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Take Control of Your Health With My Nutrition Plan

Posted: August 18, 2016 at 9:44 pm

If youre looking for the best strategy to dramatically improve your health, then youve come to the right place.

Many people today struggle with weight issues, diseases, and other health problems that impair their ability to enjoy life. Many resort to pharmaceutical drugs and other conventional methods to relieve their symptoms, but these are actually just Band-Aid solutions that typically result in more harm than good.

What they dont realize is that they can significantly improve their health by just changing their diet and eating habits. And this program will help you achieve exactly that.

Conventional physicians, nutritionists, and public health experts have long claimed that dietary fat promotes heart disease and obesity. This deception caused people to follow conventional low-fat, high-carb diets, which ruined the health of millions. Today, the general guideline for dietary fat intake is that it should only be 10 percent of your overall diet.

I believe that this is one of the most destructive health recommendations that have pervaded the U.S. food system, because you need at least 50 to 75 percent of your daily calorie intake in the form of healthy fats. This is one of the basic principles that I have incorporated in my Nutritional Plan.

So what is good fat and how can you distinguish it from unhealthy ones? Well discuss this more in detail as you go along this program.

Saturated fats from animal and vegetable sources are an important component of this program, as they provide you with a number of important health benefits and help in the proper functioning of your:

Saturated fats also promote satiety, reducing your hunger pangs so you avoid binge eating and unhealthy food cravings. By following this high-fat, low-carb diet, you will be able to optimize your weight and avoid virtually all chronic degenerative diseases.

The original food pyramid created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) promotes a diet that has grains, pasta, and bread at its base (meaning they make up the majority of your diet) and fats at the top, or the smallest portion. But this can spell trouble, as grains break down into sugar in your body, driving insulin and leptin resistance.

I strongly believe that for optimal health, you should follow the opposite: increase your intake of healthy saturated fats and limit your grain and sugar intake. Ive created my own Food Pyramid based on this ratio.

I also believe that you should always be conscious of what you eat this means avoiding all processed foods that are loaded with additives, harmful chemicals, and genetically engineered ingredients that could put your health at risk.

The reason why I am so passionate about sharing information about healthy eating and exercise, as well as other lifestyle changes like stress management, is it can help keep you OUT of the doctor's office, or even worse, the hospital. Hospitals are actually notorious breeding grounds for medical errors and infections, and those with compromised immune systems can easily fall victim.

And if you think taking prescription medications and antibiotics is a viable solution, think again. These drugs not only expose you to harmful side effects, but they also lead to the proliferation of antibiotic-resistant diseases.

To get a clearer picture of just how the modern American medical system has bumbled its way into becoming the leading cause of death and injury in the United States, watch the video below, Death by Medicine.

This Nutrition Plan is divided into Level 1 and 2. Level 1 is for beginners, such as those who are new to this website and are not yet fully familiar with my health recommendations.

However, if you are already implementing most of my health advice, then you can proceed to Level 2. This is also recommended for people with serious medical conditions who are looking for extensive measures to promote healing and health.

So how will you know if youre ready to move on from Level 1 to Level 2? Its simple: use these three health indicators. Once they are in their optimal ranges, you will feel comfortable and confident enough to move on to the next level.

Insulin Resistance

If you consume a diet consistently high in grains, sugar and non-fiber carbohydrates, then chances are very high that you are struggling with this insulin resistance. This condition happens when your body becomes sensitized to the rapid insulin production caused by excessively high sugar intake. When your body becomes used to this large surge of insulin, it eventually causes resistance, which can then lead to diabetes.

Before starting this program, have your fasting insulin level checked through a fasting blood insulin test. This is relatively inexpensive and can be done by any commercial laboratory. Knowing your insulin and leptin ranges can help you assess how well you are progressing in the program.

A normal fasting blood insulin level is below 5, but ideally, you should strive for below 3. Most labs will have reference ranges, but you can safely ignore these as they are based on normals of a population that has highly-disturbed insulin levels.

If your level is above 5, its good to significantly consider reducing most sugars and grains (even whole grains), until youve lowered your level. Once youve reached the normal level, you can reintroduce grains in your diet (but still keep your intake in moderation).

Waist Size

Your waist size gives a good indication of the amount of fat youre carrying, particularly around the stomach area, and is the best and simplest anthropometric measure of your total body fat. In fact, it is more efficient that body mass index (BMI), as it can factor in how muscular you are.

Your waist size can also determine how much intra-abdominal fat mass this is the dangerous type of fat that surrounds your internal organs, and is strongly linked to type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and heart disease.

To find out your waist size, take a tape measure around your waist and comfortably measure the distance around the smallest area below the rib cage and above your belly button. Use these charts to find out if you have a healthy waist circumference:

For men, between 37 (94 cm) and 40 inches is overweight and more than 40 inches is obese.

For women, between 31.5 (80 cm) and 34.6 inches is overweight and more than 34.6 inches is obese.

Ideal Cholesterol Ratio

I first opened my medical practice in the mid 80s, and during that time, cholesterol (and the fear of having too high a level), was something that was rarely discussed unless of course your level was over 330 or so. But now, many people believe that they must keep their cholesterol levels as low as possible, otherwise your health will suffer.

In reality, you NEED cholesterol. Its crucial in the production of hormones, cell membranes, vitamin D, and bile acids that help digest fat. Cholesterol also plays an integral part in memory formation and neurological function.

So if you want to learn your risk for heart disease, take note of these indicators instead:

The simplest way to lower your high iron levels is to donate your blood. If that is not possible, a therapeutic phlebotomy can effectively eliminate the excess iron from your body.

Once you get started with this program, you will notice remarkable improvement in your health, anywhere between a few days to a few weeks. If you dont feel any noticeable change, your body may be telling you that you should consult a knowledgeable health care professional who can understand your insulin and fat biochemistry and fine-tune your individual program.

These recommendations are generally safe, but if any of these make you feel nauseous or sick in any way, then please stop immediately. Listening to what your body is telling you is the smartest way to gauge whether or not this plan is working for you.

Remember, there is no charge for this life-saving information in this Nutrition Plan. It is my gift to you and your family to help offset the massive confusion, misinformation, pain and suffering that the conventional medical system has likely given you.

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Take Control of Your Health With My Nutrition Plan

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How to have a balanced diet – Healthy living – NHS Choices

Posted: August 18, 2016 at 9:44 pm

Eating a healthy, balanced dietis an important part of maintaining good health, and can help you feel your best.

The Eatwell Guide shows that to have a healthy, balanced diet, people should try to:

If you're having foods and drinks that are high in fat, salt and sugar, have these less often and in small amounts.

Try to choose a variety of different foods from the five main food groups. Mostpeople in the UKeat and drink too many calories, too much fat, sugar and salt, and not enough fruit, vegetables, oily fishor fibre.

Read our page on understanding calories.

Fruit and vegetables area vital source of vitamins and minerals and should make up just over a third of the food we eat each day. It's advised that we eat at leastfive portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day.

There's evidence that people whoeat at leastfive portions a day have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

Eatingfive portions is not as hard as it sounds. Just one apple, banana, pear or similar-sized fruit is one portion (80g). A slice of pineapple or melon is one portion. Three heaped tablespoons of vegetables is another portion.

Having a sliced bananawith your morning cereal is a quick way to get one portion.Swap your mid-morning biscuit for a tangerine, and add a side salad to your lunch.Have a portion of vegetableswith dinner, and snack on fresh fruitwith natural plain yoghurt in the eveningto reach your five a day.

For more tips on getting your five portions of fruit and veg, check outour 5 A DAYpage.

Starchy foods should make upjust overone third of everything we eat. This means we should base our meals on these foods.

Potatoes with the skins onarea great source of fibre and vitamins. For example, when having boiled potatoes or a jacket potato, eat the skin too.

Tryto choose wholegrain or wholemeal varieties of starchy foods, such as brown rice, wholewheat pasta and brown, wholemeal or higher fibre whitebread. They contain more fibre, and usually more vitamins and minerals than white varieties.

Learn more from ourstarchy foodspage.

Milk and dairy foods such as cheese and yoghurt are good sources of protein.Theyalso contain calcium, which helps keep your bones healthy.

To enjoy the health benefits of dairy without eating too much fat, use semi-skimmed, 1% fat or skimmedmilk, as well as lower-fat hard cheeses or cottage cheese, and lower-fat, lower-sugar yoghurt. Unsweetened, calcium-fortified dairy alternatives like soya milks, soya yoghurts and soya cheeses also count as part of this food group and can make good alternatives to dairy products.

Learn more aboutmilk and dairy foods.

These foods are all good sources of protein, which is essential for the body to grow and repair itself. They are also good sources of a range of vitamins and minerals.

Meat is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals, including iron, zinc and Bvitamins. It is also one of the main sources of vitamin B12. Try to eat lean cuts of meat and skinless poultry whenever possible to cut down on fat. Always cook meat thoroughly. Learn more by reading our page on meat.

Fishis another important source of protein, and contains many vitamins and minerals. Oily fish is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Aim for at least two portions of fish a week, includingone portion of oily fish. You can choose from fresh, frozen or canned, but remember that cannedand smoked fish can oftenbe high in salt.

Eggs and pulses(including beans, nuts and seeds) are also great sources of protein. Nuts are high in fibre and agood alternative to snacks high in saturated fat, but they do still contain high levels of fat, so eat them in moderation. Learn more from our pages oneggs and pulses and beans.

Some fat in the diet is essential, but should be limited to small amounts. It's important to get most of our fat from unsaturated oils and spreads. Swapping to unsaturated fats can help to lower cholesterol.

Too much saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which increases your risk of developing heart disease, while regularly consuming foods and drinks high in sugar increases your risk of obesity and tooth decay.

Find out moreabout why we need to cut down on saturated fat and sugarin our diet, which foodsthey occur inand how we can make healthier choicesin Eight tips for healthy eating.

Most adults in England are overweight or obese. Check whether you're a healthy weight using the BMI calculator.

You can use the panelbelow to download the NHS weight loss guide, our free 12-week diet and exercise plan.

The plan, which has been downloaded more than 2 million times, is designed to help you lose weight safely and keep it off.

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How to have a balanced diet - Healthy living - NHS Choices

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Best Diet Plan Reviews Consumer Reports

Posted: August 18, 2016 at 9:44 pm

When it comes to losing weight it's hard to know where to start. Do you sign up for a program or try to do it on your own? What are you willing to give up, and what's a deal breaker? Sometimes pondering all of your options can keep you from getting started. Well, no more excuses! Consumer Reports has done the legwork for you, asking 9,376 people about diets they've tried. We got the scoop on 13 popular plans. Most of them are free. You'll pay for commercial diets such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, and sometimes you'll pay for special food, too. But for the DIY diets, all you usually need are instructions from a website or a book, or in some cases, an app.

Just be realistic. Your own expectations play a big role in how satisfied you're likely to be with any diet you try. Let's face it: Most people don't have "Biggest Loser"-style outcomes. In our survey, only 14 percent of readers who'd finished their diets came to within 5 pounds of their goal weight. But take comfort in the fact that dropping as little as 5 to 10 percent of your starting weight can make a real difference in your health and well-being. If you have realistic goals, you're likely to feel better with the weight you lose. And don't give up if you don't like the first plan you try. At least some readers found success on all of these diets.

For more, including a table that shows how much weight readers lost, see our article Lose Weight Your Way.

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Best Diet Plan Reviews Consumer Reports

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EveryDiet – Diet Encyclopedia

Posted: November 3, 2015 at 3:40 pm

New Diets

Bistro M.D. is a diet food delivery company which delivers portion controlled meals throughout the USA. We ordered the food and put them to the test.

The 3 Day Diet is a very low calorie diet used for rapid, short-term weight loss. Complete meal plans and substitutions provided. Is it effective?

Flexible dieting or IIFYM is a diet that eliminates no particular food. Dieters can lose weight while eating anything as long as it fits their macro goals.

The Zero Belly Diet seeks to remove abdominal fat and drop up to 16 lbs from dieters in 14 days. Here are the basics and the likelihood that it will work.

Dr Phil's 20/20 Diet teaches dieters to deal with their weight loss roadblocks as well as to clean up their diets using 20 foods that promote thermogenesis.

The Adrenal Reset Diet was designed to support optimal adrenal gland function, which leads to natural weight loss by regulating the amount of cortisol.

The Sugar Impact Diet helps identify hidden sources of sugar that may be sabotaging your weight. Lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks with this method.

The Burn Diet is a weight loss plan for dieters who have reached a plateau. This program restores optimal metabolic function by addressing its root cause.

See the rest here:
EveryDiet - Diet Encyclopedia

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Diet and Nutrition | LIVESTRONG.COM

Posted: October 30, 2015 at 8:44 am

Every night, almost 60 percent of Americans have problems sleeping, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Tossing and turnin... If you're trying to lose weight, of course calories count. But that doesn't mean that all high-fat, high-calorie foods need to be ... Among the millions of LIVESTRONG.COM members using our free Calorie Tracker, eggs are one of the most popular foods tracked. And i... Chia seeds are showing up on supermarket shelves everywhere these days, thanks in part to their superior nutritional value, subtle... Supplements to improve mens sexual health are a dime a dozen, but why take your tonics in pill form when you can include th... If a dietitian won't eat a particular food, it's probably a good sign that you shouldn't be eating it either. Dietitians and nutri... Most of us lead busy, on-the-go lifestyles that cause us to rely on convenience foods more than wed like. For the health-co... The National Turkey Federation estimates that 46 million turkeys were eaten at Thanksgiving in 2009. It is not as easy to tally ho... The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans was released this week. The United States Department of Agriculture and the United State... If your heart broke in childhood when you learned that pigs like Wilbur, of "Charlotte's Web" fame, provide the bacon on your brea...

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Diet and Nutrition | LIVESTRONG.COM

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Healthy Eating: Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet and …

Posted: October 30, 2015 at 8:44 am

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Healthy Eating: Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet and ...

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10 Diets That Work Fast – YouQueen

Posted: October 29, 2015 at 5:40 am

Crash or fad diets, quick-loss diets, rapid weight loss diets, and flash or quick-fix diets are just some of the many popular names for weight loss programs and plans that promise to help you achieve weight loss fast and with long-term results. But are they really efficient?

To achieve satisfactory results and without seriously affecting your health, you should follow an appropriate diet plan based on your bodys unique nutritional needs. Listed below are some of the most popular diets that work fast and that actually help people to lose weight. Choose the one that suits you best.

The low-carb diet focuses on low carbohydrate content foods and promises to lose weight quickly.

This diet involves eating foods that are low in carbs and fats but rich in minerals and vitamins such as broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, herbs, strawberries, chicken breast, sea bass, milk, etc.

A low-carb diet presumes that excessive carbohydrate consumption can cause insulin levels to become highly unbalanced, which in turn may lead to excess weight gain.

With this diet approach, 10 percent of your daily calorie intake comes from carbohydrates, 60 percent comes from fat, and 30 percent from protein. You should consume lean proteins and healthy mono and poly-unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, flax oil, fish oil, nuts, seeds, and peanut butter.

There are, however, many different types of low-carb diets, each allowing different kinds and amounts of carbohydrates. In general, they all restrict similar foods such as grains (flour, pasta, and bread), beans, certain fruits, and starchy vegetables.

Zone diet promises to lose 1 to 2 ponds a week. It works on balancing the daily intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and considers portion control as one of the most important keys to lose weight.

This type of diet is focused on maintaining your insulin levels stable or in the zone, that is to say not too high and not too low, which allows you to lose weight and keep your energy high.

The Zone diet consists of consuming 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent fat, and 30 percent proteins. A zone calculator is used to determine the exact amount of carbohydrates, fat and protein that you can consume in a 24 hour period.

As far as portion control is concerned, the only measuring tools you need are your hand and your eye, says Zone diet creator Barry Sears. At the beginning you might use a kitchen scale, but than you should get used to estimating and eyeballing portion sizes by yourself.

The Zone diet recommended daily allowance of calories is 1200 calories for women and 1500 calories for men.

This diet focuses on satiety or on the feeling of fullness and satisfaction after you have finished eating.

It is based on eating low-density foods, which are low in calories but high in volume. These foods can fill up your stomach and make you feel fuller faster and for a longer period of time.

The Volumetrics diet actually works on lowering energy intake without reducing the amount of food you eat. Foods with high water content, such as watermelons or grapes, promote a feeling of satisfaction and fullness even with low number of calories per bite, and they allow you to eat larger portions. They help you keep hunger at bay.

High-energy-dense foods instead contain plenty of calories and are low in fiber and water. They take up relatively little stomach space and they dont create feelings of satiety until youve overeaten.

According to the Volumetrics Eating Plan food is divided into 4 categories:

Most water and fiber rich foods such as fresh fruits and non-starchy vegetables, nonfat diary products, and broth-based soups;

Starchy fruits and veggies, grains, pasta, rice, beans, breakfast cereal, fish, low-fat meat, legumes, and low-fat mixed dishes;

Meat, cheese, pizza, French fries, salad dressing, bread, pretzels, ice cream, and cake;

Crackers, chips, chocolate candies, cookies, nuts, butter, and oil;

To lose weight, you should stick to first two categories, reduce portion sizes in category 3, and keep category 4 foods to a minimum.

The South Beach Diet claims that you can lose 8 to 13 pounds within the first two weeks, and then continue dropping 1 to 2 pounds a week. The number of pounds you lose will depend on your starting weight.

This diet plan allows you to choose from a wide variety of items and it does not involve counting calories, fat grams, carbohydrates, or measuring portion sizes. It comprises three meals a day, two snacks and one high-protein desert.

The South Beach Diet is focused on replacing bad carbs and bad fats with good carbs and good fats. Eating these foods in moderation will help you lose weight and prevent you from gaining it back again.

The diet program consists of three phases. In the first phase carbohydrates are almost completely eliminated. During the second phase, they are increased to 27 percent, while the third phase raises the carbohydrate consumption to 28 percent of your total daily calorie intake. To maintain weight, you should follow the third phase plan for the rest of your life.

According to the Atkins Diet Plan, you can lose up to 15 pounds within two weeks.

This diet restricts carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, rice, chocolate, chips, cereals and sugar, and allows eating high protein foods (meat, poultry, fish and eggs) and high-fat foods (cream, butter, cheese).

When fat is used as fuel, as it is on a low-carbohydrate diet, it gets mobilized. It does not accumulate, so weight and cholesterol drop, says Atkins.

The Atkins Diet consists of 4 phases: the induction phase, the ongoing weight loss phase, the pre-maintenance phase and the lifetime maintenance phase.

In the first phase you are allowed only 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, 12 to 15 of which must come from vegetables high in fiber. In the second phase carbohydrates are gradually increased to 35 grams per day, while in the third phase you can increase your carbohydrate consumption by 10 grams each week, as long as you continue to maintain your weight. The forth or the life time maintenance phase allows you to eat more foods than in the first 3 phases, while still limiting the amount of carbohydrates.

Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited during the induction stage. Moderate amounts of alcohol are allowed only during the maintenance phase.

The Cabbage Soup Diet can be considered a fad diet as it consists of consuming cabbage soup for one whole week. It is certainly a diet that works fast.

It lasts only seven days and it is extremely low in calories and high in fiber. The followers of this diet claim that they can lose as much as 10 pounds in only one week and that no exercise is required.

This diet program involves the addition of certain foods every day.

1. The first day you can consume all fruits, except bananas;

2. The second day you are allowed to eat raw or cooked vegetables of your choice;

3. The third day you can eat all fruits and vegetables that you want, with the exclusion of bananas and potatoes;

4. The forth day you can eat as many as 8 bananas;

5. The fifth day you can couple the cabbage soup with beef and tomatoes;

6. The sixth day you are allowed you to include beef and vegetables, but no potatoes;

7. On the final day you can eat your cabbage soup with rice, fruit juices and vegetables;

The Grapefruit Diet is one of the best diets to lose weight quickly. It promises to drop 10 pounds in less than 2 weeks.

This diet is low in calories and low in fat and it requires you to cut out carbohydrates. You are not allowed to eat sweet fruits, potatoes, white onions, celery, cereal, peas, corn or other starchy vegetables, grains and cereals, pasta, potato chips, corn chips, celery, low fat salad dressing, peanut butter, jam, or pretzels.

You are allowed to consume red onions, broccoli, bell peppers, radishes, carrots, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, green beans, fish, lean meats, chicken, bacon, pork chops, no-bean chili, mayonnaise, cheese, coleslaw, squash, eggs, regular salad dressing, dried nuts, and hot dogs.

Food combinations play an important role in this diet. The diet creators claim that the right combination of recommended foods can help burn off excess body fat quickly and without much effort. In addition to this, you should never eat between meals. The goal is to eat until you are perfectly full or satisfied as this will prevent you from feeling hungry later on in the day.

During this diet, grapefruit or grapefruit juice is consumed at every meal. Grapefruit is necessary because it contains a fat-burning enzyme that helps the body use fat for energy. Thats why this diet allows some of the foods that are high in fat and protein.

For best results, the Grapefruit Diet should be followed for 12 days. If you wish to continue, you must wait 2 days before starting again.

The 3 Day Diet, also referred to as the Cardiac Diet, is meant for rapid weight loss. It is often used in hospitals for cardiac patients who need to lose large amounts of weight before having heart surgery.

Proponents of this diet claim that you can drop 10 pounds in three days and that you can manage to lose 40 pounds in one month.

Being extremely low in calories, it is unhealthy to follow this diet for more than 3 days. After the 3 day period, you should return to your normal food intake for about four to five days. Only then you can repeat this diet again.

This diet consists of eating moderate portions of tuna, lean meat, grapefruit, toast, eggs and vegetables. Portions must be eaten exactly as specified in the diet plan. Only salt, pepper, and ketchup can be used to season foods and no sugar is allowed. Dieters are encouraged to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

The 3 Day Diet Meal Plan:

Day 1




Day 2




Day 3




The Scarsdale Diet is an excellent way to lose weight without feeling hungry. The regimen is strict, but it doesnt require counting calories, weighing, or measuring portion sizes. It should not be followed for more than two weeks in a row, but the proponents of this diet claim that during this period you can lose up 7 to 15 pounds.

The Scarsdale Diet is based on eating lean protein and low-carbohydrate foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, and lean meat. Breakfast generally consist of coffee, tea, one half grapefruit, and a slice of protein bread.

After 14 days of following the Scarsdale Medical Diet (SMD) plan, dieters should switch to Keep Trim phase for the next 2 weeks. During this period you can plan your own menus. A slightly higher calorie intake is permitted and a few additional foods are allowed.

You can continue repeating the SMD and Keep Trim cycle until you reach desired results.

The Scarsdale diet plan allows for a daily calorie intake of 850 to 1000 calories during the SMD, and between 1000 and 1200 during the Keep Trim phase.

In this diet you must eat exactly what is specified for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and avoid using oil, mayonnaise, or other rich dressings to season your salads. Alcohol is absolutely forbidden.

The Flat Belly Diet promises to help you drop up to 15 pounds in 32 days and lose belly fat permanently. It is focused on reducing unhealthy fat located deep inside your abdomen.

This diet consists of eating monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) at every meal in order to eliminate belly fat, promote satiety and fullness, and prevent overeating. MUFAs are found in foods like olives, nuts, avocados, dark chocolate, seeds, soybean, flax, and olive and sunflower oils.

There are two parts to the Flat Belly Diet: a four-day anti-bloat jumpstart period and a four week eating plan.

The four-day anti-bloat jumpstart period is designed to reduce bloating and make you lose weight almost immediately. This phase allows only 1,200 calories a day and it forbids salt, processed foods, high-carb foods and gas-producing foods such as cabbage, onions, and legumes. It does not permit coffee, tea, sugar alcohols, and carbonated drinks, but it encourages the dieters to drink two liters of sassy water (a mix of spices, herbs, cucumber, and lemon).

The four-week eating plan consists of consuming four 400-calorie meals every four hours, each containing MUFA components. During this stage, dieters are provided with a list of 28 interchangeable mix-and-match breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snack packs, along with portion sizes and calories. There are eighty recipes and they all include full nutritional information like total calories, protein, carbohydrates, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium and fiber. The key ingredients are fish, veggies, legumes, fruits, whole grains, and olive oil.

To keep your body healthy and in good shape, please consult your doctor before undertaking any of the above diets and remember that food depravation can have dangerous physical and psychological effects. Choose a healthy diet that will satisfy your bodys nutritional needs and exercise as much as you can.

If you have any other good diets to suggest, please leave a comment below and dont forget to share this post with other people who are in search of weight loss diets that work.


This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.

Originally posted here:
10 Diets That Work Fast - YouQueen

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Atkins Diet | Diet & Nutrition | eHow

Posted: October 26, 2015 at 2:44 am

Lunch Meat on the Atkins Diet

You might assume you can have all the meat you want while sticking to Atkins strict guidelines. That isnt the case, though. Lunch meats tend to have small amounts of Read More

Atkins & Digestable Carbs

The term digestible carbs may seem a little confusing. After all, any type of carbohydrate you eat is digested. But on the Atkins diet, digestible refers to the types of Read More

How to Rid the Body of Non-Diabetic Ketones

Ketones in the body can be toxic. Ketones are acidic chemical substances produced by the liver from fatty acids. The best way to tell if you have ketones is to Read More

Foods to Eat on Atkins

Carbohydrates, also referred to as starches, are your body's main energy source. The Atkins Diet requires that you drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake, so your body uses its fat storage Read More

What Vegetables Have the Highest Composition of Tannic Acid?

Tannic acid or tannin occurs naturally in plants. Apart from fruits, leaves and stems of some trees, some vegetables also contain tannic acid. When you consume vegetables with tannic acid, Read More

What Happens When You Eat No Carbs?

Many people have either experienced or been on a low-carbohydrate diet without really knowing how it affected their body. Low-carb diets work by reducing the amount of sugars that enter Read More

How to Use Atkins Shakes

Consuming meal replacement drinks can help you lose weight, but it takes more than chugging a shake whenever hunger strikes to help you shed pounds. Diet shakes, such as Atkins Read More

Foods With Absolutely No Carbs

No- and low-carb diets have made their mark with well-known plans, such as Anabolic and Atkins diets. People who are looking for an effective way to lose weight may choose Read More

Good Vegetables for the Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet ignited the low-carb diet craze in the United States in the 1970s. According to Kathleen Goodwin, R.D., approximately 25 million Americans today are on low-carbohydrate diets at Read More

How to Lose Weight Quickly on Atkins

In 1972, Dr. Robert Coleman Atkins unveiled a nutritional plan he called the "Atkins Diet," which emphasizes cutting carbohydrate consumption and increasing consumption of foods rich in protein. The concept Read More

Atkins Induction Breakfast Ideas

Most dieters dread the beginning of a new diet, as visions of strict rules and tasteless food loom large. On the Atkins Diet, however, the first phase (the Induction) offers Read More

Problems With the Atkins Introduction Phase

The Atkins Diet is a weight-loss plan developed by Dr. Robert C. Atkins in 1963. It is a high-protein, high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet that works on the principal that by Read More

Meal Plan for the Induction Phase of Atkins

The induction phase, or phase 1, of the Atkins diet is designed to move the body from carb burning to fat burning to kick start weight loss. In this phase, Read More

How to Calculate Net Carbs on Atkins

The Atkins diet is one that focuses on cutting a substantial amount of carbohydrates out of the diet. The Atkins website states that unused carbohydrates in foods turn into sugar, Read More

Tips for the Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet was, for many, a great way to lose weight. It involved eating foods high in fat and protein but curbing carbohydrates. Some people that followed the Atkins Read More

How to Eliminate Sugar From Your Diet

To eliminate sugar from your diet, it is best to avoid packaged and processed foods that are high in sucrose, glucose, maltose or high fructose corn syrup. Replace refined sugars Read More

Acceptable Foods for the Atkins Diet

The bottom line regarding foods that are acceptable to eat on the Atkins Diet is that they must be extremely low in carbohydrates. Proponents of this plan believe when people Read More

Uses for Soy Bean Powder

Soybean powder has a wide array of uses. The powder is derived from the soybean, which Asian cultures have used in cooking for centuries. Soybeans contain amino acids and nutrients, Read More

List of Foods Containing Low Carbs

When beginning a low carb diet, it can seem like you can't eat anything since a significant amount of carbohydrates are eliminated from your diet. Foods that are higher in Read More

List of Foods for Atkins

Effective for a vast range of people--from those who are significantly overweight to those who just want to keep their weight in check; men and women; athletes and the more Read More

Bacon Vs. Salami: Which Is Healthier?

Both bacon and salami are fatty meats that are not necessarily healthy. However, when choosing between the two, bacon has fewer calories and grams of fat per slice. Read More

How to Start the No Carb Diet

Before starting a carboyhdrate-restricted diet, it is important to remember that limiting your carb intake altogether isn't advised. The most critical element to low-carb dieting is to eliminate starches and Read More

How to Overcome a Plateau on the Atkins Diet

Hitting a weight loss plateau while on the Atkins diet can be very frustrating, especially if you've worked very hard and have achieved great weight loss that one day just Read More

Normal Weight Loss During Induction of Atkins

The Atkins diet is broken down into four stages: induction, ongoing weight loss, pre-maintenance and maintenance. The induction phase is the initial stage of the diet that gives dieters a Read More

Diet to Reset Taste Buds

Taste buds acclimate to our diet. They respond to what they are used to. Known as neuron-adaptation, less sensitivity to flavor results. As our taste receptors become saturated with high Read More

How to Do the Atkins Low Carb Diet

The Atkins diet is one of the world's most popular diets. It is designed to minimize a person's carbohydrate intake in favor of protein and fats to better equip the Read More

Atkins 14-Day Diet Plan

Robert Atkins, M.D., developed the popular Atkins Diet in the early 1970s in order to control his own weight. The theory behind the diet is that by consuming minimal carbohydrate, Read More

Dangerous Food Preservatives

Food preservatives are chemical additives used to prevent and kill bacterial growth, thicken, tenderize and color manufactured foods. The body is not equipped to breakdown and process synthetic preservatives, causing Read More

The Atkins Diet Meal Plan

According to a Stanford University study, the Atkins diet is more effective than the Zone diet, Ornish diet and U.S. government weight loss guidelines. The Atkins four-phase meal plan is Read More

Supplements That Will Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is extremely common today, and doctors are telling more and more people they have it. Blood pressure medication sales are at an all-time high. But there are Read More

What Are the Foods That Are Allowed on the Atkins Diet?

The Atkins Diet, developed by Dr. Robert Atkins, relies upon restricting the amount of carbohydrates a person consumes in order to encourage his body to enter a ketogenic state, in Read More

Can You Eat Popcorn on the Atkins Diet?

It can be difficult to find snacks that fit into the Atkins diet, because most common snacks are high in carbohydrates. Whether you'll be able to eat popcorn on the Read More

How to Take Vitex After Depo

Vitex, or chasteberrry, is the fruit of the botanical tree Vitex agnus-castus, belonging to the Verbenaceae family and is reputed as having hormonal effects used for disorders of the female Read More

How Much Protein Can Be Eaten on the Atkins Diet?

The Atkins Diet rose to popularity in the 1990s, with its premise that limiting carbohydrates and getting most of your calories from protein were the keys to weight loss and Read More

Atkins Diet Rules

The Atkins diet consists of four distinct phases. The Atkins diet works with net carbohydrates (carbs) rather than a total number of carbs, and each phase of the diet limits Read More

What Vitamins Should be Taken While on the Atkins Diet?

Certain vitamins are essential to a healthy life. While on the Atkins Diet, many people remove foods from their diet in an attempt to reduce carbohydrate intake. In the end, Read More

Atkins Diet & Diabetes

A popular fad diet, the Atkins diet focuses on eating foods high in protein while lowering carbohydrate intake. In recent years, research has shown that the Atkins diet may help Read More

What is a Natural Way to Get Rid of a Pinched Nerve?

A pinched nerve is a common condition wherein muscles, joints, tendons, or cartilage place excess pressure on the nerve, disrupting its primary function and causing pain, numbness, and a tingling Read More

Can Someone Eat Sugar Free Candy on the Atkins Diet?

Because the Atkins diet restricts sweets, dieters often crave sugar. Eating sugar free candy is a great way to ease those cravings. However, not all sugar free candy is carbohydrate Read More

Low Carb & High Protein Food List

A low carb, high protein diet, more commonly referred to as the Atkins diet, centers on eating a diet high in protein, but low in carbohydrates to lose weight. Meats, Read More

What to Snack on While Doing Atkins Diet

The Atkins Diet is a popular and effective way to lose weight. Because the diet limits the intake of carbohydrates, snack time can be a challenge. Learning to find healthy, Read More

Atkins Diet Induction Rules

The Induction Phase is frequently mistaken for the entire Atkins Diet. Its restriction of generally healthy foods and limit to extremely low and no-carbohydrate selections, primarily meats and eggs, leads Read More

Type of Nuts to Eat on Atkins Diet

Based on the book "Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution," published in 1972 by Dr. Robert Atkins, the Atkins Diet restricts intake of certain foods to trigger weight loss. By Dr. Atkins' Read More

Diet & Menu for People With Stents

The occurrence of esophageal cancer is continually climbing. The common symptoms associated with esophageal cancer are the sense that food gets stuck to the side of the throat, and swallowing Read More

The Atkins Diet & Menopause

Menopause brings many changes to a woman's body, which may be overwhelming and occur in a relatively short time period. In addition to the cessation of reproductive function, you must Read More

Can Babies Drink Bottled Water?

Most adults drink bottled water, but is it recommended to allow babies to consume it? For babies and toddlers, drinking water is essential to their health and well-being. Do babies Read More

The Herbalife Diet Vs. The Atkins Diet

Herbalife and Atkins are popular diet plans that stress the importance of combining lean proteins with "good" carbohydrates, while avoiding "bad" carbs, cholesterol, saturated fat and trans fat. While the Read More

Atkins Diet And High Blood Pressure

The Atkins Diet is one of the oldest and most popular low-carb solutions. Developed in the 1970s, the Atkins Diet has stood the test of time, helping thousands upon thousands Read More

Natural Herbal Cure for Diabetes

Over 100 natural herbs and or natural medicines are being used for diabetes care. Specific herbs can accomplish the same actions of conventional medicines and without side effects. Natural herbs Read More

Meat & Egg Diet Plan

The meat and egg diet plan is better known as the low-carb diet. This diet was made popular by Dr. Robert Atkins, who revolutionized the way many people think about Read More

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The Mediterranean Diet – Healthy diet & weight loss tips …

Posted: October 24, 2015 at 2:47 am

Did you know that there are some herbs and spices that go particularly well with Mediterranean diet lamb recipes? By using the right Mediterranean herbs and spices in preparing all those healthy lamb recipes, you can def[...]

Are you aware that bananas are considered to be one of the worlds best superfoods? Well, if you havent learned about all the health benefits of bananas yet, you should definitely read this art[...]

Did you know that you will be doing your body a huge favor just by eating one or two bananas a day? If you are not yet aware of it, you need to know that bananas contain many of the essential nutrients our body needs. As[...]

Do you want to know how you can get rid of chronic pain without using any medications? Do you want to know how you can manage and banish chronic pain safely and effectively? Well, to be quite honest about it, all you nee[...]

Have you noticed that herbs and spices are placed the very base of the revised Mediterranean diet pyramid? Well, if you will take the time to look at it a little more carefully, youll see that herbs and spices are[...]

Did you know that you can effectively prevent arterial stiffness and promote better cardiovascular health by simply adhering to the guidelines of the Mediterranean diet? Yes, you can! I am pretty sure that you are intere[...]

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BabyCenter: Is it Safe to Diet During Pregnancy?

Posted: October 22, 2015 at 10:44 pm

I don't recommend it pregnancy is not the time to diet. Normally, you should gain about 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. If you're overweight, you may want to shoot for 15 to 25 pounds. The recommendation for women who are obese is to gain between about 11 and 20 pounds. (Find out more about pregnancy weight gain.)

Some gain is inevitable given the weight of the baby, the enlarged uterus, the placenta, and the amniotic fluid. But that's weight that should disappear quickly once the baby is born.

On average you should be getting about 2,500 calories a day (that's up from about 2,100 when you're not pregnant). You need those calories and so does your baby.

Your physiology changes, too. Your blood sugar between meals can drop to very low levels, which is why so many pregnant women have the feeling that they're starving and need to eat between meals. If you go into pregnancy thinking you need to lose weight, you'll find yourself incredibly hungry.

Babies are pretty efficient at getting what they need, so it's more a threat to your health than your baby's if you don't eat enough. But there's a risk that your baby will grow poorly if you're really malnourished.

My approach is to think of these months as part of a larger piece. Any weight you think you should lose, you probably put on during the years and decades before you got pregnant. Instead of trying to lose weight while you're pregnant, use this time to develop the healthy eating habits that will carry you through the rest of your life.

Focus on eating well rather than reducing calories. It's good for you and your baby, and will help make sure you don't gain more weight than you need to during your pregnancy.

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BabyCenter: Is it Safe to Diet During Pregnancy?

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