietary strategy that cycles between periods of fasting and eating.

Various forms exist, including the 16/8 method, which involves limiting your calorie intake to 8 hours per day, and the 5:2 method, which restricts your daily calorie intake to 500600 calories twice per week.

How it works: Intermittent fasting restricts the time youre allowed to eat, which is a simple way to reduce your calorie intake. This can lead to weight loss unless you compensate by eating too much food during allowed eating periods.

Weight loss: In a review of studies, intermittent fasting was shown to cause 38% weight loss over 324 weeks, which is a significantly greater percentage than other methods (2).

The same review showed that this way of eating may reduce waist circumference by 47%, which is a marker for harmful belly fat (2).

Other studies found that intermittent fasting can increase fat burning while preserving muscle mass, which can improve metabolism (3, 4).

Other benefits: Intermittent fasting has been linked to anti-aging effects, increased insulin sensitivity, improved brain health, reduced inflammation, and many other benefits (5, 6).

Downsides: In general, intermittent fasting is safe for most healthy adults.

That said, those sensitive to drops in their blood sugar levels, such as some people with diabetes, low weight, or an eating disorder, as well as pregnant or breastfeeding women, should talk to a health professional before starting intermittent fasting.

Plant-based diets may help you lose weight. Vegetarianism and veganism are the most popular versions, which restrict animal products for health, ethical, and environmental reasons.

However, more flexible plant-based diets also exist, such as the flexitarian diet, which is a plant-based diet that allows eating animal products in moderation.

How it works: There are many types of vegetarianism, but most involve eliminating all meat, poultry, and fish. Some vegetarians may likewise avoid eggs and dairy.

The vegan diet takes it a step further by restricting all animal products, as well as animal-derived products like dairy, gelatin, honey, whey, casein, and albumin.

There are no clear-cut rules for the flexitarian diet, as its a lifestyle change rather than a diet. It encourages eating mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains but allows for protein and animal products in moderation, making it a popular alternative.

Many of the restricted food groups are high in calories, so limiting them may aid weight loss.

Weight loss: Research shows that plant-based diets are effective for weight loss (7, 8, 9).

A review of 12 studies including 1,151 participants found that people on a plant-based diet lost an average of 4.4 pounds (2 kg) more than those who included animal products (10).

Plus, those following a vegan diet lost an average of 5.5 pounds (2.5 kg) more than people not eating a plant-based diet (10).

Plant-based diets likely aid weight loss because they tend to be rich in fiber, which can help you stay fuller for longer, and low in high-calorie fat (11, 12, 13).

Other benefits: Plant-based diets have been linked to many other benefits, such as a reduced risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes. They can also be more environmentally sustainable than meat-based diets (14, 15, 16, 17).

Downsides: Though plant-based diets are healthy, they can restrict important nutrients that are typically found in animal products, such as iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids.

A flexitarian approach or proper supplementation can help account for these nutrients.

Low-carb diets are among the most popular diets for weight loss. Examples include the Atkins diet, ketogenic (keto) diet, and low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet.

Some varieties reduce carbs more drastically than others. For instance, very-low-carb diets like the keto diet restrict this macronutrient to under 10% of total calories, compared with 30% or less for other types (18).

How it works: Low-carb diets restrict your carb intake in favor of protein and fat.

Theyre typically higher in protein than low-fat diets, which is important, as protein can help curb your appetite, raise your metabolism, and conserve muscle mass (19, 20).

In very-low-carb diets like keto, your body begins using fatty acids rather than carbs for energy by converting them into ketones. This process is called ketosis (21).

Weight loss: Many studies indicate that low-carb diets can aid weight loss and may be more effective than conventional low-fat diets (22, 23, 24, 25).

For example, a review of 53 studies including 68,128 participants found that low-carb diets resulted in significantly more weight loss than low-fat diets (22).

Whats more, low-carb diets appear to be quite effective at burning harmful belly fat (26, 27, 28).

Other benefits: Research suggests that low-carb diets may reduce risk factors for heart disease, including high cholesterol and blood pressure levels. They may also improve blood sugar and insulin levels in people with type 2 diabetes (29, 30).

Downsides: In some cases, a low-carb diet may raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Very-low-carb diets can also be difficult to follow and cause digestive upset in some people (31).

In very rare situations, following a very-low-carb diet may cause a condition known as ketoacidosis, a dangerous metabolic condition that can be fatal if left untreated (32, 33).

The paleo diet advocates eating the same foods that your hunter-gatherer ancestors allegedly ate.

Its based on the theory that modern diseases are linked to the Western diet, as proponents believe that the human body hasnt evolved to process legumes, grains, and dairy.

How it works: The paleo diet advocates eating whole foods, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, and seeds. It restricts the consumption of processed foods, grains, sugar, and dairy, though some less restrictive versions allow for some dairy products like cheese.

Weight loss: Numerous studies have shown that the paleo diet can aid weight loss and reduce harmful belly fat (34, 35, 36).

For example, in one 3-week study, 14 healthy adults following a paleo diet lost an average of 5.1 pounds (2.3 kg) and reduced their waist circumference a marker for belly fat by an average of 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) (37).

Research also suggests that the paleo diet may be more filling than popular diets like the Mediterranean diet and low-fat diets. This may be due to its high protein content (38, 39).

Other benefits: Following the paleo diet may reduce several heart disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels (40, 41).

Downsides: Though the paleo diet is healthy, it restricts several nutritious food groups, including legumes, whole grains, and dairy.

Like low-carb diets, low-fat diets have been popular for decades.

In general, a low-fat diet involves restricting your fat intake to 30% of your daily calories.

Some very- and ultra-low-fat diets aim to limit fat consumption to under 10% of calories (24).

How it works: Low-fat diets restrict fat intake because fat provides about twice the number of calories per gram, compared with the other two macronutrients protein and carbs.

Ultra-low-fat diets contain fewer than 10% of calories from fat, with approximately 80% of calories coming from carbs and 10% from protein.

Ultra-low-fat diets are mainly plant-based and limit meat and animal products.

Weight loss: As low-fat diets restrict calorie intake, they can aid weight loss (42, 43, 44, 45).

An analysis of 33 studies including over 73,500 participants found that following a low-fat diet led to small but relevant changes in weight and waist circumference (42).

However, while low-fat diets appear to be as effective as low-carb diets for weight loss in controlled situations, low-carb diets seem to be more effective day to day (22, 46, 47).

Ultra-low-fat diets have been shown to be successful, especially among people with obesity. For example, an 8-week study in 56 participants found that eating a diet comprising 714% fat led to an average weight loss of 14.8 pounds (6.7 kg) (48).

Other benefits: Low-fat diets have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. They may also reduce inflammation and improve markers of diabetes (49, 50, 51).

Downsides: Restricting fat too much can lead to health problems in the long term, as fat plays a key role in hormone production, nutrient absorption, and cell health. Moreover, very-low-fat diets have been linked to a higher risk of metabolic syndrome (52).

The Mediterranean diet is based on foods that people in countries like Italy and Greece used to eat.

Though it was designed to lower heart disease risk, numerous studies indicate that it can also aid weight loss (53).

How it works: The Mediterranean diet advocates eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, tubers, whole grains, fish, seafood, and extra virgin olive oil.

Foods such as poultry, eggs, and dairy products are to be eaten in moderation. Meanwhile, red meats are limited.

Additionally, the Mediterranean diet restricts refined grains, trans fats, refined oils, processed meats, added sugar, and other highly processed foods.

Weight loss: Though its not specifically a weight loss diet, many studies show that adopting a Mediterranean-style diet may aid weight loss (53, 54, 55).

For example, an analysis of 19 studies found that people who combined the Mediterranean diet with exercise or calorie restriction lost an average of 8.8 pounds (4 kg) more than those on a control diet (53).

Other benefits: The Mediterranean diet encourages eating plenty of antioxidant-rich foods, which may help combat inflammation and oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. It has been linked to reduced risks of heart disease and premature death (55, 56).

Downsides: As the Mediterranean diet is not strictly a weight loss diet, people may not lose weight following it unless they also consume fewer calories.

WW, formerly Weight Watchers, is one of the most popular weight loss programs worldwide.

While it doesnt restrict any food groups, people on a WW plan must eat within their set daily points to reach their ideal weight (57).

How it works: WW is a points-based system that assigns different foods and beverages a value, depending on their calorie, fat, and fiber contents.

To reach your desired weight, you must stay within your daily point allowance.

Weight loss: Many studies show that the WW program can help you lose weight (58, 59, 60, 61).

For example, a review of 45 studies found that people who followed a WW diet lost 2.6% more weight than people who received standard counseling (62).

Whats more, people who follow WW programs have been shown to be more successful at maintaining weight loss after several years, compared with those who follow other diets (63, 64).

Other benefits: WW allows flexibility, making it easy to follow. This enables people with dietary restrictions, such as those with food allergies, to adhere to the plan.

Downsides: While it allows for flexibility, WW can be costly depending on the subscription plan. Also, its flexibility can be a downfall if dieters choose unhealthy foods.

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH diet, is an eating plan that is designed to help treat or prevent high blood pressure, which is clinically known as hypertension.

It emphasizes eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats and is low in salt, red meat, added sugars, and fat.

While the DASH diet is not a weight loss diet, many people report losing weight on it.

How it works: The DASH diet recommends specific servings of different food groups. The number of servings you are allowed to eat depends on your daily calorie intake.

For example, an average person on the DASH diet would eat about 5 servings of vegetables, 5 servings of fruit, 7 servings of healthy carbs like whole grains, 2 servings of low-fat dairy products, and 2 servings or fewer of lean meats per day.

In addition, youre allowed to eat nuts and seeds 23 times per week (65).

Weight loss: Studies show that the DASH diet can help you lose weight (66, 67, 68, 69).

For example, an analysis of 13 studies found that people on the DASH diet lost significantly more weight over 824 weeks than people on a control diet (70).

Other benefits: The DASH diet has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels and several heart disease risk factors. Also, it may help combat recurrent depressive symptoms and lower your risk of breast and colorectal cancer (71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76).

Downsides: While the DASH diet may aid weight loss, there is mixed evidence on salt intake and blood pressure. In addition, eating too little salt has been linked to increased insulin resistance and an increased risk of death in people with heart failure (77, 78).

Many diets can help you lose weight.

Some of the most well-researched diets and eating plans include intermittent fasting, plant-based diets, low-carb diets, low-fat diets, the paleo diet, the Mediterranean diet, WW (Weight Watchers), and the DASH diet.

While all of the above diets have been shown to be effective for weight loss, the diet you choose should depend on your lifestyle and food preferences. This ensures that you are more likely to stick to it in the long term.

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The 8 Best Diet Plans Sustainability, Weight Loss, and More

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5 Most Common Reasons People Give Up On Their Diet – Taste Terminal

Posted: March 20, 2020 at 4:47 pm


Posted by webadmin on March 19th, 2020 | Add Comments

Many people find themselves wanting to go on a diet to lose extra pounds gained over the holidays. Gym membership skyrocket around January or February, and Google searches for the latest diets are on the rise as people seek to shrink their waistlines. Yet, after a few months, most people have quit their diets and or up to the same eating and exercise habits. So, what is it that makes people give up?

Take a look at some of the most common reasons why people call it quits on their diets and what you can do to change your fate.

Lack Of Patience

In todays society, many people expect instant results. Far too many people have unrealistic expectations of the progress they can make in a short time. However, the safe way to lose weight is always slow and steady rather than overnight.

Avoid stepping on the scale only a few days after starting your diet. Instead, weigh yourself once every two weeks and rely on the way that your clothes fit to see if your diet is working.

Being Too Drastic

The way to lose weight is by effectively changing your lifestyle habits. However, its important not to drastically change the way you live to the point that is impossible to keep up with period extreme diets, and elimination diets arent sustainable ways of living. Instead, try to find a diet and lifestyle choice that will work for you long term. Youll be much more likely to see and maintain the results that you want.


Often, people feel so deprived on their diets that after a few days, they give in to a binge. However, when you put in the effort of following a strict diet for several days, only two erase all your hard work with stuffing yourself, then theres no point in dieting.

Dont use cheating as a reward system once you make progress; its important to continue your restrictions until youve reached your ideal weight. At this point, you can start allowing yourself a little wiggle room.

No Diet Buddies

Studies show that people are much more likely to stick to a diet and exercise program if they have a support system. When you have a friend or family member whos taking on the same commitment as you, you can help support each other during moments of weakness when you feel like giving up. If youre surrounded by people who are eating junk food, and youre eating a salad, it wont be long until you cave. However, when youre around people that are also making the same healthy choices, it becomes much easier to stick to them.

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5 Most Common Reasons People Give Up On Their Diet - Taste Terminal

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Keto and Menopause: What to Know – Healthline

Posted: March 20, 2020 at 4:47 pm

Menopause is a biological process marked by the cessation of menses and a natural decline in reproductive hormones in women. It can be accompanied by symptoms like hot flashes, sleep problems, and mood changes (1).

Modifying your diet under the guidance of a healthcare professional is a simple strategy that may help balance your hormone levels and alleviate certain symptoms of menopause.

In particular, the ketogenic diet is a high fat, very low carb diet thats often recommended to provide relief from menopause symptoms.

However, it may also be associated with several side effects and not a great fit for everyone.

This article reviews how the ketogenic diet may affect women with menopause.

The ketogenic diet may be associated with several benefits, specifically for menopause.

Menopause can cause several changes in hormone levels.

In addition to altering levels of sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone, menopause can decrease insulin sensitivity, which can impair your bodys ability to use insulin effectively (2).

Insulin is a hormone thats responsible for transporting sugar from your bloodstream to your cells, where it can be used as fuel (3).

Some research suggests that the ketogenic diet may improve insulin sensitivity to promote better blood sugar control (4).

One study found that following a ketogenic diet for 12 weeks improved insulin levels and insulin sensitivity in women with endometrial or ovarian cancer (5, 6, 7).

However, its unclear whether the diet could offer similar health benefits for menopausal women without these types of cancer.

Another review reported that reducing carb consumption may decrease insulin levels and improve hormonal imbalances, which could be especially beneficial for menopause (8).

Not only that, but studies also suggest that insulin resistance may be linked to a higher risk of hot flashes, which are a common side effect of menopause (9, 10).

Weight gain is a symptom of menopause thats often attributed to alterations in hormone levels and a slower metabolism.

In addition to experiencing a decrease in calorie needs during menopause, some women may undergo height loss, which could contribute to an increase in body mass index (BMI) (11).

Although research on the ketogenic diet specifically is limited, some studies have found that decreasing carb intake may help prevent weight gain associated with menopause.

For example, one study in over 88,000 women found that following a low carb diet was linked to a decreased risk of postmenopausal weight gain.

Conversely, following a low fat diet was tied to an increased risk of weight gain among participants (12).

However, its important to note that the low carb diet in this study was not as restrictive as the ketogenic diet in terms of limiting carb intake.

Many women experience increased hunger and cravings during the transition into menopause (13).

Several studies have found that the ketogenic diet may decrease hunger and appetite, which could be especially beneficial during menopause (14).

According to one study in 95 people, following the ketogenic diet for 9 weeks increased levels of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), which is a hormone that regulates appetite, in women (15).

Similarly, another small study noted that a low calorie ketogenic diet decreased appetite and levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone (16).

However, more studies are needed to evaluate how the ketogenic diet may affect cravings and appetite in menopausal women specifically.

Some research suggests that the ketogenic diet may improve insulin sensitivity, prevent weight gain, and decrease appetite and cravings.

While the ketogenic diet may offer several benefits for women going through menopause, there are some side effects to consider.

First, research suggests that the ketogenic diet may increase levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone (17).

High levels of cortisol can cause side effects like weakness, weight gain, high blood pressure, and bone loss (18).

Increased levels of cortisol can also increase levels of estrogen, a sex hormone that slowly starts to decline during menopause (19, 20).

This can cause a condition called estrogen dominance, meaning that your body has too much estrogen and not enough progesterone (another sex hormone) to help balance it out (21).

Although more research is needed in humans, one study in mice found that administering a high fat diet increased estrogen levels and weight gain, compared with a control group (22).

Excess levels of estrogen can decrease the production of thyroid hormones, which may cause side effects like low energy levels, constipation, and weight gain (23, 24).

This may be one reason why many women have difficulty maintaining weight loss in the long term on the ketogenic diet.

The ketogenic diet can also cause the keto flu, which is a term used to describe the set of symptoms that occur as your body transitions into ketosis, a metabolic state in which your body starts burning fat for fuel instead of sugar.

Furthermore, the keto flu could worsen certain symptoms of menopause, including fatigue, hair loss, sleep problems, and mood changes (25, 26).

Still, keto flu symptoms typically resolve within a few days to a few weeks and can be minimized by staying hydrated and getting plenty of electrolytes (25).

Keep in mind that the ketogenic diet is intended to be a short-term diet plan and should not be followed for extended periods.

Additionally, although the diet may result in temporary weight loss, many people often regain some weight back once they resume a normal diet (27).

Be sure to consult a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet to prevent any adverse effects on your health and ensure that youre meeting your nutritional needs.

The ketogenic diet may increase levels of cortisol and estrogen, which can alter thyroid function and contribute to weight gain. The keto flu may also temporarily worsen certain symptoms of menopause, including fatigue, hair loss, and mood changes.

The ketogenic diet may offer benefits for women going through menopause, including increased insulin sensitivity, decreased weight gain, and reduced cravings.

However, it can also alter hormone levels, which could affect thyroid function and cause several adverse effects. Whats more, the keto flu may temporarily worsen symptoms of menopause during your bodys transition into ketosis.

Though the ketogenic diet may work for some women going through menopause, keep in mind that its not a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone.

Be sure to speak with your healthcare provider, set realistic expectations, listen to your body, and experiment to find what works for you.

Excerpt from:
Keto and Menopause: What to Know - Healthline

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Summer Drink: This Kadhi Patta Lassi Can Be A Healthy Addition To Your Diet This New Season – NDTV Food

Posted: March 20, 2020 at 4:47 pm


As the summer is approaching, we are all set to indulge in different cold and curd based beverages; and the most common and popular ones are chaas and lassi. These beverages have their own fan-base in India, which can't be unturned. From thelas to the finest of the restaurants, you will always find people ordering lassi as their beverage option. Moreover, it is equally easy to make lassi or chaas at home. Talking about lassi, it comes in various delicious versions- from mango lassi to dry fruit ones.

Adding on to the list, here we bring you 'kadhi patta lassi', which will not only add a strong flavour to the drink, but will also include some health benefits in your life.

Also Read:5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Drinking Lassi

Curry leaves, or as we call it kadhi patta (in Hindi), is known for its innumerable health benefits. This local Indian herb is known to be rich in vitamins, minerals and several other nutrients, which may promote good digestion, aid weight loss, control blood sugar, manage diabetes and more. Adding on to all these, it is famous as a rich aromatic culinary herb!

Also Read:Follow These Steps To Store Curry Leaves At Home For Months

Serves: Two


Curd: two cups

Hung curd: two tablespoons

Curry leaves: one cup

Chaat masala: as per taste

Black peppercorn: as per taste

Black Salt: as per taste

Sugar: as per taste

Water: one cup

Oil- one teaspoon

Black mustard seed- half teaspoon

Hing (asafoetida)- one pinch


Take the curry leaves (leaving six to eight leaves), black pepper corn in a mixer grinder and make a smooth paste.

Now take the paste, curd and water in and blend them well. If you feel the consistency of the lassi is thicker, then add some more water to it.

Add chaat masala, black salt and sugar as per your taste and mix them well. Make sure you use more salt and less sugar. Sugar here is used to enhance the salty-taste of the lassi.

When you are happy with the consistency, pour the lassi in two glasses.

Now heat a pan with oil, add hing, mustard seeds and curry leaves and fry on a medium flame (to keep the colour of curry leaves intact).

Drain the oil and keep the mix ready.

Now garnish the two glasses of lassi with one tablespoon of hung curd and the fried curry leaf mix.

Sprinkle some chaat masala on the top and enjoy!

You can also add some ice while blending the lassi if you want it chilled.


You can also try sweet 'kadhi patta lassi' where all you need to do is blend the kadhi patta paste, curd, water and sugar; and garnish with some black salt sprinkles on it.

It is always better to add both salt and sugar in any preparation (ratio varies dish to dish) as they enhance each other's flavour- a pinch of salt enhances the sweetness of a dish and a pinch of sugar enhances the salty-taste of a dish.

This 'kadhi patta lassi' can be an ultimate combination of taste and goodness for this summer season. Happy indulgence!

About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.

Excerpt from:
Summer Drink: This Kadhi Patta Lassi Can Be A Healthy Addition To Your Diet This New Season - NDTV Food

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Coronavirus Prevention: 5 Immunity boosting soups to include in diet – PINKVILLA

Posted: March 20, 2020 at 4:47 pm

Coronavirus Prevention: Here is the list of immunity-boosting soups that you can include as lunch or dinner. Check out the recipes right here.

Coronavirus infection has swept across the world and the steep rise in death and infected cases has led to a lot of panic amongst all. However, instead of panicking and spreading the panic. One should ideally follow social distancing and self-quarantine and other guidelines. Many offices have either asked their employees to work from home or offered paid leaves till March 31. Regular handwashing, covering mouth and nose while sneezing and coughing and not ignoring signs of Coronarivus are some other important guidelines.

Boosting the immune system is also of utmost importance especially during this time as our body will defend viruses and bacteria with the help of IS. One of the best ways to give a big boost to your immunity is by eating superfoods.For the unversed, vitamins and minerals such as A, B, C, D, E, and zinc proved to immune system enhancers. So, make sure to add food items that are rich in these vitamins and minerals. Today, we have compiled a list of soups that are very nutritious and will give you the daily dose of immunity booster.

Coronavirus Prevention: Check out ingredients and method of five immunity-boosting soups:

1. Chicken Soup Recipe

This clear chicken soup requires not only a few ingredients but the same are easily available. The best part of this soup recipe is that it is oil-less, so you don't have to worry about extra calories and fats. Check out the video tutorial of the recipe right below.

2. Immune Boosting Veggie Soup

This particular soup is very nutritious as it has several superfoods. The soup is vegan and gluten-free as well. Check out the video to know more about the recipe.

3. Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin is one of the nutritious food which is chockfull of nutrients such as vitamin A, potassium, amino acids, betacarotene and many more. For the same, you need a few ingredients and one can prepare it in a snap. Check out the video to know more.

4. Tomato Soup

Yes, Tomato soup which we eat often, is an immunity booster. However, to make it more enriching one should add pumpkin, beetroot and carrot among others as well and make it more nutritious.

5. Onion and Garlic Soup

As the name suggests, the main ingredients are commonly used kitchen ingredients garlic and onion. You just need around 3-4 ingredients and you are good to go for the recipe. Follow the video to know the method.

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Coronavirus Prevention: 5 Immunity boosting soups to include in diet - PINKVILLA

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