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Heartburn vs. Indigestion: How to Tell the Difference – Healthline

Posted: February 1, 2021 at 10:46 pm

Heartburn and indigestion are common gastrointestinal (GI) problems that are often discussed interchangeably. While they may occasionally occur at the same time, these are considered separate GI issues.

So, if youre experiencing an upset stomach, acid regurgitation, or a burning chest, how do you know whether youre dealing with indigestion or heartburn?

Read on to learn the signs and causes of these GI issues, and how you can manage and prevent them.

You may be able to tell the difference between heartburn and indigestion based on the location of your symptoms.

While indigestion primarily affects the abdominal area, heartburn symptoms can be felt in the chest and esophageal areas. Keep in mind that its also possible to experience both indigestion and heartburn at the same time.

Heres a breakdown of symptoms commonly associated with both heartburn and indigestion:

As they are different conditions, heartburn and indigestion can have very different causes. But there is some overlap.

Heartburn occurs when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus due to a weak or relaxed lower esophageal sphincter. It may also be a symptom of a chronic condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Over time, GERD may damage the esophagus, leading to complications such as esophageal cancer or Barretts esophagus.

Risk factors for heartburn include:

In some cases, certain foods can trigger heartburn. These include:

Some of the same food triggers for heartburn may bring on a case of indigestion, including caffeine, spicy or acidic foods, and alcohol. Indigestion may also be caused by eating large meals or eating too fast.

Indigestion could also be caused by underlying GI disorders, including:

Anxiety and depression may also upset the stomach on a regular basis in some people, leading to indigestion issues. Research also suggests that indigestion may have a genetic component.

Both heartburn and indigestion may be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) products, such as:

Ask your doctor before taking any herbal remedies for GI issues, as you may unintentionally make your heartburn or indigestion worse.

Occasional heartburn or indigestion is largely preventable. Prevention methods are the same for both conditions.

Here are some of the ways you can help decrease a flare-up of heartburn and indigestion symptoms:

These preventive measures may also help alleviate symptoms of chronic heartburn or indigestion, but youll need to see your doctor to help treat the underlying causes to help prevent further complications.

If your symptoms of heartburn and/or indigestion dont improve after a few weeks of home remedies and preventive measures, see your doctor.

Chronic heartburn or indigestion issues could be a sign of an underlying medical condition that needs treatment. To get to the root of chronic indigestion or heartburn issues, your doctor may order a few tests, including:

Call your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms that could indicate GI complications:

Seek emergency medical attention if heartburn or indigestion are accompanied by the following potential symptoms of a heart attack:

Both heartburn and indigestion have similar causes, and may be alleviated with similar lifestyle changes and OTC treatments.

Its important, however, that you determine whether your symptoms are heartburn- or indigestion-related, so you can discuss them with your doctor.

If you find that you need antacids every day, or if your heartburn or indigestion symptoms last longer than a few weeks, you may need to see your doctor for further testing.

Treating an underlying GI issue can help alleviate your symptoms while also preventing further complications.

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Heartburn vs. Indigestion: How to Tell the Difference - Healthline

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Everything you need to know about intermittent fasting – PINKVILLA

Posted: January 31, 2021 at 1:51 pm

Intermittent fasting involves switching between fasting and eating on a regular schedule. Check out the risks, benefits and the methods involved in this diet regime.

When it comes to losing weight, there are many diets that you can follow, from keto to vegan diet. All these diets have their own rules and dietary requirements that can help you lose weight easily and quickly. One such way of losing weight is intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting.

It differs from fasting for a day or more because you take a planned intermission or break from the fast to eat. In terms of effectiveness, intermittent fasting is said to be effective for short-term weight loss among normal weight, overweight and obese people. Here is everything you need to know about intermittent fasting.


There is more than one way of doing intermittent fasting. During the fasting periods, you eat either very little or nothing at all.

Some of the most popular methods include the 16/8 method which involves skipping breakfast and limiting your daily eating period to 8 hours and fasting for 16 hours in between. Another popular method is the 5:2 diet wherein you consume only 500600 calories on 2 non-consecutive days of the week and eat normally the remaining 5 days.


When there is a sufficient amount of glycogen in the body, it is stored as fat. The body's first source for fuel is the glycogens, when these are gone is when the body burns fat for energy. Thus, for the body to burn fat easily it is essential to eat fewer calories, which is exactly what one does in intermittent fasting.

Since in intermittent fasting, you get a grip on your eating habits, you feel much more in control. You attain a certain level of self-control when it comes to food and you feel positive about it.


While following intermittent fasting you take long gaps between your meals which results in you feeling extremely hungry after fasting. This can result in you eating foods that are high in calories and overeating to satiate your hunger, thereby defeating the purpose of the fasting.

The body has stored carbohydrates which fuel exercise. When during intermittent fasting, these carbohydrates are reduced, the body can burn protein and lose muscle along with burning fat. This can affect your metabolism and make it hard for you to lose weight.

Also Read:Spinach vs Broccoli: Find out which is healthier and more nutritious

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Eating Healthy And Becoming Your Best Self With Mark Suster – Forbes

Posted: January 31, 2021 at 1:51 pm

Can we ever break the discouraging cycle of losing weight and then putting it back on? Yes, we can, says Mark Suster in this episode of Whats Ahead.

A noted venture capitalist and entrepreneur, Suster posted a blog on New Years day entitled, How I Lost 65 Pounds In 18 Months Without Any Fad Diets And Gimmicks.

Mark Suster, managing partner of Upfront Ventures.

During our conversation, Suster explains why most diets dont work and why relying too heavily on intense exercise also doesnt work: You cant outrun the fork.

The key to succeeding is changing your lifestyle in small steps. Dont start with a comprehensive plan.The basic concept is that You manage what you measure. You must measure your weight each day and religiously log everything you eat. Sensible exerciseagain, starting slowly. This doesnt mean you forever foreswear eating foods you love, such as pizza, cheeseburgers and ice cream, but you eat them in moderationand not every day.

Suster shares with us the ways in which he deals with the need for snacks, especially in the evening. His average weight loss was little more than a pound a week. He makes it all sound so doable, and he didntand doesntrely on unrealistic willpower and forbearance.

Listen and give it a try. I plan to!

How my brain processes information

I was 39 when I realized I had ADD. And I realized because my executive assistant told me I had ADD. And I said to her, Im accomplished. Im a two-time CEO. I sold both of my companies. My second company, I sold I was VP of product at Salesforce, one of the fastest-growing companies in the entire country. Uh, Im now a venture capitalist, this, uh, you know, industry, many people want to be a part of. And I run my own venture capital fund. Im too successful to have ADD; youre surely talking about the wrong person. So she gave me a bookits called Delivered From Distractionand I started reading it, and everything in that book described me, and I couldnt believe it. So, uh: late to meetings, driving cars fast, argumentative, uh, start lots of tasks, dont complete lots of tasks, really bad at time management. Like, you go through this checklist and it, I felt like it was a Bible for my brain. It told me heres why you do what you do. And I started to realize that the things that I didnt feel good about myself for were really just how my brain was wired. So when you have ADD, you have a slow-processing frontal cortex, its not a disease. Its just how your brain processes information.

The key to course-correcting and getting back on track

Psychologically, theres a term called licensing. When we work out, we think weve earned the right to eat more or eat foods that we want. So I went for a 16-mile run. Ive earned the right to have chicken wings and deep-dish pizza. But the over consumption that you do from the licensing effect, more than outweighs the good from the exercise. So if youre going to focus on only one thing, and I think you should do both, but if youre going to do only one thing, focus on food. And the second thing that Id like to make a point about is, uh, not just that theres a problem with licensing, uh, but ultimately you have to keep track of total calories, total consumption, and get control of what your day looks like. And what happens is if you stop measuring because you had three or four bad days, three or four bad days becomes three or four bad weeks become six weeks. And people stopped measuring.

If you have a bad day, its okay. If you have three bad days, its okay. But you need to still measure every morning, even when youre having bad days, and hold yourself accountable to three to five bad days. Cause thats the only way that youre going to course-correct faster and get yourself back on track. And what happens is on diets, when people break them, they stopped stepping on the scale because they dont want to see it cause they dont want to be accountable for their bad behavior. And three days becomes three weeks, becomes three months. And I know because thats my life. Okay. And when I held myself accountable for the bad weekend or the bad week, even I got back on the track faster, and I never blew my diet out for weeks.

Holding yourself accountable

You need to understand that you cannot outrun on the fork. So 80% of weight lossand weight loss isnt everyones goalbut 80% is what you eat. And 20% is exercise, and theyre both important. But if youre going to start on something, start on what you eat and hold yourself accountable. As Americans, we dont measure what we eat. So we really have a skewed sense of portion control. As you know, I lived a long time in Europe, and in Europe the portions are significantly smaller than in the U.S. So [how much is in] a bowl of cereal or a bowl of rice or how much bread do we consume? How much milk do we put in a cafe latte, for example, are things we just dont think about. The reason I recommend products like Noom and My Fitness Palbut theres many others and I'm not an investor in anything I mentioned. And if I do, I will disclose itbut the nice thing about those products is their food-logging tools. They hold you accountable to measure what you eat and to say, what is the portion? And they tell you how many calories. And it builds up throughout the day. And what I found was a portion of rice was a third of the size of how much rice I eat. A portion of cereal was about a third of the portion of cereal that I ate. And I just didnt realize how many calories I was taking in every day. Once I learned what portions were and I started eating smaller portions, I found I could eat anything, really. Truly. I eat pizza. I eat cereal. I, as you mentioned, I eat bagels, but I eat them in healthy proportions. I know how much Im eating, and I know when Im overrunning. So at the end of the day, I hold myself accountable.

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How Walking Every Day Helped This Guy Lose 300 Pounds –

Posted: January 31, 2021 at 1:51 pm

In a new episode of the body transformation webseries Brand New Me, Frank Markosek from Illinois shares how he struggled with his weight and with over-eating for years. "If it had a dollar menu, I was there," he says, describing how he would eat fast food almost every day, and would frequently eat before bed.

At his heaviest, Frank weighed 557 pounds, and says that he would often put on a brave face for the sake of others, but was continually dealing with feelings of unhappiness. A turning point came during a friend's bachelor weekend in 2019, when Frank and his friends went to a hockey game, and he found that he couldn't sit comfortably in the stadium seat for longer than a minute because it was so tight.

"I remember getting up and crying my eyes out," he says. "I looked in the mirror and I said, do you want to live, or do you want to die?"

He knew it was time to finally make a change, and so he made a commitment to eating healthier, and started exercising. He originally set himself the goal of walking 10,000 steps each day, but soon found that walking was as good for his mental health as it was for his physical health, and he began to do it more and more.

"I love walking, I love the air, I love being outside, I love feeling free," he says. "I walk around a half-marathon total every day."

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During the filming of the episode, Frank reveals that he is now weighing in at 256 poundsa total weight loss of 301 pounds in under two years.

"I think I had to go through these struggles to finally figure everything out today," he says. "I feel like I have more control than I ever did before. You can fix your body all you want, but until you fix your head, you cannot maintain sustainability with weight loss. A lot of the mental aspect of it was me talking out loud about my past experiences; it helped me release all those feelings I had, but in a positive way."

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If you’re ready to drop the New Year’s weight loss resolution, this is for you – Wicked Local

Posted: January 30, 2021 at 12:53 am

Julia Taliesin|Wicked Local

By New Years Eve, the weight loss ads are hard to avoid. Companies calculate that January is when everyone resolves to finally shed the pounds, and, this year, it was all about losing the quarantine 15.

Well, quarantine isnt over, and January was full of tough pandemic news and political unrest. So, if that New Years resolution has fallen to the side, several local practitioners say it could be an opportunity to look at things differently.

Somerville dietitian and personal trainer Jessi Haggerty specializes in intuitive eating and size-affirming health care, concepts that have been around for a while but are now central to the Health at Every Size and fat positivity movements.

Intuitive eating is about how to help people honor what their body is asking for in terms of food, without goal of losing weight, she said. Its about honoring your bodys hunger and fullness, honoring cravings, and eating foods you enjoy and find pleasurable. Its what you want your life to look like we dont want our lives to feel restricted or miserable because were dieting all the time.

Haggerty acknowledged the pressure to lose weight is all around us, and noted that seeking weight loss is not necessarily a health-promoting effort.

Because we live in a culture that really prioritizes thinness and celebrates weight loss, most people I work with feel a pressure to lose weight, she said. The work Im doing with my clients is around body acceptance, and how to integrate behavior change that feels good for you, thats more focused on making yourself feel good versus lowering the number on the scale or trying to become smaller.

For people with chronic illnesses, or conditions that may in some way be helped by weight loss, Haggerty encourages self-compassion, education, and, again, listening to what your body needs when it comes to food and movement.

Unfortunately, a lot of patterns I see are what weve all internalized culturally: that our culture prioritizes a specific body type small and lean that we equate with health and which isnt necessarily true or helpful, she said. While I do talk to clients about protein and carbs, for the most part Im helping people develop a more helpful self-talk, to have curiosity and compassion around food.

Bethany Kregiel, a therapist at Somervilles Looking Glass Counseling, said she generally sees an increased focus on self-improvement this time of year. Kregiel specializes in eating disorders and OCD, and said she tends to work with clients to make sure any weight loss goals dont go too far.

I usually let my clients know up front that Im not a provider who promotes weight loss, and I work with them on understanding their current relationship with food and body image and how we can make that relationship better, she said. My approach is more about developing intuitive relationships with food and movement.

Kregiel, like Haggerty, guides her clients to listen to their bodys signals on when to move and what to eat.

Part of my approach with someone who has an unhealthy relationship with food and body image is understating their own bodys cues, accepting the cues, and accepting whatever their body is going to look like after following those internal cues, she said.

Kregiel also tries to get to the root of why weight loss is a goal, at all.

People get into this line of thinking, like things will be better for me if I lose 10 pounds, but thats not a solution if you have low self-esteem, she said. Thats going to be with you no matter what your weight is, so what is the root of desire to make this change, and is there another way to tackle this that is not the Band-Aid of weight loss?

CrossFit Somerville owner J.T. Scott, who also serves as Ward 2 City Councilor, has worked to create a fitness community that focuses on agency and strengthening peoples ability to create change in them and in the world.

We believe people who are stronger and more capable are better positioned to change the world, and we believe in the desire of most everyone to change the world for the better, he said. Its that agency that is the foundation of creating all sorts of positive social and structural change in the world.

Unlike other fitness venues, weight loss is not a primary focus in Scotts gym. When clients come in with specific goals like meeting a height/weight ration to join the Marines he works with them one-on-one, but general classes prioritize body safety while encouraging members to push their limits.

Its in how we model our behavior: none of our coaches are walking around talking about oh, Im so fat and slow, its I am how I am, he said. I think fitness and weight loss culture creates larger culture of shame and valuing people based on appearance, when the range of human normal is very wide.

Haggerty believes theres a lot to be gained when we stop fixating on weight loss.

Its so nice not to be obsessing over everything Im eating or not eating, it allows us to have deeper connections with people discover what youre actually passionate about, she said. It sometimes results in a career change, and people realize they have space for hobbies and other things they enjoy.

Kregiel agreed there is so much lost when weight loss is the only goal.

First and foremost are social interactions such a big part of the way we socialize is around food, and youre going to be taken out of the moment when youre obsessing over food eating when youre with other people, she said. It makes me sad when people limit themselves from having something they really want. Theres a lot of freedom that comes with letting go of a diet, eating what you want to eat, and not feeling bad about it.

Instead of diet and weight loss goals, resolve to focus on things you love.

Im not setting these weird diet goals anymore, Im focused on other things,said Haggerty. I have a new creative writing practice, and Im starting a book club. When I think about intentions or resolutions that have enhanced my life, any time Ive ever engaged in restrictive diet, Ive never felt it was really life enhancing. I encourage people to think about goals you can still have goals around food and body image but prioritize what is going to feel fulfilling and life enhancing.

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If you're ready to drop the New Year's weight loss resolution, this is for you - Wicked Local

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Yes, eggs can help you lose weight here’s how to eat them as part of a healthy diet – Insider – INSIDER

Posted: January 30, 2021 at 12:53 am

Though eggs have been somewhat demonized for their high cholesterol content, evidence shows that eggs can be part of a healthy diet. Research indicates that eggs can even help you lose weight, as they are a healthy, high-protein breakfast option that keeps you full.

Here's what you need to know about the nutritional benefits of eggs and how you can eat them as part of your goals for weight loss.

Eggs boast an impressive nutrition profile.

"Eggs are high-quality protein and contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, B vitamins, and folate," says Natalie Rizzo, a registered dietitian in New York City. "Eggs are also rich in choline, a micronutrient that is important for pregnant women and babies."

Both egg whites and yolks contain protein. The yolk has the highest concentration of most fats, vitamins, and minerals. A large egg has about:

"As far as weight loss, the protein in eggs can help keep you full and may contribute to eating fewer calories later in the day," Rizzo says.

Part of the challenge when losing weight is satisfying your hunger while still being in a caloric deficit. One way to tackle this is by eating high-protein foods that keep us fuller for longer. Eggs are high in protein, with about 6 grams per large egg.

Important: A satiety index is a measure of how full and satisfied a person feels after eating. Eggs have a 50% higher satiety index than white bread or breakfast cereal.

Protein is better at satiating our hunger than carbohydrates or fats because it takes longer to digest. The process of eating, digesting, and storing food is called the thermic effect. The thermic effect of food is the slight increase in metabolism you experience after eating it. A variety of factors can increase the thermic effect, one of which is the amount of protein.

Boosting your metabolism is one way to help you lose weight. Metabolism is your body's ability to burn calories for energy. While having a fast or slow metabolism is really subject to your genes, eating a high-protein food, such as eggs, slightly speeds up your metabolism and burns more calories.

Protein also benefits muscle health, helping you to preserve and even build bigger muscles. Increasing your muscle mass has a direct effect on raising metabolism. Muscles use more energy and burn more calories at rest, so the more muscle you have, the more efficiently your body is burning the food you eat.

Americans tend to start the day with refined carbohydrates like cereal, pancakes, or doughnuts, which can increase your risk of obesity and even type 2 diabetes. Swapping a carb-heavy breakfast for one with high-protein foods like eggs may help you lose weight.

A small 2008 study of overweight and obese people ages 25 to 60 found eggs for breakfast led to more weight loss than a bagel for breakfast. Participants on a low-fat, calorie-restricted diet were divided into two groups, one of which ate eggs for breakfast and the other a bagel. Both breakfasts contained the same number of calories. After eight weeks, the egg group had a 61% greater reduction in BMI, a 65% greater loss in weight, and a 34% greater reduction in weight loss than the bagel group.

"I definitely recommend eggs as part of a healthy breakfast," Rizzo says. "To balance the breakfast, also include some fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and dairy."

Additionally, eating a healthy breakfast can reduce overall caloric intake by preventing cravings later in the day, Rizzo says. A 2016 review found eating a high-protein breakfast might be linked to lower weight, body fat, and a lower BMI.

There isn't a hard-and-fast rule on how many eggs you should eat, but eating one every day is perfectly healthy.

Though nutrition experts once scrutinized eggs for their high cholesterol content, research indicates eating an egg a day will not raise cholesterol levels. Rather, saturated fat not dietary cholesterol like that found in egg yolks influences cholesterol levels.

Breakfast meats like bacon and sausage are high in saturated fat, so try to limit those with your eggs. Instead, healthier ways to eat eggs include a vegetable frittata or on top of a piece of avocado toast.

To kill harmful bacteria, it's best to cook them until the eggs and yolk are firm. It's healthy to cook eggs in the following ways:

Overall, eggs are a healthy and delicious way to start the day. Their high protein content can help you lose weight by keeping you fuller for longer and slightly boosting your metabolism. If you are trying to lose weight, prepare your eggs with minimal oil and be sure to pair them with other nutrient-rich low-calorie foods like vegetables or fruits.

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Yes, eggs can help you lose weight here's how to eat them as part of a healthy diet - Insider - INSIDER

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Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Reviews – The Japanese Secret for Weight Loss – Riverfront Times

Posted: January 30, 2021 at 12:53 am

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a weight loss formula that improves metabolic rate and encourages natural fat melting inside the body. It is a powdered supplement, which is made from different plant-based ingredients. These ingredients are vital for a healthy metabolism and fulfill the nutritional deficiencies that somehow slow down metabolism.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 40% of the younger adults (from age 20 to 40) are obese. The obesity levels continue to increase after these people cross 40, and at this time, they almost lose hope to get their dream body. However, starting a metabolic boosting product at a younger age can save from this age-related weight gain and help maintain a healthy weight for all life.

There is no struggle involved in using Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic. It is simple to use a dietary formula that can be incorporated into every persons routine. Instead of making false and unbelievable promises, it offers a natural weight loss by promoting the bodys natural capacity to lose weight.

Here is a complete review of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic. Read it to know all the important details regarding this supplement.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic OverviewOkinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a powdered dietary formula that helps achieve weight loss goals without subjecting your body to bizarre tricks and hacks. Every user is expected to add this powder into water and mix well to make a drink. Using this drink daily works on slow metabolism and gradually improves it while losing weight.

Latest Discount Offer on Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Avail from Official Website

Mike Banner is the name behind the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic supplement. He has designed this formula to help millions of people struggling with their weight and find it impossible to achieve. This product is based on an ancient Japanese formula that has been historically helping the native people maintain a healthy weight.

Everything inside Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is plant-based, and there are no artificial ingredients, fillers, and additives inside. All of these ingredients are safe for consumption and are least likely to cause adverse effects. It also suggests that this supplement can be used for as long as a person wants, without worrying about it causing side effects inside his body.

But what really happens when a person starts using Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic every day? How does it help in weight loss? Is weight loss the only benefit of using this supplement? Lets find out the answers.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Ingredient Revealed All the benefits associated with Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic are due to its ingredients, which is basically a Japanese formula. People from Japan are lean, healthy, and maintain an ideal weight all their life. Even the obesity rates in Japan are considerably lower than in the US, and most health experts agree that their diet has to play a part in it. The Japanese diet contains certain herbs and spices which are associated with natural weight loss.

But not everyone can go to Japan, pick these ingredients and combine them into a weight loss formula. Thats why using a dietary formula that offers the same ingredients to you is recommended. Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is one such product that contains ingredients best for melting fat without using any artificial way.

The Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic ingredients are behind all of its benefits. Some of these ingredients are listed as follows.

All of these ingredients are extracted from premium quality natural sources and mixed into a GMP-certified facility. There is nothing inside them that looks suspicious or may cause a side effect later. Hence, Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is safe for everyone.

Is Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Legit or Scam?Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a legit weight loss formula that is in no way close to be a scam. Finding one product among so many options can be really hard and can confuse any person. But there are many reasons which make this tonic a worth-trying option, and the reason why more and more people are inclined to try it because of its unmatchable benefit for the body.

Flat Belly Tonic Now Available at Lowest Price for a Limited Time

Scams or fake products are not likely to benefit the body and using them a few times can also cause adverse side effects in some users. On the other side, Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is 100% safe for everyone, and all this makes it a legit dietary supplement.

All new users should also know that;

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic works better if you start using it smartly. The ingredients inside this supplement work on the C-reactive protein (CRP), which otherwise lowers the metabolism and triggers inflammation. But you can get more benefits from these weight loss supplements by doing the following things.

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Directions to Use Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Powder Using Flat Belly Tonic is super easy. All it takes is to take the recommended dose and mix it in a glass of water. You may also use it inside your workout shakes, breakfast smoothies, and healthy drinks. The only thing to watch out for is the regularity of its usage. It will not work if you are lazy with using it every day.

When to Expect Results?Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic supplement starts working from day one, but you cant see its results in a few days. As it follows a natural weight loss plan, it may take some time to see the results. In addition to this, the duration to see results is variable, and every person needs a different time to lose the same amount of weight. It largely depends upon the current body weight, routine, and regularity of usage to predict how much weight a person may lose.

You can use Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic for as long as you want; it has no side effects. Most people can see a difference in their weight within four to eight weeks of using it. If you have combined it with a low-calorie diet and exercise, you may experience the results much faster than other users.

Where to Buy Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic?Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is only available online, and you may not find it anywhere else. Right now, it is available for a discounted price.

Here is the basic price break-up. You may choose any based on your requirement and budget.

Use it for four to eight weeks and track your progress. In case you cant see any difference in your weight or body fat, you can contact the customer care line at and request a refund.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Review- Conclusion Going through all the details on Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic, it appears that it is a safe and easy weight loss solution that doesnt cost much. Besides, all orders are backed up with a money-back guarantee, so there is not really any money-loss while trying this supplement.

It is safe for people of all ages, except underage children. Using it daily improves metabolism, movement, energy levels, cognitive functions, and immunity. The body loses weight, and at the same time, it also regulates all vital functions without requiring any additional supplement. Right now, it is available for a discounted price and bundle packs. Make a decision about using it and confirm your order today from its official website only.

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Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Reviews - The Japanese Secret for Weight Loss - Riverfront Times

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There’s more evidence that intermittent fasting could help people with obesity lose weight – Insider – INSIDER

Posted: January 30, 2021 at 12:53 am

There's more evidence that intermittent fasting could help people with obesity lose weight.

Sticking to an eight hour "eating window" each day, for 12 weeks, led to moderate weight loss for one in four obese adults, according to a small study published January 28 in PLOS One.

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London looked at 50 obese adults in the U.K. who fasted for 16 hours each day. They were monitored with weekly phone calls for the first half of the study, then had in-person check-ins at the end of week six and week 12.

On average, participants in the study lost about four to five pounds in the 12 weeks. One in four participants lost at least 5% of their body weight by the end of the study.

Participants lost the most weight (an average of eight pounds total) if they stuck to intermittent fasting at least five days a week, over half of them did so through the end of the study. The most common reasons for lapsing in the diet were dining out, happy hours, and other social occasions, according to surveys from participants.

Read more: Some fasting advocates say you can sneak food into the diet without sacrificing the health benefits, but others aren't so sure

These results suggest that intermittent fasting is worth a closer look as a weight loss strategy.

"Simple weight management plans which people can stick to are currently lacking," Dunja Przulj, corresponding author of the study and a research health psychologist at Queen Mary University of London, said in a press release.

The weight loss in this study was comparable to results from other diets, based on the researchers' previous study.

In that study, which is still unpublished, data from 300 obese adults showed similar weight loss results from following the National Health Services advice to eat less, exercise more, count calories, and eat more fiber and produce.

Participants following NHS advice lost slightly less weight, about 4 pounds on average, compared to 6 pounds lost by intermittent fasting dieters in the most recent study. People were also less likely to stay committed to the NHS advice.

That means intermittent fasting could be as good or better for weight loss than current diets recommendations, according to researchers. However, neither of these studies looked at long-term weight loss, so we don't yet know how well intermittent fasting may work over time.

Previous research has found intermittent fasting has potential for treating obesity. Studies have shown it can work as well as other diets for weight loss, but it may not be any more effective. One theory to explain this is that fasting is just one strategy to help people cut calories, so their weight loss results depend on how much less they eat on a fasting diet.

In addition to weight loss, studies have explored whether intermittent fasting may improve health in other ways, such as reducing risk of disease or improving blood sugar control and cholesterol levels.

In this most recent study, intermittent fasting was not found to have an effect on blood pressure or cholesterol levels, which are also important markers of health. Researchers didn't measure blood sugar or insulin.

But still other research has found that intermittent fasting doesn't seem to improve markers of health compared to other healthy diets, and may even lead to side effects like muscle loss.

There's still a lot researchers don't understand about this type of fasting, and more research is needed to better understand how it might work and how best to apply it for health benefits.

Originally posted here:
There's more evidence that intermittent fasting could help people with obesity lose weight - Insider - INSIDER

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Weight loss: Experts golden rules when it comes to healthy snacking to lose weight – Express

Posted: January 30, 2021 at 12:53 am

Snacking, when eating unhealthy foods, can result in a large number of calories being consumed throughout the day. Eating unhealthy snacks like junk food is not going to help with weight loss progress but there are ways to consume the foods you love without having to go without.

Firstly, the nutritionist says to only eat when youre truly hungry.

She said: Many of us have found ourselves snacking for reasons other than hunger. Boredom, stress and snacking as a reward after a long day are all common.

Next time you consider reaching for a snack take a moment to ask yourself if you're trying hungry. If you find that you aren't, food is not the answer.

There are many ways to counteract non-hunger eating, I recommend keeping a food diary noting down everything you eat along with how you feel each time you eat.

This can help identify reoccurring triggers for snacking such as lack of sleep, stress or boredom. Once you have a deeper understanding of your triggers, you can find healthier ways to meet those needs, like working on a better sleep routine or getting out for a walk to reduce stress or beat boredom, rather than turning to food.

Those looking to shed a few pounds or to look to snack healthier, the expert recommends staying away from sugary foods.

Kim added: Snacks that are high in sugar or based on starchy carbohydrates aren't likely to keep us satisfied for long. Instead of reaching for a piece of toast or a biscuit, find a snack that has a higher protein or health or healthy fat content.

Good examples include a small handful of unroasted nuts, a small pot of plain coconut yoghurt, or some olives. These will be more likely to fill you up and keep you satisfied for longer.

As well as staying away from sugary snacks, constant grazing could hinder weight loss.

The expert explained the difference between a snack and constantly reaching for food.

She said: We've all been there, whether it's picking at the children's leftovers or grazing on that open packet of Percy Pigs on your desk.

If you feel hungry, find yourself a healthy snack, eat it mindfully and then stop once it's finished. There is a difference between having a snack and constant grazing.

Remember that if you're trying to lose weight, constantly supplying your body with food means it will be using that for energy and won't turn to using up your stored fat reserves.

Watching portion size is also extremely important when trying to lose weight because it allows you to have a tight grip on how many calories you are consuming.

Kim added: It's important for us to view snacks as small refuels. They are designed to 'tide us over' until our next meal, not be a whole extra meal in themselves.

You may assume that just because a snack is healthy that eating it in large amounts is fine. In doing this you could find your snack turning into an entire dinner's worth of calories in a matter of handfuls.

I recommend preparing a reasonably sized portion of your snack and eating it from a bowl or plate, rather than straight from the packet where it's easier to lose track of how much you've eaten.

When it comes to picking a snack, there are many foods that should be avoided.

The nutritionist said: Food manufacturers often words like 'natural' or 'one of your five a day' to market their products and lead us to believe they are a healthy snack option. In reality this is not always the case and these products can end up containing a high amount of sugar.

Even those that declare 'no added sugar' can be hiding a considerable amount as a result of using dates and other high sugar fruits in the ingredients.

Kim recommends checking the nutritional information on the back to see how much sugar the snack contains.

Snacking throughout the day can help to satisfy cravings as well as helping to keep a diet non-restrictive.

However having too many snacks laying around should also be avoided.

The expert continued: Are you someone who finds themselves mindlessly tucking into a packet of biscuits because someone left them out on the counter?

Or reaching for that open bag of crisps on the table? One of the best ways to avoid doing this is to keep treat foods out of sight, so you aren't seeing or thinking about them regularly.

Even better - don't buy them at all and swap your less healthy snacks for some of my recommendations below. There are many delicious, healthy snack options available nowadays, meaning you don't have to choose between healthy and tasty.

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Weight loss: Experts golden rules when it comes to healthy snacking to lose weight - Express

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Weight loss: Top 10 exercises to help lose belly fat – how to burn the most calories – Express

Posted: January 30, 2021 at 12:53 am

Weight loss can be achieved by burning off more calories than are taken in. When working out, some exercisescan burn more fat than others, research revealed.

When trying to lose weight, opting for a healthy diet plan will help speed up results.

Adding exercise into the routine can also speed up the metabolism and help burn more calories, according to experts at

They stated: "The 'calories in versus calories out' model is based on the idea that to maintain a stable weight, the number of calories you eat needs to match the number you expend.

"'Calories in' refers to the calories you get from the foods you eat, while 'calories out' is the number of calories you burn."

The experts suggested calories are burned through a person's basic metabolism, through digestion and by exercising.

They added: "The leftover calories you get from your diet are meant to fuel your physical activity, including workouts and everyday tasks like walking, reading, and washing dishes."

There are lots of different ways to workout and burn extra calories.

Some exercises will help slimmers shift extra weight more than others, according to research by


The data showed playing squash could actually burn the highest number of calories for an average person in one hour.

This is closely followed by running, rugby, skipping and martial arts, which all burn around 738 calories in one hour.

Of all the exercises monitored, yoga burned the fewest number of calories, at 185 per hour.

Weightlifting, sailing, pilates and surfing are also some of workouts that burn the least, at around 221 calories in an hour.

Managing director of Stefan Balkenende stated: "Whether you take up sport as a hobby to build muscle or help your mental health whatever it may be you need to enjoy the activity you choose to participate in.

"Enjoyment in exercise contributes to the endorphins that the brain releases and this has a great impact on your mental and physical wellbeing. And, if you enjoy it, you are far more likely to keep it up!

"Through our research we know sports like Squash, Running and Rugby will give you a cracking burn calorie-wise, but they may not be the right fit for you personally.

"Its all trial and error; find the sport you enjoy most.

Read the rest here:
Weight loss: Top 10 exercises to help lose belly fat - how to burn the most calories - Express

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