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Womans dramatic 53kg weight loss using Tammy Hembrows fitness app –

Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:57 pm

Welcome to You Got This, weekly slice of fitness inspiration featuring tips and advice from real women whove experienced it all.

Emma Higgins, 20, didnt realise how quickly she gained weight after working 40 to 50 hour weeks.

The moment she got her license and first full-time job at a pie and donut shop, her diet plummeted, regularly opting for leftover sweets and pasty-laden snacks from the store.

The Melbourne student said while she had always been the big girl, she never expected her weight to reach 123kg.

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When I was working, I would consume endless amounts of donuts and pies, which were

readily available. For dinners, if I was working late, I would have Hungry Jacks as it would be the only place open, the 20-year-old told

On a normal day I would consume a lot of bread, burgers, and all different types of takeaways in large and excessive amounts. I was always eating; when I was bored, I would eat, even if I wasnt hungry.

Ms Higgins, who later found herself in a state of depression, said she doesnt remember a time when she didnt consume some sort of takeaway.

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But that all changed in January this year when she stumbled across a social media post featuring Instagram star Tammy Hembrows fitness app, Tammy Fit.

After taking the plunge and signing up, the Melbourne local went on to lose an impressive 53kg.

Im so glad I did it, she said. My mental health has had a drastic change. From being the sad, anxious and depressed person I was at my heaviest, I have become more confident in my body.

Prior to her transformation, Ms Higgins said she hated going out anywhere that involved dressing up.

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I hated going clothes shopping, especially with other people as nothing ever fit properly, or I couldnt go into the types of shops that all my other smaller friends would go into, Ms Higgins explained.

I had been playing netball since I was four years old, and it became hard for me to continue to play I was super unfit and it was just a massive effort to complete a full game.

Ms Higgins said the biggest challenge during her weight loss journey was changing her attitude towards food and exercise.

I would dread exercises at the start, until it started to become an outlet for me.

She went from being a size 18-20 to now a size 10-12, wearing all the clothes she once dreamt of fitting into.

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Ms Higgins said its a mix of cardio and weights sessions that have contributed to her weight loss.

She has since rejoined her netball team, playing once a week and trains at the gym on the other days.

I was following my own program that I had made up, which I did all the way up until I started using the Tammy fit app in January, which I have been using ever since, she said.

I now currently train five times a week and have done the gym-based Full Body Program, Home Booty and Gym Booty V1.

If she is not following the fitness apps meal guide, Ms Higgins will intermittent fast having her first meal of the day at 1pm.

It usually consists of tuna and rice, protein pancakes and oats. Then Ill have a snack, either a fruit salad, sandwich or a wrap and protein shake.

For dinner, Ms Higgins said it could be anything in moderation from a burger, pasta or chicken salad.

The 20-year-old, who is now studying a Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports Science at Victoria University, said she was still in shock at how far she had come both mentally and physically.

Some days I look in the mirror in disbelief that I actually did this, she said.

I still have a long way to go, I still want to tighten and tone my body, but when I look in the mirror I am so proud of myself.

If youve got a transformation story youd like to share, get in touch with

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OPINION: Forget face masks shifting ‘Lockdown Lard’ is the way to combat Covid-19 – East Anglian Daily Times

Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:57 pm


PUBLISHED: 10:24 27 August 2020 | UPDATED: 10:24 27 August 2020

Rachel Moore

If you've found yourself eating more junk during lockdown, you might want to think about shifting some extra weight, says Rachel Moore


Rachel Moore says were avoiding the big issue if we think face masks and handwashing alone will stop us getting Covid-19

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Diligent handwashing, keeping a safe distance and a swanky face mask collection is all well and good, but our best insurance to swerve Covid-19 is to lose weight.

If youre carrying even a few extra pounds, odds are already stacked against you. Obesity increases risk of Covid-19 death by nearly 50%. A terrifying statistic and far higher than global experts thought.

If this doesnt shock people into losing weight what will?

Perhaps this weeks revelation that a successful vaccine wont work well for overweight people might.

Scientists say all the cards are stacked against the obese. But theyre still not listening even though fear is the populations current setting.

Fear of Covid, fear of the fear of Covid, fear of getting out and about, fear of going back to work, fear of sending children back to school, fear that the invisible virus lurks where we least expect it.

But the clearest protection from this fear, other than thorough hand washing, is maintaining a healthy weight. But people still have their fingers in their ears, blocking out the advice. Lalalala. Its just too difficult.

The hard facts are clear our immune system and ability to fight infection is compromised by extra weight. Flab around our stomachs visceral fat produces chemical signals making our immunity less effective, so anyone who is obese is at twice the risk of becoming seriously ill from coronavirus. Twice. A big statistic.

That means a 63% of adults in England. Another big statistic. A scary 63% of adults in England are overweight or obese. Many have obesity-associated conditions, are on multiple medications and their organ ages are much older than they actually are.

Obesity-related illnesses currently cost the NHS 6 billion a year. One in three children leaving primary school are overweight or obese.

This week, scientists in the most comprehensive study revealed that once a vaccine is available, it wont work well on overweight people.

And thats more of us now after four months of lockdown. Weve all joked about our Lockdown Lard and Covid Cushions. Its so easy to gain a stone comfort eating without realising but a huge challenge to lose it.

Sales of booze, snacks and ice cream soared during lockdown and two-thirds of British adults say they had put weight on, comfort eating to get through difficult times.

But losing a stone or more now is the best way to approach post-Covid life, especially with winter and a talked-of second spike on its way.

Shrink in September should be the national campaign.

Just how much we hold the power to reverse the damage we are doing to our bodies by eating too much is illustrated by Michael Moseleys Lose a Stone in 21 days on Channel 4 this month.

Adopting a Mediterranean low-carb diet of 800-1000 calories a day can dramatically reduce a persons heart age and reverse the chances of diabetes.

So why, if tweaking lifestyle can extend life span and banish life-threatening conditions so quickly, why arent we doing it?

Its depressing that people would rather pump themselves full of medication, be uncomfortable and unhealthy than doing something about it, choosing to stare death in the face, costing the NHS and missing out on so much life than taking their own future into their own hands.

Rishi Sunaks Eat out to Help Out hasnt helped.

In a curry house this week, having my one and only EATHO experience I cant be the only person to feel guilty about public money paying for half my vegetable saagwala knowing my sons will end up paying for the billions of pounds racked up all their working lives?

Looking around the restaurant, about 80% fell into the need to lose weight category. But they were there, piling up their plates because it was half price, not because they needed it.

Eat Double, Pay Half would have been a more fitting title.

Im still trying to work out how the invitation to gluttony fits with the governments Better Health campaign trying to get us all to lose weight.

But then were all slippery and in denial about how much we eat. Only 10% of British people who are clinically obese admit they are, thinking they are a bit overweight.

Women see it more than men, apparently.

Now we know the facts, and that a successful vaccine wont be effective, its irresponsible to carry on.

Parents are kicking up a fuss about sending children back to school next week but are willingly overweight?

The professor behind the global study at the University of North Carolina was shocked at just how at risk the obese really were. If it shocks the scientist, we should be petrified.

Exercise doesnt work alone. Key to weight loss is eating less. Smaller portions of healthy food.

It might feel like a person sentence, but its better than death or being wired to a ventilator in a coma for months, which is the reality.

Time really is of the essence here. Its important to start getting in shape, right now.

And only we can do it for ourselves.

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OPINION: Forget face masks shifting 'Lockdown Lard' is the way to combat Covid-19 - East Anglian Daily Times

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Can you really improve your immunity in 21 days? – Evening Standard

Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:57 pm

The latest lifestyle, fashion and travel trends

The links are undeniable: having underlying health conditions and being overweight put us at a significantly greater risk of COVID-19.

Countless research studies have proven it. Boris is on a mission to tackle it. And now a new book sets out guidelines for exactly how you can improve your health and protect yourself in just 21 days.

It is understood that eighty per cent of chronic disease is attributable to lifestyle and linked to environmental factors. That is to say, that eighty percent of common diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease can be prevented with healthier diet and lifestyle choices.

We know that losing weight and improving our health can help us prevent these diseases, but how can it help us fight Covid?

In his book, The 21-Day Immunity Plan, Aseem Malhotra details the strong link between poor metabolic health and its impact on our immune health. In simple terms, metabolic can be explained as the state of balance the body maintains between storing fat and burning it for energy. Once this balance is disrupted it impacts negatively on our health in a variety of ways.

Poor metabolic health is directly linked to the development of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke and has also linked to the development of cancer and dementia. It is assessed using five markers: blood glucose (sugar) levels, blood pressure, waist circumference and cholesterol profile.

Poor metabolic health and our weight are closely linked. Excess body fat has a negative effect on our immune function in a number of different ways but primarily through a process known as chronic inflammation. When we suffer an infection, a healthy functioning immune and inflammatory response protects us. But carrying excess body fat is known to result in chronic inflammation a constant low-grade inflammation that has many negative impacts on health. Underlying chronic inflammation means that when we are exposed to a virus the cells that are responsible for mounting an attack do not function as effectively as they should and are less able to protect us.

Its known that diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) is associated with more frequent and more severe infections. In the UK it was noted that compared to non-diabetics those with type 2 diabetes who contracted coronavirus had a threefold increased risk in death and those with type 1 diabetes had a fourfold increase. One study in China revealed that type 2 diabetics with poor glucose control had a 10-fold increases risk of death in comparison with those with better glucose control.

Life after lockdown: the new habits to keep and those to leave behind

Unlike Type 1 diabetes, which is diagnosed early in life, our chances of developing Type 2 diabetes are significantly impacted by our diet. Its now known we can reverse it through dietary intervention, something I have witnessed first hand on multiple occasions in my own clinical practice.

Relying on medical intervention alone to save us is a risky business, whether thats a vaccine to protect us from Covid or medications to manage chronic diseases. In his book, Aseem highlights the fact that obesity appears to reduce the response to vaccination and increase the risk of viruses mutating. This happens because viruses stay in the body for longer as a result of an inability to produce the full immune response, which allows the virus to replicate for longer and produce a new strain. On the other hand, several studies have revealed that exercise can significantly increase the antibody response to influenza vaccine. This goes to show the extent to which medical treatment can be significantly enhanced by improving our diet and lifestyle.

We cannot ignore the impact of ageing on immunity, particularly with coronavirus given that its by far the biggest risk factor for death. Those aged over 65 account for 80 per cent of hospitalisation compared to those under 65, and are 23 times more likely to die.

But Aseem points to the fact that the overwhelming majority of those that died from COVID-19 in older age groups had at least one underlying condition, predominantly rooted in poor metabolic health. While we cant slow down the speed at which the years pass, we can impact the speed at which our body ages through our diet and lifestyle choices.

A low carb Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest in the world (Unsplash)

An individuals immune system is the result of a number of factors and some of them cannot be changed, such as age and genetics. But many of them can, such as diet, exercise, weight, alcohol and stress. As the saying goes genes load the gun, environment pulls the trigger.

Four steps to better metabolic (and immune) health:

So what can we do to support our metabolic health in order to support our immune defences? The 21-Day Immunity Plan highlights four key areas to address.

1. A low carb Mediterranean Diet

Poor diet is the most significant contributor to metabolic health disorders and is now responsible for more disease and death than physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol combined. Aseem describes ultra-processed foods and drink as the number one enemy in our western diets, making up more than a staggering 50 per cent of calories consumed on average in the UK. He highlights the major dietary culprits including a diet low in whole fruit and vegetables, inadequate intake of nuts and seeds, not enough omega 3 fats, not enough fibre, too much sugar, and a high intake of processed meat.

5 food mistakes to avoid if you're trying to lose weight

In The 21 Day Immunity Plan he explains how to identify and eliminate ultra-processed foods from your diet and outlines a clear strategy for how to eat to support metabolic and immune health. These principles are based on a nutrient dense, low carb Mediterranean diet approach.

2. Key nutrients

Theres been a lot of publicity around the link between vitamin D deficiency and worse outcomes from coronavirus. A study from Indonesia revealed a ten-fold difference in death rates between those with the lowest levels versus those with normal levels. Its therefore vital to ensure your vitamin D levels are always optimised. In his book, Aseem discusses the importance of vitamin D and other immuneessential nutrients, along with how to establish your levels and what to do to make sure youre getting enough.

A BMJ paper on Nutrition, Prevention and Health is quoted as saying: What is clear is that conditions of nutrient deficiency impair the functioning of the immune system and increase susceptibility to infection. Ensuring optimal intake of key nutrients is an important step in supporting immune system health.

3. Exercise

The immune system is significantly influenced by physical activity. Just a single bout of moderate to vigorous exercise has been shown to enhance the immune systems ability to function and fight infection more effectively. Over time, with regular exercise, these effects build up to strengthen immune defences. Moderate activity has an anti-inflammatory effect and is well known to improve metabolic health.

However, overly intense and prolonged bouts of exercise can have a negative impact on immune function, especially if the individual is not well rested or nourished. As with so many things, moderation is key. The Chief Medical Officers guidelines for adults state that we should be engaging in at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week and/or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week, as well as some form of strength building exercise on at least two days per week.

4. Stress management

Chronic stress plays a significant role in the development of most chronic metabolic diseases. In the 21-day plan Aseem shares simple guidance and techniques for how to reduce stress which has proven to be a powerful tool in managing patients with heart disease.

There are three main reasons for a 21 day plan. The first is that for most people it takes three weeks to break any habit, in this case a sugar and ultra-processed food habit.

The second is that most people with adverse metabolic health will start to see marked improvements to their health and/or shape within three weeks. Aseem points to a number of different trials outlining the significant changes that can be made in a short period of time.

The third reason is the need to change the narrative around the impact of lifestyle changes and show that their effect on health can be rapid and substantial. We should use this to motivate ourselves to continue to reap the benefits of improved health for life.

This reflects what I have seen in my own clinical practice. Many of the clients I work with are amazed at how quickly nutrition and lifestyle optimisation can result in significant fat loss, increased energy and improved health markers. Of course, health improvement is a journey and not a quick fix, but it is witnessing the fruits of our labour so to speak that keeps us motivated to continue.

Like me, Aseem is a passionate advocate for lifestyle medicine. We share the fundamental belief that, when taken good care of, our body possesses an innate ability to heal itself. An ability far greater than that of many modern medical practices. We also share the belief that prevention is better than cure and that much can be done to protect ourselves from ill health - way beyond mask wearing and hand sanitising.

This valuable and timely book is a must read for anyone who wants to empower themselves with the practical knowledge of how they can improve their health and protect themself from disease of all kinds - Covid included. If there was ever a time to prioritise taking care of your health, now is it.

Kim Pearson is a qualified nutritionist and runs a weight loss clinic on Londons Harley Street. Kim and her team consult clients in London and internationally via her virtual clinic. For more information about the weight loss solutions Kim offers, visit

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Can you really improve your immunity in 21 days? - Evening Standard

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North Carolinas top football prospects for 2021: 41-50 – The Topsail Advertiser

Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:57 pm

USA TODAY Network sports writer Sammy Batten has produced a ranking of North Carolinas top college football prospects since 1994. Batten ranks the players based on many factors, including scholarship offers, conversations with recruiting analysts and football coaches, and his own observations after reviewing video of each prospect.

Included in this year's rankings is an in-depth look at each prospect where they rank in major networks, their statistics and honors, where their recruitment stands and Sammy's personal evaluation.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, which has postponed the North Carolina high school football season until next spring, some of these athletes have elected not to play as seniors. Instead, they will graduate from high school in December to get an early start on their college careers in January. We have indicated, where known, the players that are exercising that option in their individual bios.

The countdown of top in-state prospects will run in groups of 10 through Sunday. Here are Nos. 41-50:


Position: Cornerback

Height, weight: 6-0, 170

Hometown: Jacksonville

High school: Jacksonville

College choice: North Carolina

In the rankings 4 stars, No. 13 cornerback nationally, No. 204 in ESPN300 nationally. 3 stars, Unranked nationally. 3 stars, No. 42 athlete nationally.

Notes & numbers: A three-year varsity starter already who beat out an upperclassman as a freshman to land a job at cornerback. Brown made 33 tackles and an interception during his rookie campaign. Played offense and defense as a sophomore. Rushed 18 times for 111 yards and two touchdowns, while making four interceptions on defense. Returned two of those picks for scores. Became Jacksonvilles starting quarterback as a junior. Completed 30 of 100 passes for 635 yards and four touchdowns, and rushed 94 times for 713 yards and 11 scores. Was named to the Jacksonville Daily New All-Area squad as a junior. A 7.7 scorer in basketball as a junior. Has been timed at 11.04 seconds in the 100-meter dash.

Recruiting trail: An impressive list of schools, including Duke, Georgia Tech, N.C. State, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest and West Virginia, offered Brown scholarships. But it was the opportunity to learn the cornerback position under former NFL All-Pro Dre Bly at North Carolina that swayed him toward becoming a Tar Heel on March 17, 2020.

Sammy's take: Brown is a bit of a project because his experience at cornerback was limited during his junior season while he was playing quarterback in Jacksonvilles veer-option attack. But his athletic ability is clear. Hes a guy with speed, showed the ability to flip his hips as a ball carrier and is stronger than his size might indicate. Those will translate well when he becomes to being a full-time corner at UNC.

More: Tymir Brown highlight video


Position: Offensive tackle

Height, weight: 6-6, 300

Hometown: Rockingham

High school: Richmond Senior

College choice: N.C. State

In the rankings 3 stars, No. 95 offensive tackle nationally. 3 stars, No. 54 offensive tackle nationally. 3 stars, No. 63 offensive tackle nationally.

Notes & numbers: A product of the 4-A powerhouse Richmond program, Davis was a key contributor to one of the states top offenses as a junior. The Raiders averaged 39.8 points and 224.8 yards rushing en route to a 13-1 finish. They scored 51 touchdowns on the ground to reach the state semifinals before falling to eventual champion Charlotte Vance. Davis earned first-team All-Sandhills 4-A Conference honors and was named to the All-East squad as selected by Started on an 11-2 squad as a sophomore when he also earned All-Sandhills 4-A honors. Teammate of N.C. State receiver commit Jakolbe Baldwin.

Recruiting trail: Davis spent time at Tennessee, attending a Junior Day function there in January 2020. But hed already established a strong connection with N.C. State after participating in summer camp there in 2019. The Wolfpack offered a scholarship when he was on campus for a Junior Day in January, then on May 26 Davis decided to join Richmond wide receiver teammate Jakolbe Baldwin in States recruiting class.

Sammy's take: Davis has held his own against some of the best competition in our state, whether its in the Sandhills Conference or state playoffs. Hes long and lean physically doesnt look like he weighs 300 pounds. He gets off the ball fast, gets into the chest of defenders quickly and stays low as he drives them to the ground. The best thing about Davis is that hes equally effective blocking for the pass or run.

More: Jaleel Davis highlight video


Position: Defensive tackle

Height, weight: 6-4, 320

Hometown: Goldsboro

High school: Eastern Wayne

College choice: South Carolina

In the rankings 3 stars, No. 40 defensive tackle nationally. 3 stars, Unranked nationally. 3 stars, No. 51 defensive tackle nationally.

Notes & numbers: Barrett was named the Eastern Carolina 3-A/4-A Conference Defensive Player of the Year as a junior after collecting 70 tackles, 15 tackles for loss and 15 sacks. He had five tackles for loss and four sacks among his nine tackles in a late-season game against D.H. Conley. Also had three quarterback hurries in that game. Played in seven games for the Warriors as a freshman, making 12 tackles. Became a full-time starter as a sophomore when he had 32 tackles, six tackles for loss and two sacks. Has been timed at 5.4 seconds in the 40-yard dash. Earned an invitation to the Blue-Gray All-American game in January.

Recruiting trail: A big junior season put Barrett on the recruiting radar of schools such as Coastal Carolina, Duke, East Carolina, Mississippi, Penn State, Tennessee and Virginia, all of whom offered scholarships. But Will Muschamps reputation for developing defensive players drew Barrett to South Carolina, where he verbally committed on April 8, 2020.

Sammy's take: Barrett is a tall, powerful athlete who already has the size to handle the demands of FBS football. Hes an immovable force in the middle of the defensive front and consistently forces offenses to run away from him in high school. Beats double teams to blow up a lot of plays in the backfield. The Gamecocks pulled off a real recruiting coup in luring Barrett out of state.

More: Nicholas Barrett highlight video


Position: Defensive end

Height, weight: 6-5, 220

Hometown: Durham

High school: Southern Durham

College choice: Duke

In the rankings 3 stars, No. 108 defensive end nationally. 3 stars, Unranked nationally. 3 stars, No. 37 weakside defensive end nationally.

Notes & numbers: One of the most productive years among defenders in the Research Triangle area as a junior. Recorded 97 tackles, 27.5 sacks in 11 games. Had a season-high 12 tackles twice. Posted four sacks in a single game against rival Hillside and had 3.5 sacks against Vance County. Also made 12 catches for 276 yards and four touchdowns as a wide receiver on offense. Selected first-team All-Big 8 4-A Conference for his efforts. Appeared in seven games for Southern Durham as a sophomore, making 21 tackles, seven tackles for loss and two sacks. Averaged 8.0 points and 6.2 rebounds in 22 basketball games as a junior.

Recruiting trail: After receiving his first scholarship offer from Duke in November 2019, Hall then had Arizona State, Syracuse, Virginia and Virginia Tech follow suit. He took an unofficial visit to Virginia in late November, but by Jan. 21, 2020, had decided to play for his hometown Blue Devils. Hall was the first member of Dukes recruiting Class of 2021.

Sammy's take: Its impressive to see a guy Halls size line up wide as a receiver in high school. Hes already a physical mismatch for most defensive backs, but then surprises them with his speed. And the body control he exhibits in making a one-handed grab on his highlight reel is equally impressive. Of course, hell need to add some significant weight before hes ready to step on the field and compete with the Blue Devils. But, in addition to his speed and quickness, I like the way Hall uses his hands and leverage to maneuver blockers out of position.

More: Aaron Hall highlight video


Position: Wide receiver

Height, weight: 6-0, 173

Hometown: Raleigh

High school: Cardinal Gibbons (Gill has opted to graduate early and skip his senior season)

College choice: Northwestern

In the rankings 3 stars, No. 161 wide receiver nationally. 3 stars, Unranked nationally. 3 stars, No. 153 wide receiver nationally.

Notes & numbers: After making three catches for 64 yards in two varsity games as a freshman, Gill blossomed into an All-Cap 7 4-A Conference performer as a sophomore. He corralled 74 catches for 1,170 yards and 18 touchdowns that season along with 204 yards on kickoff returns. Returned one kickoff 93 yards against Raleigh Athens Drive for a touchdown. Appeared in 15 games as a junior, making 64 catches for 794 yards and nine scores. Had seven receptions for 122 yards and a touchdown against Leesville Road. Produced 235 yards on six kickoff returns.

Recruiting trail: Gill seemed headed for a college career with his hometown N.C. State squad. The Wolfpack was the first to offer in January 2019 and he made several unofficial visits to the State campus over the last year. But when Northwestern stepped in with an offer in June 2020, the Wildcats jumped ahead of the pack and claimed his commitment on July 8.

Sammy's take: Long arms, good hands, the ability to change directions on a dime and sharp route-running make Gill a consistent threat in the passing game. He doesnt blow you away with any one skill, but is just really good at them all. Gill has a lot of shake-and-bake in him, too, which allows him to make extra yards after the catch.

More: Jacob Gill highlight video


Position: Defensive tackle

Height, weight: 6-2, 290

Hometown: Fayetteville

High school: Pine Forest

College choice: Undecided.

In the rankings Unranked. Unranked. Unranked.

Notes & numbers: Potts established himself as one of the top defenders in the Cape Fear region as a freshman and sophomore at Pine Forest. He registered 68 tackles, seven tackles for loss and four sacks in 11 games as a varsity rookie in 2017, then produced 94 tackles, 19 tackles for loss and six sacks in 12 outings in 2018. ... The latter earned him a place on the All-Patriot Athletic 4-A/3-A Conference second team and a berth on the Best of 910Preps All-Area squad as selected by The Fayetteville Observer. ...A desire to improve his recruiting stock led Potts to The Peddie School in Highstown, New Jersey, last fall, where he reclassified academically as a sophomore. Helped Peddie to an 8-0 finish and the Mid-Atlantic Prep League championship before deciding to return to Pine Forest in January. Returned to original class and is a senior this year.

Recruiting trail: The year away from Pine Forest didnt really help Potts that much on the recruiting front, so hes been playing catch-up since returning to Fayetteville. Missing out on summer camps and combines have hurt, but he still holds FBS offers from Central Michigan, Charlotte, Coastal Carolina, Temple and Vanderbilt.

Sammy's take: Potts is quick off the ball and has the lateral movement to run down plays from behind. Hes a tad shorter than the prototypical defensive tackle, but makes up for it with a hearty work ethic and aggressive nature. Potts is also versatile enough to play any position on the front line, depending on the defensive alignment.

More: Isaiah Potts highlight video


Position: Offensive guard

Height, weight: 6-4, 280

Hometown: Monroe

High school: Sun Valley

College choice: Louisville

In the rankings 4 stars, No. 19 offensive guard nationally. 3 stars, No. 58 offensive tackle nationally. 3 stars, No. 49 offensive guard nationally.

Notes & numbers: A two-year starter for Sun Valley, including a sophomore season in which he helped protect North Carolina quarterback Sam Howell. Howell passed for 3,240 yards and 36 touchdowns as Sun Valley went 10-3 that season. Gonzalez has played guard and tackle for the Spartans. He earned All-Southern Carolina 3-A Conference and All-State honors from MaxPreps as a junior. Also a prep teammate of UNC wide receiver commit Gavin Blackwell.

Recruiting trail: No doubt former N.C. State offensive line coach Dwayne Ledford had a hand in enticing Gonzalez to Louisville, where he committed on June 18, 2020. Ledford, the offensive coordinator now for the Cardinals, helped secure Gonzalez over a list of finalists that included Duke, N.C. State, Wake Forest and Virginia Tech.

Originally posted here:
North Carolinas top football prospects for 2021: 41-50 - The Topsail Advertiser

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4 Hanging Band Exercises That Can Improve Your Powerlifts – BarBend

Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:57 pm

Remember the functional training craze when people were squatting and pressing on all kinds of unstable surfaces? Barbell squats on Swiss balls? The thought was they achieved better muscle activation and being unstable was more functional.

The idea of adding instability to lifts is sound, but in some cases it is poorly executed and dangerous. Some of these attempts at instability training belonged more in the circus than the gym.

But there is a better way. A way that gives you all the instability you can handle while improving your strength and technique at the powerlifts.

Its the hanging band technique.

The hanging band technique is hanging plates or kettlebells from a barbell using looped bands. The hanging weights create instability due to the weight bouncing and moving around while lifting.

This method works for most barbell exercises except for the Olympic lifts.

Why would you consider such a ridiculous exercise? First off, look, its not ridiculous. Be nice. Also,

Spreading the same load between more bands will cause smaller and more frequent movements back and forth. Loading the same weight onto a single band creates fewer yet larger movements back and forth.

The more on point your form is, the less the bar will move, allowing you to handle greater resistance with more control.

You should be able to handle 80-90% of the load you can normally handle on a given lift (for the prescribed reps, of course, not your 1RM). But dont overdo this method, as it is taxing on the nervous system. For instance, if you squat twice per week, then consider doing HBT once every two weeks.

This is an advanced technique, but it is effective for reinforcing better form to beginners. Lightening the load and doing more reps is advisable here. There is no need for fancy programming with HBT, anywhere from 3-5 sets and 4-8 reps as part of your accessory routine works well.

Incorporate these four exercises into your accessory routine to build more strength and reinforce technique. Brush off the weird looks youre going to get when people are wondering what youre doing.

To get stronger at squatting you need to put some serious weight on the bar and grind. Sometimes the grind makes your lower back and knees wear down. Plus, at times good technique goes by the wayside when chasing more weight. (I know youre guilty of this, dont pretend.)

The hanging bar back squat lightens your load on your spine and knees but there is no loss of intensity due to the instability of the barbell and the increased time under tension.

Youre forced to use strict and controlled squat mechanics and to keep the weights from moving in an uncontrollable fashion. This gives you a challenging stimulus to your lower body at a lighter weight. A win-win for your back, knees, and gains.

The big 3 require hip, ankle, and shoulder mobility as well as plenty of core and shoulder stability. If you have problems in any of these areas, this exercise will help.

The tall kneeling improves hip mobility and core stability, while isometrically holding the hanging kettlebells over head gives you a large dose of shoulder stability while increasing your proprioception demands.

If you have any shoulder issues that dont require surgery this can be an excellent injury rehab exercise for problems related to shoulder instability and its a great balance exercise. (But check with your doctor or physical therapist before trying new exercises.)

Holding for 30-60 seconds will be a challenge youll enjoy.

[Related:Why You Should Try Lifting Weights from a Kneeling Position More Often]

Tightness, tension, strength, and control are always required for powerlifting and the HBT technique can proide this in spades. The HBT bench press can do great things to improve your technique, stability, strength, and joint health.

Like the squat and deadlift, you cannot always add more weight and reps to your bench without repercussions. The HBT is another method to improve your technique and strength without losing any intensity.

HBT bench press helps improve your body positioning and movement mechanics by making you more aware of deviations in form due to the movement of the weights. Plus, the increased time under tension does wonders for your pump.

For this exercise to be effective, you should perform it on an elevated surface.

The Romanian deadlift is a fantastic accessory exercise to improve your hip mobility, upper back strength, grip strength, and the strength and size of your hamstrings. The HBT takes this to a new level for reasons already explained.

Any slight deviations in your hip hinge technique and youll receive instant feedback because when hinging, sometimes you are not aware you are favoring one side over the other, or youre going too quickly, or youre losing upper back tightness. Think of HBT as a trainer, making sure youre doing it right.

Hanging band technique is one more tool in your toolbox to help improve your powerlifts. Reducing the weight while maintaining intensity gives your joints a break and makes you more aware of any flaws in your technique.

Plus, youll be the coolest powerlifter in the gym.

Featured image via Dr. Joel Seedman on YouTube.

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4 Hanging Band Exercises That Can Improve Your Powerlifts - BarBend

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How long does it take to build muscle? – CNET

Posted: August 27, 2020 at 2:57 pm

Building muscle is a slow but worthwhile process.

Many people start workout routines to look toned or lean. Lifting weights can help you achieve those goals, but it's important to start a new workout plan with the right expectations.

Building muscle takes much longer than most people realize. It's a slow -- almost excruciatingly slow -- process that can feel discouraging when you don't see the muscle definition you want.

Here you'll learn how long it takes to build muscle and what factors influence your ability to get stronger, leaner and fitter from weight training.

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Each muscle is made up of muscle fibers, which are cylindrical cells. Weight training breaks them down and recovery helps them grow.

Building muscle involves the repair of microtraumas in your muscle fibers. Here's a breakdown of this extremely complex process:

1. Each muscle is made up of thousands of tiny muscle fibers.

2. When you lift weights (or do body weight exercises), your muscles endure tiny injuries throughout their fibers.

3. Then, when you rest your muscles, your body begins repairing your damaged muscle cells.

4. The repair process involves fusing torn muscle fibers back together, as well as laying down new proteins within each muscle cell.

5. Your muscles become bigger and stronger as a result of the repair process.

Keep in mind that the above is a tremendously simplified version of what actually happens in your body after a weight training workout. In reality, the process includes more than just your muscles -- your nervous system, circulatory system and endocrine system all contribute to muscle repair and growth.

Building muscle is super hard. If it was easy, we'd all be ripped.

There's no one muscle-building timeline, because several factors affect your ability to build muscle mass, including:

Your protein intake: While all macronutrients have their roles, protein is king when it comes to building muscle. Your muscles need adequate protein to repair themselves after the stress of weight training. Without enough protein, muscle growth stagnates.

Your calorie intake: If you don't eat enough calories on a daily basis, you won't build muscle even if you eat a lot of protein. To build muscle, your body must create new tissue, and it can't create something from nothing. Extra fuel from extra calories expedites muscle recovery and growth. This is one reason many people never reach their muscle growth goals -- they aren't willing to deal with the extra body fat that comes along with a muscle-building phase.

Your sleep schedule: Lifting weights while sleep-deprived isn't a smart strategy. You might see some gains, but you definitely can't optimize muscle growth when you don't give your body a fighting chance to recover.

Your lifting routine: If you're trying to build muscle, you should know about two key strength training concepts: frequency and volume. Frequency refers to how often you train a muscle or muscle group, while volume refers to the total load you stress a muscle with.

For example, if you perform three sets of 10 reps on squats using 100 pounds, your total volume is 3,000 pounds. More volume and higher frequency typically equate to more muscle, unless you reach the point of overtraining.

Your training age: The more advanced you are, the less muscle growth you'll see (yeah, that sounds backward). Everyone has a maximum genetic potential for muscle growth, and the closer you get to yours, the harder it gets to build more muscle.

Your actual age: Like a lot of things, building muscle gets harder as you get older. Sarcopenia, or loss of muscle mass and function, is actually a big problem in older adults. That's one reason why it's so important to stay active as you get older.

Other major factors include your genetic potential for building muscle (which is impossible to quantify without lab testing, and even then, kind of wishy-washy) and your testosterone levels -- which is why men typically have more muscle than women. Other hormones, including human growth hormone and insulin growth factor also play a role in muscle growth.

All that said, the muscle-building process starts the moment you challenge your muscles to do something. True beginners might see muscle growth within six weeks of starting a resistance training program, and advanced lifters may see results within six to eight weeks of switching up their usual strength training regimen.

Regardless of fitness level, building muscle takes several weeks, even when your diet, sleep and training regimen are all dialed in to optimize muscle growth.

Cardio that involves high-volume weight training can help you build muscle.

This depends on your definition of cardio and your training age. Most people won't build much muscle from traditional cardio, such as walking or jogging, and people who've been training for a long time definitely won't build new muscle through traditional cardio. It doesn't recruit your muscles in a way that sends a muscle-building signal to your body.

However, cardio that involves high-intensity exercises like plyometrics (think jump squats) or high-volume weight training can help you build muscle to an extent. Sprinting hills, hiking, skiing and other outdoor cardio can also contribute a small amount to muscle mass, especially for beginners. People with a long training history may not see as much success with cardio.

Although cardio can improve your overall fitness and help build muscle in select scenarios, strength training remains the best way to build muscle mass.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

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Tia Mowry Proudly Reveals 68-Pound Weight Loss With an Inspiring Message to New Moms – E! NEWS

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 7:01 am

Slow and steady wins the race.

Two years after giving birth to daughterCairo,Tia Mowryrevealed she's lost an impressive 68 pounds. The secret to Tia's postpartum weight loss? Don't rush the process.

"I've lost to date 68 pounds since giving birth to my daughter," theSister, Sister star captioned an Instagram selfie on Tuesday, Aug. 24."I'm very proud that I did it my way and in my time. I didn't feel rushed to snap back. I enjoyed breast feeding and spending quality time with #cairo and my son #cree."

And for those new moms struggling with the number on the scale, Tia has some sage advice.

"To all the women who are feeling pressured after birth. Do YOU! Do what makes YOU proud and do it in YOUR time. Not anyone else's," she wrote.

In the snapshot, the 42-year-old showed off her svelte physique in a turtleneck sweater and denim short-shorts.

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The importance of weight in pharmaceutical packaging – EPM Magazine

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 7:01 am

Mike Munnelly, marketing manager product inspection Life Sciences Manufacturing, Thermo Fisher Scientific explains why weighing is an essential part of quality control for pharmaceutical packages.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers are governed by strict standards for quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) across the entire production process. The required rigour extends into the packaging of those pharmaceuticals as well, including how manufacturers verify package contents by weight.

The Role of the Checkweigher

Pharmaceutical checkweighers are used to weigh individual pharmaceutical packages inline, ensuring each package falls within a specified weight range. If a package is too light, perhaps missing a single blister pack, it will fail the checkweigher test. Likewise, boxes with too many blister packs would also be rejected.

Letting a product leave the facility with too many or too few blister packs or missing other components is not trivial. Most important is patient safety. If a box contains an incorrect amount of product, it could affect a patients outcome. An error in packaging also tarnishes a brands reputation and leads to potentially costly and disruptive recalls. A mishap resulting in a recalled pharmaceutical product can, depending on the product type and number of batches affected, have a significant financial impact on the manufacturer. Equally damaging are customer complaints over poor quality products, especially when they go viral on social media, as loss of brand reputation can have a dramatic impact on sales.

Inline checkweighers are now common across many manufacturing applications, but not all checkweighers are built for the rigours of pharmaceutical production. Pharmaceutical manufacturers must consider production factors such as line speed, package size and type, package transfer and vibrations from plant equipment when implementing a checkweigher solution. They must also comply with extensive regulatory and quality standards that can add cost and complexity to production if not properly implemented.

Production Challenges

Pharmaceutical packages in the form of cartons, blister packs, glass vials, plastic bottles, aerosols and pouches are typically lightweight, creating a special challenge for checkweighing. The variance in weight between a correctly packaged product and an over -or - underfilled one can be 100 milligrams or less. Consider an informational leaflet legally required to be included in the package: it weighs so little that a checkweigher not set up properly or not sensitive enough could pass a package without it. This could lead to customer complaints or require a product recall. The margin for error for checkweighers in pharmaceutical production is small.

Another challenge, common in many production environments, is the effect of vibrations from other plant machinery on checkweigher accuracy. Even seemingly minor vibrations can affect a reading and lead to a false-rejection or passing of an out-of-spec package. A checkweigher fit for this specific purpose must incorporate a design that shields against vibration and other seemingly minor environmental influences such as airflow.

Line speed can also impact the performance of a checkweigher. Packages on a fast-moving production line are harder to weigh accurately. As they are transferred from belt to belt at high speed the settling time during weighing is increased. The light weight of typical pharmaceutical products means that they are also at risk of rotating or falling during transfer which can impact downstream operations.

Checkweighers designed specifically for pharmaceutical applications are built to overcome the challenges outlined above. These more advanced checkweighers can accurately weigh light packages at speeds as high as 650 packages per minute. They are also often equipped with features to maximise weighing accuracy. For example, a closed cabinet design shields packages from environmental factors at the point of weighing and a slack belt conveyor design reduces vibrations introduced by the operation of the checkweigher itself. Finally, a knife edge design minimises dead zones on product transfer, reducing the chance that packages will be knocked around and disoriented.

Regulatory Challenges

Process control equipment can help alleviate the many production challenges that manufacturers need to solve for, but strict regulatory requirements and quality control standards increase the complexity and cost of pharmaceutical production. For example, manufacturers must comply with the US Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) Title 21 CFR Part 11 which mandates that the software used on systems like checkweighers produces auditable electronic records with high levels of data integrity. There are also prescriptive standards such as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) that manufacturers must adhere to in order to remain competitive in the market.

A pharmaceutical checkweigher may come with the requisite features to make it compliant, but it isnt a plug-and-play solution. Its critical to partner with a knowledgeable and trusted equipment provider who can work closely with the manufacturer to implement an effective checkweighing solution that adheres to all regulatory guidelines.

Installation qualification (IQ) is conducted with the support of the equipment provider to ensure the system is set up properly and optimised to suit the production environment, determining the specifications the checkweigher needs to meet for it to function as an effective QA/QC tool. The qualification team documents this set up, which serves as an important tool for the operator should the system be audited in the future.

Manufacturers should also rely on the provider to support operational and performance qualification (OQ and PQ), the detailed set of instructions for the operators in the operation and ongoing verification of the checkweigher system performance. The qualification team can consult with the manufacturer and help them develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) to standardise operation of the checkweigher, reducing the risk of any errors.

Making the Right Choice

To mitigate the risk of product recalls due to improperly packaged pharmaceuticals, manufacturers should implement a checkweighing solution that is built specifically for the application. The right checkweigher is equipped with the features necessary to ease regulatory compliance, overcome production challenges and ensure it meets the high standards set by industry leaders. But even the perfect checkweigher takes work to implement, which is why selecting a trusted and knowledgeable equipment provider can ease much of the burden that is involved with installing a checkweigher. This is why it is critical to partner with a provider who can help every step of the way, offering guidance on everything from the placement of the checkweigher online to what instructions should be included in an SOP.

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Weight Loss Intervention Reduces the Risk of Obesity-Related Cancer – DocWire News

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:59 am

Implementing an intensive lifestyle intervention (ILI) aimed at weight loss can attenuate the risk of obesity-related cancers in adults who are overweight, obesity, or have type 2 diabetes, according to the findings of a study published in Obesity.

In this study, researchers evaluated 4,859 participants who had not reported a cancer diagnosis at baseline (except for nonmelanoma cancer). The population of interest were required to meet the following criteria: 45 to 76 years of age, body mass index greater than 25, glycated hemoglobin less than 11 percent, blood pressure readings less than 160/100 mm Hg, triglyceride levels less than 600 mg/dL and completion of a maximal graded exercise test. The researchers arbitrarily assigned to an ILI or a DSE by a web-based data management system between August 22, 2001 and April 30, 2004.

According to the results, following an average follow-up of 11 years, 684 participants (332 in ILI and 352 in DSE) were diagnosed with cancer. The researchers observed an incidence rate of obesity-related cancers were 6.1 and 7.3 per 1,000 person-years in ILI and DSE, respectively, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 0.84 (95 CI, 0.68 to 1.04). They observed no notable difference between the two groups in total cancer incidence (HR=0.93, 95% CI, 0.80 to 1.08), incidence of non-obesity related cancers (HR=1.02, 95% CI, 0.83 to 1.27) or total cancer mortality (HR=0.92, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.25).

While underpowered to detect significant differences, this analysis of Look AHEAD data is an important contribution, as it is one of the first studies to provide empirical data to suggest that a weight loss-focused lifestyle intervention can help to lower risk of obesity-related cancers, said Tiffany L. Carson, PhD, MPH, assistant professor, Division of Preventive Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham. Carson was not associated with the research via a press release about the study.

Carson added in addition to having adequate sample sizes to test for effects which will likely require pooled data, future studies should also explore the magnitude of weight loss that is needed to lower risk for obesity-associated cancers.

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Weight Loss Intervention Reduces the Risk of Obesity-Related Cancer - DocWire News

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Weight Loss: Give A Feisty Twist To Your Meal With This Spicy Cucumber Salad Recipe (Video Inside) – NDTV Food

Posted: August 26, 2020 at 6:59 am

This refreshing salad can also work as a perfect palate cleanser in your meal spread


Think cucumber and it instantly reminds us of crunchy, cooling and ever-so-delightful salads. This vegetable is an essential part of our year-round diet and hydrates the body by replenishing lost fluids due to humidity and everyday chores. Besides being super hydrating (95% water-content), cucumber is a storehouse of antioxidants, electrolyte and several essential nutrients. According to Health Practitioner and Nutritionist Shilpa Arora ND, "this ultimate cooling food is enriched with vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, calcium, iron and more." It is also known to be naturally low in calories, carbs and fats and makes an excellent addition to our low-calorie meal regime.

Cucumber is best consumed raw and can be found as a staple in our salads and sandwiches. Keeping this in mind, we bring you a unique recipe that will give a flavourful and spicy twist to your regular cucumber salad. This spicy cucumber salad recipe is shared by vlogger Alpa Modi, on her YouTube Channel 'Something's Cooking With Alpa'. Here, she used salt, red chilli, soy sauce, sesame oil, sesame seeds, spring onion and a pinch of sugar to whip up this refreshing salad that can work as a perfect palate cleanser in your meal spread. For the ones who are keeping a check on their weight, you can replace sugar in the recipe with coconut sugar or a bit of honey. You may also use it as a filling in your vegetable sandwich. Take a look!

Also Read:Ever Heard Of Kheere Ka Pakora? Here's How You Can Make This Cucumber Delicacy At Home!

All you need to keep in mind while preparing this spicy cucumber salad is to rub the ends of the cucumber well to ooze out the white-foamy fluid to prevent any kind of bitterness in the dish. Also, cut the cucumber into thick slices (without de-skinning it) to enjoy the crunch.

What are you waiting for? Prepare this dish today and enjoy a spicy treat, along with your lunch or dinner. Bon Apptit!

About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.

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Weight Loss: Give A Feisty Twist To Your Meal With This Spicy Cucumber Salad Recipe (Video Inside) - NDTV Food

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