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Intuitive eating takes fresh approach to healthy relationship with food – Tallahassee Democrat
Posted: November 26, 2019 at 9:47 am
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For breast cancer awareness month, Anna Jones prepared salmon and asparagus foil packets and red cabbage and apple slaw.(Photo: Tori Schneider/Tallahassee Democrat)
I have been teaching from a non-diet, weight-inclusive point of view for a long time but discovered through learning more about intuitive eating that I'm not the only health care practitioner who teaches this way.
Not only are there many dietitians and therapists who are trained and certified to teach from this same perspective, it is also strongly supported by scientific research.
Intuitive eating has been around for years. If the term is new to you, intuitive eating was created by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995, so it's not actually a new concept, but one that has sort of caught on lately.
The authors define intuitive eating as "an approach that teaches you how to create a healthy relationship with your food, mind, and body where you ultimately become the expert of your own body."
It is a weight-neutral, evidence-based model (meaning there is scientific evidence, not just opinion, to support it) with a validated assessment scale. There are around 100 studies supporting its efficacy to date. It is a non-diet approach that emphasizes internal cues and listening and paying attention to our bodies over external diet rules.
The non-diet part of intuitive eating refers to taking the focus offthe scale and other rules and restrictions and putting it on health promoting behaviors, improving body image, and finding peace and enjoyment with food.
It is a process or framework that teaches a different approach to eating and our bodies than the typical weight-centered approach that many of us turn to over and over without success.
In the diet culture,eating is viewed as a moral statement with many labels on foods such as "good" and "bad." Certain foods choices and ways of eating are demonized while others are praised and deemed right and acceptable. Thinness is viewed as the only acceptable body type regardless of genetics and weight loss is promoted at all cost.
In contrast, with intuitive eating and weight-inclusivity the focus is shifted to honoring health, not just our physical health, but also our emotional and mental health. Food and our choices are not viewed from an ethical, right or wrong, perspective, but instead are based on choice, preference, and enjoyment.
With this shift choices are guided by internal awareness, non-diet nutrition knowledge, and movement for wellness, not based on counting calories or points, diet rules and restrictions, and guilt. All body types are viewed as not only acceptable but respected and treated with compassion and care.
We are all born intuitive eaters. As babies and kids, we have the innate ability to listen to our bodys cues and eat what our bodies need. When a baby is hungry, they will let you know and when they are full they have the instinctual ability to stop eating.
Over time though many factors such as family upbringing, genetics, environment, and exposure to diet culture beliefs and rules can confuse or disrupt our ability to trust ourselves.
We get so discombobulated that we get to a point where we dont think we can function without someone else telling us what, when, and how often to eat.
In todays diet focused world many of us areused to turning to the next book or new plan or fad diet to find health, but with intuitive eating you are the expert of your health and your body, as you should be.
Of course, there is room for learning and gaining new information and ways to care for yourself in regard to nutrition, movement, stress reduction and sleep.
The beauty of intuitive eating is that there is no pass or fail or good or bad. Those ideas and notions only make eating and food stressful and set us up to feel like a failure. How often do you start a diet, eat the wrong thing, feel like youve failed and go off the diet?
I was talking with a new client the other day who had this exact experience. She had started Whole30 and stayed with it for two weeks and then had a wedding to go to and didnt want to miss out on all the yummy food so went off her diet and didnt start it back after that weekend.
When I asked her why she didnt restart after the wedding she said with Whole30 once you go off you have to start all over again and she just didnt feel like dealing with it. So, basically your punishment with that plan iswell you screwed up, despite all your hard work, go back to the beginning. So annoying and frustrating.
Ive talked to countless clients and friends who have experienced this same scenario and instead of directing their frustration at the diets and diet industry, they blame themselves. With intuitive eating you learn to let go of the regret, guilt, and shame associated with eating and start to listen to your bodys innate cues for hunger, fullness, satisfaction, and pleasure to better meet your physical and psychological needs.
It really is a whole different way of approaching food and taking care of our bodies and minds. It is a process but is well worth the time and effort.
The positive benefits of intuitive eating are seemingly endless. Here is a list of just a few benefits that have been identified in the many studies done on intuitive eating.
Higher HDL (good) cholesterol
Lower triglycerides
Lower rates of emotional eating
Lower rates of disordered eating and eating disorders
Higher self-esteem
Better body image
More satisfaction with life and less preoccupation with diets and your body
A sense of optimism and well-being
Proactive coping skills
Higher likelihood to exercise because it feels good
The intuitive eating assessment is a good place to start to get an idea where you stand on whether or not you are an intuitive eater. You can find a quick assessment on my website under the Intuitive Eating tab to see where you stand.
These are some signs though that may indicate that you are NOT an intuitive eater:
You often label foods as good and bad
You get mad at yourself or feel guilty for eating something unhealthy
You follow strict rules that dictate what/when/how much to eat
You eat when you are stressed, bored, lonely, anxious, depressed, or stressed
You often use food to help you soothe negative emotions
You dont trust yourself to know what, when, and how much to eat
You weigh and measure your food
You count calories, carbs, protein, fat, or points
The framework of Intuitive Eating is based on 10 guiding principles. They are not rules, but instead basic principles that you can incorporate at your own pace. Each one builds on the other in helping people change their perspective on eating and build a healthier relationship with food.
Reject the diet mentality
Honor your hunger
Make peace with food
Challenge the food police
Respect your fullness
Discover the satisfaction factor
Honor your feelings without using food
Respect your body
Exercise feel the difference
Honor your health with gentle nutrition
The best resource for learning more about becoming an intuitive eater is the book by Tribole and Resch, "Intuitive Eating." There is also "The Intuitive Eating Workbook" that can be really helpful in personalizing and individualizing the concepts, beliefs and ideas.
I recently added to my credentials and became a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. With this certification I have even more skills and knowledge to help clients have a healthy relationship with food, get off the diet roller coaster, and tune into their body's own wisdom to help guide them.
As a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, I work with clients to process through and unlearn old diet mentality thinking and relearn the freeing and empowering concepts of intuitive eating to ultimately find peace with food and their bodies.
Its one thing to conceptually understand intuitive eating, but it is a process to put it into practice and having an expert guide can be helpful.
I have also become a huge fan of podcasts, specifically ones about intuitive eating. I like to listen to them when I am driving. I share them often with clients too. One client that I recommended podcasts to decided to start with episode 1 of the Body Kindness podcast and listen to all the episodes and has been loving them.
If you are like so many others and are just exhausted from dieting, restriction, deprivation and worrying about your weight, maybe consider what it would be like to stop the madness and try something new.
Food is meant to be savored and enjoyed and our bodies are amazing and deserve respect and love. It is possible to enjoy food and respect our bodies and actually be healthier for it.
Anna Jones(Photo: Anna Jones)
Anna Jones is a registered dietitian. Visit her website
Podcasts are a great way to hear an introduction to the concept of intuitive eating and see if it resonates with you. A few that I would highly recommend with some specific episodes that I think are fantastic:
RD Real Talk with Heather Caplan
Episode #86: Wait, but what IS Intuitive Eating? with coauthor, Evelyn Tribole
Food Psych with Christy Harrison
Episode #157: The Truth About Weight Science
You Can Eat With Us with Cara Harbstreet
Episode #2: Rachael Hartley & an Intro to Intuitive Eating
Body Kindness with Rebecca Scritchfield
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Intuitive eating takes fresh approach to healthy relationship with food - Tallahassee Democrat
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Type 2 diabetes: Eating this tasty treat could help lower blood sugar – Express
Posted: November 26, 2019 at 9:47 am
Type 2 diabetes is a serious condition and a worldwide epidemic. Having the condition means a persons pancreas doesnt work properly or cant make enough insulin. Poor insulin production causes blood sugar levels to keep rising and left untreated, serious health complications may occur which includes a heart attack or stroke.
Diabetes UK said: From the moment youre diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, youre likely to be faced with what seems like an endless list of new tasks.
"One of your first questions is likely to be what can I eat? With so much to take in at once and all the myths about diabetes and food that youll probably hear, it can be hard to know what to do.
Recent research suggests that eating a certain treat might help reduce inflammation and improve blood sugar control.
READ MORE: Type 2 diabetes: Eating this winter spice could lower blood sugar
Due to its nutritional benefits, nutritionists often recommend that people with type 2 diabetes eat yoghurt as part of a healthy diet.
Yoghurt is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D, potassium and protein.
Yoghurt also offer protection for bones and teeth and helps prevent digestive problems. However, not all yoghurts are created equal.
What are the best yoghurts to eat for type 2 diabetes and which ones should be avoided?
Type 2 diabetes and yoghurt
The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines recommend yoghurt as part of a healthy diet. Yoghurt is a good source of protein, calcium and vitamin D.
Research also suggests that the probiotics, or beneficial bacteria, in yoghurt may help to reduce inflammation.
Those with type 2 diabetes tend to have high levels of inflammation in the body.
Chronic inflammation can increase the risk of certain complications, such as heart disease and stroke. Probiotic yoghurts contain active, live cultures.
What the studies say
A study with the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, looked at probiotic yoghurt consumption and its effect on blood glucose.
Researchers tested each participants blood glucose levels at the start of the study and again at the end.
The study noted that those who consumed probiotic yoghurts daily saw a significant decrease in blood glucose levels.
In another study, the relationship between probiotics and glycemic control was analysed.
The review found that probiotics significantly reduced fasting blood glucose and fasting plasma insulin levels.
The amount and type of healthy bacteria found in yoghurts can differ significantly between the brands.
However, probiotic yoghurt usually contains substantially more beneficial bacteria than conventional yoghurt.
According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines, people with diabetes should choose yoghurt products that are unflavoured and fat free or lower in fat.
Greek yoghurt contains double the protein of conventional yoghurt. Other yoghurts to opt for include organic yoghurt, lactose free yoghurt or vegan yoghurt. Its best to avoid any yoghurts with added ingredients as many of them contain a significant amount of total carbs and added sugars.
Some whole milk yoghurts also contain particularly high levels of saturated and trans fatty acids.
Its always best to check the food label for any added sugars or carbs.
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Type 2 diabetes: Eating this tasty treat could help lower blood sugar - Express
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Florida parents fed their toddler only raw fruits and vegetables now he’s dead – National Post
Posted: November 26, 2019 at 9:47 am
Two Florida parents face manslaughter and child neglect charges after finding their malnourished, 18-month-old son dead.
During the early morning hours of Sept. 27, it was time for Sheila OLeary to feed her youngest son.
Sheila, 35 and her husband, Ryan OLeary, 30, only ever ate raw fruits and vegetables. The toddler, who had been sick, only had breast milk during his last week, reported the Fort Myers News-Press.
At 4 a.m., just minutes into feeding her son, Sheila noticed his breathing was shallow.
She told police if she could go back in time, she would have called for help.
Instead, both parents went to bed that night.
When they woke up, their son wasnt breathing and his skin was cold.
After calling 911, Ryan started trying to revive the toddler.
But soon enough, local paramedics arrived and pronounced the 18-month-old dead.
The parents revealed Sheila gave birth to the boy in their Cape Coral home, near the southwest Gulf Coast of Florida. The 17-pound toddler, who was significantly underweight, never saw a doctor in his life because his parents preferred it that way, according to police.
The childs death, while tragic, was neither purposeful nor neglectful, but accidental and is listed on the death certificate as such, John Musca, Sheilas attorney, told local news station WFTX.
A statement from Muscas law firm described how the toddler was struggling with illness for the past six months, making it difficult for him to eat.
The mother said that the little boy began to recuperate, but then started teething, causing him to have new struggles with eating.
The family also said the toddlers feet swelled during the last few weeks of his life, which led him to walk less than before.
The autopsy report determined the main causes of death were malnourishment and complications, including dehydration, a fatty liver and swollen limbs.
But when police showed up, the parents stood in the driveway, waiting with three other children.
Detectives described the couples two other biological kids, ages 3 and 5, as extremely malnourished, yellowish and pale. The parents told the police their family is vegan, only letting their children eat raw fruits and vegetables like mangoes and bananas, according to the News-Press.
Both children weighed less than the third percentile for their age groups and one of them had blackened, decaying teeth that only surgery could fix.
Muscas law firm denied reports of child neglect, noting the entire family is small in stature the children are healthy.
The mother is a nurturing parent and a devout Christian, read the firms statement.
The third child, Sheilas biological daughter, appeared healthier. She only visited every other month and lived with her biological father after she failed to thrive in her mothers care, according to documents the News-Press reviewed.
The entire family is small in stature ... the children are healthy
Sheila is a stay-at-home parent while Ryan worked two jobs. She told police she home-schooled her children, although officers didnt find any records to prove their enrollment in a home-school program.
Any time you do see a child that was counting on someone to care for them and those people did something that resulted in their death, it hits you a lot harder, Master Cpl. Phil Mullen with the Cape Coral police department told WFTX.
When the autopsy revealed their toddlers cause of death, the couple surrendered themselves to the police on Nov. 6.
The Department of Children and Families also took away OLearys two surviving kids for their safety.
Both parents are currently being held on bond, which is set at $250,000 each ($200,000 for the charge of aggravated negligent manslaughter of a child, $25,000 for child neglect causing great bodily harm charge and another $25,000 for the charge of child neglect without harm).
Their arraignments are scheduled for Dec. 9.
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Florida parents fed their toddler only raw fruits and vegetables now he's dead - National Post
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Here’s What Happened When This Guy Ate One Meal a Day for an Entire Week –
Posted: November 26, 2019 at 9:47 am
Weve seen a few people use an extreme version of intermittent fasting known as one meal a day (OMAD) to lose weight. As the name suggests, OMAD means eating one meal a day, typically during the same hour every day; some proponents say you can eat whatever you want during that time, while others advise still eating healthy.
OMAD is a radical way of controlling your calorie intake, and its controversial: As one expert points out, its hard to get all your nutrients in one sitting even if you feel full, and that one-hour-a-day window makes it hard to refuel after a workout.
Fitness vlogger Joe Delaney wanted to see what an OMAD diet would do for him, so he tried it for a week. After pointing out that celebrities such as Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and former NFL star Herschel Walker have hyped extreme fasting, Delaney says, Personally, I think it sounds like a terrible idea. Then he jumps into it.
At first, Delaney adapts pretty well. He eats late in the day until hes full; one mid-week meal hits 2,5000 calories, which he soon decides is not enough. He starts doing his workouts as soon as he starts feeling hungry, which seems to quell the feelinghe suggests its habitual hunger. Going to bed early, he says, also helps with late-day hunger.
The biggest problem, he discovers, is variety. He ends up eating large portions of a few things, rather than smaller portions of different food. He had trouble getting enough calories in the one-hour window to eat. By the end, he says, Its not great. Though he lost 2.5 pounds, he cant list any benefitsno increased concentration or mental acuity, and whatever time he saved not thinking about meals was offset by feeling hungry. Overall, he says, I think its bullshit.
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Steak and chips, fish dinner and beans on toast as youve never seen them before: The food bringing dignity to the elderly – The Telegraph
Posted: November 25, 2019 at 6:45 pm
If this plate of steak and chips looks a bit unusual, that is because it has been blended and remoulded to be safe for stroke, dementia and Parkinsons patients to eat.
The novel food has been designed to bring dignity and choice to the one in four elderly people in the UK who have problems swallowing.
Known as texture modified foods, the meals are made of real ingredients like meat, potatoes and vegetables which are blended into a smooth paste before being moulded into shape.
Experts say it means thousands of elderly people who are unable to swallow normal food can safely experience eating a proper" meal without the risk of choking on lumps - instead of having to rely on eating pureed, baby food meals which can be boring and undignified.
As many as one in four people aged over 76 in the UK suffers from difficulties swallowing, known medically as dysphagia.
The condition, which ranges in severity from being unable to swallow certain foods to being completely unable to swallow, is usually caused by other health problems which damage control of the mouth and throat.
Studies suggest dysphagia affects around 300,000 stroke patients in the UK, as well as up to one in five people with dementia and up to two thirds of later-stage Parkinsons patients.
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Diabetes Prevention plan: Start eating avocadoes from today – TheHealthSite
Posted: November 25, 2019 at 6:45 pm
Avocado has already made a place for itself in the good book of nutritionists, thanks to its healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin D, vitamin E, and other major nutrients. Starting comes with a improving the function of your digestive system, alleviating depression and strengthening your vision to reducing your risk of osteoporosis and healthy cholesterol regulation, this stony fruit does it all for you. Now, it turns out that avocados can help in diabetes prevention too. According to a study published in the journal MolecularNutrition and Food Research, Avocation B (AvoB), a fat molecule found only in avocados, counters incomplete oxidation in skeletal muscle and thepancreas to reduce insulin resistance.Incomplete oxidation is a state where your body is unable to burn fats due to obesity or diabetes. Insulin resistance in diabetic patients doesnt allow their to properly remove glucose from the blood. Diabetes has been linked with increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.
Here are the details of the study, that were given to ANI, by the researchers.
For the first time, new research led by Prof. Paul Spagnuolo has shown how a compound found only in the fruit can inhibit cellular processes that normally lead to diabetes.In safety testing in humans, the team also found that the substance was absorbed into the blood with no adverse effects in the kidney, liver or muscle. Those complications can arise when mitochondria, or the energy powerhouses in the bodys cells, are unable to burn fatty acids completely. Normally, fatty acid oxidation allows the body to burn fats. Obesity or diabetes hinders that process, leading to incomplete oxidation. In their study, the team fed mice high-fat diets for eight weeks to induce obesity and insulin resistance. For the next five weeks, they added AvoB to the high-fat diets of half of the mice. The treated mice weighed significantly less than those in the control group, showing slower weight gain.
More important, said Spagnuolo, the treated mice showed greater insulin sensitivity, meaning that their bodies were able to absorb and burn blood glucose and improve their response to insulin.
In a human clinical study, AvoB given as a dietary supplement to participants eating a typical western diet was absorbed safely into their blood without affecting the kidney, liver or skeletal muscle. The team also saw reductions in weight in human subjects, although Spagnuolo said the result was not statistically significant. Having demonstrated its safety in humans, they plan to conduct clinical trials to test AvoBs efficacy in treating metabolic ailments in people. Spagnuolo said the safety trial helped the team to determine just how much AvoB to include in the supplement formulation.
Published : November 25, 2019 2:34 pm | Updated:November 25, 2019 4:30 pm
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The Fruitarian Diet: What You Need To Know – Daily Stock Dish
Posted: November 25, 2019 at 6:45 pm
Theres no one-size-fits-all plan: People interpret fruitarianism to suit their needs. Some fruitarians start the day by juicing 10 oranges. Others eat a banana-berry smoothie. Still others sit down to enjoy a plate of mangoes, melon, and almonds. A growing subset of vegans describe themselves as fruitarians, which may mean that up to 75 percent or more of what they eat is fruit.
Some people only eat raw organic fruit, while others allow dried or frozen fruit. Some fruitarians permit nuts and seeds, which grow on trees and can be categorized as fruits. Similarly, some may eat grains, which are considered to be the fruits of the plants which produce them. Some fruitarians round out their diets with leafy greens or other vegan-friendly foods. Others only eat sweet fruits.
Nutrition experts consider fruitarianism a fad diet that could cause malnutrition because so many food groups are left out of the diet, yet enthusiasts believe that the eating style works for them. Many fruitarians only eat home-prepared foods, to ensure that theyre not getting unwanted ingredients from restaurants. Heres what else fruitarians may experience:
Nibbling all day
Many fruitarians eat whenever theyre hungry, rather than consuming three meals. You may find you are grazing, says Beth Bluestone, RD, a registered dietitian at Cleveland Clinic Wellness. The calories are more quickly absorbed than from other foods. Youre going to burn through it fast.
Feeling bloated
The fiber and natural sugars in fruit may cause gassiness and bloating. Some people have trouble digesting large quantities of fructose, Bluestone says. It can cause abdominal discomfort, diarrhea. Tracy Morris, Fitbits nutritionist adds, Still, the huge amount of fruit required to meet your daily calorie needs is likely to cause some degree of bloating for most people.
Incorporating fats
A well-balanced diet contains fats, protein, and carbohydrates. Fruit is comprised mainly of carbohydrates, but fruitarians can get fat from avocados, nuts, and seeds. Plus, nuts and seeds may supply essential fatty acids. One [essential fatty acid] in particular is omega 3s, Bluestone says. Thats something that we can get from a plant source, but it depends if we are having nuts and seeds in the diet or not. Flaxseeds and walnuts, are a great source of omega 3s.
Seeking protein
It may be extremely difficult for fruitarians to get enough protein, although nuts, seeds, and grains can be valuable sources. I would even recommend fruitarians include some eggs, beans, or even steak once in a while, says Bart Wolbers, researcher at Nature Builds Health.
Vegans on a vegetable-rich can find it tricky to meet their protein needs if they arent including legumes or nuts and seeds-the fruitarian diet is extremely low in protein. We need essential amino acids, the building blocks of , to help to build and repair your muscles, organs, skin, blood, and to make different chemicals, like hormones, in your body. Fruit, although high in essential nutrients like fiber and vitamin C, isnt a source of protein. Were not able to meet all those building blocks of those different essential amino acids when your diet is that highly restricted, says Bluestone.
Considering supplements
Fruit contains fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants but is missing many essential nutrients that you need. People who follow this diet can be at a significantly increased risk of deficiencies in iron, protein, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, says Amanda A. Kostro Miller, RD, LDN, who serves on the advisory board for .
Strict fruitarians may not want to take supplements. Protein supplements that are from a plant source, such as soy or pea protein would not fall into the fruitarian category, and thats where it becomes challenging, Bluestone says.
Rounding out the diet
Broadening your interpretation beyond sweet fruit will make the diet more balanced, healthier, and sustainable. Morris says, Experts around the world agree we should all be and less animal products-its better for our health and its better for the planet-but theres no need to limit yourself to only fruit. Why eliminate whole food groups which have been shown to improve health and add years to your life? Filling your plate with foods like vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds is a smart eating strategy.
Signs the diets hurting your health
Fruitarianism isnt for everyone. Ashton Kutcher made headlines in 2013 when he was hospitalized after following the diet. If you feel hungry constantly, its time to abandon the plan. Symptoms such as low energy levels, confusion, tiredness, hair loss, hair thinning, muscle wasting, slow healing, extreme weight loss, or getting sick easier, says Bluestone, are signs its time to ditch the diet.
How to safely eat a fruit-heavy diet
If youre intrigued by the idea of subsisting mainly on fruits, ask a registered dietitian how to do it safely. Talk about what your health goals are and what youre trying to accomplish, Bluestone says. We can work together to make it happen, looking out to prevent malnutrition, and preventing them from adopting a long-term plan that would not be healthy.
This article is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.
Lisa Fields
Lisa Fields is a full-time freelance writer who specializes in health, nutrition, fitness, sleep and psychology. Her work has been published in Readers Digest, WebMD, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Womens Health, Shape, Self and other publications. She lives in South Jersey, outside of Philadelphia.
Fitbit Inc. published this content on 21 September 2019 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 21 September 2019 15:56:01 UTC
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The pubs in North Wales, Chester and Liverpool giving drivers free soft drinks this Christmas – Daily Post
Posted: November 25, 2019 at 6:45 pm
Christmas is the time of year where you can eat and drink as much as you like without feeling guilty and it's Christmas is the only excuse you need.
But while its nice to get merry and have a drink, or two, at the pub, its important to keep the roads safe during the festive period.
When consuming alcohol you should always drink responsibly, ensuring you have a way to get home safely, whether thats a taxi, walking or using a designated driver.
But being the responsible one can sometimes feel like youre missing out, so Greene King pubs have teamed up with Coca-Cola to launch their annual Christmas anti-drink drive campaign.
To mark 10 years of the campaign - and to make the festive period a little more enjoyable for the designated drivers taking one for the team - this year they have also teamed up with Heineken.
The campaign is offering free soft drinks, including Coke and Diet Coke, Appletiser or an alcohol-free bottle of Heineken to drivers.
All you have to do is show your keys to the bar staff at any Greene King run pub in North Wales when you buy your first soft drink, and theyll give you some vouchers for a free second drink.
There are five Greene King run pubs in North Wales where you can take advantage of this until January 1:
However, if you're heading further afield for you Christmas do, these are some other noteworthy participating pubs:
Paul Robertson, associate director, On-Premise at Coca-Cola European Partners GB, said: Wed like to thank Greene King for partnering with us for the last 10 years on the Designated Driver campaign and continuing to evolve the platform to ensure it remains relevant to todays consumers.
Greene King should be applauded for its continued leadership in helping to promote responsible drinking and embracing the role soft drinks can play across its estate, especially on the lead up to Christmas. Heres to another 10 years of partnership.
Phil Thomas, Chief Commercial Officer at Greene King, added: As a leading pub company, we have an important role to play in helping to promote responsible drinking, and we have given away around a quarter of a million free Coca-Cola products over the past decade as part of the Designated Driver campaign.
Cindy Tervoort, Marketing Director, HEINEKEN, said: "As many people unite in bars across the country during the Christmas party season, we feel its important to offer a choice for everyone at this time of year whilst also encouraging people to be safe on the roads.
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The pubs in North Wales, Chester and Liverpool giving drivers free soft drinks this Christmas - Daily Post
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Live blog: Cyclist ‘nearly knocked off’ in punishment pass by another cyclist; Tim Wellens takes a tumble during Final Breakaway Part 2; Teen given…
Posted: November 25, 2019 at 6:45 pm
The 800-mile route from Derbyshire to Cape Wrath developed by Cycling UK has picked up its first award a little over two months after officially launching, picking up the gong atiNewsNational Staycation Awards.
Duncan Dollimore, Cycling UKs head of campaigns said, At Cycling UK were passionate about both encouraging and enabling more people to enjoy the UKs breathtaking countryside, so its great to see our Great North Trail recognised by the Staycation Awards.
The off-road cycling community has been calling for joined up and long-distance routes, which is why Cycling UK developed and launched the Great North Trail. Its an 800- mile trail from Derbyshire to the northern coasts of Scotland, connecting existing off-road routes with quiet lanes to create an iconic largely off-road route across some of northern England and Scotlands most stunning landscapes.
This is all despite Cycling UK admitting the route still"isn't perfect", and say there is an ongoing process in some areas of the trail to negotiate permissive access. This is to designate ideal sections as bridleways rather than footpaths to avoid any on-road sections for cyclistswhere possible.
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Live blog: Cyclist 'nearly knocked off' in punishment pass by another cyclist; Tim Wellens takes a tumble during Final Breakaway Part 2; Teen given...
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Ventolin is used for – Ventolin gsk recall – What are the drugs called that are used to dilate the walls of the bronchi and treat asthma – Laughlin…
Posted: November 25, 2019 at 6:45 pm
November 19, 2019 Cover
Pam Tillis keeps busy touring, making appearances and forever moving forward to her next musical project. Just last week she was a presenter for the Country Music Association awards with Women of Country Music as the theme.Country music is lucky to have her in their genre. But it wouldnt have mattered what Tillis chose to record and perform, she has one of those rare voices that lends itself to anything she wants to sing. She can easily move from classic country, to pop, to a bluesy torch singer wherever her heart, her soul and the lyrics lead.
Its rare when the puzzle pieces just seem to fit the first time a person opens the jigsaw box, but when Norm Stulz had the ability to make people laugh as early as the second grade in Detroit, there was no denying opening the comedy box was his lifes calling.Just a few years later in the seventh grade, he met the girl of his dreams and to this day, he and his wife Sharon, continue to build on a life together as two crazy kids in love. Laughter has been the glue for the relationship and the career path that has sustained Stulz for nearly 40 years.
Hosting a holiday dinner for your family is an undertaking in itself, but resorts are tasked with preparing the perfect menu for thousands of guests at multiple restaurants.Which items do guests want on the menu? How much food to order? When to start cooking? How many guests to prepare for? These are all questions the food and beverage departments must consider when planning for a holiday.
This time of year box stores are filled to the brim with every electronic device and latest phone known to man, but are there people on your list who already have all that stuff? Everyone has that one relative who is a challenge when comes to finding the perfect gift. Unique people require unique items and thinking outside the traditional box store offerings. Maybe that difficult-to-buy-for person is yourself because you never know what might strike your fancy.
Posted in Diet And Food
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