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Ask Me Anything: Brain health and cognition – Scope

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 1:58 am

When it comes to complex biology, the brain rules. To understand how the brain controls our movements, behavior, thoughts and memories -- and how that changes when things go awry -- we asked Stanford neurologist Sharon Sha to weigh in. For an #AskMeAnything, she spoke about all things neuro -- from how you can sharpen your mental acuity, to what happens when a memory is lost.

Sha, who specializes in caring for patients with cognitive and neurodegenerative disorders, weighed in on a multitude of brain and cognition-related questions, and even shared a peek into what it was like to work with actor Chris Hemsworth (who played Thor in several Marvel Studios "Avengers" films) on a docuseries.

Below is a compilation of the questions and answers hosted on our Instagram account. The following Q&A has been lightly edited for clarity.

Great question! The best way to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is to exercise.

There is a lot of data (and more to come!) that shows exercise helps stimulate the brain. Much like when we get an endorphin rush while exercising, we can create something in the body that nurtures the brain. Some scientists believe that a protein called brain derived neurotrophic factor -- or BDNF -- helps the brain and the memory center (the hippocampus), in particular.

Other ways to reduce the risk are keeping your brain stimulated, eating a Mediterranean heart-healthy diet, sleeping well and socializing.

Best advice tosharpen focus/concentration for students?

Take breaks! There is data to support the notion that even a 20-minute walk in nature helps improve concentration. The thought behind this is that the constant stimulation of technology places a high demand on our attention (emails, text messages, etc.), but disconnecting and focusing on the sights and sounds of nature improves our attention and working memory.

Unfortunately, if memory is lost due to Alzheimer's disease, there is no way to bring it back. The best thing is to do all you can to reduce the risk of dementia with lifestyle measures like exercise, eating healthy, keeping your brain active, socializing, sleeping well and feeling good! Someone can use the parts of the brain that are working well for workarounds such as keeping lists, using a calendar, keeping routines, and enlisting help.

Chris was amazing. He is such a professional. He was a producer on a docuseries filmed for National Geographic about the potential of the human body so he would contribute great ideas and suggestions for the content. He is also very funny, though I think I'm funnier!

The Mediterranean heart-healthy diet is the best for your brain. We don't know what is in the diet that helps our brain, but likely it is the lean proteins, high amount of vegetables and fruit and few fried foods. If your culture is not Mediterranean, I usually suggest not changing your diet completely. Rather, I suggest eating healthier versions of your familiar foods, increasing vegetables and decreasing fatty foods. Unfortunately, there is no magic food or pill we can take.

All of us can walk into a room and forget the reason we did. This can be part of normal aging, distraction or poor sleep! It can also be part of a degenerative disease such as dementia. The pattern of symptoms and whether it is affecting your ability to function independently can help with understanding this symptom in the context of whether a dementia like Alzheimer's disease is present.

What does your grandma like to do? Does she like to garden, knit, talk about old memories/photos, dance, listen to music? Let her interests guide you and encourage to her talk about them, interact with them, teach you about it! Things that stimulate her will help her keep her brain assharp as it can be -- and teach you more about her!

No one really knows how it affects the brain. However, music can have strong associations with emotions that can "tag" memories very well -- such as when an old favorite song brings back memories and related feelings about the song. Because of this, I often suggest that patients with Alzheimer's disease play old, happy songs to inspire and calm us.

Yes! But it doesn't have to be puzzles or games. Anything that stimulates your mind is good for the brain. Something that is interactive is even better for your brain!

Photo byalphaspirit

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Ask Me Anything: Brain health and cognition - Scope

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P90X’s Tony Horton Shared the Workout Tips He Uses to Stay Shredded – Men’s Health

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 1:58 am

Almost 20 years after becoming a household name by telling P90X users to bring it, Tony Horton is still bringing it. The 64-year old lifts three days per week, does yoga on Saturdays, and spends the rest of the week out in his yardclimbing ropes, working on parallel bars, doing sprints, and training on his at-home ninja training course.

Yesterday, we were out there for four hours, and I was able to do pretty well with the youngsters, he says. One of the things we did was up and down the 20-foot rope twice, timed. So you go all the way up, come down all the way, then hit it a second time. My buddy Scott did it in 14 seconds, Mine was 19.

Even with six days of training, Horton finds time to work on his program, The Power of 4, design and appear in workouts for Tonal, and work on creating his own sports nutrition products, called Power Life.

With that kind of schedule, youd think hed burn outand he almost did. In 2017, Horton contracted a type of shingles outbreak called Ramsay Hunt syndrome. He lost 25 pounds, and could have had permanent nerve and eye damage.

I was burning the candle at both ends, he says. So in addition to his grueling training and work schedule, Horton found time to add in mindfulness, too. But even when he did that, he was bringing it: I dont have to be listening to some esoteric stuff. If Im feeling kind of funky, I just crank up the Zeppelin.

Horton shared some of his strategies for doing it alland then some, including his weekly cardio, his go-to post-workout shake, and a challenge he used with Ewan McGregor to prepare the actor for the new series, Obi-wan Kenobi.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The short answer is this: I still weight train and I do a lot more bodyweight training. I do more HIIT training and I work as much or more so on speed, balance, range of motion and flexibility than I do just lifting weights and doing cardio. Because that's what keeps me young at 64that variety.

Ive got four different areas where I train. And so it has changed. I still lift. I have a Tonal, I'm on Tonal. So on those Tuesdays and Thursdays, it's indoor on the Tonal with the dumbbells and the bands. That's kind of a Tuesday-Thursday thing. Saturdays are yoga typically. But on Fridays and Sundays I'm out in the yard. I'm climbing the ropes and I'm on the rings and I'm on the ninja course and I'm on the parallel bars.

So that's where it has changed dramatically because those are more skill-based, athletic-type movements. A lot of people will train and train and train, but they're moving in these very linear ways. That's why I do plyometrics. I do plyo boxes on Friday and then I do regular kind of plyo like you'd see in P90X or some of my new programslateral jumps and high and low single leg jumps.

It's just like P90X"muscle confusion," a made-up term that says, "What are the things you need to do to avoid boredom. Injuries and plateaus?" You learn more, you do more, you work on your weaknesses as much as your strengths, and you won't age at the same rate as everybody else who still is training hard but doing the same things over and over and over and over.

On Cardio Night, which is tonight, I have nine different stations in my gym. So I do 3 minutes each and I just jump from one to another. A lot of people get on the Versaclimber for 50 minutes. I mean, if you're a robot man or woman, well rock on. But I do 3 minutes on the bike, 3 minutes on the Versaclimber, 3 minutes on the treadmill, 3 minutes on the heavy bag, 3 minutes on the rower, 3 minutes on the jump rope, 3 minutes on the skier and 3 minutes on the slideboard. Round and round I go, for about an hour, an hour and 10 minutes. I'm getting all that variety. I'm avoiding the injuries that come from just running. I break that sweat. I wear my heart monitor and I try to burn 500 calories or more.

Not everybody has that optionthey don't have all that stuff. You can choose your own. And if it ain't nine things, it's two or it's three, and it's two minutes each, five minutes each, or 8 minutes each, whatever. Just kind of play with it, experiment with that.

That's what I do when I'm traveling. Even if there is no gym, I'll just do wind sprints in the parking lotI'll walk, jog, run, sprint. I'll pick four different speeds and I'll just find some neighborhood or whatever.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are the big lower body, upper body days. And that's when I'll do the shake afterward, but not right away, because I don't have much of an appetite. I'm just not a guy who can just throw something down immediately after a workout. I just want to take a nap most times.

I put basically the same things in there every time. So I put frozen blueberries in the bottom. Then I put walnuts and pecansa little on top of that. Then I'll put a little spinach, a little kale. And then I'll put in like a fifth of a banana, just for the flavor. I don't like to put a whole banana in a shake. There's just too many sugar calories for me. The blueberries are enough. I get like six or eight [bananas] at a time. I cut them up in those little pieces and I put them in the freezerI just throw them in every once in a while. I put in some whey proteinPower Life, chocolate. And then I put mint leaves, a substantial amount of little mint leaves. So you've got that blueberry chocolate banana mint.

They wanted him to look pretty sleek. There's an opening scene in that series where he's kind of beat up and hunkered downand they wanted him to look pretty trim. So there was a lot of a lot of HIIT training, a lot of cardio training. A lot of what we were doing in my new program, called The Power of Four. Two different ab routines. A lot of martial arts, a lot of hook, elbow down, strike, sprawls. Things that equated to what he'd be doing in the series with all that sword fighting. And then a lot of it was dietary. He enjoys food like any human being. So we were kind of trying to come up with some healthier snacks and things that weren't as detrimental to his overall goals. So a lot of it was mobility stuff. A lot of it was speed stuff. There was still weight training, right? Because we wanted to we wanted to lift some weight. So he's burning calories 24/7.

He was here typically an hour. And then we had a little bonus thing called "five times five equals five." It was a jump rope/burpee sequence. The whole thing took less than 8 minutes.

Jump rope for a minute, then you do five burpees. And you do that five times.

You don't need a rope either. It's always nice to learn that basic skill. Just for a quick, "Man, I don't have any time. I want to get my heart rate up. I want to kind of activate some some muscles and do the heart/lung/leg part with a bit of jumping rope." It's kind of a nice twofer. And for a very quickie, it's a good one.

I have a routine now in the Power of Four called "Triple Trouble Challenge." And P90X3 had one called "The Challenge." And "The Challenge" was a challenge because what you had to do was 16 total sets. There were eight sets of pushups and eight sets of pull upsand the push ups and the pull ups changed ... wide, narrow, chin up, military. They changed, I think every three three of one, three of the next variety. And the goal was to sort of estimate how many pull ups and push ups you're going to do before you even start. And the rep counts had to remain the same from start to finish.

When I first started doing this routine, I called it 30-15 when I was just doing this routine on my own. And I used to do 24 sets, not 16. So I would do 24 sets, 12 of push ups, 12 of of pull ups. And all my pull up sets had to be 15 repetitions, and all my push up sets had to be 30. My best ever was 40-20 when I was one strong son of a gun.

So the new one is called "Triple Trouble Challenge." You do three sets of pushups in a row, and then you do three sets of pull ups in a row, with a little bit more time in between because you need recovery. So with the "Triple Trouble Challenge," you do a set of push ups, you get about 30 seconds [to rest]. You have to repeat that same number. [Rest] 30 seconds, then you have to repeat that same number. And then you go to pull up bar and repeat it.

The idea there is just a different form of time under tension. You're doing back to back to back. So what's my number? If I'm going to pick 20, that means I've got to do 20, 40, 60 push ups. Wham. And then I put my numbers over here on pull ups. If it's 10, I'm doing 10, 20, 30 ... it will destroy you.

It's intensity, but it's also the opposite of intensity. Because if you're going to push this hard, then you've got to also recover. And that's different for everybody. You've got a guy who's a 25-year- old ex-gymnast who's got 8 pounds to lose, his objectives are very different than somebody who's really not athletic and they've got 85 pounds to lose. The expression that I've trademarked, even though people like to steal it and put it on t-shirts, is called "do your best and forget the rest." And doing your best on any given day changes from day to day, from hour to hour, from exercise to exercise, from rep to rep. It's just paying attention to what's happening, making sure that whatever you're doing, you're maintaining and sustaining a certain amount of decent form.

And paying attention to to what ails you. If you keep training your shoulders and your shoulder has got a stinger that won't go away ... you know, what are you doing? Lighten the load, do some rehab. Go see your orthopedic person. Address these things.

It's not the intensity. The more important thing is consistency. Be the tortoise, not the hare. Keep showing up. Pay attention. You're going to have hero days and you're going to have maintenance days. Notice difference between the two. And then you just keep coming and coming and coming. I always say, people that want to work out 2 to 3 days a week thinking that's really going to have an effect ... you might as well just throw yourself down a set of stairs because you're going to be sore, but you're not going to see any kind of real results. Results come from showing up and showing up and figuring out what you're going to do on what day and what time and with whom.

P90X was a 90 day program, but, you know, this new one, The Power of Four, is also a 90 day program. But when the 90 days are up, you better have something planned for the next 90 on day 60 from the one beforeI've got a month. I better figure out what the next thing is.

Yoga's gold. And too many dudes are still avoiding it for whatever reason. I don't understand it. It's it's more than sitting in lotus position and doing ohms. It's pretty intense, man. It has four things that are happening simultaneously that you almost can't get anywhere else. So you have the strength componentall the chaturungas and all the lunges and things like that.

There's the flexibility componentit's a moving stretch. There's the balance with all the one-legged, different things. Crescent pose in itself is a is a balance thing. And then you have that mindfulness component. Learning how to be in the moment, being present, being patient ... while you're also having your ass handed to you. There's just so much there. The feeling that I have after a ninja session is very different than I would have after a yoga session. Yoga is a very healing process, even though you'll get into a flop sweat and work really hard.

If you're my age, or in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyondthe yoga, the flexibility, the mobility, the strength, the balance ... that is really gold.

What people need to get away from is their egos. Your ego will just kick your butt because your ego has nothing to do with how you feel about you. Your ego has everything to do with about what you think other people think of you. And by the way, other people. spend too much time thinking about themselves to really think about you. So get rid of that. And then there's there's a lot of pressure that comes off. You get to go be you.

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P90X's Tony Horton Shared the Workout Tips He Uses to Stay Shredded - Men's Health

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How to Gain Weight Safely – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 1:56 am

Often, when we talk about our health, we talk about losing weight. But sometimes, theres a need to actually put on weight. This might seem counterintuitive, but there are several scenarios where your doctor might ask for you to gain weight, no matter your age or sex.

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Besides the why, there is also the how. When you have to gain weight, you still want to use a healthy approach, not just add a bunch of high-sugar and high-fat items to your diet. While that will certainly add weight, that approach is not necessarily the best for your body.

We talked to pediatrician Ellen Rome, MD, and registered dietitian Devon Peart, MHSc, RD, about why your doctor might ask you to add weight and ways to do it safely both for children and adults.

Whether youre an adult or a child/adolescent, there are several reasons why your doctor might advise you to gain weight.

Peart says doctors will look for markers of healthy body weight and if, based on evidence, they decide youre underweight, they may advise you to gain weight. While body mass index (BMI) may have a lot of drawbacks, it can help a doctor see if someone is at a low weight thats unhealthy, she says. The concern would be whether you are getting enough vitamins, minerals and energy (calories) for your body and your immune system to function well.

Another reason, according to Dr. Rome, is that youre fighting an acute or chronic illness. This could be for an adult or child. It could be something like inflammatory bowel disease where the patient has lost a lot of weight, she says. Or it could be a cancer patient who needs to build some strength before beginning treatment.

Such a need can also be necessary after major surgery, whether thats a dental surgery that interferes with your ability to eat or another operation that resulted in weight loss. After something like that, where a person hasnt been able to maintain a normal diet, theyre not at their usual body weight and theyll need to gain it back, notes Peart.

Its also possible that various treatments can affect appetite or even the taste of food, she adds. Medication can cause food to taste metallic and so you dont eat as much because it just doesnt taste very good.

While food restrictive disorders like anorexia nervosa are among the reasons someone might need to add weight, a newly recognized disorder known as avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a reason children may need to add weight, according to Dr. Rome.

These children fall into a few different groups, and they can be in more than one group, she continues.

These groups include:

Were learning more and more about how to help the children who are diagnosed with ARFID, she adds.

When gaining weight is your goal, its important to do so in a healthy, nutritious way that doesnt cause any harm to your body or long-term health. And thats not as difficult as you might think.

Proteins, fats and carbs are the fuel your body needs, especially in kids, and its important to get that balance right. The problem, says Dr. Rome, is the way fat is sometimes treated. A parent may be told to cut back on fats for their diet but you cant apply that to a kids diet, she says. From early adolescence through age 26, their fat intake should be about 50 to 90 grams of fat a day.

Food like avocados and hummus are great sources of these fats that can help kids gain that weight safely. Using avocados to make guacamole is a great way to make it more appealing for kids. Dr. Rome says its also OK to occasionally indulge in some ice cream in moderation.

Its similar for adults. Peart says to focus on finding that balance in consuming more calorie-dense foods that still hold some nutritional value. Its not just about calories. You might think that eating a lot of candy would add calories but it wouldnt be in a healthy way, she says. Nor do you want to fill up on lower-calorie foods like popcorn.

Instead, she also recommends the avocado as one go-to snack. Its heart-healthy and has healthy fat, she points out. Other suggestions include:

These foods help bring more calories to your meals or snacks, she notes. Even if youre having a salad, you can add in avocado and some dried fruit and layer in those extra calories in a more nutrient-rich, healthy way.

Various supplemental shakes are also suggested by both Dr. Rome for children and Peart for adults. For kids, Dr. Rome recommends steering clear of powders in favor of the pre-mixed shakes you can buy off the shelves. They pack a lot of calories into a container the size of a juice box and its perfect for a parent to prep the night before and give to a child in the morning for breakfast.

Peart suggests protein shakes or even smoothies for some people who have smaller appetites. For some, drinking may be more palatable (or easier to consume) than solid food, so thats one way to get those calories, she says. And you can add ingredients like honey, fruit and even dry oats.

Peart says one issue for some adults who want to add weight is that they have trouble eating large portions at every meal. Id recommend eating smaller, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day, about every two to three hours, she says. If you have a smaller appetite or something else that prevents you from eating as much from a traditional three-meal structure, this can help.

Whether its adding in snacks to supplement meals or just eating more, smaller meals throughout the day, this can help you consume enough to gain the weight you need without forcing yourself to eat when youre not hungry.

Avoiding drinking large amounts of liquids before a meal can help keep your stomach a bit emptier if feeling full is an issue. When you have something to drink before a meal, no matter what it is, its filling your stomach up so you may feel less hungry when you start eating, Peart explains. Instead, drink between meals, not right before.

Everyone is different, and our bodies react to food in different ways. So, its always essential that any plan to gain weight should be done under the supervision of a doctor or with the guidance of a registered dietitian. Anything to do with weight is a process that has to be done right, healthfully and safely.

With most outpatient kids, youre hoping for between a half-pound to two pounds a week, says Dr. Rome. But, she adds, it could differ depending on your child and their conditions. Partner with your pediatrician, a dietitian versed in weight gain not just weight loss and with an adolescent medicine doctor, she suggests. They can help make this journey more manageable.

Peart says by adding about 500 extra calories a day to your diet, most adults could see a gain of about a pound a week. The catch, though, is that some adults will add weight more easily than others for a variety of reasons. A dietician can individualize a plan for you, she emphasizes. They can work with you and your likes, dislikes and appetite size, and come up with a way for you to add weight in a healthy way.

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How to Gain Weight Safely - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

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Following a Mediterranean Diet Could Reduce Alzheimer’s and Diabetes by up to 50 Percent – The Epoch Times

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 1:56 am

Did you know that the chances of developing cognitive dysfunction and Alzheimers increases when an individuals insulin levels decline? The similarities between diabetes and Alzheimers are so great that many researchers have been referring to Alzheimers as diabetes type 3. A recent study found that type 1 diabetics were 83% more likely to develop dementia as seniors than people without diabetes.

Insulin-like growth factors have also been attributed to cognitive health. These are hormones that manage the effect of growth hormones in our bodies. Growth hormone levels are prone to regular fluctuations depending on a persons diet and activity levels. Scientists have found that a reduced input of this hormone into the brain may be responsible for dementia and other cognitive health problems. Furthermore, a link has been found between hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and developing beta-amyloid plaques in the brain, resulting in Alzheimers disease.

The key to preventing both diabetes and cognitive-related health conditions like dementia and Alzheimers is to undergo a shift in your lifestyle to ensure you are getting the correct nutrition for your bodys needs, which changes as we age. The American Heart Association also recommends stopping smoking and exercising on a daily basis.

The MIND diet is a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH diets, and according to Dr. Dean Sherzai, is a good example of an effective diet that is rich and balanced in all nutrients required for a healthy mind and body. Martha Morris, a nutritional epidemiologist and creator of the MIND diet, observed a 53% reduction in Alzheimers symptoms when patients adhered to the diet; however, even moderate adherence helped by 35%, suggesting that even making small changes to ones diet can help significantly in preventing Alzheimers disease. Prediabetics can safely enjoy incorporating the Mediterranean diet, knowing they will be reducing their chances of developing diabetes by up to 50 percent. The diet is also recommended for diabetics, as the food groups that make up the diet have a low glycemic index and have the potential to combat insulin resistance in diabetics.

The Mediterranean diet is composed of many vegetables: especially dark leafy greens such as arugula, collards, spinach, and kale. Other good vegetables include carrots, celery, beets, broccoli, cucumbers, onions, peas, peppers, and sweet potatoes. When consuming carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, diabetics can eat their meal alongside a glass of lemon water or fermented pickles (such as cucumbers or sauerkraut) to decrease the starch absorption and prevent a sudden spike in blood sugar. Most doctors also recommend choosing carbohydrates that are high in fiber, such as cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, mushrooms, legumes, and whole grains, as high fiber carbohydrates naturally slow down the absorption of starch into glucose.

Fresh vegetables can easily be found in local farmers markets or in any natural food store. Despite this, research has found that only 10% of Americans consume the recommended daily serving of fruit and vegetables, a worrying statistic considering the high rates of chronic health conditions in the United States.

Dietician, and co-author of the book, Nourish, Brenda Davis says she often challenges herself to include as many colorful vegetables as possible whenever cooking up a new dish. This encourages her to be more diverse in her choice of vegetables and ensures she gets a rich variety of nutrients into her diet. Why not challenge yourself the next time you prepare a fruit bowl by making sure you include something of every color? Some ideas include apples, bananas, cherries, grapes, oranges, melons, peaches, pears, figs, blueberries, and strawberries. However, any fruit thats currently in season works just as well.

According to researcher and neurologist, Dr. Sherzai, almost 90% of Alzheimers and a great majority of dementia are caused by lifestyle changes and can be prevented by following a mostly plant-based diet, rich in vegetables, fruit, beans, legumes, and avoiding highly processed foods. He believes that by changing your diet, you can achieve complete reversal of most diseases, particularly when it comes to cognitive health and preventing strokes.

Sherzai explains that Alzheimers is thought to develop when a person inherits the APOE4 gene that is associated with early onset of the disease. However, not everyone who inherits this gene actually develops Alzheimers. Why is this? The reason is primarily believed to be lifestyle-driven with differences in diet and activity levels to be the driving force between whether or not someone actually develops the condition.

The APOE4 gene is responsible for lipid transport in the bloodstream; however, Sherzai states that in people with Alzheimers, this process is usually very inefficient. A study from MIT supports this claim as researchers discovered a dramatic difference in lipid processing in APOE4 astrocytes compared to APOE3. A considerable buildup of lipids and cholesterol was observed in APOE4 astrocytes. These accumulated fats also contained more unsaturated fatty acid chains than what is considered normal. Researchers concluded that these changes cause lipid dysregulation inside cells. This can be dangerous for individuals as not only can it increase chances of developing Alzheimers, but it can also increase their likelihood of having a stroke. However, Sherzai states that following a Mediterranean diet can help reduce this chance by up to 44%, bringing more attention to the importance of a healthy diet.

Olive oil is the primary choice of oil frequently used in the Mediterranean diet and for very good reasons. Extra virgin olive oil is the least processed olive oil available and is packed with antioxidants that help fight disease. It has a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids that are very beneficial for heart health. Furthermore, extra virgin olive oil is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, helping to fight against inflammatory-caused diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and dementia. The LDL (low density lipoprotein) and triglycerides help reduce glucose levels, helping to alleviate symptoms of diabetes. Consider choosing organic extra virgin olive oil to maximize nutrients as its found to contain much higher levels of tocopherols, polyphenols, and oleic acid than conventionally produced olive oil. These are natural antioxidants present in olive oils.

Grains make up a great portion of the Mediterranean diet, but its often advised to opt for intact grains. These are grains that havent been ground or processed finely and still carry much of their nutrients. Some examples include wheat berries, barley, quinoa, steel-cut oats, rye berries, amaranth, millet, kamut, and sorghum.

Nuts, berries, and seeds are a good snack choice and are recommended by the MIND diet as they help improve brain power and prevent age-related diseases such as Alzheimers. They have the added bonus of being very low-glycemic, making them ideal for diabetics. Theyre also rich sources of protein, fiber, and healthy fats, and should form an important part of your diet. Pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and almonds help regulate blood glucose levels and are rich in dietary fiber, a crucial element in preventing diabetes. Pumpkin seeds also contain magnesium, copper, and zincimportant minerals for improving brain function.

There is also the belief that rising blood sugar levels are linked to both diabetes type 2 and Alzheimers. Scientists have found that aside from the pancreas, the brain also produces insulin, and when insulin levels drop, it can result in food cravings. As dementia progresses, it weakens the part of the brain that is responsible for self-restraint in our diets, making it harder for individuals to restrict their sugar intake. Research has also found possible mild to severe nervous system damage in type 2 diabetics, resulting in impaired blood flow to the brain, which increases the risk of Alzheimers and other cognitive health conditions. These findings are important as they help both kinds of patients in monitoring diet and lifestyle factors to control or minimize symptoms of disease.

Eating a primarily plant-based diet rich in vegetables has been found to be very beneficial for diabetics as vegetablesparticularly ones containing high fiber like carrots, beets, and broccoliare naturally very low in sugars. The Mediterranean diet is a particularly good diet for diabetics as its naturally low in sugars, specifically, in processed sugar. If you need to sweeten your tea or coffee, you may opt for Stevia or monk fruit sweeteners that dont affect your blood sugar levels.

When choosing meat, try to avoid any packaged processed meat such as hot dogs, ham, bacon, deli meat, and salami, as these may increase your risk of developing chronic diseases like hypertension and heart disease due to their high saturated fat content. Bacon can be enjoyed very minimally as a special treat; however, try to select uncured bacon as its less processed and wont contain artificial nitrates, like in cured bacon. If you have local farms around you, you could sample some of their bacon as its likely to be less processed than store-bought packaged meat and a good way to support local agriculture. Center-cut bacon also contains less fat while still containing plenty of flavor. As with red meat, it may be consumed moderately, and lean cuts are preferred. Poultry is a good choice, as well as fatty fish such as wild salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines. Other things you should try to avoid are fast food, fried food, and sugary food such as candy and pastries. It is important to avoid these to prevent diabetes.

You may still include dairy in your diet as it is a good source of calcium that is necessary for bone and heart health, but it should be enjoyed moderately. Again, its best to avoid processed cheese and opt for fresh goat cheese instead, which is full of protein, niacin, iron, potassium, and calcium. Ricotta, fresh mozzarella, and aged cheddar are also good options. Avoid American cheese or any cheese that lists natural or artificial dyes, preservatives, and stabilizers in their ingredients as these are processed and often a bad choice for your health.

Did you know that diabetics observed a significant decrease in their blood sugar levels after adhering to a Mediterranean diet? The improvement in insulin efficiency was associated with eating less processed food. Going on a short walk after meals may also improve blood sugar levels as walking encourages muscles to use up any glucose in your body for energy, helping you to sustain a healthy blood sugar balance. Exercise also improves cardiovascular health which is very important for older adults.

Why not incorporate small changes in your lifestyle today? Even minor changes can create a big difference in your overall health, so start slow and see the difference for yourself!

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Following a Mediterranean Diet Could Reduce Alzheimer's and Diabetes by up to 50 Percent - The Epoch Times

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The four foods you should cut out of your diet for fast and healthy weight loss – Yorkshire Live

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 1:56 am

A health expert has revealed the four foods people should remove from their diet if they want to lose weight fast.

Author of The Clever Guts Diet Dr Michael Mosley recommends a combination of fasting and following a Mediterranean diet as it will help achieve fast and healthy results. People working towards their summer body goals will have to cut down on certain food types as well as introduce healthy fats and proteins.

The TV health guru shared his tips following the success of his 5:2 diet which sees dieters eat restricted calories 600 for men or 500 for women for two days a week. He has now developed it further by including a Mediterranean Diet on the five non-fasting days, NorthWalesLive reports.

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Dr Mosley said the diet not only helps people lose weight but improves overall health as it can reduce the risk of breast cancer, bowel cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart attack and stroke. It can also help reduce blood pressure and improve your sleep.

He said: Today we have more hard evidence than ever that the 5:2 is one of the best ways to get slim and stay slim as well as reduce your risk of illness. But this time theres also a clever twist. The New 5:2 involves calorie-controlled dishes which have been created with no more than five main ingredients.

Dr Mosley explained the benefits of this diet by saying: Fast Days are easier than ever to shop and prepare for. Its also handy if youre watching your wallet as well as your waistline.

For two days he recommends consuming 500 calories, the other five days a week, you wont count calories. But to get much more benefit out of intermittent fasting, he has advised switching to "a low carbohydrate, Mediterranean-style diet both on the days when you are fasting and when you are not.

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That means more olive oil and nuts, as well as plenty of eggs, full-fat yoghurt, oily fish and vegetables. Make sure you fill up on protein and veg on your fasting days. Protein is very satiating and you can eat a lot of vegetables for very few calories, he said.

While introducing healthy foods to your diet is key, Dr Michael stressed it was equally important to cut out unhealthy habits. He said: Cut right down on sugar, sugary treats, drinks and desserts. That includes most breakfast cereals, which are usually full of sugar, as well as most commercial smoothies.

Minimise or avoid starchy carbs meaning the white stuff: bread, pasta, potatoes and white rice. Switch instead to whole grains including bulgur (cracked wheat), whole rye, wholegrain barley, wild rice and buckwheat. Brown rice is okay.

Legumes such as lentils, kidney beans and chickpeas are healthy and filling, too." He stressed that some people who are looking to change their diet should consult their doctors first as each body will respond differently.

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The four foods you should cut out of your diet for fast and healthy weight loss - Yorkshire Live

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What is the CICO Diet and How Can It Help You Reach Your Nutrition Goals? – Bicycling

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 1:56 am

Nutrition is a huge part of training. You have to pay attention to what you eat to ensure youre getting the right nutrients. And you might also want to know how much to eat to guarantee you have enough fuel to sustain your workouts, repair muscle, and keep up with day-to-day activities.

Whether youre aiming to lose or gain weight, practicing the CICO dietwhich stands for calories in calories outoffers one way to help you maintain a balance between taking in energy and expending it.

We spoke with two registered dietitians to find out the details about the CICO diet and how it might help your trainingand what you need to know to follow it safely.

The term CICO is an acronym that stands for calories in, calories out, and its an old-school style of eating that has been widely used to help people achieve weight lossbut it can be much more than that.

[CICO is] basically just the law of energy balance, meaning, if you want to maintain your weight, your calories in should equal your calories out, Namrita Brooke, Ph.D., R.D.N. sports dietitian and cycling coach at Velocious in Pensacola, Florida tells Bicycling. Practicing this diet can be beneficial if youre interested in losing, maintaining, or gaining weight Brooke says, but as with most diets, it has its limitations.

To successfully follow a CICO diet, you must truly understand your daily energy needs. That starts with defining your metabolic rate, which helps you identify the amount of energy your body needs to maintain daily activities, says Brooke. Youll also need more calories to support all your rides, so that plays a role in figuring out your energy needs.

You can calculate your metabolic rate by using one of the basal metabolic rate equations, testing at a local lab, or working with a registered dietitian.

Then, depending on your goal, you can use this number to calculate the number of calories you need each day. Keep in mind, any number you calculate is only an estimate of what your body actually needs.

The CICO Formula:

The CICO diet is known for focusing on how much you eat rather than what you eat. But that doesnt mean you dont need to make nutritious choices, especially if you want to enhance performance. For example, Brooke says, even though a burger might have the same number of calories as a salad and a smoothie combined, it wont provide the same level of nutrients, and that is still an important factor when it comes to energy needs, as well as overall health and how well you perform on your rides.

Practicing this diet can be a learning opportunity. For example, you might learn more about the nutritional value of the foods you eat by monitoring your meals and snacks using a nutrition tracker like, MyFitnessPal. Brooke says tracking what you eat can help you spot the nutrition gaps in your diet, especially if youre jotting down your foods. Thats why this style of eating can serve more people than just those seeking to lose weight.

For those looking to lose weight, the CICO diet can also help you maintain a healthy calorie deficit, which means the number of calories taken in is less than the number of calories you burn.

Alex Larson, M.S., R.D.N., L.D., and triathlete who specializes in endurance performance nutrition says that to find a healthy calorie deficit, consider calculating it as a percentage. She suggests aiming for a 15-percent calorie deficit for slow, healthy weight loss. This will still give you enough energy to hit your cycling goals. For example, she says, if someone would normally eat about 2,200 calories a day, then a healthy calorie deficit would involve cutting that total number by 330 calories.

For lose aiming to gain weight or build muscle, you can use the CICO diet as well. Tracking your calories to put yourself at a slight calorie surplus combined with some strength training can be a very effective tactic to increasing muscle mass, Larson says.

When it comes to weight loss or maintenance, the biggest danger with the CICO diet is even if youre calories in equals your calories outmeaning youre maintaining an energy balanceyou can still have low energy availability, says Brooke. This is why its important to factor in day-to-day activities.

After youre done with a bike ride, your body is burning a lot of energy to recover from that ride to build muscle, to build enzymes and hormones, and restore carbohydrate in your muscle, Brooke says. So, you need to make sure youre getting adequate calories to make sure your body can carry out these processes. The issue with a CICO diet, particularly if youre looking to take in fewer calories than you burn, is that you might not be getting enough energy to support your workouts, as well as your needs for daily function. Thats why its beneficial to work with a dietitian, as well as pay close attention to how youre feeling and what your energy levels are like.

Sometimes people can take it too far and they can go toward too much of a calorie deficit. And that can be very harmful because their body isnt getting enough energy, Larson says. This can lead to chronic fatigue while cycling, headaches, trouble sleeping, missed menstrual periods, and even injury in some cases.

Another factor to consider before you try the CICO diet, Larson says, is your body will naturally adapt to maintain an energy balance. When it comes to weight loss, most people will see some sort of plateau in that weight loss where theyre not losing any more pounds, but theyre still eating at a calorie deficit, she says. Depending on your goal, this plateau may require you to eat even less to maintain some sort of deficit, which isnt always sustainable (or enjoyable) in the long-term, she says.

Whats more, with so much of a focus on calorie counting with the CICO diet, following it can increase your risk of disordered eating habits. It can lead people down the road of always trying to eat less, or only choosing foods because of their low-calorie level and not necessarily choosing foods because of their nutrient level, Larson says. With that in mind, eating nutrient-dense foodsnot to mention eating foods that you enjoyis super important to your daily life, as well as your cycling training.

Regardless of your end goal, its helpful to learn your energy needs to support your training and day-to-day activities. But its also important to eat a nutrient-rich diet that you enjoy and can sustain. The CICO diet can be used periodically to help you achieve your nutrition goals, but if you notice disordered eating habits or its just taking the joy out of eating, skip it. Theres more to food and exercise than calories in versus calories out, so keep that in mind when considering this diet.

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Nordic walking helps improve heart function, study finds – Medical News Today

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 1:56 am

The heart is an organ that is essential to life since it pumps the needed blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. The heart can experience many problems that impact its ability to function. One such problem is coronary artery disease. Researchers are constantly working to understand how best to improve the health of people with coronary artery disease.

A study published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology examined the impact of different types of exercise among participants with coronary artery disease. The authors found that all the types of exercise they studied were beneficial but that Nordic walking provided the most significant benefit.

Physical activity is an essential component of health, including cardiovascular health. The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, explained in a recent blog post the following:

Physical activity is fundamental to overall health and well-being, yet woefully neglected in most of our daily lives. Along with maintaining good nutrition and emotional health, incorporating regular physical activity can help to prevent multiple chronic diseases and improve the odds of better outcomes should you become ill from various conditions.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease in the United States. CAD is when plaque builds up and clogs the walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart.

Sometimes, one of the first indicators of CAD is when someone has a heart attack. After experiencing a heart attack, someone can work with medical professionals through cardiac rehabilitation. Cardiac rehabilitation often involves elements of physical activity to help improve heart health.

Generally, the treatment for CAD can involve practicing a heart-healthy lifestyle, including physical activity. Other elements involved in treating CAD may include weight and stress management, eating a heart-healthy diet, and quitting smoking. Experts are still working to understand what types of exercise are most beneficial in the short and long term.

The study in question involved 130 participants with CAD who had already been referred to a cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR) program. Participants completed a 12-week exercise program. Researchers then did follow-up over 14 weeks. Participants were involved in one of three different types of exercise programs:

Dr. Chip Lavie, who led the papers accompanying editorial, explained the differences between these types of exercises to MNT:

Nordic Walking is an enhanced form of walking exercise that uses specifically designed poles to further engage both the upper and lower body muscles. Moderate to vigorous intensity continuous training (MICT) is regular, sustained walking at moderate to high exercise heart rates without the use of the poles. High-Intensity interval training (HIIT) is exercise such as very fast walking without the use of the poles for a few minutes at very high heart rates and then a recovery at a slow heart rate repeated several times.

Researchers evaluated participants functional capacity, which has to do with a persons maximum effort they can put into physical activity. But researchers went one step further and looked at how these different types of exercise impacted the quality of life and symptoms of depression.

The studys results found that all the exercise interventions positively impacted all three areas: functional capacity, quality of life, and symptoms of depression. However, those in the Nordic walking group experienced the most benefit because Nordic walking increased functional capacity the most.

The study authors noted that previous research has often focused on more of the immediate results of cardiovascular rehabilitation. However, their study had a longer follow-up time, allowing even greater data collection.

The study did have several limitations. First, they note that their participants maintained physical activity levels after the initial 12-week time of scheduled exercise programs. But other data has shown that physical activity levels can decrease for people with CAD after completing cardiovascular rehabilitation. So, this studys authors conclude that future research should look more into the prolonged benefits of different types of exercise.

Second, the same center recruited all participants. Finally, the study only included a small number of females, so they cannot generalize the results. Overall, the results demonstrate the importance of physical activity on heart health. And more people with CAD may incorporate Nordic walking as an excellent exercise option.

Dr. Lavie noted the following to MNT:

The addition of Nordic poles to moderate to vigorous-intensity walking is a simple, accessible option to enhance improvements in walking capacity, increase energy expenditure, engage upper body musculature, and improve other functional parameters such as posture, gait, and balance all that could improve walking speed.

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Nordic walking helps improve heart function, study finds - Medical News Today

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Stomach Pain and Type 1 Diabetes: What You Should Know – Healthline

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 1:56 am

Pain in or near the stomach can mean different things when it comes to type 1 diabetes (T1D).

This is one of the common symptoms of a new T1D diagnosis, and its one of the many symptoms that can develop quickly and become life threatening in those who are not yet diagnosed with this autoimmune condition.

But stomach pain can also occur in those already living with this T1D, from those experiencing dangerously high glucose levels to a serious medical emergency known as diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA).

Additionally, a separate condition known as gastroparesis can also materialize for those with diabetes, causing stomach pain or bloating following a meal.

Approximately 1.6 million people in the United States are living with this autoimmune condition, which occurs when the bodys immune system attacks itself and the pancreas stops producing the hormone insulin.

Though many kids and teenagers are diagnosed, a T1D diagnosis can happen at any age. In fact, a 2022 study shows that adult-onset T1D is the most common and is often misdiagnosed as type 2 diabetes (T2D).

The most common signs of T1D include:

Another potentially life threatening complication from T1D is DKA.

When your body doesnt have enough insulin to use in converting glucose into energy, it begins to break down fat instead. In response, your body releases ketones into your bloodstream, making your blood too acidic.

DKA can have a sudden and severe onset, and it needs to be addressed and treated with insulin immediately.

Symptoms of DKA include:

Again, DKA is a medical emergency and left untreated can lead to coma and eventually death.

Those who are undiagnosed may experience DKA suddenly, without realizing whats happening.

But those who already live with this autoimmune condition can also develop DKA. That may occur if the person is not getting enough insulin. For example, if their insulin pump breaks or isnt delivering insulin into the body as it should.

Gastroparesis is a frequent problem that many people with T1D experience.

Some research suggests that as many as 40 percent of those with T1D may experience gastroparesis, while 30 percent of those living with type 2 diabetes may have this condition.

Also known as chronic delayed gastric emptying, gastroparesis is essentially a digestive disorder in which the stomach muscles malfunction and slow down the rate at which food moves from your stomach to your intestine.

Gastroparesis can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, too. Those include:

Depending on its severity, gastroparesis can create a significant impact on your quality of life.

In order to diagnosis gastroparesis, youll need to check with your doctor or healthcare team.

Your doctor will perform a physical exam and ask you questions about your medical history. In order to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms, your doctor will probably want to run some tests. These might include an ultrasound or upper endoscopy procedure, to rule out other conditions and health issues that might be impacting your stomach.

Once your doctor has ruled out other possible causes of your symptoms, theyll order tests to evaluate how well your stomach empties. This test may include a gastric emptying scan, which involves eating a small amount of food with a harmless radioactive substance. By doing so, your doctor can see how fast food is being digested and emptied from your stomach.

Once diagnosed, you can begin treatment.

Left untreated, gastroparesis can lead to symptoms like frequent vomiting, which can cause dehydration. And it can interfere with nutrient absorption, which could lead to malnutrition over the long term.

Gastroparesis does not have a cure. But it can be managed.

Here are some ways that you and your healthcare team can treat gastroparesis:

However, dietary changes may not be enough.

Your doctor may recommend medication to improve gastric emptying or reduce nausea, such as the following:

Your doctor may also review any medications that youre taking that could be contributing to the problem. For example, some drugs can slow down the process, including:

People who dont respond well to medications could be candidates for other types of treatment. That may involve procedures such as gastric electric stimulation or gastric neuromodulation, which stimulate your GI system and improve symptoms.

In severe cases, some people may need to turn to enteral nutrition. This essentially means liquid nutrition but it can also mean feeding through a tube thats inserted in your stomach or small intestine. A surgeon can perform a gastrostomy, which is a procedure that creates an opening for the placement of a feeding tube.

If youre struggling with gastroparesis, your doctor may also suggest a review of your diabetes management strategy.

For example, normally you might take insulin about 15 to 20 minutes before eating a meal. This is known as pre-bolusing, which allows insulin to enter the bloodstream before food enters your body and begins raising your glucose levels.

If your stomach empties slowly and nutrients take longer to be absorbed, you may need to adjust the timing of when you take insulin before a meal.

Using an insulin pump and a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) may also be able to help you maintain control over your blood glucose levels.

Stomach pain could be a sign of undiagnosed T1D or it could be a symptom of high blood sugars or even a dangerous DKA emergency. For those who have been diagnosed with T1D, stomach pain could be a sign that certain diabetes management aspects need review by your healthcare team. Many people with diabetes also experience gastroparesis that can cause stomach problems, and while its uncurable, this condition can be managed with different eating or drinking behaviors, as well as medications or other medical procedures.

Discuss your concerns with your doctor or diabetes care team to determine what potential solutions to your stomach issues might work best for you.

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Stomach Pain and Type 1 Diabetes: What You Should Know - Healthline

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Here are 16 alders who voted to allow deadly speeds, and crash cases in their wards. – Streetsblog Chicago

Posted: June 26, 2022 at 1:55 am

Send a letter to your alderperson asking them to vote against the ordinance that would allow motorists to travel at deadly speeds with impunity.

There are multiple reasons why Ald. Anthony Beales proposed ordinance to roll back Chicagos current 6 mph speed camera ticketing threshold to 10 mph is a bad idea. We know that the cameras have generally been saving lives a UIC study released last January found that that from 2015-17, the cams prevented an estimated 204 injury and fatality crashes.

And there are indications that the current practice issuing automated enforcement tickets to drivers speeding by 6 mph, started in March of last year, is making the cameras even more effective at improving safety. Injury crashes near speed cameras were down by 13 percent in January to April of this year, compared to the same period in 2019, according to the Chicago Department of Transportation. In contrast, the citywide injury crash rate only dropped by 3 percent during that time.

This graph also shows that, while the number of drivers ticketed for speeding skyrocketed in March 2021 under the new rule, after peaking in early May, it steadily dropped to approach the previous rate. That indicates the new 6 mph threshold had the intended effect of encouraging safer speeds.

We also know that if Beales ordinance passes, allowing motorists to speed by up to 9 mph over the speed limit, many more Chicagoans will be seriously injured or killed in crashes. Federal studies found that while people struck at 30 mph, our citys default speed limit, usually survive, those hit at 40 mph almost always die. 40 is the lowest speed at which a driver would be ticketed under the new ordinance.

And while automatic enforcement shouldnt be relied on as a strategy to fill the citys coffers, revenue from Chicagos speed cameras does fund important safety initiatives, including traffic safety infrastructure and the Safe Passage program to protect CPS students, as well as after-school programs. According to the citys budget office, rolling back the ticketing threshold to 10 mph means these initiatives would lose up to $45 million a year in funding.

There have been legitimate concerns about automatic enforcement tickets and late fees disproportionately impacting low-income people who drive. But in April Chicago launched the Clear Path equity initiative, which halves the fines for single people making $41,000 or less and offers a ticket debt forgiveness program. That means that citations for speeding by 6-9 mph, the type of tickets Beale claims are unfair, normally $35, cost Clear Path participants $17.50, less than three gallons of gas nowadays. And, of course, you can opt out of getting ticketed at all by onlyspeeding by 5 mph or less, assuming you feel the need to speed at all.

Its also worth noting that, tragically, Black Chicagoans die in crashes at more than twice the rate of white residents.

Nevertheless on Tuesday, 16 alderpersons voted for Beales ordinance at last Tuesdays City Council Committee on Finance meeting, passing it by a single vote. Their decision was particularly problematic because earlier this month speeding and/or negligent drivers had killed kids in Chicago: Rafi Cardenas, 2;Lily Shambrook, 3; andJaLon James, 11. And this Wednesday a 13-year-old girl died from injuries sustained last Sunday in Gresham, when an SUV driver struck the car she was riding in.

Beale tried to get final approval of his ordinance at Wednesdays full council meeting, but Mayor Lori Lightfoot delayed the votevia a procedural maneuver. The matter will likely be settled at a Council meeting next month.

In the meantime, lets take closer look at who voted against and for Beales proposal to let motorists travel at deadly speeds. First, lets give credit to the 15 alderpersons who tried to block this misguided legislation, despite speed cameras being unpopular with many drivers.

Next, lets meet the 16 alders who supported the ordinance, in effect saying that they dont have a problem with motorists driving at lethal speeds. Well also look at recent traffic violence cases in their wards that should have inspired them to vote differently on Tuesday, or should motivate them to change their position when the measure goes before the full Council next month.

Anthony Beale (19th), ordinance sponsor

On Monday, June 14, 2022, a Saturn driver hit another vehicle at 103rd and Wallace streets in Roseland, struck and injured a pedestrian, and then crashed into a building.

After CDOT gave a presentation on the proven safety benefits of speed cameras at a Finance Committee meeting, Beale said, The argument that you all are trying to make that this is about public safety is totally, totally disingenuous.

Brian Hopkins (2nd)

On December 19, 2022, Moiz Uddin, 33, was killed after another motorist ran a red light and struck his vehicle near Augusta Boulevard and Damen Avenue in Ukrainian Village. He left behind a wife and seven-month-old son.

Following CDOTs Finance Committee presentation, including why 39 mph is a lethal speed, Hopkins said residents feel that ticketing people at 6-9 mph over the limit ispetty and all about revenue.

Pat Dowell (3rd)

Last Sunday, July 19, 2022, a sedan driver struck and critically injured a 21-year-old woman walking near Ida B. Wells Drive and State Street in the South Loop.

Dowell is running for Congress.

Sophia King (4th)

On February 28, 2022, a BMW sedan driver ran a red light at Balbo Drive and DuSable Lake Shore Drive in the Loop,fatally striking Gerardo Marciales, 41, on a Divvy bike.

I dont think youve proven that in these locations [the 6-9 mph rule is reducing crashes and fatalities], King said to CDOT at a Finance Committee hearing. See the graph above showing that speeding by more than 6 mph steadily fell near the cameras as drivers got used to the new rule and changed their behavior to avoid tickets.

Leslie Hairston (5th)

Hairston provides a good example of why replacing automated enforcement with safer street design, as some have suggested, is easier said than done. A vocal opponent of speed camerasandred light cameras, in 2016 she also helped kill a CDOT proposal for a road diet with protected bike lanes on eight-lane Stony Island Avenue in her ward.

Two years after Hairston blocked the project, on July 28, 2018, a driver fatally struck Luster Jackson, 58, while he was riding a bike near 72nd Street and Stony Island, on the proposed road diet stretch. And the following year, on November 17, 2019, a motorist struck and killed Lee Luellen, 40, while he was biking at 67th Street and Stony in Hairstons Ward, only five blocks north of where Jackson was killed. That driver was cited for failure to reduce speed.

Prior to the Finance Committee vote, Hairston argued that its unfair that there are no speed cameras in the Lincoln Park community, although there are, in fact, speed cameras in Lincoln Park community.

Roderick Sawyer (6th)

Sawyer is running for mayor. On February 13, 2022, a 21-year-old man was seriously injured when he crashed a minivan into an apartment building near 87th and State in Chatham. A 74-year-old woman inside the building was also hospitalized.

Its really difficult to try and legislate [against] bad driving, Sawyer said at a Finance Committee hearing, despite being presented with evidence that speed cameras are reducing speeding and crashes, and the 6 mph threshold has made them more effective..

Sue Sadlowski Garza (10th)

On April 14, 2022, a speeding driver died after crashing their car into a guardrail in the 3200 block of East 106th Street in the East Side neighborhood.

After CDOT gave a presentation on the proven safety benefits of speed cameras at a Finance Committee meeting, Sadlowski Garza said, I dont believe in speed cameras It doesnt change the way people drive.

Marty Quinn (13th)

On March 11, 2020, a tow truck driver reportedly ran several lights and crashed into a car at 63rd Street and Kilbourn Avenue in the West Lawn neighborhood, killing a 59-year-old man who was driving the car, and then fled on foot.

Ray Lopez (15th)

On January 12, 2022, a car driver crashed into a clinic at Sacramento and Archer in the Brighton Park neighborhood.

[Speed cameras are] basically a tax on the driving public, Lopez said at a Finance Committee hearing. Its taxation on only a select group of people. In reality the tickets represent a tax on an even more select group of people, the subset of drivers who choose to speed at 6 mph+ near speed cameras.

David Moore (17th)

On November 7, 2021, a U-Haul truck driver ran a red in the 7400 block of South Ashland Avenue in the West Englewood neighborhood and struck a pickup truck, killing a 26-year-old passenger in the U-Haul and injuring four other people.

Moore is running for Illinois secretary of state.

Matt OShea (19th)

On March 15, 2022, a car driver fatally struck Allen Lee Jr., 88, as he attempted to cross Western Avenue at 110th Street in Morgan Park.

Silvana Tabares (23rd)

On February 23, 2022 a woman was pushing a stroller with a three-year-old child in it in the 6200 block of South Pulaski Road when a hit-and-run sedan driver swerved around traffic in a median and struck the toddler.

Anthony Napolitano (41st)

On January 20, 2022, a hit-and-run driver fatally struck retired police officer Richard Haljean, 57, as he crossed Touhy Avenue at Oriole Avenue in Edison Park. At the time, a speed camera had been approved for Touhy, but not installed.

Brendan Reilly (42nd)

On May 12, 2022, a hit-and-run driver struck Bryce Summary, a visitor to Chicago from St. Louis, at Ohio Street and Michigan Avenue on the Near North Side, inflicting severe injuries that required the amputation of both his legs.

Tom Tunney (44th)

On August 14, 2021, a speeding hit-and-run-driver fatally struck Sophie Allen, 27, and Addison Street and Kenmore Avenue in the Lakeview neighbor. Allen had recently beaten breast cancer and was engaged to be married.

Debra Silverstein (50th)

On July 14, 2021, an off-duty police officer driving an SUV struck and killed Herschel Weiberger, on his bike at Chase and Sacramento avenues in the West Ridge neighborhood. The cop reportedly ran a stop sign.

We must all take this as a stark reminder to always drive safelyespecially on residential streets, Silverstein said in a statement following the crash. Drive slowly.

But apparently Alderperson Silverstein, and these other 15 Council members, dont think motorists should be required to drive any slower than 40 mph in 30 zones. Again, thats a speed at which a motorist who strikes a child like Herschel will almost certainly kill them.

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Here are 16 alders who voted to allow deadly speeds, and crash cases in their wards. - Streetsblog Chicago

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The Pros and Cons of Diet Diversity – T NATION

Posted: June 16, 2022 at 1:57 am

Dwayne Johnson, while preparing for the role of Hercules, ate a "bunch" of egg whites, filet mignon, chicken, fish, oatmeal, broccoli, asparagus, baked potato, cream of rice, salad, and "complex carbs" every day.

Similarly, Henry Cavill, while preparing for any of his Superman roles, would wake up with a protein/berry shake, followed a little later with a ham omelet. After he worked out, he had a post-workout shake. Lunch was chicken and white rice with curry sauce (for the flavor). The third meal was the same, but with brown rice instead of white.

Meal four was four ounces of beef with sweet potato fries because he's not a "huge fan" of ordinary sweet potatoes. The last meal was a pre-bed protein shake.

Of course, both diets come with a huge asterisk. Those diets, while limited in diversity, were temporary, merely a means to an end, the end in this case being the achievement of superhero shreddedness and buffitude.

One has to assume that Johnson and Cavill went back to a normal or semi-normal diet after the films wrapped up, at least until they prepared for their next film. Even so, you wonder, at least a little, what the health effects of eating that kind of diet every day for long periods of time would be.

We'll never know, but we've all met bodybuilders/athletes who ate that way for long periods of time, but let's let them digest for a minute while we look at another person who eats the same food every day.

Enter Donald A. Gorske, a placeholder in the Guinness Book of World Records for having eaten an average of two Big Macs a day (almost always washed down with Coca-Cola) and little else for 50 years. That's roughly 36,000 Big Macs.

Gorske claims to have no known health issues. He's 6 foot 2 inches tall and weighs 185 pounds. As of 2011 (the last time he went to see a doctor), his total cholesterol was 156 mg/dl, well below the national average of 208 mg/dl.

Gorske has to be an anomaly, right? Otherwise, our whole world doesn't make sense. We'd all be like the Woody Allen character in "Sleeper" who wakes up to a future where cigarettes and cream pies are healthy.

Yeah, I'm sure Gorske is a unicorn of sorts, and Hercules' and Superman's movie-role diets, while lacking in diversity, would still result in far better long-term health outcomes than the diets of the average American, Gorske's case notwithstanding.

But let's compare the pros and cons of eating the same foods every day and see if the advantages of one outweigh those of the other.

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