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How to maintain a healthy diet this Christmas – Better Homes and Gardens
Posted: December 13, 2019 at 6:45 am
WATCH: Healthy foods you need to eat as you age
The festive season is a time for indulgence; indulging in beautiful food, sweets, festive tipples, generous gifts and parties. Unfortunately, its these very things that make it so hard to stick to a healthy diet throughout Christmas.
Lucky for us, Consulting dietitian at Entity Health, Teri Lichtenstein,has some excellent and easy advice for maintaining a healthy balance throughout the holidays.
As the social calendar fills up, our alcohol intake rises. While its great to celebrate with friends over a glass of bubbles, it can be easy to over-consume alcohol, so plan your strategies for social functions, says Teri.
This may include drinking a glass of mineral water in between every alcoholic drink, or driving to a function to ensure you stay well below the limit. If you plan to enjoy a tipple or two, plan ahead and take a supplement that helps your liver metabolise alcohol more effectively, such as supplements that contain Hovenia dulcis and thiamine,two key ingredients that can help reduce the effects of a hangover.
When chatting to friends and family at Christmas parties, it can be easy to forget how much food youre eating. Manage portions by taking a moment to add food to your plate before you join the party conversation. This way, you can concentrate on making sure you have enough to satisfy your appetite, without eating mindlessly. Opt for small side plates as an extra strategy to manage portion control.
The time leading up to Christmas is frantic for most people. Its peak social season and many of us lack energy by end of the year. Maintain energy levels and ensure you dont suffer burn out by supplementing your diet with an energy-boosting supplement that contains nicotinamide, which has been shown to increase energy levels.
One of the best ways you can stay healthy over Christmas is by ensuring your diet contains lots of different coloured vegetables. Not only will these highly-nutritious foods help to keep your body healthy, but they are also low in kilojoules and high in fibre, so will keep you fuller for longer and help to minimise excessive weight gain.
Too many of us fall into the trap where we have enjoyed delicious food while eating with friends and family, only to experience post-Christmas guilt and restrictive eating. Plenty of research has shown that diets dont work in the long term. Instead, acknowledge that the Christmas period will include some indulgence, but this can be managed so you dont go overboard. And when the new year rolls around, focus on getting back to regular healthy eating and exercise without severe restriction.
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Yes, a prosecco diet exisits – here’s everything to know – Now To Love
Posted: December 11, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Yep, it's definitely that time of year when the bubbly is flowing and everyone's feeling a little bit festive.
Yet with summer here, it's that classic challenge of not completely falling off the healthy eating bandwagon.
Lucky for us, it turns out you can have your cake and eat it, too!
"Alcohol can be safely consumed as part of a balanced diet for a healthy individual," says nutritionist Jessie Parish.
Keep scrolling for the rules to stick to when it comes to the ever alluring prosecco diet, and check out our full seven day plan below...
Or skip a day, and have an extra glass on the weekend.
WATCH: A winemaker busts myths about wine. Story continues after video...
But expert Jessie says, "You should focus on good quality fats and protein like cheese, nuts and lean meats."
Alcohol is a diuretic, so it's important to stay hydrated.
Experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water per day.
BreakfastSoaked oats with raspberries, chopped almonds, almond milk and Greek yogurt.
LunchChicken noodle soup
DinnerPrawn and vegie stir-fry
BreakfastScrambled eggs with avocado and rocket
LunchLentil and vegie soup
DinnerSteak with mashed cauliflower 'potatoes' as asparagus
BreakfastBanana, pecan and cinnamon porridge
LunchBaked potato with smoked salmon and Greek yoghurt
DinnerTuna and tomato risotto
BreakfastPoke bowl with brown rice, avocado, carrots, cucumber and radishes
LunchEgg, tomato and avocado sandwich
DinnerTrout with quinoa and greens
BreakfastBananam pecan and cinnamon porridge
LunchTuna salad on rye
DinnerAsian chicken salad
Repeat any two days for day six and seven.
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Yes, a prosecco diet exisits - here's everything to know - Now To Love
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Ederra Bella Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa in Johns Creek, Georgia, is Now Offering the Innovative CoolSculpting Procedure for Patients – Yahoo…
Posted: December 11, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Top Atlanta area plastic surgeon, Dr. Myla Bennett, is excited to offer CoolSculpting at her luxurious medical spa facility.
JOHNS CREEK, Ga., Dec. 11, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Dr. Myla Bennett is a highly-skilled plastic surgeon, skincare expert and founder of Ederra Bella Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa in Johns Creek, Georgia. In an effort to continue to provide advanced treatment options for patients, Ederra Bella is now offering the CoolSculpting procedure. It is the only FDA-cleared fat reduction technology to use controlled cooling to safely target fat cells in areas including the abdomen, thigh and flank areas. Once the targeted fat cells are eliminated from the body, they are gone for good. More than a million CoolSculpting procedures have been safely administered worldwide with proven results. A CoolSculpting session requires no needles, surgery or downtime, which makes it a great alternative to liposuction. It is ideal for candidates who have hard-to-lose-fat in areas that are resistant to exercise and diet.
"We are excited to offer this treatment option to our patients at Ederra Bella. CoolSculpting has shown significant results in removing fat, without the potential risks and downtime of invasive procedures. I have found it to be extremely effective, especially on resistant localized areas, such as back fat, love handles and isolated belly fat. The CoolSculpting procedure is quite comfortable, and patients are highly satisfied with the aesthetic outcomes," says Dr. Myla Bennett
The number of treatments required for the desired results can vary. Dr. Myla Bennett will develop a customized CoolSculpting treatment plan based on an individual's needs, the areas focused on and budget. Treatment time typically lasts between one to two hours, and patients can have additional sessions for more pronounced effects. Ederra Bella Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa's location creates a relaxed setting for patients to receive cosmetic surgical and medical spa treatments, including CoolSculpting. Dr. Myla Bennett and her team offer a wide range of procedures, such as breast augmentation, tummy tucks, liposuction, dermal fillers and injectables, anti-aging treatments and more.
More about Myla Bennett, M.D.
Story continues
Dr. Myla Bennett is a well-respected, board-certified plastic surgeon and skincare expert. She earned her medical degree from the Ohio State University of Medicine and completed her plastic and reconstructive surgery and general surgery residencies there as well. She then continued her training at the university with admission to the fellowship program. With several years of experience in the industry, Dr. Myla Bennett uses her expertise to perform plastic surgery procedures and other treatments with the goal of enhancing patients' natural beauty.
For more information on CoolSculpting and other services available at Ederra Bella Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa, please call (678)-325-0006 or visit
SOURCE Ederra Bella
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Ederra Bella Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa in Johns Creek, Georgia, is Now Offering the Innovative CoolSculpting Procedure for Patients - Yahoo...
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Eye on the pies! Vets warn pet owners to keep edible festive hazards out of paws’ reach –
Posted: December 11, 2019 at 8:45 pm
The advice comes as British Veterinary Associations (BVA) survey findings reveal that eight in ten companion animal vets (80%) across the UK saw at least one case of toxic ingestion over the Christmas break last year.
Chocolate, raisins and other dried fruit commonly found in mince pies, xylitol (found in sugar-free products), onion and garlic and seasonal decorations like mistletoe and holly can be dangerous to dogs and cats if eaten.
Chocolate treats remain top of the list of edible hazards for dogs, with 72% of companion animal vets reporting seeing at least one case of this type of poisoning over the last festive period. This was followed by cases of toxic ingestion of raisins/sultanas (reported by 63% of vets) and onion or garlic (15%). Concerningly, the average number of cases of all types of toxic ingestion in dogs has increased steadily over the last five years, with cases of chocolate poisoning increasing by 50% and those of raisin/sultana poisoning almost doubling.
Cats are also no strangers to emergency trips to the vet at Christmas. BVAs survey found that around one in six vets had treated a cat for antifreeze poisoning (17%) last year and around one in eight (12%) for poisoning by seasonal plants such as lilies and poinsettia. Unlike dogs, the average number of cases reported for each toxin is at a five-year low.
Edible treats aside, festive decorations such as tinsel and fairy lights can also be a hazard if hung within reach of a family pet. More than a quarter of vets surveyed (28%) had seen at least one such case over Christmas last year.
BVA President Daniella Dos Santos said:
Christmas is a time of fun and festivities, but the presents, treats and decorations can often prove dangerous for our pets if we are not careful. Festive foods like chocolate, raisins, xylitol and macadamia nuts, and decorations such as mistletoe and holly, can be toxic if eaten by dogs and cats, while Christmas tree baubles or tinsel can require surgery to remove.
Our advice to owners is to keep festive goodies such as chocolate advent calendars, mince pies or Christmas puddings safely out of reach of inquisitive pets. If you are concerned that they have eaten something they shouldnt, consult your vet straight away.
To help keep Christmas hazard-free for pets, BVA recommends following these five simple tips:
For more information on pets and poisons, download the free Animal Welfare Foundation Pets and Poisons leaflet at here.
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Everything you should never do when at a work Christmas party from romping in cupboard to shots – The Sun
Posted: December 11, 2019 at 8:45 pm
EVERYONE dreads the Christmas work do, which can be a social minefield as the booze flows.
Not so long ago, the traditional bash could end with snogging the boss, having a fumble in a cupboard or photocopying our bums.
Sadly, social media and political correctness have conspired to end such fun.
Now, 86 per cent of workers say the typically badly-behaved Christmas party is over.
Even a snog under the mistletoe could end with a call from HR. No wonder almost three-quarters of staff say they wouldnt try kissing a colleague.
Many hope to spend just two hours at a bash. And 28 per cent insist theyve never considered using the photocopier inappropriately. Sad times.
Katie Glass reveals ways to navigate the Christmas party and still have fun...
With snowflake-season year-round now boomers and millennials are more worried than ever about causing offence, as every conversation risks a micro-aggression.
There used to be a simple rule for this: Never talk about politics, religion or money. Now nothing is safe.
Now nothing is safe. Even the weather could lead to an argument about climate change.
But rather than being a party bore, choose an enemy everyone hates: The French, Prince Andrew, estate agents.
Just find something your co-workers also cant stand then safely launch into your outspoken opinions.
There's an age-old rule for seasonal drinking: Beer before wine, then youll feel fine.
Wine before beer, erm, its Christmas. Say yes to champagne, yes to cocktails, yes to mulled wine but no to punch, which is either just sugared-water or will have been over-spiked.
Once you get to a place where you can chat merrily with co-workers without wanting to rip out your eyes, try alternating between alcohol and water. Youre golden now.
DO NOT DO SHOTS. It may seem like nothing says Christmas like Jgermeister but what starts with a cheeky chaser ends at 3am with Tom from accounts dragging you to a strip club.
Unless the look youre going for this Christmas is messy divorce never turn up to the work party with mistletoe.
Likewise, never point out the green stuff is hanging overhead.
In fact, this box is a trick, because the only thing you should avoid at the work Christmas party is a snog.
While three-quarters of staff now say they would never try kissing a colleague that still leaves a quarter who would!
If you really must flirt and drink then find someone anonymous online to do it with this is why Tinder was invented.
You have had a few drinks, you are feeling buzzy, now seems the perfect time to shimmy over to your boss and share your brilliant thoughts about company restructuring...STOP.
Its a weird urban myth that Christmas parties are a great opportunity to speak to your higher-ups.
The opposite is true.
Instead of making a fool of yourself, make a bee-line for junior staff they are the ones who have all the best workplace gossip.
This being Christmas, nothing is too much. Think fancy dress: Santa or an elf, but perhaps not Jesus.
Wear flats to dance, an elasticated waist to scoff canapes and something you can get in and out of easily after a few drinks so you dont find yourself struggling with your jumpsuit in a toilet cubicle with gossiping Sharon banging the door outside.
Remember, this is your chance to show people who usually see you exhausted at your desk that you are actually quite attractive.
So layer on the make-up and pull on your Spanx!
I hate to break it to you but if your dress doesnt fit at the start of December youll have no chance by the end of the month.
Now is far too late to diet. And dont even consider not eating and drinking no one likes a drunkorexia.
Focus on lining your stomach think carb-heavy lunches and full-fat milk.
Theres no point in starving yourself at the start of the night.
At the party youll be lucky to grab a few greasy canapes and a dry mince pie, and we both know youll be waking up beside an empty McDonalds bag.
Are you thinking of calling your ex? Doing karaoke? Asking your boss for a pay rise? Putting tinsel on your head and dragging that cute designer out to dance to Last Christmas? Yes, then GO HOME.
Have a few conversation-enders ready: My boyfriend is calling, Get out of my way Im going to be sick.
Dont worry about just sneaking off. By now everyone will be too drunk to remember if you stayed or whether you even still work with them.
If you want to be truly organised, set yourself a three-hour time limit and advance-book your cab.
The worst thing about the works party is the next day you cant call in sick.
If you slept with Tony from I.T, told the security guy you love him or vomited mulled wine in the lift, now youll have to walk back into the office (and possibly past your own vomit).
Hold your head high as you return to your desk or workbench.
As Johnny Depp told Kate Moss: Never complain, never explain.
And its not like theres loads of embarrassing rumours going around...
Honey on toast. A full English breakfast. A pint of milk. Half a tablespoon of salt and two teaspoons of sugar dissolved in half a litre of water before bed.
A shot of whisky and an espresso . . . I could go on.
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Still, Kingsley Amis had the best hangover advice: If youre in bed with your partner, and theyre willing, perform the sexual act as vigorously as you can.
If youre in bed with someone you shouldnt be dont .
The guilt and shame will be overwhelming. For the same reason, he suggests, abstain if youre alone.
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Everything you should never do when at a work Christmas party from romping in cupboard to shots - The Sun
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Parents of 4-year-old Tampa cancer patient could be reunited with son – Tampa Bay Times
Posted: December 11, 2019 at 8:45 pm
TAMPA Four-year-old Noah McAdams may soon officially be back with his mother and father.
Three months after a judge ordered their separation over concerns that the parents were resisting chemotherapy for Noahs leukemia, a hearing has been scheduled for Dec. 16 to address the familys reunification. There appears to be little opposition.
A lawyer for Joshua McAdams and Taylor Bland-Ball said Monday that their son had already returned to them. She said the parents have consented to any necessary treatment for Noah.
I am not expecting an order until next week; however, Noah remains with his parents and all parties are in agreement with reunification," attorney Brooke Elvington told the Tampa Bay Times in an email.
The parents have no intention of stopping any treatment, she said.
Both parents complied with court-mandated psychological evaluations, Elvington said. Those assessments supported family reunification.
The experts had absolutely no concern regarding the parents ability to safely care for Noah, she said.
Elvington said the family is doing very well and they are simply enjoying some much-needed quiet time together.
Related: Judge rules 4-year-old boy with leukemia will stay with grandparents to ensure his health
REUNIFICATION my new favorite word! Bland-Ball wrote in a Facebook post Sunday, which was accompanied by pictures of the family and their lawyer. The McAdams family is happy to announce that NOAH. IS. ALL. THE. WAY. HOME. Where he should have been the whole time, and where he will stay.
The family made headlines in April after the Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office issued an endangered child alert for Noah. They said his parents couldnt be located after missing medical appointments. The boy had been diagnosed with leukemia and the family wanted to treat him with alternative remedies like cannabis, oxygen therapy, an alkaline diet and herbal remedies, instead of chemotherapy.
Related: Parents become focus of custody trial of 4-year-old leukemia patient
The parents were later found in Kentucky. Child protective investigators obtained a court order to take custody of the boy. He was placed with his grandparents and resumed chemotherapy.
After numerous court hearings, Hillsborough County Judge Thomas Palermo ruled that Noah should remain temporarily in the custody of his grandparents because there would be imminent risk of neglect if he stayed with his parents.
All parents have a constitutional, and even sacred, right to parent their child, the judge wrote. But with that right comes equally powerful duties and responsibilities.
Related: Tampa parents of leukemia patient Noah McAdams find support online after losing custody
Bland-Ball decried the ruling on social media, where the family drew considerable support. A GoFundMe account to help with their legal expenses drew more than $12,000 in donations. Someone started an online petition calling for the judges removal from the bench.
An appeal of the ruling is pending. Elvington said she anticipates the case will be further reviewed sometime in the spring.
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This is how care home near Swadlincote got on when it was inspected – Derbyshire Live
Posted: December 11, 2019 at 8:45 pm
A care home has been rated as good overall after an inspection was carried out by a health watchdog.
Oakleigh Residential Home, in Ashby Road, Moira, provides personal care to 23 people, some with physical health needs and others with dementia.
After the latest visit from inspectors from the Care Quality Commission on October 22 and 23, the home was rated as overall as good, with just one area that required improvement.
It was good for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led.
Inspectors did note that improvements should be carried out to some bedroom doors locks which were not suitable if there was an emergency when they would not be able to be opened quickly.
The inspector noted that training in infection control practices was adequate, although they recommended that improvements be made.
The report also stated that medicines were stored and administered safely and people were supported to have their medicines in a safe way. Recruitment checks had been carried out to ensure staff were suitable to work with people, said the report.
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Also noted was that staffing levels were adequate to provide individual support and good overall levels of care. Training for staff was linked to people's individual support needs, however, some training courses had yet to be planned and undertaken.
Other positives in the report noted that people were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.
The policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
The staff team also told the inspector they felt involved in the running of the home and felt supported by the provider, registered manager and senior staff.
Staff had supervision to ensure they met people's needs and they responded to and supported people's health and care needs.
The inspector found that people were provided with a varied diet which met their needs, healthcare was supported by the staff and people were provided with treatment following consultations.
Residents were also fully involved in making decisions about their care and were supported by staff who were "kind and caring" in a considerate and respectful manner.
The staff were praised for being knowledgeable on people's individual needs and the complaints process was managed effectively, with those who use the service complimenting staff on their care.
There were systems in place to monitor the quality and safety of the service being provided, said the report.
A spokesman for Oakleigh Residential Home said about the report: "In response to the recent CQC report, we feel extremely disappointed to receive a requires improvement in one section of the inspection and feel that the focus of an overall good report may be overlooked.
"Oakleigh prides itself on providing good quality care for all our residents. We have continuously received excellent positive feed back from residents and families.
"Oakleigh has always received a good outcome on the CQC rating.
"As mentioned in the report regarding the bedroom door locks for the residents, the report also mentions that residents signed a declaration opting not to have a bedroom key therefore there would have been no risk to resident safety.
"CQC recommended that appropriate locks should be fitted if required, which we will do. Oakleigh places the care and safety of our residents with utmost importance and priority.
"The management team would like to thank all the staff for working tirelessly and going above and beyond to provide excellent care to all of our residents, achieving an overall good CQC rating."
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This is how care home near Swadlincote got on when it was inspected - Derbyshire Live
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Take a virtual ride on the new Riverview bike/ped bridge – Streetsblog Chicago
Posted: December 11, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Chicago has a slew of new or upcoming bike and pedestrian bridges, including architecturally interesting spans over Lake Shore Drive at 35th Street, 41st Street, and 43rd Street (upcoming); the partially completed Navy Pier Flyover; and the nearly finished Lincoln Village Bridge, aka the (Berny) Stone Bridge.One of the most interesting is the Riverview Bridge, which opened without fanfare last month on the North Branch of the Chicago River on the border of the Avondale, Irving Park, and North Center community areas. Named for the storied amusement park that used to stand at the northwest corner of Belmont and Western, its the longest bike/ped river bridge in the city, at more than 1,000 feet long and 16 feet wide. The new causeways southern terminus is the east bank of the river at Clark Park, the green space between Belmont Avenue and Addison Street, just west of Lane Tech high school.
Like much of recent Chicago sustainable transportation infrastructure, the new span seems to follow the citys When in doubt go with somethingSantiago Calatrava-esque design philosophy. See also theLoop LinkandUnion Station Transit Center bus shelters, as well as the Washington-Wabash L station all of which are vaguely reminiscent of whale vertebrae.
The bridge passes under the Addison vehicular bridge and crosses the river to the west bank in a serpentine manner at an elevation of more than 18 feet to allow recreational boaters to pass underneath. The northern terminus of the span is in California Park, which includes the McFetridge Sports Center, just south of Grace Street.
As it stands, the simplest way to access the bridge from the north is to take a park path east from California Avenue, just south of the California Park basketball courts.
From the south, you can access the north-south bike path in Clark Park from a ramp on the North Side of Belmont just east of the river and take the path north to the Riverview Bridge. Note that this four-lane stretch of Belmont isnt particularly bike-friendly, because the CTA pushed back against a plan for a road diet with bike lanes here. I also wouldnt recommend crossing north on Belmont to the ramp from Rockwell Street if youre not a confident urban cyclist, since its located at the top of a small hill where its tricky to see oncoming motorized traffic.
The map Ive created to the right shows reasonably bikeable streets for heading to and from the bridge, plus the off-street paths it connects with. Click here to view the Google Map version if you need the street names. As it stands, the Riverview Bridge is handiest for people traveling northwest or southeast.
For example, if you like in Albany Park and work downtown, in the morning you might access the bridge from California and Grace, take the path south through Clark Park and exit at Belmont, and then head east to the Clybourn bike lanes, which will take you several miles southeast towards the Loop. (Again, watch out while crossing Belmont at the path access ramp, or else take the lightly-traveled sidewalk east to Campbell Avenue, where you can safely cross Belmont with a stoplight.)
The city is currently working on an underbridge at busy Irving Park Road, due for completion in late 2020, which will allow you to connect between California Park and Horner Park, located on the west side of the river between Irving Park and Montrose Avenue. When thats finished, youll be able to walk, jog or bike all the way between Belmont and Montrose car-free. (There are park paths in Horner Park you can use to travel between Irving Park and Montrose.)
Thats about 1.5 miles, or more than half the length of the 2.7-mile Bloomingdale Trail, which will make the full route, which the city is calling the 312 RiverRun, a nice recreational amenity. And from Montrose you can take the Manor Avenue neighborhood greenway, a low-stress on-street route, to Lawrence Avenue. From there you can take the North Shore Channel Trail all the way to northern Evanston.
So its serendipitous that a developer is proposing to build 40 affordable apartments, plus six market-rate apartments at the Ruby Dry Cleaners site at Montrose and California, northwest of Horner Park. The proximity of the 312 RiverRun would be a great recreation and transportation amenity for the new residents. The developer will meet with neighbors December 16 at 7 p.m. at Horner Park Fieldhouse, 2741 W. Montrose Ave.
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Tabu on her suitable boy – Telegraph India
Posted: December 11, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Mention Calcutta and Tabus face will invariably light up. The actresss bond with the city which started when she was shooting films like Abar Aranye and The Namesake and has continued till the day, has only grown stronger over the years. Last Saturday, the 48-year-old stunner was back in the city as the star speaker at Breaking Stereotypes at Infocomm 2019, an ABP initiative, at ITC Sonar. Before that, The Telegraph caught up with Tabu statuesque in forest-green shirt and black skirt in her ITC Sonar suite, when she spoke on her love for Calcutta, reconnecting with Mira Nair and finding a suitable boy!
We had last met in May, in the peak of summer in Calcutta, and you had mentioned how you cant wait to come back in winter, because that means foggy morning walks, draping thick shawls and feasting on nolen gur. So here you are!
(Laughs) Oh, yes! My god! Uss waqt kuch aur bhi maangti toh mil jaata (laughs). But I am glad I have managed to come here at this time of the year
So did you manage to tick off anything from your winter bucket list this time?
Kahaan, yaar? I flew in this morning and I am flying out tonight by an unearthly 2am flight (rolls her eyes). I am going to Lucknow to shoot for A Suitable Boy. So, this time, unfortunately I wont have any time to do anything. But I am glad I am getting the evening to myself, which is a huge thing for me (smiles).
So no going out for nolen gur?
Thats coming to me! (Laughs) I dont have to go anywhere. I have my contacts (winks and laughs) sab ek ghante mein maine fix kar liya hai. Whenever I come to Calcutta, one thing that I carry without fail is my big icebox. I always have to take back many things staples are nolen gur, mishti doi and gondhoraj lebu. Yeh teen toh hone hi hai list mein nahin toh Calcutta aane ka kya fayda? (Laughs)
It was apparently shooting for Goutam Ghoses Abar Aranye many years ago that made you start eating fish. Is that right?
Absolutely! I had turned vegetarian for many years. We were shooting in some jungles in Bengal for Abar Aranye, with Goutamda. The only diet that we got there for days was rice and fish curry and gulab jamun (laughs). As a child, I loved eating fish I would practically eat it every day but I gave it up for many years. After that shoot, I started eating fish again every day for life! (Laughs) Of course, I eat the maximum amount of fish when I am in Calcutta, at my friends place and her mothers place. I dont eat fish outside I prefer the homemade stuff. So Calcutta gave me back my fish (laughs).
We know your visits, if not on work, are limited to being with friends and family. Any favourite haunts whenever you come here?
I love going on drives here. I love to go to those little-little galis, do shopping there are some really cool boutiques really nice and intimate. I can go in there and shop aaram se without being bothered. Then, of course, my friends place and her mothers place are my favourites. Their terraces are our favourite spots at night. I think the familiarity is so much that I find myself at home almost everywhere in Calcutta (smiles).
In fact, I came here for Durga Puja in October. I just sneaked in to my friends place and no one knew (laughs). It was lovely to see the city dressed up like a bride in all its finery. It was so beautiful.
You can either like the carnival-like atmosphere or completely hate it
I toh love it! Also because I think I am used to it in Bombay this carnival-like atmosphere every few months! (Laughs) Something or the other is always happening on the roads there, so I think I have just got used to it. Awaaz, shor, lights sab ki aadaat ho gayi hai, you know.
See, every experience I have in Calcutta whether its for shoots, like when I shot The Namesake or personal visits will always be special because of the connect I have with the city. Abar Aranye was the time when I made all these friends I have today. I learnt Bangla, I dubbed for the film in Bangla. When I did The Namesake, I was a little more established in the system because I already had these friends. Chaiti (Ghoshal, actress) and the other friends I have here really helped me learn the culture.
Shooting at the Howrah station was an experience in itself north Calcutta you just spoke about chaos and carnival (smiles). I loved shooting at the flower market, which I hadnt been to before. And from that shoot, I would always go home so it never felt like I was in a city that isnt essentially my home. I once stayed at the Tollygunge Club I am a member.
Calcutta will always be a different experience for anyone who comes from outside by virtue of having the strong character that it does. It has a feel thats removed from your usual cosmopolitan city experience. For me, this city has never ever been a light or a frivolous experience like going to a city and coming back. For me, its always been much, much more coming here. I can safely say that anyone who comes to Calcutta goes back with a certain kind of effect and impact, whatever that is. I, of course, also go back with nolen gur and gondhoraj! (Laughs out loud)
Maybe its time to make Calcutta your home for a few months every year?
Oh, I am totally ready to! Maybe buy a nice apartment and chill during winter! (Laughs) I must tell you that I love the champa thats always in season... for me, it defines the city. Of course, every time I come here, I see a huge change theres a lot of infrastructural development. We are all resistant to change, but its inevitable (smiles).
You had also told us last time that you keep telling Prosenjit that you want to do a film with him. Any progress on that front?
Arre, hes not listening to me no one is listening to me! (Laughs) I only come for events all through the year, and never for a movie. Its time I did a Bangla film high time!
You just mentioned The Namesake and you are shooting again with Mira Nair for A Suitable Boy. Did you two pick up from where you left off?
Its always so wonderful reconnecting with Mira. I think everyone who is connected with Mira has that equation with her you just pick up from where you left, no matter how many years have passed in between. She forms really informal, impactful and strong bonds with people. She keeps working with the people shes worked with earlier, and I think thats a beautiful quality to be able to form such bonds in todays world. I feel a sense of belonging whenever I work with her and her unit.
In A Suitable Boy, we have Ram Kapoor, Vijay Raaz who have worked with Mira in Monsoon Wedding I have worked with her in The Namesake so its always wonderful, you know that sense of comfort and going back you dont get that with everyone. Of course, everyone knows about the aesthetics and the quality of work that she guarantees as a filmmaker. Its all her own, and theres no denying that.
So whos a suitable boy for Tabu?
Boy?! (Laughs out loud) Woh din gaye! Chalo, main abhi boy dhoondne nikalti hoon.
Arent all men essentially boys?
Thats very, very true! (Laughs) And I think I will always be a girl boy meets girl pata nahin woh main kaise handle karungi!
You recently posted on social media about Chandni Bar turning 18. In a sea of very challenging turns, would you pick that as the role that challenged you the most?
Chandni Bar was actually a lot of fun to shoot, though it made for a heavy viewing experience. In hindsight, I feel that if the experience wasnt light, then the process of shooting it would have killed us. But thanks to Madhur (Bhandarkar, the films director), every experience turns out to be light. The subject was very dark and there was no other way to portray it that was the truth of her (Mumtazs) life. I think its one of the landmark films in my career (Tabu won a National Award for Chandni Bar). It uncovered a part of reality that I wasnt exposed to and I am glad I was part of a film like that... a film where you saw a beer bar dancer as a protagonist and not just as the villains moll or the heros pining love interest (smiles).
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Deadly life saver? Snake venom used to save lives in Brazil – Hindustan Times
Posted: December 11, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Gripping the deadly snake behind its jaws, Fabiola de Souza massages its venom glands to squeeze out drops that will save lives around Brazil where thousands of people are bitten every year.
De Souza and her colleagues at the Butantan Institute in Sao Paulo harvest the toxin from hundreds of snakes kept in captivity to produce antivenom.
It is distributed by the health ministry to medical facilities across the country.
Dozens of poisonous snake species, including the jararaca, thrive in Brazils hot and humid climate.
Nearly 29,000 people were bitten in 2018 and more than 100 died, official figures show.
States with the highest rates of snakebite were in the vast and remote Amazon basin where it can take hours to reach a hospital stocked with antivenom.
Venom is extracted from each snake once a month in a delicate and potentially dangerous process.
Using a hooked stick, de Souza carefully lifts one of the slithering creatures out of its plastic box and maneuvers it into a drum of carbon dioxide.
Within minutes the reptile is asleep.
Its less stress for the animal, de Souza explains.
The snake is then placed on a stainless steel bench in the room where the temperature hovers around 27 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit).
De Souza has a few minutes to safely extract venom before the snake begins to stir.
Its important to have fear because when people have fear they are careful, she says.
- Antivenom crisis -
The snakes are fed a diet of rats and mice that are raised at the leafy institute and killed before being served up once a month.
After milking the snake, de Souza records its weight and length before placing it back in its container.
The antivenom is made by injecting small amounts of the poison into horses -- kept by Butantan on a farm -- to trigger an immune response that produces toxin-attacking antibodies.
Blood is later extracted from the hoofed animals and the antibodies harvested to create a serum that will be administered to snakebite victims who might otherwise die.
Butantan project manager Fan Hui Wen, a Brazilian, says the institute currently makes all of the countrys antivenom -- around 250,000 10-15 milliliter vials per year.
Brazil also donates small quantities of antivenom to several countries in Latin America.
There are now plans to sell the life-saving serum abroad to help relieve a global shortage, particularly in Africa.
About 5.4 million people are estimated to be bitten by snakes every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Between 81,000 and 138,000 die, while many more suffer amputations and other permanent disabilities as a result of the toxin.
To cut the number of deaths and injuries, WHO unveiled a plan earlier this year that includes boosting production of quality antivenoms.
Brazil is part of the strategy. It could begin to export antivenom as early as next year, Wen says.
There is interest for Butantan to also supply other countries due to the global crisis of antivenom production, she says.
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Deadly life saver? Snake venom used to save lives in Brazil - Hindustan Times
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