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Fad Diets | Diets to Ditch in 2020 – Bicycling
Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:44 pm
If theres a diet trend youve heard buzzing around the most this year, its probably this one. A typical keto diet consists of roughly 60 to 80 percent fat, 20 to 25 percent protein, and 5 to 10 percent carbs. By consuming such a high intake of fats, youre trying to induce ketosis, which is when your body has gone through its source of carbs and starts burning fat instead. Your body produces ketones and uses them as sources of energy for your brain and central nervous system.
A couple of pros to this diet are the high percentage of protein and, like paleo, the concentration on whole foods. The cons are the high percentage of fat and insufficient amount of carbs. Theres a reason why many endurance athletes lean on simple sugars, such as gummies or GUs, during long ridesthey provide energy in the form of carbs that break down quickly. Fats, on the other hand, take a lot longer to digest.
Its very inefficient, Rizzo says. It takes a lot more work for the body to break down fat and use it as fuel. Youre almost putting more work on your body than you need to because youre just not storing as much carbs in the muscle and the liver, which is known as glycogen.
The lack of carbs in the keto diet also forces you to cut back on fruits and vegetables, which are full of naturally-occurring carbs. This means youre depriving your body of nutrients it needs.
Generally speaking, youre not getting a lot of vitamins, minerals, fiber, or antioxidants, Rizzo says. That can lead to deficiencies in basic nutrients such as vitamin C or Athings that should be part of any persons diet.
These are nutrients you not only need for your everyday life, but also fuel you need in trainingespecially for the last leg of a ride or race when you need to finish strong. In those anaerobic exercises, your body cant actually burn fat because oxygen has to be present in order to do that. Therefore, fat cant give you proper fuel to help propel you across the finish line as fast as you want during a hard and fast effort.
For people who might be trying to get faster or PR in a race, its going to be a rough day for you, because your body was running on a fuel source that it wasnt really designed to, says Amy Goodson, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D., a dietitian in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
If youre already fat-adapted and prefer to simply ride your bike at a mellow, steady state for yours, then a keto diet might work well for you. But if you plan on any HIIT workouts, charging up hills during rides, or sprinting for town lines or finish lines, then you want to avoid.
The Verdict: If youve got big goals for the bike in 2020, then keto is not for youyou just wont make it. The diet lacks carbs and fiber, thus depriving you of required nutrients, energy, and mental sharpness you need to ride your best.
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If you really must lose weight in 2020 these experts’ strategies may help – Sydney Morning Herald
Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:44 pm
My number one tip would be to make sure that youre including some plant-based protein in your diet each week. So, instead of having meat or chicken at every meal, replace it with some plant-based alternatives like legumes or tofu two or three times a week, she says.
Several studies have shown people who eat a diet high in plant-based foods and low in animal-based foods have a lower body mass index (BMI) and lower rates of obesity than those who eat meat. In fact, one recent study found even moderate adherence to a vegetarian diet could prevent obesity in middle age.
Meanwhile, a small 2018 study found a plant-based diet was highly effective in treating obesity. In the study, researchers put 75 people who were overweight or obese on either a vegan diet or a controlled diet, which contained meat. After 16 weeks, only the vegan group showed significant weight loss (6.5 kilograms). The plant-based group also lost more fat mass.
While Ms McGrice is not suggesting we should all become vegans, replacing some of your meat-based meals with plant-based ones is an achievable weight loss strategy.
Many have dubbed this approach the flexitarian diet, or a semi-vegetarian diet, with a focus on eating healthy plant-based foods while still enjoying meat products in moderation.
While there are many benefits to substituting meat-based protein with plant-based proteins, from a weight loss perspective, plant-based proteins contain far less calories. So, for example, a serving of a 100 gram fillet steak is 745 kilojoules, compared to say the same quantity of lentils, which is only 323 kilojoules," Ms McGrice explains.
"So, by making a pretty simple change, people can start seeing some good results."
Sydney personal trainer Ricardo Riskalla says medium intensity workouts with a variety of cardio and body weight exercises are key to losing weight.
The days of boot camps with people vomiting on the side has gone, he says. Rather, the most effective exercise routine, is one that includes variety, rest days and doesnt make you push your yourself to the maximum limit to avoid creating more stress in the body.
While recent studies have highlighted the benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for weight loss, these studies look at the short-term benefits, not the long-term results.
Mr Riskalla argues a gentler approach to exercise means you are more likely to stick to it.
At the end of day we must think about the longevity of the fitness routine and when pleasure is involved I guarantee you will stick to it for a long time, he says.
The best routine for weight loss is medium intensity, long duration which involves body weight exercises (strength training exercises that use the individual's own weight to provide resistance against gravity) performed in a high number of repetitions.
In my experience hardcore routines are dropped after a few weeks. Also, the variety of body weight exercises are endless, giving people great variation, which doesnt happen when exercising on machines. In terms of aesthetics, I also see more harmonious bodies with body weight exercises, and they are my go-to when working with actors and models.
When it comes to how often people should exercise, Mr Riskalla recommends following a progressive routine.
For example, if you never exercised and want to lose weight, start with walking once a week for one hour, then in the second week go twice a week and so on.
Exercises should also follow what we call periodisation, he says: some weeks must be harder than others in order to allow muscles to recover and to not create a burn-out situation.
"Above all, my recommendation is to never push yourself to a ridiculous number of hours daily. The old belief of 'the more, the better' is not applicable."
Associate Professor Kieron Rooney, a metabolic biochemistry researcher from the University of Sydney, says removing the junk sources of carbohydrates from your diet can be life-changing for those wanting to lose weight in 2020.
"[Carbohydrates] are the most potent stimulator of insulin which stimulates the synthesis of fat and the storage of fat," he says.
However, not everyone should jump on the ultra-low-carb keto (ketogenic) diet that restricts carbohydrate intake to no more than 20 or 50 grams per day (compared with the average daily intake of about 300 to 400 grams).
You dont have to go that far, he says. I was part of a research group that had people down to 140 grams (of carbohydrates a day), which was a diet that still included bread and potatoes and a bit of pasta and people still lost weight.
A more moderate approach to cutting carbohydrates, particularly from ultra-processed sources is more achievable and maintainable in the long term.
What you want to do is look for the junk sources of carbohydrates. So you can have a little bit of toast. Im ok with that. And you can have a little bit of pasta even, and rice, most certainly. But to get away with that, youve got to make sure that youre not also having the cake at morning tea or the muffin on the way home from work or the biscuits that are floating around your workspace because when you put that stuff in on top, thats when you start overloading your system."
Associate Professor Rooney adds that reducing your carbohydrate intake will also help you burn more fat when you exercise.
We can put people on a bike in the lab and if youre eating over 200 grams of carbs a day you are burning far less fat up to half the amount than an individual who is eating less than 200 grams of carbs a day for the same amount of exercise.
Associate Professor Rooney advises people to look at the NOVA food classification system, which categorises foods according to how processed they are, to help remove unnecessary carbohydrates from their diet.
You should be aiming to remove as much of the processed and ultra-processed foods as possible as well as liquid sugars, such as juice and cordial and soft drinks which are particularly bad, he says.
He says a moderate approach to reducing your carbohydrate intake by eliminating processed and ultra-processed foods and drinks is more likely to ensure that you not only lose the weight but keep it off in the long term.
Rachel covers general and breaking news for The Age.
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If you really must lose weight in 2020 these experts' strategies may help - Sydney Morning Herald
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Registered Dietician Weighs in on if Fasting is the Best Dieting Trend for 2020 – WHO TV Des Moines
Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:44 pm
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DES MOINES, Iowa-- As we get ready for the new year, people will be setting weight loss as a New Years Resolution. Many will be trying different diets to shed some pounds. The organization, All Home Connections did a study to see what was the most googled thing in every state in 2019. One of the top most googled questions in Iowa was, should I fast? Local, registered dietitian at Hy-Vee, Anne Cundiff said people already fast when we get eight hours of sleep in. Fasting intentionally, however can possibly lead to weight gain.
You take so much time off from eating and you just think about all the things you want to eat. And then you eat a whole bunch of calories at that next meal time, Cundiff said. So it can be kind of kind of counterproductive to do a fast intentionally.
Cundiff did say there were some chemical and physical benefits of fasting. It can help give your digestive system a rest and give your body a chance to reset during the day. However, if you want to lose weight, dietitians are suggesting doing a plant based diet in 2020. Doing a plant based diet doesnt mean becoming a vegetarian. It simply means consuming more nuts, healthy oils, legumes and of course fruits and vegetables. Cundiff said if youre doing any diet for a short period of time it isnt going to work. The goal is to turn these healthy eating habits into a lifestyle.
Any diet you start, you need to do it for the rest of your life. Because if you don't do it for the rest of your life, then it's not gonna work. So if you think of it more as a lifestyle change and not a diet, then therefore your going to have that long term benefit from it, Cundiff said.
Along with going plant based, Cundiff suggested being more mindful of portion sizes. Its no secret that Americans are known to overeat. The International Business Guide reported that Americans consume more calories a day than any other country. Cundiff said we actually have a measuring cup on us at all times, our fist. So you should never be eating more than a fistful of one thing in each meal.
If you need help with your health goals in 2020, Hy-Vee dieticians are currently offering free sessions in January to help you kick of the new year on a good foot. To find a dietician near you, go to
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Registered Dietician Weighs in on if Fasting is the Best Dieting Trend for 2020 - WHO TV Des Moines
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DNA Can Be The Key To Finding The Perfect Diet – WCCO | CBS Minnesota
Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:44 pm
5 P.M. Weather ReportParts of Minnesota could see a solid dose of snow over the weekend, whereas others might only see predominately rain, Chris Shaffer reports (3:20). WCCO 4 News At 5 - December 27, 2019
2019 In Review: The Year In National Politics HeadlinesThe big story of the year, politically speaking, was the impeachment of President Donald Trump, Natalie Brand reports (2:56). WCCO 4 News At 5 - December 27, 2019
On Deck In New Year, U.S. Senate Handles Impeachment TrialSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he thinks one or two Democrats will join the Republicans in voting to acquit the president, Jeff Wagner reports (1:23). WCCO 4 News At 5 - December 27, 2019
100+ Displaced In Drake Hotel Fire Still In Temporary SheltersMany of the displaced people are staying at the Bethlehem Baptist Hotel, where they're getting help from the Red Cross, Marielle Mohs reports (2:47). WCCO 4 News At 5 - December 27, 2019
WCCO Digital Headlines: Afternoon Of December 27, 2019A boy rescued from a silo in Millerville this weekend has died, Jeff Wagner reports (1:04). WCCO 4 News - December 27, 2019
Meet Wynonna, Our Pet Guest Of The WeekCathy Johnson from the Northwoods Humane Society introduces viewers to Wynonna (2:09). WCCO 4 News At Noon - December 27, 2019
Noon Weather ReportThere's a storm brewing, and it could make parts of Minnesota feel a lot more like winter over the weekend, Mike Augustyniak reports (4:34). WCCO 4 News At Noon - December 27, 2019
DNA Can Be The Key To Finding The Perfect DietResearchers in the U.K. say your biology can also tell you the best foods to eat for your body, Rylee Carlson reports (1:53). WCCO 4 News At Noon - December 27, 2019
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Drs. Oz & Roizen: Breaking the weight gain-diet-weight gain cycle – The Union Leader
Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:44 pm
IN THE 1995 comedy Heavyweights, an obese teenage boy named Gerry is sent to a weight-loss camp. When a psycho trainer tries to coerce the kids into doing punishing workouts, the campers imprison him and then gorge on junk food. Clearly, such ferocious weight-loss efforts backfire big time and not just in the movies.
Research published in JAMA shows that from 1999 to 2016 an ever-increasing number of Americans 40 to 65 were trying to lose weight (up from 34% to 42% of the population). Ironically, at the same time, their weight was going up, not down, from a BMI of 30.5 (obese) to 31.9 (more obese). Holy frustration!
Clearly, whatever folks are doing to lose weight isnt working (reduce calorie intake, exercise and drinking a lot of water were the top three techniques reported). So what should you try?
Go for a lifestyle change, not a sensory deprivation experience. Dont go cold-turkey with unhealthy habits. Give up a bad-for-you food every couple of weeks no processed meats (bye-bye pepperoni) or no added sugars (so long sodas), for example. Replace a bad habit with a healthy habit. Instead of an after-dinner snack do an after-dinner walk.
No extremely low calorie diets. Stick with around 2,000-2,300 calories a day with the right nutritional components. Eat 75% of your daily calories before 3 p.m.
Move more. Get a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic activity daily.
Chew bites well. Research finds that chewing for longer helps you eat less overall.
Mehmet Oz, M.D., is host of The Dr. Oz Show, and Mike Roizen, M.D., is chief wellness officer and chairman of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
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Drs. Oz & Roizen: Breaking the weight gain-diet-weight gain cycle - The Union Leader
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Weight loss: One woman shed astounding five stone in one year with this diet plan – Express
Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:44 pm
I wasnt looking forward to Christmas parties because when everyone else was all dressed up, I always felt uncomfortable in what I was wearing and whenever there was a group photo Id be the one who offered to take it so I didnt have to be in it.
Thats one of the reasons why the school Christmas party photo really shocked me I finally saw myself how I really looked.
Signing up for her local Slimming World group, the dieter changed her lifestyle and started eating healthier foods.
Previously skipping breakfast and snacking on sweets, chocolate and crisps, Cory decided to ditch the treats.
Before shaping up, the dieter would tuck into kebabs, pizza and chips but she swapped those foods for healthy home cooked meals.
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Weight loss: One woman shed astounding five stone in one year with this diet plan - Express
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The most popular diets of 2019 revealed –
Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:44 pm
From the GOLO diet to JLos healthy eating plan (Picture: Ella Byworth for
Fad diets pop up on a regular basis, many of which are unhelpful and downright ridiculous.
If youre considering dieting, remember the golden rule: its not about starving yourself, and as with any lifestyle change, take care before making drastic changes to your food intake.
In the last year, weve explored the CICO diet (calories in, calories out), the milk diet (where you just drink milk every day, for four weeks please dont ) and carb cycling (which staggers the amount of carbohydrates that you consume).
We also investigated why ultra-processed foods are bad for us, how to make an easy Keto dinner and how the low FODmap diet can help those who suffer from IBS.
As its the end of the year, Google has just released searches for the most popular diets of 2019 and the results might surprise you.
Here are the diets that made the cut, and what theyre all about.
Intermittent fasting is technically not a diet, but an eating plan. It revolves around time restriction its not about what you eat, but when you eat it.
While there are many versions to choose from, the most popular tend to be 16:8 or 5:2.
With 16:8 you can eat during an eight-hour period, but outside of this time you are only allowed to consume non-calorie drinks. It has likely seen a boost after 50-year-old actress Jennifer Aniston, known for her toned frame, revealed that she follows this diet to keep her body in shape.
Meanwhile, 5:2 is focused on days; five days per week you have a normal diet, while only consuming 500 calories on the two other days. However, the time restriction is not set in stone; you can adjust the hours and days to suit your body type and needs.
The eating plan is meant to be help you get lean without having to restrict your food intake to specific foods, and some studies have shown that it can boost the bodys metabolism.
As the name suggests, this diet was named after a man called Dr Sebi, also known as Alfredo Darrington Bowman.
The herbalist developed an alkaline diet, which he believed would rid the body of mucus build-up and cleanse it.
This diet involves only consuming live and raw foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices. Essentially, everything that youd find in a Whole Foods isle.
Canned goods are a no-no, as are any animal products, soy, alcohol and fortified items (like cereals). You could also consider it a (very restricted) vegan diet.
Many high-profile celebrities who support the alkaline diet, including Victoria Beckham and Kate Hudson. Variations
There has been some controversy around this diet. Dr Sebi claimed it could cure Aids, as well as various forms of cancer and other illnesses, but there has been no evidence to support this.
Similarly, a man named Robert Young, who claims to have invented the alkaline diet, has been convicted of two charges of practising medicine without a license.
Make of that what you will, but if youre going to restrict your diet to such an extent, its best to chat to a qualified nutritionist or medical professional first.
Noom is also not technically a diet, but actually a weight loss app that offers two programmes; healthy weight loss and one that is tailored for diabetes prevention.
It utilises a traffic light system to tell you which foods are healthy, and which to avoid or eat less of. Once you sign up, you will also be paired with your very own health coach.
So, does it work? Medical News Today reviewed Noom earlier this year, and highlighted several studies which demonstrated mixed results, most quite successful.
For instance, a study from 2016 revealed that out of 38,921 Noom users, 77.9% lost weight with the help of the app. The app also contains features to help you monitor your weight loss, in order to keep you on track, and it was found that those who kept on top of this saw more consistent weight loss.
Now for the downside: Noom focuses on calories, rather than nutrients. As users cant check this in the app, it might be more difficult for them to ensure their body gets everything it needs, including vitamins, minerals and fats.
Whats more, according to MNT, not all Noom coaches are certified with the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching.
Youll also have to pay to use the app.
Heres the thing with calories: there are many factors that determine how many you are meant to consume each day so there is no one setting that works for all people.
This is dependent on your weight, height and how active you are on a day-to-day basis. By eating less calories, the stored fat in your body can burn off, but once again, counting calories often means that you forget about nutrients which are essential.
You need to get a certain amount of calcium and protein, vitamins and magnesium, and tailor the diet to your needs (i.e. the amount of calories yourbody needs). As an example, a lack of magnesium can lead to nausea, vomiting and fatigue, among other ailments.
According to a report by Public Health England in 2017, Brits should consume 1,800 calories per day. Prior to this announcement, this was recommended at 2,000 calories per day for women, and 2,500 for men.
This is only a guideline so speak to a personal trainer with nutritionist training or other professional to look over your personal diet, and how many calories you should stick to.
The GOLO diet has lost popularity; in 2016, it was the most searched weight loss method of the year.
It essentially revolves around insulin, and was put together by a team of experts including Jennifer Brooks, a chef who is board-certified in holistic nutrition and psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow, among others.
Those who wish to embark on the GOLO lifestyle needs to sign up on the website, and take part in the rescue programme which is said to repair your metabolism, balance hormone levels and achieve sustainable weight loss over the course of 30, 60 or 90 days.
This is done in three steps: calorie-reduction (around 1,300 to 1,800 per day), exercise and taking the GOLO Release supplement.
The latter is meant to be the defining element of the diet, which is perhaps unsurprising, given its trademarked and means customers need to come back or stick to GOLO to get access to it again.
GOLOs website boasts that many doctors are supportive of the diet, as well as glowing recommendations from users, but take this with a pinch of salt: self-promotion is easy. There is also not much in the way of studies to support the method i.e. that the supplement is of added benefit to people who are already managing a healthy diet and exercising.
Then again, the dietary plan in itself is quite inclusive, with a good level of nutrients included. Allowed foods include: fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, andhealthy fatsand of course fresh breads, pasta, and butter, according to the website.
It was created by reality TV star Heather Dubrow from The Real Housewives of Orange Country and her partner, plastic surgeon to the rich and famous, Dr Terry Dubrow.
There are three phases, each with a ,er, interesting names : red carpet ready, summer is coming and look hot while living like a human.
In short, this diet consists of intermittent fasting, but where it differs from the version weve explained above, this one includes dietary restrictions. Approved foods include vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats. You also need to consider how much you consume, and avoid processed foods.
On the plus side, alcohol is allowed.
Be cautious, as the couple claims their plan will activate the anti-aging ability found in your cells and have apparently compared this process, known as autophagy, to plastic surgery. Also, it may not be a pheasa
Once again, add a pinch of salt to this diet.
The Sirtfood diet allows dark chocolate, caffeine and red wine. OK, thats not all you need to know, but its a pretty great benefit, as far as diets go.
Heres why its OK: these foods contain sirtuin activators which are said to improve metabolism, and in turn, help you lose weight, as well as reverse aging.Sirt foods, as they are known, include the aforementioned delights, as well as berries, kale, matcha green tea, walnuts, rocket, strawberries, soy, and more.
As for the diet itself, there are two steps to follow.
During the first step, which consists of seven days, you only consume 1,000 calories per day (see 1,200 calories above for why this can cause problems). You are only permitted to eat one meal, which must feature a lot of sirt foods, as well as three green juices. This lasts for three days.
For the remaining four days, you can have 1,500 calories, includin gtwo sirtfood dishes, and one more juice (yay?) per day.During phase two, you can have three meals and one green juice per day.
Authors of the book about the Sirtfood diet claim it can turn on your skinny gene. Were not thrilled about this term to begin with, but there is also very little research to support it.
This diet has been around for a while in one shape or another, but its been revived this year (it last made Googles list in 2015).
Back then, it was referred to as the zero carb diet, and it has proven popular with celebrities.
Its pretty much what it says on the tin: no carbs, no sugar. However, not all people who use this diet completely limit themselves; some will have a small carb intake, while others cut it out completely.
That means no pasta, refined grains, bread, starchy vegestables, milk or fruits (which have natural sugar). Instead, youll be munching on fish, eggs, cheese, water and tea.
Heres the problem: carbohydrates fuel our bodies. They are broken down into glucose, which is then used by our muscles and our brain.
If you cut out carbs and sugar completely, energy levels will drop and you may feel tired, and suffer from low blood sugar.
It sounds a bit alien-like, but endmorphs are not from another planet.
The phrase was introduced by William Sheldon, a psychologist in the 40s, who outlined it as one of three body types. The two others are called ectomorphic and mesomorphic.
According to him, endomorphs have a lower metabolism, due to having a bigger bone structure, less muscle and carrying more fat in the bodies.
The main aspect of the endomorph diet is to avoid refined carbs and eat healthy fats from proteins and nuts, as well as carbohydrates, vegetables and whole-grain foods. This is intertwined with a mix of cardio and strength training.
Exercise and healthy eating, basically.
Were not all that surprised that JLo has made the list, after showing off her toned physique in Hustlers earlier this year.
While her character might be out partying and doing tequila shots on the regular, youll have no such fun on Jennifers diet. Alcohol and caffeine are strictly forbidden, as are sweets, processed and starchy foods.
If you need a snack, reach for the fruit bowl or munch on some vegetables. Other foods that JLo likes include fish, sweet potatoes and brown rice. Nutrients are key, with the actress and singer focusing on stuffing as much vitamins and minerals into her diet as possible.
But its not just about food she also works out on a regular basis.
All in all, it appears to be a pretty healthy approach, though theres nothing wrong in indulging in a cheat day now and again.
JLo, sometimes we need cake and tequila shots, OK?
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In land of ‘gorengan’, athletes weighed down by poor diets – Jakarta Post
Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:44 pm
One of the hardest parts of being an elite athlete is diligently adhering to a strict and healthy diet.Living in a food-obsessed society like Indonesia, where junk food like instant noodles and assorted gorengan (fried snacks) from bananas to tofu are ever present, can be a challenge for athletes.Unfortunately, for many Indonesians, instant noodles and gorengan are both comfort and staple foods.Former national swimmer Albert C. Sutanto struggled to resist temptation during his heyday. Albert, who won nine gold medals at the Southeast Asian (SEA) Games from the early 1990s to the 2000s, recounted that he frequently ate fried noodles, a favorite snack, during his career.At that time, there was not a program [for managing the athletes nutrition intake], he said recently.Compared with athletes from other countries, Indonesian athletes lag behind when it comes to nutritiona...
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In land of 'gorengan', athletes weighed down by poor diets - Jakarta Post
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Vegan athletes are increasing, but does a plant-based diet improve athleticism? – ABC News
Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:43 pm
Updated December 27, 2019 11:57:03
Veganism is on the rise in Australia and with documentaries such as Netflix's Game Changers influencing athletes to try plant-based diets, the nation's sports clubs are being forced to clarify to their players what food is best.
While there is evidence vegan diets can have significant health and environmental benefits, there are also factors to consider if trying it.
Rostyn Griffiths, who plays with A-League soccer club Melbourne City, is one of many athletes who now eat a predominantly plant-based diet.
"I thought well at 31 [years old], if I can decrease my inflammatory markers a bit then I would be happy," Griffiths said.
"The first thing I noticed was I lost a heap of weight from just not eating meat, so I lost about three more kilos which was quite surprising.
"I didn't notice too much more in terms of feeling fitter or fatigued, I just felt normal."
He did find he was recovering quicker after games and was not as sore.
But when Griffiths re-tested his blood levels, his iron was very low, although he fixed that by eating more food like kidney beans and certain cereals and returning to consuming meat about once a week.
Since embarking on a mostly plant-based diet, he has been eating less food and has seen a huge drop in his cholesterol levels.
"That is something I have got in my family history it is now way below the normal levels, whereas before it was above the high levels," Griffiths said.
While some are seeing the benefits, not all athletes are convinced a vegan diet is the way to go.
Fremantle defender Luke Ryan said the Game Changers documentary and the trend to towards vegan diets had got many of the players at the Dockers thinking.
The AFL club held a meeting to educate their players on what they should and should not be eating.
"It was talked around the club a fair bit but I am not into that sort of stuff," Ryan said.
"I am just into my barbecues and snags and that sort of stuff.
"I don't think any of the boys have gone vegan, we are all off that, we are intrigued by it, but everyone is on the meat."
Speaking to Triple J's Hack program, dietician Simone Austin, who's worked with the Hawthorn Football Club, said there are significant benefits in eating more vegetables but there was no evidence to suggest going completely meat free would provide an edge for athletes.
"I think they were relieved (the Hawthorn players) when I told them they didn't need to do that (go vegan)," she said.
"But I had been telling them the same message for a long time; when you go and get your ham and cheese toastie, add some avocado, tomatoes and spinach.
"I'm already trying to encourage them to be more plant-based but they were pretty keen to learn they didn't need to go completely vegan."
However, she said the research showed eating less meat was healthy.
And in terms of building muscle, you can still get your protein and carbohydrates from sources like legumes, lentils, tofu and soybeans.
"If you think about third world countries, the main protein source is often rice. So there's certainly ways to get lots of protein," Austin said.
The difference is that animal-based proteins are more efficiently digested than plant-based ones, so there should be a combination of the two, she said.
As is often the case, balance is the key.
First posted December 27, 2019 08:15:22
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From Sirtfood to Keto Ultra, What Experts Think of 2019s Top Trending Diets – EcoWatch
Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:43 pm
By Elizabeth Pratt
Every year, millions of people turn to the internet to research the latest diet trends.
Google has released its top trending diets of 2019 and while experts say some of them may be helpful, others are not worth the effort.
Here's how the experts weighed in on five of the top diet searches for this past year.
As the name implies, this diet limits intake to 1,200 calories a day.
The Dietary Guidelines for the U.S. recommend a calorie intake of between 1,600 to 2,400 each day for adult women and 2,000 to 3,000 calories every day for men.
Lauri Y. Wright, Ph.D., an assistant professor in public health at the University of North Florida, says for those wanting to lose weight, cutting calories is important.
"Creating a calorie deficit is the key to losing weight. The body then draws on stored fat for the necessary energy needed by the body, which is seen as weight loss," she told Healthline. "We caution about diets that are too restrictive because very low calorie diets can slow your metabolism permanently. Too low is generally thought of as below 1,200 calories for women and 1,500 calories for men."
It's important that those restricting calories still achieve their nutrient needs.
"The diet needs to include all the essential nutrients for health," Wright said. "The lower the calories, the tougher it can be to get all the protein, vitamins, and minerals necessary. We always recommend working with a registered dietitian that can plan the most healthful eating plans to meet your health goals."
Dana Hunnes, Ph.D., a senior dietitian at the University of California Los Angeles Medical Center, says unless a person has low calorie needs or is under the direct guidance of a medical professional, cutting calories to 1,200 a day is not sustainable in the long term.
"This would definitely be considered more of a crash diet as opposed to a long-term lifestyle solution and I do not recommend it," she told Healthline. "It is better to lose weight gradually over time and in a manner that is sustainable over the life time this is not that type of dietary plan and it is not enough. It would likely make your own metabolism slow down since it would not be enough calories."
One of the top diet search terms for 2019 was intermittent fasting.
"In the most basic terms, there are two main versions; time restricted eating (TRE), which is eating during only an 8-hour or 10-hour period or a 5:2 approach where women eat only 500 calories split between two meals, two times a week. Men get 600," said Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered dietitian and manager of wellness nutrition services at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute in Ohio.
"The benefits are expansive, including longer life, weight loss, and chronic disease risk reduction," she told Healthline.
Hunnes says other possible positives to intermittent fasting include benefits to the gastro-intestinal system by giving it time to rest and lowering inflammation throughout the body.
But fasting isn't appropriate for everyone.
"Intermittent fasting is not a good plan for pregnant women or those with certain health conditions such as diabetes," Wright said. "Additionally, one study found that intermittent fasting can harm heart health. Additionally, after losing weight with intermittent fasting, the body may gain back the weight more quickly because the body viewed fasting as starvation."
Earlier this year, singer Jennifer Lopez announced she was attempting a 10-day challenge of no carbohydrates and no sugar.
Days into her diet, Lopez encouraged her followers to join her.
However, experts say some carbs are necessary.
"Our brains depend on glucose derived from carbohydrates for healthy functioning as do our muscles," said Hunnes. "This type of diet is not healthy. Of course, limiting or avoiding sugar is healthy, but limiting all carbohydrates is not."
Wright agrees.
"Carbohydrates are critical for health. However, the problem for many people is the type and amount of carbohydrates consumed. Emphasizing complex carbohydrates such as whole grain pastas, rice, beans, vegetables, and fruit rather than simple sugars such as soda and candy is crucial," she said.
"Besides energy to fuel the body, carbohydrates also provide important vitamins, minerals, and fiber," Wright added. "Carbohydrates are essential and should not be eliminated from the diet. Rather, choose healthy carbohydrates and control the portions. Excessive carbohydrates can add unwanted calories and cause high blood sugars for diabetics."
Wright suggests an appropriate carbohydrate portion would be half to one cup of pasta rather than an entire plate or one-third to two-thirds of a cup of rice rather than a whole bowl.
Last year, the high fat, low carb Keto Diet topped Google's trending diet searches.
This year, a variation of the diet called "Keto Ultra," which includes supplements, made the top 10 most searched diets.
"The ketogenic diet is very low in carbohydrates and very high in fat, putting the body into ketosis the burning of fat instead of glucose for fuel," Wright said. "The Keto Diet has been shown to reduce weight because with any diet that restricts entire food groups, it's possible that reduced dietary variety leads to reduced calorie intake. A side effect of ketosis is decreased hunger, which also contributes to weight loss."
But the diet comes with risks.
"Because carbohydrate-containing foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans are eliminated, a ketogenic diet can contribute to certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies and may negatively impact gut health," Wright said. "People following a ketogenic diet have also been shown to lose muscle mass, which is especially problematic for older adults."
Hunnes argues a keto-based diet is not healthy.
"I do not think this is a healthy choice since evolutionarily speaking, we thrive on glucose as our major energy source. A high-fat, high-protein diet is not healthy for us at all. I, in as strong of terms as possible, do not recommend a ketogenic diet," she said.
Both Wright and Hunnes note that the only people who could truly benefit from a keto-based diet are children who experience seizures and follow the diet under medical recommendations from their doctor.
"The ketogenic diet has been shown to successfully treat severe epilepsy in infants and children under medical supervision," Wright said.
A diet popularized for its inclusion of dark chocolate and red wine was highly searched for in 2019.
The creators behind the Sirtfood Diet argue that "sirtfoods" can prevent disease and result in fat loss by activating a "skinny gene."
"The sirtfood diet includes foods that contain seven proteins shown to decrease inflammation. Sirtfoods include red wine, dark chocolate, kale, berries, and soy," Wright said.
Some of the other sirtfoods encouraged in this diet include strawberries, onions, blueberries, walnuts, coffee, and medjool dates.
But although the creators of the diet say eating such foods will activate a skinny gene, experts say there is no proof to back the claims.
"There is no evidence that the sirtfoods can turn on a skinny gene. The anti-inflammatory foods combined with calorie restrictions are more of the factors contributing to weight loss," Wright said.
Hunnes agrees.
"Anything that sounds too good to be true often is," she said.
As 2019 draws to a close and people begin making goals and resolutions for the new year, all of the experts who spoke with Healthline advise focusing on making sustainable lifestyle changes, rather than following extreme diets.
"Start before New Year's. Don't make that date an artificial time to start good habits and be aware that the best diet for you is the diet that you can stay on long term," Kirkpatrick said.
"Get away from the term diet and think of a lifestyle change that will support sustained success," Wright said. "Look at making small changes that will add up to a big impact. Look to something like the Mediterranean diet plan that is plant-forward with vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and lean fish and meats, and uses healthful fats. Combined with activity, this is a plan that you can live with and achieve your health goals."
Reposted with permission from Healthline.
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