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Cactus Water: Is It Good for You? – Everyday Health

Posted: July 8, 2022 at 2:03 am

When most people think of cactus, a prickly plant probably comes to mind. But pretty soon, cactus water, a beverage with trace minerals and a natural fruity flavor, may also be on everyones radar, available at your local health food store next to the coconut water and sea moss gel.

Cactus water is hot in the functional beverage space, just like coconut water, because its a plant-based beverage that contains electrolytes and antioxidants, says Vicki Shanta Retelny, RDN, the Chicago-based creator of the podcastNourishing Notes.

Still, not all commercial cactus waters are created equal. They could be healthy or [they] could be adulterated and not beneficial, says Ann Marie Chiasson MD, MPH, the director of the fellowship in integrative medicine at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine in Tuscson, Arizona.

Heres what you need to know about cactus water before you head to the store to stock up.

Cactus water is sourced from prickly pear cactus pads, also called nopals, and fruit according to aMay 2020 article in Food Reviews International. Prickly pears originated in Mexico, and the Aztecs used the plant medicinally, as theUniversity of Chicago Illinois Heritage Garden notes.

While most people buy it at the store, it is possible to make cactus water yourself (more on that later).

Cactus water is sometimes compared to coconut water, thanks to its naturally occurring electrolytes minerals such as potassium that are needed for multiple bodily functions, according to Cedars-Sinai.

That said, some cactus water brands claim to contain less than half the calories and sugar in coconut water. And that's a reasonable claim: According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 100 milliliters (ml) (about cup) of coconut water contains the following:

Not all cactus water is the same. The minerals in your water will depend on the brand you choose. Two popular companies, Caliwater and True Nopal, offer small amounts of carbohydrates, as well as the electrolytes magnesium and potassium.

True Nopal

According to the USDA, 100 ml of True Nopal contains:


Meanwhile, 100 ml of Caliwater, according to the USDA, contains:

Scientific research doesnt support most of the proposed benefits of cactus water. But here are some of the theoretical perks of the ingredient.

According to an article posted by the Mayo Clinic, prickly pear cactus contains antioxidants that may lower inflammation. The registered dietitian-nutritionist queried refers to a study published in Food & Nutrition Research in August 2018, in which healthy volunteers ate prickly pear cactus fruit for two weeks and had statistically lower pro-inflammatory markers than a control group of people who didnt eat the fruit.

Prickly pear also contains betalains, anti-inflammatory pigments known for their pink hue and antioxidant properties.

And just how much cactus water would a person with diabetes need to drink to garner those touted benefits? Theres not enough research, and the dose is not determined, says Dr. Chiasson. A review published in May 2019 in the journal Medicina even notes a lack of evidence for the use of prickly pear products to mitigate type 2 diabetes risk or to manage the disease. Specifically, the authors wrote that it doesnt appear to have a significant effect on glucose or insulin.

Then theres the added sugars in some of these products, which could be harmful to people with diabetes.

Theoretically, a swig of cactus water after a night of drinking may offer a hangover remedy because it contains electrolytes. As MedlinePlus notes, electrolyte solutions can help you replenish some of the electrolytes you lose after drinking alcohol heavily.

Retelny points out that people have traditionally used cactus water as a topical elixir for wounds and overly sun exposed skin. (Alaboratory study published in December 2017 in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters of prickly pear cactus extracts on human skin cells exposed to UV light supports this.) That said, scientists havent tested this hypothesis on commercial cactus water beverages, just concentrated extract, and more studies are needed.

A few studies show this drink may benefit people living with certain digestive issues, but the research is preliminary and in animals. For example, astudy published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that prickly pear cactus protected against stress-induced acute gastric lesions in rats. Another study, published in January 2017 in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that prickly pear relieved constipation in rats. That doesnt mean those effects would happen in humans. In general, more human studies are needed to determine cactus waters beneficial effects in the body, says Retelny.

Mayo Clinic notes that cactus water may have some side effects, including diarrhea and nausea. Adds Retelny, Cactus water may cause gastrointestinal distress due to its laxative nature. It may also cause headaches and hypoglycemia. Though the latter risk may be low, judging by the results of the aforementioned Medicina paper, Retelny says people on blood-sugar-lowering medications, including people with diabetes, should be cautious about drinking cactus water check with your healthcare team first (that goes for anyone who is on medication or managing an underlying health condition).

Another thing to be mindful of, nutritionally speaking: If theres added sugar in cactus water, moderate how much you drink, says Retelny. Check the label of any store-bought cactus water to see if it's loaded with added sugar. Aim for less than 10 percent of daily calories from added sugars, Retelny adds.

If your doctor says you can safely drink cactus water, you may consider DIYing it. To do so, acquire a prickly pear cactus fruit that's had its spines removed these are available at Lowes and other stores. Boil the fruit in water and scoop out the flesh, then strain it through cheesecloth to extract the liquid, says Retelny. You can add water or sweetener if its too concentrated or the flavor of the plain fruit is too strong, and then you can store it in the refrigerator for up to three days, she suggests. (Note: Don't add too much sweetener, or it'll lose its status as a healthful drink.)

Some people will freeze [the fruit], which allows it to pop open and then defrost it and squeeze it through cheesecloth to remove the spines, says Chiasson, who says she makes cactus water in the summer months and adds it to recipes.

Research on cactus water is lacking, and it has few proven health benefits, but overall it seems to offer a relatively low-carb, low-calorie alternative to coconut water (and it may have a more pleasant taste) if you want a hydrating drink that will replenish electrolytes. I always say theres nothing wrong with trying new products, such as cactus water, but know your own health limitations and start with small amounts, says Retelny.

Remember to always check out the label so you know whats in there, too. Look at almond milk some are good and some are not; some use very few almonds and add a lot of sugar, says Chiasson. And understand that this drink isn't a magic potion. Nothing beats a balanced diet filled with whole plant foods and plenty of water throughout the day, Retelny adds.

The rest is here:
Cactus Water: Is It Good for You? - Everyday Health

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Slim, but Powerful: How To Build Strength Without Bulk – SciTechDaily

Posted: July 8, 2022 at 2:03 am

Many people want to be strong and fit, but not bulky like a bodybuilder. The right exercises and nutrition make it possible to become powerful without excess mass.

Bodybuilding is a popular form of body modification, especially within the United States. Bulking up and building a body that looks as though it was chiseled out of marble to resemble the Incredible Hulk is the goal of some, but it isnt ideal for everyone.

Having a bodybuilders physical isnt necessarily healthy, regardless of how it looks. Some cultures, such as Asian and some Middle-Eastern ones, typically find it unattractive, preferring something slim but powerful. Some people dont like it just because they find that such a body hinders functional strength and flexibility.

Indeed, many martial artists try to avoid having a massive, lumbering body. Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan both designed workouts meant to increase functional strength while still leaving them slim and fast enough to perform their martial arts and stunts.

Bruce Lee did try bulking up for a while but found that it slowed him down and made him too large a target, so he focused his energy on building strength without mass.

Not everyone wants a bulky bodybuilder body. Yet most people dont have to worry about this, because it takes tremendous effort and nutrition to achieve. For many body types, gaining strength and fitness without big mass gains is possible.

First of all, its not incredibly difficult to gain strength without mass. It takes specific diets and supplements to achieve a bodybuilders body type. Just going to the gym isnt going to make you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Hulk Hogan, so you can leave those fears outside where they belong. This is true for both women and men. After all, gymnasts are the strongest athletes, per pound anyway, on the planet, yet theyre very slim.

You will gain some mass. Thats inevitable as your muscles grow, but you still wont find yourself looking like the Macho Man, Randy Savage. Look at the physic of Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee vs that of David Tennant or Johnny Depp back in his Edward Scissorhands role. Both sets of men are slim, but Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan have slightly bigger muscles.

Gymnasts are typically very strong, yet still slim.

The following are some of the best exercises for building strength. Remember to stay safe. If you feel any pain (not burn; thats different) or discomfort, stop immediately. Pain is your bodys way of warning you that something isnt right and you can easily suffer injury if you persist.


Squats are fantastic strength-building shortcuts, as they work virtually every muscle in your body from the waist down. The hips, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and quadriceps are all given a thorough workout during this exercise.

Beginners should perform a squat by lowering themselves into a sitting position. You dont crouch when youre at your lowest point but pretend instead as though youre sitting in an imaginary chair. Pause when youre at your lowest (you determine how many counts you can handle) and then rise.

Intermediate squatters can add a jump to the end of their squat instead of simply rising back into a standing position. Around this stage, some people prefer not to hold the squatting position, allowing the explosive rise into a jump to work most of the muscle training.

Advanced practitioners can add hand weights, an exercise band, or place a barbell across your shoulders. Some advanced squatters also prefer not to pause and hold when theyre at the bottom of their squat but to rise again immediately, allowing the weights to strengthen and tighten their muscles rather than simply holding their own body weight.

Remember to keep your back straight as you perform squats, especially if you have weights across your shoulders. Inhale as you rise and exhale as you go into the squat.


A burpee is similar to a squat, but it has added steps to increase its cardio and help strengthen shoulders as well.

You begin with a standing position then drop into a squat and place your hands on the ground. It may look like youre getting ready to lift something off the floor.

Next, you extend your legs into a plank position. If youre having trouble visualizing this, itll look like youre about to do a push-up. Your arms are extended, not folded beneath the weight of your upper body.

Dont lower yourself to the ground as you would in a push-up; rise back into a squat position. Try to keep the motion fluid before finally raising yourself back into a standing position.

Burpees arent meant to be performed in a leisurely manner. Instead, you should see how many you can do per minute, trying to increase the number of burpees you can successfully perform. The United States army likes its soldiers to be able to perform around 40 burpees within 20 seconds. Remember not to push yourself beyond your limit, though! Everyone starts at a different number and most wont achieve the kinds of numbers required by the military.

Rotating Sit-Up

Sit-ups are an exercise staple when it comes to strengthening your abs or your core. There are many ways to perform sit-ups with rotating sit-ups being more advanced.

Beginners can start with the basic sit-up. Lay on the floor with your legs bent and place your hands behind your head or across your chest. You can mix up these methods as youll get different benefits from each. Just use your abs to lift yourself up and lower yourself down.

When youre comfortable with that, you can move into a rotating sit-up. There are two different kinds of these.

The first is to place your hands behind your head and lift yourself up. However, when youre upright, twist your torso so that your left elbow swings over to your right knee. Lower yourself back to the floor and do it again, this time swinging your right elbow to your left knee. Continue to alternate.

The second variation is when your arms are across your chest. When you rise, you alternate between touching your right ankle with your left hand and touching your left ankle with your right hand.

Clean and Press

Before you read on, be advised that clean and press exercises should first be demonstrated by an instructor or fitness coach. At the very least, you should watch a video of how to safely perform them, as its easy to hurt yourself with this exercise.

That being said, its a very effective exercise to incorporate into your workout routine. It strengthens your abs, shoulders, back, and arms all in one exercise, potentially cutting down the number of different exercises needed to work these muscle groups individually.

You begin with a barbell resting on the ground. If youre just starting out, dont pile the weight on. In fact, you should never just pile weight on, as its too easy to accidentally injure yourself if the barbell slips from your grip. You want just enough weight to make the muscles do some work when youre going through the movements.

Squatting down, you pick up the barbell and, in an explosion of energy and driving through the heels, bring the barbell to rest on the front of your shoulders. Dont lean back to balance the barbell or you could hurt yourself!

Next, you bend your knees slightly and, driving through the hips, thrust the barbell up and hold it above your head, arms extended. You may choose to pause and hold for a count or two or you can bring the barbell back to the floor right away. Its lowered back to the ground in a single movement, so dont first return the weight to your chest.

Again, start with light weights and work up. It can be dangerous to perform this exercise with a lot of weight, and if you start feeling any pain, stop immediately.


Though this exercise is less common nowadays, its effective at strengthening the triceps, biceps, back, and chest area. Beginners should use a dumbbell but more advanced practitioners can use a barbell.

Lay flat on a bench and place the weight in your hands. The dumbbell should be gripped on one end by both hands while a barbell should be gripped shoulder-width apart. Bring your arms behind your head, bend the elbows, then reverse to bring the weights level with your chest again.

This is a simple exercise and is appropriate for all fitness levels.


This exercise can be done with either dumbbells or barbells and it primarily works the biceps and forearms and improves grip strength. Youre probably already aware of this exercise to some degree.

You take two dumbbells, one in each hand, or grip a barbell shoulder-width apart, palms facing inward. Bend your knees slightly and contract your biceps, curling the weights up to the upper pectorals. Then you slowly lower the weights back to their starting position.

This is another simple, safe exercise for building strength in your hands and arms.

Bench Press

Time to end on a classic. This exercise is incorporated into many peoples fitness routines and is a great way to improve strength in your grip, biceps, and chest. Be aware that this exercise can add some size to your chest, so martial artists and those looking to keep a slim figure advise you to curtail them.

Lay flat on a bench, to begin with. Grip a barbell at the shoulder-width length and push the barbell off the support pins, extending your arms as far as they can go. Slowly bring the barbell back down to your chest, exhaling as you do, then push it back up.

Remember not to start with too much weight. Some people have become pinned beneath their own weights, and this can be fatal. Use caution and common sense and this exercise can become one of your favorites.

Feeling the burn is normal, and feeling some minor aches or cramps in the muscles is normal, too. However, any pain means you should stop. Try re-evaluating how youre performing an exercise, move on to a new one, or maybe see your doctor if you feel that your experience is particularly abnormal.

Its easy to build functional strength without packing on a lot of mass and by focusing on exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once, you can cut down on your workout time.

See the rest here:
Slim, but Powerful: How To Build Strength Without Bulk - SciTechDaily

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Diet Center nutrition and exercise tips: 3 for the price of 1 – Kdminer

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 2:01 am

Some might think that just because we are aging that trying to eat well and lose weight is a lost cause.

Hi, this is Eunice from Diet Center.

That doesnt have to be the case. I have three things that anyone of any age can do.


You may have recipes that you use on a regular basis. Whether they are heirlooms or from a magazine, you can make them over to be healthier without much change in the flavor.

Its simple. Look at the ingredients and pick out high fat, high calorie ingredients. Make a list of these ingredients and their amounts. In a second column, list substitutes. For example, next to sugar and eggs write egg substitute and Stevia. For butter or oil, you can reduce the amounts up to half of what the recipe calls for. Or try using half as much of nonfat yogurt or mashed bananas. Cocoa powder can be used instead of baking chocolate. Use three tablespoons of powder and two teaspoons of water for each ounce of baking chocolate.

Use skim milk instead of whole milk, or evaporated skim milk instead of heavy cream. Use reduced fat cheese or nonfat sour cream instead of regular versions. Try low-sodium broth and add flavor with herbs and spices. You can also reduce portion sizes.

Five a Day

Research shows that consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day may reduce the risk of obesity, hypertension, heart disease, and 35% or more of all causes of cancer! Consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables helps provide many vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and complex carbohydrates, all of which play a role in everyday functions of our bodies.

Never too late

Some people think that as we age, we become weaker, our metabolism slows down and our body composition is higher in fat. They also believe that these changes tend to make it more difficult to lose weight. That doesnt have to be the case!

These changes are a result of muscle loss that happens naturally with age. After age 40, adults lose.25 to .33 pounds of muscle a year and gain that much in body fat. Muscle loss and fat gain can be prevented with exercise. It doesnt matter how old you are, or how long it has been since youve been active, age-related muscle loss can be reversed!

A couple of 45-minute strength training classes weekly can increase your strength significantly. It will also help improve body composition so that you have less body fat and more lean muscle. You can feel and see the results from building more calorie-burning muscle, with increased energy and smaller clothing sizes.

Try to do strength training exercises regularly. Consult a physician before you begin. Its never too late to start and have your body benefit.

If youre struggling with weight loss call Diet Center at 928-753-5066 or stop by 1848 Hope Ave. in Kingman.

Continued here:
Diet Center nutrition and exercise tips: 3 for the price of 1 - Kdminer

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Posted: June 26, 2022 at 2:01 am

The only time I didn't feel as crabby as FUCK yesterday was when I was in my sewing room.


It's card night tonight, so I will need to go out and get some petrol in me car.

While out, I will also do a small grocery grab. I think I'll get some donuts or similar to take to card night.

First thing I did today was go out and buy all the plastic saucers from Bunnings (South Branch). I'd already bought all of them from the Te Rapa branch!

So now I don't think I'll be running out for a while.

I've got about 150!

After that I went to Pak n Save for a small grocery grab.

That place gives me the creeps.

OR should I say it's full of CREEPS?

There is nothing more off putting than rubbing shoulders with people who are not even dressed properly, who smell like fucking shit and look like the last time they brushed their hair was back in 2011.

And let's not mention the ones literally roaming around in the car park looking in cars!

I gave one guy a filthy look when he walked past my car as I was walking up to it!

Seriously, he was up to no good.

Disgusting place, disgusting people.

Except of course, there were a few half decent people there, like me!

The single and only reason I go there now is due to their prices. They are the cheapest in town.

I can't wait until they open the new store out by The Base. It's going to draw from a much 'better' area.

In town, half the motels near Pak n Save are full of people requiring emergency accommodation.

I hope sometime soon the government STOPS making taxpayers pay for people to live in fucking motels!

I know there isn't much choice, but still.

The moteliers are laughing all the way to the bank, and WE pay for it.

Rant over on that subject.

I've put the groceries away, made up a little platter for cards tonight, had me lunch, sorted out all me grocery bags and ... now I'm busting for a piddle.

So I'll do that then maybe head into the sewing room.

I hate Facebook.

Today I got blocked AGAIN.

For no reason.

I'd done NOTHING 'wrong' at all.

Too fast at what?

I am beyond annoyed.

I am contemplating returning to blogging in the public realm.

IF I return to doing this publicly, it will be slightly different.

Maybe less often during the day?

Maybe less information on where/what we are doing each day?

Maybe more retrospectively?

Bex and I went to Cards tonight.

We had fun. Bex DIDN'T win ... she had beginners luck the last two times and won.

Now... I've been editing out certain parts of my posts over the past month, so I can go public again without offending anyone!

Time to sign off for the day.

Perhaps tomorrow I will be 'BACK'?

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What is the 5:2 diet? –

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 2:01 am

The 5:2 diet involves eating normally for five days a week, then cutting your calorie intake to between 500-600 calories per day for two days. This part-time dieting approach, or style of intermittent fasting, focuses more on when you eat, than what you eat.

Fasting, and intermittent fasting, have been around for years, and studies, such as a review published in the New England Journal of Medicine (opens in new tab), have found it can have many health benefits including weight loss, regulating blood sugars, cell regeneration and better brain health.

Its quite a flexible diet as for five days youre not restricted, so if you have a social event to go to you can plan to fast on the days that you arent eating out, says functional medicine practitioner Danny Ly. It also keeps you in a calorie deficit for the week meaning youre more likely to still lose weight.

If the 5:2 isnt your style, there are other plans you can try including intermittent fasting 16:8 and alternate day fasting. Read on to find out more about the 5:2 diet and whether its right for you.

The 5:2 diet is a form of intermittent fasting that suggests two very low-calorie days, usually no more than 500 calories, explains Ly. The other five days of the week you eat normally without having to track calories or restrict any types of foods.

Sometimes called the Fast Diet, the 5:2 was popularized by Dr Michael Mosley (opens in new tab). Since then, the diet has been developed and renamed The New 5:2.

When following The New 5:2, schedule two days a week as 800-calorie fasting days, and follow a healthy Mediterranean-style diet for the rest of the week, with no calorie restriction, just sensible portions, says Mosely.

Intermittent fasting, especially incorporating a Mediterranean diet, is a great tool for those wanting slower, steady weight loss or weight management. It has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood pressure and may be a supportive plan for people with these conditions. It provides more food freedom by only restricting calories for two days per week.

Mosley explains that on fast days, your body will enter a state of ketosis. You will lose visceral fat and achieve a better response to insulin, he says. This, in turn, will make it easier for you to keep to sensible portions, and avoid snacking, during the rest of the week.

According to Ly, a study in the Clinical Nutrition Journal (opens in new tab) found the 5:2 diet to be a safe and effective protocol for weight loss. It has generally been accepted by researchers as easy to follow too.

Adding in additional factors for dieters, such as group support, increased adherence and impact, research in PLOS One (opens in new tab) found.

While there arent many studies specifically on the 5:2 diet, research into intermittent fasting has revealed some great health benefits. These include changes in body composition, fat loss, improved heart health and lowered blood sugar levels.

One study published in the Canadian Family Physician (opens in new tab) journal found that intermittent fasting could aid weight loss in a similar way to calorie restriction, and it could also help to reduce cholesterol.

Research in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (opens in new tab) that looked into the health benefits of alternate day fasting, which is similar to the 5:2 diet, found it could reduce insulin resistance, asthma and even menopausal hot flushes.

Fasting can increase innate healing mechanisms in the body such as autophagy, which is where your body cleans out old and damaged cells, says Carolyn Nicholas, functional medicine certified health coach and director of Health Coaching app Able (opens in new tab). Fasting can also help you to become metabolically flexible, basically switching between burning glucose or ketones (fat) for fuel.

One of the big pulls of the 5:2 diet is that you only have to restrict your calorie intake for two non-consecutive days a week. Dieters should eat just 25% of their usual calories, which works out at around 500 for women and 600 for men. Depending on your preference, that can equate to three small meals or two larger ones.

Ly says: It is important to be savvy here and learn how to stretch a calorie. Eating high volume low calorie foods like vegetables, low calorie fruits like berries, lean protein like chicken, turkey or fish, cauliflower rice and low calorie soups are important, as well as having set meal times across the day so you are psychologically prepared better.

Another popular approach is to fast in the morning to save up calories for the evening meal, but this can lead to binges if you are too hungry, so I would be cautious about this approach. Using black coffee in the morning as an appetite suppressant works well for some too. Be sure to stay on top of water and fluid intake.

Why not invest in one of the best water bottles to help you to stay hydrated?

Nicholas adds: There is no real hard and fast rule when it comes to these fasting days apart from the number of calories, however, remember that not all calories are created equal. Start with mindset. Instead of thinking, What can I eat?, flip it around and ask yourself, What can I nourish myself with?

Fresh veggies, low glycemic fruits such as berries, nuts, seeds, olives, other good fats and high-quality proteins like wild fish or pastured meats and eggs are good options, she adds. Fresh vegetables will give you lots of fiber and they are naturally lower in calories so you could eat more of these. Good fats and proteins will help you feel fuller longer too, give you energy, and can also help with any cravings.

One of the biggest draws of the 5:2 diet is its simplicity that and the fact you can pretty much eat what you want five days a week, although a healthy and balanced meal plan is advised. Dieters can consume a normal amount of calories five days a week.

But Nicholas warns: This really isnt a hall pass to go crazy and binge on junk food. If you can stick with the fundamentals I mentioned eating fresh veg, good fats and lots of fiber then you will find yourself starting to look and feel your best faster and more sustainably.

You can expect to lose about 1lb a week on the 5:2 diet, which is a safe and sustainable amount as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (opens in new tab) (CDC) guidelines.

The 5:2 diet might be a good option for healthy, well nourished people looking to lose weight but its not recommended for everyone, says Dr. Naomi Newman-Beinart (opens in new tab).

These include:

Dr Newman-Beinart says: To be honest, its also not a particularly safe option for people with mental health disorders, especially depression and anxiety, as a dramatic drop in calories can cause brain fog, dizziness and poor concentration, which could potentially exacerbate emotional disorders.

Intermittent fasting has been found to have certain health benefits, including a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and improving insulin metabolism, however research has generally been based around a 16/8 or 14/10 diet.

These options mean that you are not restricting important nutrients for two days out of five each week, and when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, they have been shown to be effective for weight loss.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to offer medical advice.

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Diet: Seven ‘key’ tips to stay healthy this summer – ‘great time to start’ – Express

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 2:01 am

3. Stay hydrated

Proper hydration is important any time of year but its especially so in the summertime sun and heat.

"Remember to boost your water take if you spend time in the heat particularly when exercising or exerting yourself in the heat," Suzie advised.

"Its recommended to drink 450-600ml of water one to two hours before a workout and then 200-250ml every 15-20 minutes you spend exercising in the heat or sweating."

Suzie regaled that summer is "one of the best times" to start a new wellness routine due to the longer days, brighter sunshine, and fresh air.

This all tends to help feel more energetic, optimistic and better able to set and reach personal goals, to improve both physical and mental health.

"That means its a perfect time to get started with a new healthy lifestyle habit that youd like to continue carrying into the colder, winter months too," she said.

"For the same reasons establishing summer wellness goals tend to be easier in the summer, the warmer summer months are also a great time to start (and stick with) a new exercise routine," Suzie suggested

Read more:
Diet: Seven 'key' tips to stay healthy this summer - 'great time to start' - Express

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Kate Middleton: Fitness guru who provided royal with energy drinks opens up on her routine – Express

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 2:01 am

Kate Middleton is known to have a real passion for fitness and sport, whether she's playing a game of football against husband Prince William or becoming royal patron of rugby. Daniel Herman, founder of sports nutrition brand Bio-Synergy, spoke exclusively to about the Duchess' likely lifestyle, diet and exercise habits.

Daniel "Way back in 2007 I had the pleasure in supplying protein and energy drinks to Kate Middleton and the Sisterhood to fuel their training for their dragon boat charity race, so it is clear that health and fitness has very much been part of her lifestyle for many years.

"It is clear that her passion for sport and fitness has not diminished."

Indeed, tennis sensation Emma Raducanu called the Duchess' forehand "incredible".

As well as their London home in Kensington Palace, Kate and William also enjoy Norfolk country home Amner Hall.

READ MORE:How to 'lose a stone in 4 weeks' without 'crazy crash diet'

Daniel continued: "And with country estates at her disposal I am sure long walks are part of an active lifestyle."

As for how the Duchess stays in such great shape: "Consistency and a balanced diet is the key to long term health and fitness".

And according to the expert, it is "clear" that Kate has a "passion" for that.

The Duchess of Cambridge is undoubtedly an incredibly busy lady, so Daniel suggested that she relies on "home workouts" when she gets the chance.


Some of the perks of this "daily routine" is that the royal can fit it in between parenting her three children children and conducting engagements - "they can be done at any time and dont require any special equipment".

The expert continued: "This type of training is very effective for maintaining lean muscle and fitness, giving her a solid base for other activities that she enjoys."

While exercise is likely a fundamental aspect of the Duchess' life, abs are not built on exercise alone - she is also probably meticulous with her diet.

"I would expect that to keep her energy levels up, breakfast would consist of oats or porridge as this will provides the energy and nutrition that she will need to face a busy day and as it is low GI will provide sustained energy," Daniel suggested.

READ MORE:Michael Mosley weight loss: Remove three foods to stay slim

If paired with milk, this becomes a protein-rich start to the day, "great for maintaining lean muscle and boosting the metabolism".

As far as snacks go, it is unlikely that Kate reaches for chocolate and processed goodies.

Rather, Daniel imagines that she opts for fruits and nuts, which provide provide "essential nutrients for wellbeing".

What's more, they can be "enjoyed on the move", which is useful as Kate is always out and about.

Having snacks like these on hand is a great way for slimmers to get Kate's physique as they won't be tempted by unhealthy goodies.

When the Duchess finds herself at home for lunch, Daniel suggested she goes for "locally sourced produce" including a "good balance of protein and carbohydrates".

Shying away from carbs is not necessary for leading a healthy lifestyle and staying thin.

The fitness expert continued: "It has been widely reported that Kate enjoys cooking, and that one of Prince Williams favourite meals is roast chicken, which would no doubt be served with roast potatoes and vegetables, representing a good balance nutrients.

"Overall, the diet would be a well-balanced, to meet her needs as a busy mum, royal and fitness lover."

Daniel Herman is the founder of Bio-Synergy.

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Kate Middleton: Fitness guru who provided royal with energy drinks opens up on her routine - Express

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These Simple Diet Tips May Improve Gut Health To Avoid Acidity, Bloating And Constipation – NDTV Food

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 2:01 am

Our gut is connected to various bodily functions. Besides processing the foods that are eaten, a healthy gut helps keep our body running smoothly. If you often face problems like acidity, bloating, diarrhea and constipation, you make need to relook at your gut health. And if you want to improve your gut function, the easiest way to go about it is by making some minor changes in your lifestyle. We found some workable diet tips that can be easily followed by all of us to recuperate our gut and bring it back to form.

Health Coach Jasleen offers advice on how to take care of our gut with simple dietary and lifestyle changes. Take a look at the informative post she shared on her Instagram page 'healwithjasleen'.

Trillions of gut bacteria need healthy fats to stay agile. Feed them healthy fats like ghee, olive oil coconut oil and avocados. To our knowledge, nuts and seeds also provide healthy fats. What is to be really avoided is unsaturated fats.

(Also Read:These 7 Food Items Are Packed With Healthy Fats; Incorporate Them In Your Daily Diet)

Foods like avocado contain healthy fats.

Probiotics are known to boost the production of healthy gut bacteria. Foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, kanji, homemade pickles contain a good amount of probiotics.

Collagen not only improves skin health, it also helps gut work properly. Foods like bone broth, citrus foods and fish are excellent choices. Need more options? Here is a list of collagen-rich foods you can include in your diet.

Sugary foods, junk foods, packaged foods - all kinds of processed foods are not really good for your gut. Avoid them as much as you can.

There is a wide variety of herbs available for consumption. They not only add their piquant flavour to the foods but also lend in their gut-benefitting properties. So, add carom, basil, ginger, fennel and more herbs to your diet.

Fasting may be considered a good way to give rest to your stomach, but it doesn't suit all. So, listen to your body and fast the way your body can take it.

(Also Read:Weight Loss Diets: Types of Fad Diets That Are Popular These Days)

Fasting should be followed if your body allows it.

Pay attention to your gut if it's asking for it. Follow a good diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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These Simple Diet Tips May Improve Gut Health To Avoid Acidity, Bloating And Constipation - NDTV Food

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Want To Up Your Daily Dose Of Biotin? 10 Foods To Add To Your Diet –

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 2:01 am

During pregnancy, getting enough of this nutrient becomes even more essential as it plays a role in embryonic development, Shapiro said.

According to Jessica Cording, M.S., R.D., CDN, the average adult needs 30 micrograms, or 0.03 milligrams, of biotin each day. Pregnant or lactating women, however, need 35 micrograms.These are the baseline daily levels (i.e., Recommended Dietary Allowance, RDA) issued by the National Academies.

Biotin is important for overall health, with functions ranging from blood sugar to beauty benefits.* For example, it may help to normalize blood glucose levels, Shapiro explains, a role that has been supported by preclinical research demonstrating this B vitamins ability to support pancreatic beta cell function and improve glucose tolerance.*

Additionally, there are many mechanisms to support the hair, skin, and nail benefits of getting adequate levels of this B vitamin, but more research is needed to expand our understanding in these areas of health.

However, its most notable role has to do with cellular energy production: Biotin is a coenzyme for carboxylases, or enzymes that help metabolize macronutrients.* Carboxylases are involved in the process of insulin release and gluconeogenesis, or the synthesis of glucose.

So its safe to saygetting enough biotin for whole-body health is important. Here, youll find a list of biotin-containing foods to consume that will help you hit your daily goal (keep in mind: some are richer sources than others).

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Blue Zones and Diet ID Partner to Empower Well-Being Improvement at Scale – PR Web

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 2:01 am


Blue Zones, LLC and Diet ID, Inc. announced today a strategic partnership to bring powerful innovations to the fields of health promotion, disease prevention, and well-being improvement. Blue Zones empowers people to live better and longer lives by applying their research of the worlds longest-lived cultures blue zones. Diet ID is a digital health platform whose mission is to make diet quality a vital sign by providing a fast and elegant way to measure and manage nutrition. This partnership will combine the patented, clinically validated Diet ID assessment and platform with the Blue Zones transformation model, a first-of-its-kind approach to improving the well-being of entire populations and communities.

The Danish Twin Study established that only about 20% of life span is genetic, while the other 80% is controlled by lifestyle and environment. Improving lifestyle, and especially nutrition, is critical because poor diet has now surpassed smoking as the leading cause of preventable death. Diet quality is the single leading predictor variable for both premature death and chronic disease in the United States and much of the world but is rarely measured or managed effectively.

This partnership is powerful because it combines the synergies of two innovations, said Ben Leedle, CEO of Blue Zones and Co-founder of Blue Zones Project. Blue Zones takes a systems approach to improving well-being at the population level with semi-permanent and permanent changes to the environment our humanmade surroundings - that make healthy choices easier and more accessible; Diet IDs visual assessment and intervention platform can measure and manage diet quality at scale and give individuals a powerful, proven tool that makes healthy eating easier. This unique and dynamic combination of assets will allow us to measure and deliver personalized, precision community health and nutrition interventions at scale. The focus on nutrition, which has been traditionally challenging, solves a critical need in community and population health initiatives.

The plan will include integrating Diet IDs unique assessment and intervention platform into all future Blue Zones transformation initiatives to inform strategies and tactics that will improve the health and well-being of entire cities, campuses, and organizations.

Blue Zones work is based on their identification and research of the worlds blue zones, where people live extraordinarily long and happy lives. The company applies their research to improve well-being at the population level; instead of focusing solely on individual behavior change, the Blue Zones model is an upstream solution that makes permanent and semi-permanent changes to the humanmade surroundings so that healthier choices are easier in all the spaces and places people spend the most time.

Diet ID, Inc. has designed the first fundamental advance in dietary assessment methods in decades, with unique-in-the-world, patented intellectual property. By using pattern recognition rather than recollection of details, Diet ID can complete a comprehensive dietary assessment in as little as 60 seconds. This image-based method, invented by CEO Dr. David L. Katz and developed with input from world-leading nutrition experts and a team of dietitians, is leveraged to offer personalized dietary guidance based on health goals and dietary preference.

Diet ID is to diet what a blood pressure cuff is to blood pressure, said Katz, a whole new, quick, easy, and reliable way to measure whats essential. It is also a way to increase awareness of and access to healthful foods that are fresh, affordable, and culturally relevant.

Programs to promote health rarely include personal attention to dietary quality, which is foundational for wellbeing. The partnership of Diet ID with Blue Zones will fill this critical gap and open the discussions and actions that are needed to help individuals and communities shift toward diets that are healthy and sustainable, said Walter Willett, MD DrPH, Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.

We are beautifully aligned with Blue Zones, Katz went on, and are proud and thrilled to partner with the Blue Zones team in the mission to make the blessings of those populationsa bounty of years in life, a bounty of life in yearsaccessible to millions more people here and around the world.

"Both community-level change and personal empowerment are important to disease prevention, health promotion, and foundational lifestyle-based treatment. This partnership represents a novel and exciting combination of the two, said Michael Parkinson, MD, MPH, Past President, American College of Preventive Medicine.

This partnership has great potential to advance the goals of lifestyle medicine by matching an efficient and effective nutrition assessment tool with a powerful longevity plan, said Beth Frates, MD, President-Elect American College of Lifestyle Medicine and Director of Lifestyle Medicine and Wellness at Massachusetts General Hospital.

This partnership represents a whole new opportunity to help people achieve better quality diets, and better quality health, said Christopher Gardner, PhD, Nutrition Scientist and Professor of Medicine at Stanford University.

About Diet ID Diet ID is a patented advance in dietary assessment based on pattern recognition, rather than recall. The system, accessible via any web-enabled device and available in English and Spanish, generates a comprehensive assessment of dietary intake- diet type, diet quality (using the Healthy Eating Index 2015), daily servings of all major food groups, and levels of 150 nutrients- in as little as 60 seconds. For more information, visit

About Blue Zones Blue Zones employs evidence-based ways to help people live longer, better. The companys work is rooted in explorations and research done by founder and National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner in blue zones regions around the world, where people live extraordinarily long and/or happy lives. The original research and findings were released in Buettner's bestselling books The Blue Zones Solution, The Blue Zones of Happiness, The Blue Zones, Thrive, and Blue Zones Kitchenall published by National Geographic books. Blue Zones works with cities and counties to make healthy choices easier through permanent and semi-permanent changes to human-made surroundings and systems. Participating communities have experienced double-digit drops in obesity and tobacco use and have saved millions of dollars in healthcare costs. For more information, visit

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