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OPINION: Forget face masks shifting ‘Lockdown Lard’ is the way to combat Covid-19 – Eastern Daily Press
Posted: August 28, 2020 at 12:53 pm
PUBLISHED: 10:24 27 August 2020 | UPDATED: 10:24 27 August 2020
Rachel Moore
If you've found yourself eating more junk during lockdown, you might want to think about shifting some extra weight, says Rachel Moore
Rachel Moore says were avoiding the big issue if we think face masks and handwashing alone will stop us getting Covid-19
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Diligent handwashing, keeping a safe distance and a swanky face mask collection is all well and good, but our best insurance to swerve Covid-19 is to lose weight.
If youre carrying even a few extra pounds, odds are already stacked against you. Obesity increases risk of Covid-19 death by nearly 50%. A terrifying statistic and far higher than global experts thought.
If this doesnt shock people into losing weight what will?
Perhaps this weeks revelation that a successful vaccine wont work well for overweight people might.
Scientists say all the cards are stacked against the obese. But theyre still not listening even though fear is the populations current setting.
Fear of Covid, fear of the fear of Covid, fear of getting out and about, fear of going back to work, fear of sending children back to school, fear that the invisible virus lurks where we least expect it.
But the clearest protection from this fear, other than thorough hand washing, is maintaining a healthy weight. But people still have their fingers in their ears, blocking out the advice. Lalalala. Its just too difficult.
The hard facts are clear our immune system and ability to fight infection is compromised by extra weight. Flab around our stomachs visceral fat produces chemical signals making our immunity less effective, so anyone who is obese is at twice the risk of becoming seriously ill from coronavirus. Twice. A big statistic.
That means a 63% of adults in England. Another big statistic. A scary 63% of adults in England are overweight or obese. Many have obesity-associated conditions, are on multiple medications and their organ ages are much older than they actually are.
Obesity-related illnesses currently cost the NHS 6 billion a year. One in three children leaving primary school are overweight or obese.
This week, scientists in the most comprehensive study revealed that once a vaccine is available, it wont work well on overweight people.
And thats more of us now after four months of lockdown. Weve all joked about our Lockdown Lard and Covid Cushions. Its so easy to gain a stone comfort eating without realising but a huge challenge to lose it.
Sales of booze, snacks and ice cream soared during lockdown and two-thirds of British adults say they had put weight on, comfort eating to get through difficult times.
But losing a stone or more now is the best way to approach post-Covid life, especially with winter and a talked-of second spike on its way.
Shrink in September should be the national campaign.
Just how much we hold the power to reverse the damage we are doing to our bodies by eating too much is illustrated by Michael Moseleys Lose a Stone in 21 days on Channel 4 this month.
Adopting a Mediterranean low-carb diet of 800-1000 calories a day can dramatically reduce a persons heart age and reverse the chances of diabetes.
So why, if tweaking lifestyle can extend life span and banish life-threatening conditions so quickly, why arent we doing it?
Its depressing that people would rather pump themselves full of medication, be uncomfortable and unhealthy than doing something about it, choosing to stare death in the face, costing the NHS and missing out on so much life than taking their own future into their own hands.
Rishi Sunaks Eat out to Help Out hasnt helped.
In a curry house this week, having my one and only EATHO experience I cant be the only person to feel guilty about public money paying for half my vegetable saagwala knowing my sons will end up paying for the billions of pounds racked up all their working lives?
Looking around the restaurant, about 80% fell into the need to lose weight category. But they were there, piling up their plates because it was half price, not because they needed it.
Eat Double, Pay Half would have been a more fitting title.
Im still trying to work out how the invitation to gluttony fits with the governments Better Health campaign trying to get us all to lose weight.
But then were all slippery and in denial about how much we eat. Only 10% of British people who are clinically obese admit they are, thinking they are a bit overweight.
Women see it more than men, apparently.
Now we know the facts, and that a successful vaccine wont be effective, its irresponsible to carry on.
Parents are kicking up a fuss about sending children back to school next week but are willingly overweight?
The professor behind the global study at the University of North Carolina was shocked at just how at risk the obese really were. If it shocks the scientist, we should be petrified.
Exercise doesnt work alone. Key to weight loss is eating less. Smaller portions of healthy food.
It might feel like a person sentence, but its better than death or being wired to a ventilator in a coma for months, which is the reality.
Time really is of the essence here. Its important to start getting in shape, right now.
And only we can do it for ourselves.
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OPINION: Forget face masks shifting 'Lockdown Lard' is the way to combat Covid-19 - Eastern Daily Press
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RED-S: The condition all runners need to know about – Runner’s World (UK)
Posted: August 28, 2020 at 12:53 pm
You've heard it a million times before if you want to run faster, you need to run more.
In a culture that promotes a no excuses attitude towards working out, pushing yourself beyond your limits is often celebrated as a sign of discipline, agility and physical strength.
As we fixate on improving our performance and reaching new goals, we rarely consider the future losses of our present gains.
An unhealthy endurance athlete may seem like the ultimate paradox, but its a lot more common than you may think. RED-S is a syndrome that affects countless sports fanatics many of whom dont even know it exists.
RED-S refers to Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, and it is exactly what it sounds like. Previously called the Female Athlete Triad, it is characterised by low energy availability due to a caloric deficit.
The condition, which was termed in 2014 by the International Olympic Committee, can affect both males and females, including elite and non-elite athletes. It can lead to irreparable damage, impairing almost every system of the body if left untreated.
With little known about RED-S in the general medical and athletic community, it often goes overlooked. It prevails under the radar, only drawing attention after a drastic injury or mental collapse.
'It is still a relatively new condition,' explains Sports and Eating disorder specialist dietitian, Renee McGregor. 'It is a clinical condition within a sporting community, so only practitioners trained in both clinical and sports science/medicine will have a full understanding.'
However, as the evidence of its dangers mount, more people are speaking out to raise awareness about the syndrome.
One of these voices belongs to Great Britain runner Pippa Woolven, who suffered from the debilitating condition for over five years. Determined now to help others through her mentorship programme, she shares her own experience with RED-S with Runners World.
RED-S manifests in a variety of physical and psychological symptoms, which unfortunately, often go unnoticed. Creeping up in the form of benign colds and general fatigue, its unlikely to sound any alarm bells at first.
'It was worryingly easy to dismiss the initial warning signs, since they were all relatively subtle in isolation,' Woolven says.
These seemingly minor symptoms are in fact indicative of the body slowly breaking down. 'Biological processes become depressed,' McGregor explains. 'When there is not enough energy in the system, digestion slows, resulting in bloating, discomfort and IBS symptoms.'
Stubborn sniffles and chronic coughs are another side effect of this deficit.
'The immune system also becomes impacted, which puts the individual at a higher risk of infections and illness.'
A key symptom of RED-S in female runners is hypothalamic amenorrhea, or the absence of menstruation. While regular periods are a sign of good health, they can also be a major hindrance for many female athletes. Their disappearance is often a welcome relief from monthly cramps, headaches and mood swings all of which impact training and racing.
'It seemed more convenient not to have them,' Woolven reveals. 'I didn't have to worry about being on my period during competitions or buying tampons anymore.'
This acceptance of amenorrhea speaks to an uncomfortable truth about RED-S.
Its early symptoms can perversely enhance performance at least, in the short-term. Excessive training and restrictive eating leads to lower body weight, which can result in faster times. The detriment of these behaviours is obscured by their immediate benefits more PBs, more medals and more acclaim.
'In my mind, I was just doing what it took to reach my potential in sport. I thought the odd illness, body image issue and low iron levels were just part of the challenge,' Woolven says.
The danger of RED-S lies not in its symptoms, but in our failure to recognise them as symptoms.
RED-S is not an invisible illness that wreaks havoc on our internal organs as we ignorantly carry on with our lives. It waves at us in a bunting of red flags, but we remain colourblind to its warnings. In a society warped by messages like No pain, no gain and Eat less, move more, its easy to view physical hardship as fundamental to making progress.
Our ability to detect health problems can, ironically, be corrupted by our determination to reach our fitness goals.
With athletes often unable to identify the issue objectively, its crucial that their support team develops an understanding of RED-S.
Unfortunately, the initial pros of the condition are often applauded by coaches, whose concerns are typically rooted in achieving visible results. Many doctors also have little knowledge of the condition, which further delays diagnosis. Despite displaying all the symptoms, it took years for Woolven to discover she had RED-S.
'Id had countless blood tests, seen multiple doctors and endocrinologists and not once was RED-S or the Female Athlete Triad suggested.'
Woolven emphasises the importance of discussing menstruation more openly in the athletic community. A loss of periods, which is a major indicator of RED-S, is often normalised in female runners and can therefore go unnoticed.
'Every doctor who looked at my body weight and food consumption reassured me: no period - no problem,' Woolven reveals.
The female body requires a certain amount of energy to make sure reproductive hormones regulate and produce a monthly period. Hormones such as oestrogen are also crucial for bone health, cardiovascular health and cognitive health.
'During amenorrhoea, when these hormones are reduced and often non-existent, individuals put their health and performance at risk,' explains McGregor.
Exhausted from her futile chase of a concrete diagnosis, Woolven finally decided to take matters into her own hands. She came across a series of articles and blogs on RED-S, and was shocked to discover how accurately they detailed her own symptoms.
Despite the relief of finding an answer after years of confusion, Woolven felt frustrated by the vagueness of the condition. 'At first, I couldnt believe that the simplicity of the RED-S description could possibly explain the complicated nature of my problem.'
As she delved further into her research, Woolven was confronted by a painful realisation her body had been undernourished for years.
'It became apparent I had quite simply spent years in an energy deficit that was far from replenished during the "reset" I thought was behind me,' she admits.
This prolonged energy deficit is far from benign. The long-term consequences of RED-S include, but are not limited to, decreased bone density, cardiovascular issues, gastrointestinal disturbances and decreased immunity. Armed with this new information, Woolven embarked on a plan to salvage her deteriorating health.
With RED-S often taking years to be diagnosed, there is no fast lane to recovery. As many of its physical symptoms grow from a deeply entrenched mindset, effective treatment requires a focus on ones mental health. Initially, Woolven attempted to loosen her rigid attitude towards nutrition and training on her own. Despite her good intentions, the process was a lot harder than she had expected.
'I seemed to be stuck in an agonising middle ground; motivated enough to start the process but continually falling short, time and time again,' she says.
After 'a series of half-hearted efforts and frustrating partial comebacks', Woolven took a crucial step in her recovery seeking professional guidance. With the help of a psychotherapist, she dug deeper into her disordered eating patterns and established a plan to combat these unhealthy behaviours.
Woolven also began to take time away from running, to pursue other hobbies and invest time in close relationships. To her surprise, varying her interests only benefited her training. She quickly realised that she did not have to neglect all other aspects of her life to reach her athletic goals.
'Ironically, I performed at my worst when I was overly focused on sport,' she explains.
Woolven's experience inspired her to establish Athletes in Balance, a mentorship programme which supports people battling with similar issues. Having struggled to receive a RED-S diagnosis and to implement an effective treatment plan, she now wants to assist those who may be presenting symptoms.
'My goal as a mentor is to be the person who shows up, looks at the bigger picture and then helps someone apply their strength as an athlete to overcoming challenges related to RED-S,' she says.
While she recognises that it is not a replacement for medical intervention, Woolven believes that her mentorship can be a valuable resource for those grappling with RED-S. With her extensive experience of the condition, she aims to a provide the holistic support that may be missing from standard clinical treatment.
'Sometimes science doesnt hold all the answers to the change in mindset an athlete may need to go through,' she explains.
By sharing her story, Woolven hopes to help others identify the warning signs of RED-S, implement effective strategies, and of course, emphasise the importance of balance in every athletes life.
If you think you may be suffering from RED-S and need someone to talk to, Woolven can be contacted here.
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RED-S: The condition all runners need to know about - Runner's World (UK)
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The stock market is on a tear, but now comes September, the worst month of the year – MarketWatch
Posted: August 28, 2020 at 12:53 pm
The only thing to fear about the stock market in September is fear itself.
Thats important because Septembers reputation as a poor month for equities is well-known. Since the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.46% was created in the late 1800s, the Dow has fallen an average of 1% in September. The Dows gain in all other months averages 0.7%.
There are nevertheless two reasons not to give any weight to this history:
There is no plausible theory for why September should be awful for the stock market, and without such an explanation, data mining becomes far more likely.
In any case, the stock market has not, on average, lost ground in September of presidential election years.
Read:The biggest problem in the stock market: Bullishness is clouding investors thinking
The lack of a plausible explanation for Septembers record is not for want of trying. For many years I have challenged readers to propose one. None that I have received can withstand historical scrutiny.
One of the most widely proposed ideas is that Septembers record is caused by tax-loss selling from mutual funds, especially since 1990, because of a new tax law that took effect then. But if that were a plausible explanation, wed expect Septembers record since 1990 to be worse than it was before.
But thats not the case. The Dows average September loss prior to 1990 was four times worse than its been since then minus 1.2% versus minus 0.3%.
Other explanations that have been proposed dont even meet a simple smell test. One of my favorites is that the stock market in September suffers from pent-up selling from investors who are just returning from their summer vacations. But that explanation could just as easily be turned on its head; why doesnt the market soar in September from pent-up buying demand?
That could especially be the case this year, given the Federal Reserves announcement Thursday suggesting its monetary policy will be even easier than previously thought, for a lot longer than previously thought. The so-called Fed Put is alive and well.
In any case, according to Lawrence Tint, its a waste of time trying to find a plausible explanation for Septembers dismal record. Tint is the former U.S. CEO of BGI, the organization that created iShares (now part of BlackRock BLK, +0.66% ).
Unless you or I are able to discover something nobody else knows about, by the time we know why a pattern exists, its too late to profit from it, he said in an interview. Thats because, once this discovery is made, savvy investors would immediately begin jumping the gun by selling in August, others in turn would try to beat them, and the historical pattern would quickly disappear.
If the discussion up to this point isnt sufficient to convince you not to fear September, consider this: In September of the average presidential-election year, the stock market actually has risen. This is illustrated in the accompanying chart at the top of this column, which plots the Dows average monthly gains back to 1896. Notice that, in presidential-election years, not only does the Dow on average rise in September, but there are also five months that have the worst average returns.
So there you have it. There is no sound theoretical or statistical reason to bet that September is bad for the stock market. But even if there were, youd still have reason in this election year not to bet on equities suffering in September.
None of this is a guarantee the stock market wont fall. With five straight months of gains under its belt, the stock market has every right to take a breather especially in a crazy year like 2020 that has already broken so many historical precedents.
My point is that, should the stock market decline, it wont be because its the ninth month of the calendar.
Mark Hulbert is a columnist for MarketWatch. His Hulbert Ratings tracks investment newsletters that pay a flat fee to be audited. He can be reached at
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The stock market is on a tear, but now comes September, the worst month of the year - MarketWatch
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How a NEW weight loss product could be the game changer you’re looking for – Brinkwire
Posted: August 28, 2020 at 12:53 pm
We dont know about you, but ever since the warm weather arrived weve done nothing but go for picnics, fire up the barbecue for burgers and hot dogs and treat ourselves to more than a few glasses of ros
And the end result of all this indulgence? Our clothes are tight, were bloated and were feeling sluggish. If that sounds familiar then its not too late to shape up in time for the new season.
The makers of the original weight loss shot drink, Boombod, are furthering their efforts to help customers feel fantastic and to tackle their weight concerns with its brand NEW
Pair these delicious gummies (they come in tasty blackcurrant and orange mango flavours) with Boombods original 7-Day Achiever weight loss shots and youll be crushing your body goals before you know it.
In fact, with the Boombod 7-Day Achiever youll be kick-starting your weight loss journey using a product designed specifically to help curb those naughty cravings. With over 1 million boxes sold worldwide and over 2000 brilliant reviews on Trustpilot, its a no-brainer.
And with Boombods MEGA sale you can Buy One Get One Free on all the 7, 14, and 28 day achiever programmes, as well as get FREE UK shipping.BUT, there are limited stocks of the gummies so make sure youre one of the first to try them!
Want to see just how AMAZING Boombods results can be? Here, two real women share their successful slimming stories and how it has changed their lives for the better
But first, we tell you what you need to know about Boombods big launch!
Id gained a lot of weight since having two babies so close together (Hunter born 2018, Ryder born 2019). Before my kids I was a healthy size and wanted to return to that.
I saw Boombod on sale for half price and had seen good reviews online, bought one box and lost a significant amount of weight on the 7 Day Achiever. Ive literally continued using it as it really worked well for me.
The shots taste amazing! Blackcurrant is my favourite. Just mix them quickly and give them a good stir.I find Im full up after each shot for ages!
Boombod has massively helped reduce the bloating I have, as well as to lose the weight and motivate me. I love the gym and I now train frequently.
It has completely changed my life! Its helped me gain body confidence and reach my target weight in such a short amount of time.
I post it over my social media all the time and a lot of my friends and family have gone onto buy it and see similar results. SoIm super excited about the new Fat Metaboliser Gummies!! I cannot explain how excited I am for this. I just can not wait to see the results.
Ill continue using Boombod as it doesnt only help reduce my weight, but also helps motivate me, reduce bloating and get rid of nasty cravings!
I was motivated to lose weight after seeingphotos of myself from summer 2015 when I looked my best.
Ive never really dieted because I enjoy food too much, but since my first child I really struggle to get to the gym. I used to go three to four times a week before I had children, but afterwards I would try and go for a run, and work out at home, but didnt always have the motivation. Id stick to it for a couple of weeks and then go back to doing no exercise again.
I wanted to try something new and saw Boombod had a buy one get one free offer, so thought why not? Especially after reading the reviews. My goal is to get that body back from 2015!
Using Boombod isnt difficult at all. You just empty the contents into a glass, mix it with water and drink it all in one. I particularly like the taste of the blackcurrant flavour. They really do fill me up and stop me picking at naughty food in between meals.
Once I started to see results it made me feel more motivated to keep going and to carry on working out at home.
After losing a lot of my baby weight already, I feel Im getting my energy and strength back. And Boombod gets me into a routine, so after breakfast generally I do a morning workout. It makes me feel motivated and Ive already recommended Boombod to friends.
Imexcited to see if the new gummies are as good as the shots. I think theyre a great idea and even easier to take.
I would definitely buy them because I trust Boombod with my weight loss.
*Boombod contains 1g of glucomannan per serving which, in the context of an energy-restricted diet, contributes to weight loss. This beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 3g of Glucomannan in 3 doses of 1g each, together with 1-2 glasses of water before meals.There is a risk of choking for individuals with swallowing difficulties or when ingesting with inadequate fluid intake. Please follow usage instructions on the reverse of the box. Do not exceed stated dose. Keep away from children at all times.
**All ingredients mentioned reach and exceed the required 15% NRV as listed in the annex to regulation (EC) NO 1924/2006. Claims with mention of these ingredients are done so with reference to this claim enabling their mention as per EU regulation.
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How a NEW weight loss product could be the game changer you're looking for - Brinkwire
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Davtyan Medical Weight Loss & Wellness Of Los Angeles – And Community Bariatrics Hamilton Of Indianapolis – Encourage Individuals With Obesity To…
Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:58 pm
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently stated that obesity, defined as a BMI of 30 or above, increases a person's risk of severe illness from COVID-19.i This patient population represents roughly one-third of the U.S. adult population. That's why Davtyan Medical Weight Loss & Wellness of Los Angeles and Community Bariatrics Hamilton of Indianapolis are encouraging individuals with obesity to explore options to reduce the health risks associated with COVID-19.
Recent concerning studies have linked the influence of obesity to COVID-19 cases. In fact, there is a higher prevalence of COVID-19 hospitalizations among those with obesity.ii Research also indicates that people with obesity have worse outcomes with COVID-19 infection, including respiratory failure, need for mechanical ventilation, and higher mortality.iii
"The worldwide novel virus pandemic combined with the global obesity epidemic is a dangerous situation," commented Keith McEwen, M.D., medical director at Community Bariatrics Hamilton, Indianapolis,IN. "Consumers need to have a comprehensive understanding of the link between obesity and the virus. We encourage our patients to take control of their health by taking action now to reduce their risk of developing severe COVID-19 illness. As medical experts warn that a second wave of COVID-19 this fall or winter could be more serious than the first, now is the time for people with obesity to seek surgical options for losing weight."
David Davtyan, M.D., bariatric surgeon at Davtyan Medical Weight Loss & Wellness of Los Angeles said, "We intentionally create personalized programs that include an adjustable and reversible surgery like the Lap-Band Program, combined with support tools and resources to experience long-term weight loss and improved health."
Although the surgical treatment of obesity and its complications has been postponed in many states during the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) states that metabolic and bariatric surgery should be resumed as it is medically necessary and the best treatment for those with the life-threatening and life-limiting disease of severe obesity.iv
The Lap-Band Adjustable Gastric Banding System, manufactured by ReShape Lifesciences, is the only FDA-approved, laparoscopic weight-loss device indicated for a BMI of 30 or higher commercially available in the U.S. The procedure has been performed over 1,000,000 times since 1993 worldwide, it's covered by most insurance companies and backed by over 25 years of clinical evidence. Notably, the Lap-Band is proven to be the safest bariatric procedure available on the market,vbacked by 20 years of clinical data demonstrating lower complication rates compared to other surgical procedures. The Lap-Band provided an average of 46% excess weight loss at one year,vi and if for any reason a Lap-Band needed to be removed, it is easily reversible. In obese and severely obese patients that had less weight to lose (BMI 30-40), percent excess weight loss was significantly higher; ~70%.vii Both Dr. Davtyan and Dr. McEwen report that in their comprehensive programs they commonly see 60-65% excess weight loss at one year. The procedure is typically performed in less than an hour and can be done at an ambulatory surgery center, with patients typically returning home the same day.
The Lap-Band features an adjustable gastric band that is placed around the upper stomach to help limit food intake and promote a feeling of fullness. With regular adjustments that help a patient to continue losing weight, the Lap-Band is a long-term tool that gives one more power over hunger and more control over weight loss.
Community Bariatrics Hamilton in Indianapolis offers several weight-loss options to improve health and reduce the health risks associated with COVID-19. Dr. McEwen offers the Lap-Band Program and an Intragastric Balloon.He has performed over 2,000 Lap-Band Procedures.
Davtyan Medical Weight Loss & Wellness of Los Angelesoffers the Lap-Band Program, gastric balloons and gastric sleeve.Dr. Davtyan has performed over 2,000 Lap-Band Procedures. He personally had a Lap-Band in Belgium in 2001 and did the first outpatient Lap-Band Procedure in California.
People interested in learning more about the connection between obesity and COVID-19 and personal options can contact or
Davtyan Medical Weight Loss and Wellness of Los Angeles offers a spectrum of medical endoscopic, surgical, and minimally invasive weight-loss procedures with excellent outcomes. The procedures performed include Lap-Band,gastric balloons, andgastric sleeve.All these procedures are performed by Dr. Davtyan at The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles in Beverly Hills, Cedars Sinai Medical Center or Marina Del Rey Hospital.
Community Bariatrics Hamilton of Indianapolis specializes in the Lap-Band Procedure and long-term patient management to help patients take control of their obesity, change their lives, and regain their health. They offer non-surgical outpatient procedures such as intragastric balloons as well.
i CDC. "People of Any Age with Underlying Medical Conditions." Updated June 25, 2020. iii ASMBS. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. "Safer through surgery. American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery statement regarding metabolic and bariatric surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic." ASMBS. Bariatric Surgery Procedures. vi O'Brien, Annemarie Hindle, Leah Brennan, Stewart Skinner, Paul Burton, et al. "Long-Term Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Weight Loss at 10 or More Years for All Bariatric Procedures and a Single-Centre Review of 20-Year Outcomes After Adjustable Gastric Banding." Obesity Surgery. The Journal of Metabolic Surgery and Allied Care. Published online: 06 October 2018. vii JB Dixon, LL Eaton, V Vincent and R Michelson. "LAP-BAND for BMI 30-40: 5-year Health Outcomes from the Multicenter Pivotal Study." International Journal of Obesity. Published 15 September 2015.
SOURCE Davtyan Medical Weight Loss & Wellness of Los Angeles; Community Bariatrics Hamilton of Indianapolis
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Davtyan Medical Weight Loss & Wellness Of Los Angeles - And Community Bariatrics Hamilton Of Indianapolis - Encourage Individuals With Obesity To...
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Weight Loss: Try This High-Protein Flaxseed Raita To Boost Digestion – NDTV Food
Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:58 pm
The combination of flaxseeds and lauki in this raita is a great one to facilitate weight loss.
An Indian meal seems to be incomplete without rich and creamy raita, don't you agree? Be it those hot summer afternoons or the sunny winter lunches, a bowl full of curd simply adds up to a wholesome meal. Raitas not only compliments our curries and sabzis but also comes with a plethora of health benefits that we might not realise. The yogurt-based dish, besides being low-fat, cool and refreshing also fosters good digestion.
Raitas are a yummy combination of yogurt with countless other spices, herbs, seeds and ingredients that further makes it a tantalising affair. Be it the crunchy boondi raita, wholesome mix veg raita or the vibrant beetroot one, if you go out and explore there are options galore and each one is equally delicious and healthy. Curd being a versatile ingredient can be experimented with in countless ways. One can make a raita as healthy as you wish to. For instance, this flaxseed raita is a classic example of a high-protein dish that one can easily add in the everyday diet.
(Also Read:7 Delicious Raita Recipes: What Makes This Yoghurt-Based Side Dish So Popular)
Flaxseeds are a powerhouse of various essential nutrients that can prove to be extremely beneficial for our health. A rich source of fibre, protein, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous among other nutrients and minerals, flaxseeds are highly versatile and can be added in smoothies, parfaits, soups and accompaniments like raita easily. In this quick and easy raita recipe, flaxseeds are combined together with boiled bottle gourd, curd, mint leaves and cumin for a wholesome, yummy dish that can amp up your lunch or dinner table in no time.
Find the full recipe of flaxseed raita here.
(Also Read:5 Vegetable Raita Recipes You Must Try This Summer Season)
The combination of flaxseeds and bottle gourd (lauki) is a great one to facilitate weight loss. Being high in protein, flaxseeds helps induce satiety which in turn lessen our tendency to eat more. Bottle gourd on the other hand is a low-calorie, low-fat vegetable besides brimming with dietary fibres which helps in keeping us full for longer and in turn aiding weight loss.
This high-protein, high-fibre raita recipe is sure to not just make your meals scrumptious but might also work wonders in your weight loss diet.
Try it at home and share your experience in the comments section below.
About Aanchal MathurAanchal doesn't share food. A cake in her vicinity is sure to disappear in a record time of 10 seconds. Besides loading up on sugar, she loves bingeing on FRIENDS with a plate of momos. Most likely to find her soulmate on a food app.
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Weight Loss: Try This High-Protein Flaxseed Raita To Boost Digestion - NDTV Food
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Impact of COVID-19 on Weight Loss Programs Market Latest trending report is booming globally by Top Leading Players Atkins Nutritionals, Kellogg,…
Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:58 pm
Note: Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Weight Loss ProgramsMarket which would mention How the Covid-19 is Affecting the Industry, Market Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape, Key Regions and Proposal for Weight Loss Programs Market Players to battle Covid-19 Impact.
The Weight Loss ProgramsMarket report is compilation of intelligent, broad research studies that will help players and stakeholders to make informed business decisions in future. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the Weight Loss Programs market. Readers will be able to gain deeper understanding of the competitive landscape and its future scenarios, crucial dynamics, and leading segments of the global Weight Loss Programs market. Buyers of the report will have access to accurate PESTLE, SWOT and other types of analysis on the global Weight Loss Programs market. Moreover, it offers highly accurate estimations on the CAGR, market share, and market size of key regions and countries. Players can use this study to explore untapped Weight Loss Programs markets to extend their reach and create sales opportunities.
The study encompasses profiles of major Companies/Manufacturers operating in the global Weight Loss Programs Market.Key players profiled in the report include:Atkins Nutritionals, Kellogg, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, Herbalife, Technogym, Jenny Craig, Slimming World, Rosemary Conley, Medifast, VLCC Healthcare, Nutriease, GNC (General Nutrition Centers), ABL Health, Thrive Tribe, Counterweight, MoreLife and More
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Segmental Analysis:The report has classified the global Weight Loss Programs market into segments including product type and application. Every segment is evaluated based on share and growth rate. Besides, the analysts have studied the potential regions that may prove rewarding for the Weight Loss Programs manufcaturers in the coming years. The regional analysis includes reliable predictions on value and volume, there by helping market players to gain deep insights into the overall Weight Loss Programs industry.
Market Segment By Type:Surgical Weight Loss ProgramsNonsurgical Weight Loss Programs
Market Segment By Application:WomenMen
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The authors of the report have analyzed both developing and developed regions considered for the research and analysis of the global Weight Loss Programs market. The regional analysis section of the report provides an extensive research study on different regional and country-wise Weight Loss Programs industry to help players plan effective expansion strategies.
Regions Covered in the Global Weight Loss Programs Market: The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt) North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada) South America (Brazil etc.) Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)
Years Considered to Estimate the Market Size:History Year: 2015-2019Base Year: 2019Estimated Year: 2020Forecast Year: 2020-2025
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Impact of COVID-19 on Weight Loss Programs Market Latest trending report is booming globally by Top Leading Players Atkins Nutritionals, Kellogg,...
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EFT Tapping Helps With Insomnia And Weight Loss | – Moms
Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:58 pm
There's growing evidence to support a holistic solution to common problems moms face like stress, obesity, and insomnia it's called EFT Tapping.
No matter how you slice it, there just aren't enough hours in the day for most moms. We're constantly running on empty while filled with stress. All of the running around and constant care taking takes a toll on our brains and our bodies, which leaves many of us exhausted, tense, and overweight.
However, there's growing evidence to support a holistic solution to all of the problems mom face it's called EFT Tapping. Although the idea may sound somewhat silly, the results and testimonials online speak for themselves. So what is EFT Tapping anyway? And how can it help moms sleep better, lose weight, and stay healthy?
Likeacupuncture and other Eastern medicinal treatments, emotional freedom technique (EFT) tapping is a holistic approach to treating physical and emotional concerns. Essentially, the techniqueinvolves applying specific types of tapping pressure to energy hot spots or meridian points within your body. By doing this tapping, you can restorethe energy balance within your body which in turn alleviates symptoms. In fact,thedeveloper of EFT, Gary Craig,claimsthat disruptions inyour body's natural energy flowcausesnearly all of the physical pain and emotional anguish that people experience.
It seems like a mom's work is never done which means we almost never sleep. Believe it or not, though, proponents of EFT Tapping say that the method can help cure insomnia and help stressed out mothers catch up on their Z's.
A study published in the Energy Psychology Journalfound that EFT Tapping was actually more effective than traditional sleep hygiene methods for curing insomnia. Furthermore, numerous studies have shown that Tapping helps reduce stress and anxiety within the body, which can also aid in sleep.
What happens if you wake up in the middle of the night? Well, Tapping experts say that you can simply get out of bed and doing a simple "breathe and tap" technique to calm your mind and return to sleep.
RELATED:HowEFT Tapping Can Help With Child Anxiety
Many of us are aware that obesity is an epidemic in the United States. In fact, the NIH states that nearly two-thirds of all women in the United States are overweight or obese. Although fad diets like Keto are more prevalent than ever, many women aren't losing weight. However, there are several reasons why EFT can help women lose weight.
First and foremost, a study published inThe Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease proved that tapping reduces cortisol levels within the body, which in turn can also help reduce insulin levels and fat storage within the body. Therefore, by using EFT to reduce stress, you can also lose weight.
Furthermore, some studies have shown that tapping can help emotional eaters curb their appetite and work through unhealthy eating habits. One 2019 studyshowed that people who used EFT twice a week for 8 weeks reduced their BMI. In an interview with Women's Health Magazine,Jessica Ortner shared how tapping not only reduced her anxiety, but also helped her lose 30 pounds.
While better sleep and weight loss are definitely great benefits from Tapping, proponents of the practice say it doesn't just end there.In fact, chiropractor and clinical nutritionist Dr. Josh Axe claims that EFT can also help reduce chronic pain, muscular tension, joint pain, tension headaches and migranes.
Furthermore,EFT can help reduce mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD and ADD/ADHD. By Tapping on a regular basis, people can relieve stress and avoid many stress-related health conditions altogether.
And the best part? EFT isn't hard to learn! You can pick up on the technique by watching YouTube tutorials or even using apps like The Tapping Solution.
Whether you're struggling to sleep at night, battling obesity, or just stressed out all the time, EFT Tapping may be an easy solution that can fit into even the busiest mom's day. It's not hard to do, it doesn't require a ton of time or the assistance of a doctor, and you can even teach your children to do it too!
Sources: Healthline,Energy Psychology Journal,Nationan Institute of Health,The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,JMIR Mhealth Uhealth,Women's Health Magazine,Dr. Josh Axe
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Megan Glosson is a freelance writer and editor based Nashville, Tennessee. She enjoys writing on a variety of topics, including parenting, mental health, and life. You can find more of her work on Unwritten, The Mighty, Focused on Kids, Food Delivery Guru, and
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EFT Tapping Helps With Insomnia And Weight Loss | - Moms
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Diabetes Drug Metformin Tied to Weight Loss in People With HIV – POZ
Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:58 pm
A 12-week course of treatment with the diabetes drug metformin was associated with a decline in body weight and an improvement in the gut microbiome of people living with HIV but not diabetes in a small study, Healio reports.
For the study, Jean-Pierre Routy, MD, a professor of medicine at McGill University in Montreal, and his colleagues enrolled 23 HIV-positive people without diabetes who had been taking antiretroviral treatment for at least two years. All the participants had fewer than 7 CD4 cells for every 10 CD8 cells, meaning a relatively low CD4 to CD8 ratio of below 0.7.
The researchers, who published their findings in Open Forum Infectious Diseases, collected blood and stool samples from the participants upon their entry into the study. They took repeat samples after the participants completed 12 weeks of metformin and again 12 weeks after they discontinued treatment.
Metforminis an oral diabetes medication that helps control blood sugar and also has anti-inflammatory benefits.
Next, the investigators conducted gene sequencing of the participants gut microbiome, as the community of microorganisms in the intestines is called. They also looked for signs of inflammation in their blood plasma.
The short treatment with metformin was associated with a reduction in body weight among the participants. This weight loss was associated with higher blood levels of growth differentiating factor-15, a protein that helps people feel like theyve had enough to eat.
The investigators also found that metformin was associated with an increase in anti-inflammatory bacteria in the gut.
No serious adverse health events occurred among the participants during the study.
The study authors concluded: A larger randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial with longer metformin treatment will be needed to further investigate the role of metformin in reducing inflammation and the risk of non-AIDS health conditions in people with HIV on antiretroviral treatment.
To read the Healio article, click here.
To read the study abstract, click here.
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Diabetes Drug Metformin Tied to Weight Loss in People With HIV - POZ
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Covid-19 impact on Weight Loss and Obesity Market New Trends, Growth, Outlook, Overview, Application and Forecast 2020 to 2025: Ajinomoto Co. Inc.,…
Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:58 pm
Weight Loss and Obesity Market 2020: Latest Analysis
Los Angeles, United States:-The report titled GlobalWeight Loss and Obesity Market is one of the most comprehensive and important additions toLimra Global Market Researcharchive of market research studies. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market . The market analysts authoring this report have provided in-depth information on leading growth drivers, restraints, challenges, trends, and opportunities to offer a complete analysis of the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market . Market participants can use the analysis on market dynamics to plan effective growth strategies and prepare for future challenges beforehand. Each trend of the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market is carefully analyzed and researched about by the market analysts.
Top Players of Weight Loss and Obesity Market are Studied: Ajinomoto Co. Inc., Brunswick Corporation, Golds Gym International, Inc., Herbalife Ltd., Johnson Health Tech Co. Ltd., Nestle SA, Pepsico Inc., The Coca-Cola Co., Nutrisystem Inc
Download Free Sample PDF (including full TOC, Tables, and Figures) of Weight Loss and Obesity Market Research 2020-2026:
Global Weight Loss and Obesity Market is estimated to reach xxx million USD in 2020 and projected to grow at the CAGR of xx% during 2020-2026. According to the latest report added to the online repository of Limra Global Market Research the Weight Loss and Obesity Market has witnessed an unprecedented growth till 2020. The extrapolated future growth is expected to continue at higher rates by 2026.
Our exploration specialists acutely ascertain the significant aspects of the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market report. It also provides an in-depth valuation in regards to the future advancements relying on the past data and present circumstance of Weight Loss and Obesity Market situation. In this Weight Loss and Obesity Market report, we have investigated the principals, players in the market, geological regions, product type, and market end-client applications. The global Weight Loss and Obesity Market report comprises of primary and secondary data which is exemplified in the form of pie outlines, Weight Loss and Obesity Market tables, analytical figures, and reference diagrams. The Weight Loss and Obesity Market report is presented in an efficient way that involves basic dialect, basic Weight Loss and Obesity Market outline, agreements, and certain facts as per solace and comprehension.
NOTE:Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Weight Loss and Obesity Market which would mention How the Covid-19 is Affecting the Weight Loss and Obesity Market, Market Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape, Covid-19 Impact on Key Regions and Proposal for Weight Loss and Obesity Market Players to Combat Covid-19 Impact.
The Essential Content Covered in the GlobalWeight Loss and Obesity Market Report:
* Top Key Company Profiles.* Main Business and Rival Information* SWOT Analysis and PESTEL Analysis* Production, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin* Market Share and Size
The report provides a 6-year forecast (2020-2026) assessed based on how the Weight Loss and Obesity Market is predicted to grow in major regions like USA, Europe, Japan, China, India, Southeast Asia, South America, South Africa, Others.
Key Questions Answered In this Report:
What is the overall market size in 2019? What will be the market growth during the forecast period i.e. 2020-2026?
Which region would have high demand for product in the upcoming years?
What are the factors driving the growth of the market?
Which sub-market will make the most significant contribution to the market?
What are the market opportunities for existing and entry-level players?
What are various long-term and short-term strategies adopted by the market players?
What are the key business strategies being adopted by new entrants in the Weight Loss and Obesity Market ?
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Table of Contents
Market Overview:This is the first section of the report that includes an overview of the scope of products offered in the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market , segments by product and application, and market size.
Market Competition by Player:Here, the report shows how the competition in the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market is growing or decreasing based on deep analysis of market concentrate rate, competitive situations and trends, expansions, merger and acquisition deals, and other subjects. It also shows how different companies are progressing in the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market in terms of revenue, production, sales, and market share.
Company Profiles and Sales Data:This part of the report is very important as it gives statistical as well as other types of analysis of leading manufacturers in the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market . It assesses each and every player studied in the report on the basis of main business, gross margin, revenue, sales, price, competitors, manufacturing base, product specification, product application, and product category.
Market Status and Outlook by Region:The report studies the status and outlook of different regional markets such as Europe, North America, the MEA, Asia Pacific, and South America. All of the regional markets researched about in the report are examined based on price, gross margin, revenue, production, and sales. Here, the size and CAGR of the regional markets are also provided.
Market by Product:This section carefully analyzes all product segments of the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market .
Market by Application:Here, various application segments of the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market are taken into account for research study.
Market Forecast:It starts with revenue forecast and then continues with sales, sales growth rate, and revenue growth rate forecasts of the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market . The forecasts are also provided taking into consideration product, application, and regional segments of the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market .
Upstream Raw Materials:This section includes industrial chain analysis, manufacturing cost structure analysis, and key raw materials analysis of the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market .
Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors:Here, the research study digs deep into behavior and other factors of downstream customers, distributors, development trends of marketing channels, and marketing channels such as indirect marketing and direct marketing.
Research Findings and Conclusion:This section is solely dedicated to the conclusion and findings of the research study on the global Weight Loss and Obesity Market .
Appendix:This is the last section of the report that focuses on data sources, viz. primary and secondary sources, market breakdown and data triangulation, market size estimation, research programs and design, research approach and methodology, and the publishers disclaimer.
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