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The ‘nemesisters’ of winter need summer – Daily Sentinel
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:45 pm
Although I cant complain weve had a rough winter, it is nearing the point in February when Im ready for the cheerful pop of daffodils.
The days are gradually getting longer and the zany cats at my house are ready for frolicking once again in the great outdoors. They roam from door to door inside the house hoping that one of them is the door to summer.
I met a lady named Connie at the grocery store and she requested another column about the cats. Since they are a gold mine for funny column material, Im obliging Connies request especially since we both know and like Shirley Scott.
Weve all been accomplishing a few things that are best tolerated in the dreary days of winter: tedious tax preparation, overdue cleaning and stewing in our own juices.
Sadie has gained a little bit of weight after spending the past year neurotically fretting and fussing over the addition of Camouflage and Mulligan into the main portion of the house. I call them the nemesisters because they all hate each other so much, yet they must co-exist in order to stay warm and fed under my roof. Like my Dad always used to say when we kids were giving him back-talk, Its my way or the highway!
Mulligan, previously a skinny kitten full of worms, has officially grown into her huge, haunting eyes of starved youth. They are now lively and devilish, peering through the spindles from a lofty hallway that overlooks the main living area of the house. The refrigerator door rarely opens without Mulligans eyes opening right along with it, sizing up her chances of snagging a piece of 3-day-old chicken that Sadie has been given for weight gain.
Camouflage generally doesnt stake out the kitchen or eat anything but dry cat food. However, one night I inadvertently found her weak spot when she insisted on inspecting and raiding a bag that previously held an Arbys sandwich. Apparently Arbys is Camos addiction. Upon careful consideration, Im not sure how I feel about this, to be honest.
But Camo is the good girl. She likes to watch me do odd jobs around the house in the hopes of getting her head scratched and her nose rubbed while Im fixing the toilet flapper, folding laundry or working on the computer. Ive deputized her as the Special Feline Assisting Editor for the Urbana Daily Citizen.
From my bay window overlooking the picturesque rural neighborhood, I see the children celebrating snow days while pulling their sleds together down the road and toward each others houses. Some of the luckier kids have exhilarating hills in their back yards. In the summer, other kids on the road host outdoor parties where their parents project movies onto large screens in the yards. One parent told me she thinks the road is like Disneyworld because of how the kids can have fun together safely in the shady shelter of a little forest.
Oh summer, where are you? I have three nemesisters and two of them need to go outside in your warm sunrays. Camo wants to sleep on the back deck all afternoon. Mulligan wants to hide in the woodpile and watch the neighbors ducks and chickens. Sadie wants Camo and Mulligan to go back outside and stay there all day so she can sleep in peace once again on the sofa. Sadie is so rattled by Mulligan stealing all of her food that she nearly caught her own tail on fire standing for too long in front of the wood stove.
Until then, I must work up the courage to make an appointment to take Mulligan to the veterinarian. Im sure to receive a lecture about her double chin and her terrible attitude when she is grasped by the scruff for vaccinations. My guess is a hawk or a falcon tried to snag her when she was tiny, but she fought her way free and lived to harbor an entrenched phobia about anything that causes flapping motions, whooshing sounds or grasping moves on her neck. Ceiling fans terrify her. She terrifies the veterinarian. I see a one-day prescription for kitty nerve pills in her near future, then maybe a diet.
Mostly she needs to get outside and play again, just like the rest of us.
Brenda Burns is the managing editor of the Urbana Daily Citizen. Reach her at This columns shared through the AIM Media Midwest group of newspapers.
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NIs That Protein First in UK Backed for IBS Sufferers –
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:45 pm
Northern Ireland-based nutrition company That Proteins Blissful Raw Cacao Organic Super Protein has become the first protein powder in the UK to be certified low FODMAP, following a laboratory tested evaluation process.
The low FODMAP diet has been designed to help people with a medical diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). A study found that around three out of four of those who follow the diet reported an improvement of the symptoms of IBS which include bloating, gas and gastrointestinal pain.
Low FODMAP is an acronym for low fermentable, oligosaccharides (fructans & GOS), disaccharides (lactose), monosaccharides (fructose) and polyols.
That Protein is an award winning nutrition company headed by vegan entrepreneur Darlene McCormick, a qualified clinical nutritionist based on Co. Antrim. In 2019 the Blissful Raw Cacao was voted Best in UK at the Nourish Awards.
Darlene McCormick said: At any one time in UK around 10-20% of people are suffering with IBS. With our FODMAP Friendly certification people can be assured that they can enjoy That Proteins Blissful Raw Cacao Plant Protein safely on the low FODMAP diet whilst supporting their fitness and wellness goals.
Tim Mottin, director of the FODMAP Friendly Food programme, said: Were pleased to partner with That Protein to certify an innovative FODMAP Friendly product for those with digestive issues following the low FODMAP diet.
This is the first protein powder product to be certified in the UK under our certification programme and were excited to see the number of UK based products continue to grow.
FODMAP certification is provided by Monash University in Australia, a recognised centre of expertise in IBS conditions.
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Health risks for inactive children: This should be a wake-up call for parents – The Irish Times
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:45 pm
Sit still its the mantra of most classrooms, but not at primary principal Eoin Fitzpatricks school in Cork.
In between lessons the pupils close their books, spread out across the classroom and a dance video pops up on the interactive whiteboard.
Its GoNoodle time a programme that promotes physical activity in the classroom.
We try to do movement breaks every hour or so or between lessons, says Fitzpatrick, principal of Bunscoil Chrost R.
The children copy what they see on screen, whether its dance moves or exercises . . . Its great fun they need to keep active.
These kinds of exercises are needed now more than ever, he says.
Until recently, the school had a no running policy in the playground, for insurance reasons.
Changing lifestyles have also led to a deterioration in childrens overall fitness and movement skills.
While schools used to take for granted that children could jump, throw or catch sports balls properly, its no longer the case.
There are some, of course, who are into lots of sports, but theres a significant cohort who find these activities a challenge. Devices like smartphones are playing a major role . . . There is a lot less informal play out in estates and parks. Before, kids were jumping over fences and hedges. Now you have to teach those skills specifically to kids.
Movement skills
His observations are backed up by a recent Dublin City University study which found one in four primary school children cannot run properly and lack fundamental movement skills. In addition, one in two children cannot kick a ball properly, and less than one in every five can throw a ball.
This week, a separate UK study also expressed concern at rising levels of inactivity among 12-18 year olds.
It found teenage students who spend too much time sitting still are much more likely to have depressive symptoms such as low mood, loss of pleasure and poor concentration.
The UK findings are of little surprise to Prof Niall Moyna of Dublin City University
His recent examinations of the health status of inactive 15 year olds found some of their cardiovascular health was comparable to that of 55-60 year olds.
Parents dont see the clinical manifestations of this, but the ultrasound imaging shows it up very clearly, he says.
These are the arteries supplying the heart and the brain. Its the build-up of this fibro-fatty plaque that can cause heart attacks or stroke. This should be a wake-up call for parents.
Too much screen time, he says, is a key culprit by taking unstructured physical activity out of childrens lives. However, the problem is a bigger issue than this.
Weve engineered activity out of our lives, he says. We dont have an environmental infrastructure that allows young people to walk safely to school anymore . . . Were not genetically programmed to sit still for so long.
He points to recent research involving the Amish community in the US; it found men walked an average of 18,000 steps a day, and women 14,000. The average is Ireland is closer to 5,000 steps.
Falling fitness
In addition, latest research shows just 12 per cent of teenagers in secondary schools are meeting Department of Health recommendations of at least 60 minutes daily of moderate to vigorous physical activity.
Teenagers are also getting less active the older they get.
The latest data indicates that fitness levels among Irish teenagers decline significantly from 15 onwards, especially among girls.
Pat Tuohy, a PE teacher at Summerhill College in Sligo, says competitive sport and formal exercise can be a turn-off for many teens,
Its one reason why teachers at his school have set up sporty clubs such as kayaking and surfing. They are, he says, reaching out to pupils who might not otherwise be engaged. But schools, he says, can only do so much. Parents, he says, also have to set a good example.
A child is in school for a third of the year, so what about the other two-thirds? Much of the responsibility lies with the parent.
This is a generation that has grown up with technology. Their parents have handed it to them, but they havent handed their time, he says,
ine Lynch of the National Parents Council Primary feels it is not entirely fair to lay the blame at the door of parents.
She says there are more demands than ever on mothers and fathers, who are feel under pressure to ensure their childrens academic, extracurricular and mental health needs are met.
It is difficult. Parents, of course, arent a homogenous group. But the way we live now means we have to timetable things, drive them here and there in the car, she says.
Its easy to say its cotton-wool parenting and let them walk . . . but you wouldnt want your child walking on busy roads or cycling on a bicycle lane thats also a bus lane.
She says parents need to be supported in encouraging healthy lifestyles, and public policies also need to support this.
Diet and exercise
Prof Moyna agrees educating parents is crucial. Too often, he says, we are blind to the needs of our own children,
Research, for example, shows the vast majority of parents underestimate their overweight child.
It is vital parents ensure kids eat the right amount of fruits and vegetables and fewer calorie-rich snacks. They also need to be tuned in to opportunities for physical activity and set hard-and-fast rules about time spent on screens or TV.
Schools, too, need to factor exercise into part of the school day and counter the over-emphasis on academic success at all costs. The cost of not acting, he says, is too big to contemplate.
Take Type-2 diabetes, which is mostly a lifestyle disease. We spend close to 1.5 to 2 billion a year on a disease which we shouldnt be spending in the first place, says Prof Moyna.
Imagine if we put that into better PE facilities or equipment with smart sensors to track peoples health and make health science more exciting?
Dr Brendan Kelly, professor of psychiatry Trinity College Dublin, said this weeks research, while troubling, has some encouraging findings: light and moderate activity also has demonstrable benefits for mental health.
In other words, adolescents dont necessarily need to win medals at school sports days or be on the schools number one rugby team. They just need to sit down less.
He said something as simple as walking to school or playing a musical instrument has measurable, lasting benefits for mental health as well as benefits for physical wellbeing and personal accomplishment.
The best advice for parents is to lead by example. We are all creatures of habit, so we should integrate more light physical activity into everyday routines, for us and for our children.
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Health risks for inactive children: This should be a wake-up call for parents - The Irish Times
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Diet Culture Is Everywhere — Even In The Workplace – Scary Mommy
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:42 pm
Hill Street Studios/Getty
I went to a meeting recently for women in government. It was attended mostly by women who work in government, which I do, but I attended in my role as an elected woman in government, not as an employee. The meeting was held in a beautiful old Town Hall overlooking a classic New England style Town Common. There was a large group of women in attendance and the meeting consisted of an opening discussion on creating good habits, followed by two speakers meant to inspire us with their stories. The speakers, one a judge and one a retired school administrator, were excellent. They talked about breaking the glass ceiling, they talked about the pressures of being a working mother and juggling career opportunities and family commitments. They were relatable and engaging and inspiring.
The opening discussion, on the other hand, failed completely. And heres why:
Despite the concept being a valid one who doesnt want to promote better habits? the presentation of the concept was completely devoid of work and career habits.While that would be fine at a gathering of women for socializing, this was a gathering for women working in government. I expected empowering and motivating discussion. I expected ideas about how to get shit done at work, how to manage my time efficiently, how to be strong and empowered in a mans world.
Rather than any of that, though, every example they provided on creating habits was related to weight management or weight loss. They talked about sleeping in your gym clothes so that you will go to the gym as soon as you wake up. They talked about requesting a takeout container at a restaurant and putting half of your meal in the container as soon as it arrives at the table. They talked about exercise buddies and weight loss apps to track food andusing dry shampoo to avoid having to do your hair and on and on. While Im certain their intentions weregood, itfelt like an epic fail to me.
I couldnt help butthinking, if this were a room full ofmentalking about good habits they wouldnotbe talking about weight loss. They would not be concerned about how they look in a particular dress or how to make time to do their hair after they finish at the gym and are on their way to work. Instead, they would be talking about ways to tackle challenging assignments. They would be talking about using good habits to secure promotions. They would be brainstorming about actions to take and ways to get ahead. And they would order a cheeseburger at lunch and not a salad.
Ive beenconsidering my feelings aboutthis a lot lately. Ive started a blog post about this more than once and then deleted it because this is a sensitive subject. But today Im going for it. It ties in with some work Im doing on body acceptance and vulnerability and also the challenges I face being the only woman on a three-member elected board. And it makes me think that women need to rise up and lean in and change the way were communicating with each other. I mean, there I was in a room full of strong women leaders, and thewomen in chargeweretalking about dieting. In a moment when the audience was entirely female. In a moment when there would be no mansplaining, no competition to be heard or get your ideas across, no criticism for showing emotion or using the wrong tone of voice, they chose to talk about body image.
Sigh. We can do so much better than this. We deserve so much more than this.
Friends, we need a call to arms. We need to stop squandering our opportunities when were together. We need to not shame each other because of weight or size. We need to break the cycle of internalized sexismand stop believing that successful women must be skinny, that strong women are bossy and ruthless, and feminists are man-hating bitches. We need to stop judging each other for how we look and what we eat. Instead, we need to support each other, we need to be vulnerable with each other, and we need to become role models and mentors for the next generation of women. I think we do that bydemonstrating leadership, by advancing in our careers, and by being our authentic selves.
Im taking back my power. I hope youll join me.
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Intermittent Fasting is the Lastest Diet Trend. It Burns Fat Fast –
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:42 pm
A major media maven emailed me the other day to ask for the name of a nutritionist who could help her suck off 7 poundspronto. She has TV appearances to do and needed to look camera-ready in a flash. I told her don't waste your money or your time.
There is a new diet sweeping the nation and it works better than keto, without the controversial emphasis on oils, fats and animal products. It's Intermittent Fasting, and it's based in good science, done by doctors, like Dr. Jason Fung, who hasco-authored the book, Life in the Fasting Lane, out this spring (but you can pre-order it now on Amazon.)
I had an extensive interview with Dr. Fung about a weekago, and then I started this regimenand lost weight almost instantly. It felt like cheating. I ate all the foods I normally like, but in a window of about 8 hours, and fasted for the other 16. Andmy body shed fat, fast. I had been considering getting "cool" sculpting on my thighs (since no matter how much I work out I have always had stubborn fat pockets on my outer thighs) and just as I was making the appointment, I tried Intermittent Fasting, and low and behold,I lost fat. Okay, not all of it and not exactly where I wanted to but my stomach felt flatter, my pants looser, and although I don't weigh myself, I could estimate that I dropped about 5 pounds in one week. Without changing my diet. I just changed the timing ofwhen I eat. (Which for me is plant-based but Dr. Fung said you can try Intermittent Fasting on any diet, so long as you don't go crazy on processed foods and carbs, which is good advice on any diet.)
Dr. Fung explained that he first figured out this was an effective weight-loss tool when he worked with diabetics who were overweight and suffering from kidney failure. Rather than treat the kidneys he decided to backtrack and treat the obesity that was causing the insulin to short circuit. And in every case that the patient complied they lost weight, saw their insulin levels regulate and were able to avoid dialysis. Intermittent Fasting works by lowering the insulin spike, that, when you eat extra calories you are not going to burn off right away, signals to your body to store this excess energy as fat.
Intermittent Fasting is having a major moment, partly because it works and partly because celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry, Reese Witherspoon, and Kourtney Kardashian have talked about how they use it to effectively control their weight. In a quick search, more than 3.2 million people have hashtagged #intermittentfasting on IG, andit was the most searched diet term on Google in 2019, according to the search engine.
Fasting for short bursts isas ancient as humankind, Dr. Fung explains. We were not built to eat all the time, snacking and gorging all day long. We were built to find, forage, hunt or grow our meals and eat sporadically. We were also programmed to be sharper and more focusedas our hunger increases.This is so our survival is ensuredwhen our brains become even more attuned to our surroundings as hunger signals: Feed me.
If you can push through the initial surge of hunger, you can fast and turn on your body's fat-burning hyper chargers, since your body will do everything it can to feed itself, Dr. Fung explains. If you don't put something in your mouth, your insulin levels flatline, letting yourbody know: We need some energy here, let's get it out of reservers. It dips into the body's natural storage system to burn fat for fuel. You may even feel slightly euphoric or energized as the adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine(your three "fight or flight" hormones) flood your body and brain to keep your heightened awareness up until you eventually do eat. How long you go is up to you.
Another reason Intermittent Fasting is taking off is that, unlike keto diets, which often get criticized for cutting out healthy carbs such as those from veggies and fruits, you can eat the entire spectrum of healthy foods and still lose weight. In fact, Intermittent Fasting allows you to eat what you want, within a certain windoweither 4 or 6 or 8 hours, depending on whether you want to fast for 14, 16, 18 or 20 hours. Dr. Fung admits that at his most extreme, he went five days without eating, other than green tea, water, and coffee, to slim down and shed fat fast after an indulgent holiday.
But the health benefits of IF go well beyond the potential wins of weight loss (like lower blood sugar, blood pressure, lower cholesterol, lower insulin resistance to name a few). There is research to show that IF leads to a reduction in inflammation which is known to be a precursor to disease and illness, and improve glucose regulation. It can also help you stave off stress and slow the free-radical damage that shows up as aging in your cells and even lead to disease over time.
Stars like Jennifer Aniston, Kourtney Kardashian, Hugh Jackman and Lance Bass, Chris Pratt, Kate Walsh, Molly Simms and others have posted about their Intermittent Fasting regimens. All of them look amazing, and now we know why.
Is Intermittent Fasting Right For You?
This question is one only you can answer. We tried it. And while I usually hate being hungry, I got past it easily because I kept hearing Dr. Fung's words in my head: Hunger does not keep going up. It's a momentary thing and then you feel it abate when your body switches on the fat-burning process. You literally "feed" yourself, but it happens internally. He also pointed out that most people have about 200,000 calories stored in their body in the form of fat. You have enough calories to last about two weeks without eating. You are not going to collapse. In fact, you are going to feel better.
That's whatI found. After doing it for just two days out of three, I felt lighter, tighter and less puffy and bloated. My jeans floated off my hips for the first time in months, and while I didn't weigh myself before starting my first fast of 16 hours, I felt like I had lost about five pounds by the end of week one. (Which involved two our of three days of fasting, on two cycles.)
Here Is How to Do It.
Don't get overly ambitious all at once. Instead, try different windows for eating (such asten hours on, 14 hours off) and find the one that works for you. We suggest that you start with the most popular window: Eat for 8 hours and fast for 16. So if you have dinner at 7 p.m. and finish by 8 p.m. (including wine) then fast until noon or slightly after the next day. Then you get the next eight hours to eat. While you can eat what you want, the body will be more likely to not store calories as fat if you stay away from the carbs. Other than that this diet works for plant-based and omnivores alike. Of course, the healthier you eat the better your body will feel, and the healthier you will be.
If you want to ramp-up to fasting for longer you basically have two choices: Eat breakfast or a mid-day meal and then fast through dinner until the next morning, or eat dinner and then hold off until the next evening. These are personal decisions and most people find that it's social to dine with their loved ones, but if you are a dinner skipper, or enjoy lunch with colleagues or have work functions during the day that require you to eat that works as well.
Make friends with your hunger and tell yourself this is your body's way of dialogue over where the next energy source is coming from. If from food then eat, If from fasting, tell yourself this is just a signal that it's switching over to burning fat.
Dr. Fung recommends fasting helpers like green tea or coffee with the antioxidants that help speed up metabolism. And if you want to break your fast, then do so with a snack that is lower in carbs and has fiber, a little bit of fat and protein (almond butter on a celery stick is a great choice) so that your insulin levels don't spike too high and come right back down again. If you snack, don't beat yourself up, you can still be effective with small snacks that help you stay on track.
The most important thing about fasting is to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water, tea, coffee, and other non-calorie fluids so that you don't mistake thirst and hunger. You need to drink. Our recommendation is that you follow the routine of two days of fasting a week, three at the most, alternating normal days with Intermittent Fasting days. Enjoy the food you eat and appreciate your amazing body for working with you on the important job of being healthy, active and strong.
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Chelsea Handler Stopped Drinking Excessively and Feels Healthier Than Ever At 44 –
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:42 pm
Youre used to Chelsea Handler cracking jokes on stage, but the comedian got serious about her diet, fitness, and self-care routine in a new interview with Health. At 44, Handler told the outlet shes the healthiest shes ever been, but it took some work to get there.
Like anybody, I struggle with insecurities and self-doubt, Handler said. A lot of people tell me that Im fearless. I dont feel fearless. While the Life Will Be The Death of Me author considers herself happy now, the star admitted she long struggled with eliminating things in her life that dont lead to happiness.
It took me a long time to figure that out, she told Health. For me, it was about finding moderation with everything in my life. One important step? She started to see a therapist regularly, who told her that she needed to slow down. I was always going 110 miles an hour ... I had to learn to sit with my feelings, not run from them.
Handler said she turned within to address childhood traumas and embrace a healthier lifestyle. You cant go around the world trying to be this great person if youre not even being compassionate with yourself, she said. For me, that was incentive enough to get healthy. Heres exactly what she did to become the healthiest version of herself, and why wellness is a priority for the comedian today.
Change doesnt happen overnight, and Handler knows this firsthand. She struggled with opening up to her therapist at first. It was uncomfortable. I tried very hard in therapy to not cry, she said. But then during a session, her therapist caught her off guard, leaving her in tears. After that, it became easier. I understand now that vulnerability is not weaknessthat vulnerability is strength.
Handler feels that the experience changed her for the better. Im calmand that leads to being more decent and being kinder. That calm is what I needed, she said. Now with all the tools I have, I understand how to be myself without being over-the-top, overbearing, or in peoples faces all the time. Im much more thoughtful now.
Handler admitted that she used to drink all the time. I thought I could handle my alcohol, but I didnt realize how much your body and your life changes when its not in your life every day, she said.
Although the comedian no longer drinks in excess, she wants to be clear that shes not cutting alcohol out cold turkey. Now Im not giving up drinking... I would never do that to peopleor to alcohol, she said. But its nice to wake up with clarity and to take a break from the bloat.
Handler says the change has also boosted her energy levels. I like to get up early. Now I get up at 5 a.m. every single day, she said, adding that excessive drinking led her to feel worse, crave unhealthy foods, and drink more. I dont want to live like that, she explained. Im in my 40s now, so I have to give a s about the way I look and actually take care of my health from the inside out.
Now, shes doing everything in her power to remain youthful. I want to be strong and vibrant. I want to be a force of nature, she said. There are so many benefits that come your way from living a healthier lifestyle ... But I feel much better all around. I feel balanced and grounded now.
The comedian told Health that she exercises pretty much every day. I just like to feel strong, and now its part of my mental strength.
When it comes to her diet, though, Handler admits that she still has some work to do. Ive had a terrible relationship with food, she said, adding that she grew up eating macaroni and cheese and Almond Joys. I was all out of sorts when I moved to Los Angeles. Ive basically experimented with every eating disorder there is.
I took water pills for, like, 20 years. The pills kind of drain your fluids, so you [look] thinner and leaner, she added. That was a problem for a long time. I took them way longer than I should have.
But the author has come a long way in her journey towards health. Its tough being a woman. I try to set a good example, but sometimes Im not being a good example, she admitted. Fortunately, Handler said she didnt have any major damage following her history with disordered eating. Now Im the healthiest Ive ever been, she said.
Handler is an advocate for marijuana, citing therapy, meditation, and weed as the three pillars that shaped her healthier lifestyle. Weed has had such a positive impact on me, she said, adding that she microdoses with a THC gummy before bed and occasionally before exercising.
She also doesnt go a day without meditation, even though it annoyed her at first. I tried with my psychiatrist several times. He made me short recordings and long recordings, and then Id meditate, she said. Sometimes Id just masturbate. They both start with m, and your brain lets you relax after each one, so who cares?
But once she committed to three months of meditation, it stuck, and shes been reaping the benefits for a year now. I like it first thing in the morning because it sets you up for the day, she said. It sets your intention. Be kind, be patient, and dont react to everything. Nothing is really that important.
As Handler enters her mid-40s, shes already planning for the next chapter. Ive started to be more thought-oriented with what Im doing in my professional life, she said. I want to do things because theyre powerful and theyre going to inspire others.
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Adele diet: Is this the food the Hello singer eats to maintain seven stone weight loss? – Express
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:42 pm
Now in the maintenance stage, Adele's breakfast options could include choc chip granola with pecans and jumbo oats or apple pancakes with blackcurrant compote.
Lunches are said to feature turmeric, chicken and kale salad, or baked potato and chickpea stew while the dinners may include chargrilled beef with red wine jus and onion rings, garlic kale and herb roasted potatoes.
However, nutritionists have warned that the extreme programme could actually lead to more weight gain in the long term.
Dietitian Emer Delaney told the BBC: "At first glance, this is not a diet I would advise for my clients.
"Having a glass of red wine or a small amount of chocolate occasionally wont do us any harm - I wouldnt recommend them on a daily basis. We should also be eating a mixture of different fruits and vegetables and not just those on the list.
"In terms of weight loss and boosting metabolism, people may have experienced a seven-pound weight loss on the scales, but in my experience, this will be fluid. As soon as people return to their regular eating habits, they will regain the weight."
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Adele diet: Is this the food the Hello singer eats to maintain seven stone weight loss? - Express
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Man has close call because of undiagnosed heart disease – KTVZ
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:42 pm
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SHREVEPORT, LA (KTBS ) Heart disease often starts with diabetes. Thats something Army Airborne veteran Bobby Sterling knows all about.
Sterling comes from a military family. His father was a Marine and later served in the Air Force for 28 years. Heart disease took his fathers life. Sterling didnt know how close he was to following in his fathers footsteps.
Im Bobby Sterling. Shreveport transplant here. 51 years old. On Dec 18, 2019, I had a triple bypass, he said.
Exercise has always been a part of Sterlings routine. If you walk the outside perimeter its about 3/4 of a mile, he said of Betty Virginia Park, where he walks about two days a week.
But Sterling used to run 5Ks.
Its hard to outrun heredity. You think youre in really good shape, he said.
Although his father died of a heart attack at 58 years old, that didnt stop Sterling from enjoying a traditional Filipino meal.
The Filipino diet is lots of fried foods. There are some gumbo style choices too. But the fried food is hard to resist, said Sterling.
Dr. Trey Baucum with Advanced Cardiovascular Specialist said there is a connection between diet and heart disease.
We eat a diet that has so much sugar in it and its sugar in ways you dont think of, said Baucum.
Fried foods are usually blanketed in white flour, which is high in sugar or glucose. Over time a high glucose diet can damage blood vessels.
In your retina, in your kidneys, your heart, in your lower extremities, Baucum said.
Sterling was having problems with his ankle when doctors discovered he had diabetes. Then, three months later, when he went for a routine colonoscopy.
It was difficult to rouse me from the anesthesia, recalls Sterling.
Then a few days later, he had difficulty breathing so he went to Christus Highland emergency room. Doctors discovered a blockage in his arteries.
The left anterior diagonal LAD is one of the most important of your arteries and that one was 100-percent blocked, Sterling said.
He couldnt believe it. He could have died.
A lot of time diabetics, even type 2 diabetics, dont have symptoms of heart disease as theyre developing heart disease, Baucum said.
Sterlings heart wasnt even strong enough for doctors to operate.
I actually had to do cardiac rehabilitation for two months to get my heart strong enough to withstand the surgery, Sterling said.
Finally, his heart was strong enough for the triple-bypass surgery.
Because of the intervention of the staff at Christus Im here talking to you today, Sterling said.
Baucum said a diagnosis of diabetes doesnt have to end up with heart disease.
If you go on a low very strict, very low calorie diet, you can actually reverse the process. You can actually become a non-diabetic, Baucum said.
Its been just two months since Sterlings triple bypass surgery. For now, hes constantly monitored and wears an external wearable defibrillator.
His close call has been a wake-up call for the whole family. Doctors tell Sterling he wont have to worry about his heart for another 15 years. Hes fortunate his heart disease was discovered before it was too late.
Baucum said diabetics usually dont have chest pain even when they have advanced heart disease. Theyll experience shortness of breath or fatigue and sometimes the first symptom a diabetic will experience is an actual heart attack.
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Man has close call because of undiagnosed heart disease - KTVZ
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Live Well: Heart Healthy Diet and Lifestyle – 10News
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:42 pm
Maintaining a heart healthy diet and lifestyle are your best weapons against aging and disease.
Age doesnt really matter because its never too early or too late to make simple changes that can have a big impact.
Each year, the County of San Diego through Live Well San Diego encourages residents to take a 31-day resolution challenge that encourages families to eat more vegetables, drink only water for a day or plant a tree or flower and watch it grow.
For more tips on how to live well every day, visit
Access to fresh and affordable foods, like fruits and vegetables isnt always available. Learning how to grow your own is a wonderful way to begin living well.
Sprouts Farmers Market has taken steps toward improving the landscape of health in San Diego by supporting student gardening. Theyve been working with Sage Gardens here in San Diego to create 25 new learning gardens by the end of the year!
Sage Garden Project is one of the few programs to offer nutritional science at the elementary school level. By providing equipment, training, funds for an educator, and standards-based curriculum, its teaching students to grow and cook fresh food for themselves. The Sprouts Healthy Communities provided multi-year funding that has already allowed the Foundation and Sage Garden Project to sustain successful school programs, as well as expand into 25 new campuses for the 2019-2020 school year.
Thinking about making a diet change for other reasons? Perhaps youre looking to go Vegan, try the Paleo diet or focus on being Dairy or Gluten free but dont know what to cook?
Heres one of many recipes you can find on the Sprouts Farmers Market website: Chipotle Chicken Cobb Salad This smoky, chipotle cobb salad with homemade dressing is the perfect recipe for spring picnics. Recipe provided by Sprouts blogger friend, Lauren, at Bon Appeteach. Ready in just 20 minutes, it also makes a great weeknight dinner.
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Live Well: Heart Healthy Diet and Lifestyle - 10News
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How Your Diet And Self-Care Habits Affect Your Skin, From A Derm – Women’s Health
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:42 pm
When conventional treatments arent working, its time to consider not just the magic elixirs that youre putting on your face but also whats going on in your diet and daily life. Ahead, some tips from Jeanette Jacknin, MD, a San Diegobased dermatologist who approaches treatment from a holistic perspective.
Sorry to break it to you, but everything youve heard about quitting dairy and sweets for better skin is legit, Dr. Jacknin notes. She also says to avoid fried food, soda, alcohol, and anything else youd consider junk. A Mediterranean or whole foodsbased diet, with a lot of fresh vegetables and fish like salmon, is ideal, she says. Several studies show low-glycemic-load diets improve acne.
Theres no one-size-fits-all method for calming down and cutting stress, so Dr. Jacknin works with her patients to see what gets them in their Zen zone. Is it a HIIT class with your friends? A solo hike in nature? A morning meditation sesh? Find your outlet, but know that adequate sleep, regular exercise, and speaking to a mental health professional are pretty much a 10/10 across the board.
Dr. Jacknin combines botanical actives and Rx ones, depending on severity and preference. More intense cases may require a prescription, but on milder spots, she suggests applying 5 percent tea tree oila natural antibacterialtwice a day. Also clutch? Ingredients like green tea and resveratrol (an antioxidant found in grape skin), which are known to reduce inflammation. Try Este Lauder Advanced Night Repair Intense Reset Concentrate ($80,
Este Lauder Advanced Night Repair Intense Reset Concentrate
This article originally appeared in the March 2020 issue of Women's Health.
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How Your Diet And Self-Care Habits Affect Your Skin, From A Derm - Women's Health
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