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Over 51 years on KYMN, Eddy signs off; Ditch the diet, get a plan with nutrition coaches KYMN Radio Northfield, MN AM 1080 & FM 95.1 -…
Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:43 pm
By Teri Knight, News Director
audio starts with the Ballad of Wayne Eddy (listen below) Its the end of an era, not just the decade. After over 51 years on the air at KYMN, Wayne Eddy announced his retirement on Tuesday. He has over 10,000 interviews under his belt with over 2,000 in the last 14 years on The Wayne Eddy Affair. Eddy leaves a lengthy legacy including induction into the Minnesota Hall of Fame in 2007. In total hes been on-air for over 55 years. For his last show, he lined up a cast of those people he counted on as regulars. Susan Hvistendahl shared some statistics, you were given the Joseph Lee Heywood Award in 1990, Jaycees Distinguished Service Award, National Jaycee Ambassador Award and think of the many fundraisers that you have been involved in that have raised millions of dollars. Thats something to really be proud of.He was also one of the founders of the Northfield Historical Society. Hvistendahl shared Eddys first words on KYMN, youre listening to the new sound in town, KYMN radio, lets boogie, adding the words she wrote in an article, the uplifting strains of Up, Up and Away sung by the Fifth Dimension soared out over the airwaves as announcer Wayne Eddy initiated the first broadcast of KYMN radio Northfield September 27th, 1968.Brett Reese thanked Wayne, saying, its been really enjoyable. Youre a great promoter/ambassador of Northfield. I hope that continues on as your are, you have been Mr.
Northfield over the years and great memory of you, I used to listen to you on the Big KYMN Auction.Stu Voight also commented, speaking for some of the Vikings players, you were always the guy we liked to talk to because you always made us feel comfortable. Youre a great friend and will continue to be a great friend and on behalf of all those older Minnesota Vikings, most of them have been on your show, we always appreciated coming down here and talking to you. And Eddy signed off, its 11 oclock and Im going to say farewell, thank you, its been a great ride.His last show is archived HERE. Station Owner, Jeff Johnson, said Wayne is invited to come back occasionally with special guests. The Ballad of Wayne Eddy was written by Scott Richardson and performed by Craig Wasner.
Ditch the diet, get a plan with nutrition coaches
Its a new year, a new decade and the season of indulging is over. Of course that means a lot of people considering fad diets and fasting but Nutritional coaches Kim Aronson and Amie Chambers of Summit Health are more interested in assisting people one on one. As Nutrition coaches, Chambers said, so we look at peoples goals whether it be weight loss or performance, gaining strength, losing fat and we address those goals very specifically by creating a unique nutrition plan just for them. She added, you cant say that what you should eat is what I should eat. It really should be unique to you, your goals and how your body functions.Typically, Aronson say were not eating enough. She explains that were often tired because we dont give our bodies the energy they need. She admitted that was a hard concept to understand at first. What Summit Health advocates is eating the right kind of nutrients. Chambers says our metabolism is much life a fire, it can get stagnated. Maybe that fire, that flame starts to go out. Well, what do you do to make that fire stronger? You add wood. We all know that, we understand that. Whether its a bonfire or a stove inside your house, you add fuel to the fire to fire things up. So thats what we help people understand is, how much fuel, what kind of fuel and what are your goals.They dont advocate dropping any types of food, its the balance theyre after. Chambers and Aronson have created a program called Life-changing Healthy Habits which is offered to the Community through the School District starting January 8th. (the above link takes you to registration for the class) You can also learn more at
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Over 51 years on KYMN, Eddy signs off; Ditch the diet, get a plan with nutrition coaches KYMN Radio Northfield, MN AM 1080 & FM 95.1 -...
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The pros and cons of a ‘liquid diet’ – Villages-News
Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:43 pm
If youre looking to improve your diet, dont dismiss drinks. Beverages account for nearly 20 percent of the calories American adults take in, according to federal research. They also contribute more added sugar to the American diet than any other category of food, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Unfortunately, many are misled about what drinks are actually good for them. Heres what you need to know about five frequently sipped beverages.
A glass of orange juice on your breakfast table may look like a part of a wholesome breakfast. But an 8-ounce glass provides around 100 calories and 24 grams of carbohydrates, roughly the same amount in an 8-ounce serving of Coca-Cola. Sure, theyre not exactly the same juice contains some valuable vitamins and antioxidants that soda does not. But both can send your blood sugar levels soaring, particularly if not balanced out with lower-carb, higher-protein foods.
Whats more, energy needs tend to decrease as we age. Juice packs a lot of calories into a small and often very quickly consumed serving. Your best bet? Eat the fruit, dont drink the juice, says Cary Kreutzer, a registered dietitian and associate clinical professor at the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology and Keck School of Medicine. Whole fruits like oranges, apples and berries also contain fiber, a satisfying nutrient that helps minimize a foods impact on blood sugar.
The flip side: Juices may come in handy for specific issues. Prune juice, for instance, can help relieve constipation, says Kreutzer. If you have diabetes, a small glass of juice can help bring low blood sugar back into range. If it makes sense for you to keep juice on hand, look for 100 percent fruit juices, since they wont have any added sugar.
A smoothie can be a tempting between-meal pick-me-up, one often marketed as an all-natural alternative to less nutritious snacks. And though smoothies are often made with whole fruit, which means they contain the valuable fiber missing from juices, they arent an entirely smart sip. The blending process is predigesting these fruits and ingredients in the smoothie, Kreutzer says. And that means you wont feel as full after drinking them. Research has shown that those who eat a meal of solid food feel more satisfied than those who eat the same things in blended form.
Whats more, its easy to take in more calories through that smoothie straw than youd expect; a medium (22-ounce) acai super-antioxidant smoothie from one popular juice chain, for instance, contains 440 calories a huge dent in most adults daily needs. If youre having them as a snack, youre likely going to gain weight, Kreutzer says.
The flip side: If you have trouble chewing or eating enough, smoothies can be an easy way to boost your caloric intake. Just be aware of the ingredients in any smoothie you order some are mainly sherbet and juice. Instead, look for drinks that include the same things youd want in a balanced meal: protein (like yogurt, cows milk or soy milk, peanut butter), healthy fat (like avocado, seeds, nuts) and a vegetable (like spinach, kale or pumpkin).
Diet sodas
Its certainly not a bad thing if youve sworn off regular sodas; researchers link drinking them regularly with increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, gout, weight gain and more. That doesnt mean, however, that diet sodas are a risk-free replacement. Women age 50 and older who drank two or more of such artificially sweetened beverages per day had a 23 percent greater risk of having a stroke and were 16 percent more likely to die from any cause compared with other women, according to a 2019 study published in the journalStroke. Other research has linked drinking diet soda with weight gain, particularly around the abdomen, which could further increase the risk for heart disease.
If youre swapping soda for diet soda, youre still perpetuating that sweet tooth, says Kreutzer. If youve made the swap to diet, try taking it a step further: Unsweetened, flavored seltzers can tickle your taste buds in the same way as diet soda, without anything artificial.
The flip side: Diet sodas can be helpful for weaning yourself off regular sodas, or as an occasional treat if you have diabetes.
Sports drinks
For most adults, water is the best fluid replenisher. Sports drinks are designed to replace electrolyte minerals and carbohydrates that the body uses and sweats out during vigorous exercise. But the reality is, most adults dont exercise to the level that would require the benefits of a sports drink; rather, sports drinks just provide them with more sugar and calories than their bodies need. For most, its probably best to cut down on intake. To do so gradually, dilute a sports drink with more and more water over time, Kreutzer recommends.
The flip side: You do need a sports drink if you choose a high-intensity activity for longer than 45 to 60 minutes, according to the American Council on Exercise. Another exception: if you sweat profusely, and lose a lot of sodium in the process (you will see salt stains on your clothes). Talk to your doctor if youre not sure.
The typical recommended limits on alcohol up to one drink per day for women, up to two per day for men dont officially go down as you get older. But the bodys ability to metabolize alcohol can change, which means you may feel more intoxicated or off after drinking the same amount. Another important consideration is interaction with any medications you may be taking. People need to ask their doctor and pharmacist if its OK to be consuming alcohol along with their medications, says Kreutzer. Be sure to mention both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
The flip side: Some studies have linked alcohol consumption with decreased rates of death from heart disease. That said, drinking beyond that one to two beverages per day is never beneficial. And eating a heart-healthy diet every day fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and beans along with lean protein is a better bet for keeping that ticker in tip-top shape.
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Here’s Why You Should Be Adding Raw Jackfruit To Your Diet Right Away – Femina
Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:43 pm
While the health benefits of the ripe jackfruit have been detailed time and again, we often underestimate the goodness that is packed in the raw jackfruit! Popularly known as kathal, it is not just sumptuous but offers a staggering nutritional profile. Lets take a look at why you should be digging in.
1. It Is High In Protein
This is unusual for a vegetable, but raw jackfruit is one of those rarities that contains 3g of protein per cup. While that isnt as much as an egg or lean meat, its still fabulous as far as veggies go! 2. It Is Low-Calorie
The vegetable, while it is fibre-rich and keeps you feeling full for longer, contains far lesser calories than most carby veggies like potatoes or beets, as well as grains. So youll be reaping all the benefits without weight gain!
3. It Boosts Immunity
The raw jackfruit also contains vitamin C, which in turn helps boost the bodys immunity and prevents diseases. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which keeps a vast number of ailments ranging from arthritis to stomach problems at bay.
4. It Aids Heart Health
If you want to stay heart-healthy, try digging into raw jackfruit, which keeps your arteries healthy, the blood circulation going, and can prevent cholesterol.
5. It Is A Great Meat Substitute
Vegetarians and vegans neednt compromise on taste or health since raw jackfruit is extremely versatile and the texture lends itself to a meaty substitute in curries, biryanis and other dishes. Even the jackfruit seeds can be used to add taste and nutrition to dishes!
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Veganuary: What hopeful vegans need to know before giving up meat in 2020 – Inverse
Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:42 pm
With the new year and decade here, many resolve to make changes to their lifestyle. Maybe its a new exercise regimen, dry January, or the currently trending Veganuary which is exactly what it sounds like.
If youve considered giving up meat, or animal products altogether, in 2020 youre not alone more than 500,000 people have already pledged to go vegan on the official Veganuary site. And while maintaining a climate-conscious diet is certainly on many peoples minds, nearly half of those whove pledged to eat vegan for the first month of the year did so for health reasons.
According to experts, it is true that cutting out meat can result in health benefits but only if you do it safely. That means keeping in mind all the nutrients you are (and arent) getting from plant-based eating. Its important not to transition blindly or to assume that by dropping meat alone, your health will improve.
Assuming youre not loading up on high-carb, processed foods like pasta and sweets, one benefit of going vegetarian or vegan might be a reduction in inflammation, says Chris DAdamo, an assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Thats a benefit of eating minimally processed foods in general, DAdamo tells Inverse.
DAdamo explains that plants have an abundance of nutrients, especially in their non-processed form. Plant-based diets also typically mean that one is consuming more fiber, which can help with satiety making you feel less hungry and curbing overeating.
In addition to decreased inflammation, positives can include a healthier weight, better energy metabolism, suggests at 2019 study published in Nature. The researchers reviewed hundreds of studies on how vegetarian diets influence health and determined that plant-based diets, compared to conventional diets, can benefit weight, metabolism, and systemic inflammation.
The researchers write that one of the reasons those benefits arise is because of changes to the gut. Studies suggest that eating plants can cause the microbiome to foster a favorable diversity of bacteria species.
In October, Stephanie Papadakis, a certified holistic nutrition consultant at Gut of Integrity, told Bustle that the antibiotics used to raise meat are also part of the reason why the gut experiences a change when one goes meat-less.
If you cut all meat out of your diet, you would likely see a positive shift in the number of beneficial bacteria in your gut, Papadakis explained. Many conventionally raised animals are given hormones and antibiotics, which can shift our own beneficial bacteria in the same way taking antibiotics can.
Other studies have shown a potential reduction in the risk of heart disease, commonly linked to red meat consumption. But theres a bit of a grey area there another review 2019 paper, this one published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, suggested that red meat does not actually carry the health risks weve previously thought it to have. But many doctors and nutritionists still say that cutting out red meat is still a good idea.
When looking at health benefits of vegetarianism, one factor influencing results can be the health of vegetarian population overall, says Drew Frug, an assistant professor at Auburn University.
On a population level, we see that any derivative of a vegetarian diet is associated with improved health compared to the average omnivore, Frug tells Inverse, but we often neglect the fact that vegetarians are typically pursuing multiple healthy lifestyle behaviors such as exercising regularly and not smoking.
And while in humans, its nearly impossible to prove that meat is not beneficial to the diet, its also widely accepted that humans can be perfectly healthy without consuming meat, Frug says.
Like many areas of nutrition, red meat is open for debate. But if youre thinking of going veg, there are some more immediate health concerns to keep in mind.
While plant-based foods can benefit your body in various ways, there are some health aspects to consider if youre cutting out meat. DAdamo notes that vegetarian and vegan diets can sometimes lack important nutrients, like iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and the lesser-discussed creatine, choline, and omega-3 fats.
Just cutting out animal products in favor of plant foods is not necessarily going to be healthy, DAdamo says. Really this comes down to eating minimally processed food, eating whole foods, regardless of whether there are animal foods in it or not.
To get at those potential deficiencies, vitamin supplements can be key. DAdamo says that taking a B12 supplement is something that every vegan should be doing alongside monitoring the levels of other nutrients.
Essentially, its important to consider going vegetarian as part of a bigger health push. Cutting out meat, in and of itself, is not going to improve health, notes DAdamo. But it can lead be healthy if done in the context of a minimally processed, whole-food-based diet.
On the Veganuary website, a list of foods that are vegan by accident includes treats like Oreos, Doritos, and several types of beer. Perhaps this part misses the point but the list includes some real food, too, like oatmeal and hummus.
The same goes for trendy meat alternatives, like the [Impossible Burger], Frug says. Since the burger is highly processed and high in saturated fat and sodium, some pro-vegetarian nutritionists and researchers argue that its not a healthy alternative to a beef burger.
This is a good representation of extremes in the vegetarian diet, Frug says. If all I do to call my diet vegetarian is exchange one fast food meal for another, I would expect zero health benefits, metabolic, or physical changes.
On the other hand, replacing fast-food meals with minimally processed vegetarian dishes would mean consuming less saturated fat, sodium, and likely total calories. Therefore, diet change would lead to improved blood pressure, blood glucose, and body composition.
To ensure youre truly keeping it healthy, Frug says: Learn to cook.
There are plenty of healthy vegetarian options in restaurants and grocery store freezers, but foods will almost always be healthier coming out of your kitchen, he says.
Frug adds that legumes in particular are among the least expensive nutrient-dense foods you can find at the grocery store, so following a vegetarian diet does not have to be an expensive endeavor.
For DAdamos part, he says that going vegetarian or vegan might be a totally legit way to improve your health. But he also says there are other options. For example, low-carb, paleo, and Mediterranean diets all work for some people too.
The reality is that there are many ways to be healthy, DAdamo says. Theres no one right way.
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Things You Should Probably Never Order at a Restaurant – 24/7 Wall St.
Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:42 pm
According to the most recent available figures, there are some 660,755 quick-service and full-service eating establishments around the country.
People patronize these places for a variety of reasons, of course. It might be a matter of convenience and/or price. On the other hand, some restaurants draw customers because theyre hot or trendy, or, naturally enough, because they have earned a reputation for good food, whether theyre a hamburger stand or a shrine of gastronomy (like one of the best restaurants in America.)
Food is hardly the only aspect of the restaurant experience. Ambiance and service count, and for many patrons, an attractive cocktail and/or wine and beer program is a plus. And of course theres simply the opportunity restaurants afford for pleasant social interaction, out in public, both with friends and family and with the (theoretically) amiable strangers around us.
Still, it does all come back to food. In general, we tend to assume that anything on the menu at any good restaurant, however simple or fancy the place might be, is worth ordering. Thats not necessarily true, however.
Click here to see things you should probably never order at a restaurant.
Sometimes a lack of certain facilities can be a warning sign (if you order barbecue in a place without a smoker, youre not getting the real thing). Other times it just doesnt make economic sense to pay inflated prices at a restaurant for something you can have just as easily at home for a lot less.
A more serious issue is the fact that certain items at restaurants anything from beverage ice to bean sprouts can be health hazards because of possible bacterial contamination. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issues detailed guidelines for safe practices by food service workers, though its hard to believe that these are always scrupulously followed.
The recommendations given here arent necessarily hard and fast. There are always exceptions, and some of the cases cited might no longer be applicable as the very nature of the restaurant business continues to evolve. What does that mean? These are 21 ways restaurants are going to change.
For now, though, these are good general hints for a satisfying (and not needlessly pricey) restaurant experience.
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Top chef Richie Moore gives students taste of life in the kitchen – Business Up North
Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:42 pm
Primary school pupils are cooking up a storm after being inspired by top North East chef Richie Moore.
The Dales specialist primary school in Blyth, Northumberland, has opened its own caf and culinary classroom to help teach students how to cook and look after themselves.
And the children aged between four and 11 have been getting a helping hand from Blyth-born Richie.
The Group Development Chef with North East-based The Inn Collection Group (ICG) has been feeding the pupils hunger to learn about food, cooking, and what life is really like working in a busy catering kitchen.
Richie who is charged with ensuring the food offering remains consistently high across The ICGs stable of 10 North pubs with rooms has been helping the culinary novices who all have additional needs, to prepare menus, cook a meal, and even serve the dishes to their fellow pupils and teachers in the dedicated kitchen and dining space.
The children, wearing aprons and chefs toques donated by The ICG, have rustled up everything from spaghetti Bolognese to chicken curry, pizzas and quiche, as they learn to survive and thrive.
Richie who has cooked for Princes Charles and Edward, The Duke of Edinburgh, and UK acting royalty in his 30-plus year career as a chef is enjoying going back to school and helping spark the students interest in food.
He says: They are a really great bunch of kids who are eager to learn about where their food comes from, enjoy trying new ingredients, getting stuck in, and making and eating their own meals.
Learning to cook is an essential life skill whatever your age, background or mental and physical needs. This is about helping them appreciate and understand the qualities of good food and the importance of a balanced diet, whilst showing them that cooking is fun and sociable.
There is a real buzz about the place, and I have been very impressed by the students commitment, standard of cooking and professionalism. Some could even be the young chefs of the future.
The children are equally enthusiastic. Leighton, 10, says: Cooking is really fun. I like it that the school has a caf where I can sit with my friends. I like going in there and cooking.
Classmate Scarlett, 11, adds: It is nice doing cooking, and I can try new things. Lennox, nine, says: I like cooking my own meals in the caf. It gives me more choices of what to eat.
Meanwhile, Connor, 10, loves the design of the caf. Its amazing! he says.
Richie is continuing a long association with The Dales School, which has 139 pupils over two sites in Northumberland Blythdale in Blyth and Ashdale in Ashington.
When he was head chef at The ICGs The Commissioners Quay Inn in Blyth, he invited the students into his kitchen to experience what life is like working in the hospitality industry.
And when the Dales School recently officially opened the new caf and teaching kitchen, it was Richie who was invited to do the honours.
Deputy headteacher, Sally Collins, says the school tries to make the curriculum as active and entertaining as possible, and that the caf serves up a host of practical life lessons alongside the food.
It is teaching the children about maths, English, reading, cooking, healthy eating and teamwork. They have to design and write the menus and budget for each meal, which is where the English, reading and maths comes in, cook as a team, and serve.
Sitting down together to eat reinforces good manners, the social side of mealtimes and the need to share as they see things being passed around.
The caf runs alongside the school canteen. There are tables which the children have to set with cloths and cutlery, and food is plated like it would be served in a proper restaurant. Richie doesnt attend every session but tries to get into the school as often as possible.
Sally adds: It is fantastic to have Richie on board. He is passionate about helping the kids, and it means they have the opportunity to see someone who isnt a teacher, who has a real-life job, and who cares enough about them to want to be involved and to pass on his skills.
The children love it. The food they are producing is excellent. My office is nearby, and I can safely say the mouth-watering smells wafting out of the kitchen are every bit as appetising as the food.
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Best and worst diets to follow in the year 2020 – TheHealthSite
Posted: January 2, 2020 at 4:46 am
Each year we see more and more fad diets making an appearance. Some are carried over from the previous year and some are new. Most of these diets promise rapid weight loss and a slim figure. But just how healthy are these diets.
No doubt, some are effective and healthy. But most are unhealthy and can give rise to health complications. Even 2020 will see its fair share of diets. And most people will be tempted to try out at least one of them. This is why, we are listing a few diets that you need to stay away from. At the same time, we also reveal the healthy diets that you can go for.
Here are a few diets that are not backed by any research. The focus is not on balanced meals. These are diets that you can avoid in 2020.
Here, you have to eat according to the cycles of the moon. You have only juice for 24 hours during a full moon and not eat anything after 6 pm during other moon phases. There is no scientific basis to this diet.
This is a very restrictive diet and unsustainable. If you are going on a diet, you need to pick one that will enable you to follow it through. You have to avoid whole grains, fruits and vegetables. This is again unhealthy. This is again a diet you can do without.
This can cause dehydration, so you need to avoid this diet. Juicing cleans out your colon but it does very little good otherwise. It is not a sustainable diet. Moreover, you may end up feeling more hungry and this may make you overeat once this diet is over. It can also cause digestive abnormalities.
All diets are not bad. Here are a few diets you can safely follow in 2020.
This diet will help you lose oodles of weight. At the same time, it will not let you feel hunger. You have to avoid carbs, alcohol and juices. You dont count calories and you are allowed to have snacks and desserts. You can eat anything but in moderation.
This is also a healthy diet which focusses on whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Lean protein and sweets are also allowed in moderation. It does not make you feel a sense of deprivation. It is sustain able and healthy.
This is the most healthy diets of all times. No wonder it is popular among fitness enthusiasts and celebrities. You eat more plant-based foods like vegetables, salads, fresh fruits, beans, nuts and whole grains. Cheese, seeds and olive oil are allowed. Fish protein is very important here. You are allowed to have moderate amounts of poultry and or red meat with low to moderate amounts of wine daily. It is sustainable and healthy.
Published : January 1, 2020 10:23 am | Updated:January 2, 2020 10:15 am
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A better you in 2020: Earth-care – The Register-Guard
Posted: January 2, 2020 at 4:46 am
What better resolution than to do our small part to treat our planet, this "pale blue dot" rocketing us safely through the vastness of inhospitable space, a little better? It is supporting 7.7 billion human beings, after all. So here are five ways (in no particular order) you can kick off the new decade to be a better friend to the Earth.
1. Get out of your car
Yes, driving is convenient and can be fun (when you're not stuck in traffic). But it's polluting that's not water vapor pouring out of your tailpipe and can be a stress-causing exercise. Transportation is a major contributor to emissions of heat-trapping carbon dioxide. So try walking, biking or taking the bus more. It's good for your body, your blood pressure and our planet.
2. Eat less meat
Don't eliminate it completely from your diet, just try to eat less of it. "Eating red meat is not good for your heart, and it's not good for your environment," saidMark Nystrom, the city of Eugene's climate recovery ordinance analyst. Livestock production is the largest global source of methane and nitrous oxide, two potent greenhouse gases that originate from manure and fertilizers used in the production of cattle feed, according to one report.
3. Plant a tree
Trees absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, provide shade and prevent erosion. Nystrom noted the city's tree canopy has receded slightly with development. Joining an environmental group like Friends of Trees can reverse that trend. "There's a social benefit of meeting new people and at the same time you're planting a tree," Nystrom said. And if planting trees aren't your thing, there's many other local environmental groups looking for volunteers to help our planet.
4. Regulate your garden's water intake
Plant native or drought-tolerant plants. Install drip irrigation. Water late at night or early in the morning. Water is our most precious resource humans don't survive long without it and it's not too hard to conserve in the garden."Little things like that can go a long way," saidErica Chernoh, horticulture specialist for Oregon State University Extension Services in Lane County. Also, be careful with the amount of fertilizer you use as applying too much can pollute groundwater.
5. Look out for bees
Bees, the world's most prolific pollinators, need our help as their numbers worldwide decline. Gardeners can support the flying insect by planting flowering plants that bloom year-round, reserving an open spot in their garden for ground nesters and building a bee hotel, a fun activity you can do with your kids, Chernoh said. Whether you offer concierge service is up to you.
Christian Hill on Twitter @RGchill. Email
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Why We Ditched Corporate to Empower Women & Girls – SWAAY
Posted: January 2, 2020 at 4:46 am
As humans, with the curiosity to learn and the drive to create + experience, we can nourish our minds, souls, and bodies to the fullest extent possible. Yet recently, and especially within the wellness space, we have exploited the notion of balance. We've created conflicting diets, programs, and trends that tell you to eat "x" and avoid "y" at all costs. It can leave us obsessive, anxious, frustrated, or shameful. We forget the power of food as medicine and turn it into a way to look our best.
After years of trying various different diet plans out there and being vegan for 2 years, healthy or "clean" eating to me looks like enjoying beautiful, wholesome foods that you actually look forward to and completely S A V O R. It's developing an active and healthy intuition-based relationship with food. It's being able to listen to your body and eat what you know your body wants. When we eat from a place of love - a love for the food itself and the experience of eating or sharing a meal - we are so much more able to give our body exactly what it needs.
The idea of having "balance" can be overused and lose its potency. It's a beautiful notion, but if we obsess over the purpose of maintaining a perfect balance in everything we do, we set ourselves up to fail. We're never going to obtain balance, but if we can decide to show up as we are then, we're able to rise and meet our highest self. Balance is eating a leafy, veggie-rich salad because your body hasn't had greens in a while; it's also enjoying a decadent cup of hot cocoa while snuggled up on the couch with your family. Finding balance and tapping into your intuition is never fear-based or controlling, it's listening inward and following mindful food choices that lead to a strong sense of what works for YOUR body and eventually leads to your everyday reality.
You have to determine what works for YOU and you alone. Each meal is a gift and energy you have the opportunity to create. Give yourself forgiveness and release any guilt you have around food. Choose to rediscover your body through food.
Tips for maintaining balance + eating clean in 2020
Keep a food journal. Start with 3 days and write down everything you eat and how you felt after. After three days, notice if any patterns or observations that come up. Every food has a different energy and responds to your unique body differently.
Each meal is an opportunity to start fresh. Say, for example, there's a night where you had bowl after bowl of ice cream, and you end of feeling a wash of shame over it (as we so often do when it comes to what we eat). Instead, tell yourself that you can start the day fresh tomorrow with a nutrient-dense brekkie. We can always begin again. A bump along the way is just that a bump not a detour.
Practice gratitude. While you're preparing your food or during a meal, find gratitude in the practice of fueling your body with the bounty given us here on the planet. Listen to soulful music that brings you happiness and makes you want to dance as you pour love into your meal.
Similarly, try to prepare your own food as often as you can! You're so much more intentional in what you eat when you make a dish yourself and know what ingredients are going directly into your body. This will also give you the opportunity to make more health-conscious substitutions. For example, if you're gluten-free and the recipe calls for flour, you can sub a wheat-free, nutrient-dense flour.
Allow yourself a treat every once in a while! It's a source of pleasure and a way to let go. There are 365 days in a year, and if we commit to fueling and nourishing our body then there are definitely times here and there when we can enjoy the birthday cake, cookies, fries, etc. that feel GOOD at that moment.
Create a clean food kitchen. Toss out anything processed, anything with high fructose corn syrup, anything with gluten, and anything that you question whether it's healthy or not. Don't be afraid to let it go, I promise you you can always find it again at the store if you MUST have it.
Don't worry so much about calories [that's so 1990's! ]but instead about nutrients. If you eat nutrient-dense foods, you will be full and satiated for longer. The rule of thumb when you're eating is to think about NUTRIENTS, not just energy/calories. Ask yourself what NUTRIENTS are in your meal, not just putting empty calories into your body. For example, when reaching for a snack, don't eat 5 rice crackers because they are low in calories, eat an apple, and a handful of almonds because then you're getting vitamins, fiber, protein, and good fats (and you'll stay fuller longer!).
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How to tell when babies can eat baby food, and which foods to start with – INSIDER
Posted: January 2, 2020 at 4:46 am
The start of solid foods represents the start of an entirely new world for your baby a world filled with delicious culinary adventures from bright strawberries and plump peaches to cool and creamy ice cream.
But just when can you start your little one on baby food? Here's what you need to know.
Starting your baby on solid food too early can be dangerous. For one, they may accidentally suck food into their airway or lungs, which could cause choking or pneumonia.
Plus, researchers have found that introducing solid foods before four months of age is linked to negative health effects, such as obesity and certain autoimmune disorders later in life. So it's important not to introduce baby food before your baby is ready.
And contrary to certain popular beliefs, starting your baby on solid foods will not help them sleep longer through the night. So, if that's what you're after, sleep training is a better option.
First things first: the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that parents should only feed their baby breast milk for about the first six months of life. This is because breast milk contains all the nutrients a child needs early on and can protect the baby from infectious and chronic diseases, according to the World Health Organization.
However, all babies are different and, depending on their developmental stage, you can, in some cases, start babies on solid food as early as four months, says Kara Willoughby, MD, a pediatrician with Spectrum Health Medical Group Pediatrics.
Willoughby says that she looks for developmental milestones that show the baby has gained the head and neck strength they need in order to safely swallow solid food. You can look for signs such as:
The AAP hasn't found any conclusive evidence that introducing foods in a certain order, like giving vegetables before sweets, makes a big difference.
This is mostly because babies, by nature, are almost always going to show a preference for sweets. However, Willoughby says that their office advises parents to start with vegetables and work from the least sweet to the sweetest. (It can't hurt, right?)
She recommends starting with foods in the following order:
1. Green foods, such as green beans, avocados and peas
2. Squashes, sweet potatoes, and carrots
3. Fruits, such as pears, apples, and bananas
"Avocados are always a great food to start with because they are packed full of nutrients," Willoughby tells Insider. "Cereals [rice or oatmeal] are great as well and are fortified with iron."
The AAP also recommends that as your baby eats more solid food, you should encourage self-feeding with appropriate finger foods and spoons, as well as drinking from a cup when they're around six months old.
When it comes to choosing store-bought versus homemade baby food, Willoughby's official stance is that what's best is "whatever works best for your lifestyle."
"If you have time to make it great," she says. "If not, that's great too! We just ask that if you make it yourself, try to avoid seasonings and additives such as salt, sugar, and butter work on developing simple tastes."
After you've officially introduced solids, you should still continue to breastfeed as you are able.
"Breastmilk is going to continue to provide your baby with essential nutrients in addition to immunity and germ-fighting power," Willoughby says.
Even when your baby begins eating solids, around six months old, breastmilk or formula should still be your child's main source of calories and nutrients. Because breastmilk and formula have the essential fat, calcium, and other vitamins and minerals that their growing bodies need.
"Their appetites may become smaller as they are growing less quickly during this time, and as their diet is supplemented with solid foods, but breastmilk and formula will continue to be an important part of their intake," Willoughby says.
Willoughby explains that infants should consume approximately 24 ounces of breastmilk or formula a day, up to, and beyond age one. After one year, you can continue to give them breast milk, or you can switch your baby to whole milk, along with plenty of water with their meals.
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How to tell when babies can eat baby food, and which foods to start with - INSIDER
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