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How to Properly Give Yourself Testosterone Injections – Kingsberg Medical
Posted: November 6, 2022 at 1:03 am
It is very important that you learn where to give your testosterone injections.
Testosterone injections are intramuscular, which means that they are given into the muscles. The very vascular muscles of your arm, your thigh, or the glutes are the most common injection sites. The needles used to deliver low testosterone treatments are very thin, much like the ones diabetics use to deliver insulin. Once you learn how to give yourself your testosterone injections, you will find them easy to do, and quite painless.
Testosterone injections are intramuscular, which means that they are given into the muscles. The very vascular muscles of your arm, your thigh, or the glutes are the most common injection sites.
When done correctly, testosterone injections should not hurt. And yet many men report discomfort when giving testosterone injections. Here are a few ways to give testosterone injections and reduce the potential for pain. Where to give testosterone injections is the most important thing to consider when trying to keep testosterone injections as painless as possible. Selection of your testosterone injection site is critical to minimizing discomfort.
Testosterone injections should be given deeply into vascular muscle tissue. The deltoids, the vastus lateralis, and gluteal muscles are the most common intramuscular (IM) injection sites. Those are your arm, thigh, and buttocks respectively. Some of these sites, are more prone to pain then others. Generally speaking, the areas with more muscle and less subcutaneous fat, tend to be the least painful injection sites for testosterone. The modern needles that are manufactured today are made with extraordinary sharpness and precision that allows them to be relatively painless, as compared to the needles of the past.
However, wherever you choose to give your testosterone injections, it is best to rotate, or alternate sites every other injection or so to avoid pain, inflammation and other possible complications of your testosterone injections. Be sure to favor and select sites that have the greatest abundance of muscle.
Once you learn how to give yourself your testosterone injections, you will find them easy to do, and quite painless. Where to give testosterone injections is the most important thing to consider when trying to keep testosterone injections as painless as possible.
Other than where to give testosterone injections, the other things you need to consider for the proper administration of testosterone shots are:
Typical needle size to give testosterone injections is a gauge of between 22 and 25. Some testosterone users suggest that you should use one needle to draw the testosterone dose into the syringe, discard that needle, and then use another to give yourself the actual testosterone injection. The rationale behind this is that the tip of the needle could get blunted pushing through the stopper of the testosterone vial, and therefore possibly cause a more painful injection. There is nothing wrong with this practice, however, there is also little evidence to suggest that it is true. From a convenience standpoint, using a larger needle to draw the testosterone can be easier & faster but ultimately, the choice is yours.
If it is possible to split your testosterone injections into more frequent smaller dosages, less volume in each testosterone injection, can result in less pain.
As far as technique, to minimize pain of your testosterone injection, keep the needle straight, and the faster you inject usually means less pain.
Because there are different types of testosterone in the various brands of testosterone injections, and there is some variation on how they work, some should be massaged in after they are injected, and some should not be. Consult the literature that comes with your testosterone injection kit or ask your prescriber if your particular type of testosterone needs to be massaged in or not.
While taking your injections correctly will minimize discomfort, and maximize results, there are a few other things you need to understand about the results of testosterone injections.
Number one, testosterone injections are most successful when they are prescribed for your particular individual needs, lifestyle and metabolism. As such, that means that no two testosterone therapy patients will have an identical experience. Your results will be tailored to meet your unique goals and lifestyle.
The other thing you need to understand about testosterone therapy is that while you will see results, you will not suddenly have the physique of Superman after your first injection. The whole reason why testosterone injections are to be taken over the course of a few months, is that their effects are cumulative, and take time to be achieved. Be patient, you will see the benefits of testosterone therapy soon!
You will not see overnight results from your testosterone injections. Your prescription for testosterone therapy will be designed for your body to react to the increases in testosterone slowly over time. However, the benefits of testosterone injections will basically impact 4 major areas of your life:
Each of these areas will improve after you have been taking testosterone injections for a while.
Again, since testosterone therapy is prescribed on a very individualized basis, results do vary. However, many patients say they start to see improvements in strength and energy in as little as two weeks. Many patients notice emotional or mood changes earlier than major physical changes. In as little as 3 to 4 weeks of taking testosterone injections as prescribed, patients report feeling more calm, less anxious, less depressed and less irritable.
Here is a month by month breakdown of the benefits you can expect from correctly given testosterone injections.
Month One After about one month to six weeks of taking testosterone injections you will experience significant increases in vitality and energy. You should also start to see:
Month Two After completing two months on testosterone injections, your ability to focus and concentrate will be greatly improved. As you enter the second month of T-therapy this is when you will really start to notice a before and after look in your mirror. Belly fat will be significantly reduced and you will appear more toned. In addition, after two months of testosterone therapy you should expect to see:
Three to Four Months As you enter your third and fourth month of taking testosterone injections, in addition to continued improvements in strength, vitality and sexual performance, you can expect the following additional benefits of testosterone:
Five to Six Months Once you are close to completing your first course of testosterone therapy, in months 5 and 6, you will start to experience all of the many positive benefits listed above, of testosterone replacement therapy, and an overall improved quality of life.
If you follow the tips and techniques stated above of how and where to take testosterone injections, they should be relatively painless, and risk free.
Like any kind of therapy or medical treatment, however, testosterone therapy does have some potential side effects. In 2013, published studies in Jama and PloSone 2014 raised concern about risk of CVD. These studies resulted in much fear and a reduction in testosterone usage. The concern then centered around the increased central obesity, diabetes, loss of muscle mass and osteoporosis with the sudden cessation of testosterone therapy. Since then, further meta-analysis supported by the NIH found no increase in Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease (JAMA 2018). The many positive benefits you will get from testosterone therapy far outweigh any potential risks.
If you have been diagnosed with low testosterone, and do not begin taking your testosterone injections as prescribed, your testosterone will only continue to decline, and your symptoms to worsen.
On the other hand, if you work with your doctor to achieve the many positive and lasting benefits of testosterone therapy, you will have made a good decision!
What you can expect from testosterone therapy is:
If you need testosterone therapy, and you do not take your testosterone injections, all you can expect is a life filled with more weakness and depression.
Any doctor can prescribe and tell you how to take testosterone injections. But, if you want to achieve the maximum results of testosterone replacement therapy, your best bet is to work with a skilled and experienced testosterone doctor. If you want to get the most you can from taking your testosterone injections, you want to work with a specialist who has a proven track record in administering hormone replacement therapies for men.
At our treatment centers, our doctors and staff are dedicated professionals with years of experience in treating the problems of age-related hormone decline. Your testosterone therapy will be tailor-made to suit your individual needs and wellness goals. At our clinics, you will always be treated as an individual, and never like just another number on a prescription pad. When we get to know you as a person, we can prescribe the best testosterone therapy for you, and you will be able to count on significant before and after results.
Testosterone injections should be given deeply into vascular muscle tissue. The deltoids, the vastus lateralis, and gluteal muscles are the most common intramuscular (IM) injection sites. Those are your arm, thigh, and buttocks respectively.
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How to Properly Give Yourself Testosterone Injections - Kingsberg Medical
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What blood tests are used to determine your testosterone levels?
Posted: November 6, 2022 at 1:03 am
Testosterone is the most important male hormone. Womens bodies also make and need testosterone. Which means that both men and women can and do suffer from low testosterone, a condition also known as Low-T.
Both men and women produce less testosterone the older they get. In some people, age-related testosterone decline is well-tolerated. In others, it can lead to the many debilitating systems of low testosterone.
If you are a man or woman over 40, and are feeling sluggish, worn-out, putting on weight, having cognitive difficulties, and/or are putting on weight you may be suffering from low testosterone.
The only way to know for sure is to have you testosterone levels checked. The most accurate way to determine your testosterone levels is with a simple blood test.
The so-called normal testosterone levels for men and women changes as you age. Also, depending on age, weight, overall fitness and lifestyle, what is considered a normal testosterone level for one man, could be low for another. However that having all been said, the normal range of testosterone levels for adult men is from about 270 to 1070 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL).
The normal range for women of age 19 and up, is from 8 to 60 ng/dL.
The following graphic illustrates the decline in testosterone levels in men as they age.
It is important that men and women both learn to identify the signs of low testosterone.
The signs & symptoms of Low T may include:
What is considered to be the normal testosterone level for men and women changes as you age.
If your doctor suspects that you have low testosterone, he or she will most likely run a blood test that tests for your total testosterone. The normal testosterone ranges mentioned above are based on your total testosterone level. Most of the testosterone in your bloodstream is what is known as bound testosterone, and a smaller percentage exists in the blood stream as free testosterone. Total testosterone refers to all of the testosterone in your blood at a given time.
The following chart illustrates the normal total testosterone levels for men and women by Tanner Stage and age. The Tanner Scale breaks down the observable signs of puberty into 5 stages, running from Stage I from about age 10 to Stage V at 15 for boys, and about age 8 to 15 for girls.
Tanner Stage
Male Testosterone (ng/dL)
FemaleTestosterone (ng/dL)
Adult Male
Adult Female
18 y: 264-916
20 to 49 y: 848
> 49 y: 341
Source: LabCorp
By way of comparison, the following chart gives the so-called normal testosterone levels by another quality testing lab Quest Diagnostics. Quest does not use the Tanner Scale, but rather indicates the normal ranges for males and females by age.
However, by comparing to the chart above, you can see how the normal ranges differ.
This all speaks to just how complex determining what a normal total testosterone level in adults is, and is exactly why we do not look at your age and gender alone, and decide what should be the normal range, rather we take everything into account your age, gender, diet, symptoms, and lifestyle to determine what should be the normal range for you. Once we determine what your unique optimal level is, we can tailor treatments that will get you in that zone, so you can perform at your personal best, regardless of your age.
1-5 Years
6 7 Years
8 10 Years
11 Years
12-13 Years
14-17.9 Years
18 Years
250 1100
2 45
Source: Quest Diagnostics
Most of the testosterone in your blood attaches to 2 proteins: albumin and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Some testosterone is not attached to proteins, or free. Free testosterone and albumin-bound testosterone are also referred to as bioavailable testosterone. This is the testosterone that is easily used by your body.
If your healthcare provider thinks that you have low or high testosterone, he or she will first test total testosterone levels as above. This looks at all 3 types of testosterone. The free testosterone test may help give more information when total testosterone is low.
As with the total testosterone levels described above, your levels of free testosterone will vary due to age.
The following table illustrates the range of normal free testosterone for men and women by age.
Gender/Age (y)
Range (pg/mL)
0 to 19
Not established
20 to 29
30 to 39
40 to 49
50 to 59
0 to 19
Not established
Source: LabCorp
When we are testing for and diagnosing someone with low testosterone, it is always our goal to find what it the optimal or normal range for their individual needs, goals and lifestyle. As you can see from the charts above, even a respected testing lab such as LabCorp can say that for a 60 year old man, a level of 6.6 pg/mL of free testosterone can be normal, and yet our doctors know that we see patients in that range that feel far from normal. Over the years of treating a variety of men between the ages of 35 and 65 with the symptoms of low testosterone, our doctors have discovered what we believe to be the optimal and not necessarily the normal level of free testosterone in the blood. We strive to get most patients regardless of age into a range of from 20 25 pg/mL, and find that most men can enjoy a great quality of life, free from the symptoms of low testosterone at that level.
Most of the testosterone in your bloodstream is what is known as bound testosterone, and a smaller percentage exists in the blood stream as free testosterone.
There is no special preparation required for either a total testosterone test, or a free testosterone test, however you may be asked to refrain from taking supplements of Biotin(also known as vitamin B7, B8,vitamin H, or coenzyme R), for 72 hrs prior to taking the test.
If the results of your testosterone blood tests indicate that your testosterone levels are below the normal ranges for your age, weight and gender, you may be a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy.
If the results of your testosterone testing indicate that you have Low-T, depending on your presenting symptoms and medical history, your doctor may prescribe testosterone injections. While testosterone therapy can be given in other forms, our doctors have found that testosterone injections are the safest and most effective form of testosterone therapy.
If the results of your testosterone blood tests indicate that your testosterone levels are below the normal ranges for your age, weight and gender, you may be a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy.
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Men’s Clinic in Oklahoma City, OK | Oklahoma Men’s Clinic
Posted: November 6, 2022 at 1:03 am
At Oklahoma Mens Clinic (OMC), we intimately understand that it takes Two to Tango. We offer Sexual Wellness solutions for Men and the Women who love them.
When intimacy isnt working, relationships can be impacted simply because it can be a tough topic to even admit to yourself, let alone accept or discuss. But you dont need to wait another night; you can end the frustration, for good. We have developed several uniquely effective medical therapies for erectile dysfunction for men and libido enhancement for women, getting you both back on the dance floor.
For Men: Ask for the free TriMed Test Dose (99.7% effective) and your partner can try the libido stimulation medication Awaken at the same time on the same dayfor Free. You will see TriMed actually work in the clinic thenjust add our special female libido energizer and Ole! We can get you two clicking in no time!
We specialize in Mens Sexual Wellness, but that would not be complete if we didnt focus on Female Sexual Wellness to help everyone in the bedroom. We routinely treat couples and offer her exam, lab testing and test dose of Awaken for FREE when she accompanies her man to the clinic. So, go ahead take a free ride and let your doctor know how it went!
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Possible Side Effects of Testosterone Injections – Common & Less Common
Posted: November 6, 2022 at 1:03 am
Testosterone Injections Side Effects
Women and men are prescribed testosterone therapy to combat the symptoms of Low T, and the concern about cream and injectable testosterone side effects is very real, although relatively rare when doctors instructions for the use of this medication are followed. The risk is greater in men, who are most likely going to be using an injectable form of bioidentical testosterone than for women, who are typically prescribed treatment in the form of a cream.
The most common testosterone injection side effects for men are:
Women may experience the following testosterone therapy side effects:
Please note that all of these potential side effects are rare and are readily reversible by contacting the prescribing doctor at once to notify of these changes and receive a lowering of the dosage to administer.
Adults who are prescribed testosterone therapy following blood analysis for Low T will be given an exact dosage and treatment schedule to follow. The HRT hormone replacement therapy specialist who has provided this authorization will use careful calculations to determine the proper dosage to avoid any adverse testosterone injections side effects or overdose.
In the rare situation where a person does have a reaction due to administering too much testosterone, the following warning signs will require immediate emergency help:
Some of the testosterone side effects that will be shown here are for other types of testosterone besides injections. The overall consensus is that the majority of side effects associated with the use of testosterone replacement therapy are due to the body getting used to an increase in the amount of testosterone in the bloodstream. These effects often subside within a few weeks after beginning therapy for Low T.
Contact your prescribing physician if any of these side effects occur. A lowering of the dosage and gradual increase may be suggested.
Overall side effects of testosterone therapy include:
More common
Less common
The risk of these symptoms is extremely small when testosterone therapy has been prescribed by a specialist following careful blood analysis.
The best way to minimize or avoid the risk of side effects of testosterone injections in males or adverse reactions from the cream for women is to work with a physician who is a hormone replacement therapy specialist. In this way, the proper dosage can be carefully prescribed.
It is essential to follow all directions exactly as prescribed in order to avoid accidental overdose. The doctor may prescribe anastrozole or HCG along with testosterone therapy for men. If so, the instructions for the use of these medications should also be adhered to at all times.
It is imperative to follow-up with the doctor if any adverse signs are detected in order to avoid undue side effects from occurring.
Here at National HRT, our doctors and entire professional staff work closely with each person to ensure that the desired results are being achieved while minimizing any risk associated with testosterone injection side effects.
Please complete the form on this page to request a call from a medical advisor at our national clinic, or call us direct at the number provided. We are happy to offer complimentary consultations and answers to any applicable questions.
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Possible Side Effects of Testosterone Injections - Common & Less Common
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A healthy road to weight loss: Making the right cuts to achieve your goals – UCLA Health Connect
Posted: October 28, 2022 at 2:04 am
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A healthy road to weight loss: Making the right cuts to achieve your goals - UCLA Health Connect
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Reach your health goals with surgical or non-surgical weight loss options –
Posted: October 28, 2022 at 2:04 am
Reach your health goals with surgical or non-surgical weight loss options
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Top Weight Loss Pills NZ | Shop Online | Free Fast Shipping!
Posted: October 28, 2022 at 2:02 am
To find quality weight loss supplements online, browse our extensive range today. Our quality weight loss powders and weight loss capsules from the biggest New Zealand brands will complement your diet and exercise regime helping you to shed the kilos.
Browse fat burners, fat metabolisers and a selection of other supplements for weight loss to give you that head start on your new healthy regime.
Weight loss supplements come in a number of different guises, so lets get the lowdown on the various products available to aid you on your weight loss journey.
Fat burners work by aiding fat metabolism and helping the body to use fat as its fuel. They may also give you an energy boost when youre exercising, helping you to burn more calories naturally. By contrast, fat metabolisers have the same aim as fat burners, but they operate slightly differently helping the body break down more fat and absorb lower quantities of it.
Fat burners and fat metabolisers often both contain a combination of ingredients, which, when combined, offer a powerful boost to aid weight loss. These ingredients include caffeine, ginger or carnitine, an amino acid derivative.
In our range of top NZ weight loss supplements and weight loss capsules, youll also find products green tea-based products, a widely recognised superfood full of antioxidants, as well as thermogenic blends like Oxyshred fat burner, which uses thermogenic (heat-producing) properties to help eliminate unwanted fat.
Buy weight loss supplements from top NZ brands like EHP Labs, PharmaFreak and Wizard Nutrition. We select every weight loss supplement for online sale based on quality and affordability, bringing you the best brands at the best prices! These are just a couple of reasons why Sportsfuel is regarded as New Zealands first choice supplements store for all your health and wellbeing needs.
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57 Weight Loss Dinner Recipes For Super Busy Weeknights – Eat This Not That
Posted: October 28, 2022 at 2:02 am
When you're trying to lose weight, it's important to not only eat healthily but to make sure you eat! If your weeks are super busy, your mind may not even want to think about making dinner for yourself at night. Instead, you may resort to quick takeout, which doesn't always lead to the healthiest options. Or, you may try to skip dinner altogether, which is something you shouldn't be doing while trying to lose weight. And although these may seem like the two "easier" options for weight loss with your crazy schedule, they're certainly not the best. Well, what if we told you it's possible to cook healthy dinner ideas for weight loss that will match your hectic schedule and keep you on track for your weight loss?
According to Dr. Lisa R. Young, Ph.D., RDN, author ofFinally Full, Finally SlimandThe Portion Teller Plan, there are several guidelines you should follow to keep your weight loss goals on track with these healthy dinner recipes to lose weight:
With that being said, here is a list of healthy dinners for weight loss for your super busy weeknights. To truly make them easy weight loss meals, they're split up into the following categories, all of which include recipes that take under an hour to prepare:
Next, be sure to check out50 Healthy Dinner Recipes That Take 30 Minutes (or Less!).
Total Time: ~30 minutes (if you want the salad chilled).
This salad has everything you could want in a weight loss meal. It's got loads of vegetables, healthy fats, and lean protein all without adding high-calorie ingredientsthe perfect combination! Plus, you can mix it up within minutes. If you don't feel like waiting for the salad to chill, you can go ahead and dive right in. It'll taste just as good!
Get our recipe for Greek Salad With Chicken.
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Total Time: ~10-15 minutes
This protein-packed burrito comes with loaded chicken and beans with cheese on a whole-wheat tortilla. Plus, buying an already-cooked rotisserie chicken saves you a bunch of time. They're super easy to make, so why not have them at home instead of a super thick and calorie-loaded takeout one?
Get our recipe for Chicken Fajita Burritos.
Total Time:30 minutes
At first glance, this meal may seem heavy with a lot of cook time. However, thanks to the simplicity of store-bought rotisserie chicken, you can get this meal cooked in no time! You can also use whole wheat pasta as well as part-skim mozzarella cheese to bring out the healthier side of the dish.
Get Toby Amidor's recipe for Rotisserie Chicken Parmigiana Casserole from The Best Rotisserie Chicken Cookbook.
Total Time: ~10-15 minutes
This quick and easy weight loss dinner just requires store-bought everything, so little to no prep is necessary (only if you're heating the tortillas). A recipe so easy, and you'll end up having rotisserie chicken leftovers for days!
Get our recipe for Rotisserie Chicken Tacos with Verde Salsa.
Total Time: 20 minutes
One of the easiest weeknight meals you can have thanks to the minimal preparation you have to do. If you like a simple salmon, this will do the trick.
Get our recipe for Butter-Baked Salmon and Asparagus.
Total Time:20 minutes
Such an easy protein-packed meal. All you have to do is pick your favorite salsa to smother the chicken in, and top with cheese (The freshly grated stuff is always better than the packaged, so if you have the time to shred, then go for it).
Get our recipe for Salsa Chicken.
Total Time:~20 minutes
This healthier version of Hamburger Helper is going to become a comfort food dinner staple. This fresh version includes a hearty helping of beef as your protein and no-sugar-added sauce, so you know you're getting a good quality dinner. Plus, this is keto-friendly, making it a great addition to your diet.
Get our recipe for Keto Cheeseburger Casserole.
Total Time: 30 minutes
Chicken is super versatile, especially when figuring out different weight-loss meals. Adding pesto will be the perfect topping as it provides tons of flavor. Fill the other side of your plate with some leafy greens to make a salad, and you've got yourself a filling dish.
Get our recipe for Pesto Chicken.
Total Time:20 minutes
Aside from its simple yet delicious taste, adding lemon juice to your chicken is a super healthy dinner idea for weight loss. If you feel like adding something else to the dinner table, try adding in a veggie like broccoli. The floret of the broccoli will soak up lemon juice nicely.
Get our recipe for Lemon Chicken.
Total Time: ~30 minutes
These chicken fingers are so good, that you'll forget about your old fast-food favorites. While this recipe is calling to make your chicken fingers from scratch, you can cut the time down even more by purchasing frozen tenders at the store. You can use this recipe as inspiration and still make the delicious chipotle honey mustard sauce for dipping.
Get our recipe for Oven-Baked Chicken Fingers With Chipotle Honey Mustard.
Total Time:20 minutes
Another easy way to coat your protein is by slathering some of your favorite barbecue sauce all over your chicken breast. Top with cheese and some red onions (a bonus veggie!) to create a filling meal without the extra calories.
Get our recipe for Barbecue Chicken.
Total Time:20 minutes
When you think of bruschetta, you probably think of tomatoes on bread. For this chicken recipe, you're getting the flavors of this Italian topping with the bonus of protein from the chicken. It eliminates those unwanted carbs from the bread and will keep you full and satisfied.
Get our recipe for Bruschetta Chicken.
Total Time:20 minutes
Whether you make your pesto from scratch or buy it in a jar, this delicious chicken dinner recipe brings out a bunch of flavors. The fresh slices of mozzarella add a nice finishing touch, especially when you cut into it and see that stunning cheese pull.
Get our recipe for Pesto Chicken.
Total Time: 35 minutes
There's so much to love about stir-frys. They don't take any special skills or crazy ingredients and they're really quick to throw together. This paleo version packs protein, veggies, and delicious flavor that will make you feel as if you're eating at a restaurant with better benefits.
Get our recipe for Pale0 Thai Beef Stir-Fry.
Total Time:25 minutes
A grill pan provides you with the best Asian takeout in the comfort of your own home. With the addition of fresh ingredients and a hearty amount of veggies, you'll be cutting down a lot of the sodium. Too much sodium may lead to retaining water, and that bloating won't sit well when you're trying to lose weight. That's why we love this easy, at-home version!
Get our recipe for Juicy Asian Chicken and Saucy Slaw.
Total Time:15-20 minutes
Another easy weight loss meal that tastes just like takeout, you'll want to swap to this version whenever you're craving fried rice. A mixture of delicious chicken with crunchy veggies and a bit of rice coated in low-sodium, soy sauce makes this a dieter's delight.
Get our recipe for Chicken Fried Rice.
Total Time:~45 minutes
This popular Chinese food staple just got a bit healthier. The tender beef mixed with fresh broccoli is mixed with a flavorful sauce made out of wine and beef stock. If you want to add a healthy starch, opt for serving it over steamed brown rice. Once everything is prepped, this dish is cooked in one pan, making it super easy to clean up.
Get our recipe for Beef With Broccoli.
Total Prep Time: 20 minutes
The reason why this turkey chili makes our list is that although it may take hours to cook it's so easy to prep, and you don't need to be home to let it cook. This hearty lean chili can sit in the crockpot simmering all day long while you're out of the house. Then, by the time you're home for dinner, the chili will be ready to devour. You may even have leftovers to eat on another night.
Get our recipe for Turkey and Two-Bean Chili.
Total Prep Time:25 minutes
Who's going to miss the pasta when you can get the same consistency through a vegetable? Zucchini makes for a great alternative to starchy pasta, hence the name "zucchini noodles" (zoodles). It's comforting, filling, and flavorful, and you're getting protein and vegetables in one serving. What more can you ask for?
Get our recipe for Whole30 Chicken Zoodle Soup.
Total Prep Time:~25 minutes
You would most likely find tortilla soup at any Mexican restaurant, and this at-home version can rival what you would get elsewhere. You've got chunks of pulled chicken mixed into tomato broth and topped with some avocado, tortilla strips, and even a bit of hot sauce to amp up the flavor. Your taste buds will be bouncing off the walls from the fiesta in your mouth.
Get our recipe for Chicken Tortilla Soup.
Total Prep Time:~15-20 minutes
This DIY soup may be your new favorite, even better than Au Bon Pain's or Panera's, and you get to have it in the comfort of your own home. Yes, you still get all the perks of a cheesy soup, but the broccoli shines, giving you the low-calorie soup and providing you with those fulfilling nutrients. And the secret ingredient? Beer! You just can't go wrong with this diet dinner idea.
Get our recipe for Low-Calorie Broccoli Cheddar Soup.
Total Time: ~20 minutes
Soup is such a comforting food. It's even better when the soup is packed with meat and vegetables to make you feel full and also go light on the calories. Buy a bag of store-bought meatballs to help this soup come together in minutes.
Get our recipe for Italian Meatball Soup.
Total Time: 15 minutes6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e
A chili recipe that comes together in just 15 minutes sounds too good to be true, but it's not! Pre-cooked chicken helps to cut the cooking time. Plus, swapping out the sour cream and tortilla chips with avocado and fresh cilantro helps cut calorie and fat counts.
Get the recipe from Gimme Some Oven.
Total Time: 50 minutes
It's super hard to find a chili that can be cooked in under an hour, but we found one! Not only is this chili delicious and super filling, but it's also one of the easiest weight loss dinner recipes to make thanks to its short ingredient list. Along with the beans tospeed up your metabolism,sprinkle on some extra chili powder. The spice gets itsheat from a compound called capsaicin, one of nature's most potent fat burners.
Get the recipe from Gimme Some Oven.
Total Prep Time:40 minutes
Meat-lovers and vegetarians alike will fall for this loaded soup packed with 8 grams of protein, great for fat burning. The addition of both chickpeas and quinoa makes this a very nourishing and satisfying comfort soup that you'll be wanting to make all year long.
Get our recipe for Chickpea Quinoa Soup.
Total Time: 40 minutes
These pork chops are loaded with protein. Plus, they're ready to bake in no time and take little to no prep. Cooking the pork chops and vegetables all on one sheet is easy to cook and easy to clean up.
Get our recipe for Sheet-Pan Italian Pork Chops.
Total Time: 30 minutes
The fewer ingredients and dishes used, the better! This recipe involves just seven ingredients and one large skillet. You can even swap the white rice for brown rice if you prefer.
Get the recipe for One Pot Lemon Herb Chicken and Rice from Le Creme de la Crumb.
Total Time: 10-15 minutes
A sausage dish with under three grams of fat!? Woohoo! Pair it with a simple side salad for a veggie-packed meal even your kids will want to eat.
Get the recipe from The Kitchn.
Total Time: 45 min
This cheesy, bacon-topped dish proves you don't need to give up comfort food to lose weight. By using quinoa instead of traditional white rice, you'll get a hearty addition of fiber. And, thanks to the addition of broccoli, this dish provides a fair amount of vitamin C a nutrient that counteracts cortisol, a stress hormone that promotes belly fat.
Get the recipe from Pinch of Yum.
Total Time: 30 minutes
Make dinner a fiesta with this recipe that relies on canned beans and a combination of frozen and no-chop veggies ingredients that keep prep time to a quick 10-minutes. And after 20-minutes in the oven, this fiber and protein-rich one-dish are ready to fill your stomach.
Get the recipe from Savory Simple.
Total Time: 40 minutes
The perfect combination of spicy and sweet that will make your taste buds dance. Enjoy this easy-to-make tasty protein accompanied by crispy baked vegetables
Get our recipe for Sweet and Spicy Glazed Salmon with Roasted Veggies.
Total Time: 40 minutes
This hearty dish has all the makings of a solid, flavor-packed meal. You've got carbs, veggies, shrimp, and a plethora of spices for extra taste. Best of all, it's completely customizable. Not a fan of tomatoes or peas? Add in some of your favorite veggies instead.
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57 Weight Loss Dinner Recipes For Super Busy Weeknights - Eat This Not That
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Vegan Diet for Weight Loss: Does It Work? – Healthline
Posted: October 28, 2022 at 2:01 am
Is weight loss possible?
If youre looking to shed some pounds, you may have considered trying a vegan diet. Vegans dont eat meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products. Instead, they eat things like fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, as well as plant-based milks, other nondairy products, and meat alternatives.
Although some people choose the vegan lifestyle out of ethical concerns for animals, the diet itself can have some health benefits. According to recent studies, being vegan may even help you lose a significant amount of weight.
How exactly? More research is needed, but its thought that going vegan may lead to reducing the number of high-calorie foods you consume. With a vegan diet, you may end up replacing such foods with high-fiber alternatives that are low in calories and keep you fuller longer.
Cutting out some of the main food groups in your diet may seem unhealthy. And unless you carefully pay attention to your nutrition, it can be.
Some worry, for example, about getting enough protein or other essential nutrients, like vitamin B-12. This vitamin is found naturally only in animal products, and if you become deficient, it may result in anemia. Vegans need to supplement their diet with vitamins, vitamin-fortified cereals, and fortified soy products to avoid deficiencies.
Others may have trouble with yo-yo dieting after going vegan. What does this mean? Its when you go through cycles of losing weight and then regaining all or more of that weight, possibly after having trouble sticking to vegan-only foods. This type of dieting is associated with some serious health consequences, like an increased risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Regardless of these and other possible pitfalls, you can eat a vegan diet healthily and lose weight. The key as with all diets is focusing on nutrient-dense foods versus empty calories. For vegans, these foods would include things like:
Limit or avoid vegan processed foods that contain these added ingredients:
Women generally need to eat 2,000 calories each day to maintain weight. To lose weight, this number drops to around 1,500 calories a day. Men generally need to eat 2,500 calories each day to maintain their weight and around 2,000 calories a day to lose weight.
A junk-food calorie doesnt equal a whole-food calorie as far as nutrition goes. Even if you stay below your calorie goal, filling up on all Nutter Butter cookies, which happen to be vegan, is very different from filling up on buckets of fresh produce.
There are many factors that affect weight loss, including:
Although you cant control all of these factors, you can control your diet and exercise. Regardless of the type of diet you choose, you should follow these guidelines for healthy eating.
Grazing throughout the day isnt good for weight loss. Timing your meals is essential to boosting your metabolism and promoting healthy eating habits.
In general, try eating meals at the same time each day to get your mind and stomach into a predictable pattern. Munch on a larger breakfast in comparison to the other meals in your day. This may mean shifting your lunch a bit earlier and eating a smaller dinner.
If youve exercised, try eating within 45 minutes of finishing. This will help feed and repair your muscles.
When shouldnt you eat? Within two hours of bedtime. Consuming calories too close to bedtime is associated with weight gain and sleep disturbances.
Portion sizes matter with any of the foods you eat vegan or not. The United States Department of Agricultures My Plate suggests that average women and men get the following number of servings of these foods each day:
Current recommendations for protein intake are around 5.5 ounces per day, or around 0.41 grams per pound of body weight. This means a 150-pound woman should consume approximately 61 grams of protein each day. A 175-pound man should consume around 72 grams each day.
When you break this down into calories, there are about 4 calories per gram of protein. So the woman in this example would need to get 244 calories from protein each day, and the man would need to get 288 calories from protein.
Good sources of plant protein include:
Before you sip that store-bought smoothie, consider how many calories it might contain. Even so-called healthy drinks and energy mixes can pack quite a caloric punch.
First, lets take a look at a beverage most people know to steer clear while dieting: A 20-ounce soda contains around 240 calories and 15 to 18 teaspoons of sugar.
But what about that freshly squeezed orange juice? It contains about 279 calories per 20 ounces. That acai smoothie? It may contain 460 calories per 20 ounces.
Read labels carefully and consider saving these drinks for special occasions.
Sticking with water is typically your best bet when trying to lower the number on the scale. Its hydrating and contains zero calories. If you dont like plain water, you might consider adding a squeeze of lemon or lime or trying herbal teas and sparkling waters.
The same rules apply to vegan and non-vegan desserts: Eat them in moderation. The average American eats a whopping 22.2 teaspoons of sugar each day. Whether that comes from a decadent ice cream sundae or a batch of vegan cookies, its still 335 calories that contain little nutritional value.
Sugar can actually disrupt your metabolism and lead to health issues beyond weight gain, including high blood pressure, inflammation, and elevated blood triglycerides. How much of the sweet stuff is enough? Women should try to limit their daily sugars to around 6 teaspoons or 100 calories each day. Men should aim to get fewer than 9 teaspoons or 150 calories each day.
If youre looking for a healthy vegan dessert option thats relatively low in calories without added sugars and fats, try fresh fruit. Otherwise, eat a small portion of a vegan dessert and save the rest for tomorrow or next week.
Eating a vegan diet may help you lose weight. Still, its always a good idea to talk with your doctor or a dietitian before making big changes to your diet. You should discuss how youll get critical nutrients, like protein and B vitamins.
Your doctor may also have other suggestions for how you might lose weight, like keeping a food diary or engaging in a regular exercise routine.
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Coconut oil for weight loss: Does it work? – Mayo Clinic
Posted: October 28, 2022 at 2:01 am
Coconut oil is widely promoted for weight-loss. While the promises of coconut oil's benefit sound great, the research is less clear. A few studies have looked at the benefit of coconut oil on weight loss, and results have been mixed. While some studies have reported a decrease in participants' body mass index (BMI) and waist size, others have not.
All of the studies have been short-term. And it's important to note that the better designed studies have evaluated coconut oil as part of a reduced-calorie diet and exercise plan. There is no evidence that coconut oil will have a beneficial effect on weight loss if you simply add it to your diet.
Coconut oil is from the dried fruit (nut) of the coconut palm tree. Although it's called an oil, it's essentially solid at room temperature, more like the texture and consistency of vegetable shortening. Coconut oil is nearly 100 percent fat, and 82 to 92 percent of that is saturated fat. One tablespoon of coconut oil contains 11 grams of saturated fat.
Fats can be characterized as saturated or unsaturated. Saturated fats can be further divided into short-, medium- and long-chain fatty acids. These types of fats have different effects in the body. Unlike long-chain fatty acids, medium-chain fatty acids are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. They don't raise blood cholesterol as much as long-chain fatty acids do, and they don't appear to be stored in the body's fat tissue as readily as long-chain fatty acids are.
Coconut oil has been of interest because it contains both medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids. The primary component, however, is lauric acid. Based on its structure and function, lauric acid lands in the middle, behaving in some ways like a medium-chain fatty acid and in others like a long-chain fatty acid.
Many studies of medium-chain fatty acids and health benefits have been conducted with manufactured oils derived in part from coconut oil or other plant oils that don't contain lauric acid. Therefore, it's important not to draw conclusions about the benefits of coconut oil based on studies with oils called medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oils.
Researchers have also looked at the effect of coconut oil on blood cholesterol levels. Coconut oil appears to raise low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol the "bad" cholesterol but not as much as foods that contain long-chain fatty acids, such as meat or full-fat dairy products. Some studies show that coconut oil may increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol the "good" cholesterol but whether this has a beneficial effect on heart disease is not known.
The entire body of evidence regarding dietary fats still supports the use of unsaturated oils, such as olive, canola, safflower or sunflower oil, instead of saturated fats or coconut oil for the management of cardiovascular risk factors.
Coconut oil also adds calories to your diet, about 120 calories per tablespoon of coconut oil, which is why it will likely not aid weight loss if it's not used with a calorie-controlled diet and physical activity.
Research about the potential benefits of coconut oil asks important questions, but it's too soon to draw clear conclusions. More research is needed with larger study groups and long-term follow-up to understand the impact of coconut oil on weight loss, blood cholesterol, and cardiovascular risk factors. And those results will need to be compared with the overall body of information about nutrition and health.
Although eating coconut oil in moderation isn't going to result in great harm to your health, it's not likely to help you lose weight either. If you enjoy the flavor of coconut oil, use it sparingly as part of an overall healthy dietary pattern. For successful, long-term weight loss, stick to the basics regular physical activity and an overall calorie-controlled, healthy-eating plan rich in fruits, vegetables and other plant products.
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Coconut oil for weight loss: Does it work? - Mayo Clinic
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