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Can Babies Learn to Love Vegetables? – The New Yorker
Posted: November 18, 2019 at 10:45 am
In a laboratory in Denver, on a decommissioned U.S.Army base, a baby sits in a high chair with two electrodes attached to his chest. To his left, on a small table, a muffin tin holds four numbered cups, each filled with a green substance. On the walls and the ceiling, four cameras and an omnidirectional microphone record the babys every burble and squawk, then transmit them to a secure server in an adjacent room. What looks like a window with blinds, across the room from the baby, is in fact a two-way mirror with a researcher behind it, scribbling notes. The babys mother takes a spoonful of the first sample and lifts it to the babys mouth, and the experiment begins.
Building 500, as this facility was formerly known, has the looming hulk of an Egyptian temple: it was once the largest man-made structure in Colorado. When it opened, in 1941, four days before the attack on Pearl Harbor, threats to American safety were much on the governments mind. (After the war, President Eisenhower spent seven weeks on the eighth floor, recuperating from a heart attack.) The Good Tastes Study, as the baby experiment is called, is in a similar spirit. The two electrodes on the babys chest will monitor his heart rate and how it fluctuates with his breathing. A third electrode, on the sole of the babys foot, will measure his galvanic skin response, or how much hes sweating. Together, theyll indicate whether the green substance is triggering a fight-or-flight response. Does the baby sense danger?
The enemy in question is kale. The four cups are all filled with raw kale leaves whipped into a smooth pure, or slurry, as food researchers call it. One sample is plain, another sweet, another sweeter still, and the last one salted. Sugar and salt can mask the bitterness in kale, but this baby isnt fooled. No matter which sample hes offered, he grimaces and turns his head, purses his lips, and swats the spoon away. The more his mother tries, the grumpier he gets, till he kicks his foot so hard that he jostles the electrode, disrupting the signal. Its just a thing that happens, Susan Johnson, the director of the study and a professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado, told me. Completely throws off the galvanic skin response. If you can find a body part thats not in motion, let me know.
Most babies could use a dose of kale: a half cup has more than a days worth of Vitamins A, C, and K. The only problem is that they hate itor so parents and baby-food manufacturers seem to assume. Two years ago, when Johnson launched the study, she sent her graduate students to find some commercial baby foods made from pure kale or other dark-green vegetables. They couldnt find any. The few that did exist were mixed with fruit. I sort of blew it off at first, Johnson told me. I just sent them out again and said, Try harder. They went to Kroger, Walmart, Whole Foods, and Sprouts; they scoured the organic markets in Boulder, then widened their search to the Internet. Still no luck. The closest thing they could find was a Polish product made with Brussels sprouts. Thats when I started to get less frustrated and more interested, Johnson said.
Food preferences are a chicken-and-egg problem. Do we choose them or do they choose us? The Good Tastes Study was designed to tease such mysteries apart. Over the next six months, a hundred and six babies will pass through Building 500 and try the samples. Afterward, two experts in human expression will scrutinize their faces on the videos. Theyll divide their features into zones of activity and classify every twisted lip and wrinkled nose according to a Facial Action Coding System. The system can sort adult expressions into emotional categories: Happiness, Sadness, Surprise, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Contempt. But baby faces are too pudgy for such specificity, Johnson says, so shell settle for positive, negative, and neutral. (When a baby makes a gesture known as the rake and claws the kale off his tongue, thats negative.) Shell correlate those responses with the electrode readings, compare them with the babies reactions to a control substance (oatmeal), and then circle back to see how the parents reacted to their childrens reactions.
Baby food shouldnt be this hard. After a few hundred thousand years of raising children, humans ought to have this part down. No food has been more obsessively studied, no diet more fiercely controlled, no dining experience more anxiously stage-managed. Yet we still get it wrong. On any given day, a quarter of American toddlers eat no vegetables. When they do eat them, the most popular choice is French fries. Why dont babies know whats good for them? And why dont we?
When my kids were young and peevish and a carrot could cause a revolutionwhen Ruby loved oatmeal but hated Cream of Wheat, and Hans loved Cream of Wheat but hated oatmeal, and Evangeline wanted no breakfast at all; when every dinner was like the Yalta Conference and the table like enemy terrain, booby-trapped with vegetables that could go off in your faceI took courage from Calvin Schwabe.
Schwabe was a man not easily disgusted. A veterinary epidemiologist at the University of California, Davis, he specialized in parasitic worms that get passed from dogs and wild animals to people and end up in their liver, lungs, and brain. When Schwabe moved to Davis, in 1966, after a decade studying tapeworm infestations in Lebanon and Kenya, he found the local culture a little tame. He was famous for taking grad students to ethnic restaurants and chiding the chefs for not using authentic ingredients. He hosted dinners of grilled guinea pig and deep-fried turkey testicles.
Squeamishness is more than a minor character flaw, Schwabe believed. Its an existential threat. Even in America, people go hungry every day although theyre surrounded by perfectly nutritious food. Pets, for instance. Some 3,500 puppies and kittens are born every hour in the United States, Schwabe wrote in Unmentionable Cuisine, his cookbook of taboo foods, published in 1979. The surplus among them represents at least 120 million pounds per year of potentially edible meat now being totally wasted. Unmentionable Cuisine is a work of calculated outrage, but its not A Modest Proposal. Its a practical guide, Schwabe wrote, for the not too distant day when people may have no choice but to eat stewed cat (page 176) and beetles in shrimp sauce (page 372). If we were all just a little less finicky, we could feed the world.
Its a sensible argument, but then food preferences are rarely amenable to sense. Our tastes are us, we like to think. We were born hating lamb or fermented fish, even if half the world loves nothing better. And its true that everyone experiences food differently. The woman beside you on the bus may have three times as many taste buds as you do, and different genes regulating those tastes. Depending on which version of the TAS2R38 gene you have, you may be highly sensitive to bitter foods, mildly sensitive, or not sensitive at all. People with dense, hypersensitive taste buds are often called supertasters, and are said to represent about a quarter of the population. Another quarter, with sparse, insensitive taste buds, are called nontasters, and the rest fall somewhere in between.
But its not that simple. Supertasters dont always live up to the namein some studies, they react to food just as regular tasters doand genetic effects tend to fade. Children who are hypersensitive to bitterness are often especially fond of sugar. But that predilection disappears in adults, while the taste for bitterness grows. Being a finicky eater makes evolutionary sense for a toddler, lumbering around sticking things in his mouth. Better to spit them out if they dont taste familiar. But we learn to pick our poisons, and then to love them beyond reason. We go from Pabst to I.P.A., milk chocolate to dark, latte to espresso, homing in on the bitterness we once avoided. Our biology is not our destiny, Julie Mennella, a biopsychologist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, in Philadelphia, told me. Were omnivores, and there is a lot of plasticity in the brain. Taste begins as nature and ends as nurture.
The index at the end of Unmentionable Cuisine is a gallery of horrors, or a good bedtime story, depending on the child: Bat, baked, page 209; Donkey brains, page 165; Dormouse, stuffed, page 208. Schwabe presents his book as a collection of culinary taboos, but its really the opposite: a celebration of what people will eat. Some Chinese love earthworm broth, and Zanzibaris feast on white-ant pie; the French have been known to eat eels with sea-urchin-gonad sauce, and some Hawaiians have a taste for broiled puppy. Human beings will eat damn near anything, it seems. You just have to start them young.
Late one afternoon in August, in a suburban kitchen in Scarsdale, New York, I watched a woman named Saskia Sorrosa roast beets for a baby-food recipe. Beets are kales dark twin in the baby-food family. Something about their loamy sweetness, the taste of iron and manganese that seeps through them like runoff from a rusty pipe, turns children off. I used to use a little magical thinking, Sorrosa said. When my girls were little, Id tell them that if they eat beets theyll make rainbow poop. Slender and tan, in a denim shirt and black jeans, Sorrosa moved about the kitchen with an easy efficiency. She peeled and chopped the roots, spread them on a cookie sheet with some fresh fennel, and drizzled them with olive oil. She did the same with a tray of asparagus and leeks, then put the trays in the oven. But they also learned pretty quickly that there was only one meal. That was that. If they didnt eat it, there was no dinner.
Sorrosa is the founder and C.E.O. of Fresh Bellies, a line of organic baby meals that Walmart and Kroger began carrying this summer. Seven years ago, when she made her first baby food, she was thirty-three years old and a vice-president of marketing for the National Basketball Association. She had a six-month-old girl and could find nothing in stores to feed her that wasnt insipid or sweet. So Id come home from work and make the menu for the week, she said. Two or three flavors, pure and freeze, then the same thing again two days later. I wasnt just making peaches. I was making peaches with lavender, figuring out which vegetables to cook with onions and which ones with garlic. It was like having a second full-time job.
Born and raised in Ecuador, Sorrosa speaks with her hands and in a rapid, ebullient English with no trace of an accent. Her father was a general manager for Del Monte in Guayaquil, then a banana farmer and exporter. He could afford to send his three daughters to an international school. Sorrosa came to the United States at seventeen to study communications at George Washington University, found work in Miami and New York, and eventually married a childhood friend. My friends said it was like dating your brother, she said. After their second daughter was born, two years after the first, Sorrosa quit her job and launched her business. She rented a professional kitchen, hired a chef whod worked for Mario Batali, and began selling her baby food at farmers markets up and down the Hudson. Within three months, she was making as many as two thousand jars a week. This year, Fresh Bellies will produce half a million. Next year, the company should quadruple that number.
Baby food is in the midst of a golden age. With the rise of two-income families, home delivery, and ever pickier eaters, the global market has grown to nine billion dollars a year, sixteen per cent of it in the United States. Nine out of ten Americans have eaten commercial baby food for some period of time. Happy Baby, Tiny Organics, Once Upon a Farm, and dozens of other brands have joined in a scrum for the boutique market, over the bodies of fallen competitors like Bohemian Baby. One baby-food delivery service, called Yumi, promises to introduce babies to over 80+ ingredients in the most nutrient-dense purees available. Its lineup includes Kiwi Chia Pudding and Baby Borscht: Superfoods for Superbabies.
Sorrosa has a simpler goal. She wants her children to eat the way she ate as a child. In Ecuador, we had whatever the adults were havingit was just pured and given to babies, she said. I learned to eat spicy young. On weekends, friends and neighbors would descend on her parents farm for buffets of ceviche and sancocho soup (a beef broth with mashed plantains and lime juice), braised goat stew and shrimp in peanut sauce. All of which found its way into Sorrosas mouth as she hung from her mothers hip.
Palate training is the buzz phrase for this, though it makes babies sound a bit like interns at a wine bar. We learn to eat what were given to eat, and that education begins before were born. When a pregnant woman eats a green bean, its flavor winds its way into the amniotic fluid around her fetus, and later into her breast milk. Carrots, vanilla, alcohol, nicotine, mintIve never found a flavor that didnt get through, Julie Mennella told me. Those tastes, and the colors and textures of things that contain them, come to signify food in babies minds. Children whose mothers ate potatoes with garlic while pregnant, a study in Ireland found, are more likely to enjoy potatoes with garlic ten years later.
By now, Sorrosas kitchen was filled with the smell of roasting vegetables, earthy and sweet. She took the trays from the oven and let them cool, then pured the beets and fennel with an herb stock made with oregano from her garden. She was doing the same with the asparagus and the leeks when her daughters came tumbling in, wearing summer dresses and pink headbands. Sorrosa handed them bags of beet chips and freeze-dried red peppers to eat. When I asked what their favorite foods were, Alexa, the five-year-old, tilted her head and scrunched her eyes. Chicken nuggets? Hamburgers? Her mother laughed and waved her off. We never eat chicken nuggets, she said. Then she took a plate and spooned the two pures on it, bright green and red like traffic lights, and handed it to me.
This was cheating, of course. No commercial baby food could be so fresh. To keep for weeks on a shelf, food has to be pressure-cooked at two hundred and fifty degrees, or simmered at lower temperatures and spiked with an acid to help fend off bacteria. Fresh Bellies takes the second approach. Its We Got the Beet flavor is tart with lemon juice and much rougher on the tongue than the suave pures shed given me. Its also three times as expensive as most baby food and has to be kept refrigerated. Still, its recognizable as food in a way that the gray sludge in jars often isnt. And it has no added sugar or fruit. You could mix it with chickpeas to make a really delicious hummus, Sorrosa said, and she was right. This was baby food for grownups.
Sorrosa wasnt teaching her girls to eat as she did in Ecuador. She was teaching them to eat as she does now, in Scarsdale, with cookbooks by Ottolenghi and the Barefoot Contessa on the counter. Her girls were contented omnivores, as she intended. But what part of their training was essential to their good health, and what part was just teaching them to be foodies like their mother? I like Chopt salad! Isa, the seven-year-old, told me, trying to cover for her sisters chicken-nugget comment. And chicken-noodle ramen! Sorrosa gave her the side-eye. Ramen? Then her face brightened. Oh, you mean at Momofuku! You do love that.
Babies are creatures of fashion. They may not know what fashion is, but theyre under our control, so we dress them as we like and feed them what we want. Their diets distill our anxieties. In the nineteenth century, this meant breast milk for a year or until the first molars appeared. In the nineteen-thirties, with the rise of scientific motherhood, it meant formula at first, then cereal at seven or eight months. It meant jars of overcooked carrots in the nineteen-fifties, in the heyday of industrial food, and homemade pures in the nineteen-seventies. Babies have been early adopters of organic, low-carb, gluten-free, vegan, and hypoallergenic diets. But if the latest trend is to feed them what theyll eat as adults we may be betting on the wrong horse. Our own diets seem to change every five years. Whos to say what their diet will be?
Fruits and vegetables are the best proof of that fickleness. Until the early twentieth century, they were a suspect food, the cultural historian Amy Bentley writes in Inventing Baby Food. Raw fruit was thought to cause fever, based on medical theories that dated back to the second-century Greek physician Galen of Pergamum. Vegetables were seen as sources of dysentery and diarrhea. (The real problem was the polluted water used to wash them.) When canned fruits and vegetables were sold, it was mostly in apothecaries, as laxatives. Only the discovery of vitamines, so named by the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk, in 1912, restored their reputation. Nowadays it has become a race between physicians and nutritionists to see who dares to feed vegetables and solid food the earliest, a pediatrician at the Mayo Clinic wrote in 1954. Vegetables have already been fed in the first month. We can now relax and see what it is all about.
What it was about was business, abetted by bad medicine. Between 1921, when a restaurant manager named Harold Clapp made the first commercial baby food, in Rochester, New York, and 1960, the baby-food industry swelled into a quarter-billion-dollar business. In that same period, the average age at which babies were fed solid food dropped from seven or eight months to less than two. Formula and patent foods were better than breast milk, pediatricians and advertisers claimed. Formula never ran out, and baby food could be enriched to suit an infants needs. For Babys Sake, Stay Out of the Kitchen! a Gerber ad insisted in 1933. Science could provide what mothers could not.
They werent wrong. Babies of that era were often anemic, so they needed food fortified with iron. But that was because physicians insisted on clamping their umbilical cords immediately after birth. This kept blood from flowing from the placenta, depriving the baby of up to a third of its blood supply. Instead of nursing at their mothers breast, babies were carted off and given formula, which kept the mothers milk from coming in. It was a self-perpetuating cycle, and it kept spinning long after children grew up. Just as eating broccoli as a baby can teach you to love it as an adult, eating foods full of sugar, salt, starches, and preservatives can give you a taste for those things later on. Its palate training on an industrial scale.
Babies can get fat when fed solid food too soon. Before the age of five months, theyre often too weak to refuse a meal, and adults, in their way, follow suit. Industrializing the food supply was a win for most people, Bentley told me. It created safe, affordable, shelf-stable food that only rich people used to be able to eat. The problem is that, when so much food is available, the rules around it disintegrate. We can afford to eat like cavemen now or to be gluten-free. We can eat anything, anywhere, anytime, and the really delicious stuff is not that great for you. So now we arent dying of disease or hunger. Were dying from consuming too much.
The beaming faces on baby-food jars can hide quantities of unhealthy additives and worse, Ralph Nader told Congress in 1969. Seven years earlier, Rachel Carson had found that chemical fertilizers could work their way into the fruits and vegetables in baby food. A year after that, a study found that rats fed a baby-food diet developed hypertension. A series of contamination scandals followed: rodent excrement in dry baby food, cockroach fragments in Beech-Nut jars, chips of enamel paint and high levels of lead in many others. One of the enduring characteristics of the food industry is its penchant to sell now and have someone else test later, Nader said. Even dog food was more clearly labelled.
The backlash was furious but brief. If the scientific mothers of the nineteen-thirties wanted baby food untouched by human hands, the natural mothers of the seventies wanted only handmade food. After a half century of being pushed around by doctors and industry, they were ready to take mothering back, Bentley writes. Pressing a button on a blender was easier than forcing squash through a sieve, and a spate of new cookbooks offered advice for the trickier parts. Peel the banana, a recipe for Banana in Making Your Own Baby Food explained, and mash it in a dish with a fork.
A third of all baby food is now homemade, yet the baby-food industry is bigger than ever. Its new products have more vegetables and fewer additives. They are better labelled and more cleanly processed (though a recent study found trace quantities of heavy metals in nearly all the baby foods it tested, probably from pesticides and airborne pollutants). Gerber even has certified dietitians, lactation experts, and sleep coaches on call for free. But the true attraction is still convenience. Grinding your own carrots is a drag, even with a Baby Bullet blender, and your child may like the stuff in jars better anyway. We are concerned with the technical task of mass feeding, Gerbers director of research, Robert A.Stewart, concluded in 1968, after dismissing the notion that the companys use of sugar, salt, modified starch, and MSG was bad for babies. The quickest way to fail in such mass feeding is to prepare a nutritional product in a form that the consumer will not eat.
The taste-testing center for the Gerber Products Company is in a town I may not name, in a facility Ive been forbidden to describe in detail. Its a kind of baby black-ops site. Do you know where youre going? my driver asked, when he arrived in a Lincoln town car. I know the address. But do you know what the business is? Gerber has been conducting taste tests since the nineteen-fifties. At first, the samples were sent to panelists by mail; then the tests were moved to a hotel in Fremont, Michigan, where the Gerber factory is situated. But the company worried that the results were skewed: many of the panelists owed their jobs to Gerber. So the tests were moved to this town which I shall not name, in a state that will likewise go unspecified. They rented out a church basement for a while, Sarah Smith-Simpson, a chipper, speed-talking principal scientist with Gerbers Consumer Sensory Insight division, told me. But they kept getting bumped out by funeral lunches.
We were waiting for the babies to show up. Gerber runs about a hundred and fifty taste tests a yearsince this facility opened, in 1996, babies have tried more than a hundred and fifty thousand individual servings. As we watched, nine mothers and one father filed in with babies on their hips. They took their places in cubicles furnished with high chairs and desktop computers. Then a cart full of white ramekins was wheeled in. Half the ramekins were filled with a pale-yellow pure; the other half had a pure that was closer to beige. Across from me, a moonfaced girl in a white stegosaurus jumper, identified only as Judge No. 7, grunted and kicked her legs. She turned and gave me a long, level stare, then blew a raspberry in my direction.
For the next fifteen minutes, she and the other babies would taste the two samples and their parents would rate their reactions on the computer. It was the Good Tastes Study without electrodes. Only instead of kale the babies were eating applesauce.
There arent many things that babies like better than applesauce. The two samples were subtly differentone was made from a single apple variety, the other from fourbut they were equally sweet. And sugar is the great override button of infant taste. A few drops can calm a babys heart, release opiates in her brain, and settle her neural activity into a pleasurable pattern. Adults in taste tests reach a bliss point at about five teaspoons of sugar per cup of water. Babies prefer twice that amount. This test, in other words, was a no-brainer. It was like asking third graders if they want to go to Disneyland. Really? How about Harry Potter world? Judge No. 7 was already pounding her tray for more.
Gerber would have it no other way. The company has dominated the baby-food industry almost from the day, in 1927, when Dorothy Gerber, tired of mashing peas in her kitchen, asked her husband if he couldnt do a better job of it at his canning factory. Between 1936 and 1946 alone, Gerbers business grew by three thousand per cent. The company now claims roughly two-thirds of the baby-food market, and has the highest consumer loyalty of any brand in America. Fremont is nestled among apple orchards and vegetable fields near Lake Michigan, where the winds off the water cool the ripening fruit and help it set sugar in the summer. There is a baby-food festival every July, with crawling competitions and baby-food-eating contests, and a harvest festival in September. From the sky-blue water tower at the center of town to the image of the iconic Gerber baby in the lobby (clearly too young to be eating solid food), everything seems to belong to the same happy kingdom. When I visited, this fall, the Gerber employees I interviewed seemed incapable of a negative thought. Theyd all fed Gerber products to their children or grandchildren, apparently, and always with impeccable results: every child healthy, every mealtime harmonious, every dinner sweet.
That is not most parents experience. In 2002, Gerber commissioned a survey of childrens eating habits in more than three thousand American households. The rate of childhood obesity had tripled in thirty years, and the survey confirmed the reasons in sobering detail. American babies were drinking soda as early as seven months. They ate a third too many calories, often from chips and fries. One in five ate no green vegetables daily, and one in three no fruit. The picture has improved a bit since thenbabies now breast-feed a little longerbut the over-all pattern holds. American toddlers are more likely to eat dessert than plants.
Judge No. 7 had had enough. She signalled this fact by grabbing the spoon from her mothers hand, slapping it to her forehead like a salute, and shouting Baaaaa! Shed eaten both dishes clean. They like what they like, Smith-Simpson said, after the parents had filed out of the room, sated babies back on their hips. We were standing in an observation room next door, looking out at the testing area through a two-way mirror. On Gerbers old nine-point tasting scale (it has since switched to seven points), an eight or above was a home runcause for a joyous announcement in Fremont. Vegetables averaged six and a half. I dont know that anyone likes Brussels sprouts or kale the first time, Smith-Simpson said.
We know how to solve this problem. To learn to like a vegetable, children have to try it again and again, the psychologist Leann Birch found more than forty years ago. Sometimes it takes ten tries or more. But who wants to take that advice? Who wants to watch a baby toss a turnip across a room five times, much less ten? Most of our research shows that parents will buy one container and give it three or four times, but they wont buy it again, Smith-Simpson told me. Good eating habits are the one skill that parents dont mind their children giving up on, Saskia Sorrosa told me: When theyre learning to ride a bike, they fall down a hundred times. Learning to read takes years. But when theyre learning to eat its Oh, well, you didnt like it the first time. Dont bother.
Taste tests like Gerbers miss the point, Sorrosa believes. Babies have no idea whats good for them. If we want them to eat like adults, their food should taste good to adults. Yet Sorrosa cant escape the logic of the market, either. The beet-fennel pure that she made for me was delicious, but she couldnt risk it on a supermarket shelf. Beets are polarizing enough on their own, she said. Add fennel and you have two things that people either love or hate. Its the basic conundrum of baby food: If it sells, its probably not best for babies. If its best for babies, it probably wont sell.
Gerber doesnt add sugar to most of its pures anymore, but its there just the same. The vegetables are almost always mixed with fruitapple-blueberry-spinach, pear-zucchini-mangoor naturally sweet. Production carrots like these grow bigger and set more sugar than the ones you get in a store, Chris Falak, one of Gerbers agricultural-team leaders, told me when we checked on a carrot crop outside Fremont. Theyll get even sweeter after a week of sunny days and cool nights. Of the more than five hundred baby foods with vegetables that Susan Johnsons graduate students surveyed for the Good Tastes Study, nearly forty per cent listed fruit as a first ingredient; another quarter listed red and orange vegetables first. Only one per cent were mostly dark-green vegetables.
The American diet is like a broken bridge, Johnson says. Its missing a span of simple, savory baby foods that can lead to healthy eating habits. Theres nothing wrong with fruit. But fruit in my dark-green vegetables? Who thought that was a good idea? Getting children across the bridge has never been easy, but in a culture that always plays to their weaknesses it can seem impossible. American toddlers now eat an average of seven teaspoons of sugar a day, according to the Centers for Disease Controlmore than the recommended allowance for adults. Even baby food made with a single, unsweetened ingredient may taste nothing like the real thing. Babies raised on the pressure-cooked bananas in jars, one study found, were no more likely than others to enjoy the fresh fruit.
The observation room had a second one-way mirror, which looked into a small working kitchen. We wanted to figure out what parents do at homehow they store the product, feed it, and prepare it, Smith-Simpson said. Then she pushed a button and the room began to revolve like the grand-prize booth on a game show. A minivan was now parked where the kitchen used to be. The car is the second most used environment, she said.
If convenience to a housewife meant not having to cook baby food, convenience to a working parent means not having to serve it. Drivers cant spoon-feed babies in a car seat, but they can hand them a tube of banana puffs and let them feed themselves. The baby-food industry, having lost some of its youngest customersthe recommended age for starting solid food has crept back up to six monthshas expanded its audience on the other end. That has led to a proliferation of new delivery systems, including squirt bottles and squeeze tubes and bags of dehydrated veggie chips. Babies once weaned from jars at twelve months now sip from pouches well into their toddler years. Half of American children under three use them.
The idea, as usual, came from the military. The baby foods of the nineteen-fifties and sixties were often based on foods developed for American soldiers in the Second World War. Their powdered, concentrated, and prepackaged ingredients were easy to serve and close to imperishable. What could be better for baby? And todays pouches are direct descendants of the Armys foil-packed field rations. If you want to see the future of baby food, look in a foxhole.
War fighters are a weapons system. We fuel them with food, Stephen Moody, the director of the U.S.Armys Combat Feeding Directorate, told me, when I visited his labs in Natick, Massachusetts. Square-built and direct of speech, with ears like miniature satellite dishes, Moody runs a team of eighty-seven chemists, biologists, food scientists, and support staff, developing field rations for all five branches of the military. We are building the fuel for that war fire, he said. This seemed a world away from babies eating applesauce. But Moodys goals were a lot like Gerbers: mobility, nutrition, taste. The tinned beef and soy biscuits of the Second World War have given way to a food courts worth of flavors: buffalo chicken with brown rice, beef goulash with smoked paprika, mango-chipotle salmon. Toss a foil pack into a plastic sack with some salt water, add a tea bag of iron and magnesium powder, and the resulting chemical reaction will heat the meal to a hundred degrees in ten minutes. The pack can survive for three years at eighty degrees and withstand a thousand-foot drop from a C-17 cargo plane. Yet the chicken-burrito bowl I tasted was better than most fast food. Even the rice had kept its shape and bite, thanks to a special variety that had taken months to source.
Its only nutritious if they eat it, Moody said, echoing the Gerber scientists of the nineteen-sixties. The soldiers in his field tests are a lot like the babies in taste tests. They get tired of eating the same dish. They refuse to eat some things even when hungry. They have limits to what theyll do for a meal. We always go to war with the perfect rations for the last war, Moody said. We are trying to get ahead of that. Todays military is focussed on counter-insurgency and mobile expeditionary squadsthe equivalent of families in minivans, and similar concerns apply. How heavy is my backpack? Whats the most nutritious snack bar? Whats the simplest self-serve container? Three meals worth of standard field rations weigh just under five pounds. First strike rations for expeditionary forces weigh about three pounds. By microwaving foods in a vacuum or bombarding them with sound waves, Moodys team has managed to reduce their weight and volume by an additional thirty per cent, while improving their flavor.
The logical end to all this is personalized nutrition: to each according to his body chemistry. Field rations vary from thirty-six hundred calories for ordinary soldiers to six thousand for Army rangers or Arctic ski patrols. You wouldnt want to put the same thing in a fighter jet that you put in a tank, Moody said. The next step is to tailor the rations with nutrients for specific tasks: tyrosine for improved cognition, anthocyanins to repair muscles, calcium to thicken bones. (Millennial recruits are prone to stress fractures, Moody said, their frames having gone soft from too much screen time.) One day soon, soldiers will come back from a patrol, download data from their smartwatches, and 3-D-print pills of the nutrients theyve lost. The baby version wont be far behind.
The two fields come closest to converging in the cockpits of spy planes. U-2 pilots need to keep a pressurized helmet on at all times, so they cant use a spoon or a fork. To keep them nourished for flights of up to twelve hours, the Combat Feeding Directorate has designed what look like oversized tubes of toothpaste. Stick the nozzle in a socket on the dashboard and it heats up like a cigarette lighter; stick it in your helmet and you can squeeze the hot food into your mouth. When we first developed them, we did a lot of surveys, Jill Bates, the directorates sensory cordinator, told me. She squeezed two lines of food onto a plate, one beige and the other cream-colored. And we realized that the pilots wanted more texture and mouthfeel in there. The idea that they were having a mealnot just grown men eating pured meat.
The lines did look lumpier than expected, but I wasnt prepared for the taste. Id been imagining something like PlumpyNut, the nutritional paste given to starving children. Yet if I closed my eyes and forgot about the tube, my first taste was of apple pieor a reasonable simulacrum, with bits of crust and real fruit. The second line tasted like a luxurious mac and cheese. It was made with real Gouda and truffle oil, Bates explained, and tiny beads of pastina pasta: Thats the only kind that can squeeze through. Like the other tube foods theyd developedtortilla soup, Key-lime pie, polenta with cheese and baconthese were dishes meant to do more than nourish. They were designed to trigger sense memories: to call to mind a kitchen in Iowa, as a pilot circled the Syrian desert at seventy thousand feet.
Its a lesson Americans learn early and never seem to forgetthat even a replica of a replica of a thing can soothe the heart. That a rough facsimile is often enough. Its why we have Velveeta and margarine and orange juice from concentrate, protein shakes and Soylent drinks and superfood smoothies, made for runners and hikers or just people in a hurry. Were all eating baby food now.
My children have long since grown up and can feed themselves. The strange things I forced on them as kidsgoat kefir gets mentioned more often than Id likeseem not to have stunted them too badly, or twisted their palates into unseemly shapes. Two of them even like beets. Still, after a few months in the crosscurrents of baby-food research, I couldnt help having second thoughts. Did I feed them right? Are their dietary foibles my fault? Would some magic combination of Swiss chard and tempeh, grass-fed beef and organic dragon fruit have made them stronger?
Food should be a comfort to us, but its just as often a torture. And so, one morning this fall, hoping to clear my head of theories and counter-theories and get a hint of how other babies eat, I went to an African farm stand in Maine. Portland has been a haven for immigrants for more than forty years, beginning with Vietnamese and Cambodians in the nineteen-seventies. In the past ten years, a stream of refugees have arrived from Sudan, Somalia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, among other countries, and a scattering of African markets have popped up to serve them. This stand was the brainchild of a group called Cultivating Community, which trained immigrant farmers to grow African produce in Maine. The Somali Bantu man who supplied the vegetables had leased an acre southeast of Lewiston, where he grew the crops these mothers missed most: amaranth greens, African corn, bitter eggplant.
By the time I arrived, a line of women had formed, most of them with babies in slings or strollers. Mariam, the good-natured Djiboutian who ran the stand, had told some of the mothers that I was coming, so a group of them stood to one side, eying me curiously, their hands on their hips or holding bags of greens. Four were from the Congo, one from Angola, and one from Somalia; all were dressed for going out, in elaborately plaited wigs and weaves and carefully applied makeup. We talked for a while about what they feed their babies, and how it differs from what their older children ate in Africatheyd all immigrated in the past two years. Then I made plans to watch three of them cook for their children. But only if you buy the ingredients! a feisty Congolese woman named Rachel, with long copper braids, told me. This takes time, you know!
Rachel was twenty-nine and had studied mathematics in Kinshasa. When she fled the Congo, two years ago, after a government crackdown on dissidents and student protesters, she had an eight-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl, and she was pregnant. The only visas that she and her husband could get were for Ecuador, so they flew to Quito with their children, and made their way north, country by country, on foot and by bus, until they reached Laredo, Texas, and were granted temporary asylum. Now here they were in Maine, on an alien continent. The climate was so cold that it seemed frankly hostile, and the government was less and less inclined to let them stay. The least she could do was feed her children some food from home.
The next day, I picked Rachel up at her apartment, in north Portland, and we went shopping at a Sudanese market in the East End. While I wandered among sacks of fufu flour and canary beans, bottles of palm oil and sorrel syrup, Rachel hitched her daughter Soraya onto her back with a blanket. Soraya was a year old now, with bright eyes and a look of plump, irrepressible health. She watched as her mother threw a head of garlic and some yellow onions into her cart, then picked out an especially fearsome-looking dried catfish, black from smoke. Together with the amaranth leaves and eggplant shed bought at the farm stand, they were the key ingredients in one of her favorite Congolese dishes, lenga-lenga.
Even just this, with some fish and tomatoes, cest formidable, Rachel told me, back at her apartment. She was slicing a green pepper into a pan of onions and whole garlic cloves that were sauting on the stove. She added peeled and cubed eggplant and some sliced leeks, then checked on the amaranth leaves boiling beside them, soft as lambs-quarters. Across the room, Soraya was slumped on the couch. She was watching a cartoon of a mother cradling her child, singing, Hush, little baby, dont say a word. Rachel glanced over at her, then mashed the softened eggplant against the side of the pot with a wooden spoon. She poured the sauted vegetables into the boiling greens, dropped in two bouillon cubes and the smoked catfish, boned but not skinned, and cut in two whole tomatoes. Then she covered the pot and set it to simmer.
Feeding children isnt molecular biology; it just feels like it sometimes. The perfect diet is a target thats both moving and receding, its bulls-eye shrinking in the distance. The Recommended Dietary Allowances for calories and nutrients, first issued by the National Research Council in 1941, were deemed too permissive in 1994. The latest versions, called Dietary Reference Intakes, also include adequate, average, and tolerable nutrient levelsthree more numbers for parents to keep in mind. And every year seems to bring more supplements to obsess over: probiotics, phytonutrients, antioxidants, adaptogens. Weve got solids down to a science, the Yumi baby-food Web site promises. If only.
No doubt theres always something better for babies to eat. But theyre resilient creatures, for all their flab. Any good, varied diet will get them through, and the components arent hard to figure out: a dark-green vegetable, an orange vegetable, a carbohydrate, and a protein for iron and B vitamins. A single egg or half a cup of milk, two or three times a week, can be the difference between a healthy child and a malnourished one, Mutinta Hambayi, a senior nutritionist with the World Food Program, in Rome, told me. One mother said to me, When you have a mouse hole and there are seven babies in there, I can feed one to my child every day! They are called hunger foods, but they are not. They are foods that countries have adapted to eating. In Zambia, where Hambayi grew up, people eat caterpillars; in Kenya, termites; in Uganda, flying ants; in Cambodia, spiders. People find it disgusting, but Im from a landlocked country, Hambayi said. I had the same reaction when I saw prawns.
Babies do have some sense of whats good for them, it turns out. Self-weaned infants, who dispense with pures and just gnaw on their parents food, tend to be slimmer and healthier than those raised on baby food. But only if their parents eat healthy meals themselves. And theres the catch. The average Americans diet is so abysmal, Amy Bentley told me, that most babies are better off eating commercial baby food: Theyll get more and a greater variety of fruits and vegetables than those fed the family meal. To learn to feed our children, we need to learn to feed ourselves.
Rachels lenga-lenga was like no baby food Id ever seen. It was full of onions and garlic and bitter green pepper. It had mashed eggplant and leeks that could give a baby gas. It was salty from the bouillonthe rest of the family would be eating it, tooand far from sweet. By the time it was done cooking, it was a thick green porridge, pungent with smoked fish and sulfurous plants. It made kale look like Christmas candy. And yet, when Rachel brought a bowl of it over to Soraya on the couch, she bounced up and down and clapped her hands.
With really young babies, its not about liking or not liking, Susan Johnson had told me. If they want to eat, theyll eat. Thats the most striking finding of the Good Tastes Study. In video after video, the babies grimace or purse their lips after the first taste of kale. But when offered a second spoonful, they eat it anyway. Its amazing that they do, but they do, Johnson said. There seems to be this window of opportunity between six and nine monthsmaybe even twelve monthswhere theyre just interested in food. And that predisposes them to healthy eating. Theyre like baby birds. It doesnt even matter if they like it. They just try it.
Soraya coughed a little and glanced at the TV. She shook her head and clutched at an empty Cheetos bag on the couch. The spoon was floating toward her now, filled with that smelly, familiar stuff from the bowl. She looked up at her mother with wide, inscrutable eyes, and slowly opened her mouth.
The rest is here:
Can Babies Learn to Love Vegetables? - The New Yorker
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A gut health experts 3 recommendations for people with digestive problems – Well+Good
Posted: November 18, 2019 at 10:45 am
A low-FODMAP diet is an eating plan with the potential to work wonders for your digestive system, but it definitely isnt easy. Registered dietitians often recommend the eating plan to people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Whether symptoms are primarily bloating and constipation or lie on the complete other end of the spectrum (or both), the eating plan can help people learn how to treat IBS by pinpointing foods that dont agree with their bodies. But again, its not easy.
Registered dietitian Kristen Jackson, RDwho specializes in IBShas a few more recommendations for how to treat IBS, some of which have nothing to do with food.
Jackson emphasizes that if you have IBS and are considering giving the low-FODMAP diet a shot, its important to work with a dietitian who can give you tips on how to do it correctlyand so you dont end up eating the same three meals the entire time, scared to try anything else.
The low-FODMAP diet is complicated and its almost impossible to remember all the foods you can and cant eatespecially when youre first getting started. An app, likeMonash FODMAP (from the university that came up with the eating plan), make it easier because you can look up any food to see if its safe or not. As a bonus, it also has over 80 recipes. It makes grocery shopping and eating out a lot easier. This app is both evidence- and research-based, Jackson says, on why this one gets her seal of approval.
While Jackson says specific yoga apps relating to IBS havent been studied, the practice of yoga itself has been linked to improving IBS symptoms. While more research needs to be done, preliminary studies show that people with IBS who do yoga regularly experience decreased symptoms and anxiety. Doing yoga twice a week for an hour and a half each time has been shown to have the same outcomes as the low-FODMAP diet, Jackson says.
3. meditation
Similarly, Jackson says a meditation practice could help ease IBS symptoms as well. While, like with yoga, more scientific research needs to be done, preliminary studies have shown that people with IBS who start meditating regularly experience decreased bloating, abdominal pain, gas, and diarrhea. One reason that could be why is because calming the mind can also simultaneously calm the gut, if IBS-symptoms are tied to feeling anxious.
Getting to the bottom of digestive issues can be complicatedone reason why its important to work closely with an MD and RD. But Jacksons points that it goes beyond just monitoring food habits could do wonders for your gut, and, as it turns out, your mind, too.
Everything you need to know about intuitive eating:
Heres the myths about the low-FODMAP diet gut experts want people to stop believing. Plus, low-FODMAP meal ideas that only take 15 minutes to make.
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Add these foods to your keto diet plan and stay healthy! – Times of India
Posted: November 18, 2019 at 10:45 am
What is ketosisThe keto diet has become one of the most followed diet fads, and the discipline is being adopted by more and more people with the passing of each day. The notion that it quickens the process of weight loss seems to have resonated well in the minds of people, and results do seem to show a positive impact. The keto diet is based on the state of ketosis, which is a metabolic state wherein the body converts fat reserves into energy instead of carbohydrates, thus burning fat more efficiently and at a faster rate.The keto dietThe ketogenic diet consists of foods in which 75% of the calories are derived from fats, 20% from protein, and 5% from carbohydrates. Since most of the calories are obtained from fats, the body will enter a state of ketosis and end up burning more calories. There are many kinds of food that are included in a keto diet, such as animal products like eggs and chicken, dairy products like cottage cheese, and fruits like avocado. Today, we will look at 5 vegetables that you must include as a part of your keto diet.BroccoliHalf a cup of broccoli has just 2 grams of net carbs, and a majority of the calories comes from protein and fats. It is loaded with nutrients and contains fiber, which helps you lose weight by keeping you full for longer.
CauliflowerWith just 1.5 grams of carbs in half a cup of cauliflower, it makes for an excellent low-carb addition to your keto diet. Moreover, it is rich in vitamin C and folic acid, so you get an extra boost of nutrients.
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Keto Side Effects to Know About Before Trying This Years Buzziest Diet – Yahoo Lifestyle
Posted: November 18, 2019 at 10:45 am
Youve probably heard a thing or two about the keto diet and its purported benefits weight loss, decreased blood sugar levels, and lower blood pressure among them. From celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian to influencers like Amber Fillerup Clark who reportedly shed 50 lbs. by following the diet after pregnancy the high-fat, low-carb diet has been one of the buzziest diets this year.
The gist of the ketogenic diet (or keto for short)? Followers are required to cut back on added sugars, grains, starchy veggies, and processed foods in order to go into ketosis, which is when the body begins to use fat for fuel. Yeah, so the keto lifestyle is not for the faint of heart, but the reported health benefits do make it hard to ignore.
But if you've been at the diet for a bit, then there's a chance you've also begun to notice a few not-so-pleasant keto side effects, ranging from headaches to diarrhea.
Here's everything you need to know about why the keto diet can lead to certain unpleasant side effects and how to, hopefully, find relief.
RELATED: Considering the Keto Diet? Here's Everything You Need to Know
VIDEO: What is the Keto Diet?
This ones kind of important to know right off the bat: The long-term effects of the keto diet havent been studied. While it has proven benefits for certain medical conditions, it is also heavy in red meat which is notoriously unhealthy when consumed in excess. According to a 2019 report by the National Institutes of Health, eating red meat daily triples the levels of a chemical linked to heart disease.
In a 2018 study published in Lancet, a low-carb, high-protein diet was linked to a higher risk of death compared to diets that included whole grain carbs in moderation (as well as plant-derived protein and fat, such as vegetables and nuts). And a 2018 study showed people on a low-carb diet were at the highest risk of dying from cancer, stroke and cardiovascular conditions. Plus, the high-fat component of the diet has been linked to an increased risk of diabetes.
RELATED: 10 Keto-Friendly Vegetables You Should Eat More Of
In the long term, keto staples like these could hurt your health, which is probably why this diet is not meant to be done for an extended period of time (experts typically recommend a maximum of 90 days). You can also try a method known as keto (or carb) cycling, which allows you to come in and out of ketosis. This can include upping your carb intake every other week (or in some cases, every few days), depending on your individual needs.
No matter the diet you choose, a drastic change in the way you eat can cause symptoms ranging from headaches to hangryness. But the keto diet comes with its own special set of side effects that have been dubbed the keto flu.
Yep, some people report feeling flu-like symptoms including muscle aches, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, decreased concentration, brain fog, and diarrhea during the first couple of weeks on keto, says Emmie Satrazemis, R.D., nutrition director at Trifecta.
While it's unclear why exactly it happens, experts say it has to do with the metabolic shift happening when you go into ketosis. These [symptoms] occur because your body has to go through a transition period as youre switching from carbs to fat as your primary source of fuel, Satrazemis says.
The symptoms typically last anywhere from 12 hours to a week, although this timeframe can vary from person to person, according to Jillian Kubala, R.D., owner of Hamptons Clinical Nutrition in Southampton, New York.
If you notice youve been feeling a little parched while trying the keto diet or notice headaches and dizziness, youre not alone, Kubala says. Like any low-carb diet, the keto diet can cause the body to shed excess water, depleting you not only of water, but some seriously key minerals, like potassium, magnesium, and sodium. In short, drink plenty of water, when on the keto diet, Kubala says.
Satrazemis agrees, adding that helpful supplements include electrolyte drops and sugar-free sports drinks can keep you hydrated and might even help control sugar cravings.
You can also try bumping up your salt and water intake by mixing a bit of salt into a glass of water and sipping on it when you feel headache-y, tired, nauseous, or dizzy. Bone broth or chicken stock can have a similar effect and are, arguably, a tastier option.
RELATED: 10 Must-Have Items On Your Keto Grocery List
If the less-than-fiber-rich keto main ingredients (like steak, avocados, and hard cheeses) have you feeling, lets say, unproductive in the bathroom department, then you might want to change up the types of veggies you are eating, Kubala says. Try dark, leafy greens, broccoli and cauliflower to help reduce constipation. These foods also provide another source of minerals, including potassium and magnesium, that are often lacking in a keto diet.
Since you're cutting out carbs, dont be surprised if going keto initially zaps your energy levels and negatively impacts your workouts, Satrazemis says.
It may require some adjustments if you typically participate in high-intensity training and heavy weight lifting, she says, adding that your plummeting energy levels might never improve while on a keto diet.
You can help your less-than-enviable mojo by getting more sleep, Satrazemis says, a measure that studies show can also help curb cravings and overall appetite (and keto-related cravings can be particularly challenging).
If you're really strugging in the energy department, Satrazemis suggests increasing your carbs just a bit to see if it helps. If you This works particularly well around the times you are working out or more active in general.
If you do want to give keto a shot, then Satrazemis says calorie control and choosing the right foods still matters. Yes, that means the diet is not a license to eat as much bacon and cheese as youd like, she says.
In order to promote fat loss and be successful, it is key to learn how many calories you need to eat per day for weight loss and stick to this amount consistently, she says. And tracking your daily food intake is one of the best ways to ensure you are hitting your carb goals and calorie needs. (You can keep your calories in check by using a keto calculator like the ones offered by Kiss My Keto and KetoVale.)
Weight gain could have something to do with the high-fat component of the keto diet, an aspect that has been shown to increase estrogen production a known culprit behind weight gain when studied in mice.
There is also research that points at low-carb diets causing a jump in cortisol (aka the stress hormone), which can lead you to feel more irritable and even lead to low libido. Plus, simply being on any restrictive diet has the potential to mess with your mood, Kubala says.
Overall, if youre discovering that the keto diet means more misery than results for you, then it just might not be the diet for you, Kubala says.
The good news? Simply following a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods is the best way to improve health and boost weight loss (if desired) in most people, Kubala says.
Which means you can have your (healthy, whole grain) carbs and skip keto flu, too.
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Keto Side Effects to Know About Before Trying This Years Buzziest Diet - Yahoo Lifestyle
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Sorry, These 11 Wellness Trends Are Out (and These 4 Are Officially In) – Yahoo Lifestyle
Posted: November 18, 2019 at 10:45 am
Wanting to get healthy should never be considered a "trend," but sometimes new concepts or ideas in the wellness space can seem a bit unbelievable or far-fetched. And with changing lifestyles and new research, we just might find once-popular wellness trends could be seen as outdated, unsafe, or ineffective.
To figure out which trends call for some caution, we asked fitness and wellness experts and influencers for their opinions on the fads they regret taking part in or that they think are on the way out. Some even shared the new wellness trends to keep on our radars, too.
As a note, we know wellness isn't one-size-fits-all, and we're not trying to shame people here, nor set a mandate. A doctor or medical professional is always the best resource to find out what will work for you.
One of our experts, Claire Fountain of Trill Yoga, put it best: "Now, I'm not in the business of making people feel bad about themselves or their choices in 'wellness.' There are many paths to fitness and health, as you define it. So even if I find something lame, doesn't mean someone else doesn't love it and find goodness in it. And I think as long as we stay away from gimmicks, diet culture disguised as wellness, and the massive privilege in most 'wellness' we will all be okay."
So read these opinions below, but make your own decision about your health. It's your body, after all!
"CBD that is not regulated, and being mass marketed really has to go. It supposedly is in everything, and yet it's not when you actually do the research on the products. On top of that, do we really need it in everything? Do you even know how itmight help you or be of use in your life?" Claire Fountain,Trill Yoga
Our take? We've written about thebenefits of CBDand what to watch out for(and our editors do have favorite products), but the product market iscurrently unregulated. In fact, the FDA held itsfirst CBD hearing on May 31, so it may take some time to get more answers. Do your research on what you buy and consult with your doctor before you stock up on everything CBD.
This"trend" was pretty much unanimous with our experts and influencers. Here's what they had to say:
"I regret taking part in any restrictive diet in the past and feeling guilty or not good enough for not following or staying on track with the latest trendy diet, from Paleo to sugar-free to keto to Whole30. True, I saw short-term results, but it wasnt sustainable and left me disconnected from the people around me. I have realized our bodies are all different; our nutritional needs and how we metabolize foods are unique to our bodies and lifestyle choices. One size does not fit all when it comes to diets." Katherine Chen, @intentionally_kat
"I spent years destroying my body trying every crazy restrictive diet there is. So many of them are marketed as 'healthy,' but at the end of the day, any time you are restricting entire food groups or essential macro and micronutrients from your diet, it's nothealthy. When I finally lost 45 pounds, it was only because I created a healthy,balanceddiet for myself, and that's the only reason I've been able to keep the weight off for eight years and continue to get stronger each day." Katie Dunlop, Love Sweat Fitness
"If you follow me, you know I want to get rid of the obsession with everything, from food to body to 'wellness.' This goes for keto, poorly informed vegan diets, gluten-free when you don't truly have a gluten intolerance or allergy, and anything else that is sold as 'healthy' but is really just obsession and control by any other name. We don't need a cleanse from anything. Our bodies and organs will figure it out, as long as we keep giving it nutrient-dense food and water (plus sleep, plus breathing, etc.)." Fountain
Sure, we just went over restrictive diets, but this phenomenon that took the wellness community (and beyond) by storm was called out by almost all of our experts, so we thought it deserved its own spot on the list. Our take? We found that goingketo is different for everyone, so we might sound like a broken record at this point, but discuss with your doctor first if it's right for you.
"While a properly executed keto meal plan can do wonders for some, it's absolutely not the right diet for everyone. Every single body is so unique, and we all require completely different foods to feel our best. Extremely low levels of carbohydrates can create excess stress on our systems, and potentially exacerbate blood sugar imbalances, hormonal issues, and chronic stress levels. The takeaway: There is no such thing as a perfect diet, or one-size-fits-all when it comes to food!" Hannah Schmitt, @wholisticallyhannah_
"I fully regret taking part in the keto craze, and I hope to see it move on out! Like most people, I read about all of keto's wild effects. It was a SURE WAY to lose weight, feel younger, healthier, etc. And given my diet was already pretty low-carb, it seemed pretty easy. But I found two major problems with the diet:
"One, it totally changed my relationship with food. Food was no longer meant to be enjoyed or nourished, it was only eaten if it fit into my day's calculation. I soon realized the diet was NOT sustainable. I was turning down social plans so I could stick to my diet, and if I accidentally went over on my macros, I felt terrible about it. And two, women need carbs for hormone and thyroid balance. I lost my period for months during and following my keto diet.
"The worst part of the diet was when I 'broke keto.' It took me months to indulge in the foods I once enjoyed without feeling guilty about it. This kind of relationship with food and health was SO unhealthy physically and mentally. I do believe there are people who benefit from the diet, but I am sad to see the extremes it can take people to." Nicole Cogan, @nobread
"How these are even still a thing is beyond me. Major celebrities and influencers endorsing skinny teas and things like lollipops that claim to help you shed pounds is super irresponsible and truly just complete BS. Luckily, I feel like most people are starting to realize it and aren't buying into the hype anymore." Dunlop
"Can we please stop this? It's not a godsend to 'detox' your life. We don't need to detox our lives anyway. It's trendy and might not be so great for your insides or your teeth. Save your money for whole foods and therapy." Fountain
There are a lot of different beliefs from experts about what activated charcoal can do for you, but again, it all depends on the individual, so you'll need to talk to your doctor. When we spoke to nutritionist Samantha Franceschini, MS, she offered up some advice: "Activated charcoal when consulting with a health practitioner can be very beneficial to aid in digestion and remove toxins from the body." She also recommends trying chlorella as an alternative.
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"Your body does not burn enough calories to produce sweat to make any drastic change to adipose tissue. All that you are losing is water, and this increases the potential for dehydration. This can be super dangerous if you don't drink enough water. Hence the bad headaches you may experience!" Keely Ahrold,@keelya
Our take? Proceed with caution when you go to a heated workout class, and we agree with Keely: Don't expect to lose a lot of weight from one. There are some benefits to ahot yoga class or something similar, though. The heat can make you more flexible, and sweating it out can help you release toxins. If you do decide to head to a class, make sure you hydrate and prep before.
"Fasting is another technique that can be very supportive for certain people and very destructive to others. Blood sugar imbalances, stress load, and where a woman is in her menstrual cycle are all important factors to look at before deciding if fasting is suitable." Schmitt
Our take? There isresearch that intermittent fasting can be beneficial for some people. But we agree with Schmitt: Listen to your body, and speak to your doctor before you give it a try.
No, don't throw out your cartons of almond/oat/cashew milk just yet. Just read the labels carefully, as Claire Fountain explains:
"So many trendy milks are mostly sugar. It's fine if you'd like to have a creamy substance to enjoy, but I would not look to alternative milks as nutrient-dense foodstuffs, or vilify dairy if you enjoy it." Fountain
"Working from a state of 'hustle.'The idea of continuously grinding to achieve goals became super trendy over the last couple of years. I went through a period of continuously pushing myself, both mentally and physically. I thought it was glamorous to always be busy and felt rewarded for doing so. But in the end, I was left chronically stressed, burned-out, uninspired, and completely exhausted. Now, I choose to operate from a place of intuition, balance, and flow. I listen to my body and honor the times I need to rest." Schmitt
Our thoughts? We'd never begrudge anyone for working hard. In fact, we are big advocates of it. But thepressure to hustle sometimes pushes us beyond our limits, which can lead to burnout. Take some moments throughout your day, or week, to check in with yourself and leave some room for self-care.
"Believing big weights will make you bulkyit's trendy now in dance cardio and many other classes to see no more than three- or five-pound weights for women. Ladies, one more time, heavy weights will NOT make you bulky. Weight lifting for women remains one of the best ways women can feel confident, shape, and tone their bodies and create longevity that is healthy. Not to mention weight-bearing exercise help with bone density. (And if you need to see this to believe it, come hang with me on @cbquality. I lift more than most men weigh and have yet to be 'bulky.')" Fountain
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"Everything from fit teas to adaptogens to CBD There are a lot of claims being made that use the power of words and marketing to get us to buy their products. I say look for transparency and brands that are built around science and research, when possible." Fountain
We couldn't have said it better.
We also asked our group of experts and influencers to share emerging wellness trends that they're excited about. Here's what they had to say:
"I'm absolutely in love with the idea of structuring your life around your menstrual cycle. This includes the foods we eat, the exercise we partake in, and the way we schedule our days. I have a feeling this practice is going to continue gaining popularity within the next year." Schmitt
"The days of squatting 150 pounds just to say you did are over. When it comes to women's fitness, I see more and more of a trend toward functional fitness. This means more workouts that are focused on training your muscle groups to work together and improve your performance in daily tasks. It's super unlikely you'll need to squat a person anytime soon, but you definitely need the strength, mobility, and endurance to get off the floor and reach overhead on the regular." Dunlop
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"Eating whole foods, drinking water, spending time outside, getting enough sleep, and making space to just be. In an already complex and busy world, there's no need to overcomplicate things. I have a feeling that our society will continue to develop a new and greater appreciation for slow and simple living." Schmitt
"Looking ahead, I think we are going to hear more people work their way towards intuitive eating and creating SUSTAINABLE eating and lifestyle habits rather than counting on a 30-/60-/90-day cleanse or eating plan. I also think meditation and sound healing will find a bigger place at home, in school, and in corporate wellness. No longer is meditation a hippie-dippie experience but, I believe, a critical element in stress and anxiety management for both grown-ups and kids alike! I've incorporated sound healing music into our bedtime routine for myself and my son. It has worked wonders in getting us off to sleep by lowering BPMand any lingering bedtime stress or anxiety." Chen
Next up: Everyone Will Be Talking About Nootropics in 2020Here's What They Really Do
This article originally appeared on The Thirty
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Horrified mother told to ‘go away and put son on a diet’ by nursery worker – The Scotsman
Posted: November 18, 2019 at 10:45 am
A horrified mother has hit back after a nursery worker told her to put her son "on a diet and go away".
American Francesca Easdon said she just wanted to make her five-year-old Kyler "smile at lunchtime" after asking his carers tell him "his mommy loves him".
But she was shocked after her child handed her a note back with a rude handwritten message.
Her letter had initially read: "Please tell Kyler that his mommy loves him so much and Im thinking about him.
But in response, a worker, who has since been fired, wrote: "NO! Put him on a diet and GO AWAY!"
In a public Facebook post, shared hundreds of times, the fuming mother wrote: "I sent this note in Kyler's lunchbox, thinking that it would make him smile at lunch time.
"We have been working with Kyler on his eating, hes extremely picky! I have been introducing new healthy options in his lunchbox and discussed the changes with his school. And for the record, I feel that Kyler is absolutely perfect the way he is, Im just helping him make healthier choices. Instead of his school being supportive
"I am disgusted that I put my trust in these people to care for my child and this is what I get in return.
"I do everything in my power to build my son up and make him feel good about himself because he is amazing."
Staff told a local newspaper that the note was not intended to be shared with the mother and that the worker has since been fired.
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Horrified mother told to 'go away and put son on a diet' by nursery worker - The Scotsman
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Heres Yet Another Reason To Break Your Diet Coke Habit – British Vogue
Posted: November 18, 2019 at 10:45 am
Youre probably aware that your Diet Coke habit isnt particularly healthy, not least because of all the artificial chemicals youre consuming. But what about the impact its having on the environment? A recent study by Break Free From Plastic named Coca-Cola as the worlds largest plastic polluter for the second year running. The drinks company was responsible for six per cent of the branded plastic found in the global audit more than the next three top global polluters, Nestl, PepsiCo and Mondelz, combined.
This report highlights just how big the problem is and how much more work we need to do to make sure that were not polluting the ocean environment, Libby Peake, senior policy advisor at environmental think tank Green Alliance, tells Vogue.
Coca-Cola has set a goal to recover 100 per cent of its cans and bottles by 2030. A spokesperson for the company states: Any time our packaging ends up in our oceans or anywhere that it doesnt belong is unacceptable to us. In partnership with others, we are working to address this critical global issue, both to help turn off the tap in terms of plastic waste entering our oceans and to help clean up the existing pollution.
However, critics say companies such as Coca-Cola need to tackle the root cause of the issue and fast. Corporations need to reduce their plastic footprint and start investing in refill and reuse as the only way to address the plastic pollution crisis, comments Shilpi Chhotray, senior communications manager at Break Free From Plastic.
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Although Coca-Cola says its plastic bottles are 100 per cent recyclable, this requires the bottles to be disposed of properly and doesnt take into account the limitations of the recycling process. In fact, a 2017 study found that only nine per cent of the plastic ever made has been recycled. We consider recycling to be a false solution [for] companies to be able to justify this addiction to single-use packaging, says Chhotray.
Being recyclable is one thing, [but] being recycled is an entirely different thing, adds Peake. Theres only so much control these companies exert once the packaging has left their chain of custody. For a long time, [there have been calls] for more government intervention and business contributions to make sure that material is actually recycled.
Meanwhile, Coca-Cola has set an aim of using 50 per cent of recycled material in all its primary packaging by 2030, while Pepsi has committed to using 25 per cent recycled content in its plastic packaging by 2025. But using recycled material does not in itself solve current limitations when it comes to recycling. Using more recycled content is important where it needs to be used, but its not the wholesale solution we need to see, Peake says.
Read More: Five Simple Ways To Use Less Plastic
Aluminium cans and glass bottles are often considered to be more eco-friendly alternatives to plastic, but they too have a notable impact on the environment. Aluminium cans, which are lined with plastic, are in theory completely recyclable, but only have a recycling rate of 75 per cent in Europe. The production of virgin aluminium cans leads to up to three times more carbon emissions compared to plastic bottles, according to UK government figures, while mining the aluminium produces large amounts of toxic waste.
Although manufacturing glass leads to lower carbon emissions, transporting glass bottles produces more emissions than aluminium or plastic as they are much heavier. Meanwhile, bioplastics which are made from plant-based materials and tend to be compostable still need to be disposed of properly.
There's so much awareness of the harm caused by plastic pollution, but that awareness isnt yet extending to other single-use items, Peake says. Its really important that people realise all materials have environmental consequences at various stages of their life cycle.
Read More: The Vogue Guide To Recycling Your Beauty Products Properly
Ultimately, we need to consume less single-use packaging overall and move towards reusable options. Its not a case of looking for a simple substitution [to plastic], Peake comments. Its thinking more carefully about how we use resources and not thinking that any one substance is going to allow us to keep consuming infinitely in this throwaway culture.
We want corporations to show true leadership [and] make significant investments towards refillable and reusable alternatives, adds Chhotray. Consumers can also do their bit to help. [Its] all about holding corporations accountable, she continues. Tag brands on social media, write to them and say, Weve had enough.
Read More: Plastic Not Fantastic: How I Tried To Curb My Consumption
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Electric cars part of a solution for a cleaner electric grid The Review – University of Delaware Review
Posted: November 18, 2019 at 10:45 am
Louis Mason/THEREVIEWThe science of electric cars are a potential saving grace to cut out greenhouse gas emissions, and the university is receiving more and more requests to accommodate such vehicles each year.
Carbon emissions from transportation make up nearly one-third of the overall greenhouse gas pollution in the United States. The science of electric cars are a potential saving grace to cut out these emissions, and the university is receiving more and more requests to accommodate such vehicles each year.
There are currently 10 charging stations scattered around the universitys campus, including one behind Hullihen Hall and one in the Perkins Garage, both of which require a permit or are pay-by-plate.
McKay Jenkins, an English and journalism professor, owns a Prius Hybrid. He drives an hour from Baltimore every day, and his car goes 25 miles on a full charge before switching over to gas. By the time Jenkins arrives at school, he needs a place to charge his car. But more often than not, the spaces around campus that have a charging station are already occupied.
How frustrating is it to have an electric car and have nowhere to plug it in? Jenkins said.
A lack of charging stations is not the only reason that people may be deterred from buying an electric vehicle. Mike Anderson, a junior communication interest major, owns a 2007 Ford F-250, which gets about 14 miles per gallon. But, his family often takes camping, hiking and boating trips, where his truck comes in handy as a heavy-duty vehicle able to handle dragging along their boat and outdoor supplies. However, most electric vehicles made today are small sedan models.
Id be totally down for having an electric vehicle, Anderson said. If the technology is there and I can do what I need to do with it, I have no issue with it being electric instead of gas.
Toyota, the manufacturer behind the hybrid Prius, released a hybrid pickup in 2018, but the wait for a fully-electric truck wont be long for truck owners like Anderson. The popular electric car manufacturer, Tesla, is set to unveil their electric pickup model, the Cybertruck, on Nov. 21 on the last day of the Los Angeles Auto Show. Ford could however become a serious competitor for Tesla. Ford also announced in 2018 that a fully-electric truck was in the works and will be released in 2021.
Some car companies are pledging to produce only electric vehicles in an effort to reduce the amount of carbon emissions produced. Volvo released its first electric vehicle this year, the XC40 Recharge, while also pledging to produce more. By 2025, Volvos ambition is to sell 50% purely electric and 50% hybrid vehicles.
While electric vehicles would eliminate the need for gasoline and cut out greenhouse gas emissions produced by it, Jenkins says the true solution is deeper than that.
The question is wheres the electricity [that would charge your car] coming from? Jenkins said. Youve got to also make sure that the source of the electricity is a clean source. Because the last thing we need to do is be powering our cars with coal, which is literally what would happen if you had a coal fired electricity plant. So if you take cars off a gasoline diet and you put them on a coal diet thats not going to help with climate.
Willett Kempton, university professor and research director for the universitys Center for Carbon-free Power Integration, agreed that until the entire electrical grid in the United States is clean, electric vehicles themselves will not eliminate the emissions issue.
Kempton is one scientist working on that solution. Earlier this year he pioneered the invention of V2G technology, which uses the batteries from electric cars to power the electric grid. Kempton describes the grid as a network similar to the internet, where every point of power is connected through a winding map of power lines. He says that the power from an electric car battery could power an entire household for 40 hours. Any excess power would be sent throughout the grid for neighboring electricity users.
The grid is this interconnected system which is great because it means if one thing fails, other things will make up for it, Kempton said. It also means that I can have storage in my garage, thats helpful to the entire region.
Kempton said that in New Castle County, in order to obtain a contract that grants access to the grid, only 12 participants were needed to start contributing. However, the more cars that are contributing to the grid, the more effective the technology will be.
More interconnection means more reliability, Kempton said.
Kempton says that the grid is getting cleaner as well. The International Energy Agency released their 2019 Offshore Wind Outlook on Nov. 13. It says that the global offshore wind capacity is on track to increase 15-fold and may become a $1 trillion industry in the next two decades.
Theyre building offshore wind farms now that are big enough to run a third of Delaware, Kempton said. Three of those, and youve displaced all the electricity in the state.
The Delaware coast could be expecting some wind farms soon. The Danish wind company, rsted, announced in September that they plan to install the worlds largest wind turbines 15 to 20 miles off the coast of Delawares beaches. Each turbine would stand 853 feet tall and each blade will be longer than a football field.
Delaware supports renewable energy through the Green Energy Program, which provides grant funding to renewable energy projects through the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.
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Can a Person Survive Eating Only Beef? –
Posted: November 17, 2019 at 4:45 pm
Some people want you to pay them money so they can tell you to eat only beef. You should not follow their advice, nutritionists say.
The all-beef diet fortunately isn't much of a fad at this point, though it's got a handful of prominent supporters. And it's barely a diet. Unlike other, more popular meat-heavy diets that have at least some scientific backing, there are no reputable nutrition experts who think eating only beef is a good idea. The people who promote the diet are minor internet celebrities, spreading their ideas based on personal anecdotes of miraculous health changes and weight loss and, of course, cashing in on the idea, as The Atlantic reported last year.
In the real world though, an all-beef diet simply doesn't have the nutritional content necessary to sustain a human being, according to Johanna DiStefano, a biochemist and head of the Diabetes and Fibrotic Disease Unit at the Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix.
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"That is the dumbest question I have heard in a long time," DiStefano said, responding to an email from Live Science that asked what would happen to a person who tried to live on only beef.
Beyond eventually leading you to run out of essential nutrients, an all-beef diet would pose a number of more basic dangers to your health, DiStefano said in a follow-up interview.
"One thing that studies show us over and over is that eating more plants, eating more of a plant-based diet, is associated with improvements in glucose homeostasis and hypertension and lipid levels," she said.
In other words, plants are connected with more-stable blood sugar, healthier blood pressure and healthier cholesterol readings.
"Beef is not," DiStefano said.
In fact, she said, animal fats are the only significant source of dangerous cholesterol for most people. Cutting meat consumption can therefore lead to significantly healthier blood.
"There's also a strong link between eating beef and certain kinds of cancer," she said. "There's very little fiber in beef. And not having fiber is associated with an increased risk of certain kinds of cancer, including colorectal cancer, as well as diabetes. So there are a lot of protections that plants and legumes and grains in your diet provide that eating meat is not going to do."
There is one large population that traditionally eats something close to an all-beef diet: the Maasai, a tribe in Kenya and Northern Tanzania who eat milk, meat, and blood almost exclusively, as a study in the journal PLOS ONE described in 2012. The Maasai generally have low blood cholesterol and don't demonstrate unusual levels of cardiac disease. However, researchers reported in that study that the Maasai also likely have genetic adaptations that help them cope with their unusual diet. Healthline noted in a 2018 article that the meat the Maasai people eat comes from animals that lead very different lives from the cows that end up in supermarkets elsewhere in the world; this could also safeguard the Maasai's overall health despite the lack of diversity in their diet.
But cancer and heart disease is not the only reason to flesh out your diet with other kinds of food, DiStefano said.
"One of the benefits of eating a diet that's diverse is that you're covering all your nutritional bases. You're getting your vitamin C. You're getting your vitamin A. You're getting other vitamins and minerals and nutrients that your body needs to function optimally," she said.
Nutritional science is still evolving, she said. But this is basic stuff. Without those key substances, things start going wrong inside a body.
"If you eat just one thing it doesn't have to be beef, it can be apples you're going to put yourself into a state of nutritional deficiency, because there's not one food out there that can provide everything you're going to need."
There are nutrients scientists are still learning about that turn out to be very important for long life, she said. And you're never going to get them all from a single entree.
As for folks who claim to be living and prospering long term on an all-beef diet, DiStefano suggested that's hard to believe.
"I don't think you can follow that diet for a year and be able to make that claim. Honestly, that kind of diet will catch up to someone sooner or later."
Originally published on Live Science.
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This healthy oat-free granola recipe works with every eating plan – Well+Good
Posted: November 17, 2019 at 4:45 pm
While old-fashioned rolled oats have been the classic granola base since, well, the beginning of time, they dont have to be. Theyre super healthy, but theyre high in carbs and prohibited on a keto and Paleo diets. Surprisingly, you can get a very similar taste and texture by swapping those oats with a mix of nuts and seeds, and Olivia Culpos healthy granola recipe works with almost every eating plan.
I like it in yogurt, but you can also have it plain, with milk, in smoothies, or I put it in my pancakes, she writes. The mix is also pretty simple, with nuts and seedsincluding almonds, pecans, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and hemp seedsas well as unsweetened coconut chips, golden monk fruit sweetener, and cinnamon. While Culpos recipe calls for an egg white and honey, those ingredients can always be replaced with a flax egg and maple syrup, based on your diet.
After mixing your oat-free granola and baking it in the oven until golden brown, you can break it into clusters and enjoy a fiber- and protein-packed breakfast.
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Ask and you shall receive. This is the paleo/keto friendly granola I made yesterday. Almost no carbs which is impossible to find in regular granola using oats, etc. I like it in yogurt but you can also have it plain, with milk, in smoothies, or I put it in my pancakes 1 cup sliced almonds 1/4 cup whole almonds 1 cup chopped pecans1/2 cup chopped walnuts1/3 cup pumpkin seeds1/3 cup sunflower seeds1/3 cup sesame seeds2 tablespoons hemp seeds1 cup unsweetened coconut chips or smiles1/4 cup golden monk fruit sweetener2 teaspoon ground cinnamon1 teaspoon fine sea salt1/3 cup coconut oil melted1 egg white2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup almond flour Honey to drizzle Pinch of salt 1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a large bowl, combine all the nuts, seeds, coconut, sweetener, cinnamon & salt. 3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the melted coconut oil, egg white & vanilla extract. Pour over nut/seed/coconut mixture. Add almond flour and combined everything together (I use clean hands to mix) Spread mixture in an even layer onto the baking sheet with parchment paper and pat down evenly 4. Bake in preheated oven for 25 30 minutes or until golden brown, rotating the pan halfway through. (Dont stir granola while baking). 5. Remove pan from oven and drizzle with honey, add pinch of salt and allow granola to cool completely. If you want to add chocolate chips, this is the time to do it so they are just melted enough:) 6. Once cool, break granola into clusters, & store in an airtight ***if you want to make it sweeter, add chocolate chips or dried cherries/cranberries
A post shared by Olivia Culpo (@oliviaculpo) on Nov 10, 2019 at 4:27pm PST
Complete your breakfast with an acacia fiber smoothie:
Try these grain-free granola recipes for a ketogenic diet-friendly snack. Or go for the granola Daphne Oz keeps in her purse at all times.
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