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Promote Longevity With These 2 Tips From A Physiologist – Longevity LIVE
Posted: September 1, 2020 at 11:51 am
Promote longevity with exercise so that you can have a life experience thats enjoyable and fulfilling. We all live different lives and reach different ages, however, some live healthily and die happily. Our goal is to get you there and to ensure that you promote longevity in the most graceful way possible. Weve told you countless times that the best form of exercise is the one youll do. However, theres research that says team sports and certain kinds of exercise are more advantageous and promote longevity over others. Not only does exercise help us physically, but it has powerful impacts on brain health and memory function. Both of which can help prevent age-related neurodegenerative disorders.
Co-author Dr. James OKeefe, a cardiologist at Saint Lukes Mid America Heart Institute says that our social connections are probably the single most important feature of living a long, healthy, happy life. To promote longevity and both mental and physical well-being. He adds that if youre interested in exercising for health, longevity, and well-being, The most important feature of your exercise routine includes a playdate. We encourage you to always include social interaction into your exercise routine because doing it solo every day wont promote longevity as much as it does together. Tennis, badminton, and soccer are all better for longevity than cycling, swimming, jogging or gym exercise, according to the research.
This is a loving tip from us. But in this article, were going to share a physiologists recommendation for exercising to promote longevity.
Know that your health and lifespan matter. We tend to neglect this knowledge in our daily lives, but essentially knowing this is whats going to determine your experience of growing older. Its a reality that every individual will face so you might as well soak up the knowledge now.
Theres a lot of evidence demonstrating that exercising regularly will promote longevity. Moreover, it protects us against life-threatening complications, such as heart disease. The case for exercise could not be clearer. Yet, when it comes to how much you need to do to extend your lifespan, the jury is often out. Research is increasingly shedding light on the area. However, one study shows that just a little exercise can go a long way.
The NHS recommends adults should do at least 150 minutes (two hours and 30 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity. This includes cycling or fast walking every week to reap the health benefits. Whilst doing as much exercise as possible is great. The British Journal of Sports Medicine, explains that even 10 minutes of exercise a week a day can reduce your risk of developing life-threatening complications.
On the whole, it seems that team sports are still better. Partner sports seems to be much more enjoyable, which can potentially enhance mental health and increase long-term adherence to an exercise routine. Plenty of research has also shown that moderate exercise tends to be as good or better for longevitythan vigorous activities such as running, which can take a toll on the body over time.
Then you get something called, NEAT. According to Blue Zones, this is classified as NonExercise Activity Thermogenesis. This happens with any activity except sleeping, performing sports, or exercises. Think: yard work, walking to work, housework, or even fidgeting. In fact, you might be reminded of those people who never sit down, fidget, or are really hyper. Their NEAT must be really high.
If you sit a lot throughout your days, doing an hour workout wont make up for that time. Whereas, those people with high NEAT scores fidget, get up and walk around for no reason. They move their arms and legs more and generally get more movement throughout the day than others. Research shows that sitting less and moving more will help promote longevity. This also helps us to balance our energy intake which can help control our weight. Therefore, if you dont move much throughout your day, you might be experiencing more inflammation.
Just making small movements adds up. It has a cumulative effect on your health and will increase your metabolic rate. That means that every movement you do, besides exercising or sleeping contributes to your NEAT. Working at a computer all day will decrease your NEAT, so if this is you try your best to move more so you can improve your well-being. It may even be the difference between gaining or losing weight, due to the accumulation of energy throughout the day.Apparently, a c-reactive protein related to inflammation, triglycerides, and blood sugar increases in those who dont achieve NEAT on a regular basis.
So we know now that interacting with other people whilst exercising is probably your best bet. We also know that sitting all day is not beneficial to our health because it impacts our NEAT. That means establishing a happy balance between solo exercise, social sports and general movement throughout our day is a great place to start. But, what about the kinds of exercise we are doing?
Fortunately, Mind-Body Green shares these very helpful tips from an exercise physiologist, Ben Greenfield. Although prioritizing any type of physical activity goes a long way, Greenfield recommends two specific exercise tips to help promote longevity.
According to Greenfield, the fast-twitch muscles are involved in activities like sprinting, jumping, or strength training. In an MBG podcast episode, Greenfield explains that our fast-twitch muscles are powerful and explosive. Better yet, they are more favorable for overall longevity.
This doesnt necessarily mean you have to engage in powerlifting or speed races to promote longevity. He says you can do very short, powerful, quick, explosive exercises with bodyweight only. These exercises are commonly referred to as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) routines.
Its always better to challenge your body and not allow yourself to get stuck in a routine.
Greenfield recommends alternating these fast-twitch exercises with slow-twitch exercises throughout the week. He says the slow exercises can include long-distance jogging, walking, swimming, or lifting light weights.
On your HIIT days, complete 7- to 10-minute exercises where you move very quickly and explosively. Keep moving for 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off. Example moves include plyometrics, lunges, explosive push-ups, etc.
Research shows that combining both types of exercise ( for at least 150 minutes each week) is the best way to promote longevity. Endurance exercises, including HIIT programs, promote healthy aging by strengthening cardiorespiratory fitness. Strength training, even with light weights, can slow the loss of muscle mass, which naturally occurs in the aging process.
Ensure you get a good, healthy balance going with what we have recommended in this article. Plan out your days and decide on what youll be doing when.
Then be sure to mix up your workouts and move more throughout your day.
However, activating fast-twitch muscles through HIIT workouts and incorporating light strength training will help keep the body physically and mentally fit. This will help promote healthy aging and, ultimately, longevity.
Give HIIT Pilates a try. Its the perfect fusion to activate and challenge every muscle group.
Two Fitness Tips To Promote Longevity, From An Exercise Physiologist. MBG Movement.
How to live longer: Do this much exercise each week to increase your life expectancy. Express UK.
Do This Kind of Exercise If You Want to Live Longer, Study Says. TIME.
The N.E.A.T. Way to Exercise for a Longer, Healthier Life. Blue Zones.
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Instead of fat people are lost the muscles it’s 5 signs Resident Weekly – Resident Weekly
Posted: September 1, 2020 at 11:51 am
Shedding pounds is hard. From the eating regimen changes to the inclined up exercises, it can take a genuine update of your way of life. Whats more, for the most part, the objective is to diminish muscle versus fat and increment muscle. However, once in a while in that mission, you can begin to lose muscle rather than fatand that is not an incredible situation.
It is bad to lose muscle instead of fat, because muscles are the key players in body movement and function, says Gerardo Miranda-Comas, MD, Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. With loss of muscle mass, strength and endurance are affected negatively, leading to decreased functional performance.
Yet, your body shouldnt normally go for muscle first in weight reductionin case youre doing it right.
All in all, muscle isnt lost before fatit is exceptionally subject to nourishment and action volume, Miranda-Comas says. An individual who is endeavoring to get thinner by not eating may get in shape in muscle first before fat.
How does that occur? Indeed, the body likes to go for carbs (glucose) for vitality first. In the event that that is not accessible, it goes for glycogen, which is glucose that has been put away in the liver and muscles, says Dr. Miranda-Comas.
Fat is likewise utilized for vitality relying upon term of the physical action, and an individual can prepare their body to utilize fat as the essential wellspring of vitality, says Dr. Miranda-Comas. (Hi, ketosisthe premise of the keto diet.)
A sound eating regimen is normally 45-65% carbs, somewhere in the range of 15-35% protein, and 20-35% fat, says Wesley Delbridge, RDN, representative for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The fact of the matter is having a reasonable eating regimen and not confining any food extremely low.
This, obviously, relies upon the eating routine youre following. Some might be low-carb (like the keto diet), high-protein (like the Atkins diet), or low fat. In any case, in case youre taking it to limits, your body will begin to feel it.
Be that as it may, how might you tell in case youre losing muscles and not fat? Here are 5 signs.
It might appear to be somewhat self-evident, yet your exercises may feel more diligently and you may want to skip it inside and out.
Youll see less quality in the exercise center. The weight you used to have the option to accomplish for reps may diminish or you will most likely be unable to get the same number of reps as you once accomplished for each set, says Spencer Nadolsky, D.O., creator of The Fat Loss Prescription.
You wont simply feel muscle misfortune it in the exercise center.
Lacking nourishment can prompt an abatement in muscle, which may prompt disabled capacity, says Dr. Miranda-Comas. This is generally brought about by a vitality insufficiency and conceivable overtraining.
In the dynamic person who is getting in shape alongside an abatement in execution, we should consider overtraining, says Dr. Miranda-Comas.
In case youre getting thinner however your muscle to fat ratio is remaining the equivalent, its most likely a sign youre losing muscle.
Your body wont shape the manner in which you need. Youll see contracting boundaries, however the squeeze capable fat is the equivalent, says Dr. Nadolsky.
While you might be siphoned at seeing those numbers, its most likely not uplifting news for your bulkexcept if you have a great deal of fat to lose to begin.
The more fat you have, the more probable youll lose more fat than muscle when shedding pounds, says Dr. Nadolsky.
Shedding pounds quickly is normally not economical, either.
Weight reduction requires an extensive stretch of time and showing restraintits a long distance race and not a run. Individuals should (just) shed 1-2 pounds for every week, says Delbridge.
For tips from genuine folks who lost noteworthy measures of weight, look at our rundown of the years most stunning weight reduction changes.
Its a given that its difficult to propel yourself when youre drained. On the off chance that you can never go up in weight while lifting that may be another sign youve lost muscle, as per Albert Matheny, C.S.C.S, R.D., organizer of Soho Strength Lab. A ton of variables influence execution, however not seeing improvement in preparing is a decent sign youre not hitting your bodys needs, he revealed to Womens Health.
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What you need to know about colon cancer symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment – Insider – INSIDER
Posted: September 1, 2020 at 11:51 am
Chadwick Boseman, the actor best known as the star of "Black Panther," died of complications related to colon cancer on Friday, four years after a stage-three diagnosis. He was 43.
Boseman's death came as a shock to fans worldwide. He had never publicly spoken about the illness.
In the past three decades, research has consistently found rising rates of colon cancer and related illnesses like rectal cancer among younger people.
People older than 50 are still at a greater risk of developing colon cancer overall. However, people under 50 are more often diagnosed with hard-to-treat, advanced forms of the disease.
One study involving more than 1 million people with colon cancer from 2004 to 2015 found that 51.6% of those under 50 were diagnosed with stage three or four cancer, while 40% of people over 50 were diagnosed at those later stages.
Bowel cancers can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, weight loss, and fatigue are common with ailments like hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel disease, or irritable bowel syndrome. What's more, routine testing isn't offered to many people under 50 in several countries, including the US.
If caught early, colon cancer is very treatable, and the five-year relative survival rate is about 90% if the cancer doesn't spread, according to the American Cancer Society.
But it's common for people to have no symptoms until the later stages of the illness. That's why it's important to get screened regularly, especially if you have risk factors.
Genetics is a major risk factor for colon cancer. There's evidence that bowel cancers are more likely in younger people with a family history of the disease.
Eating habits also play a role in bowel-cancer risk diets low in fiber and/or high in red meat and processed meat have been linked to an increased risk of the disease. Some experts have hypothesized that the recent popularity of meat-heavy diets like keto and paleo is partly to blame for rising cancer rates.
Obesity has also been linked to an increased risk of bowel cancer, as have habits like smoking and excessive alcohol use.
The fashion magazine Mr. Porter said in a 2018 profile of Boseman that he was "mostly vegan."
Studies have found that Black people may be disproportionately affected by colon cancer in the US, in part because of racism and barriers to getting medical treatment.
Studies have also found that stress stemming from racism and the hurdles that Black people have historically faced in the US also have tangible effects on health.
Many symptoms of colon cancer can also indicate more mundane illnesses.
For instance, changes in bowel movements like constipation or diarrhea could indicate colon cancer but also a plethora of other ailments, including infections, irritable bowel syndrome, or inflammatory bowel disease.
Abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue can also be symptoms of colon cancer.
A major warning sign of colon cancer is rectal bleeding or bloody stool. While this could also be hemorrhoids, you should consult a medical professional if you experience this.
Another unique indicator of colon cancer is the feeling of being unable to empty the bowels, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Treatment varies depending on how far the cancer has advanced and where in the bowel it is, but it can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy.
The first-line treatment for colon cancer at stages zero or one is surgery to remove the affected part of the colon.
However, past stage two, when the cancer is still localized but is growing, chemotherapy is considered, particularly if it has perforated the colon and/or appears at risk of resurging after surgery.
Stage three, when the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes but not to other organs, requires surgery and chemotherapy, with additional radiation if the cancer is advancing quickly.
At stage four, when the cancer has spread to other organs, patients can undergo a combination of chemotherapy and surgery, radiation therapy, and other targeted treatments to try to treat the cancer or to alleviate the pain associated with it.
Bowel cancer is diagnosed with a variety of tests, including stool tests, colonoscopies, X-rays, or CT scans of the bowels. A regular physical exam can help identify any abnormalities and detect the cancer sooner.
The American Cancer Society recommends that all adults over 45 be tested regularly for colon cancer, even if they have no symptoms. However, your personal risk factors can determine how frequently you should be tested, so it's best to talk to your doctor about your health history and schedule tests accordingly.
"It is very clear that signs and symptoms that might indicate colorectal cancer in those under 50, and particularly rectal bleeding, should be evaluated by a healthcare professional promptly and not dismissed as 'only hemorrhoids' or 'normal,'" Dr. David Greenwald, a professor of medicine and gastroenterology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, previously told Insider.
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UFC on ESPN+ 34: Overeem vs. Sakai Preview and Predictions – Combat Press
Posted: September 1, 2020 at 11:51 am
Former K-1 World Grand Prix, Dream, and Strikeforce champion Alistair Overeem steps back into the Octagon four months after his TKO victory over Walt Harris. He takes on rising star Augusto Sakai in the main event of this weekends UFC on ESPN+ 34 card. The two hard-hitting big men will look to deliver a performance that solidifies their respective position near the top of the heavyweight division.
Since dropping consecutive fights to Francis Ngannou and Curtis Blaydes, Overeem has won three of his last four contests, including the one against the aforementioned Harris. The Dutch kickboxing legend has seen his fair share of highs and lows inside the cage, where hes suffered 14 knockout losses while handing out 24 knockouts of his own.
Sakai, too, has shown to be a heavy-handed fighter. He has scored 11 of his 15 professional wins by knockout. His only setback came in a split-decision loss to UFC veteran Cheick Kongo while fighting under the Bellator banner.
These two heavyweights will attempt to render the judges scorecards useless. If Overeem is able to knock out Sakai, he will be the first man to stop the Brazilian fighter. A loss would also put an end to Sakais four-fight UFC winning streak that began when he joined the promotion after earning a contract on Dana Whites Contender Series.
Fans will also see the return of former title challenger Ovince St. Preux to the light-heavyweight division. OSP spent just one fight at heavyweight, where he suffered a loss to Ben Rothwell. Now, he returns to the weight class where he had previously spent his entire professional MMA career. His opponent is Alonzo Menifield, who is fighting for the first time since he lost his undefeated status against Devin Clark.
It hasnt been an easy road inside the UFC for Sijara Eubanks, whose early struggles to make weight cost her an opportunity at the inaugural flyweight championship. With her last win over Sarah Moras, Eubanks improved her UFC record to 3-2. Now, she has a high-profile spot on this fight card as she takes on Karol Rosa. Eubanks was originally scheduled to face Macy Chiasson, but Chiasson pulled out for medical reasons and was replaced by Rosa. Fresh off a victory over Vanessa Melo on Fight Island, Rosa is 2-0 with the UFC and 13-3 overall. Rosa, 25, began her professional career in 2012 and won her first five fights before facing her first setback. Rosas profile would immediately rise amongst MMA fans if she finds the win against Eubanks.
Brazilian fighter Michel Pereira also graces this lineup. He takes on Zelim Imadaev as both men look to get back to their winning ways. Pereira (quite literally) jumped onto the UFC scene with a flying-knee knockout over Danny Roberts, but he has since struggled while taking a loss on the scorecards against Tristan Connelly in a fight where his gas tank failed him. Pereira was then disqualified for an illegal knee against Diego Sanchez. When Imadaev entered the UFC, he was undefeated through eight fights. However, he has yet to taste victory with the promotion. Imadaev needs a win over Pereira to show fans he is more than just another international fighter who cant cut it among the sports true elite.
UFC on ESPN+ 34 is the 11th show in total to be held at the UFC Apex and the sixth in as many consecutive weeks. The event airs live on ESPN+, with the prelims set to get underway at 6 p.m. ET. They will be followed at 8 p.m. ET by the main card. Combat Press writers Julius Choi and Matt Petela preview the action in this edition of Toe-to-Toe.
Augusto Sakai is quickly climbing the heavyweight ladder. He already holds UFC victories over Andrei Arlovski, Marcin Tybura and Blagoy Ivanov. Is this guy for real, and can he add another significant name to his resume when he clashes with Alistair Overeem on Saturday night?
Choi: After Sakai secured his future with a six-fight contract with his quick work against Tybura about a year ago for his fastest finish inside the Octagon, he earned his biggest test yet in drawing Overeem as an opponent. Sakai, a confident fighter who has won five fights in a row while not having reached his prime, is a dangerous fighter. While getting his hand raised against Overeem on Saturday helps boost his stock, he is still going to have to draw in two or three more fights with top-10 opponents if he wants to fast-track his way up the heavyweight ladder for title-fight considerations.
Even if he ultimately gets in the loss column versus The Demolition Man, Sakai will still gain valuable reps inside the Octagon fighting against top-tier talent. This isnt the first time that he will be asked to perform under pressure. Undefeated in his first 10 fights as a professional, Sakai gave Cheick Kongo a run for his money in a scrap that went the distance at Bellator 179 in 2017. While Sakai was on the wrong end of a split decision, the Brazilian kept his composure and dictated the pace. The then 42-year-old Kongo, who is known for his resiliency, appeared timid and often opted to clinch instead of weathering the thunder storm Sakai possesses in those hands.
Unlike Kongo, Overeem embraces and welcomes the stand-up game, so it would be shocking to see this fight go five rounds. John Kavanaghs winning or learning mantra has made the rounds in the fight world because it is hard to argue against, and it is the mindset Sakai has.
Petela: The most memorable thing about Sakais last win, which came against the aforementioned Ivanov, is when the referee somehow missed a fence grab that allowed Sakai to remain on his feet. That grab cant be underemphasized for the impact it had on the outcome of the fight. Yet, Sakais time with the UFC has not been without moments where he looked like a legitimate contender.
Throughout his storied kickboxing and MMA career, Overeem has taken an incredible amount of punishment. In recent years, the question has become whether he has taken too much damage for his own good. However, unlike almost any other fighter, Overeem has shown an ability to rebound from several knockouts and prove that his chin hasnt deteriorated much at all. That isnt going to last forever, though. Overeem is now 40 years old, and a knockout threat like Sakai could prove to be one too many for The Reem.
However, this wont be the case just yet. The aforementioned Tybura is no slouch, but he is not on the same level as Overeem. Neither is the version of Arlovski that Sakai beat by split decision. This fight with Overeem will be a real step up in competition, and its one that will be too much for Sakai to make right now. Overeem will get a win here, but it will serve as a lesson for Sakai, who will continue to improve and eventually be able to make the leap into the elite realm at heavyweight.
This card features a key fight in the womens divisions for Sijara Eubanks, a former The Ultimate Fighter contestant who had great success on the reality series. She now sits at just one fight above the .500 mark. Will Eubanks make a statement in her fight on Saturday?
Petela: The weeks Eubanks spent on TUF really was a happier time for her. Her weight-cutting issues leading to kidney failure are well documented and forced her to move back to bantamweight, where she hasnt had much success.
Despite winning her first two UFC fights, Eubanks has never truly been able to gain much momentum, in large part due to the cloud hanging over her after she was pulled from the TUF 26 Finale and then missed weight in her victory over Roxanne Modafferi. Eubanks is now 1-2 inside the Octagon at bantamweight, but that lone win came in her last bout.
Unfortunately, she wont be able to right the ship in Las Vegas this weekend. Eubanks meets Karol Rosa, and it is difficult to find an area where Eubanks has a decisive advantage. Both women are black belts in jiu-jitsu, but they have generally found more success on the feet. Rosa is the more experienced fighter, with 16 professional fights. Eubanks, though, has faced the more decorated competition.
Rosa is an up-and-coming fighter ready to take the next step toward contender status, whereas Eubanks is 35 years old and beyond the days of making vast improvements. Rosa will add a fifth straight win to her streak and leave Eubanks to consider what her future holds.
Choi: Eubanks looked good in her last fight against Sarah Moras, but Rosa is a step up in competition. Rosa is slowly making her name known in a division that has been dominated and owned by fellow countrywoman Amanda Nunes. The remaining sand in the hourglass for Eubanks is running out, forcing her into a sink-or-swim situation here.
Alexander Romanov do we need to know this name?
Choi: Nearly a year after it was confirmed that Romanov would join the UFC roster, his fight against Marcos Rogrio de Lima will be his first scrap on international grounds after two scheduled bouts arranged by the brass for earlier this year fell through due to circumstances brought on by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Romanov, a homegrown product of Moldova, spent a majority of his professional career with Eagles Fighting Championship, where he steamrolled every opponent put in his path. He is undefeated in 11 fights, all of which ended in a finish. Before his lone amateur fight in 2011, his first foray into the world of combat sports came in a kickboxing bout in 2006.
His trek to North America to advance his profile will be a crucial pivot point in his career given that he is a relative unknown and considered to be in his athletic prime at the ripe age of 29. The first impression is always an important one regardless of what is on your resume, and Romanov is going to have to win in decisive fashion to prove to UFC President Dana White that he is a valuable asset.
There was no challenger equal to Romanov in Eagles FC, where nine of his contests ended inside the first round. How he responds when he navigates the uncharted territory of fights that go 15 minutes against stiffer competition will provide a litmus test on how long he enjoys a career in fighting.
Romanov summited the Moldovian mountaintop two years ago by claiming the vacant heavyweight title against Alexander Stolyarov. The odds were stacked against him versus an adversary who had 20 more fights under his belt at the time and stood as the biggest man Romanov had ever shared the cage with during his time in the sport. Those doubts were pierced in a matter of seconds by triumphant screams following a barrage of strikes, ensuing in a celebration that would make Chuck Liddell proud.
For as terrifying as Romanov may be on paper, he will be pitted up against an opponent who has a chip on his shoulder. After being outclassed by Stefan Struve and Ovince St. Preux, the 35-year-old de Lima is fresh off a TKO finish of Ben Sosoli from earlier this year. The Brazilian is poised to build up some momentum after not being able to string victories together since a six-fight run from 2012 through 2014 that preceded his arrival in the UFC.
Petela: Fans should absolutely know Romanovs name. He is a devastating finisher with four knockouts and seven submissions on his record. Most recently, he picked up a slam knockout over Sergio Freitas.
Romanov is deceptively smooth on his feet and on the mat, despite not having the prototypical physique of a cage fighter. The UFC will be a major step up in competition for him, and we cant know if he will emerge as a potential contender until we see him in action a couple times. However, rest assured that his fights will deliver the highest level of entertainment.
What one fighters UFC career is on the ropes at this event?
Petela: Zelim Iamdaev. His first fight in the UFC was a disappointing majority-decision loss to Max Griffin in a close contest. He was unable to right the ship in his second outing, where he was knocked out by Danny Roberts near the end of the second round. Even under the weird circumstances in the combat-sports world right now, an 0-3 to start his tenure wont give Imadaev much hope that the UFC will want to keep him around. Compound that with a fight against the wild man Michel Pereira, who can add insult to injury with his unorthodox yet devastating striking, and the odds are firmly against Imadaev hanging onto his contract. He will end up being another fighter on the wrong end of a highlight-reel knockout before hes sent back to a smaller promotion.
Choi: Marcos Rogrio de Lima. The Brazilian has no problem winning in impressive fashion and rebounded well after losing against steeper competition like Stefan Struve and Ovince St. Preux. He needs to work to build upon the momentum he garnered with his victory over Ben Sosoli. That being said, a win over Romanov, an undefeated fighter and newcomer to the UFC, would be a boost of confidence and a welcome sign.
Which fight is the sleeper match-up on this card?
Choi: Thiago Moises and Jalin Turner.
The simple fact that both of these fighters need a win but only one will get the desired outcome is what makes this tilt an interesting one. While the pair caught the attention of Dana White on the Contender Series in 2018, how Moises will follow up his performance after submitting Michael Johnson via an ankle lock in May has many curious of what happens when you put two people who are chomping at the bit for a more favorable position in the standings.
Turner has hit a groove as of late, gobbling up finishes in the opening round in two of his last three fights. He is much bigger than Moises, too, and has a five-inch reach advantage. It will be crucial for them to monitor what they see in each others strategy in the opening round and adjust their game plans accordingly.
Petela: Montana De La Rosa and Viviane Araujo.
De La Rosas lone setback came in her fight with Andrea KGB Lee, but she bounced back with an ultra-impressive win against Maria Romero Borella to improve her official UFC record to 4-1. The ceiling is very high on De La Rosa, who is only 25 years old and should continue her rise at flyweight. Araujo is 1-1 inside the UFC, but her loss came against former title challenger Jessica Eye, who missed weight badly. It is tough to hold much against Araujo for that fight. The 33-year-old defeated Alexis Davis in her flyweight debut and is still constantly improving. This one should be a fun stylistic match-up between De La Rosa, who has a background as a wrestler, and Araujo, a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under the legendary Leozinho.
Pair this card with
Petela: Leftovers. This card is made up of a number of fights that have been scheduled for earlier events before they were rebooked for various reasons. Ill admit I am not a fan of leftovers, but this will be more in line with my Dads opinion that nearly everything tastes better the next day. Several fights on this card will deliver high-level entertainment, and the rescheduling will end up being a good thing, because fans will get to see these showdowns on a night that looks sloppily thrown together but ends up being memorable from top to bottom.
Choi: Darts. In the new normal of the current pandemic, get in the spirit of picking up a new hobby. Before every fight, throw a single dart at the board and play battleships. If you miss the board and the match-up turned out better than expected, you have to go for a run for five minutes. If you hit the bullseye and it accurately described the fight, do push-ups till failure. Am I trying to look like Yoel Romero before the world properly aligns with our intended plans? Yes. Also, how can you feel content with your life when you see Tony Ferguson training like hes going to be on American Ninja Warrior? My brain is trained to expect the unexpected, so we could have fireworks in September with this card in theory.
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28 Weight Loss Myths That Pack on Pounds – 24/7 Wall St.
Posted: September 1, 2020 at 11:50 am
Special Report
September 1, 2020 8:49 am
COVID weight and the Quarantine 15 have become familiar terms six months into the coronavirus pandemic. The terms refer to weight many people have gained since stay-at-home orders practically stopped people from going out, including to gyms. Working out was often replaced with binge watching Netflix and eating comfort foods.
Now that sheltering-in-place orders have expired and people are allowed to spend more time outside, albeit with some restrictions, losing the extra weight is probably on many peoples minds.
24/7 Tempo consulted several nutritionists and fitness trainers to identify at least 28 myths about weight loss that can actually result in weight gain.
There is no denying that losing weight, which requires burning more calories than consuming, regardless of age, gender, or starting weight, is hard work, whether youre trying to get rid of 5 or 25 pounds. They key to long-term success is how you approach that goal and whether you manage to avoid some common mistakes.
Being overweight or obese can contribute to numerous health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. And while maintaining a healthy weight is beneficial, there is no single solution that works for everybody.
The short answer to how people should shed those extra pounds is that they should do it in a safe, smart, and sustainable way. In general, though, eating a balanced diet is key. While the internet is full of advice, not all of it is by unqualified persons, and its best to consult a professional dietician or doctor if needed. For example, not all foods and drinks are created equal these are some healthy foods that are actually ruining your diet.
Click here to learn about the 28 weight loss myths that pack on pounds.
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28 Weight Loss Myths That Pack on Pounds - 24/7 Wall St.
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This 3-Ingredient Tomato Soup Is Just What You Need To Amp Up Your Weight Loss Diet – NDTV Food
Posted: September 1, 2020 at 11:50 am
Tomato Soup For Weight Loss: It makes for a wholesome dinner when paired with bread
There's something about a comforting bowl of soup that makes up for the laziest or the busiest of the days. It is easy, soul-soothing and nurtures you from within. All you need to do is, throw in some vegetables, spices and herbs together and prepare a delectable concoction in just a few minutes. A bowl of soup also provides our body with several healthy nutrients and helps shedding those extra kilos. Hence, it is often recommended by global health experts as a part of weight loss diet plan. The best part is, soup offers enough room for experimentation and provides a variety of flavours to the taste-buds.
Here, we bring you one such healthy and tasty recipe of classic tomato soup that needs just three simple ingredients for preparation - tomatoes, garlic and a dash of ghee.
But before we dive into the recipe, let's find out the benefits of tomato:
Alongside, the inclusion of garlic and ghee makes the soup digestion-friendly, immune-boosting and a good source of energy for overall health.
Also Read:9Benefits Of Ghee You May Not Have Known
2 large tomatoes
10-12 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon Ghee/white butter
Seasonings to garnish, as per taste (optional)
Step 1. Roast the tomatoes and 7-8 cloves of garlic on gas-top. Continue roasting till the outer skin of the tomato is burnt well.
Step 2. De-skin the tomatoes and add it to a blender. Peel and add the burnt garlic too. Blend them together to form a smooth paste.
Step 3. Heat ghee/white butter in a deep bottom pan. Chop the rest of the garlic and add to the pan.
Step 4. Fry the garlic till its golden brown in colour and add the tomato-garlic paste in it.
Step 5. Simmer it on low flame for a couple of minutes and serve hot with seasonings of your choice (usually, salt and black pepper).
You may boil the tomatoes and garlic, instead of burning them.
If you are someone who likes the flavour of burnt garlic, you may add some to the soup, while garnishing it.
Pro-Tip: This classic tomato soup makes for a wholesome dinner when paired with two slices of toasted brown/atta/multi-grain bread.
Eat healthy, stay safe!
(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)
About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.
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This 3-Ingredient Tomato Soup Is Just What You Need To Amp Up Your Weight Loss Diet - NDTV Food
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Rebel Wilson Stuns in Blue Dress, Giving Update on "Year of Health" Weight Loss Goals –
Posted: September 1, 2020 at 11:50 am
At the beginning of 2020 (which feels like forever ago), Rebel Wilson declared it her Year of Health. Now, eight months later, shes showing off her progress, and she looks incredible.
On Aug. 27, the actress got dolled up in a blue midi dress to attend a School of St. Jude fundraiser. Her Instagram post detailing the look garnered nearly a million likes, and all the love from her fans and Hollywood friends.
This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
Werk. You delicious babe!! Octavia Spencer commented. If I could like this picture numerous time[s] I would, Ruby Rose wrote. MY GOD WOMAN! Her trainer, Jono Castano Acero, added: Sweet baby Jesus!!! You look amazing
Fans were inspired by her journey. You were beautiful before, but you are radiating so much light from your heart and it shows!!! one person wrote. You are inspiring me to take charge of my health!! another replied. One thing you did not lose and makes you even more beautiful is your Good Soul.
Wilson later shared a second post (and another fab angle of the fundraiser look), thanking followers for all of the kind words. Thanks for all the love so far on my Year of Health journey. When I was reaching for the candies last night after dinner I thought to myself hmmmm...better not and had a bottle of water instead, she wrote. [18 pounds] to go until I hit my goal - hopefully I can do it by the end of the year.
This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
In a now deleted Instagram post, she established her goal weight as 75kg's or 165 pounds. And career wise am trying to get one of my movies into production before the end of the year," she added. "Both of these things are requiring a daily effort and theres constant set backs - but I'm working hard."
Wilson has shared lots of moments along the way, including hiking shots, workout clips, and additional progress photos. According to People, shes following The Mayr Method diet to lose weight, which is a restrictive program that claims to achieve weight loss by improving gut health.
"The diet is centered around stopping snacking, reducing intake of gluten and dairy, and chewing foods for a longer amount of time," Amy Gorin, M.S., R.D.N., a registered dietitian in the New York City area recently told "The eating plan is focused on high-alkaline whole foods."
Whether or not its the healthiest way to lose weight is murky, Gorin said, because theres not enough research available. Instead, for long-term weight loss, she recommends a whole-foods, plant-based diet. It's sustainable, helps you to feel energized, and doesn't completely restrict any foods you love," she explained. "Mindful eating and mindfulness-related activities such as yoga and meditation are also helpful in becoming more in touch with hunger levels, feelings, and so on."
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Portland woman receives national attention for weight loss – The Portland Sun
Posted: September 1, 2020 at 11:50 am
A 1989 Portland High School graduate was featured on the nationally televised Tamron Hall Show featuring her successful weight loss journey, and she was on the Aug. 10 cover of Womans World Magazine along with her story inside.
Chellie Matchinske Beck began a weight loss program in October of 2018 and has lost 112 pounds using Dr. Steven Gundrys Plant Paradox program which she originally saw on the TV program The Doctors. The diet features eating foods low in lectin.
Beck had always tried to eat healthy, but while she was trying to eat gluten free and drinking water rather than sodas and sweet tea, she continued to gain weight.
When she went to her doctor, he assured her that her weight gain was normal for her age. He told her that various things were occurring that affected her such as her age, the environment, hormones and preservatives in foods.
Not only was she gaining weight, she was having other health issues. She had no energy and her body ached. She couldnt climb steps or carry her grandson to bed after rocking him to sleep. It took a trip to the hospital with high blood pressure to help her realize that she could do something about her health.
During that time, Gundrys interview on TV kept popping into her head, and at the same time, posts about him and the Plant Paradox program would appear on her Facebook page. She felt she was being directed to the program, and she is passionate about showing her gratitude to God for leading her to the program.
According to Beck she turned to Gundrys Plant Paradox program and it changed her life. She lost 70 pounds in the first four months. She credits the program with clearing her body of inflammation from the inside out. In addition, she says her skin has become healthier than it has ever been.
She said she could feel the healing process as it was occurring. She was gaining more energy and she was able to be more active. She says she can out play her 5-year-old grandson now. She sees the program as a life style change.
Beck sent her testimony and pictures to an email address hoping it would get to Gundry because she wanted him to know how thankful she was for his program and how it had changed her life.
To her surprise, the email went directly to him and he contacted her. Her testimony led to national recognition that she did not seek; however, she uses it as an opportunity given her to help others.
Becks story and pictures of her success are on her Instagram page titled Notafraidoffifty, which has resulted in many people contacting her with one as far away as Sydney, Australia.
She said she feels she is on a spiritual journey to help others. As she becomes a cheerleader for them, she shares personal success stories for encouragement. One of her favorites is telling them about saving the dress she wore when she graduated from high school because her husband always liked it.
According to Beck, the dress is actually a little big on her now that she is in a size 6-8 dress and size 4 jeans. In addition, she shares her motto with them - Be your best you for your best day and be your best you for your worst day.
I am very thankful for God leading me to Dr. Gundry, Beck said.
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Study Says The Secret To Weight Loss Is Consuming Your Own Feces – KLUV
Posted: September 1, 2020 at 11:50 am
Scientists believe they have uncovered the secret weapon to keeping off all the weight you lose.
We're not sure how many people are willing to partake in this method, however.
This study, conducted atBen-Gurion University of the Negev, found that the key to keeping all the weight that you lose off, is by consuming your own feces. Specifically, swallowing "frozen microbiome capsules" made from one's own feces after dieting.
Apparently, regularly consuming your own poop helps keepyour metabolism healthy, and helps you manage your weightthrough your gut bacteria.
Dr. Ilan Youngster, director of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit and the Center for Microbiome Research at Shamir Medical Center, said of the findings, "This study is the first of its kind to prove in humans that preservation of an ideal gut microbial composition can be used at a later time point to achieve metabolic benefits. Using the patients own stool after optimization is a novel concept that overcomes many of these barriers. It is my belief that the use of autologous fecal microbiota transplantation will be applicable in the future for other indications as well."
Via StudyFinds
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Study Says The Secret To Weight Loss Is Consuming Your Own Feces - KLUV
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Drink This Orange And Turmeric Smoothie To Boost Immunity And Weight Loss – NDTV Food
Posted: September 1, 2020 at 11:50 am
Orange, turmeric yogurt smoothie can be made in just 5 minnutes and packs all the nutrition you need.
In the times like these where health has become the primary focus of the world, it is important to understand that a subtle tweak in our daily diet for a healthy lifestyle is the need of the hour. Foods that boost immunity and pack our diet with essential vitamins and minerals are the way forward, and the best part is that there are a plenty of them! A look into your kitchen pantry will give you many such food items that you can use to create healthy concoctions to not just boost immunity but also shed some kilos!
While kadhas and teas are an instant reliever, smoothies are one of the easiest ways to pack in nutrients and taste together. Not only does a glass of smoothie help us stay hydrated, they also give us instant energy along with ensuring a wholesome meal that would keep us full for long, further promoting weight loss. And when it comes to healthy spices and herbs that can be added to our diets to boost immunity, turmeric and cinnamon are two of the most popular ones that strike the mind. Besides that, orange is one of the fruits that is known to boost our immune system.
Benefits of Turmeric
Turmeric is well known for its anti-bacterial properties along with its ability to fight inflammation and soothe the discomfort that comes with cold and cough. Curcumin, an active polyphenol present in turmeric is replete with strong, immunity-boosting properties.
Benefits of Orange
A rich source of immunity-boosting vitamin C, orange makes for an excellent option to include in juices, smoothies and salads. When combined with spices such as cinnamon and turmeric, it may work wonders for our health.
(Also Read:Top 8 Smoothies Recipes)
Here we have an excellent, quick and easy orange, turmeric and yogurt smoothie that you can make at home in a few minutes to boost your immunity and also lose some weight along!
A wholesome mix of orange juice, mangoes, yogurt, walnuts, turmeric, cinnamon and banana, this smoothie is the quick morning meal you need. Simply put all ingredients together and blend! The addition of bananas and walnuts make it a high-protein smoothie while yogurt makes sure it is low on calories!
Find the full recipe here.
Even though this smoothie recipe uses honey and vanilla extract, you can completely skip them if you want to make it a low sugar one. Banana, orange juice and mangoes are already naturally sweet.
This immunity-boosting, high-protein smoothie can be a healthy addition to your morning meal. Try it at home and share your experience in the comments section below.
About Aanchal MathurAanchal doesn't share food. A cake in her vicinity is sure to disappear in a record time of 10 seconds. Besides loading up on sugar, she loves bingeing on FRIENDS with a plate of momos. Most likely to find her soulmate on a food app.
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